OPERATION MANUAL 033-3000 RUSTIBUS® 33 AIR Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Manufacturer: Dalseide Shipping Services AS Bekkjarviksundet 1 N-5397 BEKKJARVIK NORWAY The authorised representative In the EEA:Rustibus N.V. Noordersingel 7 B-2140 ANTWERP BELGIUM Hereby declares that the Products specified:Rustibus® specified:Rustibus® de-scaling de-scalingmachines machinesseries: series: 033-3000 Are produced in accordance to the requirements in and regulations on machinery Best. No. 522, which transpose the community legislation on machinery amended by Directive 98/37/EEC of the European parliament and of the council of 22nd June1998. The following standards or standardized documents apply to this machine: ISO 8662, ISO 15744, EN 792  Year of CE marking: 1998 Place Signed by: Title: Date Tore Dalseide Director …………………………………………….. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures HOW TO RECOGNISE GENUINE SPARES! * fig.1 * fig.1 * fig.1 GENUINE SPARE PARTS are marked with either RUSTIBUS® PATENTED (* fig.1) Genuine spares parts are marked with a genuine RUSTIBUS® logo, so look for the logo or GENUINE RUSTIBUS PARTS (* fig.2) either on the item or on the label. * fig.2 If they are not there, they’re not GENUINE PARTS. Use only the best, don’t settle for less. RUSTIBUS® If they are not there, they´re not genuine spares. Use only the best, don´t settle for less. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures HELPFUL IDENTIFIERS In addition to information on installation and operation, this instruction manual may contain WARNINGS and CAUTIONS pertaining to user safety, and NOTES on important, useful operating guidelines. A WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. A CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided may result in minor or major injury. A NOTE is to alert the operator to important operating information. ANSI Z535.5-1997 Definitions IMPORTANT The safeguards and instructions in this manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations, which may occur. As we cannot control the correct mounting, usage and utilization of this product, we can not be responsible or liable for any injuries, damages, losses or costs, which result from using our products in any way. Do not attempt to operate this tool until you have read and understood all safety precautions and instructions listed in this manual. Incorrect operation of this unit can cause serious injury. Maintain your company’s fire and safety procedures while operating this tool. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures WARNING Rotating equipment may cause serious injury – protect hands, feet, eyes and hearing. Debris from scraping action may be scattered.  Rustibus de-scaling Tool may produce low energy sparks.  Respiratory protection should be considered depending on material being removed.  Before starting Rustibus® de-scaling Tool, ensure that all fixing screws, bolts, clamps, fittings, chain drum and locking devices are mounted correctly and securely tensioned. For more information, check the maintenance section of this manual. Never attempt to de-scale areas when its mechanical integrity is in doubt, according to ASME/API specifications or other applicable codes and standards. CAUTION Never install, remove or perform any maintenance on the Rustibus® de-scaling Tool when the air supply is connected.  Always keep both hands on handles when operating the Rustibus® de-scaling Tool.  Never use non Ex/Atex certified machines in potentially explosive atmospheres.  Never operate the Rustibus® de-scaling tool while wearing loose hanging chains, hanging ID/security badges or garments that may be caught in the rotating parts.  On vertical sections, work with the Rustibus® de-scaling tool between knee and shoulder height to avoid strain. If used over prolonged periods for vertical work, lifting assistance should be considered to prevent accidents, fatigue etc.  Rustibus® de-scaling Tool should be properly maintained and stored when not in use to avoid damage to parts. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS BEFORE OPERATION WARNINGS: When connecting, changing, or repairing the Rustibus® angle de-scaler, the power supply MUST ALWAYS be disconnected. IMPORTANT: 1) Do not push down on your machine. This only damages the tool, it does not improve results. 2) It is recommended to connect the Rustibus® 33 to a filtered air- lubricator and regulator system. 3) Lubricate the air motor several times per day by pouring a few drops of airtool oil in the air inlet of the motor while turning the chain drum manually 2-3 times. When the machine is due for storage, repeat the same procedure. • If the chain link system is damaged, some vibration may occur. • Ear & face protection should be used for your own safety. It is recommended to use safety screen when operating the Rustibus® 33. Wear protective gloves and sturdy shoes. WORKING SAFELY WITH THIS MACHINE IS POSSIBLE ONLY WHEN THE OPERATING AND SAFETY INFORMATION ARE READ COMPLETELY AND THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE STRICTLY FOLLOWED. IN ADDITION, THE GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ENCLOSED BOOKLET MUST BE FOLLOWED. BEFORE USING THE FIRST TIME, TAKE A LOOK AT THE MACHINE FOR UNDERSTANDING THE PRACTICAL WORKINGS OF IT. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures INSTALLATION AND SETUP RUSTIBUS® 33 AIR Before you begin. Step 1: VERIFY THE COMPLETENESS OF YOUR RUSTIBUS® 33. • Check that all components are attached properly and in a proper / safe working order. (Check that there are no loose guards or parts on the machine) Step 2: ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. • Ensure that you have the required Air Pressure & volume. (625L/min (22 CFM) / 6 Bar (87 psi)) • Ensure that you have Air tool oil available to lubricate the machine. • It is recommended that you connect the Rustibus® 33 to a filtered & lubricated air. Step 3: BEFORE COMMENCING THE OPERATION. • Locate the section to be cleaned / de-scaled and determine if the area needs to be cleaned. Excessive grease, dirt and other hazardous material should be cleaned from the surface area before operation of the Rustibus® machine. • Ensure Chain Drum is properly connected to motor Confirm the correct air pressure before connecting hose supply. • The Chain drum rotates at high RPM, show utmost care when connecting power lead and when operating machine. ALWAYS THINK SAFETY FIRST! • Connect your machine to its power source. • Make sure the power lead is properly connected and safely located for your operation. • Start and Stop the machine and check that rotation is correct according to marking on machine. Step 4: OPERATION OF RUSTIBUS MACHINE. • For the best results from your Rustibus® machine you should run the machine forward and backward over the area until the appropriate result is achieved • Do not run the machine over sharp edges, but along them. Your machine will last longer if operated with care. • DO NOT FORCE YOUR MACHINE DOWNWARDS! This does not improve the result, it only damages the machine. • To maintain your Rustibus® 33 in a good working order, the air-motor should be lubricated 3-4 times a day during operation Step 5: MAINTENANCE OF RUSTIBUS MACHINE. • ALWAYS stop the machine and disconnect it from its power source before carrying out any maintenance on the machine. • To maintain your Rustibus® 33 in a good working order the machine and motor should be cleaned after use. The ventilation slots of the motor must be kept clear at all times. When the machine is due for storage, please clean and check the machine for damage or wear and tear. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures AIR QUALITY, LUBRICTION AND FILTRATION THE RUSTIBUS TOOL/MACHINE CAN OPERATE IRRISPECTIVE OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. PROVIDED THE AIR SUPPLIED TO OPERATE THE TOOL/MACHINE IS OF A SUITABLE QUALITY TO DO SO. Ensure that your machine is always run with air that is properly filtered for moisture and particles and to a quality that is suitable for use with pneumatic motors of its type. The motor of your machine must be kept lubricated. For non-incorporated air filtration systems, ensure the machine is connected to a system comprising the following points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Air /moisture filter/separation unit Air pressure regulation unit Air lubrication unit Shut off valve. Use of the correct hose dimension. Regular check and refilling of air tool oil for correct lubrication. Correctly dimensioned connections, and safety features. WHEN STORING YOUR MACHINE, YOU MUST ENSURE THAT ENOUGH LUBRICATION IS PRESENT/ADDED TO ENSURE THAT NO CORROSION OF AIR MOTOR CAN OCCUR BETWEEN OPERATIONS Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures OPERATING THE RUSTIBUS 33 The Rustibus® 33 is air driven and requires 625 Liters (22 CFM) of air per minute at a pressure of 6 Bar (87 psi). It is easy to operate and leaves the surface clean to St3 +++ (SP11 +++). The machine is adjusted to a proper RPM when it leaves the Rustibus® factory. x The Rustibus® 33 uses a Disposable Chain Drum. This Chain Drum is designed for one-time-use only and does not require any spares replacement. Simply use the Chain Drum until it is completely destroyed and then replace it with a new one. This makes the Rustibus® 33 fast and efficient! x In the de-scaling process it is quite normal that chain links are lost. Should this create an unbalance in the rotation, simply remove the chain or rivet on the opposite side of the broken one to restore the balance. RECOGNIZE A 033 (033-3156) CHAIN DRUM. The Rustibus® 33 Chain Drum (033-3156) is the main spare component for your Rustibus® 33 machine. The chain drum is a disposable spare; intended for use until it is entirely worn out and then disposed of in a responsible manner. IT MUST BE NOTED, that the Rustibus® 33 chain drum has a BLACK PLUG fitted into one side of its spindle. This plug ensures that you cannot mount the chain drum incorrectly. Should the BLACK PLUG be missing for any reason it should be noted that for the Rustibus® 33 the correct direction to mount the chain drum is with the longer length of the spindle OUT towards the SCREEN; otherwise the screen of your machine can be severely damaged by the rotation of the chain drum. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures REPLACING THE CHAIN DRUM To replace the Chain Drum on the machine, open the protective cover by unlocking the locking nut on the side. To remove the Drum from the shaft, block the gearbox by placing the 19mm spanner on the motor shaft. Leave the spanner resting on the screen. Use both hands to turn the Drum anti clockwise release it from the shaft. Install a new Chain Drum (033-3156) by reversing these procedures. Make sure to refit the protective cover afterwards before restarting the Rustibus® 33. When replacing the Chain Drum or Wire Brush it is important that it is replaced with the correct side outwards. This is clearly marked on the Chain Drum, in that it can only be attached from one side because of the BLACK PLUG. Always disconnect the air supply before dismantling the Rustibus® machine. WARNING When connecting, changing, or repairing the Rustibus® angle de-scaler, the air supply must always be disconnected. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures PARTS AND SPARES WHEN CONNECTING, CHANGING, OR REPAIRING THE RUSTIBUS 33, THE AIR SUPPLY MUST ALWAYS BE DISCONNECTED. RUSTIBUS® 33 AIR CONSUMABLES 033-3156: R33 Chain Drum 033-3202: R33 Wire Brush GENERAL OVERVIEW 033-3000 Rustibus® 33 AIR Incl. Chain Drum (installed on machine) 033-3003 033-3001 033-3010 033-3156 033-3001 033-3002 033-3003 033-3010 033-3011 033-3011 R33 Air Motor R33 Female Hose Connector R33 Male Air Connector R33 Screen incl. cover R33 Cover only Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures MOTOR PARTS - RUSTIBUS® 33 AIR PARTS TO RUSTIBUS® 33 033-301A R33 Throttle handle 033-301B R33 Inlet Bushing 033-301C R33 Throttle Gasket 033-301D R33 Cap Screw 033-301E R33 Lock Washer 033-302A R33 Throttle Lever 033-302B R33 Throttle Lever Pin 033-303A R33 Throttle Valve Seal 033-303B R33 Throttle Valve 033-303C R33 Throttle Valve Spring 033-303D R33 Speed Regulator 033-303E R33 Regulator Seal 033-303F R33 Valve Cap Seal 033-303G R33 Throttle Valve Cap 033-304A R33 Rear End Plate 033-304B R33 Rotor Bearing 033-304C R33 Bearing Rubber Cap 033-304D R33 Rotor Bearing Retainer 033-305A R33 Rotor 033-305B R33 Vane (4 pcs) 033-306A R33 Cylinder 033-306B R33 Cylinder Alignment Pin 033-307A R33 Front End Plate 033-307B R33 Rotor Bearing 033-307C R33 Pinion Bearing 033-308A R33 Pinion Gear SET 033-308B R33 Pinion 033-308C R33 Arbor Key 033-310A R33 Exhaust Deflector 033-310B R33 Exhaust Gasket 033-310C R33 Deflector Screw 033-311A R33 Bearing Housing 033-311B R33 Bearing Housing Gasket 033-311C R33 Cap Screw 033-311D R33 Lock Washer 033-312A R33 Arbor 033-312B R33 Arbor Lower Bearing 033-312C R33 Bearing retaining Ring 033-312D R33 Bearing Cover 033-312E R33 Rotor Bearing 033-312F R33 Gear Retaining Ring 033-312G R33 Gear Thrust washer 033-315 R33 Handle 033-316 R33 Spanner 033-3006 R33 BOD Grease SCENARIOS POTENTIAL REASONS Rustibus® machine / - Dirt, foreign materials tool does not run. - Internal corrosion / rust - Misalignment - Poor lubrication - Jammed machine Rustibus® machine / - Dirt, foreign materials tool runs at reduced - Internal corrosion / rust speed. - Misalignment - Insufficient air pressure / flow - Air hose or compressor is to small - Restricted exhaust - Poor lubrication - Air hose between machine and compressor is to long Rustibus® machine - Dirt, foreign materials / tool runs with low - Internal corrosion / rust torque. - Misalignment - Insufficient air pressure / flow - Poor lubrication - Jammed machine Machine / tool re- Misalignment duces speed during - Restricted exhaust operation - Jammed machine - Compressor is to small - Air hose between machine and compressor is to long Machine / tool runs warm - Misalignment - Poor lubrication Not getting good enough de-scaling performance - Machine running to slow - Chain drum is worn out Excessive vribration - Chain drum is worn out The screen (033- Machine used with excessive 3010) downward pressure, used side and protective cover ways and/or in an improper (033-3011) are being angle. heavily damaged. SOLUTIONS 1)Check that there are no restrictions on the hose. 2) Check the PSI meter on the Air Lubriction System for adequate pressure. 3) Check air supply. 4) Disconnect air power supply from machine / tool, remove the screen and chain Drum unit from Machine / tool and check if main drive shaft rotates freely. 5) Too much dust may have accumulated in the tool. Clean the tool. 6) Check the bearings to make sure they are spinning freely in their track. Air motor failure (handle part) such as main gear not engaging. Contact supplier for service. 7) Lubricate the machine and rotate the chain head or drive shaft in both directions a few times. 1)Disconnect machine from air power supply and check that exhaust is not restricted. 2) Check air supply is not restricted and that it is adequate. 1) Disconnect the air supply from the machine / tool. 2) Check oil in the lubricator oil system. 3) Check that there are no restrictions on the hose. 4) Check that bearings are spinning freely. 1) Check that air supply is free of restrictions and that it has the adequate PSI. 2) Disconnect the air supply and check if the chain drum is worn and replace if necessary. During the de-scaling process, it is quite normal to loose Chain Links. This causes vibration because the Chain Drum is unbalanced. Remove the opposite Chain Link or Pin of the broken one to restore balance and to continue using the Chain Drum until it is totally destroyed. Always try to use the Rustibus® in a strait angle towards the surface. Avoid using the unit sideways or in an excessive angle towards the surface. Machine may vary from pictures Genuine Rustibus® parts only! ADDITIONAL FEATURES RUSTIBUS® 33 MAGNO ROLLER The Rustibus® Magno Rollers are a magnetised wheelbase for the Rustibus® 30 Series. They use a powerful magnet to support the entire Rustibus® hand tool which makes them perfect for use on angled steel surfaces.The Rustibus® Magno Roller will enhance safety and operator comfort. Perfect for use in Ballast tanks! Because of the strong magnetic field it can not be operated by persons fitted with cardiac pacemakers. Item : 033-6300 R33 Magno Roller Weight: 0,90 kg / 2 lbs IMPA: 59.03.24 Machine may vary from pictures Genuine Rustibus® parts only! RUSTIBUS® 30 MODELS AVAILABLE 032-2000Rustibus® 32 Electric 220V, Complete 033-3000 Rustibus® 33 Air, Complete 033-X3000Rustibus® X33 Air (EX), Complete 035-5000Rustibus® 35 Electric 110V, Complete Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures RUSTIBUS ANGLE DE-SCALER WARRANTY/REPLACEMENT PLAN DALSEIDE SHIPPING SERVICES WILL REPLACE OR REPAIR ANY TOOL OR COMPONENT THAT FAILS DUE TO DEFECTS IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR (12 MONTHS) FROM THE DATE OF SHIPMENT OF THIS PRODUCT FROM OUR FACILITY. A WARRANTY CLAIM WILL NOT BE HONOURED IF DEFECTS ARE NOT REPORTED WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD, OR IF DALSEIDE SHIPPING SERVICES DETERMINES THAT DEFECTS OR DAMAGES ARE DUE TO NORMAL WEAR, MISAPPLICATION, LACK OF MAINTENANCE, ABUSE, IMPROPER INSTALLATION, ALTERATION, OR ABNORMAL CONDITIONS. Dalseide Shipping Services is the original owner and manufacturer of Rustibus® We deliver GENUINE Rustibus® PARTS ONLY! Dalseide Shipping Services cannot be held liable for any damages (to Rustibus® machines or personnel) as a result of use of non genuine parts. We reserve the right to refuse any claims on parts or Rustibus® machinery unless it can be proven that genuine parts only have been used on Rustibus® machines. Dalseide Shipping Services will always seek to improve the Rustibus® machines design, specifications and production. Therefore, alterations may take place at any time. While every effort is made to produce up-todate literature, the descriptions, specifications, illustrations and photographs in this manual should not be regarded as the definitive guide to current specifications; though all manuals are considered concise at the time of their production. Genuine Rustibus® parts only! Machine may vary from pictures CONTACT INFORMATION NORWAY: Dalseide Shipping Services AS Bekkjarviksundet 1 NO - 5397 Bekkjarvik Norway Tel: + 47 5618 1200 Fax: + 47 5618 1201 E-mail: bergen@rustibus.com ANTWERP: Rustibus N.V. Noordersingel 7 2140 Antwerpen Belgium Tel: + 32 3227 2096 Fax: + 32 3227 2097 E-mail: antwerp@rustibus.com SINGAPORE: Rustibus PTE LTD 18 Boon Lay Way #08-145 TradeHub 21 Singapore 609966 Phone: +65 62 62 52 26 Fax: +65 62 66 69 55 E-mail: singapore@rustibus.com HOUSTON TX: Rustibus INC. 2901 West Sam Houston Pkwy North Suite E-325 Houston, TX 77043 USA Tel: + 1 832 203 7170 Fax: + 1 832 203 7171 E-mail: houston@rustibus.com sales@rustibus.com w w w.rustibus.com
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