Mississippi Management and Reporting System Department of Finance and Administration 5609 MMRS MASH/Training Materials SAAS Agency Manual Revision Date: 01/08/2014 Revenues Version: 3 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Table of Contents Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Revenue Collection Process ...................................................................................................... 3 Types of Transactions ................................................................................................................ 3 Cash Receipt Transaction (CR).............................................................................................. 4 Alternate Cash Receipt Transaction (C1) ............................................................................... 9 Quick Receipt Transaction (QR)............................................................................................10 Invoice Transaction (IN) ........................................................................................................10 Quick Invoice Transaction (QI) ..............................................................................................13 Revenue Transactions ..............................................................................................................14 Revenue Transaction Approvals ...............................................................................................14 Revenue Invoice/Collection Procedures ....................................................................................14 Provider Codes .....................................................................................................................14 Invoice/Collection Processing ...............................................................................................14 Printing Cash Receipts..............................................................................................................15 Additional Steps in Revenue Accounting ...................................................................................15 MMRS/SAAS Revenue Tables..................................................................................................16 Master Tables .......................................................................................................................16 Recurring Invoice (REIN) ......................................................................................................18 Page 2 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Purpose • • • Provides detailed revenue accounting records for both financial and cost accounting purposes. Revenue accounting may occur on a cash or accrual basis. Cash advances and vendor refunds may be recorded when received. Revenue Collection Process Each agency must determine, in accordance with GAAP, the proper time that it should record its revenue. Revenue may be recognized in the MMRS/SAAS system either when it is earned or when the cash is collected. To record a revenue collection at the time the revenue is earned, an invoice is generated for the sale of services/goods. Earned revenue is recorded by using an invoice transaction. This process is currently used by some State agencies that provide services to other agencies. Examples include the Attorney General's Office, which provides legal services to other state agencies, and the Information Technology Services (ITS), which provides computer assistance. Agencies may also provide services to entities outside of state government. An example of this is the Secretary of State's Office, which provides many services to attorneys throughout the State. The procedures for using the Invoice feature of MMRS/SAAS are detailed later in this section. Revenue is recorded when the cash is received through a cash receipt transaction. This may occur without prior recognition of the revenue. State agencies collect revenues from a variety of sources. Examples include federal funding sources; revenues from the sale of goods such as souvenirs from the State parks, magazines and other publications produced by agencies, and map sales; license sales and fees; tax collections; and interest from investments. These types of revenues are received by the agency and entered into MMRS/SAAS using a cash receipt (CR) transaction. Types of Transactions There are five available Revenue transactions in the MMRS/SAAS system: CR C1 IN QI QR Cash Receipt Alternate Cash Receipt Invoice Quick Invoice Quick Receipt Descriptions of these transactions and their uses follow. Page 3 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Cash Receipt Transaction (CR) The Cash Receipt transaction is the most detailed of all the revenue transactions available. This transaction provides additional referencing fields for invoice transactions previously entered to record the revenue when it was earned. The CR consists of a header screen and a detailed accounting line screen. Screen 1- Data Entry Instructions FIELD NAME DOC ID: DEPOSIT DATE: ACCTG PRD (Accounting Period): BUDGET FY (Budget Fiscal Year): ACTION: BANK ACCOUNT CODE: DESCRIPTION If entering a single document, this information will be inferred from the Document Suspense File. If entering the first document in a batch, tab to this field at the top of the screen and enter the agency code XXX, and press the pound key (#) to initiate automatic numbering, or enter the agency defined document identification number. The remaining header information is inferred from the Batch Header Screen. This field is automatically completed by the system. This field is automatically completed by the system based upon the transaction date. This field is automatically completed by the system except during the lapse period. During the lapse period (July and August), this field must be entered. This field will default to E for a new entry. To modify a previous document, enter M. Enter 01 which is the generic account code associated with a treasury fund or enter a valid code from the Bank Account Table (BANK). Page 4 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME CASH ACCOUNT: COMMENTS: DOCUMENT TOTAL: UNIDENTIFIABLE INVOICE: CALCULATED DOCUMENT TOTAL: INVOICE RECONCILIATION: V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION This field is automatically completed by the system based on the Special Accounts Table (SPEC). The user may enter a different cash account. This field can be used to enter additional information about the transaction. Only the first twelve characters will be entered into the system. Enter the document total (the net amount of all lines on the document). This field is used when the invoice for this receipt is not identified. The system defaults to "N" but may be overridden with "Y.” Entering "Y" creates a receivable entry until such time that the invoice is known. This field is automatically computed by the system. If the Cash Receipt is to be reconciled with the proper invoice, enter "Y.” If not, the system will default to "N." NOTE: If the cash Receipt is to be reconciled, another cash receipt transaction must be entered to reverse the receivable entry established in the unidentifiable invoice field. Press ENTER and Screen 2 appears. Screen 2 - Data Entry Instructions Page 5 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME LINE NUMBER: REF DOC ID (Reference Document Identification): REF LINE NO (Reference Line Number): VEND/PROV/CUST (Vendor/Provider/Customer): NAME: BILLING CODE: RECVG FUND (Receiving Fund): LOC CODE (Location): COLL FUND (Collecting Fund): AGENCY: ORG/SUB-ORG (Organization/Suborganization): APPR UNIT (Appropriation Unit): ACTIVITY: V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION Enter the line number, beginning with 01. Required if referencing an invoice or a travel transaction; enter the appropriate transaction code, agency code, and transaction number. Required if referencing an invoice or a travel transaction; otherwise it remains blank. Enter the line number from the reference transaction for the revenue being received. If this line is an adjustment to a previously entered line, the code used must be the same as the one on the original line. This field is optional. If this line is referencing an invoice on which a provider code was entered, the system will infer the code from the invoice. Remains blank on balance sheet transactions. For travel transactions, this must be the same number as the reference document. Vendor is required on vendor refunds if the Vendor Control Option in the System Control Options Master Table (SOPT) is "Y.” The vendor/provider/customer name is inferred from the code entered above. Enter the billing code from the Charge Class Table (CHRG). Enter the fund number where the monies are to be deposited. If the monies are being deposited in the State Treasury, enter 2999. When depositing from sources outside of state government, use agency's fund number. This is an optional field used for reporting purposes. Enter the location code from the Agency Location Table (ALOC) if applicable. Enter the four-digit fund number of the agency to be credited with the revenue collected. If this line references an invoice, this field will be inferred. This is inferred from the fund field. This optional field may be used for reporting purposes. If a transaction containing an organizational/sub-organization code was referenced, this field is inferred. This field will be completed by the system. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the four-character activity code if applicable. If this references an invoice, it will be inferred by the system. Page 6 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME REV SRCE/SUB-REV (Revenue/SubRevenue Source): PROJ NUMBER: REPT CAT (Reporting Category): BS ACCOUNT (Balance Sheet Account): OBJ/SUB-OBJ (Object/Sub-Object Code): DESCRIPTION: AMOUNT: V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION Enter the revenue source code and subrevenue source code if needed. This field remains blank for balance sheet transactions (then balance sheet account must be filled in) or vendor refunds (then object must be filled in). The code used must be valid in the Revenue Source Master Table (RSRC). If this line references an invoice, this code will be inferred by the system. This optional field is used for project reporting purposes. Enter if applicable. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. This field usually remains blank; enter only if this line is a balance sheet transaction. Examples of when a balance sheet account is used on a cash receipt transaction include closing a petty cash account, redeeming a Certificate of Deposit, or recording deferred revenue (cash advance). If the coded Balance Sheet Account is a type 02 or 03, the account must be a non-cash asset account as the offsetting entry is cash. Required on vendor refunds. Leave blank otherwise. The code used must be valid in the Object Master Table. If this line references an invoice, this code will be inferred by the system. Optional, for reporting purposes only. Enter information about this line. The first 30 characters will be stored in the computer. If this line is modifying a previously entered line, a new description can be entered. If this is a new line; enter the dollar amount of the item(s) described on this line. If this line is a modification to a previous line, enter the amount of change over (under) the previous amount. Do not code a sign (+ or -); the INC/DEC column indicates whether this is to be added or subtracted from the original amount. The decimal point is optional, but two digits must be coded for cents. Page 7 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME I/D (Increase/Decrease): V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION Required if making an adjustment. Code the following: D I P/F (Partial/Final): Decrease Increase Leave blank for new lines. Optional. This column indicates whether the line is a final receipt against an invoice line, or if it is only a partial receipt. Code this column according to the following rules: P for Partial Receipt - The P is optional. F for Final Receipt (Final receipts do not have to equal the amount on the IN.) If this line makes the total amount received equal to the IN line amount, then the IN line will be closed automatically; and the "F" is optional. If this cash receipt line makes the total amount received less than the IN amount and it is desired to force a close (the invoice was in error), the "F" is required. PRIVACY FLAG: If this cash receipt line makes the total amount paid more than the IN amount, the transaction will be rejected. A selection of “No” will default the “PrivacyFlag” field to “N” on all agency payment voucher transactions. The agency may change the default value as needed per transaction. If blank is chosen, the agency must enter a “Y” or “N” in the “Privacy-Flag” field per payment voucher transaction. 1. If entering an individual document, tab to the ACTION field and enter Q (for Quick Edit). Read the messages at the bottom of the screen. If errors are indicated make the necessary corrections. 2. To apply approvals to an individual document, tab to the Function field and enter A (for approval). The message at the bottom of the screen should read DOCUMENT APPROVED. 3. Tab to the Function field and enter E to end data entry and return to the Suspense File. Page 8 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Alternate Cash Receipt Transaction (C1) The C1 transaction has the capability of multiple lines of entry. When the C1 transaction is accepted in MMRS/SAAS, it is given a CR transaction code. Screen 1 Screen 2 Data Entry Instructions The Alternate Cash Receipt (C1) transaction does not provide as many fields for referenced transactions as does the Cash Receipt (CR) transaction. The C1 does provide multiple lines of entry. The data entry instructions provided for the Cash Receipt transaction should be followed for the fields contained on the C1 transaction. Page 9 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Quick Receipt Transaction (QR) This transaction is not entered directly into the MMRS/SAAS system by online agencies. The Quick Receipt is generated from agency interfaces. The Bureau of Financial Control also records revenue for offline agencies by means of the QR transaction. The QR transactions are loaded into the Document Suspense File (SUSF). When QRs are loaded to the tables and ledgers, the transaction code is updated to reflect a CR transaction. Invoice Transaction (IN) The Invoice transaction is used to recognize revenue when it is earned and to generate a document for invoicing for services issued or goods delivered. The IN consists of a header screen and a detailed accounting line screen. This transaction provides more account code flexibility than the QI described below. Screen 1 - Data Entry Instructions FIELD NAME INV DATE (Invoice Date): ACCTG PRD (Accounting Period): BUDGET FY: ACTION: DESCRIPTION Enter the date to be associated with these transactions, usually the current date, in MMDDYY format. If left blank, the system will infer the date the transaction is accepted. The accounting period is inferred from the invoice date. This field is automatically completed by the system except during the lapse period. During the lapse period (July and August), this field must be entered. For a new entry, enter E. To modify a previous document, enter M. Page 10 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME PROVIDER CODE: INVOICE TYPE: COMMENTS: DOCUMENT TOTAL: OFF BILL REC ACCT (Off-set Billed Receivable Account): CALCULATED DOCUMENT: PROVIDER NAME/ADDR/ZIP: INV ATTACH IND (Invoice Attached Indicator): V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION Required if using the Invoice Printing facility discussed in the chapter on revenues in the MMRS/SAAS User Guide, Vol. II. Enter the code of the person or organization that owes the amounts listed on this document. The code used must be valid in the Provider Master Table (PROV). If this document is an adjustment to a previously entered document, the code must be the same as the one on the original document. This is an agency-defined field used for reporting purposes. This field is inferred from the provider code (#5 above). The comments associated with the provider will be printed on the invoice. Enter the document total (the net amount of all lines on the document). This field is automatically completed by the system. If a different offset billed receivable account is desired, it may be entered if it is a valid account code. This field is automatically computed by the system. This field is inferred from the provider code. If an invoice is attached, indicate by entering a "Y" for Yes. Press ENTER and Screen 2 appears. Page 11 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Screen 2 – Data Entry Instructions FIELD NAME LINE NO: FUND: AGENCY: ORG (Organization): SUB ORG (Sub-organization): APPR UNIT (Appropriation Unit): ACTIVITY: OBJ (Object Code): SUB OBJ (Sub-object): REV SRCE (Revenue Source): SUB REV (Sub Revenue Source): PROJECT NUMBER: DESCRIPTION Enter the line number beginning with 01. If this line is an adjustment to a previously entered line, the code used must be the same as the one on the original line. Enter the code of the fund that is to receive the revenue listed on this line. The code used must be valid on the Fund Master Table (FUND). If document action is "M,” the code must match the original transaction. Enter the code of the agency (XXX) that is to receive the revenue listed on this line. The code used must be valid on the Agency Master Table (AGCY), and the fund/agency combination must be valid in the Fund/Agency Master Table (FAGY). If document action is "M,” it does not have to be coded. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the four-digit organization code if applicable. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the two-character suborganization code if applicable This field defaults from the fund number. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the four-character activity code if applicable. Required on reimbursement transactions; otherwise, remains blank. The code used must be valid in the Object Master Table (OBJT). This field remains blank. Enter the code that defines the type of revenue recorded on this line. The code used must be valid in the Revenue Source Master Table (RSRC). If document action is "M,” this code does not have to be entered. This field remains blank on balance sheet and reimbursement transactions. This field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the two-character code if applicable. Remains blank on balance sheet and reimbursement transactions. This optional field is used for project reporting purposes. Page 12 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME REPT CATG (Reporting Category): BS ACCT (Balance Sheet Account): TXT FLG (Text Flag): Optional. ITEM CODE: DESCRIPTION: I/D (Increase/Decrease): AMOUNT: LOCT (Location): V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION This optional field is used for reporting purposes. This field remains blank. Enter one of the following if desired: D Display only text Y Yes, to print text on Invoice This field may be used to indicate the class of goods and services and assign a standard cost or rate per unit. The code must be valid on the Charge Class Table (CHRG). This field is used to enter additional descriptive information if desired. Required if making an adjustment. Code the following: D Decrease I Increase Leave blank for new lines. Enter the dollar amount of this line. If this is a modification, enter the amount of change from the previous amount. This is an optional field used for reporting purposes. Enter the location code from the Location by Agency Table (ALOC) if applicable. 1. If entering documents in a batch, at the end of the last document in the batch, tab to the Function field and enter QB (for Quick Edit Batch). If entering an individual document, Q should be performed after entering the data from that document. Read the messages at the bottom of the screen. If errors are indicated make the necessary corrections. If no errors are found, the message will indicate that the document needs to be verified. 2. To apply approvals to an individual document, tab to the Function field and enter A (for approval). The message at the bottom of the screen should read DOCUMENT APPROVED. 3. To schedule for processing, tab to the Function field and enter E (for End) or F (for Finish). Quick Invoice Transaction (QI) The QI transaction consists of a single data entry screen. The QI can only be used for invoicing items with a revenue source code; balance sheet accounts and expenditures codes cannot be recorded on this transaction. This transaction does not contain the optional account code fields. For example, the sub-organizational account code field is excluded from this screen. Page 13 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Revenue Transactions • Invoices may be entered into MMRS/SAAS either through the Document Suspense file or within the Master Tables. • The Master Table data entry function for invoices is used for recurring invoices. • Cash Receipt transactions may only be entered from the Document Suspense File. Revenue Transaction Approvals • The Invoice transaction has five levels of approval. All approvals are applied at the agency level. • The Cash Receipt has five levels of approval. The first four levels are applied by the agency. The Bureau of Financial Control has the fifth approval level, which is applied when a cash receipt document is submitted for review. Revenue Invoice/Collection Procedures Provider Codes Prior to using the invoice/collection feature of MMRS/SAAS, agencies must establish provider codes. The provider codes are similar to vendor codes as they indicate the entity to receive the invoice. The provider code consists of 11-digits. The provider codes are maintained on the Provider (PROV) Table. This table is maintained by the Department of Finance and Administration. To request a provider code be added to the PROV Table, a written request must be made on the required form and submitted to the Bureau of Financial Control. The form should contain a code of A (Add), the provider name, and provider address. A comment field, which will be printed on the invoice, may also be included. To change a provider code or the name and address of a previously created provider code, the required provider code form should be submitted with a code of C (Change). Invoice/Collection Processing The invoice/collection process consists of the following steps: 1. Revenue is earned and billable. 2. The revenue is recognized, and an invoice is entered into MMRS/SAAS using the Invoice (IN) transaction. 3. The invoices must go through one nightly processing cycle for MMRS/SAAS to update before the invoices may be printed. Page 14 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 4. The user agency must then go into the Agency Print Control Master Table (APCT) to check the print dates of the invoices to see if they are correct or if they require change. When entering the beginning and ending dates in the APCT Table, it is recommended that the first and last days of the month be entered in the event that additional invoices are generated during the course of the month; this would prevent the user from having to go back into the tables each time that an invoice is generated during the month. 5. Invoices may be printed at the agencies' remote printers or at DFA. 6. If the invoices are printed at DFA, an invoice header must be set up in order to have the agency's name printed on each invoice. The user must contact the designated person at DFA to provide notification when invoices are ready for the job to be run. When the invoices have been printed, the designated person at DFA will contact the user to provide notification that the invoices are ready to be picked up. Invoices printed by DFA may be picked up in the Management Information System Division. 7. When payment is remitted and the revenue is actually received, the cash collection is recorded using a cash receipt transaction. The cash receipt should include references to the invoice transaction. Printing Cash Receipts In order to submit a written document to the Bureau of Financial Control, the agency must either screen print the cash receipt document on a form containing places for signature, or manually prepare and submit a Cash Receipt Input form. Additional Steps in Revenue Accounting Two additional steps may sometimes be involved in revenue accounting: 1. Cash advances may be recorded when revenue is received before it has been earned; thus, these advances should be recorded as deferred revenue. A cash receipt transaction may be used to record deferred revenue. 2. After the revenue is actually earned, the unearned receipts must be reclassified as earned revenue. A Journal Voucher (JV) transaction is used to reclassify the deferred revenue. Page 15 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 MMRS/SAAS Revenue Tables Since multiple receipts can occur against one invoice, many of the master tables are open item tables. Master Tables The following tables are used to record information concerning revenue collection. TABLE NAME APCT - Agency Print Cycle Table BBAL - Balance Sheet Account Balance Table CHRG - Charge Class Table HOCR - Open CR Header Table INHD - Invoice Hold Table INRP - Invoice Reprint Table INTX - Invoice Text Table ITYP - Invoice Type Table LOCR - Open CR Line Table DESCRIPTION This table identifies the scheduled print date by agency and fiscal year. This table contains balance sheet account balances for funds and is updated by accounting transactions. The balances are shown for Account Types 01, 02, and 03. This table is used to establish different classes of goods and services and to assign each a standard cost or rate per unit. This table contains header information for Cash Receipt transactions. This table allows the user to prevent the printing of invoices for an indefinite period of time. This table allows the user to reprint an invoice that has already been printed without re-entering it into the system. This table stores text associated with Invoice transactions. This table defines valid invoice type codes that group similar invoice categories. This table contains detailed accounting line information for Cash Receipt transactions. KEY Fiscal Year, Agency MAINTAINED BY Agency Fund, Balance Sheet Account System Fiscal Year, Charge Class DFA Cash-Receipt Agency, CashReceipt Number Transaction ID System Invoice Agency, Invoice Number Agency Invoice Number, Provider Number, Invoice Line Number, Text Line Number Fiscal Year, Agency, Invoice Type Cash-Receipt Agency, CashReceipt Number, Line Number Agency Agency DFA System Page 16 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues TABLE NAME OINH - Open Invoice Header Table OINL - Open Invoice Line Table PAYD - Payment Detail Table PNAM - Provider Name Table PRIN - Printed Invoice Table PROV - Provider Table REIN - Recurring Invoice Table SPIS - Special Instruction Table V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION KEY This table contains summary information on all outstanding and some recently closed invoice documents. This table lists all outstanding and some recently closed invoice lines. All of the invoice information at the line level appears in this table, including closed and collected amounts. This table provides customer payments made by payment date and unpaid balance. This table reflects provider names and numbers in alphabetical order. It is another view of the Provider Table. This table lists all invoices for which vendor invoices have been printed and the date that each was printed. This table defines codes of entities from which revenue may be received. This table provides information that the system uses to automatically create an Invoice transaction on a regular basis. This table contains codes for special instructions that may be needed for reference purposes. Invoice Agency, Invoice Number MAINTAINED BY System Invoice Agency, Invoice Number, Line No System Provider Code, Invoice Number, CR Number Provider Name System Transaction ID System Provider Code DFA Provider, Agreement Number Agency Instruction Code Agency DFA Page 17 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues V3 01/08/2014 Recurring Invoice (REIN) A Recurring Invoice is entered into MMRS/SAAS using the Recurring Invoice Master Table. The coding instructions for entering data into this table follow. FIELD NAME PROVIDER: PROVIDER NAME: AGREEMENT: BILL FREQ (Billing Frequency): STATUS: EFF DATE (Effective Date): EXP DATE (Expiration Date): LAST SEL DATE (Last Selected Date): DESCRIPTION Enter the code of the provider that is to receive this invoice. The provider code must be valid in the Provider Table (PROV). This field is inferred by the system from the Provider Table (PROV). Enter the agreement number that applies to this invoice generation process. Enter the code which reflects how often the document should be generated and added to the Document Suspense File. Valid codes are: M Monthly billing Q Quarterly billing. Agreements are selected in the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth accounting periods. Y Yearly billing. Agreements are selected on the anniversary month of the agreement. If the provider agreement is to be passed by or "held" from a billing run, enter H before the transaction generation process is run. Enter, in MMDDYY format, the calendar date on which documents should start being generated. Enter, in MMDDYY format, the calendar date on which documents should cease being generated. This field is completed by the system which updates this field with the last date on which a document was generated. Page 18 of 19 5609 – SAAS Agency Manual Revenues FIELD NAME FUND: AGY: ORG/SUB (Organization/Sub-organization Code): ACT (Activity): REV/SUB: RCAT (Reporting Category): BS ACCT (Balance Sheet Account): JOB: INV TYPE (Invoice Type): SUBMIT AGY: OFF BLD REC (Offset Billed Receivable): CHARGE CLASS: AMOUNT: DESC (Description): V3 01/08/2014 DESCRIPTION Enter the four-digit number of the fund that is to receive the revenue listed for this line. Enter the code of the agency (XXX) that is to receive the revenue listed for this line. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the four-digit organization code if applicable. Enter the two-character sub-organization code if applicable. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the four-character activity code if applicable. Enter the revenue source code that defines the type of revenue recorded on this line. The code must be valid in the Revenue Source Master Table (RSRC). The twocharacter sub-revenue code is entered if applicable. This optional field is used for reporting purposes. This field remains blank. This optional field is used for project reporting purposes. This agency-defined field is used for reporting purposes. Enter the agency code of the agency submitting the recurring invoice. This field is automatically completed by the system. If a different offset billed receivable account is desired, it may be entered if it is a valid account code. Enter the charge class code. The code must be valid in the Charge Class Table (CHRG). Enter the amount for which the invoice is to be generated. If the amount is not known, the system will state "Fill-In.” When the invoice is generated and placed on the Document Suspense File (SUSF), the amount can be entered. Enter a description if desired. Tab to the ACTION field and enter A (to Add). Press ENTER. The message will read ALL LINES ADDED. Page 19 of 19
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