DR. VODDER’S MANUAL LYMPH DRAINAGE Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a gentle rhythmical European massage technique developed in the 1930’s by Dr. Emil Vodder, a Danish therapist. Medical scientists have researched MLD and its physiological benefits are well documented. In Germany and Austria, this technique is covered by Government Health Plans and is prescribed by doctors and practiced in hospitals and clinics. MLD is rapidly becoming a recognized treatment of choice in many leading American hospitals. MLD is a precise technique designed to accelerate the normal functioning of the Lymphatic System. Therapeutic application of MLD cleanses the connective tissue of inflammatory materials and toxins, enhances the activity of the immune system, reduces pain, and lowers the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. It thereby facilitates healing of injuries, chronic conditions, inflammation, and edemas. * * * BASIC FULL BODY COURSE * * * * * July 16-20, 2014 This five-day Basic Course prepares the student for advanced courses leading to certification by the Dr. Vodder Schools in Austria and North America as an MLD therapist. This course covers the four basic movements of MLD. You will use these movements in routines effective in treating all parts of the body. A thorough introduction to MLD theory will be presented. Instructor: Felicia Ingram, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, graduated from UT Health Science Center in 1995 with a B.S. in P.T. She became Dr. Vodder School MLD/CDT certified in Canada in 2000. Since that time she has worked extensively in an outpatient setting with patients with lymphatic system disorders. In 2007, she obtained her Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy and later received her Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) certification from the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA). She is now certified to teach Basic Full Body Courses. Prerequisite: Health care professional license or 500 hours massage training. The usual entrants are PT, PTA, OTR, COTA, RN, and RMT. (send copy of current license/verification of massage school hours) Bring: Massage table (if able) 2 sheets, 2 towels, & loose removable clothing Instructor Felicia Ingram, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA Send a $100 deposit or full payment with application and copy of license to: Felicia Ingram PO Box 1033 Dyersburg, TN 38025 Cost: If paid in full by June 4th: $900.00 After June 4th: $925.00 Plus: On the first day of class, $75 materials fee due – payable to instructor. Additionally, required book: Dr Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage: A Practical Guide – may be purchased at class or on-line. Cost estimated at $75.00 CEUs: The Dr. Vodder School - International is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education provider. The Basic MLD Course credits 40 hours. Location: Jackson State Community College, 2046 N Parkway, Jackson, TN Contact: Felicia Ingram Phone: 731-882-1345 email: fimldpt@gmail.com ___________________________________________________________ APPLICATION FORM THERAPIST FOR TRAINING IN DR. VODDER’S MANUAL LYMPH DRAINAGE: (Please print clearly) NAME: _________________________________________________________________ (as I would like shown on my certificate) PO Box/Street: ___________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State Prov: ______ Post Code: ______________ Phone: Home (_____)________________ Business: (_____)_____________________ Fax: (______)__________________ Email: _________________________________ OCCUPATION: ___________________________________________________________ EDUCATION Highest Level: ____________________ Years taken and location: _______________ Training background for this course: __________________________________________ (Copies of certificates, registrations, diplomas, degrees, etc required to accompany this application) COURSE APPLIED FOR: BASIC THERAPY I THERAPY II&III (circle one) DATE AND LOCATION OF COURSE: ____________________________________________ DEPOSIT ENCLOSED: $ _____________________ I hereby state that the above information is true and correct in all aspects. I am aware of the Student Agreement that will be required to sign before receiving my certificate of course completion. Signed: ______________________________________ Dated: __________________ Please complete form and send with payment by Mail or Email: Felicia Ingram Email: fimldpt@gmail.com PO BOX 1033 Dyersburg TN 38025
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