PARENT-PUPIL MANUAL 2013 - 2014 Ringwood Christian School 30 Carletondale Road Ringwood, NJ 07456 973-962-4996 i RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 30 CARLETONDALE ROAD RINGWOOD, NJ 07456 September 2013 DONNA M ARIE FURREY, EDD School Administrator Deborah L. Lincoln, MEd Upper School Supervisor Chris Vitale Athletic Director 973-962-4996 Fax: 973-962-0365 Dear Parents, Welcome to a new and exciting year at Ringwood Christian School. We are anticipating a year in which God will be honored. Ringwood Christian School takes seriously the responsibility to provide a rich and challenging academic experience along with equal emphasis on spiritual truth and growth for its children. Ringwood Christian School is a partner with the family and the local Christian church in providing Christian education. As your partner, we desire to work with you. Your ideas, suggestions and questions are welcome. Our theme this year is “Anchored in God’s Word” and our key verse is Psalm 119:11 “ I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” The purpose of this manual is to communicate the school’s philosophy, goals, and expectations. It should help us work together effectively this year. Some changes and new items are in this manual, so I would encourage you to read it carefully. God continues to richly bless our school. We have a wonderful group of students and families this year. We have a faculty of committed Christians who seek to make a difference in the lives of our boys and girls. Certainly God is blessing. Please continue to pray for your school, the Board of Education, teachers, and students. Together, we will give God the glory for all He does in and through us this year. Sincerely, Donna Marie Furrey, EdD Administrator ii RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Parent-Student Handbook 2013 - 2014 Absences and Attendance .............................. Abuse Reporting .............................................. Academic Assistance ...................................... Accidents and Insurance ................................. Allergies ........................................................... Art .................................................................... Association Memberships ............................... Athletic Teams ................................................. Automobile Insurance ...................................... Awards ............................................................. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Back To School ............................................... Bible ................................................................. Birthday Celebrations ...................................... Bullying ............................................................ Bus Safety Rules ............................................. 4 4 4 4 4 Cell Phones ..................................................... Change of Address or Phone Number ............ Channels of Communication ........................... Chapel ............................................................. Church Attendance .......................................... Class Mothers .................................................. Class Parties ................................................... Communicable Diseases ................................. Computer ......................................................... Conferences .................................................... Curriculum ....................................................... 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 16 16 16 16 18 18 Identification Badges ..................................... Immunizations ................................................ Inclement Weather ......................................... Instrumental Music ......................................... Integration of Instruction ................................ 19 19 19 19 19 Library ............................................................ 20 Lockers .......................................................... 20 Lunch ............................................................. 20 Medical Information ....................................... Messages and Deliveries ............................... Mid-Mark Slips ............................................... Middle School Handbook ............................... Music .............................................................. 20 21 21 21 21 Non-Discrimination Policy .............................. 21 Parent Teacher Fellowship ............................ Parking Lot Procedures ................................. Photos Posted to the Web ............................. Physical Education Classes .......................... Power+ ........................................................... D.A.R.E. ........................................................... 8 Delayed Openings ........................................... 8 Devotions ......................................................... 9 Discipline Code ................................................ 9 Dress Code .................................................... 11 Dress Up Day ................................................ 13 21 22 23 23 23 RenWeb ......................................................... 23 Report Cards ................................................. 24 Retention ....................................................... 24 School Musical ............................................... 25 Security Procedures …………………………… 25 Shining Star ................................................... 25 Snack Time .................................................... 25 Spruce Lake Retreat ...................................... 25 Supply List ..................................................... 25 E-Mail ............................................................. 13 Emergency Closing ....................................... 13 Emergency Procedures ................................. 13 Faculty ........................................................... Field Trips ...................................................... Final Exams ................................................... Fire Alarms & Emergency Drills ..................... Friday Folder ................................................. Helping Your Child ......................................... His Sheep ...................................................... Holiday Celebrations ...................................... Homework ...................................................... Honor Roll ...................................................... Hours ............................................................. 14 14 14 14 14 Taking Students Out of School ...................... Tardiness ....................................................... Telephone ...................................................... Testing ........................................................... Textbooks ...................................................... Threats and Acts of Violence ......................... Grading Scale ................................................ 15 Harassment Policy …………………………….. 15 i 25 26 26 26 26 26 Transportation ............................................... T.R.I.P. .......................................................... Tuition Assistance ......................................... Tuition Payment ............................................. 27 27 27 28 Visitors ........................................................... 29 Voice Mail ...................................................... 29 Weapons and Dangerous Items ..................... Website ........................................................... What Not To Bring .......................................... Word Processing ............................................ 30 31 31 31 Yearbook ........................................................ 31 APPENDIX (ON LINE VERSION) Anti-harassment Policy—Student ...................................................................................................... Athletic Policy .................................................................................................................................... Computer and Acceptable Use Policy ................................................................................................ Driver and Chaperone Instructions .................................................................................................... School Calendar ................................................................................................................................ Supply List - Lower Grades ................................................................................................................ Supply List—Upper Grades ................................................................................................................ 33 38 41 44 46 47 49 THE MISSION OF RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL The mission of Ringwood Christian School is to assist the Christian church and home in the instruction and development of its children intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally, and physically. Maintaining its distinctive service within the community, it will provide a “total education centered in Christ.” ii ABSENCES AND ATTENDANCE By state law, students are required to be in school unless excused for sickness or family emergency. A child must be present in the classroom until 12:30 PM (or 4 hours) in order to be counted as legally present. If a child leaves before that time, it is considered an absence. Family trips and vacations are not considered excused absences. The maximum number of absences permitted is 20. All absences will be counted. It is the intention of this policy that the permitted number of absences will provide for normal illnesses. When a student has exceeded the allotted number of days he is liable to be retained for the next year. In this situation the Ringwood Christian School Administration will make the final decision. A student will be considered absent for the following reasons: When a student does not report to school on the first day of school or on any other school day. When the student fails to report to homeroom on time. One absence will be awarded for each 5 tardies or 5 early dismissals or combination thereof. When a student is absent from school for two and one-half hours it will be considered a halfday absence. Students absent for less than two and one-half hours will be considered tardy. When a student will be absent for any reason, it is the responsibility of a parent or guardian to call the school office by 8:30 AM and inform the school of the nature of their child’s absence. Prior to 8:00 AM a message can be left on Mrs. Bernstein’s voicemail. Students are not to call in for themselves to report an absence. Students not in their classrooms by 8:30 AM are marked tardy. When arriving late, the student and parent should report to the school office where the child can be signed in to class. Parents can pick up homework after school (3:00 to 3:30 pm) from the school office. If work should be sent home with a sibling or another child, please notify the school office in the morning so that everything can be prepared by 3:00 pm. Homework assignments are also posted on RenWeb. ABUSE REPORTING In accordance with New Jersey state law, school staff is obligated under penalty to report the reasonable suspicion of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or child neglect. In this very serious and legally narrow area, the school will not contact parents in advance of making a report to authorities, which would be the procedure followed in most other legal matters. The clear intent of the law is to mandate that a report of reasonable suspicion of abuse be made. School staff will make such reports in the best interest of the affected child and does not, once reasonable suspicion is established, have any legal alternative except to report to the proper authorities for their investigation and review. ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE Ringwood Christian School provides additional academic support for students. These services are available through state funding and are provided by the Essex County Educational Commission. All assistance is given on campus and during school hours. These services include the following: 1 Comprehensive Education -Supplemental Education -Child Study Team -Speech & Language -English as a Second Language -Homebound Instruction -- Remedial assistance Remedial assistance for students who have been classified by a Child Study Team The team composed of a psychologist, social worker and a learning disabilities teacher will evaluate students for learning disabilities. The team is independent of RCS. Assistance for students with articulation and/or language deficits Assistance for students whose native language is not English Assistance for students who, due to a health related issue, are unable to attend classes for a period of time ACCIDENTS AND INSURANCE Teachers or supervisors are required to report all accidents to the school office immediately. If the injured student is in need of immediate medical attention, he/she is ordinarily taken to the Emergency Room at Chilton Memorial Hospital. The student will not be treated beyond necessary immediate attention without the permission of the parent. The parent will be notified as soon as possible and must give permission to the hospital for treatment. A school employee will remain with the student until the parent arrives. If the accident is not of a serious nature, first aid will be given on school grounds. The school has a part-time registered nurse. All students are covered by a student accident insurance policy. This is paid with no additional cost to the parents. If your child is involved in an accident while at school or while involved in a school activity, you will need to complete an insurance form. The form should then be returned to the school office and we will see that it is mailed. ALLERGIES All allergies should be brought to the attention of the teacher and the school office yearly. ART Students in grades 1-8 participate in art class once a week. The classes are designed to introduce students to various media of art. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS Ringwood Christian School is a member of several Christian school associations. On the state level we have membership with the New Jersey Christian School Association. On the local level, the school is a member of the Northern New Jersey Christian School Association. This group hosts interschool competitions in Bible, spelling, math, and athletics. The regional association in this area is the Mid-Atlantic Christian School Association which involves schools in the northeastern part of our nation. MACSA sponsors the teachers’ convention in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which our teachers attend. Our school is also a member of the Association of Christian Schools International. This international organization provides our school with current information regarding legal matters and professional growth issues. It also provides several interschool competitions. 2 ATHLETIC TEAMS Students in grades 5 through 8 are encouraged to participate on the school athletic teams. Christian sportsmanship is of primary concern, while attention is given to athletic development. The complete Athletic Policy is located in the back of this handbook. (See Athletic Policy– pg. 38) ACTIVITIES Boys -- Soccer, Basketball, Track* Girls -- Soccer, Basketball, Track*, Cheerleading * grades 6-8 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE It is very important that a parent-driver check his personal automobile insurance policy to be sure that he and his car are adequately covered in the event of any accident while bringing students to and from school each day. The school policy does not cover the parent-driver or his vehicle. Any parent desiring to drive for a school-sponsored event must complete the Volunteer Driver application and submit proof of adequate insurance, and a valid driver’s license well in advance of the class trip. The Volunteer Driver Application can be secured through the school office. AWARDS At the end of the school year awards are presented to students in grades Kindergarten through eight. Some awards are presented at the end of the year Award’s Assembly and others are presented at graduation. ACADEMIC AWARDS - Academic Team Participation High Honor Roll Honor Roll Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Principal’s Star Principal’s Shining Star President’s Award for Educational Achievement President’s Award for Educational Excellence ATHLETIC AWARDS - Athlete of the Year National Physical Fitness Award Presidential Fitness Award Sports Participation MUSIC AWARDS - His Sheep Participation Band Participation Instrumentalist Award Vocalist Award CHARACTER TRAIT AWARDS - Individual Character Trait Citizenship Award Timothy Award Perfect Attendance 3 BACK TO SCHOOL Back-To-School will be held on Thursday evening, September 12. It is designed to acquaint you with your child’s overall learning experience. All parents will be given an opportunity to meet with the classroom teacher and receive information regarding the child’s learning program. To accommodate parents with more than one child in the school, two 20 minute sessions are held. BIBLE The school uses the New International Version (c. 1984) for memory work. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Students celebrating a birthday during the school year may bring cupcakes or cookies to share with their classmates. They may share their treat during snack time or lunch time. Parents who are planning an after-school birthday party should be sensitive to the feelings of all the children in the class. It is strongly suggested that parents include the entire class or all of the girls/boys when planning an after-school party. Children going to an after-school party must have written permission from their parents to change their normal mode of transportation. NO child will be permitted to ride home on a school bus other than the one assigned to him/her. BULLYING It is expected that students will reflect a Christ-like manner and conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity and demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students and school staff, the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and the care of school facilities and equipment. Acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying are prohibited. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any gesture or written, verbal or physical act that takes place on school property, at any schoolsponsored function or on a school bus that: 1. Is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic. 2. A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damaging to his property. 3. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. BUS SAFETY RULES Safety has always been a top priority at our school. We believe that it is important for a child to behave properly and follow school rules. One of the areas of safety which is of utmost concern is bus safety. To assist the school’s effort in 4 maintaining high safety standards, we ask that you review with your child the following bus safety rules: 1. Pupils are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner while waiting for the bus, to stay off the roadway at their pick-up station and to respect the surrounding property. 2. No child is allowed to enter the bus unless the driver is in the driver’s seat. 3. Once the bus is in motion, no one is allowed to flag down a bus, such as in the case when someone is late. Bus drivers have been instructed that once the door is closed, the lights are off, and the bus is in motion, they are not to stop. 4. Keep arms, hands, and other parts of the body inside the bus, never through open windows. 5. Respect the bus driver at all times and follow his/her rules. 6. Remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion. 7. Remain seated until the bus has completely stopped before standing up to leave the vehicle at your stop or at school. 8. If you must cross the road after getting off the bus, do so in front of the bus and be sure to look that no traffic is approaching from either direction. After the driver has given you the go -ahead, cross approximately 10 feet in front of the bus when the driver’s head is in full view. 9. For the purpose of safety, students riding the bus may not use a book bag with wheels. In addition, book bags may not have any items attached to them (i.e. key chains, etc.). The New Jersey Department of Education is requiring that all students riding school buses must place all books and book bags, etc. on their lap, not on the floor, and of course, never in the aisle. Students are assigned to a bus by their home district. No student is permitted to ride on a bus other than the one assigned. It is the policy of the Ringwood Board of Education that students will be assigned to only one bus route. The pickup and drop off spot must be the same. There will be no exceptions to this policy. BUS DRIVER COMMUNICATION: If a child misbehaves on the bus or violates specific safety rules established by the school, the Ringwood Public Transportation Department and the New Jersey Department of Safety, the bus driver will report the name of the student who has committed the infraction to the principal. The principal will then speak to the student involved and take the necessary action to curtail this misbehavior. If serious misbehavior continues, the parent will be contacted. It may also be necessary to suspend a student from taking the bus if such behavior does not stop. All actions taken are always reported back to the bus driver. This strategy allows children to realize that school personnel are working together to maintain high safety standards. RINGWOOD TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Rules: 1. Follow directions first time given 2. Stay in your seat and wear your seatbelt 3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself 4. Keep a low noise level 5. No eating, drinking, spitting or obscene words/gestures to each other Basic Consequences: 1. Warning 2. Student is spoken to 3. Seat is changed 4. Transportation Supervisor and school principal are informed 5. Supervisor and/or principal will call home Severe Consequences: A 1 day to permanent suspension from the bus may result from the following severe infractions: 1. Cause the driver to have to stop the bus 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deface property resulting in a need for cleaning, repair or replacement Defying the authority of the bus driver Use of obscene words or gestures Assault of the driver Violation of policies regarding drugs and weapons CELL PHONES The possession of cell phones by a student during school or on a school trip is forbidden. Cell phones will be taken from the student and remain in the school office until picked up by a parent. The school phone or teacher’s cell phone will be available in an emergency. CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND/OR PHONE NUMBER Change of address or telephone number should be reported to the school office as soon as the change is made. It is important that the office records contain the correct information in case of emergency. Should a parent change jobs or job-related telephone numbers, this must also be reported to the school office immediately. CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION From time to time a parent may become concerned with something that apparently happened in the classroom or school. Should this happen, we request that you follow the Biblical principles as outlined in Matthew 18:15-17. Go to the individual involved first. Often when we go to the responsible individual, we learn that things were not as they appeared to have been. Should you discover that you still have an issue of concern, you should then contact the Administrator who will gladly speak with you. If after exhausting the chain of command a parent still feels that his or her concerns have not been adequately addressed, the parent may contact the Board of Education in writing. CHAPEL Chapel is held every Wednesday. Students in grades K-4 will have chapel each week from 2:252:55. Students in grades 5-8 will have Chapel from 8:40-9:20. The program is presented by the Administrator, local pastor, a teacher, class or a special guest. Parents are invited to join us at any time. Chapel is a dress-up day. Please see “DRESS CODE” for further details. CHURCH ATTENDANCE The mission statement of the school states that it exists to assist the Christian home and church. Christian school is never meant to be a replacement for a local church. The Bible exhorts us to be in fellowship with others and to set aside time for corporate worship (Heb. 10:25). Active family participation in a local Christian church is expected since it is essential to complete a well-rounded Christian education. 6 CLASS MOTHERS Each class will have a Class Mother who will be asked to assist the teacher from time to time. Class Mothers make telephone calls and may assist in planning special parties and programs. The Class Mother will need the support and encouragement of the other parents in order to make things run smoothly throughout the year. Each Class Mother will receive a copy of the Volunteer Handbook. This will help clarify the role and responsibilities. CLASS PARTIES Holiday celebrations are held from time to time. They are scheduled for the end of the day or at lunch time so as not to interfere with the normal program. Rather than collect money throughout the year, class party money will be collected at the beginning of the year. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES When a student has developed a communicable disease, the school should be notified immediately. Every effort will be made to inform parents of situations involving a contagious disease. COMPUTER The school has over 40 computers that are networked and have DSL internet access. The computer lab houses 21 multi-media PC’s, scanners, and printers. In addition, each classroom has at least one PC with internet access. Several laptop computers, LCD projectors, a SmartBoard and six Interwrite boards help assist in classroom instruction. Students in grades 1 through 6 visit the computer lab once a week for instruction and students in grades 7 and 8 have computer class twice a week. Mrs. Bernhardt is the computer teacher for all grades. In addition, the classroom teachers will take the students to the lab. (See Computer Internet Acceptable Use Policy, Online Version pg. 41) Students are reminded that they signed an Acceptable Use Policy. A copy of that policy appears in the Parent Handbook and is also on-line at the school website. Students may use the computers after school to work on research papers and projects. However, the students must make arrangements with the classroom teacher prior to the day that they are planning to use the computers. CONFERENCES Parent conferences are encouraged and may be requested by the parents, teacher or Administrator. All parents will have a scheduled conference in the fall (Oct. 3 & 4) and spring (Feb. 20 - 21) to discuss the child’s progress. Should you desire a conference, please call the school office. The teacher will return your call and schedule your conference for a convenient time and date. 7 CURRICULUM The curriculum of Ringwood Christian School is Christ-centered and designed to meet the needs of the individual student. Beginning a day with prayer and Bible reading or the addition of chapel and Bible classes is not what makes a school Christian. It is the careful and conscientious integration of Biblical principles with the daily subject matter that marks the uniqueness of Christian education. It is only when a student is exposed to “The Truth” (John 14:6) that he can gain a total education with a life-lasting impact. KINDERGARTEN Bible English Mathematics Phonics Reading Science Social Studies GRADES 1-6 Bible English Mathematics Phonics Reading Science Social Studies Spelling GRADE 7 Bible English Life Science Literature Mathematics Spanish I* Spelling/Vocabulary World History GRADE 8 American History Bible Earth Science English Literature Mathematics/Algebra* Spanish II* Spelling/Vocabulary Art Art Computer Health (gr. 3-6) Music Physical Education Spanish Art Computer Health Music Physical Education Art Computer Health Music Physical Education Music Physical Education Spanish * With Teacher Recommendation D.A.R.E. Ringwood Christian School fifth grade students participate in the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. The 8 week program is presented by the Ringwood Police Department and is taught by their officers. The purpose of the program is to provide students with education and encouragement to maintain a drug-free life-style. The program is culminated with a special graduation program in the evening and parents are encouraged to participate. DELAYED OPENINGS It becomes necessary at times, because of hazardous conditions resulting from inclement weather, to delay the opening of school in order to allow the Road Department time to clear the streets for safe transportation for our students. In the event of a delayed opening, parents will receive a call through the RenWeb system which will be activated as early as possible. Delayed openings mean that school will open at 10:00 AM (1 1/2 hrs. late). If weather does not improve to permit us to open school on a delayed basis, you will be notified again that school will be closed for the balance of the day. When school is in session after a delayed opening, bus routes will remain the same. Therefore, students should arrive at their bus stop 1 1/2 hours later than usual. Every effort will be made to also have announcements made over WAWZ (99.1 FM) radio station, Channel 12, the local Ringwood TV station and at 8 DEVOTIONS A devotional time of Bible reading and prayer is held each morning. Students are encouraged to share any special prayer requests that they might have. DISCIPLINE CODE Attendance at Ringwood Christian School is a privilege. Students are expected to enjoy their learning experience in a safe and supportive environment. It is imperative that order and routine be maintained at all times. The school standards and rules are applicable during instructional time, field trips, athletic events or any other occasion in which the student represents the school or is involved in a school related activity. It is our expectation that students will live their lives in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. Students should live their lives consistent with Biblical standards at school and away, avoiding any conduct that would bring reproach to the individual, individual’s school or school’s testimony. 2. Students are to be punctual in attendance to classes, chapel, special programs or appointments. 3. Students are to respect and obey all authority. Disruptive attitudes will not be allowed. 4. Students are the school’s actual responsibility from the time they arrive at school until they leave the school’s premises on scheduled school days or activities. 5. Destructive, critical and cynical attitudes grieve the Holy Spirit and will not be tolerated. 6. Profanity, the use of tobacco or involvement with alcohol or narcotics will not be tolerated at school or school-related activities. 7. Rowdiness, rough-housing, destruction, or defacing of property will not be tolerated. Gum chewing is not allowed in the school building or at school activities. 8. MP3, iPods, cell phones, etc., are not permitted on school grounds except with special permission from the classroom teacher. 9. Infractions of the Discipline Code and Dress Code will be handled by a conference with the student and teacher or administrator. A written report, letter or phone call will be directed to the parents. Parents may be asked to come to school for a conference. 10. Students are not permitted to leave the school property during school hours without special permission from a parent or guardian and accompanied by a staff member or supervising adult. 11. All students are expected to have a positive attitude toward the Dress Code and Discipline Code of the school. The opportunity to attend Ringwood Christian School is a privilege. In order to provide the environment most conducive to teaching and learning, the following rules will be enforced throughout the school. Consequences will be issued to students who violate classroom/ school rules. Students who, in the evaluation of the faculty and/or administrator, demonstrate an excessive or consistent inability to follow rules may loose privileges such as attendance on field trips, class parties, etc.) CLASSROOM RULES: 1. Use classroom time wisely. (a) Follow directions first time given. (b) Work quietly. 2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 3. Be a positive contributor to the class by (a) raising your hand and (b) using comments pertinent to the class. 4. Act and talk in a way pleasing to the Lord. 5. Be prepared for class with required materials. a. Students missing a pen or pencil will be sent to the office to purchase the necessary tool. b. This rule applies to missing books; uncovered textbooks; signed tests, notices and report cards not returned; etc. 9 CLASSROOM CONSEQUENCES: Teachers in grades Kindergarten through Grade 3 will post consequences for infractions of the classroom rules. Grades 4-8 will use the following consequences: 1. Student name will be posted on the board as a warning 2. added and a Tally will be given 3. added and a Tally will be given and the student will be separated from the class 4. added and a Demerit will be given 5. and a call will be made to the parents 6. SEVERE CLAUSE - Student is sent to Dr. Furrey a. Consistent disobedience in a given day b. Disrespect to a staff member c. Cutting class or truancy Violations of Classroom Rules 1-4 result in Tallies that are accumulated on a weekly basis. A violation of Classroom Rule 5 results in a Tally that remains for the marking period. CLASSROOM REWARDS: Teachers in grades Kindergarten through Grade 3 will post rewards for good behavior. Rewards in Grades 4-8 will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. School reward coupons 2. No Homework Pass 3. Jeans’ Day DEMERITS: It is the expectation of Ringwood Christian School that students will behave in a proper fashion in the classroom and at all activities. Students who violate the following school standards will receive a demerit: 1. Chewing gum, or eating in undesignated places or times 2. Serious or persistent improper behavior 3. Poor display of attitudes 4. If a student accumulated 3 checks in one day 5. If a student accumulated 6 checks in a week The accumulation of Tallies and Demerits is on a marking period basis. When a demerit is issued to a student, the student is to have both parents sign the demerit and return it to the teacher the next morning. EXCESSIVE DEMERITS: If a student has demonstrated such behavior that it has resulted in 4 or more demerits, the following consequences may be issued: 1. Work detention after school, on a Saturday, or vacation day 2. Disqualification to participate in a school event (sports, trip, etc.) 3. In-school suspension for all or part of a day and a parent conference will be requested 4. Out-of-School suspension for one or more days and a parent conference will be requested 5. After evaluation by the faculty, recommendation may be made for dismissal from the school by action of the Administration. SUSPENSION: In an extreme situation such as the following, a student may be suspended from school. 1. Using profanity or improper language 2. Willful disobedience or defiance EXPULSION: In cases of extreme misconduct, the Administration reserves the right to expel a student. INFORMING PARENTS -Parents will be informed when students have demonstrated inappropriate behavior. Tallies will be reported on the weekly Friday Folder. Demerits will be issued and parents will be notified through e-mail using the RenWeb system. 10 DRESS CODE Our Dress code has been developed using the following guidelines: 1. Is it Christ-honoring? 2. Is it attractive, yet does not bring undue attention to self? 3. Does it avoid extremes? 4. Is it appropriate for the occasion? 5. Is it neat and modest? 6. Is it comfortable, yet conducive to study and school work? 7. Does it meet reasonable standards of health and safety? While recognizing that true Christianity is a matter of the heart and not outward appearance, it is nonetheless true that our appearance is important. We note that the Holy Spirit caused Paul to tell Timothy that women are to adorn themselves in modest apparel (I Tim. 2:9). Peter was led to remind us that our adornment should reflect the heart attitude (I Pt. 3:3,4). In I Thess. 5:22 we are instructed to abstain from the appearance of evil, and it goes without argument that our dress and grooming can certainly give the appearance of evil. We are exhorted to do all things to the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31). Violations of the Dress Code will be handled by the Administrator or the Grade Level Supervisors. Parents may be requested to bring a change of clothes to school. Standard Acceptable Examples of Unacceptable SHIRTS TOPS BLOUSES - Proper fit - Collared -- “Tucked In” - Blouses / shirts with tails or unfinished bottoms - “Untucked” - golf or knit shirts or shirts with a straight bottom - With hands raised fully above the head, shirt remains over waist of pants or skirt - Dress shirt, blouse - Golf shirt - Turtleneck (mock or traditional) - Knit shirt - Collar openings must be modest - Baggy, too tight, too long, frayed or ripped - Tank top - T-shirt - Muscle shirt - Camouflage design - Shirts worn as an over blouse to a tank top or other such shirt - Professional team jersey SLACKS PANTS - Proper fit - Traditional cut - Any solid color - Straight legged or slight flair - Belted if looped and shirt is tucked in - Dress slacks - Chinos/khakis - Corduroy - Baggy, too tight, too long, frayed or ripped - Jeans - Blue or black denim - Leggings - Sweat pants - Jogging pants - Cargo pants DRESSES SKIRTS JUMPERS - Proper fit - Proper length Hemline is to be no shorter than 2” above the natural crease at the back of the knee A slit may not proceed further than 2” above the crack of the knee - Denim skirts and jumpers are allowed - Shoulders not completely covered 11 Standard OUTERWEAR - Proper fit (not including - If hooded, hood is not to be worn indoors coats) - No hats inside FOOTWEAR - Proper fit - Has a back or back strap - Comfortable - Safe - Heels no higher than 2” Acceptable - Sweater - Vest - Sweatshirt (over a collared shirt) Examples of Unacceptable - Coats/jackets worn inside the building - Inappropriate logos or advertising - Dress shoes - Beach shoes - Sneakers - Flip flops - Sandals with a back strap - Slippers - Shoelaces tied properly ** keep in mind that open-toed shoes are not necessarily the safest. JEWELRY - Safe - Healthy HAIR NAILS MAKEUP - Hair must be clean and neat - Nails that are reasonably - Boys must have a hair cut that short and without artificial - Is above the collar when he extensions. (This is a is standing safety and health issue.) - Is above the eyes - Make-up that is not - Does not cover the ear noticeable - Boys must be clean shaven - Hair coloring / dying / streaking / bleaching - Tattoos and other body decorating - Extreme styles - Beards or mustaches CHAPEL ATTIRE - Girls Dress, skirt & blouse or Jumper - Boys Dress shirt, tie, slacks - Girls Dress Shoes - Boys Dress Shoes Dark-colored Sneakers - Gym Shoes/White Sneakers CONTEST ATTIRE - Girls Dress, skirt & blouse or Jumper - Boys Dress shirt, tie, slacks - Girls Dress Shoes - Boys Dress Shoes Dark-colored Sneakers - Gym Shoes/White Sneakers SPECIAL FALL AND SPRING ATTIRE - Girls proper fit - Traditional cut - Belted if looped and shirt is tucked in Girls - Capris Capris that are below the knee and above the ankle - Baggy, too tight, frayed or ripped - Jeans - Blue or black denim clothing - “Sweat” material - Jogging material (SEPT. & JUNE) ** Not Wednesday dress - Modest jewelry - Pierced ears (girls) Boys - Shorts Walking shorts Uniform shorts 12 - Any part of the body pierced except for the ear (girls only) DRESS UP DAY Wednesday is dress-up day. Girls will wear dresses or skirts and boys will wear a buttoned down dress shirt and a tie. Boys may wear dark footwear. They do NOT have to wear dress shoes. E-MAIL All faculty members have e-mail. E-mail addresses are the faculty member’s first initial followed by the last name (i.e. — EMERGENCY CLOSING (While School Is In Session) In the event that inclement weather occurs while the students are in school, a decision to close school early may be made. If this occurs, Ringwood Christian School will notify parents as soon as possible of the expected dismissal time. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Should a student become ill during school hours, the parent will be notified to come to school. If it is not possible to reach the parent, the school will notify the person who has been designated on the emergency form. A child who is seriously injured will be transported by the Ringwood Ambulance Squad to Chilton Hospital unless another hospital has been requested and the Ringwood Ambulance Squad deems it possible. FACULTY Ringwood Christian School employs only born-again Christian teachers who demonstrate strong Christian character in their life. Teachers must also possess or be in the process of securing state certification. Pre-K Teacher Kindergarten Grade 1Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Homeroom - Miss M. Rozema Miss K. Braunius Mrs. L. Geer Mrs. M. Clark Mrs. C. Bradon Miss M. Kachler Mrs. D. Carlsen Mr. Weaver (Bible Gr. 7, English Gr. 6, History Gr. 6-8, Grade 7 Homeroom Grade 8 Homeroom - Miss S. Kott (Algebra Gr. 8, Math Gr. 7,Science Gr. 5-8) Miss D. Lincoln (English Gr. 7 & 8, Literature Gr. 7 & 8, Art Computer Instrument Music Athletic Director - Mrs. A. Rolando Mrs. J. Bernhardt (Gr. K-8) Mrs. K. Wilderotter Mrs. K. Wilderotter Mr. C. Vitale (Phys. Ed., Health and Athletic Director) Literature Gr. 6, and Spelling Gr. 6) Spanish Gr. 7 & 8) 13 FIELD TRIPS Field trips are a rewarding and interesting complement to classwork. Teachers are encouraged to make good use of such trips. Transportation is usually provided by parents and the cost of the trip is the responsibility of the student. Permission slips must be signed and returned prior to the trip. Blank permission slips are posted on the school website under Parent Downloads. Under NO circumstance will verbal permission be accepted, nor may any student go on a trip without written permission. (See Driver Chaperone Instructions Online Version, p. 44) FINAL EXAMS Students in grades 7 and 8 are administered formal final exams at the end of the school year. Exams last two class periods and count for 1/5 of the final grade. Parents will receive notification of the exam schedule approximately two weeks prior to the first exam. Students will see their exam after it is graded. However, exams will not be returned for the student to keep. Parents who desire to review the exam should contact the classroom teacher prior to June 30 of the school year. Students in grade 6 are given exams at the end of the school year. These exams are calculated into the fourth marking period grade. The best preparation for exams is to review all previous tests. Therefore, it is advisable for parents and students to keep all tests in a safe location so that they can easily be retrieved for review and exam preparation. These will serve as the best possible study sheets. FIRE ALARMS & EMERGENCY DRILLS Fire alarms are located at various points in both buildings. Fire drills are held monthly throughout the year. Students are to exit the building and remain in line without any talking. It is against the law to pull a fire alarm other than in an emergency. Persons caught activating these systems will be punished by the school and are also subject to legal prosecution in accordance with municipal ordinances. Emergency drills are held monthly throughout the year. Students are to follow the appropriate procedure as outlined by the Administrator and teachers. FRIDAY FOLDER Parents will receive a student folder each Friday which will keep them informed regularly regarding their child’s progress. The folder is due back into school on Monday of the following week. We encourage parents to communicate with the teacher through the folder if they desire a conference, a phone call or for their child to remain after school for some extra help. FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 1 - 4— Missing assignments and fix assignments will be posted on the Friday folder for 2 weeks. Assignments that remain undone after this point will receive a zero. FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 5 - 8 — Missing assignments and fix assignments will be posted on the Friday folder for 1 week. Assignments that remain undone after this point will receive a zero. Upper elementary school students and middle school student folders will also report quiz and test grades as well as behavior for the week. In addition, most announcements, newsletters, etc. will be sent home through the Friday Folder. 14 GRADING SCALE Students should always strive to do their very best in all activities. The Christian is exhorted that “whatever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Col. 3:23). The following grading scale is used for report cards: KINDERGARTEN - GRADE 2 O - Outstanding S - Satisfactory GRADES 3 - 8 A+ 100 - 98 A 97 - 95 A- 94 - 92 B+ 91 - 89 I - Improving, though not satisfactory N - Needs improvement B BC+ C 88 - 86 85 - 84 83 - 81 80 - 78 CD+ D DF 77 - 75 74 - 72 71 - 70 69 - 68 below 68 HARRASSMENT Ringwood Christian School desires to provide an academic environment that is free from harassment—whether based on sex (gender), race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability—an environment that is free from all forms of intimidation, exploitation, and harassment (including sexual harassment), where all individuals treat each other with dignity and respect. The school includes bullying in its definition of harassment. The school is prepared to take action to prevent and correct any violations of this policy. This policy applies to the actions of administration, teachers, staff, parents, volunteers, and students. Anyone who violates this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination or expulsion. The school does not tolerate harassment of students, nor does it tolerate reprisals against any student who makes a harassment complaint. Administration, teachers, staff, volunteers, and students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion from school or discharge from employment. Any administrative personnel who receive a complaint of harassment and fail to appropriately report it or take corrective action pursuant to this policy are also subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. A full copy of the Student Anti-harassment Policy is found in the appendix (Online Version . Application of Anti-harassment Policy The student anti-harassment policy applies to school hours; to any school-sponsored event or activity, including during school-arranged transportation of any type to or from an event or activity, and whether the activity or event occurs on or off the school campus; while on school property or at schoolleased facilities; or at any other time when the event or activity has any school recognition. Additionally, as a Christian school, the school has the right to expect and does expect that students and any employee of the school will conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner and/or as a Christian role model. Conduct violating these biblical standards—whether occurring at school or during school-sponsored events, activities, or functions or not, or on campus or not—is subject to appropriate action by the school. What to Do If You Experience or Observe Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation Students who feel that they have been subjected to conduct of a harassing, bullying, or intimidating nature are encouraged to promptly report the matter to one of the school officials designated. 15 Dr. Furrey - School Administrator Miss D. Lincoln - Upper Elementary Supervisor Mr. D. Weaver - Grade 6 Teacher Students who observe conduct of a harassing, bullying, or intimidating nature are also encouraged to report the matter to one of the school officials designated. All complaints will be promptly investigated. HELPING YOUR CHILD GAIN THE MOST FROM SCHOOL 1. Pray with your child daily. 2. See that your child gets plenty of rest. Studies report that children who do not get sufficient rest are often easily distracted. 3. Encourage your child to eat a wholesome, unhurried breakfast and a well-balanced lunch. 4. Have family devotions together. 5. Take your child to the library and model good reading habits. 6. Praise your child’s accomplishments often. (Praise the Lord together!) 7. Study the wonders of God together. Take walks and trips to nearby points of interest, visit the zoo, camp together, etc. Talk about how wonderful God is and how He relates to everything and every problem. HIS SHEEP “His Sheep” is the official school vocal group. Students in grades 5-8 may audition to be part of this group. Rehearsals are held weekly during school hours and after-school rehearsals are held prior to concerts. After-school rehearsal dates are on the 12 month school calendar. “His Sheep” functions as a group. Their purpose is to minister and share the Gospel through the media of music. It is critical that members realize that the effectiveness of their ministry rests with the Lord, but it also does require hard work and faithfulness by each member. Students are expected to be faithful and attentive in rehearsals as well as faithful in concert attendance. HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS Children are exposed to the background and made aware of the major holidays of the calendar year. Activities fitting to the particular holiday are incorporated into the school curriculum. Due to the controversial nature of Halloween, Ringwood Christian School does not celebrate this day. HOMEWORK A Christian school education includes more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. There are so many Biblical principles that need to be taught to the students. One principle that seems to be overlooked in today’s world is that of doing your best. We want our students to always do their best for God’s glory. In many ways, homework is preparation for the type of responsibilities they will have in their home and work world. 16 Ringwood Christian School has a policy of sending a Friday folder home each week to keep parents updated concerning their child’s work. Homework is assigned to the student for review, practice and development of skills presented during class time. Homework also teaches a child responsibility and allows the family an opportunity to participate in some learning experiences. Students should take the responsibility of bringing home all necessary materials at the end of the day, therefore, eliminating the need to return to the building after hours. Under no circumstances may a student enter the building on the weekend or at any time when the school office is closed. Families who attend Ringwood Baptist Church may not enter classrooms to pick up or drop off school materials. The following are guidelines for homework scheduling: Grades 1 and 2 15 - 20 minutes each night Grades 3 and 4 30 minutes each night Grades 5 and 6 35 - 60 minutes each night Grades 7 and 8 an hour to 1¼ hours each night The standards for written work will be as follows: HEADING: All papers should have the first and last name, date, subject title, and page assignment . Name Subject Date Page MARGINS: Reasonable margins should be kept even on each side of the paper. INK: Ink must be used for all work done in grades 4 - 8, with the exception of math which is to always be done in pencil. Compositions, book reports and other such assignments are in ink. The color of the ink is to be either blue or black. WORD PROCESSING: See page 30 (See Online Version) NEATNESS: Overall neatness is a primary prerequisite on any paper. Only script must be used from grades 3 and above for all written assignments. Printed handwriting will not be accepted. The handwriting is to be neat and legible. With regard to late assignments, assignments that need to be fixed and incomplete assignments, the following is the policy of Ringwood Christian School: LATE ASSIGNMENTS: An assignment that is handed in late will receive a penalty of 10 points. Generally that means that the grade will be reduced by one full letter grade. (B+ to C+) These assignments will be listed on the Friday Folder (grades K-4 listed 2 weeks and Grades 5-8 listed 1 week.) Assignments that remain undone after this point will receive a zero. FIX ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments that are marked “FIX” are to be corrected immediately and returned to the teacher. This is to help the student master the concept. 17 Fix assignments will appear on the folder for 1 or 2 weeks depending upon the child’s grade level. After that point the student will receive the original grade. When a student fixes an assignment, the original grade and the “fixed” grade will generally be averaged together to form a new grade for the assignment. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS: If a student hands in an assignment that is incomplete, it will be treated as a late assignment. If the incomplete assignment is a workbook page or ditto, the student will receive the assignment back, but 10 points will be deducted from the grade. MAKE UP WORK DUE TO ABSENCE: If a child is absent from school, he will be given the same amount of time to make up the work that was missed. Students who missed a test or quiz due to an absence are required to make this up on a very timely basis. This will help the student from falling further behind. A quiz may be made up during lunch recess or before or after school. Tests will be made up after school. Middle school students with a scheduled study hall may make a test up during that period. TESTS: Students will be given adequate notice regarding tests. It is important that students review their materials and study for all tests. Teachers are available to assist students who are struggling with a concept. HONOR ROLL HIGH HONR ROLL is for any student having earned an A+ or A average in the major subject areas. HONOR ROLL is for any student having earned an A– or B+ average in the major subject areas. HOURS The school day begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. Half-day Kindergarten is from 8:30 to 11:45 AM. Students are to go to their classroom as soon as they arrive and will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:30 AM. EARLY CLOSING: There are several occasions when an early closing is scheduled. The hours will be as follows: Full Day Kindergarten - Grade 8 Half-Day Kindergarten 8:30 AM - 12:45 PM 8:30 AM - 12:45 DELAYED OPENING: In the event of inclement weather, school may be delayed to ensure safer roads. The school hours will be as follows: Kindergarten - Grade 8 18 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM IDENTIFICATION BADGES All school employees will be issued a picture ID badge. All visitors to the school will be asked to report to the school office immediately upon entering the building. They will be issued a visitor badge that must be returned to the office at the completion of their visit. IMMUNIZATION Children are required by the Ringwood Christian School Board of Education to have all necessary immunizations prior to the beginning of school. The required immunizations are specified on the school health form included in the registration materials. INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of school not opening due to inclement weather, parents will be notified by telephone. Since we depend upon the town of Ringwood to determine school closings, there are times when you will be notified rather late. We will do our part to see that you receive notice as soon as possible should there be either a delayed opening or a snow day. In the event of an early closing due to inclement weather, parents will be notified by telephone. Children who normally ride the bus will still receive their transportation. Announcements regarding school closings and delayed openings will also be made on FM Radio Station WFME, 94.7 and WAWZ, 99.1. Announcements may also appear on the Ringwood cable TV station and also at INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Instrumental lessons are provided weekly at a cost of $14 a month. In addition to lessons, students also meet for a band rehearsal. The school has three bands: beginner band, concert band and ensemble. Depending upon the mastery of a certain level of proficiency in lesson sessions, the student will qualify to participate in one of the three bands. Rehearsals are held weekly during school hours. Each band functions as a group. Their purposes include learning to play an instrument, working together as a group and serving as a ministry to share the gospel through music. It is imperative that students take their responsibility as a group member seriously. CONCERT ATTIRE: Boys - Black pants, white shirt, tie and shoes Girls - Black skirt, white blouse, and shoes Half Day Kindergarten 8:30 AM - 12:45 PM INTEGRATION OF INSTRUCTION In a Christian school all activities should be God-centered and Scripturally related. The goal is to promote a God-consciousness in the students and make them realize that He cannot be separated from any area of their life. Creating and maintaining a Christian mind is a foremost goal of the Christian teacher. 19 LIBRARY Ringwood Christian School has access to the Ringwood Public Library. Students may check books out or do work in the library. All students should have their own library card. Students will not be permitted to take books out of the library using anyone else’s library card. The Ringwood Public Library honors all library cards from libraries in Passaic, Morris and Bergen Counties. New York residents may apply for a “school library card” from the Ringwood Public Library. That card will be valid for the school year. LOCKERS Students in grades 7 and 8 are assigned a locker and they are to be used to store books and school supplies. The lockers are the property of RCS. No locks or stickers are to be put on the lockers. No student should enter or tamper with anyone else’s locker. Students may go to their locker at assigned times. The lockers are the property of Ringwood Christian School. LUNCH Students may bring their lunch from home or they may purchase lunch on a daily basis. Orders for Monday are taken that morning. Orders for Tuesday through Friday are taken on the preceding morning. There can be NO changes to this policy. A monthly lunch calendar goes home in the Friday Folder and posted on RenWeb. Students who forget their lunch may purchase cereal and milk. No lunch will be served on early closing days. However, all students will have a snack time on early closing days. MEDICAL INFORMATION The State of New Jersey requires the following regulations be followed when medication administration is necessary during school hours: 1. The Medication Permission Form, signed by both physician and parent, must accompany the properly labeled medication. These are available from the nurse. 2. All medication brought to school must be in the original, properly labeled container from the pharmacy. The school suggests that parents request two labeled containers where prescriptions are initially filled in order to leave one in school until treatment is completed. 3. Students who require any over-the-counter medication are requested to have a medical permission form signed by their physician and parent and a supply of medication in the original container sent into school for their personal use. The school will provide a secure, locked space for the proper storage of medication. 4. Students are responsible for coming to the nurse’s office or the school office to take medication at the necessary time. Children should be instructed accordingly. 5. If it is necessary for a child to use cough drops during school, parents should send a note and personal supply with their child. Notes and cough drops are to be given to the classroom teachers. 6. Students are not to carry medication on their person. All medications are to be dispensed by the nurse or school secretary. 20 MESSAGES AND DELIVERIES Any deliveries for students, such as lunches, messages, PE clothing, etc., should be left in the school office and not taken to the classroom. Please be sure that the student’s name is on the item. MID-MARK SLIPS All parents of children in grades 1 - 8 will receive e-mail notification of their child’s progress at the mid -point of each marking period. Mid-mark slips will be sent home on Oct. 3 & 4 (at conferences), Dec. 6, Feb. 20 & 21 (at conferences) and May 9. MIDDLE SCHOOL HANDBOOK All middle school students (grades 5-8) receive a handbook that covers some of the same items covered in the Student Parent Handbook. However, some additional items are covered in that handbook. Parents of middle school students should review that handbook as well. In particular, it mentions items such as research paper, outdoor education trip and additional information regarding field trips. MUSIC Students in grades Kindergarten through 8 will have music class once a week. Mrs. Wilderotter teaches classroom music and directs the bands. NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY With regard to qualifications and enrollment, Ringwood Christian School has no restrictions concerning a student’s race, national origin, or sex. We acknowledge that there can be no preferential treatment with God. (Rom. 2:11). All children will be viewed as image-bearers of God and will be treated fairly. PARENT TEACHER FELLOWSHIP The PTF is an active avenue in which parents may become more involved in the support of their child’s quality Christian education. The goal of the PTF is to be a leadership arm of the school that assists the faculty and parents. It will provide opportunities: a. For parents and children to work and play together b. To encourage faculty and students c. To provide education for parents d. To promote the cause of Christian education and in particular Ringwood Christian School This years planned activities include: Welcome Coffee Hour Used Clothing Collections Fall Flower Sale Pastor Appreciation Thanksgiving Feast Christmas Boutique 21 Ziti Dinner Getting Ready for Kindergarten Tea Baked Potato Luncheon Spring Plant Sale End of the Year Picnic ***** And MORE!! Additional activities may be added throughout the year. Parent support of the PTF is very important. Therefore, the PTF officers will need the assistance of the class mothers and ALL other school parents throughout the year. V.I.P. MEMBERS — Each RCS parent! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!!! PARKING LOT PROCEDURES Safety at arrival and dismissal is of utmost importance. The following guidelines are designed with this goal in mind: GENERAL: 1. Congestion and number of cars increases concern of safety. 2. In the parking lot, drivers should drive defensively, alertly and courteously. 3. Think of others first. Buses ALWAYS have the right of away. Give the bus driver the right of way! 4. At NO time should a driver pass a bus in the parking lot regardless of whether or not lights are flashing. 5. Do not walk close to the side of the bus, front of the bus or back of the bus. It is very difficult for the driver to see anyone that is that close to the bus. 6. Before you move your vehicle, LOOK around, then LOOK around and then LOOK again! 7. When dropping a student off, remember that it is safest for students to exit vehicles from the driver’s side since it is closest to the building. 8. Please park your car in an assigned parking space before entering the building. 9. Parents should never leave a running car unattended or leave small children in an unattended car. 10. No child will be released to anyone except the child’s parent unless the parent has given written permission. 11. Although we enjoy seeing the family pet, please exercise extreme caution when bringing them to school. A loose pet poses a serious safety issue for the pet, students, parents and drivers. Pets attract students who often are not paying attention when they run to greet them. ARRIVAL PROCEDURES: 1. Students should only be discharged from cars that are in the area directly next to the building. Other cars in line will pull forward before students are discharged. 2. As the car enters the driveway, students should be prepared to exit the car. Due to the line of traffic, attention must be paid to a speedy and safe discharge of students. 3. Students leaving their car should walk inside the yellow chains. 4. All students will enter the building through the double doors. DISMISSAL PROCEDURES: 1. Parents must come to the double doors to receive their students. 2. Students are to exit the building and go directly to the cars with adult supervision. No students should be in the parking lot without their adult supervisor. 3. When students leave the building, they are to go directly to the car. Students may NOT be playing on the grass area or walking around outside the building. 4. Due to the congestion at dismissal, it is best for parents to exit that area as soon as they have all of their children. 5. Students may not play in the parking lot until dismissal has been completed (3:20 PM) and they must wear helmets if riding a bike, skateboarding or rollerblading. 22 PRE-SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN PARKING LOT 1. When entering the parking lot, be aware of other children and adults who are entering or leaving cars. 2. Parents should walk their child into the building and to the classroom door. 3. When exiting the parking lot, be aware of other cars entering the main parking lot. PHOTOS POSTED TO THE WEB Students may not post or give to anyone else to post any videos or photos taken at school or a school related event to any website (YouTube or others), without explicit permission from the administration. PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES Students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 will have physical education class two times a week. Our own facilities, as well as Ringwood Borough’s fields, are used for classes and activities. All students are required to participate in class unless they have a physician’s excuse. It is necessary that the students have sneakers for each class session in order to participate. Students in grades 4-8 will receive additional information regarding their class uniform. Gym uniforms are to be kept in a durable gym bag. All clothing should be marked with the student’s name. In the interest of safety, no jewelry may be worn during physical education classes. Any student unprepared for five physical education classes will receive a failing grade for that marking period. POWER+ Power+ is a middle school program that is designed to provide opportunity for spiritual mentoring and growth based on the needs associated by age and sex. Each class will be divided into two groups, one male and one female. The boys at each grade level will be assigned to a male mentor and the girls at each grade level will remain with their homeroom teacher. Power+ will meet once a week for prayer and discipleship. In addition to these weekly prayer times, there will be opportunity for Christian service and social activities. RENWEB RenWeb is a web-based, database driven school management software system that offers a web interface for many common tasks done by schools. This system will help make Ringwood Christian School run more efficiently, save the office team a significant amount of time and provide parents with regular current information. 23 Once you have access to RENWEB, you will have access to: Daily Grades – Your child’s homework average, quiz average, test average and grade average for each subject. Discipline Reports Homework Teacher Websites Staff & School Directory Newsletters & Documents including copies of class handouts, etc. Lunch Menu Pictures from class or school events And MORE! You can login to RenWeb at Then click “Logins” on the top right-hand side. First-time User Instructions: Enter your District Code – RCS- NJ Enter your User Name. This is the e-mail address that is registered in the school office. IF you are already registered, you used the system last year, enter your password ad you are in. IF you are new to the parent system, click “Parent” and “Create New ParentWeb Account.” If your email address matches the e-mail address that the school has recorded, a random password will be emailed to you at that address. You can then return to and enter your information REPORT CARDS Report cards will be distributed four times a year. They will be sent home with the students in the Friday Folder on November 15, January 31, April 4 and on the last day of school. A student’s grade will be computed on the basis of classwork (both written and oral communication), tests, quizzes and the completion of long and short range assignments. The signature form is to be returned to the classroom teacher for the first three marking periods. If the signature form is lost, there is a $2 service fee for the preparation of a new form. All signature forms are due back in the school office no later than one week from the date issued. RETENTION Any student receiving a final grade of F in two or more subjects will be retained in the present grade. In addition, any student earning a cumulative grade average of D or D- will seriously be considered for retention. 24 SCHOOL MUSICAL A school musical is presented each year. All students in grades Kindergarten through 8 participate in the musical and dramatic presentation. The dates for this year’s musical will be on Thursday and Friday, March 14 and 15 at 7:00 PM. SECURITY PROCEDURES Student safety is a primary concern. The school has several security cameras to monitor the parking lot, school doors and other key areas. All school doors are locked during the day. In order to maximize student safety, a door bell system has been installed. All visitors are to use the doorbell located to the right of the outside door to the main building. Students who arrive after 8:30 are to report directly to the office with their parent or car pool driver. Students who leave before the end of the day are to be signed out by a parent. The school will only release students to adults designated by the parent in writing. SHINING STAR PRINCIPAL’S SHINING STAR is for any student having no late assignments listed on their Friday folder and no demerits for the entire marking period. PRINCIPAL’S STAR is for any student having three or less late assignments listed on the Friday folder and no demerits for the entire marking period. SNACK TIME All students will have a 10 minute snack time each morning. We suggest that you send your child with a piece of fruit, vegetable or something that has good nutritional value. SPRUCE LAKE RETREAT Each year the seventh and eighth grade classes attend a three-day/two-night outdoor education program in Canadensis, PA. Students are involved in numerous activities such as zip line, mountain rappelling, high ropes, power swing and swamp and nature studies. SUPPLY LIST At the end of each school year, students are issued a supply list for the following school year. It is the student’s responsibility to have all supplies. (The supply listed is posted on RenWeb.) Students may NOT have liquid White Out or back-packs/book bags with wheels. TAKING STUDENTS OUT OF SCHOOL EARLY Parents needing to take their child out of school before the regular dismissal time should send a note in the morning and then report to the school office to get the child dismissed. The office personnel will in turn get your child released from his/her class. DO NOT go directly to the classroom. Teachers have been instructed, for safety reasons, not to dismiss any child from the classroom. To limit the disruptions 25 to the classroom schedule, we request that parents not take students out of school during chapel or from 2:45 - 3:00 PM. This procedure is established for the safety and protection of your child, which is always a primary concern. TARDINESS Students desiring to enter the classroom after 8:30 AM are to be considered tardy. Parents or guardians must report to the main office to sign their child into school. The student will be given a late pass to enter class. Five (5) tardies will constitute an absence. TELEPHONE Students may use the phone in the school office for emergency calls. Students will not be called from classes to receive calls or other messages unless it is an emergency. Forgotten lunches, PE clothing and field trip permission forms are not to be considered an emergency. TESTING Each spring every student is given a standardized test. Parents will receive a copy of the results near the end of the school year. TEXTBOOKS Every effort is made to provide students with the best possible textbooks in each academic discipline. These textbooks are the property of Ringwood Christian School and it is expected that each student will keep these books in the best possible condition. Textbooks should remain covered all year. Contact paper and other adhesives must not be used. Soft covered books must have a piece of cardboard inside both the front and back covers. Students will be held responsible for damage to textbooks. It is important that we be good stewards of God’s resources. The cost of textbooks varies by grade level. Third grade textbooks are not the most expensive, but they average between $300 and $375 per student! THREATS AND ACTS OF VIOLENCE AND WEAPONS The school’s first responsibility is the protection of all of its students. The school takes this responsibility very seriously. Therefore, if a student brings a weapon (including pocketknives) to school, or to a school function, or has a weapon on his/her person, the student will be suspended with the possibility of expulsion. Possession includes, but is not necessarily limited to, having a weapon in a locker, book bag, or purse. If the school determines that a threat of violence is credible and specific (directed toward particular students or staff), the administration will report the threat to the student and/or staff member threatened. The school will also report the threat to appropriate authorities. Students making such threats will be suspended with the possibility of being expelled. Students are advised that “just kidding” does not mean the threat is less credible or specific. 26 TRANSPORTATION Ringwood and Greenwood Lake, NY residents receive bus transportation to school. Families living outside of Ringwood may apply through Ringwood Christian School for state reimbursement of approximately $884 per year per child. This amount is paid in two equal installments generally received in January and June. T.R.I.P. - TUITION REDUCTION INCENTIVE PROGRAM The T.R.I.P. program allows current and future Ringwood Christian School families to earn credit toward tuition. RCS purchases large quantities of gift certificates from various participating stores (i.e. Kohl’s, grocery stores, gas, etc.) and receives a volume discount. RCS makes these certificates available at face value and credits, at the participating family’s directive, the discount amount toward the participating family’s tuition, another family’s tuition, or to the school’s Scholarship Fund. Ringwood Christian School receives no direct benefit. Only families enrolled in T.R.I.P. will be issued tuition credit. If under any condition the student does not come to RCS (family moves, the student is not accepted), the credit becomes the property of Ringwood Christian School. Credit from the T.R.I.P. program is non-refundable and nontransferable. If under any condition the child leaves during the school year, any accrued credit becomes the property of Ringwood Christian School and will be transferred to the Scholarship Fund. T.R.I.P. tuition credit will be applied twice a year — in December to be deducted from the January payment and in April to be deducted from the May payment. Families may sign up for the program at any time during the school year. Enrollment forms, order envelopes, and a list of participating merchants are available from the school office. No cash payment is accepted for T.R.I.P. purchases. All purchases must be made by check or money order. TUITION ASSISTANCE Ringwood Christian School families may apply for tuition assistance. Application for tuition aid are submitted to the Development Testing Services, an independent screening service. The Tuition Assistance Committee then receives a report from this agency and a determination will be made regarding the extent of aid to be extended. Tuition assistance may help defray up to 25% of the annual cost of Christian education. The determination for aid will include an evaluation of all sources of available aid to the family. This includes, but is not limited to, family friends, and the family’s church. It is the policy of the school that any family receiving financial assistance is responsible for the remaining portion of the tuition obligation. All tuition assistance is granted on a one-year basis. There are two separate and distinct situations for which tuition aid application can be made. Separate procedures have been established for both types of situations. 1. An anticipated or known need - This is a need that a family can foresee. In this situation a family desires to provide a Christian education for their child(ren), but cannot meet the financial obligation of doing so. 2. An emergency situation - In this case, during a school year a family faces a hardship in financing their child(ren)’s Christian education. This might include the loss of a job or 27 income, illness or other extenuating circumstances. Application Process: 1. A tuition application must be completed on line at Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary financial information available to you. Remember there is an application fee You create your own user name You create your own password The school registration number is 24996 When you complete the application be sure to hit the “submit” button. This will lead you to a page where you can review your information. Be sure to hit the “submit” button again. Failing to do so will keep your application from being submitted to Development Testing Services. 2. Fill out the Additional Tuition Assistance Form which is available in the school office. When completed, it should be returned to the school office. 3. Provide a copy of your most recent IRS 1040 form. 4. If necessary, provide a letter of explanation if you believe that you have unusual or extenuating circumstances that you would like the committee to consider. 5. Deadlines: Application for Assistance April 15 Determination of Assistance May 15 Meeting with Parents May 30 A second application deadline of July 1 is available to provide for families enrolling after May 1. In this case, determination of eligibility will be made by August 1 and the committee will meet with the parents by August 30. 6. All communication should be made to the Scholarship Committee through the school office. Please place all communication in a sealed envelope and address it to the Scholarship Committee. TUITION PAYMENT Ringwood Christian School relies upon the faithful payment of all tuition accounts to maintain the school program. The school desires to make Christian education available to the largest number of families possible by holding tuition at the lowest level possible consistent with the desire for quality Christian education. Payment of tuition is a very important responsibility. It is through timely tuition payments that the school is able to meet its obligations. However, a parent’s payment of tuition is not the total discharge of responsibility. Other ways of participating in the life and ministry of the school include prayer, participation in school meetings, serving on committees, partnering with the faculty in the discipleship of the child, etc. Ringwood Christian School seeks to work with each family to assist them in providing quality Christian education for their child. If a family is experiencing a problem that will cause them to fall behind with their tuition, they are requested to contact the Finance Committee immediately. All communication should be made in writing and sent through the school office. The following Tuition Payment Policy addresses the issue of payment responsibilities. Again, RCS desires to communicate their concern to assist families in both providing Christian education and in meeting financial obligations. 28 TUITION PAYMENT POLICY 1. Tuition payments are due on the 5th of each month 10 month plan: August – May 12 month plan: July – June 2. 30 Day Delinquencies – A late notice will be sent A $25 late fee will be added* A second late notice will be sent with an additional $25 late fee* The Finance Committee will contact the family 3. 60 Day Delinquencies – A second late notice will be sent with an additional $25 late fee* The Finance Committee will contact the family. 4. 90 Day Delinquencies – The family will be required to present in writing a satisfactory payment plan 5. 4 months Delinquencies The family will be considered for dismissal from the school. 6. All delinquent tuition payments made after May 30 are to be made by a certified check or bank money order. 7. Families with delinquent accounts in May and/or June may be subject to students not being permitted to take final exams, not receiving report cards, and/or not participating in end of the year trips and activities including graduation. 8. Families with delinquent accounts will not be permitted to register for the new school year until all previous accounts have been cleared with the school. * Each additional late month of tuition will incur an additional late charge of $25 RETURNED CHECKS Any check returned to RCS for any reason will result in a charge of $20 to the account of the check writer to cover the costs of the additional bookkeeping. VISITORS Parents are welcome to visit the school. When visiting the school, please check in at the school office first. Do NOT go directly to any classroom. Articles brought to the school for a student should be left in the school office. VOICE MAIL All faculty members have voice-mail. Parents are encouraged to call the school and leave a message for a teacher, the school secretary or the administrator. You can alleviate having to listen to the entire voice message when calling the school if you use the teacher’s mailbox number or at the appropriate time, you may choose to enter the teacher’s last name. 29 POSITION TEACHER VOICE MAIL PreSchool Miss M. Rozema 320 Kindergarten Miss K. Braunius 312 Gr. 1 Mrs. L. Geer 310 Gr. 2 Mrs. M. Clark 309 Gr. 3 Mrs. C. Bradon 306 Gr. 4 Miss M. Kachler 311 Gr. 5 Mrs. D. Carlsen 316 Mr. D. Weaver 315 Gr. 7 Homeroom (also Algebra 8, Math 7, Science 5-8 Miss S. Kott 305 Gr. 8 Homeroom Miss D. Lincoln 307 Mr. C. Vitale 314 Computer Mrs. J. Bernhardt 308 Music Mrs. K. Wilderotter 304 Nurse Mrs. M. Koeber 313 Adm. Secretary Mrs. Bernstein 301 Administrator Dr. Furrey 302 (also Bible - Gr. 6) Gr. 6 Homeroom (also Bible 7, English 6, Literature 6, Spelling 6, and History - Gr. 6-8) (English 7&8, Lit. 7&8, Spanish 7&8) Athletic Director (Phys. Ed. K-8 & Health 3-8) (also Math - 6&8 and Bible Gr. 8) WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS ITEMS RCS students are prohibited from the possession and/or use of weapons (knives, etc.), or other instruments which can be used as weapons on school property, at any school function, or while enroute to or from school or school functions. The principal shall make the final determination that a particular object is a dangerous instrument in any case where there is a question of its possession or use posing a threat to students, staff, or property. Students in possession of a weapon, making threats toward another student or staff member, or acting in a dangerous fashion will be disciplined by the school administrator. This discipline will include notification of the Board of Education and other appropriate agencies. 30 WEBSITE Ringwood Christian School maintains a website to keep parents up-to-date regarding programs. It is located at Please check the website for announcements, calendar information and athletic schedules. WHAT NOT TO BRING There are a few items that ought not to be brought to school in order to minimize situations in which valuable items could be lost or misplaced. These include iPods, electronic games, walkmans, CD players, cameras, video, audio tapes, etc. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of such items or other toys. WORD PROCESSING Fifth through eighth grade teachers may allow their students to use word processing for some specifically chosen assignments. The following guidelines will be used: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Always double space typing Use a standard font such as Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman Use a size font of 12 Two spaces after every end punctuation mark in sentences and colons Top, bottom, left and right margins should be set at 1 inch YEARBOOK A school yearbook is sold each year. The book contains pictures of all students enrolled in the school as well as faculty members and candid photos. Orders are taken each year. 31 32 Student Anti-harassment Policy POLICY: Ringwood Christian School seeks to provide an academic environment that is free from harassment—whether based on sex (gender), race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability—an environment that is free from all forms of intimidation, exploitation, and harassment (including sexual harassment), where all individuals treat each other with dignity and respect. The school includes bullying in its definition of harassment. The school is prepared to take action to prevent and correct any violations of this policy. This policy applies to the actions of administration, teachers, staff, parents, volunteers, and students. Anyone who violates this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination or expulsion. The school does not tolerate harassment of students, nor does it tolerate reprisals against any student who makes a harassment complaint. Administration, teachers, staff, volunteers, and students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion from school or discharge from employment. Any administrative personnel who receive a complaint of harassment and fail to appropriately report it or take corrective action pursuant to this policy are also subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. I. Definitions and Prohibited Acts 1. Sexual harassment. “Sexual harassment” means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions: Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual’s academic status or progress. This may occur by clearly stated acts or words or by implied acts or words. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of academic decisions affecting the individual. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through this school. 2. Unwelcome and Offensive. The fact that a student may not openly object to others’ actions or words does not prove that they were unwelcome. Under the law of harassment, or bullying and intimidation, a student does not have to openly object to others’ actions or words to prove that the actions or words are unwelcome. Harassment, bullying, or intimidation may occur even if the student originally remains silent or fails to show 33 disapproval. Acts and statements that may not offend some people may be highly offensive to others. Therefore, all employees, volunteers, and students should be sensitive to the feelings of others whether they object or not. 3. Verbal Harassment. Prohibited statements include, but are not necessarily limited to, the use of derogatory descriptions of a student or group of students based on race, color, disability, ethnic or national origin, or age. It is also a violation of this policy to state stereotypical classifications concerning race, national or ethnic origin, color, age, or disability of a student or group of students, especially if they are repeatedly made. Although some students or individuals may enjoy discriminatory identifications and jokes, the school does not tolerate such on its premises or during working hours. Examples of prohibited statements include, but are not necessarily limited to, derogatory or vulgar comments regarding a person’s gender, sexually vulgar language, remarks about a person’s physical anatomy or characteristics, dirty jokes, sexual innuendo, or display of written or graphic materials. Also prohibited are suggestive pictures, magazines, posters, offensive cartoons, and other words or pictures of a suggestive nature. Also prohibited are statements that demean women. 4. Physical Sexual Harassment. Prohibited actions include, but are not necessarily limited to, touching a student in a sexually suggestive way, or touching another so as to invade his or her personal privacy. This includes intentional touching or intentional movements made in order to observe another in a sexual manner. Also prohibited are physical acts such as hitting and pushing, and making physical gestures of a sexual nature. As a general rule, any act or touching of a person that most individuals refrain from doing with a stranger should not be done with another student. 5. Sexual Harasser. A harasser may be a male harassing a female, a female harassing a male, a male harassing a male, or a female harassing a female, just as long as the harassment is sexually based or based on the gender of the student. 6. Race, Color, National or Ethnic Origin, Age, and Disability Harassment. Unwelcome statements, name calling, or other verbal or physical conduct based on a student’s race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability is prohibited if and when any of the following occurs: Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual’s academic status or progress. This may occur by clearly stated acts or words or by implied acts or words. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of academic decisions affecting the individual. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through this school. 34 7. Electronic Harassment. Harassment may occur through a number of mediums or means, including electronic communications. The student anti-harassment policy applies to all harassment, including any that occurs by or through any type of electronic communication. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, Internet, email, cell phones (including picture phone or text messaging as well as voice), PDAs or other communication devices, and facsimile (fax) communications of any type. This list of electronic devices is not inclusive, and the policy is intended to cover other types of electronic communication. 8. Physical Harassment. Prohibited actions include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: Display of signs, pictures, cartoons, written statements, or other material that denigrates, intimidates, bullies, or otherwise discriminates against any student based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability. General harassment, pushing, shoving, or other intentional acts perpetrated in whole or in part because of the student’s race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability. 9. Definition of Bullying or Intimidation. “Bullying or intimidation” means any written, oral, or physical act or gesture that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a student or damaging his or her property or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or that has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying includes a gesture or an act, whether written, oral, or physical, that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by a characteristic such as sex (gender), race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability. 10. Examples of Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation. Unwelcome conduct of this type can include a wide range of verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual or other nature. Among the types of conduct that would violate this policy are the following: Unwanted sexual advances or propositions. Offering academic benefits in exchange for sexual favors. Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances. Visual conduct such as leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, or posters. Verbal conduct such as making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes about a student’s race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability. Verbal abuse of a sexual or other nature; graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body, race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations. Physical conduct such as touching, assaulting, impeding, or blocking movements. 35 Any conduct that has the effect of insulting or demeaning a student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or that is severe, persistent, or pervasive so that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment. II. Application of Anti-harassment Policy The student anti-harassment policy applies to school hours; to any school-sponsored event or activity, including during school-arranged transportation of any type to or from an event or activity, and whether the activity or event occurs on or off the school campus; while on school property or at school-leased facilities; or at any other time when the event or activity has any school recognition. Additionally, as a Christian school, the school has the right to expect and does expect that students and any employee of the school will conduct themselves in a Christlike manner and/or as a Christian role model. Conduct violating these biblical standards— whether occurring at school or during school-sponsored events, activities, or functions or not, or on campus or not—is subject to appropriate action by the school. III. Prohibited Actions 1. Employee-Student Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation. Employee-student harassment, bullying, or intimidation of any type is prohibited. 2. Student-Student Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation. Student-student harassment, bullying, or intimidation of any type is prohibited. IV. What to Do If You Experience or Observe Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation Students who feel that they have been subjected to conduct of a harassing, bullying, or intimidating nature are encouraged to promptly report the matter to one of the school officials designated below. Students who observe conduct of a harassing, bullying, or intimidating nature are also encouraged to report the matter to one of the school officials designated below. All complaints will be promptly investigated. V. Where to Report Harassment, Bullying, or Intimidation The following individuals are specifically authorized to receive complaints and to respond to questions regarding harassment: 1. Dr. D. Furrey Name 2. Miss D. Lincoln Name 3. Mr. D. Weaver Name Administrator Title Upper Elementary Supervisor Title Middle School Teacher Title 36 973-962-4996 Telephone 973-962-4996 Telephone 973-962-4996 Telephone VI. Confidentiality Every effort will be made to reasonably protect the privacy of the parties involved in any complaint. However, the school reserves the right to fully investigate every complaint and to notify a student’s parent/guardian and appropriate government officials as the circumstances warrant. VII. Protection Against Retaliation It is against the school’s policy to discriminate or retaliate against any person, including any student, who has filed a complaint involving harassment, bullying, or intimidation or who has testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in any investigation, formal proceeding, or hearing concerning harassment, bullying, or intimidation. However, if in the course of an investigation or subsequently the school learns that a student or others have made a complaint that was not in good faith or it was known to be false at the time of the complaint, the school reserves the right to take appropriate action. Making false complaints or complaints not made in good faith can jeopardize someone’s reputation. VIII. Procedure for Investigation of a Complaint and Taking Corrective Action When one of the school officials designated in this policy receives a complaint, he or she shall immediately inform the administrator. The administrator will direct an investigation. If the investigation confirms the allegations, prompt corrective actions shall be taken. The individual who suffered the harassing, bullying, or intimidating conduct shall be informed of the corrective action taken. In addition, any employee or student found to be responsible for harassment, bullying, or intimidation in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion or termination. The severity of the disciplinary action will be based on the circumstances of the infraction. 37 RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ATHLETIC POLICY THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETICS As administrator, teachers, and coaches, we are to be so thoroughly taught by the Spirit of God that by word and action we may in turn teach our students to see life from Christ’s point of view, enabling us to think like Him and to act like Him by demonstrating His character qualities. (Phil. 2:1-11) THE PHILOSOPHY OF COACHING God has given us a unique opportunity to help meet the spiritual needs of our athletes. Since we have been called to this position of leadership and mentoring, we must know how to carry out our duties Biblically. Our main purpose is to cause our athletes to act and think like Jesus Christ. We want our students to possess and demonstrate Christ-like character qualities through the avenue of athletics. 38 RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Athletic Policy Students I. Student Participation A. Any student in grades 5 through 8 may be allowed to participate in each seasonal sport 1. Athletic competition sponsored by other organizations may change the grade level requirements. 2. Each athlete will be assigned to the appropriate gender team unless the team is designated co-ed. 3. Unless due to an extenuating circumstance, no student may join a team after the third official practice. B. At this level of development and instruction, every student will be given the opportunity to participate. C. Parental consent for participation in each sport is required. D. Parents of athletes will receive a booklet of directions to all away games. This should eliminate parents calling the school office for directions on the afternoon of a game. II. Attendance at Practices A. Athletes will receive a practice and game schedule. B. Due to circumstances beyond our control, this schedule may need to be adjusted throughout the season. C. Excessive absences from practices and games may result in an athlete being unable to remain on the team. D. Any athlete who is injured before or during the season should continue to attend all practices. E. An athlete who is unable to attend a game or practice must supply the coach with a written note prior to the day of the game or practice. III. Playing Time A. Playing time for players will vary. Each game presents differing circumstances and opportunities that will result in differing amounts of playing time for each player in each game. B. The final decision with regard to playing time for a player is at the discretion of the individual coach. C. Attendance, attitudes and hard work at practices and games are three important factors that could lead to additional playing time during game situations. Absences from practices and games may affect playing time. IV. Team Construction A. All students interested in participating in a sport are encouraged to join a team. B. Middle School athletics is a period of instruction and development C. Each athlete will be assigned to either Team A or Team B for the specified sport. 1. Assignment to Team A or Team B will be determined by demonstration of skills. 2. Team A will be the starting team in an athletic competition. 3. Team B will be used on a rotating basis and will serve as support to Team A. D. In the case of large student participation, all athletes will not necessarily attend all away games. 1. Generally Team A athletes will attend away games. 2. The coach will choose additional participants from Team B. Effort should be made to rotate the participation of Team B athletes. 39 V. Expectation for Athlete Behavior A. Athletes are responsible for following all rules and policies established by Ringwood Christian School. B. Athletes are required to show respect at all times for the authority of the officials. C. Athletes are expected to leave all facilities, those owned by Ringwood Christian School and those owned by others, in the same or better condition than how they found it. D. An athlete who fails to conduct himself/herself properly may be suspended from one or more practices and/or games. VI. The Role of Athletics for Middle School Students A. Athletics is only one area in the life of a middle school student. Balance between academics, church life and family is to be encouraged by practice and principle. B. Responsibility and diligence are important characteristics for athletes. C. The following are excused absences for missing practices or games: 1. Death or serious illness in the family 2. Emergency medical care needed 3. Medical appointments or other engagements that were planned prior to the planned practice or game. 4. A teacher or parent may ask the student to remain after school for supplemental assistance. D. The following are some of the reasons for dismissing a student from an athletic event: 1. The athlete was not present in school for at least four hours on the day of a game. 2. The athlete has failed to conduct himself/herself within the guidelines of this policy and/or the full policies and procedures of the school. 40 RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy “Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 The Internet The Internet is a vast, global network, linking and providing access to information resources at universities, libraries, businesses, government agencies, newspapers, and other sites. Through the Internet, one can communicate with people all over the world through discussion forums and electronic mail. In addition, many educationally valuable files may be downloaded from the Internet. Because of its enormous size and resources, the Internet’s educational potential is boundless. Due to its broad reach, however, the Internet also contains the potential for abuse. These guidelines and related policies are intended to help ensure that students and staff use this resource in a safe and appropriate manner. It is the policy of Ringwood Christian School (RCS) that all technology employed to access the Internet will be used in a responsible, legal, and ethical manner. Responsibilities of Students Since the use of the Internet at RCS is a privilege and not a right, intentional inappropriate use will result in the loss of the privilege and/or disciplinary action by the school. A student’s activities while using the Internet in school, must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives and Christian values of RCS. Responsibilities of Educators Educators will be responsible for explaining to students the Internet Acceptable Use Policy, for monitoring student activity while on the Internet, and for taking reasonable precautions to prevent students from accessing inappropriate sites. Responsibilities of Parents Parents and guardians are responsible for reading and discussing with their children the acceptable and unacceptable uses of the Internet as described in this document. Responsibility Statement RCS acknowledges that it is impossible to predict with certainty what information users might locate on the Internet. The electronic information available to users does not imply endorsement by the school of the content, nor does the school make any guarantee as to the accuracy of information received on the Internet. The school shall make every effort to see that this educational resource is employed responsibly by the user. However, RCS cannot ensure the appropriateness of all materials obtained on the Internet by students. Use of the Internet demands personal responsibility and understanding of acceptable use policies. Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. General rules for behavior and communications apply when using the Internet. Failure to follow the acceptable use policies may result in the loss of the privilege to use this electronic tool. If applicable, disciplinary measures will be taken. Everyone 41 accessing the Internet at RCS must agree to the guideline conditions of the use policy and sign the attached agreement before using on-line services. Guidelines A Responsible Internet User Will: Use language that is considered appropriate Be polite Send information that other users will not find offensive Conform with copyright laws Never reveal personal information about any user such as your last name, address, telephone number, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. Neither tamper with the system nor alter, delete, or destroy any files or data that are not his or hers. A Responsible Internet User Must Be Aware That: Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right E-mail is not guaranteed to be private Violation of the guidelines or use policy will result in the possible loss of Internet privileges or where appropriate, disciplinary action pursuant to the parent-Student Handbook Some Appropriate Uses Of The Internet: Researching for classroom projects Communicating with other students and educators throughout the world The Following Are Not Permitted: Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures Using obscene language Harassing, insulting, or attacking others Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer equipment Violating copyright laws Accessing inappropriate sites USE POLICY Acceptable Use 1. All use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the purposes of RCS. 2. Internet accounts are to be used only by the student authorized to use that account and only for educational purposes. 3. RCS maintains the right to determine whether specific uses of the Internet are consistent with acceptable practices. Unacceptable Use 1. Use of the Internet for profit purposes or private business is prohibited. 2. The illegal installation of copyrighted software for use on school computers is prohibited. 42 3. For student protection, personal information regarding users must not be provided across the Internet (e.g., last names, addresses, telephone numbers, or social security numbers). 4. It is unacceptable to use the Internet without the supervision of a teacher. 5. It is unacceptable to download files from the Internet without prior approval and without the supervision of a teacher. 6. It is unacceptable to post private or personal information about another person. 7. It is unacceptable to access or transmit obscene or pornographic material. 8. It is unacceptable to post chain letters or engage in “spamming.” (“Spamming” means sending annoying or unnecessary messages to large numbers of people.) 9. It is unacceptable to participate in any communication that facilitates the illegal sale or use of drugs or alcohol. Vandalism Vandalism may result in suspension of privileges and/or criminal prosecution. This includes, but is not limited to, contamination, deletion, or reconfiguration of data or degradation of system performance in any way. Disclaimer of Liability RCS disclaims all liability for the content of material that a student may access on the Internet, for any damages suffered in the course of or as a result of the student’s Internet use, and for any other consequences of a student’s Internet use. Users should not expect that files stored on the computer systems will be private. RCS will not be responsible for any damages the user may suffer. Use of any information obtained via Ringwood Christian School’s computers is at the user’s own risk. Ringwood Christian School denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through computer services. Disciplinary Actions 1. Violations may result in a loss of computer usage privileges. 2. Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the discretion of the Administrator regarding inappropriate language and behavior of an RCS user. 3. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved. 43 DRIVER AND CHAPERONE INSTRUCTIONS RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 30 CARLETONDALE ROAD RINGWOOD, NJ 07456 973-962-4996 Our school greatly depends on the involvement of our school parents for transportation and chaperoning on field trips and other off-site events. We appreciate your taking time to support your child’s school and its activities. The following are guidelines that we ask our drivers and chaperones to follow: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS If you own or have access to a cellular telephone, please bring it with you on the trip for safety reasons. In case of illness or an emergency, please notify the school immediately. Call 973-962-4996. It is important for volunteers to realize that they are acting as Christian role models for our students. Please be an example by demonstrating maturity in actions, attitudes, and dress. A classroom teacher will be in charge of each field trip and will direct volunteers as to what is expected of them. Only those parents who have signed up in advance as drivers or chaperones may attend. (No last minute sign-ups.) Only children enrolled in the class or activity may go. Under no circumstance may guests or siblings attend a field trip unless the trip is announced as a special family event and other siblings are specifically invited. Some field trip destination institutions will not allow smaller children to accompany the field trip. Please do not make arrangements for someone else to meet you at the field trip or event sight with siblings. We believe that it is nearly impossible for a parent of a small child to give that child the proper attention and also be able to give the necessary vigilance to supervising a group of field trip students. The first responsibility of each volunteer is to the students being supervised. Thank you for understanding our priorities. Chaperones are responsible for the behavior of those students assigned to them. In private vehicles, the driver is responsible for children’s behavior. In school-owned or rented vehicles, the teacher is responsible, with help from 44 volunteers. If you are experiencing difficulties, please report the problem immediately to the teacher or other supervising adult. Do not allow rowdiness, disrespect, inappropriate voices, etc. Do not allow dangerous or potentially dangerous behavior on the trip. Chaperones should make it a special point to remain with the students for whom they are responsible. They should keep the students who rode with them close to them. They should vigorously resist the temptation to group with other adults while allowing the students to “do their own thing.” Chaperones enjoy the students! However, if you have a problem with any student, take him/her to the teacher or supervising adult. Know exactly how many students are in your small group and count, count, count, all day! Keep a roll if necessary. Be sure that all are present before moving from one place to another (especially when heading home). Students are to return with the same person and vehicle that transported them for this event. Exceptions to this can be made only by the administrator or the supervising teacher. Usually, exceptions are reserved for emergency situations. Drivers and chaperones should refrain from purchasing special treats for the children they are supervising. Many times children have allergies. Please refrain from smoking while on the trip. If you have any questions about any aspect of the field trip, expectations of drivers/chaperones, or expectations for student behavior, please ask the teacher for assistance. Additional Instructions Chaperones for Driver Please allow the teacher to make vehicle assignments for students. If you have a suggestion or preference, please let the teacher know a day ahead of time so this can be taken into consideration. Teachers sometimes have special reasons that they may not be free to explain for assigning specific seating arrangements. You will be provided with a list of the names of the children being transported in your vehicle. Please arrive in school at least 10 – 15 minutes before departure time. Schedules are sometimes tight. Copies of the Emergency Medical Release Forms for all students will be with the teacher if the trip destination is more than 5 miles from the school. Seat belts must be worn at all times. Note that only one child is permitted per working seat belt. Please be sure that you understand the route to be taken. The teacher will provide a map and/or directions. Please stick to the assigned route to and from the trip. Do not take a “better” way or make any stops unless this is part of the teacher’s approved plan. It is expected that you will obey all traffic laws including maintaining acceptable speed limits. When traveling, cars will “caravan” together. At no time should cars pass the “lead car” or take “side trips” away from the caravan. Nor should anyone take “chances” to keep up with the caravan, such as entering an intersection when the light is already yellow. If there are more than three vehicles in the caravan, a “buddy system” will be used whereby two or three vehicles will caravan together, thus eliminating a long line of vehicles, which can become a safety problem. Please call the school right away if you experience car trouble or become lost. If someone has been hurt or is ill, and the teacher is not readily available for consultation, please call the school for instructions. Children must enter and leave the vehicle from the curbside unless the vehicle is in a protected parking area or driveway. Students may not be left unattended in a vehicle. Students are not permitted to eat or drink in your car. They have been instructed to use quiet voices when talking and to keep their hands/feet to themselves. If any student does not cooperate, please inform the teacher. It is requested that parents not play radios, CD players, TV’s, or tapes. There is sufficient noise in a vehicle without adding to it. Drivers must not engage in cell phone use while driving. We are making every effort to assure you a safe and enjoyable day. THANKS FOR BEING A CHAPERONE OR DRIVER FOR THIS EVENT. We truly appreciate your help! 45 RINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2013 - 2014 August 22 Thursday Kindergarten Orientation 26 Monday New Teacher Orientation Wed. – Thurs. Teacher Orientation 3 Tuesday First Day of School (EC) 12 Thursday Back To School Night 3 Thursday Parent Teacher Conferences (EC) 4 Friday Parent Teacher Conferences (EC) Monday Columbus Day (NS) 6 Wednesday Early Closing 7-8 Thurs. - Fri. Mid-Atlantic Teachers Convention (NS) 27 Wednesday Early Closing 28-29 Thurs. – Fri. Thanksgiving Recess (NS) Friday Christmas Vacation Begins (EC) Thursday School Reopens Monday Martin Luther King’s Birthday (NS) 17 – 18 Mon. – Tues. Presidents’ Weekend (NS) 20 - 21 Thurs. – Fri. Parent Teacher Conferences (EC) 28 - 29 September October 14 November December January 20 2 20 February March 14 Friday Delayed Opening April 17 Thurs. Early Closing 18 Fri. Good Friday (NS) Mon. – Fri. Easter Vacation (NS) Friday Grandparents’ Day (EC) 26 Monday Memorial Day (NS) 26 Thursday Last Day for Students (EC) 27 Friday Last Day for Faculty 21 – 25 May June 9 EC - Early Closing (12:45) NS - No School This calendar reflects 5 emergency days. The calendar will be adjusted should all emergency days be used or not used. A more complete calendar of activities is posted on the website. – 46 LOWER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A student’s success in school is greatly enhance when he/she is organized and has the proper tools and materials. This list will help parents know what the student will be using throughout the school year. Please note Some items are for home use only. At times, the teacher has given specific details relating to an item. There are good reasons for these details. It may be for safety reasons, quality of product and or space constraints in the classroom. Colorful school supplies can be fun to buy, but we ask that you keep one thing in mind when you make your purchases. Notebooks, pads, etc. should not be geared to advertising or highlighting music personalities or groups, movies, TV shows, etc. PLEASE NOTE!! —Due to space constraints and safety concerns students may NOT have book bags with wheels and/or pull-out handles. Label supplies where it is applicable. KINDERGARTEN GRADE 1 BOOK BAG - large and easily manageable (should hold folder & lunch box) CRAYONS - 1 box of 24 FOLDERS - 2 pocket folders - all year (strongly suggest plastic) GLUE - 1 - 8 oz. squeeze bottles of glue (white only!) GLUE STICKS - 6 lg. in zip-lock bag M ARKERS - 1 package of washable markers (in zip-lock bag) PENCIL BOX - Small clear plastic box to hold pencils, crayons, etc. SCISSORS - 1 pair blunt-end metal (left-handed children need lefty scissors) SMOCK - for painting (old long sleeved shirt) EAR PHONES for the computer—Do not buy ear buds as they do not stay in the ears. ALL DAY STUDENTS ALSO NEED — Towel in a reusable shopping bag (for rest time) Small Pillow (optional) Lunch box LABEL EVERYTHING! 47 BIBLE (New International Version) COMPOSITION BOOK Black & White BOOK BAG - large CRAYONS -1 box of (only) 24 ERASER - 2 white or pink pencil eraser FLASH CARDS - Addition and subtraction (for use at home all year) FOLDER - 2 sturdy pocket folders (strongly suggest plastic) - (homework folder & desk folder) GLUE STICKS - 2 large M ARKERS - 1 package of washable markers PENCILS - 10 #2 lead (all year) SCHOOL BOX - 1 sturdy box to store items (no larger than 6”x 9”x 3”) SCISSORS - 1 pair sharp tipped (metal) SMOCK - 1 smock for painting (old shirt) WATER COLOR PAINTS - 1 box of (8 colors) EAR PHONES for the computer (please send in a labeled plastic bag) - Do not buy ear buds as they do not stay in the ears. GRADE 2 GRADE 4 ASSIGNMENT PAD - (see R.C.S. store) BIBLE - (New International Version) BOOK BAG - large COMPOSITION BOOK - 1 black and white CRAYONS - 1 box of ONLY 24 ERASER - 1 pink pencil FLASHCARDS - addition and subtraction (for home use) FOLDER - 1 sturdy pocket (homework folder) GLUE STICKS - 2 large (white only) M ARKERS - 1 box of washable markers PENCILS - 4 #2 lead (all year) SCHOOL BOX - 1 sturdy box to store items (no larger than 6”x9”x3”, please) SCISSORS - 1 pair sharp tipped SMOCK - 1 smock for painting (old shirt is fine) $4.75 for weekly news magazine YELLOW HIGHLIGHTER GRADE 3 ASSIGNMENT PAD - (see R.C.S. store) BIBLE - (New International Version) BOOK BAG - large BOOK COVERS (paper bags will do - NO BOOK SOCKS) COLORED PENCILS - 1 package COMPOSITION BOOK CRAYONS - 1 box of 16 ERASER - 1 pink pencil eraser FLASH CARDS - multiplication and division (for home use) FOLDERS - 5 pocket folders GLUE STICK - 3 HIGHLIGHTER - 2 yellow INDEX CARDS - 1 book of 50 ruled 4”x6” (tear -out) - for Bible memory verses LOOSE-LEAF PAPER (not college ruled) M ARKERS - 1 package of fine tipped markers NOTEBOOKS - 4 separate spiral notebooks PENCILS - 4 #2 lead (all year) PENS - 1 package blue PLASTIC BIN - shoebox-sized with lid RULER - 1 twelve inch (metric and standard) SCISSORS - 1 pair sharp tipped ASSIGNMENT PAD (RCS store) BABY WIPES - 1 package BIBLE (New International Version) BOOK BAG - large BOOK COVERS (paper bags will do - NO BOOKSOCKS) COLORED PENCILS - 1 package COMPOSITION BOOK - 1 black and white CRAYONS - 1 box of 16 ERASER - 1 pink pencil eraser FLASH CARDS - multiplication and division (for home use) FOLDERS - 7 pocket folders GLUE - 1 4 oz. bottle of Elmer's (white only) GLUE STICKS - 2 HIGHLIGHTERS - 2 M ARKERS - 1 package of fine tipped NOTEBOOKS - 7 separate spiral notebooks PENCILS - 6 #2 lead (all year) RULER - 1 twelve inch (metric and standard) SCISSORS - 1 pair sharp tipped LABEL EVERYTHING! 48 The Ringwood Christian School Store will stock some of these items. Students may make purchases throughout the school year. Please note that the school store sells an excellent quality hard covered Bible at a very reasonable cost! UPPER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A student’s success in school is greatly enhanced when he/she is organized and has the proper tools and materials. This list will help parents know what the student will be using throughout the school year. Please note We will be making a concerted effort to help students develop their organizational and study skills. This can only begin when the student has the necessary materials. At times, the teacher has given specific details relating to an item. There are good reasons for these details. It may be for safety reasons, quality of product and or space constraints in the classroom. Please note that some items are for home use only or for specific grades. Colorful school supplies can be fun to buy, but we ask that you keep one thing in mind when you make your purchases. Notebooks, pads, etc. should not be geared to advertising or highlighting music personalities or groups. PLEASE NOTE!! —Due to space constraints and safety concerns students may NOT have book bags with wheels and/or pull-out handles. MIDDLE SCHOOL GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSIGNMENT PAD - see RCS store BIBLE (New International Version) BINDER - 3 ringed binder BINDER & DIVIDERS - 3 ringed binder (1 in.) and dividers for 8th Grade Bible/Worldview class BOOK COVERS (paper bags will do - NO BOOKSOCKS) CALCULATOR - Scientific Calculator for Gr. 8 and Algebra class students only COLORED PENCILS - 1 package COMPASS - Geometry compass for home (Gr.6 8) COMPOSITION BOOKS GRADE 5 (1) Writing Across the Curriculum GRADE 6 (3) Math Notes, Science and Writing Across the Curriculum GRADE 7 (2) Science and Writing Across the Curriculum GRADE 8 (3) Math Notes, Science and Writing Across the Curriculum DIVIDERS - subject dividers for notebook Labeled for Bible, English, History, Math, Reading, Science, Spanish FOLDERS - Pocket folders with 3 holes punched for: 49 State Report - Gr. 5 Research Paper - Gr. 6-8 GRAPH PAPER - for use at home HIGHLIGHTER INDEX CARDS - 100 3x5 lined (white only) PAPER - Loose-leaf for assignments and notebook PENCIL/PEN BAG - zippered bag for inside notebook PENCILS - 3 #2 lead (all year) PENS - 3 blue or black and 1 colored pen (not red) to be used for correcting work (all year) PROTRACTOR (for use at home) RULER - (metric and standard - for use at home) SPIRAL NOTEBOOK (One Subject) - Gr. 7 SPIRAL NOTEBOOK (THREE Subject) - Gr. 7&8 STAPLER - for home use The Ringwood Christian School Store will stock some of these items. Students may make purchases throughout the school year. Please note that the school store sells an excellent quality hard covered Bible at a very reasonable cost! These supplies are needed all year. Label Everything!!
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