
of Graphic
1 s t work shop wi t h
A s ad R a z a
Park T ivoli,
pone del jek 1 1 . maj ,
od 15. do 18. ure
( bre zpla čna udeležba)
of Graphic
Prva javna delavnica
z Asadom Razo
Park Tivoli,
Monday 11 May, 3 − 6 pm
( fre e a dmission)
Kot del 31. grafičnega bienala v Ljubljani ustvarjalec Asad Raza vabi
As part of the 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts Ljubljana, artist Asad
študente, stare od 17 do 24 let, da se udeležijo vrste delavnic, ki bodo po-
Raza invites students 17−24 years old to participate in a number of workshops,
tekale maja in avgusta 2015. Delavnice so zasnovane kot uvodne faze priprav
which will take place in May and August 2015. These workshops are conceived
na bienale, ki se bo začel 28. avgusta 2015. Med bienalom bodo udeleženci
as preparatory stages in the lead-up to the Biennial, which opens on 28 August
delavnic lahko privzeli aktivno vlogo na razstavi in publiko vpeljali v različne
2015. During the Biennial, workshop participants will be able to take on an ac-
oblike soočanja z umetniškimi deli.
tive role within the exhibition and initiate different forms of engagement with
the artworks for the public.
Na prvi delavnici, ki bo potekala v ponedeljek, 11. maja, lahko sodeluje
40 udeležencev. S pomočjo dejavnosti, kot so igri podobne konverzacijske in
The first workshop will be on Monday 11 May from 3 pm to 6 pm,
gibalne vaje, bo skupina raziskovala ideje, na katerih temelji naslednji projekt
open to 40 participants. The group will explore ideas behind Raza’s upcoming
Asada Raze v parku Tivoli. Udeleženci bodo imeli priložnost eksperimentirati in
project in Tivoli Park through activities such as game-like conversational and
izoblikovati lastne vaje. Dobrodošli so udeleženci z vseh področij izobraževanja,
movement exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to experiment and
udeležba je brezplačna. Poskrbljeno bo tudi za okrepčilo.
create their own exercises. Those of all educational backgrounds are welcome,
and participation is free. Refreshments will be provided. Udeleženci prve delavnice bodo svoje izkušnje lahko prenesli v naslednje stopnje projekta, ki vključujejo eksperimentalni program, ki bo potekal v
Participants from the first workshop will be able to bring their ex-
parku Tivoli avgusta 2015. V intenzivnem dvotedenskem obdobju bo skupina
perience into the next stages of the project, which include an experimental
izvajala vaje, eksperimente, raziskave in pogovore o vprašanju telesa v prostoru
programme taking place in Tivoli Park in August 2015. Over an intensive two-
in času ter o relevantnosti utelešene navzočnosti v sodobnem življenju.
week period, the group will perform exercises, experiments, investigations and
conversations around the question of the body in space and time, and the rel-
Kakšen je pomen utelešenih učnih praks, zlasti v dobi digitalnih
evance of embodied presence in contemporary life.
metafizičnih prostorov? Kot poetični in praktični okvir vsakodnevnega urnika
bo Raza uporabil grafično delo Shema (Schema, 1966) ameriškega konceptu-
What is the importance of embodied learning practices, especially
alnega umetnika Dana Grahama. Dvotedenski program bo vključeval tudi učne
in the age of digital metaphysical spaces? Raza will use American conceptu-
ure z gostujočima profesorjema Grahamom Burnettom in Jeffom Dolvenom
al artist Dan Graham’s graphic work Schema (1966) as a poetic and practi-
z Univerze Princeton, z uredniki revije Cabinet in z Justinom E. H. Smithom,
cal framework for each day’s schedule. The two-week programme will include
filozofom s VII. pariške univerze.
teaching by visiting professors Graham Burnett and Jeff Dolven from Princeton
University; Editors of Cabinet magazine; as well as Paris VII philosopher Justin
Asad Raza ustvarja razstave, ki so živa, časovna doživetja. Leta 2014
E. H. Smith.
je za švicarski paviljon na beneškem arhitekturnem bienalu pripravil projekt
Sprehod skozi palačo zabave (A stroll through a fun palace), v Parku delavnic
Asad Raza produces exhibitions as vibrant, temporal experiences. In
(Parc des Ateliers) sklada LUMA v Arlesu pa projekt Solarisove kronike (Sola-
2014, he realized the projects A stroll through a fun palace for the Swiss Pavilion
ris Chronicles). Raza pogosto sodeluje s Tinom Sehgalom; skupaj sta pripravila
in the Venice Architecture Biennale, and Solaris Chronicles at the LUMA foun-
številne razstave, vključno s tistimi v CCBB (Rio de Janeiro, 2014), Rimski agori
dation’s Parc des Ateliers in Arles. Raza collaborates frequently with Tino Seh-
(Atene, 2014), galeriji Tate Modern (London, 2012) in Muzeju Guggenheim (New
gal, and produced many exhibitions with Sehgal including CCBB (Rio de Janeiro,
York, 2010). Raza predava književnost in kritično teorijo na Univerzi v New Yor-
2014), the Roman Agora (Athens, 2014), Tate Modern (London, 2012) and the
ku, kjer je pomagal organizirati tudi delavsko stavko; kot politični aktivist je
Guggenheim Museum (New York, 2010). Raza has taught literature and critical
bil aktiven ob številnih ameriških volitvah. Po rodu je Pakistanec, rodil se je v
theory at New York University, where he helped to organize a labor strike, and
mestu Buffalo v ameriški zvezni državi New York, kjer je tudi preživel mladost.
worked as a political activist on several U.S. elections. Of Pakistani origin, he was
born and raised in Buffalo, New York
Prijava na delavnico je obvezna do zapolnitve mest.
Prijava naj vsebuje ime, priimek, kontakt in starost.
All workshop places must be registered in advance up till the avail-
Prijave sprejema Lili Šturm, višja kustodinja v MGLC:
able quota. Applications should include: name, surname, contact, +386 (0)1 241 38 18
and age of applicant. Please send applications to Lili Šturm, Senior
Custodian at MGLC:, +386 (0)1 241 38 18