CONTENTS EXHIBITOR MANUAL About the organiser.................................................................... 2 Welcome .................................................................................... 3 Part 1. INFORMATION ITE Group requirements for stand projects and design ............. 4 Dates and Deadlines.................................................................. 5 Venue (map of Sokolniki) ........................................................... 6 Venue ........................................................................................ 7 Your Stand ................................................................................. 8 General and Additional Services .............................................. 11 Entry Procedure for Sokolniki .................................................. 13 Sample Letters ......................................................................... 14 Fire Safety ............................................................................... 15 Rules for Electrical and Plumbing Work ................................... 18 Freight, Delivery and Customs ................................................. 19 Custom Build Stands ............................................................... 20 Part 2. ORDER FORMS Form T for Technical Services ................................................. 21 Standard Shell Scheme ........................................................... 22 Temporary Personnel, Cleaning and Car Parking Passes ....... 23 Electricity, Water and Compressed Air … ................................ 24 Telecommunications and Audio Videol Equipment .................. 25 Fascia Panel Details and Graphic Works................................. 26 Stand Construction and Furniture for Standard Stands ........... 27 Blank Form for Sketching Your Stand ...................................... 29 Samples of Stand Equipment .................................................. 30 Form T5 for Ceiling Suspensions ............................................. 31 Order Form for Ceiling Suspensions ........................................ 32 VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 1 THE ORGANISER ITE Group | (JSC IEC) Floor 6, Chaika Plaza, 1-15 Zubarev per., 129164, Moscow, + 7 495 935 73 50, +7 495 935 73 51, +7 495 788 55 85 Dmitry Zhukov Elena Krivitskaya Julia Fedotova Aleksandra Ledeneva Alexandr Shkaev Ext. Exhibitions Department 6245 Department director 6244 Project manager 6247 Coordinator 6249 Marketing manager ITE Group Technical Service 6707 Manager ITE Moscow, part of International Trade & Exhibitions (ITE) Group Plc, was established in 1993 with headquarters in London. ITE Group Plc, a recognised leader in the global exhibition business, organises 325 specialised trade exhibitions and conferences in 32 countries every year. ITE Group Plc. is a member of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, Global Association of the Exhibition Industry and Moscow International Business Association. In 1998, ITE Group Plc received the Queen's Award for Export Achievement. ITE’s exhibitions are characterised by the highest international standards of organisation, which makes them leading events in the respective sectors of the Russian economy. Each year, ITE’s events attract about 1,000,000 visitors and over 6000 exhibitors from all over the world. ITE GROUP PLC 105, Salusbury Road, London NW6 6RG, United Kingdom +44 207 596 5000, +44 207 596 5111 VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 2 W WELCO OME Vaacuum mTechE Expo 2014 2 Deear exhibitorss, We are very pleeased that youu have decideed to participaate in Vacuum mTechExpo 2014 2 and welccome you as one o of the exhhibitors. ITE Group, as the Organiser of this evennt, will make eevery effort too ensure yourr stand is preesented as efffectively as possible. Pleease contact uus with any isssues that arisee during your preparation foor the exhibitioon. Thhis document iis the Exhibitoor Manual, which contains im mportant information and orrder forms for technical and additional services. a the event to t be unique and fully connsistent with your y companyy image, we offer o individuaal stand In order for youur presence at buuilding servicees. You can fill f out the individual stand bbuilding orderr form and return it to us, aand we will tryy to accommoodate all yoour wishes intoo the design of your stand and a guaranteee the work is coompleted on time and to a hhigh level of quality. q Seeveral forms ccontained in thhis manual mu ust be filled in and returned to the organisser by their sttated deadlin nes. These forrms are: For equuipped standss - T Form forr technical seervices, Standd plan, Formss T2.1 and T33; For spaace-only standds - T Form foor technical sservices, Forrm T2.1, For all stands - The import list off large-sized eequipment Thhe remaining aapplication forrms can be completed if youu require the services s they list, but orderss made within them must bee coonfirmed in thee T form, which is used by thhe organiser aas the basis foor invoicing. If you y wish to ccancel orders made by you previously annd using the forms f of this manual, you sshould send us u (no later thhan one moonth prior to tthe beginning of set-up) ann official stam mped letter signed by the General G Directoor of your com mpany. If youu do not seend this, the orrder will be deeemed to be accepted for exxecution, and you will have to pay the subbsequent invooice. Atteention!!! For companies c noot having theeir stands buiilt through ITTE Group: Design plan of your stannd specifying all the dimensions (includding height) m E Group must be appproved in ITE Technical Service Departm ment. We acceept your desiggns only by e-mail, not late r 1 month beefore the firstt day of the exhibitio on set-up. It will w take us noot longer thann 3 working daays to make uup our decisioon. Your desiggn must meet ITE Grooup requiremeents for stand projects and design. d Detail information oon this matter can be found in Your Stand sectionn of this manual. Pleease pay closse attention to the Fire Safetty rules. Thes e rules must be b followed byy all exhibitorss and they will be enforced by b local firee protection boodies. We ask you to rreturn all neceessary forms by b their stated deadlines, ass late orders will w incur surch arges according to the reguulations in force at the exxhibition centrre. If you y have any questions when completingg these forms,, please do noot hesitate to contact c us. Ouur contact detaails can be fouund in ‘Thhe Organiser’.. We would like too wish you eveery success and we look fo rward to seeinng you at the exhibition. e Reegards, ITE Group Techhnical Service Department VaacuumTechE Expo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokkolniki 3 ITE GROUP REQUIREMENTS FOR STAND PROJECTS AND DESIGN 1. Each stand must be completed with a floor covering (e.g., carpet) and also rear and side walls of a minimum height of 250 cm. 2. Construction may exceed a height of 250 cm, but only with permission in writing from ITE Group, on receipt of the proposed stand design, prior to the exhibition (example of minimum package - 3 views are given below). Maximum height of stand structure should be 6 m. 3. No part of the stand structure (including spotlights, flags, and decor elements) may extend beyond the boundaries of the site allocated including vertical perspective of the stand, exception can be made for light-weight spotlights installed at a minimum height – 4 m from floor. 4. The open sides of the stand according to the space application form and general floor plan of the exhibition shall not be closed by the exhibitor without permission in writing from ITE Group 5. Please note that company names, logos and graphics are not permitted on the reverse side of your wall overlooking neighbouring stands. VacuumTechExpo 2014 6. The reverse side of your wall/s visible from aisles and also if it overlaps the height of those on neighbouring stands (2.5 m shell scheme) must be of neat appearance (only white colour accepted). 7. In order to ensure the safety of visitors to the exhibition, store rooms, offices and other premises with doors at your stand and which open directly to the aisles between stands must be equipped either with sliding doors or doors which open to the inside. 8. Stand design should not block access any fire, electricity or emergency exits points. 9. There is a surcharge on the space occupied by double decker stands. Double decker stand has to be booked and paid through the space application form. Construction of double decker stands will only be permitted after payment of the surcharge. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 4 DATE ES AN ND DEA ADLIN NES Vacuu V umTe echEx xpo 2014 2 9tth Internatiional Exhib bition 15 5-17 April 2014 2 ECC Sokoln niki, Mosco ow, Russia Not later then: 14 4 FEBRUARY 2014 ORDER FOR RMS AND STAND SK KETCHES must m be returned to IT TE Group’s Technicaal Service by: Exhhibition tim metable: SU UNDAY 133 April MO ONDAY 144 April TU UESDAY 155 April WEDNESDAY 166 April TH HURSDAY 177 April RIDAY FR 188 April 1 2 08:00 – 20:00 12:00 08:00 – 20:00 16:00 S Stand set-up (sp pace-only sites s)1,2 LLatest time set-uup can begin (s space-only sitees)1,2 S Stand set-up (including equipp ped space)1 A All freight (exhibbits) must be de elivered and unppacked 17:00 08:00 – 19:00 11:00 10:00 – 18:00 09:00 – 19:00 10:00 – 18:00 09:00 – 20:00 10:00 – 16:00 16:00 – 20:00 20:00 08:00 – 18:00 18:00 A All stands must be ready and cleaned (includinng equipped stands) P Pavilions open3 O Official exhibitiion opening E Exhibition open to visitors P Pavilions open E Exhibition open to visitors P Pavilions open E Exhibition open to visitors E Entry of vehicless for dismantling g (light and Gazzel type vehiclees) E Equipped standss must be returned4 D Dismantling P Pavilion must bee vacated and equipment e dism mantled and rem moved4 Please contact ITTE Group’s Techniical Service for avvailability and ratess of extra set-up/dismantling hours. If you have heavvy or large exhibitts, please agree a move in date w with ITE’s Technical Service in advance. VaacuumTechE Expo 2014 3 4 Access only with h exhibitor badges;; contractors’ passees are no longer vaalid. Set-up work on stands is not allowed. All exhibitor’s materials and structuures must be removved; otherwise the exhibitor becomes liable for their safety (or tthe full disposal of one-use constructions). 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokkolniki 5 VENUE VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 6 VENUE Address of exhibition centre Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre 1 Sokolnicheskiy val, 107113, Moscow RUSSIAN FEDERATION Contractors: work passes (not valid during the exhibition) will be issued in the organiser’s office to all staff engaged in set-up and dismantling of your stand. For this, you need to prepare a letter stating the exhibiting company name and full names and passport details of the set-up workers, and present this letter at the organiser’s office during set-up. Ceiling Heights Example letters must be produced on headed company paper. See the ‘Example letters’ section. Pavilion Maximum height Stand builders: stand builders apply for set-up worker passes at Sokolniki during the accreditation procedure. The stand building company representative can complete the pass in the accreditation department of Sokolniki (pavilion 4) before or during set-up. See the ‘Your stand - space only’ section. Pavilion 2 .......................................... 490 cm Pavilion 3 ........................................... 650 cm Pavilion 4.1 ....................................... 550 cm Pavilion 4 ......................................... 1,000 cm Pavilion 4.2 ....................................... 350 cm Pavilion 11.1 ..................................... 570 cm Work passes must be worn at all times. The security guards have strict orders to refuse entry to any personnel not showing the correct pass. Bringing cargo in and out For more detailed information, please contact ITE Group’s Technical Service. Please contact ITE Group’s Technical Service if you are unsure of the ceiling height of the pavilion in which your stand is located. NB: The height of your stand must not exceed the permitted height. Please refer to the ‘Your Stand – space only’ section. The heights of your stand must not exceed 600 cm. Floor Loading The maximum permitted load on the pavilion floor is: Pavilion 2 .......................................... 3,500 kg/m2 Pavilion 3 .......................................... 2,500 kg/m2 Pavilion 4.1 ........................................ 2,500 kg/m2 Pavilion 4 .......................................... 3,500 kg/m2 Pavilion 4.2 ....................................... 3,500 kg/m2 Pavilion 11.1 ...................................... 3,000 kg/m2 Point loading is not allowed; loads must be evenly distributed. Maximum dimensions of the cargo gates (height x width): Please note: Transport may enter the loading and unloading zone at Sokolniki through the set-up gates free of charge by producing a letter for bringing in equipment and exhibits. If you are bringing in mobile exhibits, you must order accompaniment services from Sokolniki. Tel. +7 (495) 995 05 95 The loading and unloading of exhibits and exhibition equipment of Russian manufacture or customs cleared at Sokolniki is carried out exclusively by BTG EXPO. Exhibitors may not use their own cranes or loaders. Please see the ‘Entry procedure’ section for more information. Set-up times for large-sized and heavy equipment and exhibits must be agreed in advance with ITE Group’s Technical Service. Please note that during the exhibition, including the opening day, access of vehicles to bring in exhibits and / or advertising according to the letter is permitted only from 09.00 to 09.30 and from 18.00 to 18.30. Export of cargo during dismantling can be carried out only on the basis of the Import/Export Letter stamped by the organiser. NB: Give the letter to the driver for access to Sokolniki through the checkpoint at 3 Luchevo clearing during the dismantling period. See site access plan: Working hours The normal working hours during set-up and dismantling are from 08.00 20.00 each day. During the exhibition the pavilion is open from 09.00 - 19.00 (from 08:00 on the first day) (please refer to the ‘Dates and deadlines’ and “Exhibition timetable’ sections). Pavilion 2 .......................................... 4.5 m x 4.5 m Pavilion 3 .......................................... 5.0 m x 4.0 m Pavilion 4.1 ........................................ 4.5 m x 5.0 m Pavilion 4 ........................................... 1 m x 4.45 m Pavilion 4.2 ....................................... 3.3 m x 3.0 m Pavilion 11.1 ..................................... 4.1m x 4.3 m Restaurants and cafés For more information, please see Please note: When calculating the weight on the pavilion floors for stands or equipment on supports (legs) and/or wheels, divide the total weight of the equipment by the summary area of each support. For example, for a car weighing 2,000kg, weight per wheel is 500 kg/0.1 sqm, i.e. exceeding the permitted weight. In this case, it is necessary to use a podium or other protective devices for an even weight distribution on the floor. Smoking areas Smoking in the pavilions is prohibited. Smoking is allowed only in the special smoking areas which are organized outside of the pavilions. Access to the exhibition You can use the cafés located in the halls. Please refer to café locations in the ‘Venue’ section (Map of Sokolniki). More information on cafés located onsite: First aid In an emergency, call 03. Please refer to the plan of medical facilities in the ‘Venue’ section (Map of Sokolniki). You can receive qualified assistance at: European Medical Center (EMC) Building 1, House 5, Spiridonievsky Lane 24-hour first aid: Tel. +7 (495) 933 66 55 Photocopying/service centre Photocopying facilities, freight trolleys and Wi-Fi connection can be rented for a fee in the Service Centre located in your pavilion. Exhibitors: exhibitor badges act as passes to Sokolniki exhibition centre throughout the exhibition, including during set-up and dismantling. For detailed information please refer to the ‘Entry procedure’ section. VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 7 YOUR STAND Equipped space Space only exhibition space - built through ITE Group Standard stands - not built through ITE Group (inside and outside the pavilion) Stands will be built using light aluminium poles and Octanorm plastic laminated panels. Each wall panel is 100 x 250 cm (including the upper and lower brackets) with a face size of ~ 95 x 235 cm. If you require exact information about the size of panels used for your stand, please contact ITE Group’s Technical Service. Wall panels and other stand material must be returned after the exhibition undamaged and clean of self-adhesive tape marks, etc. The cost of damaged stand parts and other equipment will be charged to the exhibitor. No additional equipment may be attached to the stand shell structure. Independent lining of panels, drilling holes, or attaching advertising material with pins, buttons, or tape that is difficult to remove, etc, is not allowed. Please refer to your space application form to see what equipment is already included in the type of stand you have booked. No financial refund can be done for items not used. Additional equipment can be ordered using this Exhibitor Manual (Forms T4.1 and T4.2). Photographs of example equipment can be found in the ‘Equipped stand examples’ section. In order to stabilise construction or supply power, it might be necessary to include additional fastening elements or wall panels which are not necessarily shown on your stand layout. Should you need to remove these supports temporarily (for example, due to the delivery of large exhibits to your stand), you must agree this in advance with ITE Group’s Technical Service and make sure that all the necessary precautions have been taken. Set-up of exhibition equipment and connection of electrical equipment (excluding exhibits) as part of a standard stand will be regarded as similar to a space only stand and must therefore undergo the chargeable accreditation procedure. All electrical appliances and equipment connected to mains sockets must be certified. Independent electrical connection to the network will be regarded as an independent construction and must be agreed upon with the General Stand Builder (see the ‘Your stand’ section). When decorating walls with fabrics, banners, etc, all materials used must have a fire safety certificate. For detailed requirements, please see the ‘Banners/technical suspensions from pavilion ceilings’ section. Keys for doors and locks for cupboards/ showcases can be collected at the General Stand Builder’s - Sokolniki’s - office, located next to the organiser’s, against a returnable deposit of 400 roubles per key or lock. VacuumTechExpo 2014 Please supply a copy of the exhibitor manual to your stand builder. Your stand must have rear and side walls of a height of 250 cm and also floor covering (e.g., carpet. laminate). Construction may not exceed a height of 250 cm without permission in writing from ITE Group, which can only be given upon receipt of the proposed stand design with all measurements at least 2 months prior to the exhibition. When planning stand construction, you must ensure direct access to fire hydrants located at or in close proximity to your stand. Exhibitors can carry out set-up/dismantling and other engineering and design work themselves or through a third party (stand builder) ONLY if they are working with non-standard or individual stands and if they have written permission from Sokolniki. For the safety of visitors, areas at your stand that face aisles directly should only use sliding doors. No part of the stand structure may extend beyond the boundaries of the site allocated. Company names and logos are not permitted on the reverse side of walls located on / near the boundaries of the stand or facing neighbouring stands. External structures that are visible from passages between stands and from the side of your neighbours should be suitably decorated (white only). Sides of your stand that are open according to the general exhibition plan may not be built with solid walls without agreement with ITE Group’s Technical Service. In case of infringement of these terms and conditions, the organiser reserves the right to terminate construction of your stand. Please note: exhibitors that have ordered a space-only site should supply the General Stand Builder of Sokolniki, no later than 15 days prior to the exhibition, with full technical documentation for holding obligatory stand accreditation (accreditation must be paid for, late supply of documentation will incur a surcharge). Only organisations that have signed an agreement with the General Stand Builder will be allowed to begin set-up. Permission for set-up and decorative work is issued according to the results of stand accreditation carried out on a commercial basis. Sokolniki, the General Stand Builder of the exhibition, has exclusive rights to build standard stands at the exhibition. Shell Scheme and Modular stands can be ordered and built only with organisers of the exhibition – ITE Group. A standard stand is a stand built with carpeted exhibition constructions, white panels, electrical equipment and furniture according to the builder’s price list for additional equipment and services. Wall colours can be changed by applying self-adhesive film. The height of a standard stand is 2.5 m, but this can be extended by using exhibition structures. An exclusive stand is a stand manufactured with other materials (wood, chipboard, hardboard, fabric, etc), or a double-decker stand. Exclusive stands are also those for which individual designer developments are used in its construction, and those which require the use of exhibition constructions of custom type and size. Panel lining, drawing logos, increasing wall height, or using suspensions, electrodynamic structures, offset fascias or other additional elements do not place a stand into the exclusive category. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 8 YOUR STAND List of documents necessary for accreditation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. A letter signed by the director of the company and specifying the name of the company which has ordered stand building, and a list of equipment and materials to be moved in and out (form no.1, in triplicate) Engineering design of the stand with a full interpretation of the symbols used, signed by the director of the company Fire safety certificates for combustible materials used (banners, fabric, linoleum, laminate, etc). Fire treatment certificate for wooden (or woodderived - chipboard, MDF, hardboard etc) materials. Enclosed with certificates - the licence of the organisation which supplied the treatment, fire safety certificates for the fire treatment used A detailed electrical plan of the stand including power supply voltage, maximum power load for each piece of equipment, and connection points for electrical equipment, with a full interpretation of symbols used A copy of the order assigning the person responsible for electrical equipment, of a level no lower than the 4th access group. A copy certifying their completion of a basic training programme for fire safety A letter assigning the person responsible for safety, on company paper signed by the General Director An order assigning the person responsible for fire safety at the stand A copy of the examination journal of the electricians that carried out electrical appliance and fire safety checks, signed or stamped by the Russian state energy surveillance organisation (Gosenergonadzor) List of electricians, of a level no less than the 3rd access group, who will take part in electrical installation work at the exhibition, signed by the person responsible for electrical equipment and indicating the person responsible for work at the exhibition Copies of the certification of the listed electricians Certificate of insulation resistance measurement with a certified copy of the licence of the organisation that carried out the work (if not available, the certificate will be completed during stand set-up) List of set-up and dismantling workers at the stand, on company headed paper signed by the General Director, and also passport details of all workers and copies of their passports (the first page and the signature page) A letter signed by the General Director (Form 2) stating that they are familiar with the requirements in force at Sokolniki and that they undertake to make all personnel working on set-up and dismantling aware of them Regulations for set-up work: Before set-up, please ensure that your stand is positioned according to the floor plan. If it is not, or if there are inaccuracies in the location of your constructions against the general layout, you will have to dismantle and set it up again at your own expense. During set-up (before the exhibition opens) exhibitors and their stand builders must: 1. Transport stand equipment and exhibits only on trolleys with rubber wheels, or manually 2. Store exhibition equipment and other materials only on coverings that prevent the floor getting scratched or chipped 3. Set up stands on floor coverings only 4. Set up metallic stand constructions or exhibits only on pads (wooden, rubber), not allowing them to scratch or chip the floor 5. Place outlets of utility systems through technical hatches within the boundary of their stands (they may not be placed in visitor aisles) 6. Not overcrowd the aisles between stands or evacuation routes with equipment, packaging or construction materials 7. Remove all packaging and leftover building/set-up material from the exhibition complex 8. Place small building waste and rubbish in the containers by the set-up gate according to the deadlines set by the organiser on the last day of set-up (see the ‘Schedule’ section) All construction work and entry of stand builders into the pavilion during the exhibition, including on the opening day, is forbidden. It is forbidden to: ▪ Set up structures in areas where fuse boxes, access hatches, firefighting equipment and other utilities equipment are located▪ Saw, plane, or carry out any other carpentry related to constructing stand parts ▪ Spray on varnishes or paints ▪ Apply paint, varnish, glues or any other covering that is hard to remove to floors, walls or pillars of pavilions▪ Make any holes in floors, walls or pillars. When dismantling has finished and when floor coverings have been removed, exhibitors and/or their stand builders should remove adhesive tape from pavilion floors and place non-bulky construction waste in the containers by the set-up gate. Please note: For removing large-sized or bulky construction waste, exhibitors or their stand builders must order a container themselves. All losses due to structural damage to the pavilion or to additional cleaning and removal of debris which is the fault of the exhibitor and / or co-exhibitors will be charged to the exhibitor. Double-decker stands: There is a surcharge on the space occupied by double decker stands. Double decker stand has to be booked and paid through the space application form. Construction of double decker stands will only be permitted after payment of the surcharge. Double-decker stands must be fitted with fire detectors (see the ‘Fire safety’ section). The construction must have structural properties in line with safety A full set of documents and fees for technical accreditation is available on the regulations and the necessary certificates. Sokolniki website. You can consult the managers of the Sokolniki accreditation department, located in Pavilion 4, central entrance, on questions related to accreditation and document approval. Тel. +7 (495) 995 05 95 The Company’s representative should have power of attorney (or a stamp) to sign an agreement and act of compliance of documents provided by the company according to the general terms of participation. VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 9 YOUR STAND General information for all stand types Location: Columns, pillars, electric boards and/or utility connection points for your stand or neighbouring stands may be located within your stand area. If this is the case, electric boards, fuse boxes and power cables and pipes with dimensions of up to 50mm may be laid in the aisle or within your stand without your additional consent. Please bear this in mind when planning decking or podiums at your stand. For more information, please contact ITE Group’s Technical Service. the cancellation or termination of the exhibition and insurance against damage to or loss of exhibits or other property at stands. Noise Levels: During presentations, video/audio demonstrations etc, noise level cannot be more than 75 dB. If complaints are received from other exhibitors, ITE reserves the right to close down the noise source on the basis of a sound measurement agreement. This agreement is issued in duplicate and is signed by ITE and the exhibitor. Exhibits: Please make sure that the weight of exhibits at your stand does not Please note: No advertising objects (banners, flags, etc.) can be placed on exceed the maximum permissible load on the pavilion floor (see the ‘Venue’ section). To ensure safety when demonstrating your exhibits, you must make sure they are cordoned off. Important! Exhibitor should coordinate timetable and all protective measures (noise, smell, exhaust, movable parts, necessity of any liquid drain) with ITE Group Technical Service Department if industrial or/and other equipment will be demonstrated in work during the exhibition. Animals: Entry of animals to the exhibition centre territory is forbidden, with the exception of guide dogs accompanying a disabled person. the floor, pavilion structures, walls or other parts of the pavilion without permission from ITE Group. For banners, please contact ITE Group’s Technical Service. Catering, Coffee Breaks, Buffets: For enquiries related to organising catering service at your stand, please contact Sokolniki. Tel: +7 (495) 995 05 95, ext. 446 Deadlines On-Site: All stands must be ready for checking, according to the Fire Regulations: All exhibitors are asked to pay careful attention to the timetable set by the organiser, on the last day of set-up. It is therefore Fire Safety section of this manual. These regulations are to be followed during essential that you are present at your stand on the morning of the last design, building and decoration of the stand (with fabrics, panels, etc). day of set-up to ensure that your stand is completely and correctly built in order for you to have time to additionally equip and decorate it. If you have ordered a space only site, please provide your stand builders with a copy of these regulations. Any boxes/cartons must be unpacked and removed from the stand on the last day of set-up. If they have not been, the organiser reserves the right to remove Health & Safety: Exhibitors and their stand builders have a duty of care to them from your stand at your expense. The transport agent can begin other exhibitors, visitors and the general public regarding health & safety delivering empty boxes to stands for packing up exhibits only after the official issues. Exhibitors and their stand builders should have a minimum of $3m closure of the exhibition. Packaging and dispatching of exhibits before the public liability insurance with a reputable insurance company, covering exhibition has closed is not permitted. possible injury or property damage of third parties. The dismantling of stands is not allowed before the first day of the dismantling Insurance: The organiser holds an insurance policy covering their liability to period. All space must be completely clear of exhibits, constructions and rubbish by the end of the last day of dismantling. employees in case of death or injury, as well as to third parties in case of personal injury or damage to the property of third parties. The organiser’s insurance policy includes insurance of civil liability and product liability to the value of £2.5m (pounds sterling) for any insured event and all incidents in the period of insurance. The civil and product liability insurance covers the organiser, in addition to existing insurance policies taken out by exhibitors of civil or product liability, in case of insufficient compensation or if insurance policies already held by exhibitors are invalid. The organiser has the right to require the exhibitor to supply their civil or product liability insurance policies. In the event of an insured event which could give rise to a claim, contact the organiser’s representative immediately and notify them, in order to receive the documents which you need to fill out. You must act together with the organiser in the event of any such claim and supply any information which the organiser may require. Exhibitors are responsible for providing any other type of insurance, including insurance against loss of incurred expenses connected to VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 10 GENERAL AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES When building stands in outdoor areas, battery-powered tools should be used. Cleaning and Refuse When connecting computers and other devices sensitive to power cuts and General cleaning of the aisles will be carried out every morning prior to voltage drop, we strongly recommend the use of an uninterruptible power opening, as will the removal of small amounts of refuse, provided you place supply (UPS). The organiser is not responsible for malfunctioning of or them in plastic bags or cartons in front of the stand in the evening. damage caused to equipment caused by this. For individual daily cleaning for your stand, place an order using Form T1. For all stand types: All construction and finishing work must be finished For Space Only Stands: according to the deadlines stated by the organiser on the last day of set-up Electricity supply and connection is not included in the space cost and must be (see the ‘Timetable’ section). All containers, packaging and remnants of ordered using Form T2.1 (You can order 2 kW of power, and more if building and construction materials should be removed and waste by an necessary). Please make sure you choose the correct capacity you need on exhibitor or stand builder is at their own expense. Small rubbish should be this form. packed in plastic bags and left in the aisle. The connection of electricity at the stand is to be carried out by the exhibitor (or If this rule is violated, the exhibitor must compensate all cost for cleaning of their stand builder) themselves. adjacent aisles and stands and cover all other cost and losses this might have Stands must be equipped with a fuse box and a cable in accordance with caused. electricity capacity (the length of cable should not be less than 30 m) from the For space only sites: stand to the power source. Exhibitors are advised that their stand areas should be completely cleared Connection of exhibitors’ electrical equipment to an electric power source is before they finally leave. Exhibitor or stand builder should left the rented area in the clean state, clear from rubbish and adhesive tape. Exhibitors will be made after insulation resistance measurement has been carried out (see the ‘Your stand - space only’ section). charged for the removal of any refuse left behind by exhibitor, his stand Work on the adjustment of electrical appliances and machines on the stand builder and/or other contractors. made by exhibitors (or exhibitors stand builder) themselves only. Security During set-up and dismantling the pavilions will usually be locked at 20:00. During the exhibition the pavilions will be locked by security at 19:00 and opened at 09:00 (08:00 on the first day of the exhibition). Please note that your private security will not be admitted to the pavilion at night. For equipped stands: Electricity supply and connection is not included in the space cost and must be ordered using Form T2.1. Plug sockets (continental SCHUKO type) and lights can be ordered using Form T4.2 (if you order a refrigerator, the 24 hr plug socket is also included). We strongly recommend that exhibitors ensure the presence of a representative at their stand in the period when the pavilion is open, or that You can order a power supply of 2kW or more if you need. Please make sure they order personal stand security. Exhibitors are responsible for the safety you choose the capacity you need. of exhibits and personal belongings at stands from the opening of the pavilion to its closure by security. Water supply and drainage You can order individual stand security on Form 1. The management of Sokolniki and the exhibition organiser are not responsible for the security of personal possessions or exhibits. Temporary Personnel Please place your order on Form T2.1. Items such as sinks can be ordered separately on Form T4.2. Please note: water pipes have a diameter of ½ or ¾ inch, and drainage pipes have a diameter of 50 mm. Pipes of a different size or adapters need to be provided by the exhibitor. Interpreters and stand attendants can be ordered using Form T1. Attention: connection of equipment to water pipes at your stand is to be done by workers of your company or your stand builders, with the exception of sinks for standard equipped stands ordered through the organiser, which are connected by the General Builder of the exhibition. Connection mechanisms ITE does not provide freight handling services. Please contact BTG Expo, the are not available. General Freight Forwarder (see the ‘Entry procedure’ section). Usually water and drainage service are available only for the exhibition period. Discharge of any toxic and hazwaste trough drainage is prohibited. Car Parking Passes Any exceptions from these rules must be approved with ITE Group not less Parking space around the exhibition centre is limited. You can order passes for than 15 days before set-up begins passenger vehicles on Form T1. Car passes allow parking of passenger Compressed Air vehicles within the allocated parking areas next to the entrances of the pavilions. 2 The parking pass is not valid for promotion and advertising campaigns and for The maximum available pressure is 6 bar (6-8 kgf/cm ).Please order this service using Form T2.1. promotion vehicles. Please note: Compressed air supply will be provided through armoured hoses Ordered and paid-for car passes can be collected from the organiser’s stand of ½, ¾ or ⅜ inch diameter. You must provide adapters or pipes of a during set-up. Please specify the registration number of your car on the car different diameter yourself. pass. Attention: connection of equipment to compressed air hoses at your stand is to be done by workers of your company. Connection mechanisms are not Entry procedure for freight vehicles when loading or unloading available. equipment can be found in the ‘Entry procedure’ section. Usually compress air service is available only for the exhibition period. Any exceptions from these rules must be approved with ITE Group not less than 15 Electricity days before set-up begins. If you order your own personnel not through ITE Group, please make sure that you provide them with exhibitor badges. Electricity will be supplied during the exhibition if you have ordered it. During ATTENTION! For outdoor space electrical power, water and compressed air set-up and dismantling, exhibitors or their stand builders should use battery connections are available upon request. For more information, please powered tools or bring a professional extension lead to reach one of the oncontact the Department of technical service of ITE Group site plug sockets. With the latter, it is necessary to protect the cable from mechanical damage. VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 11 GENERAL AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES Telecommunication, Audio, Visual Equipment ▪ Please place your order on Form T2.2 to order a telephone, a fax machine or an Internet connection at your stand, or audio and video equipment. ▪ Audio and video equipment not stated on the form can be supplied upon request. Fascia Panel/Graphics Please indicate the company name to be shown on your fascia panel on Form T3. You can also order your company logo to be prepared and placed on the panel at an extra charge using Form T3, as well as any other graphic designs on wall panels, etc. Exhibitors with space only stands must contact their stand builder to order inscriptions on their fascia panel. As a rule, the organiser places the stand number of each stand on the fascia panel or on special boards. A list and total weight of equipment to be suspended on the construction View from above the stand showing location of the suspended structure Information about the representatives of the company responsible for the design, installation and safety of the structure. Orders for suspensions are accepted by the organiser on Form T5 only together with the application form and after approval of the full package of suspension documents with Sokolniki. Please note that for the lifting and/or exact orientation of the suspended structure, you may need to order additional services - lifting mechanisms (hoists), or additional points of suspension (braces). Attention! Suspensions are available not everywhere in the paviions. Possibility of suspension above your stand should be approved in ITE Group Technical Service Department beforehand. In case exhibitor stand change position or location new suspension works approval needed. Fire safety certificates must be provided for banners (burning group - G1 and G2; flammability group - B1 and B2; smoke-forming ability group - D1 and D2; toxicity group - T1 and T2; flame propagation group – RP1 and RP2). Furniture, Kitchen Equipment, Electrical Appliances & Fittings Prices for additional services for ceiling-suspended structures can be obtained from the Technical Manager. Please read your space application form carefully to see what is already included in the type of stand you have booked. Additional furniture, kitchen equipment, lights, etc can be ordered for standard equipped stands using Forms T4.1 and T4.2. After the technical characteristics of the suspension have been agreed, please fill in, stamp and send Form T5 to ITE Group’s Technical Department by the deadline stated. Late orders will be accepted when technically possible and subject to a surcharge. Please note: additional equipment and furniture ordered on Forms T4.1 and T4.2 can only be provided to stands whose construction has been ordered through the organiser. Technical services order form (Form T), order forms Please indicate the corresponding positions in order forms and state the location of ordered items on the stand layout and return it with the order forms. Form T must be carefully filled in, signed and sent alongside all order forms. Without a filled in, signed and stamped Form T, your order will not be accepted. If you are interested in ordering special items not listed on Forms T4.1 and T4.2 please do not hesitate to contact ITE Group’s Technical Service for information about availability and cost. Form Т and the order forms should be sent to ITE Group’s Technical Service by the stated deadlines. Banners/technical suspensions from pavilion Payments ceilings Procedures and terms of payment are specified in participation contracts and Suspension of advertising and technical structures from ceiling constructions can only be ordered through ITE Group. This requires technical agreement with Sokolniki. To suspend banners or technical suspensions from ceiling constructions, the following documents must be supplied to ITE Group’s Technical Service no later than one month before the beginning of set-up: ▪ ▪ ▪ Plan indicating location of the stand Sketch of structure for suspension with weight indicated (with and without equipment) Estimated number of suspension points, estimated load on each point, and estimated height of suspension above the floor VacuumTechExpo 2014 corresponding agreements/technical service invoices. Prices stated in this guide do not include VAT 18%. Late orders or on-site orders Orders received less than two months prior to the exhibition are subject to a 20% surcharge, increasing to 50% six weeks prior to the start of set-up and 100% two weeks prior to the start of set-up. Technical orders received less than 1 week before the set-up of the exhibition cannot be processed. Any services you order during set-up are carried out if technically possible and subject to a 100% surcharge. Payment for additional services ordered during set-up must be made without delay at the organiser’s office in cash (roubles) or by credit card. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 12 ENTRY PROCEDURE 1. Bringing equipment into Sokolniki 6. Entry to the pavilion. As a rule, freight and passenger transport must pay to enter Sokolniki. Please see Entry is through checkpoints at 3 Luchevoy clearing. Payment is made for entry at the checkpoints. Exhibitors can enter in passenger vehicles during set-up and dismantling free of charge by showing their exhibitor badge. Entry freight transport for Import / Export of equipment and exhibits during setup and dismantling periods is free of charge based on the "Letters to the import / export", which is required at a checkpoint on the 3 Luchevoy clearing. This rule does not apply to specialized vehicles (multi-tap, tow truck, forklift, etc.) 6.1 Exhibitor badges are passes to pavilions throughout the exhibition, including the set-up and dismantling periods. You can receive exhibitor badges in the Organiser’s Office during exhibition set-up. 6.2 Set-up worker passes (excluding stand builders) are issued according to the Letter for receiving set-up passes in the organiser’s office during set-up. Set-up worker passes are only valid during the set-up and dismantling periods. For this, you must prepare, on headed company paper, two copies of a letter stating the company name and the full names and passport details of the setup workers. 2. Procedure for bringing equipment in and out. An example letter can be found in the ‘Example letters’ section of this To move in exhibits and equipment to Sokolniki which are not subject to manual. custom clearance at the exhibition, you need to prepare a letter on company letterhead in triplicate, stamped and signed by your company head. Present 6.3 Passes for stand builders are issued during the accreditation period this letter at the checkpoint at 3 Luchevoy clearing. through the General Stand Builder - Sokolniki. Stand builder passes are To move in exhibits and equipment, you must get your letter approved in valid only during the set-up and dismantling periods. the Organiser’s Office in the pavilion. Access to the gates will be allowed upon the presentation of the approved letter to security at the entrance (one copy stays with the organiser, and security at the entrance take the 2nd copy). You should keep the 3rd copy for the move-out procedure. 7. Loading and unloading services Services for loading, storing freight and packaging, and delivery of exhibits to stands is offered by BTG Expo, the General Freight Forwarder of ITE Group, when ordered in advance, preferably within 14 days before the beginning of the An example letter for moving equipment in and out can be found in the set-up period. Orders received later than this may incur a surcharge. ‘Example letters’ section of this manual. Storage of packaging at stands is not allowed due to fire safety regulations. Exhibitors who have ordered space only stands and/or the builders of such Exhibitors may not use their own cranes or loaders. stands must prepare a letter for bringing equipment in and out when undergoing accreditation from the General Stand Builder of Sokolniki (see the Order forms for loading and unloading, as well as information on prices for these services for Russian exhibitors, can be obtained from BTG Expo. ‘Your Stand - space only’ section). 3. Additional import of equipment during the exhibition During the exhibition, access to the pavilion to bring in exhibits/supplies is allowed only from 09:00 to 09:30 and from 18:00 to 18:30. Early removal is prohibited! E-mail: Tel./Fax. +7 (495) 646 98 48 BTG Expo office at Crocus Expo" Office 107, Pavilion 1 If you need to bring in additional equipment or marketing materials during the exhibition, you must include them in both copies of the letter (yours and the organiser’s) in order to avoid problems when removing them. 4. Bringing out exhibits and equipment. Please note: You can only bring out exhibits and equipment from the first day of dismantling. Export of cargo during dismantling can be carried out only on the basis of the Import/Export Letter stamped by the organiser. NB: Give the letter to the driver for access to Sokolniki exhibition centre through the checkpoint at 3 Luchevoy clearing during the dismantling period. 5. Business trip documents can be obtained in the organiser’s office in the pavilion. VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 13 EXAMPLE LETTERS А) Example letter for obtaining a set-up pass (excluding stand builders) ON EXHIBITOR HEADED COMPANY PAPER in duplicate To Irina Zarubina, Director of the Technical Service of ITE Group _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (company name) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (address, telephone, e-mail) To set up exhibition equipment and exhibits at _______________________________________________________ (stand number and size in sqm) Please provide passes for Pavilion 2 of Sokolniki for the “VacuumTechExpo 2014”exhibition for the following personnel who have undergone fire safety and health and safety training: № Passport details Name, surname Person in charge of Health and Safety aspects: ______________________________________________________ (Name, surname, phone number) Person in charge of Fire Protection aspects: _______________________________________________________ (Name, surname phone number) Head of Company/Organisation _____________________ / ________________________________________ / (Signature) Company stamp (Name, Surname) В) Example import/export letter ON EXHIBITOR HEADED COMPANY PAPER in triplicate To Irina Zarubina, Director of the Technical Service of ITE Group ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (company name) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (address, telephone, e-mail) To set up exhibition equipment and exhibits at ________________________________________________________ (stand number and size in sqm) Please issue a permit to deliver/unload the following exhibition equipment and materials at the “VacuumTechExpo 2014” exhibition: № Quantity Description Comments Vehicle taking in/out equipment, exhibits: Make, model ________________ Registration Nr. _______ Person in charge of Health and Safety aspects: ______________________________________________________ (Name, surname, phone number) Person in charge of Fire Protection aspects :_______________________________________________________ (Name, surname phone number) Head of Company/Organisation _____________________ / _______________________________________ / (Signature) (Name, Surname) Company stamp VacuumTechExpo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 14 FIRE SAFETY On fire safety measures during set-up (dismantling) of exhibits and stands and holding exhibition events in pavilions and open areas of Sokolniki exhibition centre. 1. These provisions have been developed on the basis of Federal law 69-F3 “On fire safety” of December 21 1994 and according to the rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03) confirmed by Order #313 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003. The instructions set out the main procedures for fire prevention in exhibition pavilions and at open-air spaces of the exhibition centre, according to the requirements of the GOST 12.1.004-91 “Fire safety rules. General requirements” standards, fire safety regulations, building regulations and rules, and procedures for ensuring the safety of people and property and the creation of conditions for successful fire extinguishing. These requirements are compulsory for all employees of Sokolniki, employees of the tenant company and of stand builders and designers, exhibiting companies, and anyone else in the pavilions. 2. The General Director of Sokolniki is responsible for fire safety in the pavilions. 3. Authorised heads of organisations - stand builders and participants at rented exhibition space - are responsible for observing fire safety rules during set-up (stands), the exhibition itself and dismantling, and during exhibitions and other events. Compliance with fire safety regulations during set-up (dismantling) of exhibition stand equipment (exhibits) and during exhibition and other events is monitored by the pavilion administrators. Official persons responsible for observing fire safety rules must: • Undergo the minimum required standard of fire and technical training at a specialised organisation (training centre) licenced to teach fire safety measures by the State Fire Prevention Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, as well as holding a certificate of completion of the training Ensure adherence to stand building and set-up requirements, coordination of design documentation, letters for bringing in stand building and design materials, fire safety requirements and smoking rules on site at the exhibition and at working areas • Take immediate measures to disconnect offending networks, equipment or installations if faults are discovered in engineering systems, along with calling qualified experts of Sokolniki in order for them to remove the problem • When work at the exhibition is over, organise and oversee the cleaning of work sites and stands and the turning off of lighting systems, electric devices, computers and other equipment • Ensure the protection of available (rented) fire extinguishing means, fire prevention equipment and tools, communication and alarm facilities, and regular and emergency exits. • The use of fire extinguishing and protection equipment for commercial reasons, or in a manner or in situations unrelated to putting out fires, is prohibited. • Return according to agreement all hired firefighting equipment before exhibits begin to be removed • Carry out in good time all fire safety measures put forward by authorised employees of Sokolniki 5. Builders of exhibition stands and participants of exhibitions and other events should know, observe and maintain the fire safety procedure in pavilions and premises, and not undertake any actions that may cause fire. 6. Organisers - builders, set-up companies, exhibitors - guilty of infringing fire safety regulations bear responsibility according to effective labour, administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. All issues not covered in this instruction which arise during set-up, the exhibition itself or dismantling are to be resolved onsite by event organisers, the exhibition management and VacuumTechExpo 2014 7. The territory around the pavilion buildings and exhibition halls of Sokolniki must be kept clean and regularly cleared of rubbish, combustible waste and packaging. Combustible waste, oily cleaning materials and disposable packaging must be stored in fireproof containers kept no closer than 10m from the pavilions in dedicated and equipped areas. Starting fires or burning waste and containers on the territory next to the pavilion closer than 50m to it is forbidden. Storing construction materials, structures, equipment and property in exhibitions halls during set-up (dismantling) and during the event itself is only allowed within the exhibition space allocated for building. Blocking the aisles between the stands is not permitted. Storing combustible waste, packaging or containers in pavilions, even for a short space of time, is forbidden. Unneeded shipping boxes, containers and exhibition equipment should be removed from the exhibition halls, or their storage should be arranged at a specially designated site. 8. Building or other materials, exhibition equipment, packaging, containers with flammable and combustible liquids, or cylinders with combustible gases must not be stored close to the outer walls of pavilion buildings or under passages between pavilions. Storage locations are to be agreed upon with the technical department of Sokolniki and the pavilion administrators and should be located at least 10m from outer walls of pavilion 4. • pavilion administrators. buildings. Temporary structures (tents, booths, stalls, pavilions, containers, stands, etc) must be located at least 15m from pavilion buildings and structures. 9. Smoking in pavilions and on the exhibition territory is strictly prohibited. Smoking is only allowed in designated and equipped areas, closed negotiation rooms and halls (allocated zones) of restaurants, cafes and bars if there are fireproof ashtrays on tables. 10. Fire fighting crews must have free access to roads, passages and entrances of buildings and structures of pavilions, external fire evacuation stairs and fire hydrants; they must also be kept in a good condition and clear of snow and ice in winter. Vehicles must not be parked on the covers of fire hydrants or within a radius of 2m from them. 11. When using evacuation routes and exits, it is forbidden: • To block evacuation routes and exits (passageways, corridors, platforms, galleries, lift halls, ladder platforms, flights of stairs, doors, evacuation hatches, etc), access to fire hydrants, fire extinguishing means, alarm systems or fuse boxes with exhibition stands (exhibits), advertising posters, boards, information desks, any materials, products, equipment, rubbish and other objects. It is also forbidden to board up or lock emergency exits • To establish drying areas, coat racks or cloakrooms in the landings of main and emergency exits, or to store stock or materials there, even temporarily • To prop open or remove entirely self-closing doors of staircases corridors, halls and landings 12. Every day upon completion of work at the exhibition, stands should be examined by those responsible for fire safety. The exhibition can only be closed following cleaning, removal of rubbish, packaging and waste, and the switching off of electrical devices, office equipment and the lighting system. 13. Companies organising exhibition and other events at which many people will gather are to agree on an Exhibition Placement Plan for the event with the Sokolniki technical department no later than 10 calendar days prior to the beginning of the overall event period. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 15 FIRE SAFETY Companies building display stands (exhibitions), stage boxes, podiums, tribunes, etc must assembled and painted beforehand at the stand builder’s production premises. finalise all project documentation for building, equipping and designing exhibition stands The installation of spiral staircases, staircases that are curvilinear in full or in part in plane, (exhibitions) and for setting up exhibits at exhibition spaces with the Sokolniki as well as triangular and curvilinear steps and steps with varying width of tread and accreditation department no later than 7 days prior to the start of the overall event period. varying heights within the flight of stairs and staircase is not allowed at stands with more The following must be supplied for this: than one level. • Import applications for equipment and materials 18. Display and advertising stands, information stands, decorations and various • A general building plan indicating all sizes in relation to space borders, main equipment should be set up and installed so that there is no blocking of evacuation and emergency exits, and the width of the main aisles passageways and exits from halls, foyers, lobbies, or doors of service rooms, warehouses • A stand (exhibit) building plan as an isometric image and technical premises, and so that there is free access to control elements (fire hydrants, • Fire safety certificates (conclusions of a fire test laboratory, declarations of fire extinguishing equipment, fuse boxes, wiring closets, emergency stairs) located on conformity) for building and other materials, decoration, drapery, banners, equipment etc pillars and along walls of showrooms. used in stand building and design (floor, walls, ceiling) • A specific location for placing external and internal advertising stands, boards and An agreement on fireproof treatment of materials, decoration and drapery information desks is to be agreed with the exhibition management. used in stand (exhibit) building and decoration, and of stage boxes and podiums, etc, as To ensure free access (no less than 0.8 m) to fire hydrants, fire extinguishing equipment well as copies of licenses from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia awarded to and fuse boxes, the installation of easily openable constructions (curtains, folding doors, the organisation which carried out fireproof treatment, and the fire safety certificate of the boards on magnet, etc) is permitted. treatment applied by them • The width of passageways between stand (exhibition) aisles and around the stage floor A copy of the order appointing the officials responsible for fire safety during (podium) should be no less than 3 metres. stand (exhibit) building and also certificates confirming their completion of the minimum Direct and easy access to emergency exit doors equal to the width of doorways but no required standard of fire and technical training. less than 1.5 m from exhibition halls and 0.8 m from offices, warehouses and technical 14. Exhibitors may bring into exhibition halls, set up (suspend) and use various mobile premises must be provided. display stands, decorations, draperies, banners, tools, equipment, exhibits, etc used for 19. The following is forbidden in exhibition halls, at stands, display areas and at exhibits: stand design (floor, walls, ceiling) only following agreement with the Technical Directorate • Smoking or using open flames of Sokolniki and when the administrators have been presented with: • Installing equipment and using materials not detailed in the project • Import applications for equipment, materials and exhibits documentation • Fire safety certificates (conclusions of a fire test laboratory, declarations of • Using finishing or decorative materials made of combustible plastic, conformity) for building and other materials, decoration, drapery, banners etc used in polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride or vinyl artificial leather fireproof treatment certification or a stand design (floor, walls, ceiling) conclusion from a fire test laboratory) Agreements on fireproof treatment of materials, decoration and drapery used • • in stand building and decoration, and of stage boxes and podiums, etc, as well as copies • Storing promotional materials and goods, or setting up workshops Using exhibition hall territory (free space) behind stands for smoking, eating, of licenses from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia awarded to the as locker rooms, or for storing packaging, exhibits, supplies and other materials organisation which carried out fireproof treatment, and the fire safety certificates of the • treatment applied by them Using diffusers made from organic glass, polystyrene or any other combustible material in lamps, wrapping up electric lamps with paper, fabric or other Copies of the order appointing the officials responsible for fire safety when combustible materials, or operating lamps with caps (diffusers) removed that are part of • holding exhibition or other events and also certificates confirming their completion of the the design of the lamp minimum required standard of fire and technical training • Using non-standard (self-made) electrical devices or systems, temporary 15. All construction equipment, decoration materials, drapery, cladding and so forth used electric networks, sparking power tools, or electrical wires with twists and terminal blocks in stand design and construction in exhibition halls should be certified according to the law • Turning off all the pavilion lights during working hours of the exhibition or of the Russian Federation ‘On certification of products and services’ dd. June, 10, 1993 № other events with a large number of people in attendance 5151-1 by certifying authorities. 16. Stand building materials with a fire danger rating higher than the following are not • • permitted: • • Leaving switched-on electrical devices unattended Using damaged sockets, switches, cables and wires, other faulty electrical G2 (moderately combustible), В2 (moderately inflammable), D3 (high smoke products, and also boilers and heaters with open heating elements or coils generating capability), Т3 (highly dangerous by toxicity of combustible products) – for • decoration, drapery of walls and ceilings and filling of suspended ceilings • Setting up extra electric loads not provided for in manufacturing guidelines Installing booster lights, spotlights, projectors or electric lamps closer than 0.5 metres from exhibition equipment, stands, decoration or drapery or fire sprinklers G2 (moderately combustible), В2 (moderately inflammable), RP2 (weakly • Using stationary circular saws or flat-grinding machines that do not have dust spreading flame), D3 (high smoke generating capability), Т2 (moderately dangerous) – for extraction capabilities floor coverings. • Storing decoration, drapery, equipment and packaging underneath it, or Combustible materials with higher fire danger must be treated, or other compensating fire various combustible materials under stage floors, flights of steps and landings, or prevention measures carried out. spectators’ stands Frames of suspended ceilings should be made from non-combustible materials. • Carpets, rugs and other floor coverings should be fixed firmly to the floor around the • perimeter and at junctures. storing packaging under fuel or oil 17. Stands should be built from parts of a high degree of readiness that have been • VacuumTechExpo 2014 Using flammable paints or spray cans for painting stands or exhibits Storing or using flammable liquids or fuel tanks, emptying gas tanks, or Filling exhibition vehicles with fuel or taking fuel from them, holding open fuel 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 16 FIRE SAFETY tanks, or allowing fuel or oil to leak rays and other sources of heat, and they should also be naturally ventilated and made • Recharging batteries directly from exhibition vehicles from nonflammable materials. • Parking fuel tankers or flammable gas transportation vehicles in exhibition Safety notices (posters) (“Pathway is blocked”, “Do not smoke”, “Do not enter with fire” halls and others) should be hung in places where gas containers are stored. • Using pipes of fire-fighting equipment to hang any equipment • Connecting stand parts, equipment or devices to supply pipes of fire-fighting different areas) from containers of oxygen, compressed air, chlorine, fluorine or other Containers with flammable gas should be stored separately (in different warehouses or in oxidizers, or containers with toxic gases. equipment When containers with oxygen are stored and transported, oil (grease) must not get in and • Tampering with the fire sprinkler system or smoke alarms • Using fire extinguishing equipment or internal fire hydrants installed in the the container reinforcement must not come into contact with oily materials. It is prohibited to touch valves when filling containers with oxygen manually. sprinkler system for any other purpose than putting out fires • Blocking or closing fire hydrants or access to them with any equipment or The valves of stored containers should be protected by safety valves. stands, as well as blocking the working area of fire alarms with banners, posters, Gas cylinders with boots should be stored in a vertical position in special slots, cages or decoration, curtains, floating or tethered equipment (balloons, airships, blimps, etc) or any other devices to prevent them from falling. Cylinders without boots should be stored in a horizontal position on frames or racks made other objects 20. All armchairs and chairs should be lined in rows and fastened firmly to the floor in from nonflammable materials. The stack height should not exceed 1.5 m and valves exhibition and conference halls and at spectators’ stands. When there are no more than should all face the same way. 200 seats, chairs do not have to be fastened to the floor, but they must be joined to each If a gas leak from the cylinders becomes evident, they should be taken away from the special construction to a safe place. other in rows. 21. If there are exhibition or other events with a presentation (display, installation) of more The storage of any other substances, materials and equipment in a gas cylinder storage than 25 vehicles, the event organiser must develop a plan for arranging the vehicles, location is prohibited. describing the sequence and order of their evacuation in case of fire. Exhibition halls and Empty and full gas containers must be handled according to the same security measures. open areas where vehicles are shown should be equipped with towing cables or bars at Gas container storage locations and venues for welding and cutting work should be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment. the rate of one cable (bar) per 10 exhibition vehicles. 22. All power and lighting equipment and electric wiring must be mounted and used in The following documents must be at a display stand: strict conformity with the Electric Equipment Installation Rules and with the Users’ Electric • Certificates of conformity and fire safety for welding and cutting equipment. Installations Technical Operation Rules. Connection to an electric network in exhibition • Copies of the order for appointing an official responsible for fire safety, and halls may be done only by Sokolniki specialists experts on the basis of the Electrical copies of certificates confirming their completion of the minimum required standard of fire and technical training Connections Card. All movable wires and cables used to connect lighting and other equipment in exhibition • A welder’s certificate • halls must be laid in a way that avoids damage to them. An admission warrant for carrying out dangerous work Wires and lighting cables laid on the floor where people will walk and goods will be carried • A gas container inspection certificate. should be protected with crossovers. Fire safety measures and workplace requirements are set out in “Instruction on Fire Portable lights and sockets must only be plugged in to sockets when they are being used. Safety Measures when Carrying Out Welding Work in Sokolniki Pavilions”. 23. When placing exhibition stands, pavilions, tents, etc, in open areas (spaces), event 26. Upon detection of a fire (burning) or any signs of a fire (smoke, smell of burning, a rise organisers are obliged to hire fire fighting equipment from Sokolniki in the quantity defined in temperature), each employee, builder, and exhibitor at the event must: by Appendix 3 of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03). Inform everyone at and around the stand of the fire 24. It is forbidden to use open flames (torches, candles, chandeliers, etc) or to Inform the duty worker of the security service (495)925-72-61, +7 (916) 256- demonstrate exhibits in action using open flames or producing shots, fireworks, fire 75-47) and pavilion administration representatives immediately of the exact shows, or other pyrotechnic or smoke effects. location of the fire (number and name of stand, location, floor), what is 25. Demonstration of functioning models and installations using flammable and burning, and the name and telephone number of the person reporting the fire combustible liquids is permitted only when liquids are transferred by pipeline from a Take measures to evacuate people from the stand and the exhibition hall reservoir installed outside pavilion buildings and no less than 10 m from them, and when Begin fire extinguishing with available fire extinguishing equipment 27. Once at the location of the fire, managers and those responsible for fire safety in exhaust gases are removed outside. The use of cylinders with combustible and toxic gases or the storage of empty gas exhibitions and exhibition stands must: cylinders at display stands inside pavilion buildings is not allowed. The use of cylinders after use. If life it at risk, immediately organise rescue of the people at risk with all available means, and to remove anyone not involved in fighting the fire from The placement of group cylinder installations to supply gas to a welding and cutting venue the premises is permitted outside the pavilion building, near solid (without apertures) external walls. The supply of gas from group cylinder installations to a demonstration venue at a display stand is permitted via high-pressure hoses, the length of which must not exceed 30 m and which should be covered with protective bridges. Gas containers should be stored in special constructions in open areas at least 10 m from pavilion buildings. Special constructions should protect containers from precipitation, sun VacuumTechExpo 2014 Send a message confirming there is a fire to the Fire Safety Service and make the security service exhibition and senior management aware with inert gases is permitted, but only if they are taken outside the pavilion immediately To organise, alongside putting out the fire, evacuation and protection of material assets Upon arrival of the fire fighting team from the fire protection territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, convey the situation, the structural and technological features of the stand, its location, and all other necessary information. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 17 RULES FOR ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING WORK Requirements for electrical and plumbing work, and persons carrying out such work: Electrical work: 1. Only companies and organisations possessing licenses to carry out corresponding types of activities may carry out electrical works at exhibitors’ stands. 2. All electric installation works on a current-carrying sections (or nearby) shall be made after removal of tension only. 3. Wiring of stands shall be carried out in accordance with Instruction “On Fire Safety Measures in Sokolniki Exhibition Centre”. 4. Each independent electrical unit (stand, electrical point, etc.) shall have an individual protection device against short-circuit failure and excessive loads (electric board and emergency circuit breaker). This device shall be installed in an easy-accessible place at 1.8 m above the floor. 5. Before the exhibition each individual stand constructor shall submit to the management of the exhibition centre layouts of stands specifying the required capacity and breakdown in groups. 6. All electrical/technical operations at stands of individual constructors shall be carried out under the control of a construction electrician with a professional grade not lower than three. Before stands are connected to the main power supply it is necessary to submit an act of checking insulation resistance and sign an act of division of responsibilities. 7. All electric boards which are necessary for wiring of stands of individual constructors shall be equipped with an emergency circuit breaker. A feeding cable from electric board to the main power supply is to be provided by the constructor. Every cable must have 5 cable conductors. 8. A feeding cable shall be protected against mechanical damage (placed in a tube, metal hose, case, etc. and fastened). 9. Branches of cables and cable conductors can be connected using hot soldering (welding) or with the help of a wire clip. Neither connection with the help of splice joint nor extension of wires with terminal blocks is permitted. 10. All metal structures of stands, electric board cases, metal hose, metal tubes of wiring, etc. have to be earth grounded. 11. Connection of the stand to the main power supply is permitted only upon compliance of all the above rules. 12. Removal of tension from the introduction device upon termination of work of an exhibition is made by the responsible representative of pavilion according to the demand of the representative of the builder responsible for dismantle VacuumTechExpo 2014 Regulations for Plumbing Installations at Exhibitors’ Stands: 1. Plumbing and maintenance of the water supply and drainage system at exhibitors' stands shall only be carried out by persons complying with professional requirements and having the relevant qualification for existing standards and regulations in Russia. 2. Plumbing work should only be carried out after the water supply to the relevant parts has been turned off. 3. When laying exposed water supply and drainage lines, provided no mechanical damage is possible, pipes with a fire resistant covering must be used; in places where people pass, pipes must be covered by special ramps. 4. The laying of water supply and drainage lines near electrical wires and equipment must comply with existing Russian standards and regulations. 5. Water supply lines on stands and at places connected to structures shall be equipped with water pressure valves. 6. Free access must be provided to water input devices. 7. Upon completion of plumbing work, the pavilion’s engineering and technical service will check the quality of the installation and connect the installed equipment to the water supply, according to the plan of the exhibition. 8. The water supply to the stand is turned on a representative of the engineering and technical service in the presence of the stand builder and exhibitor. 9. The engineering and technical service shall supervise the state of the plumbing equipment installed and operated at exhibitors' stands for the duration of the exhibition. 10. At the end of the exhibition, the water supply to the stand will be turned off by the engineering and technical service at the request of the stand builder or exhibitor. 11. The dismantling and disconnection of plumbing equipment must be carried out by the same personnel who carried out the installation. 12. During the exhibition, and set-up and dismantling periods, plumbing equipment at stands, including pipes and valves, shall be operated by the installer. 13. The engineering and technical service has the right to turn off the water supply in case of emergency and to prevent accidents which may be caused by gross violations of the PTEEP and PTB regulations. 14. Exhibitors and stand builders may not connect additional water supply lines not specified in the exhibition plan to the water mains without obtaining the permission of the engineering and technical service. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 18 FREIGHT, DELIVERY, CUSTOMS Transportation of freight to the exhibition and its transportation/unloading in the pavilion BTG Expo is the General Freight Forwarder of ITE Group for on-site handling of international and Russian freight. BTG Expo has sole rights to on-site handling at the exhibition. To deliver goods to the territory of the exhibition, you may use the services of other companies. Please contact your nearest BTG Expo office for further details about their tariffs, shipping deadlines and customs regulations. Customs clearance Please follow the instructions of BTG Expo’s official freight forwarding and customs clearance agent. Each exhibition centre has an official customs office. Clients sending freight through another agent (not BTG Expo or its authorised agents) must organise customs clearance for goods at this office. If you are shipping exhibition goods directly, please obtain the address and sending instructions from BTG Expo. If the addressee is stated incorrectly, the exhibitor risks not receiving goods due to customs clearance not being possible. Do not send goods by courier. Cargo delivery times: Please note: • BTG Expo GmbH needs 4-5 working days to collect goods at the airport, arrange customs clearance, and deliver them to the To avoid problems and delays in freight delivery, inform the BTG exhibition centre. To avoid unnecessary storage of goods, please Expo head office in Germany of your dispatch. plan your air transportation schedule with the above in mind. • For goods arriving overland, BTG Expo requires 1 working day to If at the end of the exhibition goods are not re-exported and are not cleared as imported cargo, the exhibitor is responsible for payment of arrange customs clearance. • Goods arriving by sea should arrive in Hamburg no fewer than 16 requirements. working days before the required delivery date to the stand. Do not dispatch goods by sea before receiving confirmation from BTG To avoid this, we strongly recommend that exhibitors do not hand Expo GmbH and instructions from the consignee. all duties, VAT and taxes on luxury goods as per customs over sold goods to the buyer directly. • For information on cargo consolidation from German terminals, please contact BTG Expo. • BTG Expo does not work with rail freight. Please use BTG Expo’s storage services to avoid buyers having to complete customs paperwork. BTG Expo will hand over goods to the buyer only after they have presented customs paperwork. Send copies of invoices by e-mail to BTG Expo no later than one week prior to departure, for checking and (if required) translation into Russian. Please bear in mind that storage dates should begin no later than the last day of dismantling. Please plan the arrival of freight lorries, ensuring they arrive no earlier than one day prior to their use to avoid parking charges. Please inform BTG Expo whether the buyer or the seller will be paying for goods storage. • • BTG Expo head office in Germany BTG Expo Handling Tariffs Please contact BTG Expo in Germany for their rates and tariffs. The official on-site handling tariff can be requested from the ITE Technical Director E-mail: BTG Expo’s Moscow office You can obtain the order form for loading and unloading services, and information on prices for this service for Russian exhibitors, from BTG Expo. E-mail: Tel./Fax. +7 (495) 646 98 48 BTG Expo office at Crocus Expo Office 107, Pavilion1 VacuumTechExpo 2014 BTG Expo GmbH Carl-Benz-Strasse 21, В-60386 Frankfurt am Mine Contact: Mr. Eric Awater Mr. Matthias Hildebrandt Mr. Leonard Pech Fax: +49 (69) 408987-102 +49 (69) 408987-104 +49 (69) 408987-106 +49 (69) 408987-222 BTG Expo’s office at the exhibition You can find BTG Expo’s office at the exhibition by contacting the organiser’s office. 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokolniki 19 INDIV VIDUALL STA AND CO ONSTR RUCTIION Dear exhibittors, ITE Group, the exhibition orgaaniser, would likke to inform you u of a special seervice: INDIVIDUA AL STAND CO ONSTRUCTIO ON If you y want your sstand to fully refflect your corpoorate identity, ussing original and intereesting design soolutions to dem monstrate your pproducts and services as eeffectively as poossible, we can help. Orrdering a custom m build stand will w allow you to save time, opt imise your budget, and receiive a full range of quality standd services from your peersonal manageer. Thhe professionalism and experieence of the orgaaniser will help you avoid thee complicationns associated with building a custom sstand and guarantee successsful participatioon in the exhibition. A whole w range of additional servvices are includeed: ▪ Development D off an original staand design ▪ Plan P of the stand in 3D format ▪ Design D and appproval of neceessary project documentationn (strength calculation, electrrical plan, fire saafety certificatees, insulation reesistance meeasurement cerrtificates, etc.) ▪ Selection of ddecorative elem ments, individuual furniture aand flower arrrangements ▪ Control C and suppervision of stannd construction ▪ Ordering techhnical connecttions and serrvices - poweer, water, compressed air, ddaily cleaning, stand s security etc e ▪ Ordering O of Inteernet, telephonee and fax conneections ▪ Ordering O of pressentation equippment, plasma screens, video walls and LE ED screens ▪ Ordering O of addditional personnnel – interpreeters, models aand stand atttendants If you y are interessted in this serrvice, please fill in the form bbelow and send it to us by faax or email.. Seend this form to ITE Group Stanislav Astaashevsky astashevskiy@ +7495 935 73551 Exxhibiting compaany: Coontact person: Teelephone: e-m mail: Naame of exhibitioon: Staand configurattion: Dimensions and area of stand: Plaanned stand height: Plaanned numberr of levels on staand: +74495 935 7350 (Ext. 4704) Bu ilding 1, 15 Zu ubarev Pereulo ok, Moscow, 11129164 Fax: Website: Pavilion, hall Peninsula “VacuumT TechExpo 2014” Inlinee C Corner m (wwidth) m Х Islandd m (depth) = m². m Levvels Thhank you. We w will contact you shortly. Reegards, Staanislav Astasheevskiy Heead of Custom B Build Departmeent ITE E Group VaacuumTechE Expo 2014 15-17 April 2014 | MOSCOW | ECC Sokkolniki 20
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