EXHIBITOR SERVICES MANUAL 25th GLOBALCON Location: Atlantic City Convention Center, Hall B Atlantic City, NJ Dates: April 9-10, 2014 www.globalconevent.com SECTION Dear Exhibitor: On behalf of AEE & show sponsors, we would like to thank you in advance for your participation in this year’s event. The 25th GLOBALCON, to be held April 9-10, 2014, is fast approaching. Included in your exhibitor service kit is all the information & forms you will need in order to set up your exhibit at the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ (booth set up: Monday, April 7 and Tuesday, April 8, 2014). Included in your 10’ x 10’ booth: • 8’ draped back wall and standard draped side railings • 7” x 44” standard company identification sign • One free conference admission badge per 10’ x 10’ booth (lunch not included-refer to Exhibit Badge Form to sign up) VIP expo passes imprinted with your company name • Exhibitor Service Kit • Product description & logo listing in pre-show announcements Enclosed and Table of Contents: SECTION 1: SECTION 2: AEE information FREEMAN information • • • • • • Move-in / Move-out dates and times Show hours Exhibitor Badge Preregistration form Special Show Functions Pre-registration Form Event Sponsorships • • • • • • • Shipping information Shipping Labels Furniture rental Carpet Graphics Labor Freight Services • • • Co-op mailing, fax, email to your customers Discounted rates for Internet advertising to attract attendees to your booth Carpet is not included and must be provided by the exhibitor by rental through Freeman or bringing your own (installation costs may apply based on booth size). Those exhibitors without carpet/acceptable flooring will incur additional costs as carpet will be forced prior to show opening. SECTION 3: Additional vendors • • • • • • • • • Lead retrieval rental (ATS) Electrical All Utility Services (Phones/Internet) Booth Cleaning Computer/Printer rental Audio visual Catering Floral arrangements Photography Sponsorship Opportunities: A great way to enhance your prominence and visibility at the show is to become an event sponsor. You may wish to sponsor the Opening Session Coffee, Exhibit Hall Coffee, Conference Attendee Networking Reception, or the Conference Attendee Luncheon. Contact Lauren Lake at 770-447-5083 ext.211 or email lauren@aeecenter.org for details. Please feel free to contact our Exhibits Coordinator, Katrinka Maddox, at 770-279-4388, kat@aeecenter.org, or myself if you have any questions, or need additional information. I can be reached at 770-279-4392. I look forward to seeing you in April. Wishing you a successful show! Sincerely, Ashley Clark, Exhibit Manager, Association of Energy Engineers Exhibit Kit For: Atlantic City Convention Center – Hall B - [see www.mapquest.com for directions] – 609-449-2000 One Convention Blvd., Atlantic City, NJ – April 9-10, 2014 Important Numbers: 1) SERVICE CONTRACTOR: (Carpet, Material Handling, Advance Warehouse Shipping, Labor, Phone, Modular Display Units etc…) FREEMAN, Exhibitor Services Department Phone: 201-299-7575 / Fax: 469-621-5618 2) EXHIBITOR SET-UP / MOVE-OUT: SET-UP MOVE-OUT Monday, April 7, 2014/2:00pm–5:00pm Thursday, April 10, 2014/2:00pm-8:00pm Friday, April 11, 2014/8:00am–12:00pm NOON Tuesday, April 8, 2014/8:00am–5:00pm All work on exhibit booths must be completed by the evening of April 8. SHOW HOURS: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 / 10:00 am–4:00 pm Thursday, April 10, 2014 / 10:00 am–2:00 pm Exhibit Height Guidelines: Inline Exhibits have a height allowance of 8 feet in the rear 1/2 of their exhibit and 3 feet in the front 1/2 of the exhibit. Any side or back wall visibly exposed to an aisle or a neighboring exhibitor must be finished to conceal any exposed wiring or construction at exhibitor’s expense. Sales activities must be confined to your exhibit space. Exhibitor booths must be carpeted. Management reserves the right to determine installation guidelines. Refer to Exhibitor contract for additional terms and conditions. 3) Please Note: Lunch is not included with your booth space. Exhibitors may purchase these tickets by returning the enclosed Special Show Functions reservation form. These tickets may be available on-site, if still available. 4) SHOW COLORS: Aisle carpet = Midnight Blue, Side Rails = Blue, Back Drape = White, Blue Note: Aisle Carpet 100-200 = Green for Northeast Green Showcase. 5) VIP EXPO TICKETS: Under separate cover, you will receive complimentary expo passes. The tickets allow your prospects & customers to explore the expo free of charge ($40 value each). For additional passes or tickets in PDF format, contact Katrinka Maddox at (770) 279-4388. 6) HOTEL*: Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel 609344-3535 or 888-627-7212 (deadline March 18,2014) - (be sure to mention AEE Globalcon 2014. Please make your reservation early. Special rates will be held until deadline date or until block is filled, whichever comes first. For Hotel Reservations and pricing call the hotel directly. Be sure to mention that you are with the Globalcon/AEE to receive discounted rates. *For your information only: AEE is not responsible for prices, quotes or services provided. EXHIBITOR BADGE PRE-REGISTRATION FORM For pre-registration of on-site booth personnel, RETURN THIS FORM NO LATER THAN March 28, 2014. After that date, register on-site at the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ. Mail to: REGISTRAR / GLOBALCON 2014, AEE, 4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420, Atlanta, GA 30340 FAX to: (770) 447-4354, Phone: (770) 447-5083, ext. 226 Email: connie@aeecenter.org 1) BOOTH MANAGER - Person who will be responsible for booth at show: (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY TO ENSURE PROPER SPELLING) Name:____________________________________Title:__________________________ Company:________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:____________ Phone #:(_____)_______________________ E-Mail:______________________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ 2) Additional Booth Personnel - Person(s) who will assist at booth during show: (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY TO ENSURE PROPER SPELLING) Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:__________________________________ E-mail:____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:________________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:___________________________________ E-mail:____________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:_______________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Page Two: Booth Personnel – Please type or print clearly to ensure proper spelling) Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:_________________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:________________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:_________________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:________________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:_________________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:________________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:_________________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:________________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Name:____________________________________Title:_______________________________ Company:_________________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:________________ Phone #:(_____)___________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Note: You may make copies of this form for additional booth personnel (no limit). SPECIAL SHOW FUNCTIONS Note: Lunch is not included with your booth rental. You must pre-order these tickets for booth personnel. Please reserve ______ at $10.00 each in advance ($20.00 each on-site, if available) for the Conference Attendee Luncheon at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Please reserve ______ at $10.00 each in advance ($20.00 each on-site, if available) for the Conference Attendee Luncheon at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014. Reservations with payment need to be made by March 28, 2014 (After this date, ticket availability is on a "stand-by" basis only, if available) Total Enclosed: $_____________ [ ] American Express [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard Card #: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| 3 Digit Code: _______ Exp. Date:__________ Signature:_____________________________________ Printed Name:__________________________________ Mail to: Registrar, GLOBALCON 2014 4025 Pleasantdale Road, #420 Atlanta, GA 30340 Or Fax to: (770) 447-4354 Email: connie@aeecenter.org PLEASE TYPE: Name:____________________________________Title:__________________________ Company:___________________________________ E-mail: _______________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:____________ Phone #:(_____)_______________________ FAX #:(_____)_____________________ Questions Concerning Luncheon: CALL Connie Meadows at (770) 447-5083 ext.226 or email connie@aeecenter.org SHOW CHECKLIST Show Name: GLOBALCON 2014 Booth Number:________________________ Location:_________________________________________________________________ Exhibit Dates:________________________ Show Hours:___________________________ Setup Dates:__________________ Setup Times:____________________________ Dismantle Date:_________________ Dismantle Times:_________________________ Booth Arrival Date & Time:___________________________________________________ Flight Reservations: Going:________________________________________ Returning:______________________________________ Hotel Name & Address:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number:_______________________ Fax Number:______________________________ Room Rate:________________________ Confirmation #:____________________________ ADVANCE ORDER DEADLINE: [ ] Sponsorship Confirmation Date Confirmed:__________________________ [ ] Booth Reservation Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Booth Personnel Registration Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Electrical Ordered Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Carpet/Padding Ordered Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Lead Retrieval Ordered Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Material Handling Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Setup Labor Ordered Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Electrical Labor Ordered Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Cleaning Services Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Booth Shipped Date Ordered:_____________________________ [ ] Emailed/Fax customer list or prospects and invitation to attend the expo for FREE Date Completed:___________________________ [ ] Mailed out supply of Free expo tickets/ Gave to area sales representatives Date Completed:___________________________ [ ] Have sales representatives contact 10 clients each (have a sales contest to see who can bring in the most customers) Date Completed:___________________________ [ ] Post the show name, logo, date, and place on your web site (let your sales prospects know where they can see you Date Completed:___________________________ [ ] Provide show management with up to 500 names to mass fax a FREE expo pass on your behalf (there is no charge for this service-contact: Katrinka at 770-279-4388 for more details) Date Completed:___________________________ [ ] Provide show management with up to 100 names to send a VIP invitation packet on your behalf (there is no charge for this service-contact Katrinka at 770-279-4388) Date Completed:___________________________ [ ] If you run advertising in Trade Publications, be sure to add “See us at upcoming show, dates, place and times” Date Completed:___________________________ GLOBALCON 2014 EXHIBITOR'S CRITIQUE FORM 1) How would you rate the overall success of this exposition? Excellent Fair 2) Good Poor Satisfactory How would you rate the quality of attendees who came by your booth? Excellent Fair Good Poor RETURN THIS FORM TO: Brian Douglas, AEE Director of E-Commerce & Events P.O. Box 1026 Lilburn, GA 30048 FAX: (770) 381-9865 Satisfactory Comments Regarding Attendees: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3) Do you anticipate one or more sales as a result of exhibiting? Yes 4) Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Satisfactory Fair Poor Fair Poor How would you rate FREEMAN? Excellent 6) No How would you rate AEE's show management? Excellent 5) Possibly Good How would you rate the Atlantic City Convention Center? Excellent Good Satisfactory 7) Any suggestions for improving future expos? ___________________________________________________________________ 8) Your overall evaluation or reaction to the show: ___________________________________________________________________ FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL LAST NAME _________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY STREET ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/ STATE/ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS [ ] check box if you don’t want us using your comments in future literature describing this program. Thank you for participating in this year's show! ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY ENGINEERS SPONSOR RECEIVES THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS ‐ Your logo in the conference program distributed onsite to conference attendees ‐ Pre‐show industry recognition in mailings, show website, and attendee promotions ‐ Your logo on graphics displayed throughout the show ‐ A sign prominently displayed at the show’s entrance indicating your sponsorship ‐ Sponsor ribbons on your company attendee / staff badges ‐ Recognition of sponsorship displayed on the AEE website Host $40,000 2014 Premium Sponsorship Opportunities April 9‐10, 2014 Platinum Sponsor $25,000 20’x20’ exhibit booth valued at $10,600 Twenty full‐conference registrations for staff or customers / clients *(total value $17, 900) 100 reduced‐rate conference registrations. Attendees may use these to register themselves at $595 discounted rate. (regular registration is $895) Half page ad in the Exhibit Hall Directory (value of $1,350) Gold Sponsor $20,000 Atlantic City Convention Center Atlantic City, NJ AEE offers many great ways to enhance your prominence and visibility to decision‐making attendees and industry AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITES HOST PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE Association of Energy Engineers 4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420 Atlanta, GA 30340 Contact: Lauren Lake Phone: 678‐687‐4997 Fax: 205‐639‐1615 Email: Lauren@aeecenter.org 20x20 or 20x30 exhibit booth valued at $10,600/$15,900 Seventy Five full‐conference registrations for staff or customers / clients *(total value $67, 125) 500 reduced‐rate conference registrations. Attendees may use these to register themselves at $595 discounted rate. (regular registration is $895) Full page ad in the Exhibit Hall Directory (value of $2,600) 10’x30’ exhibit booth valued at $7,950 Fifteen full‐conference registrations for staff or customers / clients* (total value $13,425) 100 reduced‐rate conference registrations. Attendees may use these to register themselves at $595 discounted rate. (regular registration is $895) Quarter page ad in Exhibit Hall Directory (value of $850) Silver Sponsor $15,000 10’x20’ exhibit booth valued at $5,300 Ten full‐conference registrations for staff or customers/clients* (total value $8,950) 100 reduced‐rate conference registrations. Attendees may use these to register themselves at $595 discounted rate. (regular registration is $895) Business Card ad in Exhibit Hall Directory (value of $395) Bronze Sponsor $7,500 10’x10’ exhibit booth valued at $2,650 Five full‐conference registrations for staff or customers / clients* (total value $4,475) 100 reduced‐rate conference registrations. Attendees may use these to register themselves at $595 discounted rate. (regular registration is $895) Business Card ad in Exhibit Hall Directory (value of $395) Registrations include luncheon functions, entrance to conference sessions, admittance into the expo, and a copy of the Conference Proceedings CD. SHOW SPONSORSHIP RESERVATION FORM Premium Sponsorship: Amount: Please remit sponsor ship form by fax, mail or email to: Attn: Lauren Lake Lauren@aeecenter.org Association of Energy Engineers 4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420 Atlanta, GA 30340 Fax: 205‐639-1615 SPONSOR INFORMATION Company: ____________________________________________________________ Billing Contact: ________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________________ Fax Number: _________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________ Onsite Contact: PAYMENT TERMS You will receive an invoice for payment. All payments will be due within 60 days of commitment. Payment Method: (Credit Card, Company Check/Invoice) ‐ Circle One MasterCard AMEX Visa Company Check/Invoice Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Name on Card: ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________________________________ Amount to be Charged: ________________________________________________ EVENT SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS April 9‐10, 2014 Atlantic City Convention Center Atlantic City, NJ AEE offers many great ways to enhance your prominence & visibility to decision‐making attendees & industry professionals at the upcoming GLOBALCON. SPONSOR RECEIVES THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS Your logo in the conference program distributed onsite to attendees Pre‐show industry recognition in mailings and attendee promotions Website recognition with your organization’s link on show website Your logo on signage displayed throughout the show ‐ Entrance Unit, Registration and other sponsor “Thank you” signage ‐ A sponsor recognition sign Sponsor ribbons on your company attendee / staff badges Logo displayed on the back cover of the Conference Proceedings CD Upgraded BOLDED listing in the Exhibit Hall Directory DAILY EVENT SPONSORSHIPS Wednesday Opening Session Coffee Break Sponsor New Technologies Breakfast Sponsor Conference Attendee Networking Reception Sponsor Wednesday &Thursday Exhibit Hall Coffee Service Sponsor Daily Conference Attendee Luncheon Sponsor Thursday Council for Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership Breakfast (CWEEL) FEATURED OPPORTUNITIES Welcome Banner Conference Program Sponsor Light Box Sponsor Emission Credit Sponsor Cyber Café Sponsor Speaker Breakfast/Break Sponsor Lanyard, Memo Pads or Tote Bags Sponsor TO LEARN MORE, CONTACT: Lauren Lake Event & Marketing Director (P) 678‐687‐4997 (F) 205‐639‐1615 lauren@aeecenter.org WEDNESDAY EVENT SPONSORSHIP Opening Session Coffee Sponsor $3,000 (coffee, set‐up, regular cups, and tear down) Officially welcome all conference attendees to the Opening Session by sponsoring the Opening Session Coffee Break. In addition to other onsite and promotional recognition, you may wish to provide coffee mugs or coffee sleeves with your logo to support your company branding. A sign with your logo will be placed next to the coffee service for maximum recognition. New Technologies Breakfast Sponsor: $5,000 The New Technologies breakfast is a concise and informative forum for attendees to preview the new and innovative products and services on display at the show. Presenting exhibitors provide brief, 5‐7 minute presentation on their newest technologies, enabling attendees to get a rapid survey of what's new. AEE provides online sponsorship recognition, dedicated onsite signage recognizing sponsorship placed at registration and meeting rooms, logo on event flyers placed at registration as well as recognition of sponsorship in the onsite conference program, conference proceedings CD and exhibit hall directory in addition to logo inclusion on onsite signage. Conference Attendee Networking Reception Sponsor – Wednesday: Prices starting at $5,000 An outstanding opportunity to reach and interact with all speakers and conference attendees ‐‐ held in the exhibit hall on Wednesday evening. AEE will provide additional specialized function graphics, featuring your logo, such as directionals to the reception and signage in the expo hall. You are encouraged to bring marketing and sales materials to be distributed to attendees within the function area or provide a banner and/or other promotional materials approved by AEE. Wednesday & Thursday Exhibit Hall Coffee Service Sponsor: Wednesday or Thursday $2,250 per day (coffee, set‐up, regular cups, and tear down) Brighten the morning for expo visitors and conference attendees by sponsoring coffee service in the exhibit hall. You may wish to provide coffee sleeves with your logo for additional exposure. Along with other materials pre‐show and onsite, recognition signage will be placed by the coffee service. Daily Conference Attendee Luncheon Sponsor: Wednesday or Thursday Prices starting at $3,500 The Attendee Luncheons provide an outstanding opportunity to reach all speakers, conference attendees and seminar delegates. Sponsors are encouraged to place marketing materials at each place setting and have a representative personally greet attendees as they enter the luncheon. You may also provide a company banner to be hung within the luncheon area on the day of your sponsorship. DAILY EVENT SPONSORSHIP THURSDAY EVENT SPONSORSHIP Council for Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) Breakfast – Thursday: $2,250 CWEEL is a division of AEE and has been organized to develop a prominent voice for women in the industry. This is a new division of AEE and this sponsorship offers you an amazing opportunity to associate your organization with this effort. You are encouraged to provide marketing materials to attendees of this event. FEATURED SPONSORSHIP Welcome Banner Sponsor: $5,000 Be the first to welcome conference attendees and visitors to the show. Your logo will appear on a 10’ x 20’ welcome banner at the entrance to the show. Conference Program Sponsor: $5,000 Conference attendees will receive the onsite conference program and will use it as a guide to the various educational conference tracks and other events. Your sponsor logo will be displayed on the conference program. Light Box Sponsor: $1,500 per box or $4,000 package rate for all *Only FOUR light boxes available. Have your company logo featured on one or all four of the event light boxes. The light boxes are a brilliant way to catch attention and display your message, each light box is prominently featured in highly trafficked show areas (near registration, meeting rooms, etc.). Sponsorship includes company logo displayed on two sides of event light box. Emission Credit Sponsor: $3,500 *Sponsor to facilitate credit offset purchase Organizations may offset their indirect greenhouse gas emissions and help support the operation and development of domestic sources of clean, renewable energy. AEE will provide online sponsorship recognition, dedicated onsite signage recognizing sponsorship to be placed at registration. Announcement of sponsorship in press release (provided by sponsor, approved by AEE) and distributed via AEE’s networks, in addition, recognition of sponsorship will be included in the onsite conference program, conference proceedings CD and exhibit hall directory as well as logo inclusion on onsite signage where applicable. CyberCafe Sponsor: $8,000 The Cyber Cafe will be a hotspot at the show, attracting attendees who want to stay connected while out of the office. This sponsorship provides 5‐10 laptop stations with branded screensavers and the opportunity to have representatives and/or brochures on hand for assistance. Your logo will appear on Cyber Café signage (hanging banners and/or large directional signage), on the show website, and conference program with information on the cyber café. Speaker Breakfast/ Break Sponsor: $4,000 Reach the high level speakers and attendees by sponsoring the Speaker breaks and breakfast. Your logo will appear on signage in the speaker room and on onsite materials. Lanyards, Memo Pads or Tote Bag $2,500 (sponsor supplies items to be distributed) See your organizations name by sponsoring one of the promotional items mentioned above. Items must be provided by the sponsor and approved by AEE. The items must be received by AEE no later than 14 days prior to the opening of the show. Your logo will be displayed by all conference attendees as they use your item throughout the show. Special Tote Bag Offer... $10,000 This special sponsorship offer allows you to gain maximum exposure without any additional work. Have AEE print conference attendee tote bags for you featuring your logo. Every conference and seminar attendee as well as expo visitor will receive a quality bag with your logo to be used throughout the show. SHOW SPONSORSHIP RESERVATION FORM Event Sponsorship: Amount: Please remit sponsorship form by fax or mail to: Attn: Lauren Lake Association of Energy Engineers 4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420 Atlanta, GA 30340 Fax: 205‐639‐1615 SPONSOR INFORMATION Company: ____________________________________________________________ Billing Contact: ________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________________ Fax Number: _________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________ Onsite Contact: PAYMENT TERMS You will receive an invoice for payment. All payments will be due within 60 days of commitment. Payment Method: (Credit Card, Company Check/Invoice) ‐ Circle One MasterCard AMEX Visa Company Check/Invoice Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Name on Card: ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________________________________ Amount to be Charged: ________________________________________________ SHOW ADVERTISING OPTIONS Reach Sales Prospects… Before, During & After the Event April 9‐10, 2014 Atlantic City Convention Center Atlantic City, NJ EXCLUSIVE TOOLS FOR EXHIBITORS PRE‐SHOW OPPORTUNITIES & ADVERTISING Show Website Banner AD Attendee (pre/post show) e‐Newsletter(s) Buyer’s Guide Listing for Onsite & Online Exposure We are pleased to offer a variety of exhibitor only advertising options to help you maximize your trade show participation and to bolster your booth traffic. By participating in a preshow, onsite or post show advertising vehicle you help to set your company apart from the competition and stand out from other show participants. There are many low cost options available. You may also consider packaging a variety of options to achieve your attendee exposure, branding and sale lead generation. MAXIMIZE YOUR ONSITE EXPOSURE ONSITE TARGETED ADVERTISING Exhibit Hall Directory Literature Showcase Display Conference Proceedings Sponsor REACH THE DECISION MAKERS – BECOME A FEATURED ADVERTISER LIMITED ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Aisle Signs Pop‐Up Banners Exhibit Hall Workshop Sponsors Career Center Sponsor TO LEARN MORE, CONTACT: Jacqueline Fraga Marketing & Advertising Manager (P) 770.279.4386 (F) 770.381.9865 jacqueline@aeecenter.org PRE‐SHOW OPPORTUNITIES & ADVERTISING SHOW WEBSITE BANNER ADVERTISING: $2,000 468wx60h pixel static or animated banner Display your company ad in the form of a banner ad & link directly to your own website – the show website is regularly visited by thousands of attendees & potential show prospects so your banner will benefit from the heavy traffic on the show website. Specifications: Bottom Banner (horizontal): 468x60 rotates on homepage, links to your website. * Exhibitor provides banner ad (may be static or animated) Target Attendees e‐Newsletter 150x150 static or animated button ATTENDEE E‐NEWSLETTER: $595, per ad, per issue Coordinate your e‐marketing campaign with AEE, reach more than 50,000 readers per e‐mail, including pre‐ registered attendees, end‐users, and potential sales leads. Sponsor one or several of the e‐newsletters and generate name‐recognition for your company as the show approaches. Exhibitor provides 150x150 pixel button ad, text, and link. The newsletters are monthly with special pre & post show editions. *This is the only way to reach attendees via their e‐mail addresses. BUYER’S GUIDE: see attached form for details The Buyer's Guide increases pre/post‐show exposure, promotes your products and enables sales lead generation throughout the year. Your listing includes a Company Description, Company Logo, 2 Product Photos and Product(s) Description, Link to your Company web site, and Company Contact Information. The Buyer's Guide is available in the searchable online database, in PDF format featured within the Conference Proceedings CDs (see below) & displayed at shows. Your Buyer’s Guide Listing Included on Conference CD Your Buyer’s Guide Listing Included in Online Searchable Database Your Buyer’s Guide Listing Included in Member Newsletter Your Buyer’s Guide Listing Displayed Onsite at the Event ONSITE TARGETED ADVERTISING Exhibit Hall Directory‐Show Floor Plan: See attached reservation form for details The Exhibit Directory contains the show's floor plan, exhibit list with booth numbers, as well as the speaking schedule. It is handed out to conference attendees, seminar delegates, expo only visitors, and speakers. It is a simple, effective vehicle to encourage people to stop by your booth, to see a new product or service, participate in a booth drawing, or other onsite show incentive. Ad sizes range from business card to quarter page ads as viewed to the left and as half and full pages as viewed above. Cost varies by size. Ads start at $395. Half Page Ad Quarter Full Page Page Ad Ad Business Card Ad LITERATURE SHOWCASE DISPLAY (Location‐ Show Entrance): $395, per slot Participating exhibitors can distribute copies of their brochures, publications, etc in the Literature Showcase Display. Includes display table in Registration area of the Expo Hall. Materials are shipped to AEE and are placed out and re‐stocked throughout the event by staff. Great for Media Kits, Product Catalogs & Company Publications. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS SPONSOR: $6,000 One of the best ways to reach attendees even after the show, is to sponsor the Conference Proceedings CD distributed to conference attendees. Your logo will appear on the back cover of the CD. Your logo and a link to your company’s website will also be included on the splash page and sponsor link page each time the attendees open the CD. Your Logo Featured on Back of CD Packaging LIMITED ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES AISLE SIGN SPONSORSHIP: $800 per aisle, per side Aisle Sign sponsorship will reach customers, speakers, conference attendees and seminar delegates as they refer to these aisle signs repeatedly throughout the show. Your logo and recognition of your sponsorship will appear on one specified side of the aisle sign of your choice. Please note: This sponsorship is on a first‐come, first‐ serve basis. POP‐UP BANNERS: $800 per banner Featured on the expo floor trafficked by important expo, conference visitor & attendees expand your company’s reach with an impressive pop‐up banner. Leverage high traffic & less competition to capture their interest. Exhibitor provides Pop‐Up Banner. *Show Management will work with the sponsoring company to determine location. Limit 5 banners, this sponsorship is on a first‐come, first‐serve basis. EXHIBIT HALL WORKSHOP SPONSOR: $2500 per Workshop Area Logo on Large Workshop Signage (Includes Hanging Signs & Workshop Event Boards), Logo & Sponsor Recognition within the show marketing materials, signage, etc. The workshops are presented by exhibitors showcasing success stories, problem solving, technology integration, and retrofit/new construction considerations. Presentations run both days in both Presentation Areas throughout the expo hours listed. Please note: The workshops are held in two Presentation Areas, sponsorship for these is on a first‐come, first‐serve basis. CAREER CENTER SPONSOR: $3,000 Logo on 22x28 Signage, Logo & Sponsor Recognition within show marketing materials, signage, etc., 10 Job Ads listed at the Onsite Career Center and online at the AEE Career Center Website. www.aeecenter.org/jobs SHOW ADVERTISING RESERVATION FORM Check All That Apply □ Show Website Banner □ Exhibit Hall Directory □ Workshop Sponsor □ Proceedings CD Sponsor □ Attendee e‐Newsletter □ Buyer’s Guide □ Aisle Sign □ Pop‐Up Banner □ Career Center Sponsor □ Literature Showcase Display CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT ONLINE RESERVATION FORM Please submit form to: Jacqueline Fraga Email: Jacqueline@aeecenter.org Fax: 770‐381‐9865 PAYMENT TERMS You will receive an invoice for payment. All payments will be due within 60 days of commitment. Payment Method: (Credit Card, Company Check/Invoice) ‐ Circle One MasterCard AMEX Visa Company Check/Invoice Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Name on Card: ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________________________________ Amount to be Charged: ________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Company: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________________ Fax Number: _________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________ SECTION 2 SERVICE INFORMATION BOOTH EQUIPMENT Each 10' x 10' booth will be set with 8' high WHITE & BLUE back drape, 3' high BLUE side dividers and a one-line identification sign. EXHIBIT HALL CARPET The exhibitor booths are NOT carpeted, (exhibitors MUST order carpet or provide for the booth). However; aisles 100-200 will be carpeted in GREEN. All other carpet will be carpeted in MIDNIGHT BLUE. DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE Order early to take advantage of advance order discount rates, place your order by March 17, 2014. SHOW SCHEDULE EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN For more information and helpful hints on pre-show procedures and move-in, please go to www.freemanco.com/preshowFAQ Monday April 07, 2014 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Tuesday April 08, 2014 8:00 AM EXHIBIT HOURS Wednesday Thursday April 09, 2014 April 10, 2014 10:00 AM 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 2:00 PM EXHIBITOR MOVE-OUT For more information and helpful hints on post-show procedures and move-out, please go to www.freemanco.com/postshowFAQ Thursday April 10, 2014 2:00 PM 8:00 PM Friday April 11, 2014 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM NOON We will begin returning empty containers at the close of the show. DISMANTLE AND MOVE-OUT INFORMATION All exhibitor materials must be removed from the exhibit facility by Friday, April 11, 2014 at 12:00 PM NOON. To ensure all exhibitor materials are removed from the exhibit facility by the Exhibitor Move-Out deadline, please have all carriers check-in by Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM. POST SHOW PAPERWORK AND LABELS Our Exhibitor Services Department will gladly prepare your outbound Material Handling Agreement and labels in advance. Complete the Outbound Shipping form and your paperwork will be available at show site. Be sure your carrier knows the company name and booth number when making arrangements for shipping your exhibit at the close of the show. 12/13 (303456) Page 1 of 4 FREEMAN quick facts GLOBALCON 2014 APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER ATLANTIC CITY, NJ FREEMAN 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 fax (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION (800) 995-3579 Toll Free US & Canada, (817) 607-5100 Local & International, (469) 621-5810 Fax SERVICE CENTER HOURS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday April 07, 2014 April 08, 2014 April 09, 2014 April 10, 2014 April 11, 2014 2:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 3:00 PM 8:00 PM 11:00 AM FREEMAN ONLINE® Take advantage of discount pricing by ordering online at www.freemanco.com/store by March 17, 2014. Our Internet online ordering service, Freeman Online® is available for your convenience to order all Freeman Services, view show schedule, or print order forms. Once your show is available online you will receive an email which includes a direct link to Freeman Online®. To place online orders you will be required to enter your unique Login ID and Password. If this is your first time to use Freeman Online®, click on the "Login" link to create a new account. To access Freeman Online® without using the email link, visit www.freemanco.com/store and click the "Login" link. If you need assistance with Freeman Online® please call our Customer Support Center at (888) 508-5054 Toll Free US & Canada or (817) 607-5000 Local & International. SHIPPING INFORMATION Warehouse Shipping Address: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # _________ GLOBALCON 2014 C/O FREEMAN 4201 TACONY STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 Freeman will accept crated, boxed or skidded materials beginning Friday, March 07, 2014, at the above address. Material arriving after March 31, 2014 will be received at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge. Warehouse materials are accepted at the warehouse Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Show Site Shipping Address: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # _________ GLOBALCON 2014 C/O FREEMAN ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER ONE CONVENTION WAY ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 08401-6621 12/13 (303456) Page 2 of 4 FREEMAN quick facts SERVICE CONTRACTOR CONTACTS / INFORMATION: Please note: All items and materials that must be brought into the facility may be subject to Material Handling Charges and are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. This also applies to items not ordered through the Official Show Vendors. Refer to the Material Handling form for charges for this service. LABOR INFORMATION Union Labor may be required for your exhibit installation and dismantle. Please carefully read the UNION RULES AND REGULATIONS to determine your needs. Exhibitors supervising Freeman labor will need to pick up and release their labor at the Labor Desk. Refer to the order form for Display Labor for Straight time and Overtime hours. ASSISTANCE We want you to have a successful show. If we can be of assistance‚ please call our Exhibitor Services Department at (201) 299-7575. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! 12/13 (303456) Page 3 of 4 FREEMAN quick facts Freeman will receive shipments at the exhibit facility beginning Monday, April 07, 2014. Shipments arriving before this date may be refused by the facility. Any charges incurred for early freight accepted by the facility are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. TRANSLATION SERVICES Freeman is pleased to offer a new service for our international exhibitors that provides quick interpretation and translation in 150 languages. This service will not only interpret for us on a three way conversation, but also translate emails from customers. To access this feature you may contact Freeman Exhibitor Services at (201) 299-7575 or Freeman’s Customer Support Center at (888) 508-5054 Toll Free US & Canada or (817) 607-5000 Local & International. HELPFUL HINTS SAVE MONEY Order early to take advantage of advance order discount rates, place your order by March 17, 2014. AVOID DELAY Ship early to avoid delays. Shipments arriving late at show site will cost you money, time and business! SAFETY TIPS Use a ladder, not a chair. Standing on chairs, tables and other rental furniture is unsafe and can cause injury to you or to others. These objects are not designed to support your standing weight. Be aware of your surroundings. You are in an active work area with changing conditions during movein and move-out. Pay attention. Look for obstacles, machinery and equipment that are in use. Keep your eyes open for scooters and forklifts. The drivers of these vehicles may not be able to see you. Stay clear of dock areas, trucks and trailers. These areas can be particularly dangerous. Prevent electrical shocks, falling items and damage to materials. Do not attach items or equipment to the drapes or metal framework provided for your booth. This can cause serious injury or damage to materials. We discourage children from being in the exhibit hall during installation and dismantle. If children are present during installation and dismantle, they must be supervised by an adult at all times. Freeman does not ship or handle Hazardous Materials. If any materials you are shipping to the event fall into this category, please contact Freeman to be sure the material will be allowed at the facility and by the association. In addition, if authorized by the facility and the association, you will need to make separate arrangements for the transport and handling of the approved materials, since Freeman will not transport or handle them. The operation or use of all motorized lifts and motorized material handling equipment for installation/ dismantle of exhibits is NOT permitted by exhibitors or by their exhibitor appointed contractors (EAC’s). Thank you for your cooperation. EXHIBITOR ASSISTANCE Call Freeman's Exhibitor Services department at (201) 299-7575 with any questions or needs you may have. For more information and helpful hints on pre-show procedures and move-in, please go to www.freemanco.com/preshowFAQ. For more information and helpful hints on post-show procedures and move-out, please go to www.freemanco.com/postshowFAQ. 12/13 (303456) Page 4 of 4 FREEMAN general information FREEMAN GENERAL INFORMATION Reducing Your Footprint Freeman actively engages in green practices within day-to-day operations and is committed to producing events in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Freeman has collaborated with a number of customers to make their events greener and is dedicated to broadening this effort. Green Tips for Exhibitors Interested in going Green and saving money with your exhibit booth? Follow these tips to assist you in making your sustainable booth strategies at least cost-neutral, and possibly cost-saving! Supplies and Ordering • Order exhibit supplies early and utilize online ordering systems to eliminate paper waste. • Consider renting a booth from Freeman or buying materials locally, preventing shipping cost and lowering emissions. • Rent Freeman Classic Carpet which contains recycled content and is also recyclable. • Provide giveaways made of recycled, responsibly grown natural fiber, nontoxic and biodegradable materials. Ensure giveaways are useful, not merely promotional in nature. Electronic Giveaways, such as free songs from iTunes, coupons and free online Apps are smart and trendy. Printing, Recycling and Waste Management • Encourage less printing and provide more information digitally when it comes to booth literature, fulfilling requests via email and website referrals. • If you need to print, use a local printer in the city where the show will be held and choose paper that contains at least 50% post-consumer recycled content. • Ask Freeman about new paper-based signage materials that are comparably priced to plastic. There are good alternatives to foam core and PVC which are not as easily recyclable. • Participate in the exhibit donation program by providing materials that are eligible for donation to local charities, such as pens, bags and notepads. Shipping and Transportation If you must ship materials, planning out your booth in a timely way to meet shipping deadlines can also help maximize consolidation and cost-savings. • Choose a SmartWay™-certified hauler at no additional cost to ensure your transportation company is practicing sustainable shipping. • Set a goal to leave no trace behind by shipping out all booth properties and packing materials and donating extra giveaways thereby minimizing any waste for the show. • If you are attending another trade show that many of your fellow exhibitors are also participating in, ask your General Service Contractor or Show Management to set up a caravan service to save on fuel emissions—and cost of transportation. • Personnel and Best Practices Take advantage of local or regional representatives to staff your booth, rather than bringing staff from far away offices, reducing travel cost. • Bring Green as part of your company message providing recycling bins in your booth and information on what you have done to exhibit in a sustainable way. • These steps can help as we all strive to make smarter and more environmentally sound decisions. For more information on the Freeman Sustainability Initiative, contact Jeff Chase at jeff.chase@freemanco.com. 01/13 Standing on chairs, tables and other rental furniture is PROHIBITED. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. Use a ladder, not a chair. Pack one with your freight. Freeman Decorating Company cannot be responsible for injuries, falls or damage caused by the improper use of this equipment. If assistance is needed in assembling your booth, please order DISPLAY LABOR on the enclosed form, or come to the Exhibitor Service Center, and labor, with the necessary ladders and tools, will be provided. Thank You for Your Cooperation! SAFETY FIRST To ensure safety from electrical shocks, falling items and damage to materials, please DO NOT attach items/ equipment to the drapes or metal framework provided for your booth. EXHIBITORS SAFETY IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE WORKING IN THE EXHIBIT HALL • Never step backwards........ Always turn and look. • Be aware of forklifts and scooters. The driver might not see you. • Watch your step in crowded aisles. • For your safety, stay out of trucks and trailers. • Dispose of waste articles properly. Thank You for Your Cooperation! GUIDELINES • Before walking under something, look up. SAFETY • Get help with big jobs. Too many things at once can be a load of trouble. UNITED STATES FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS For Exhibits, Exhibitions, Displays and Trade Shows - Public & Private Booth Construction - Booths, platforms and space dividers shall be of materials that are flame-retardant or rendered so, satisfactory to the Fire Department representatives. Covering for counters or tables used within or as part of the booth shall be flame-retardant. All electrical wiring and apparatus will be of a 3-wire UL type approved. Fire Department - A permit shall be required for the following: 1) Display and operate any heater, barbecue, heat-producing or open flame device, candles, lamps, lanterns, torches, etc. 2) Display or operate any electrical, mechanical, or chemical device which may be deemed hazardous by the Fire Department. 3) Use or storage of inflammable liquids and dangerous chemicals. 4) Display any internal combustion engines (special requirement available upon request). 5) Use of compressed gases (Permit available for 32CF bottles one half full or less). Obstructions - Aisles and exits, as designated on approved show plans, shall be kept clean, clear and free of obstacles. Booth construction shall be substantial and fixed in position in specified areas for the duration of the show. Easels, sign etc., shall not be placed beyond the booth area into aisles. Fire fighting equipment shall be provided and maintained in accessible, easily seen location and may be required to be posted with designated signs. Fire-Retardant Treatment - All decorations, drapes, signs, banners, acoustical materials, cotton, paper, hay straw, moss, split bamboo, plastic cloth, and similar materials shall be flame-retardant to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. Booth identification banners and signs shall be flame-retardant unless smaller than 1232 square inches (28” x 44”) if separated from other combustibles by a minimum of 12” horizontally and 24” vertically. Oilcloth, tarpaper, nylon and certain other plastic materials cannot be made flame-retardant, and their use is prohibited. Combustibles - Literature on display shall be limited to reasonable quantities (one-day supply). Reserve supplies shall be kept in closed containers and stored in a neat and compact manner in a location approved by the Fire Department. All exhibit and display empty cartons must be stored in an approved drayage area. If show is under a 24-hour approved manner security program, automobiles are allowed to retain 1 gallon or less of fuel, and gas cap must be taped. Batteries are to be disconnected and taped. Storage behind booth backwall is strictly prohibited. JCC 11/12 FREEMAN fire regulations FIRE REGULATIONS 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: ADDRESS: BOOTH SIZE : X CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: EXT.: FAX #: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: CONTACT'S E-MAIL: Check if you are a new Freeman customer E-MAIL FOR INVOICE: Invoices will be sent by e-mail; please provide e-mail address of the person who reconciles your invoices if different than contact's email. METHOD OF PAYMENT BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM OR ORDERING MATERIALS OR SERVICES FROM FREEMAN, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN YOUR SERVICE MANUAL. COMPANY CHECK BANK TRANSFER Bank transfer to Bank of America, N.A.; Dallas, TX Wire Transfer ABA#: 026009593 ACCT# 1252039192 Freeman International Wire Transfer Swift Code: BOFAUS3N ACCT# 1252039192 Freeman ACH Direct Deposit ABA#: 111000012 ACCT# 1252039192 Freeman Please make check payable to: Freeman Checks must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank.("U.S. FUNDS" MUST BE PRE-PRINTED on Canadian checks.) Please reference (303456) on your remittance. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD For your convenience, we will use this authorization to charge your credit/debit card account for your advance orders, and any additional amounts incurred as a result of show site orders placed by your representative. These charges may include all Freeman companies, or any charges which Freeman may be obligated to pay on behalf of Exhibitor, including without limitation, any shipping charges. Please complete the information requested below: AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTER CARD Please reference Name of Show & Booth Number so we can properly credit your account. Note: Customers are responsible for any bank processing fees. VISA FREEMAN NOW ACCEPTS DEBIT CARDS ACCOUNT NO.: EXP. DATE: CARDHOLDER NAME (PRINT): SIGNATURE: CARDHOLDER BILLING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: ENTER TOTALS HERE • • • • FURNISHINGS & ACCESSORIES CARPET MATERIAL HANDLING RIGGING INSTALLATION CLEANING/ SHAMPOOING RIGGING DISMANTLE PORTER SERVICE RENTAL EXHIBITS & ACCESSORIES EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION HANGING SIGNS SIGNS INSTALLATION LABOR DISMANTLE LABOR GRAND TOTAL Remember to order in advance to save time and money. You may place your order by phone, fax, mail, or use our online ordering service at: www.freemanco.com/store. Orders received without payment or after the discount price deadline date will be charged at the standard price. Copies of invoices may be picked up from the Service Desk prior to show closing. If you have questions or need assistance with any items not listed, please call and ask for your Exhibitor Services Representative. TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Freeman is committed to providing great customer service. To help us serve you more effectively in the future, please visit the URL address below upon the completion of your show to provide feedback. Your input will provide the insight needed to ensure that our customer service is in line with your expectations. http://feedback.freemanco.com/? 303456 05/10 (303456) FREEMAN method of payment DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 In order to authorize Freeman to invoice a third party for payment of services rendered to exhibitors, both the exhibiting company and the third party must complete this form and return it at least 14 days prior to show move-in. EXHIBITING COMPANY AUTHORIZATION OF THIRD PARTY BILLING “We understand and agree that we‚ the exhibiting company‚ are ultimately responsible for payment of charges and agree by submitting this form or ordering materials or services from Freeman, to be bound by all terms and conditions as described in the Terms & Conditions section of this service manual. In the event that the named third party does not discharge payment of the invoice prior to the last day of the show‚ charges will revert back to the exhibiting company. All invoices are due and payable upon receipt‚ by either party. The items checked below are to be invoiced to the third party.” BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM OR ORDERING MATERIALS OR SERVICES FROM FREEMAN, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN YOUR SERVICE MANUAL. EXHIBITOR NAME: (PLEASE PRINT) EXHIBITOR SIGNATURE: DATE : EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION EXHIBITING COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: EXHIBITING COMPANY ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: EXT. FAX: CONTACT'S E-MAIL: Indicate which services are to be invoiced to the Third Party: ALL FREEMAN SERVICES I&D LABOR/SUPERVISION MATERIAL HANDLING/IN & OUT FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION RENTAL FURNITURE/CARPET/SIGNS BOOTH CLEANING OTHER THIRD PARTY COMPANY INFORMATION THIRD PARTY COMPANY NAME: CONTACT NAME: THIRD PARTY BILLING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: EXT: FAX: CONTACT'S E-MAIL: E-MAIL FOR INVOICE: Invoices will be sent by e-mail; please provide the e-mail address of the person who reconciles your invoices if different than contact's e-mail. THIRD PARTY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD AUTHORIZATION AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTERCARD VISA FREEMAN NOW ACCEPTS DEBIT CARDS ACCOUNT NO: EXP. DATE: CARDHOLDER NAME (PLEASE PRINT): CARD TYPE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: CARDHOLDER BILLING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: 02/12 (303456) FREEMAN PHONE: third party authorization 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com 0$7(5,$/+$1'/,1* YOU ARE ENTERING A CONTRACT WHICH LIMITS YOUR POSSIBLE RECOVERY IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. $FFHSWDQFHRIVDLGWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVZLOOEH FRQVWUXHGZKHQDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUHPHW:7KLV0DWHULDO+DQGOLQJ$JUHHPHQW0+$LVVLJQHG([KLELWRU¶VPDWHULDOVDUHGHOLYHUHGWR)UHHPDQ¶VZDUHKRXVHRUWR DQHYHQWVLWHIRUZKLFK)UHHPDQLVWKH2IILFLDO6KRZ&RQWUDFWRURUDQRUGHUIRUODERUDQGRUUHQWDOHTXLSPHQWLVSODFHGE\([KLELWRUZLWK)UHHPDQ DEFINITIONS )RU SXUSRVHV RI WKLV &RQWUDFW )UHHPDQ PHDQV )UHHPDQ 'HFRUDWLQJ 6HUYLFHV ,QF DQG LWV HPSOR\HHV GLUHFWRUV RIILFHUV DJHQWV DVVLJQV DIILOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVDQGUHODWHGHQWLWLHV7KHWHUP³([KLELWRU´PHDQVWKH([KLELWRULWV HPSOR\HHV DJHQWV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DQ\ ([KLELWRU $SSRLQWHG &RQWUDFWRUV ³($&´ DQGDQ\SHUVRQVUHFHLYLQJVHUYLFHVIURP)UHHPDQ FLIMITATION OF LIABILITY. ,112(9(176+$//)5((0$1%(/,$%/(72 7+( (;+,%,725 25 72 $1< 27+(5 3$57< )25 63(&,$/ &2//$7(5$/ (;(03/$5< ,1',5(&7 ,1&,'(17$/ 25 &216(48(17,$/ '$0$*(6 :+(7+(568&+'$0$*(62&&85(,7+(535,252568%6(48(1772 25 $5( $//(*(' $6 $ 5(68/7 2) 7257,286 &21'8&7 )$,/85( 2) 7+( (48,30(17 25 6(59,&(6 2) )5((0$1 25 %5($&+ 2) $1< 2) 7+( 3529,6,216 2) 7+,6 &2175$&7 5(*$5'/(66 2) 7+( )250 2) $&7,21 :+(7+(5 ,1 &2175$&7 25 ,1 7257 ,1&/8',1* 675,&7 /,$%,/,7< $1' 1(*/,*(1&( (9(1 ,) )5((0$1 +$6 %((1 $'9,6(' 25 +$6127,&(2)7+(3266,%,/,7<2)68&+'$0$*(668&+(;&/8'(' '$0$*(6 ,1&/8'( %87 $5( 127 /,0,7(' 72 /267 352),76 /266 2) 86($1',17(55837,212)%86,1(662527+(5&216(48(17,$/25 ,1',5(&7(&2120,&/266(6 PACKAGING/CRATES AND STORAGE.)UHHPDQVKDOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRU GDPDJH WR ORRVH RU XQFUDWHG PDWHULDOV SDGZUDSSHG RU VKULQNZUDSSHG PDWHULDOV JODVVEUHDNDJHFRQFHDOHGGDPDJHFDUSHWVLQEDJVRUSRO\RULPSURSHUO\SDFNHGRU ODEHOHGPDWHULDOV)UHHPDQVKDOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUFUDWHVDQGSDFNDJLQJZKLFK DUH XQVXLWDEOH IRU KDQGOLQJ LQ SRRU FRQGLWLRQ RU KDYH SULRU GDPDJH &UDWHV DQG SDFNDJLQJVKRXOGEHRIDGHVLJQWRDGHTXDWHO\SURWHFWFRQWHQWVIRUKDQGOLQJE\IRUNOLIW DQG VLPLODU PHDQV )UHHPDQ ZLOO QRW DFFHSW DQ\ FUDWHV RU SDFNDJLQJ FRQWDLQLQJ KD]DUGRXV PDWHULDOV*RRGVUHTXLULQJFROGVWRUDJHDQGWKRVHLQDFFHVVLEOHVWRUDJH DUH VWRUHG DW ([KLELWRU¶V RZQ ULVN FREEMAN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY DECLARED VALUE 'HFODUDWLRQV RI 'HFODUHG 9DOXH DUH EHWZHHQ WKH ([KLELWRU DQG WKH VHOHFWHG &DUULHU 21/< DQG DUH LQ QR ZD\ DQ H[WHQVLRQ RI )UHHPDQ V FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO GOODS IN COLD STORAGE OR ACCESSIBLE STORAGE. PD[LPXPOLDELOLW\VWDWHGKHUHLQ)UHHPDQZLOOXVHFRPPHUFLDOO\UHDVRQDEOHHIIRUWVWR EMPTY CONTAINERS(PSW\FRQWDLQHUODEHOVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDWWKHVKRZVLWH WUDQVPLWWKH'HFODUHG9DOXHLQVWUXFWLRQVWRWKHVHOHFWHG&DUULHUKRZHYHU)5((0$1 VHUYLFHGHVN$IIL[LQJODEHOVWRWKHFRQWDLQHUVLVWKHVROHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RI([KLELWRURU :,//127%(/,$%/()25$1<&/$,0$5,6,1*)5207+(75$160,77$/2) LWV UHSUHVHQWDWLYH $OO SUHYLRXV ODEHOV PXVW EH UHPRYHG RU REOLWHUDWHG )UHHPDQ 25 )$,/85( 72 75$160,7 '(&/$5(' 9$/8( ,16758&7,216 72 7+( DVVXPHV QR UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU HUURU LQ WKH DERYH SURFHGXUHV UHPRYDO RI FRQWDLQHUV &$55,(5 125 )25 )$,/85( 2) 7+( &$55,(5 72 83+2/' 7+( '(&/$5(' ZLWKROGHPSW\ODEHOVDQGZLWKRXW)UHHPDQODEHOVRULPSURSHULQIRUPDWLRQRQHPSW\ 9$/8(25$1<27+(57(502)&$55,$*( ODEHOV )5((0$1 :,// 127 %( /,$%/( )25 /266 25 '$0$*( 72 &5$7(6 $1' &217$,1(56 25 7+(,5 &217(176 :+,/( 6$0( $5( ,1 (037< JURISDICTION / VENUE.7+,6&2175$&76+$//%(&216758('81'(5 7+( /$:6 2) 7+( 67$7( 2) 7(;$6 :,7+287 *,9,1* ())(&7 72 ,76 &217$,1(56725$*( 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IN NO EVENT SHALL FREEMAN BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT /,0,7$7,21 /267 352),76 (9(1 ,) $'9,6(' 2) 7+( 3266,%,/,7< 2) 68&+ '$0$*(6 :+(7+(5 81'(5 7+(25< 2) &2175$&7 7257 ,1&/8',1* 1(*/,*(1&( 352'8&76 /,$%,/,7< 25 27+(5:,6( ([KLELWRU VKDOO LQGHPQLI\ DQG KROG KDUPOHVV )UHHPDQ LWV RIILFHUV GLUHFWRUV HPSOR\HHVDQGDJHQWVIURPDQGDJDLQVWDQ\DQGDOOFODLPVOLDELOLWLHVGDPDJHVILQHVSHQDOWLHVRUFRVWVRIZKDWVRHYHUQDWXUHLQFOXGLQJUHDVRQDEOHDWWRUQH\V¶ IHHVDULVLQJRXWRIRULQDQ\ZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWK([KLELWRU¶VDFWLRQVRURPLVVLRQVXQGHUWKLV$JUHHPHQW LABOR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITIES: (;+,%,725 VKDOO EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI ODERU SURYLGHG XQGHU WKLV RSWLRQ ,W LV WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI (;+,%,725 WR VXSHUYLVH ODERU VHFXUHG through FREEMAN in a reasonable manner as to prevent bodily injury and/or property damage and alsRWRGLUHFWWKHPWRZRUNLQDPDQQHUWKDWLVLQFRPSOLDQFH with FREEMAN’S Safe Work Rules and/or Federal, State, County and Localordinances, rules and/or regulations, including but not limited to Show or Facility Management rules and/or regulations. It isWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RI(;+,%,725WRFKHFNLQZLWKWKH6HUYLFH'HVNWRSLFNXSODERUDQGWRUHWXUQWRWKH6HUYLFH'HVN WRUHOHDVHODERUZKHQWKHZRUNLVFRPSOHWHG INDEMNIFICATION: (;+,%,725 DJUHHV WR LQGHPQLI\ KROG KDUPOHVV DQG GHIHQG )5((0$1 IURP DQG DJDLQVW DQ\ DQG DOO GHPDQGV FODLPV FDXVHV RI DFWLRQ ILQHV SHQDOWLHV GDPDJHVOLDELOLWLHVMXGJPHQWVDQGH[SHQVHVLQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRUHDVRQDEOHDWWRUQH\V¶IHHVDQGLQYHVWLJDWLRQFRVWVIRUERGLO\LQMXU\LQFOXGLQJDQ\ LQMXU\WR)5((0$1HPSOoyees, and/or property damage arising out of work performedE\ODERUSURYLGHGE\)5((0$1EXWVXSHUYLVHGE\(;+,%,725)XUWKHU WKH(;+,%,725¶6LQGHPQLILFDWLRQRI)5((0$1LQFOXGHVDQ\DQGDOOYLRODWLRQVRI)HGHUDO6WDWH&RXQW\RU/RFDORUGLQDQFHV6KRZ5egulations and/or Rules" as published and/or set forth byFacility or Show Management, and/or directing labor provided by FREEMAN to work in a manner that violates any of the above UXOHVUHJXODWLRQVand/or RUGLQDQFHV IMPORTANT 3/($6(5()(572)5((0$1¶60$7(5,$/+$1'/,1*7(506&21',7,216$6,75(/$7(6720$7(5,$/+$1'/,1*6(59,&(6$1'727+( "SERVICE REQUEST & SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS CONTRACT" AS IT RELATES TO TRANSPORTATION SERVICES.&2175$&77(506'(3(1'21 7+(1$785(2)6(59,&(66(&85('%<(;+,%,7257+528*+)5((0$17(506&21',7,2160$<9$5<)25($&+7<3(2)6(59,&( 25'(5('7+528*+)5((0$1 )UHHPDQ5(9 F page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT transportation There are many transportation carriers to choose from, but Freeman has more than 85 years of experience in the events industry. No one understands exhibit transportation better than Freeman. Allow us to make the shipping process easy for you. Between our cost effective solutions, superior customer service and all inclusive pricing, you will find Freeman Exhibit Transportation to be reputable, reliable and convenient. Our transportation experts have the ability to quickly respond to changes when necessary and are available to assist you with all of your show requirements. As the official service contractor, Freeman partners with you and with decision makers at show site – making it easier for you to transport your exhibit to any location. Some of the benefits of working with Freeman Exhibit Transportation include: • Guaranteed all inclusive pricing with no additional fees for pickups and deliveries, including weekend and night service. • One convenient invoice with all your Freeman show services. • On site transportation experts are available before, during and after the show. • Customer service seven days a week, offering complete shipment visibility and expert oversight. questions? For more information regarding our services, rates, shipment deadlines, documentation requirements, ordering and the terms and conditions of our service offerings, please visit www.freemanco.com Continental U.S. Exhibitors: Contact our exhibit transportation experts at 800.995.3579 or via email at exhibit.transportation@freemanco.com International Exhibitors: Contact our exhibit transportation experts at +1.817.607.5183 or via email at international.freight@freemanco.com 12/12 - 53593 - online (800) 995-3579 Toll Free US & Canada (817) 607-5100 Local & International NAME OF SHOW: GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call applicable number listed above to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION TIPS FOR EASY ORDERING SHIPPING INFORMATION • Credit card information must be on file prior to pick up, as charges will be included on your show services invoice. • International Exhibitors remember - Shipments originating from countries other than the U.S. must be cleared through customs. Please call for additional information: (800) 995-3579 Toll Free US & Canada (817) 607-5100 Local & International Items to be shipped Est. Weight Number of Pieces Crates (wooden) Cartons (cardboard) Cases/Trunks (fiber) (color ___________ ) Skids/Pallets COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON THIS FORM: Carpet (color ______________________ ) PICK UP INFORMATION Other ( ______________________ ) Total Requested Pick Up Date: Size of largest piece: (H) (W) (L) SHIPPER NAME NOTE: Shipments will be weighed and measured prior to delivery. SHIPPER ADDRESS OUTBOUND SHIPPING (City) (State) (Zip) DESTINATION I will be shipping to the WAREHOUSE FREEMAN / Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # I would like to schedule outbound Freeman Exhibit Transportation. Please provide me with a Material Handling Agreement at show site for my shipping instructions and signature. So we may print your Outbound Material Handling Agreement and labels, please complete the following information if different from pick up address: Ship to address: GLOBALCON 2014 C/O: FREEMAN 4201 TACONY STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 MUST BE DELIVERED BY MARCH 31, 2014 I will be shipping to SHOW SITE FREEMAN / Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # GLOBALCON 2014 C/O: FREEMAN ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER ONE CONVENTION WAY ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 08401-6621 CANNOT BE DELIVERED BEFORE APRIL 07, 2014 TYPE OF SERVICE Next Day Air: Delivery next business day by 5:00 PM Number of Labels : FAX THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: (469) 621-5810 A TRANSPORTATION SPECIALIST WILL CALL YOU TO CONFIRM RECEIPT OF ORDER AND FINALIZE DETAILS. Second Day Air: Delivery second business day by 5:00 PM 3-5 Day Service: Delivery within 3 - 5 business days Declared Value $ Air Transportation charges are billed by Dimensional or Actual Weight, whichever is greater. Standard Ground: Dependent on distance Expedited Ground: Tailored to specific requirements Specialized: Pad wrapped, uncrated, truck load 09/11 (303456) SHOW # _____________ FREEMAN exhibit transportation COMPLETE THIS FORM ONLY IF YOU ARE SHIPPING YOUR EXHIBIT MATERIALS BY FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION MOTOR CARGO SERVICE REQUEST AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS CONTRACT 7KLV &RQWUDFW HVWDEOLVKHV \RXU OHJDO REOLJDWLRQV ZLWK UHJDUG WR WKH SURSHUW\ GHVFULEHG KHUHLQ EHLQJ VKLSSHG ZLWK )UHHPDQ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ ,W VSHFLILFDOO\ OLPLWV \RXU ULJKWV DQG SRVVLEOH UHFRYHU\ LI \RXU SURSHUW\LVORVWRUGDPDJHG<RXPXVWDFFHSWDOOWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVRIWKLV&RQWUDFW<RXFRQILUPWKDW\RXKDYHUHDGDQGDJUHHZLWKDOOWKHWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVRIWKLV&RQWUDFWE\UHFHLSWZLWKRXWFRQWHVW 7KLV&RQWUDFWPD\QRWEHZDLYHGRUYDULHGH[FHSWLQZULWLQJDQGWKHQRQO\E\DQDXWKRUL]HGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI)UHHPDQ (USD) PER POUND OF CARGO LOST OR DAMAGED UNLESS AT THE TIME OF SHIPMENT DEFINITIONS,QWKLV&RQWUDFW³)UHHPDQ´PHDQV)UHHPDQ'HFRUDWLQJ6HUYLFHV,QFDQGLWV SHIPPER MAKES A DECLARATION OF VALUE FOR CARRIAGE IN THE SPACE DESIGNATED UHVSHFWLYHHPSOR\HHVRIILFHUVGLUHFWRUVDJHQWVDVVLJQVDIILOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVDQGUHODWHGHQWLWLHV ON THE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS AND PAYS THE APPROPRIATE VALUATION CHARGE LQFOXGLQJDQ\FRQWUDFWRUVDSSRLQWHGE\)UHHPDQ7KHWHUP³6KLSSHU´PHDQVWKHSHUVRQRUEXVLQHVV (YHQLI6KLSSHUKDVPDGHDGHFODUDWLRQRIYDOXHOLDELOLW\VKDOOQHYHUH[FHHGWKHGHSUHFLDWHGRULJLQDO IRU ZKRP WKH SURSHUW\ LV EHLQJ WUDQVSRUWHG DQG LQFOXGHV WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH HPSOR\HHV RIILFHUV LQYRLFH YDOXH RU WKH IDLU PDUNHW YDOXH RI WKH SURSHUW\ ZKLFKHYHU LV OHVV 7KH YDOXH SHU SRXQG IRU GLUHFWRUVDJHQWVDVVLJQVDIILOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVDQGFRQWUDFWRUVDSSRLQWHGE\WKH6KLSSHU H[FOXGLQJ DSSO\LQJ GHFODUHG YDOXDWLRQ FKDUJHV VKDOO EH GHWHUPLQHG E\ GLYLGLQJ 6KLSSHU’V GHFODUHG YDOXH IRU RQO\ )UHHPDQ ³3URSHUW\´ LV DOO REMHFWV RI DQ\ W\SH UHFHLYHG IURP WKH 6KLSSHU IRU WUDQVSRUW E\ FDUULDJHE\WKHDFWXDOZHLJKWRIWKHVKLSPHQW,QDOOFDVHVQRWSURKLELWHGE\ODZZKHUHDORZHUYDOXH )UHHPDQDVGHVFULEHGKHUHLQ³&RQVLJQHH´LVWKHSDUW\WRZKRP6KLSSHUKDVGHVLJQDWHGWKHJRRGV WKDQWKHDFWXDOYDOXHRIWKHVDLGSURSHUW\KDVEHHQVWDWHGLQZULWLQJE\ 6KLSSHURUKDVEHHQDJUHHG DUHWREHGHOLYHUHG XSRQLQZULWLQJDVWKHUHOHDVHGYDOXHRIWKHSURSHUW\XSRQZKLFKWKHUDWHLVEDVHGVXFKORZHUYDOXH SOXV IUHLJKW FKDUJHV LI SDLG VKDOO EH WKH PD[LPXP UHFRYHUDEOH DPRXQW IRU ORVV RU GDPDJH FINAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,Q H[FKDQJH IRU 6KLSSHU’V SD\PHQWV DQG Notwithstanding the above limitations, all shipments containing the following items of )UHHPDQ’V VHUYLFHV ZKLFK WKH SDUWLHV KDYH VSHFLILHG LQ WKLV &RQWUDFW )UHHPDQ DQG 6KLSSHU HDFK extraordinary value are limited to a maximum declared value of $500.00 (USD): D $UWZRUNV DJUHHWKDWWKLV&RQWDFWVKDOOJRYHUQWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHULJKWVDQGREOLJDWLRQVUHJDUGLQJWUDQVSRUWDWLRQRI DQG REMHFWV RI DUW LQFOXGLQJ ZLWKRXW OLPLWDWLRQ RULJLQDO SDLQWLQJV GUDZLQJV HWFKLQJV ZDWHUFRORUV 6KLSSHU’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’VGHVLJQDWHGDJHQW,IDQ\SDUWRU YDOXH SURYLVLRQRIWKLV&RQWUDFWLVIRXQGE\DFRXUWRIFRPSHWHQWMXULVGLFWLRQWREHYRLGRUXQHQIRUFHDEOH WKHUHPDLQGHURIWKH&RQWUDFWVKDOOFRQWLQXHLQIXOOIRUFHDQGHIIHFW $Q\GHFODUHGYDOXHLQH[FHVVRIWKHPD[LPXPVDOORZHGKHUHLQLVQXOODQGYRLGDQGWKHDFFHSWDQFH E\)UHHPDQIRUFDUULDJHRIDQ\VKLSPHQWZLWKDGHFODUHGYDOXHLQH[FHVVRIWKHDOORZHGPD[LPXPV FREEMAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CONTRACT ARE LIMITED)UHHPDQVKDOO GRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHDZDLYHURIWKHVHPD[LPXPV,QDQ\HYHQW H[FOXGLQJVPDOOSDFNDJHSURJUDP QRW EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI LQGLYLGXDOV RU ILUPV ZKR DUH QRW XQGHU WKH GLUHFW VKLSPHQWV Freeman’s MAXIMUM LIABILITY WILL NEVER BE MORE THAN $100,000 PER VXSHUYLVLRQ RU FRQWURO RI )UHHPDQ )UHHPDQ VKDOO QRW EH UHVSRQVLEOHIRU HYHQWV RU FDXVHV RI ORVV SHIPMENT6KLSSHUXQGHUVWDQGVWKDWHYHQLI6KLSSHULVQRWDEOHWRSDUWLFLSDWHRUIXOO\SDUWLFLSDWHLQD GHOD\RUGDPDJHEH\RQGLWVUHDVRQDEOHFRQWUROLQFOXGLQJE\ZD\RILOOXVWUDWLRQRQO\DQGQRWDVD 6KRZGXHWRORVVRIWKHIWRIRUGDPDJHWRWKHLUSURSHUW\)UHHPDQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHRUUHVSRQVLEOH OLPLWDWLRQRQ WKHEUHDGWKRIWKLV FODXVH VWULNH ORFNRXW ZRUN VORZGRZQ RU VWRSSDJHSRZHUIDLOXUH IRUGDPDJHVLGHQWLILHGE\WKHWHUPVE\ZD\RI H[DPSOHRQO\DQGQRWLQOLPLWDWLRQRIWKHEUHDGWKRI EUHDNGRZQ RI SODQW RU PDFKLQHU\ IDFLOLW\ IDLOXUH YDQGDOLVP WKHIW $FW RI *RG HIIHFW RI QDWXUDO WKLV FODXVH VXFK DV WKH IROORZLQJ FRQVHTXHQWLDO GDPDJHV ORVV RI XVH GDPDJHV ORVV RI SURILWV HOHPHQWV ULRW FLYLO FRPPRWLRQ RU GLVWXUEDQFH WHUURULVP DFW RI ZDU RU EHOOLJHUHQW SDUWLHV DQG DQ\ GDPDJHV EXVLQHVV LQWHUUXSWLRQ GDPDJHV GHOD\ GDPDJHV VSHFLDO GDPDJHV FROODWHUDO GDPDJHV RWKHU FDXVH RU FDXVHV EH\RQG WKH UHDVRQDEOH FRQWURO RI )UHHPDQ )UHHPDQ VKDOO QRW EH OLDEOHIRU H[HPSODU\GDPDJHVGDPDJHVDZDUGHGIRUJURVVQHJOLJHQFHGLUHFWGDPDJHVLQGLUHFWGDPDJHVRU GHOD\FDXVHGE\KLJKZD\REVWUXFWLRQVRUIDXOW\RULPSDVVDEOHKLJKZD\VRUODFNRIFDSDFLW\RIDQ\ GDPDJHVIRUIDLOXUHRISHUIRUPDQFHEUHDFKRIFRQWUDFWGDPDJHVIUDXGGDPDJHVRUDQ\RWKHUVRUWRI KLJKZD\EULGJHRUIHUU\RUFDXVHGE\EUHDNGRZQRUPHFKDQLFDOGHIHFWVRIYHKLFOHVRUHTXLSPHQWRU GDPDJH IRU WRUW RU EUHDFK RI FRQWUDFW 7KLV OLPLWDWLRQ VKDOO ELQG WKH SDUWLHV (A) WHENEVER OR IURPDQ\FDXVHRWKHUWKDQWKHQHJOLJHQFHRI)UHHPDQ)UHHPDQVKDOOQRWEHERXQGWRWUDQVSRUWE\ WHEREVER THE CLAIMED LOSS OR DAMAGE MAY OCCUR; (B) EVEN THOUGH THE ALLEGED LOSS OR DQ\SDUWLFXODUVFKHGXOHPHDQVYHKLFOHRURWKHUZLVHRWKHUWKDQZLWKUHDVRQDEOHGLVSDWFK DAMAGE IS CLAIMED TO RESULT FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, PRODUCTS LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF STATUTE OR REGULATION, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR CAUSE, AND; PACKAGING AND CRATES6KLSSHU’VSURSHUW\PXVWEHZHOOSDFNDJHGIRUVDIHDQGVHFXUH (C) EVEN THOUGH FREEMAN MAY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OR BE ON NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OR EVEN THE KDQGOLQJVWRUDJHDQGVKLSPHQWXVLQJRUGLQDU\FDUH)UHHPDQPDNHVQHLWKHUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQQRUDQ\ PROBABILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ZDUUDQW\UHJDUGLQJWKHDFFHSWDELOLW\RUVXLWDELOLW\RIDQ\SDFNDJLQJV\VWHPRUSURFHGXUHWKDW 6KLSSHU SHIPPER’S RESPONSIBILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATIOND6KLSSHUPXVWSD\LQIXOOIRU PLJKW XVH IRU LWV SURSHUW\ )UHHPDQ VKDOO QRW EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU GDPDJH WR ORRVH RU XQFUDWHG PDWHULDOVSDGZUDSSHGRUVKULQNZUDSSHGPDWHULDOVJODVVEUHDNDJHFRQFHDOHGGDPDJHFDUSHWVLQ WKHVHUYLFHVUHQGHUHGXQGHUWKLV$JUHHPHQWDWWKHWLPHWKHVHUYLFHVDUHUHTXHVWHG7KHH[LVWHQFHRI DGLVSXWHEHWZHHQ6KLSSHUDQG)UHHPDQUHODWLYHWRDQ\FODLPRURWKHUPDWWHUVKDOOKDYHQREHDULQJ EDJVRUSRO\RULPSURSHUO\SDFNHGRUODEHOHGPDWHULDOV&UDWHVDQGSDFNDJLQJVKRXOGEHRIDGHVLJQ WR DGHTXDWHO\ SURWHFW FRQWHQWV IRU KDQGOLQJ E\ IRUNOLIW DQG VLPLODU PHDQV *HQHUDO JXLGDQFH DV WR RQWKLVGXW\RISD\PHQW1RFODLPPD\EHVXEPLWWHGE\RURQEHKDOIRI6KLSSHUWR )UHHPDQXQOHVV DFFHSWDEOH SDFNDJLQJ V\VWHPV DQGSURFHGXUHV PD\ EHIRXQG LQ SXEOLFDWLRQV VXFK DV WKH 1DWLRQDO 6KLSSHU’VDFFRXQWLVFXUUHQW 0RWRU)UHLJKW&ODVVLILFDWLRQSXEOLVKHGE\WKH1DWLRQDO0RWRU)UHLJKW7UDIILF$VVRFLDWLRQ E 6KLSSHU XQGHUVWDQGV DQG DFNQRZOHGJHV WKDW 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ORDGLQJWKHJRRGVLQWRWKHWUDLOHUIRUWKHSURSHUVWRZDJHRIWKHJRRGVZLWKLQWKHWUDLOHUDQGIRUVHWWLQJ WKH WHPSHUDWXUH LQFOXGLQJ PDLQWHQDQFH DQG UHSDLU GXULQJ DOO WLPHV DIWHU WKH WUDLOHU LV VSRWWHG E\ F6KLSSHUVKDOOGHIHQGDQGLQGHPQLI\)UHHPDQLWVHPSOR\HHVGLUHFWRUVRIILFHUVDQGDJHQWVIURP )UHHPDQ DQG EHIRUH WKH WUDLOHU LV UHFHLYHG E\ )UHHPDQ )UHHPDQ LV QRW UHVSRQVLEOH IRU SURGXFW DQG DJDLQVW DQ\ DQG DOO GHPDQGV FODLPV FDXVHV RI DFWLRQ ILQHV SHQDOWLHV GDPDJHV LQFOXGLQJ GHWHULRUDWLRQ FDXVHG E\ LQKHUHQW YLFH GHIHFWV LQ WKH PHUFKDQGLVH RU WUDQVLW WLPHV LQ H[FHVV RI FRQVHTXHQWLDO OLDELOLWLHV MXGJPHQWV DQG H[SHQVHV LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR UHDVRQDEOH SURGXFW VKHOI OLIH 5HIULJHUDWHG KHDWHG VSHFLDOO\ YHQWLODWHG RU RWKHUZLVH VSHFLDOO\ HTXLSSHG WUDLOHUV DWWRUQHys’IHHVDQGLQYHVWLJDWLRQFRVWVRQDFFRXQWRISHUVRQDOLQMXU\GHDWKRUGDPDJHWRRUORVVRI DUH QRW HTXLSSHG WR FKDQJH WKH WHPSHUDWXUH RI JRRGV WKH\ DUH HTXLSSHG RQO\ WR PDLQWDLQ SURSHUW\RUSURILWVDULVLQJRXWRIRUFRQWULEXWHGWRE\DQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJ6KLSSHU’VQHJOLJHQFHZLOOIXO 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ÄV OLDELOLW\ IRU WKH VKLSPHQW VKDOO WHUPLQDWH DIWHU PDWWHUV UHODWHG WR SD\PHQW IRU WKH VKLSPHQW 6KLSSHU DJUHHV WKDW DOO VKLSPHQWV DUH VXEMHFW WR XQORDGLQJRUGHOLYHU\ FRUUHFWLRQDQGILQDOFKDUJHVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHDFWXDORUUHZHLJKHGZHLJKWRIWKHVKLSPHQW INSURANCE. Freeman IS NOT AN INSURER6KLSSHULVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUREWDLQLQJLQVXUDQFHIRU SMALL PACKAGE PROGRAM.,ILWHPVVKLSSHGYLD)UHHPDQ’V6PDOO3DFNDJHVSURJUDPDUH ORVW GDPDJHG RU GHVWUR\HG ZKLOH LQ )UHHPDQ’V SRVVHVVLRQ FREEMAN’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY LWVSURSHUW\)UHHPDQSURYLGHVQRLQVXUDQFHIRU6KLSSHURULWVSURSHUW\ SHALL BE $100 per package UNLESS AT THE TIME OF SHIPMENT SHIPPER MAKES A LIMITATION ON SHIPPER’S RECOVERABLE DAMAGES 6KLSSHU XQGHUVWDQGV WKDW HYHQ LI DECLARATION OF VALUE IN THE SPACE DESIGNATED ON THE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS 6KLSSHU’VSURSHUW\LVORVWVWROHQRUGDPDJHG)UHHPDQGRHVQRWSD\UHSODFHPHQWRUUHVWRUDWLRQFRVW AND PAYS THE APPROPRIATE VALUATION CHARGE ,I VPDOO SDFNDJHV DUH UHFHLYHG E\ WKH RI DQ\ SURSHUW\ FREEMAN’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL BE THE AMOUNT OF PROVEN 6KLSSHUDQGQRWLFHRIORVVRUGDPDJH LVQRWUHFHLYHGE\ )UHHPDQZLWKLQGD\VRIWKHGHOLYHU\RI ACTUAL VALUE NOT EXCEEDING THE LOWER OF THE FAIR MARKET VALUE (THE “FAIR WKH SURSHUW\ WKH SDUWLHV DJUHH WKDW WKH SUHVXPSWLRQ VKDOO DULVH WKDW WKH SURSHUW\ ZDV GHOLYHUHG LQ MARKET VALUE” EQUALS THE AS IS WHERE IS PRICE FOR THE PROPERTY AT THE SURSHUTXDQWLW\DQGLQJRRGFRQGLWLRQ LOCATION OF THE SHOW TO WHICH PRICE A WILLING BUYER AND A WILLING SELLER WOULD AGREE IN AN ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS, ARM’S LENGTH SALE.) OR $25.00 )UHHPDQ5(9 AIR CARGO SERVICE REQUEST AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS CONTRACT ,Q WHQGHULQJ WKLV VKLSPHQW WKH6KLSSHU DQG &RQVLJQHHDJUHHWRWKHVH 7(506 ZKLFKQR DJHQWRU HPSOR\HH RI WKHSDUWLHV PD\ DOWH U 7KLV $LU 6HUYLFH 5HTXHVW DQG6KLSSLQJ ,QVWUXFWLRQ &RQWUDFW LV 121 1(*27,$%/(DQGKDVEHHQSUHSDUHGE\6KLSSHURULIE\ )UHHPDQRUDQRWKHURQ6KLSSHU VEHKDOILWVKDOOEHGHHPHGFRQFOXVLYHO\WRKDYHEHHQSUHSDUHGE\WKH6KLSSHU7KH6KLSSHUDJUHHVWKDWWKLV VKLSPHQWLVVXEMHFWWRWKH7(506VWDWHGKHUHLQ$OO7(506LQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIOLDELOLW\VKDOODSSO\WRRXUDJHQWVDQGWKHLUFRQWUDFWLQJFDUULHUV 1. DEFINITIONS ,Q WKLV &RQWUDFW ³)UHHPDQ´ PHDQV )UHHPDQ 'HFRUDWLQJ 6HUYLFHV ,QF DQG LWV UHVSHFWLYHHPSOR\HHVRIILFHUVGLUHFWRUVDJHQWVDVVLJQVDIILOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVDQGUHODWHGHQWLWLHV LQFOXGLQJDQ\FRQWUDFWRUVDSSRLQWHGE\)UHHPDQ7KHWHUP³6KLSSHU´PHDQVWKHSHUVRQRUEXVLQHVV IRU ZKRP WKH SURSHUW\ LV EHLQJ WUDQVSRUWHG DQG LQFOXGHV WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH HPSOR\HHV RIILFHUV GLUHFWRUVDJHQWVDVVLJQVDIILOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVDQGFRQWUDFWRUVDSSRLQWHGE\WKH6KLSSHUH[FOXGLQJ RQO\ )UHHPDQ ³3URSHUW\´ LV DOO REMHFWV RI DQ\ W\SH UHFHLYHG IURP WKH 6KLSSHU IRU WUDQVSRUW E\ )UHHPDQDVGHVFULEHGKHUHLQ³&RQVLJQHH´LVWKHSDUW\WRZKRP6KLSSHUKDVGHVLJQDWHGWKHJRRGV DUHWREHGHOLYHUHG 2. FINAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,Q H[FKDQJH IRU 6KLSSHU’V SD\PHQWV DQG )UHHPDQ’V VHUYLFHV ZKLFK WKH SDUWLHV KDYH VSHFLILHG LQ WKLV WZRSDJH &RQWUDFW LQFOXGLQJ WKH $LU &DUJR 6HUYLFH 5HTXHVW DQG 6KLSSLQJ ,QVWUXFWLRQV )UHHPDQ DQG 6KLSSHU HDFK DJUHH WKDW WKLV &RQWDFW VKDOO JRYHUQ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH ULJKWV DQG REOLJDWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ RI 6KLSSHU’V SURSHUW\7KLV&RQWUDFWVKDOOWDNHHIIHFWZKHQWKHSURSHUW\ILUVWFRPHVLQWRWKHSK\VLFDOSRVVHVVLRQRI )UHHPDQ DQG WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI )UHHPDQ XQGHU VDPH VKDOO HQG ZKHQ WKH SURSHUW\ KDV EHHQ SODFHG LQ WKH SRVVHVVLRQ RI WKH &RQVLJQHH RU WKH &RQVLJQHH’V GHVLJQDWHG DJHQW ,I DQ\ SDUW RU SURYLVLRQRIWKLV&RQWUDFWLVIRXQGE\DFRXUWRIFRPSHWHQWMXULVGLFWLRQWREHYRLGRUXQHQIRUFHDEOH WKHUHPDLQGHURIWKH&RQWUDFWVKDOOFRQWLQXHLQIXOOIRUFHDQGHIIHFW 3. Freeman’S RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CONTRACT ARE LIMITED )UHHPDQ LV UHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH VDWLVIDFWRU\SHUIRUPDQFH RI RQO\ WKRVH VHUYLFHV ZKLFK LW GLUHFWO\ SURYLGHV XQGHU WKLV&RQWUDFW )UHHPDQVKDOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRILQGLYLGXDOVRIILUPV ZKRDUH QRWXQGHUWKHGLUHFWVXSHUYLVLRQRUFRQWURORI )UHHPDQ)UHHPDQVKDOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUHYHQWV RUFDXVHVRIORVVGHOD\RUGDPDJHEH\RQGLWVUHDVRQDEOHFRQWUROLQFOXGLQJE\ZD\RILOOXVWUDWLRQ RQO\ DQG QRW DV D OLPLWDWLRQ RQ WKH EUHDGWK RI WKLV FODXVH VWULNH ORFNRXW ZRUN VORZGRZQ RU VWRSSDJH SRZHU IDLOXUH EUHDNGRZQ RI SODQW RU PDFKLQHU\ IDFLOLW\ IDLOXUH YDQGDOLVP WKHIW $FW RI *RG HIIHFW RI QDWXUDO HOHPHQWV ULRW FLYLO FRPPRWLRQ RU GLVWXUEDQFH WHUURULVP DFW RI ZDU RU EHOOLJHUHQW SDUWLHV DQG DQ\ RWKHU FDXVH RU FDXVHV EH\RQG WKH UHDVRQDEOH FRQWURO RI )UHHPDQ (;&(37 )25 (/,*,%/( *8$5$17((' 6(59,&( 6+,30(176 )UHHPDQ '2(6 127 *8$5$17(('(/,9(5<%<$1<63(&,),&7,0(25'$7( 4. PACKAGING AND CRATES 6KLSSHU’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reeman makes no warranties, express or implied, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties ([FHSW IRU )UHHPDQ’s IDLOXUH WR GHOLYHU LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH *XDUDQWHHG 6HUYLFH VHFWLRQ RI WKH 6HUYLFH *XLGH )UHHPDQ ZLOO QRW EH OLDEOH IRU PLVGHOLYHU\ LQFRPSOHWH RU RWKHUZLVH LQDGHTXDWHGHOLYHU\LQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRIDLOXUHWRIROORZ6KLSSHURU&RQVLJQHHLQVWUXFWLRQVRU IDLOXUH WR FROOHFW RU SURSHUO\ GHOLYHU D SD\PHQW LQVWUXPHQW QRQGHOLYHU\ PLVVHG SLFNXS GHOD\ RQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDOVKLSPHQWVORVVRUGDPDJHXQOHVVFDXVHGE\)UHHPDQ’6VROHQHJOLJHQFH 7 . SHIPPER’S RESPONSIBILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATION D 6KLSSHUPXVWSD\LQIXOOIRUWKHVHUYLFHVUHQGHUHGXQGHUWKLV&RQWUDFWDWWKHWLPHWKHVHUYLFHV DUHUHTXHVWHG7KHH[LVWHQFHRIDGLVSXWHEHWZHHQ6KLSSHUDQG)UHHPDQUHODWLYHWRDQ\FODLP RU RWKHU PDWWHU VKDOO KDYH QR EHDULQJ RQ WKLV GXW\ RI SD\PHQW 1R FODLP VXEPLWWHG E\ RU RQ EHKDOIRI6KLSSHUZLOOEHSURFHVVHGXQOHVV6KLSSHU’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ys’ IHHV DQG LQYHVWLJDWLRQ FRVWV RQ DFFRXQW RI SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ GHDWK RU GDPDJHWRRUORVVRISURSHUW\RUSURILWVDULVLQJRXWRIRUFRQWULEXWHGWRE\DQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJ 6KLSSHU’V QHJOLJHQFH ZLOOIXO PLVFRQGXFW RU GHOLEHUDWH DFW 6KLSSHU’V YLRODWLRQ RI )HGHUDO 6WDWH &RXQW\ RU /RFDO RUGLQDQFHV 6KLSSHU’V YLRODWLRQ RI 6KRZ 5HJXODWLRQV DQGRU 5XOHV DV SXEOLVKHG DQG VHW IRUWK E\ )DFLOLW\ DQGRU 6KRZ 0DQDJHPHQW DQGRU 6KLSSHU’V IDLOXUH WR FRPSO\ZLWKERIWKLV$JUHHPHQWUHJDUGLQJWKHLQFOXVLRQRIDQ\GDQJHURXVVXEVWDQFHVLQWKH SURSHUW\SODFHGZLWK)UHHPDQ F 5. REFUSED SHIPMENTS,IWKH&RQVLJQHHUHIXVHVDVKLSPHQWWHQGHUHGIRUGHOLYHU\RULI)UHHPDQ LV XQDEOH WR GHOLYHU D VKLSPHQW EHFDXVH RI IDXOW RU PLVWDNH RI WKH &RQVLJQRU RU &RQVLJQHH )UHHPDQ’VOLDELOLW\VKDOOWKHQEHFRPHWKDWRIDZDUHKRXVHPDQ D )UHHPDQ VKDOO SURPSWO\ DWWHPSW WR SURYLGH QRWLFH E\ WHOHSKRQLF HOHFWURQLF RU ZULWWHQ FRPPXQLFDWLRQDVSURYLGHGRQWKHIDFHRIWKHVHVKLSSLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVLIVRLQGLFDWHGWR6KLSSHURU WKHSDUW\LIDQ\GHVLJQDWHGWRUHFHLYHQRWLFHLQWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV E 6WRUDJH FKDUJHV EDVHG RQ )UHHPDQ’V DSSOLFDEOH UDWHV VKDOO VWDUW QR VRRQHU WKDQ WKH QH[W EXVLQHVV GD\ IROORZLQJ WKH DWWHPSWHG QRWLILFDWLRQ 6WRUDJH PD\ EH DW )UHHPDQ’V RSWLRQ LQ DQ\ ORFDWLRQ WKDW SURYLGHV UHDVRQDEOH SURWHFWLRQ DJDLQVW ORVV RU GDPDJH )UHHPDQ PD\ SODFH WKH VKLSPHQWLQSXEOLFVWRUDJHDWWKHRZQHU’VH[SHQVHDQGZLWKRXWOLDELOLW\WR)UHHPDQ F ,I )UHHPDQ GRHV QRW UHFHLYH GLVSRVLWLRQ LQVWUXFWLRQV ZLWKLQ KRXUV RI WKH WLPH RI )UHHPDQ’V DWWHPSWHGILUVW QRWLILFDWLRQ )UHHPDQ ZLOODWWHPSWWR LVVXHD VHFRQG DQGILQDO FRQILUPHG QRWLILFDWLRQ 6XFKQRWLFHVKDOODGYLVHWKDWLI )UHHPDQGRHVQRWUHFHLYHGLVSRVLWLRQLQVWUXFWLRQVZLWKLQGD\VRI WKDWQRWLILFDWLRQ )UHHPDQPD\RIIHUWKHVKLSPHQWIRUVDOHDWDSXEOLFDXFWLRQDQG )UHHPDQKDVWKH ULJKW WR RIIHU WKH VKLSPHQW IRU VDOH 7KH DPRXQW RI VDOH ZLOO EH DSSOLHG WR )UHHPDQ’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ÄVOLDELOLW\IRUWKHVKLSPHQWVKDOOWHUPLQDWHDIWHU XQORDGLQJRUGHOLYHU\ 6. LIMITATION ON SHIPPER’S RECOVERABLE DAMAGES )UHHPDQ’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’V/,$%,/,7<(;&(('7+('(&/$5('9$/8(2)7+( 6+,30(17257+($028172)/26625'$0$*($&78$//<6867$,1(':+,&+(9(5,6 /2:(5 ,)&$55,$*(2)7+(6+,30(17,662/(/<253$57/<%<$,5$1',192/9(6$1 8/7,0$7( '(67,1$7,21 25 $ 6723 ,1 $ &28175< 27+(5 7+$1 7+( &28175< 2) '(3$5785( )UHHPDQ’V /,$%,/,7< )25 &$5*2 /267 '$0$*(' 25 '(/$<(' 6+$// %( /,0,7(' 72 3(5 3281' 3(5 .,/2*5$0 )25 &$55,$*( 68%-(&7 72 7+( 81$0(1'(' :$56$: &219(17,21 25 7+( :$56$: &219(17,21 $6 $0(1'(' %< 7+( +$*8( 35272&2/ 2) 63(&,$/ '5$:,1* 5,*+76 3(5 .,/2*5$0 )25 &$55,$*( 68%-(&7 72 7+( :$56$: &219(17,21 $6 $0(1'(' %< 7+( 02175($/ 35272&2/122)253(53281'3(5.,/2*5$0)25&$55,$*( :+(5( 7+( :$56$: &219(17,21 ,1&/8',1* ,76 $0(1'0(176 '2(6 127 $33/< )25 $1< 5($621 81/(66$ +,*+(5 '(&/$5(' 9$/8( ,6 5(48(67('$1' 7+( )((6 6(7)257+,17+(6(59,&(*8,'()2568&++,*+(5'(&/$5('9$/8($5(3$,')25 ,17(51$7,21$/ 6+,30(176 7+,6 6+,33,1* 5(48(67 $1' 6+,33,1* ,16758&7,21 &2175$&7 6+$// %( '((0(' $1 $,5 :$<%,//:,7+,1 7+( 0($1,1* 2) 7+( :$56$: &219(17,21 8. 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CHOICE OF FORUM7+,6&2175$&76+$//%(&216758('81'(57+(/$:62)7+( 81,7(' 67$7(6 >,1&/8',1* $'237(' ,17(51$7,21$/ &219(17,216@ $1' 7+( 67$7( 2) 7(;$6 :,7+287 *,9,1* ())(&7 72 7+( 67$7(’6 &21)/,&7 2) /$:6 58/(6 )5((0$1$1'6+,33(5$*5((7+$7$1<&/$,025',6387(2)$1<6257$5,6,1*287 2) 25 ,1 $1< :$< 5(/$7(' 72 7+,6 &2175$&7 ,76 3(5)250$1&( 25 1213(5)250$1&( 25 '$0$*(6 $//(*('/< 5(68/7,1* )520 6$0( :,// %( $5%,75$7(' ,1 7+( &,7< 2) '$//$6 7(;$6 $1' 7+( 58/(6 2) 7+( $0(5,&$1 $5%,75$7,21 $662&,$7,21 :,// $33/< ,) %,1',1* $5%,75$7,21 ,6 81$9$,/$%/( 72 5(62/9( $1< &217529(56< $1' ,7 ,6 1(&(66$5< 72 /,7,*$7( 7+( ',6387( 7+( ',6387( 6+$// %( /,7,*$7(' ,1 $ &2857 2) &203(7(17 -85,6',&7,21 ,1 '$//$6 &2817<7(;$6 10. MISCELLANEOUS6KLSSHUZDUUDQWVWKHDFFXUDF\RIWKHZHLJKWDQGGLPHQVLRQGDWDIXUQLVKHG LQWKLV&RQWUDFW6KLSSHUXQGHUVWDQGVWKDWRQFHLWVSURSHUW\LVVKLSSHGE\)UHHPDQSXUVXDQWWRWKH LQVWUXFWLRQV FRQWDLQHG LQ WKLV &RQWUDFW 6KLSSHU KDV QR ULJKW WR FRQWURO WKH VKLSPHQW VWRS WKH VKLSPHQW LQ WUDQVLW RU GLYHUW RU UHVFKHGXOH VDPH DQG WKDW 6KLSSHU ZLOO KDYH QR FRQWURO RYHU WKH SURSHUW\ XQWLO LW LV GHOLYHUHG SXUVXDQW WR WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV LQ WKLV &RQWUDFW 6KLSSHU DJUHHV WKDW WKLV &RQWUDFWPD\EHSURYLGHGWRDQ\WKLUGSDUW\LQFOXGLQJFRPPRQRUFRQWUDFWFDUULHUVRIFDUJRE\DLU ZDWHUUDLORUURDGIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIFRQILUPLQJWKHULJKWRI )UHHPDQWRFRQWUROWKHKDQGOLQJRIWKH SURSHUW\DQGDOOPDWWHUVUHODWHGWRSD\PHQWIRUWKHVKLSPHQW )UHHPDQ5(9 what are Freight Service s? As the official service contractor‚ Freeman is the exclusive provider of freight services. Material handling includes unloading your exhibit material‚ storing up to 30 days in advance at the warehouse address‚ delivering to the booth‚ the handling of empty containers to and from storage‚ and removing of material from the booth for reloading onto outbound carriers. It should not be confused with the cost to transport your exhibit material to and from the convention or event. You have two options for shipping your advance freight — either to the warehouse or directly to show site. How do I ship to the warehouse? • We will accept freight beginning 30 days prior to show move-in. • To check on your freight arrival‚ call Exhibitor Services at the location listed on Quick Facts. • To ensure timely arrival of your materials at show site‚ freight should arrive by the deadline date listed on Quick Facts. Your freight will still be received after the deadline date‚ but additional charges will be incurred. • The warehouse will receive shipments Monday through Friday, except holidays. Refer to Quick Facts for warehouse hours. No appointment is necessary. • The warehouse will accept crates‚ cartons‚ skids‚ trunks/cases and carpets. Loose or pad-wrapped material must bae sent directly to show site. • All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip indicating the number of pieces‚ type of merchandise and weight. • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments. • Warehouse freight will be delivered to the booth prior to exhibitor setup. • Please call the number located on Quick Facts if you want to ship oversized material that requires special equipment to the warehouse. How do I ship to show site? • Freight will be accepted only during exhibitor move-in. Please refer to Quick Facts for the specific exhibitor move-in dates and times. • All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip indicating the number of pieces‚ type of merchandise and weight. • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments. What about prepaid or collect shipping charges? • Collect shipments will be returned to the delivery carrier. • To ensure that your freight does not arrive collect‚ mark your bill of lading “prepaid.” • “Prepaid” designates that the transportation charges will be paid by the exhibitor or a third party. How should I label my freight? • The label should contain the exhibiting company name‚ the booth number and the name of the event. • The specific shipping address for either the warehouse or show site is located on Quick Facts. How do I estimate my Material Handling charges? • Charges will be based on the weight of your shipment. Each shipment received is considered separately. The shipment weight will be rounded to the next 100 pounds. Each 100 pounds is considered one “cwt.” (one hundred weight). All shipments are subject to reweigh. • On the Order Form‚ select whether the freight will arrive at the warehouse or be sent directly to show site. • Next‚ select the category that best describes your shipment. There are three categories of freight: Crated: material that is skidded or is in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Special Handling: material delivered by the carrier in such a manner that it requires additional handling‚ such as ground unloading, stacked and constricted space unloading‚ designated piece unloading, loads mixed with pad-wrapped material, loads failing to maintain shipping integrity, carpet and/or pad-only shipments, and shipments that require additional time, equipment or labor to unload. Federal Express and UPS are included in this category due to their delivery procedures. Uncrated: material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped‚ and/or unskidded machinery without proper lifting bars or hooks. • Add overtime charges for inbound if material is delivered to the booth during the overtime period stated on Quick Facts. This includes both warehouse and show-site shipments. 11/06 – • Add overtime charges for outbound if material is loaded onto the outbound carrier during the overtime period stated on Quick Facts. • Add the late delivery charge listed on the Order Form if the shipment is accepted at the warehouse or at show site after the deadline date listed on Quick Facts. • The above services‚ whether used completely or in part‚ are offered as a package and the charges will be based on the total inbound weight of the shipment. • Shipments received without receipts or freight bills, such as UPS and Federal Express, will be delivered to the booth without guarantee of piece count or condition. What happens to my empty containers during the show? • Pick up “Empty Labels” at the Service Center. Place a label on each container. Labeled containers will be picked up periodically and stored in non-accessible storage during the show. • At the close of the show‚ the empty containers will be returned to the booth in random order. Depending on the size of the show‚ this process may take several hours. How do I protect my materials after they are delivered to the show or before they are picked up after the show? • Consistent with trade show industry practices‚ there may be a lapse of time between the delivery of your shipment(s) to your booth and your arrival. The same is true for the outbound phase of the show — the time between your departure and the actual pick-up of your materials. During these times‚ your materials will be left unattended. We recommend that you arrange for a representative to stay with your materials or that you hire security services to safeguard your materials. How do I ship my materials after the close of the show? • Each shipment must have a completed Material Handling Agreement in order to ship materials from the show. All pieces must be labeled individually. • To save time‚ complete and submit the Outbound Shipping Form in advance‚ or you may contact the Service Center at show site for your shipping documents. The Material Handling Agreement and labels will be processed and available prior to show closing. • After materials are packed‚ labeled‚ and ready to be shipped‚ the completed Material Handling Agreement must be turned in at the Service Center. • Call your designated carrier with pick-up information. Please refer to Quick Facts for specific dates and times. In the event your selected carrier fails to show on final move-out day‚ your shipment will either be rerouted to Freeman’s carrier choice or delivered back to the warehouse at exhibitor’s expense. • For your convenience‚ show-recommended carriers will be on site to handle outbound transportation. Where do I get a forklift? • Forklift orders to install or dismantle your booth after materials are delivered may be ordered in advance or at show site. We recommend that you order in advance to avoid additional charges at show site. Refer to the Order Form for available equipment. • Advance and show-site orders for equipment and labor will be dispatched once a company representative signs the labor order at the Service Center. • Start time is guaranteed only when equipment is requested for the start of the working day. Do I need insurance? • Be sure your materials are insured from the time they leave your firm until they are returned after the show. It is suggested that exhibitors arrange all-risk coverage. This can be done by riders to your existing policies. • All materials handled by Freeman are subject to the enclosed Terms and Conditions. Other available services (may not be available in all locations) • Cranes • Scissor lifts‚ condors • Access storage at show site • Exhibit transportation services (see enclosed brochure) • Security storage at show site • Short-term and long-term warehouse storage • Local pick-up and delivery • Priority empty return NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. Let Freeman OnLine® estimate your material handling charges for you. Log on to www.myfreemanonline. com, select your show and click on “Estimate My Material Handling Costs”. From Freeman OnLine® you can print extra shipping labels, get tips on how to package your freight and much more. MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES CRATED: SPECIAL HANDLING: (See definitions on back) UNCRATED: STRAIGHT TIME: OVERTIME: Material that is skidded or is in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Material delivered by a carrier in such a manner that it requires additional handling, such as ground unloading, stacked or constricted space unloading, designated piece unloading, shipment integrity, alternate delivery location, loads mixed with pad wrapped material, carpet and/or pad only shipments, no documentation and shipments that require additional time, equipment or labor to unload. Federal Express, UPS, Airborne Express & DHL are included in this category due to their delivery procedures. Material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped, and/or unskidded machinery without proper lifting bars or hooks. 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays (Overtime will be applied to all freight received at the warehouse and/or show site that must be moved into or out of booth during above listed times.) Description Price Per CWT 200 lb. Minimum RATE CLASSIFICATIONS: Warehouse Shipment (200 lb. minimum) Crated or Skidded Shipment........................................................................ $125.60251.20 Special Handling Shipment.......................................................................... $163.30 326.60 Show Site Shipment (200 lb. minimum) Crated or Skidded Shipment........................................................................ $103.25206.50 Special Handling Shipment.......................................................................... $134.25268.50 Uncrated or Pad Wrapped Shipment........................................................... $154.85 309.70 Small Package - Maximum weight is 30 lbs Per Shipment............................................................................................... $43.75 *A small package shipment is a shipment totaling any number of pieces with a combined weight not to exceed 30 lbs that is received on the same day, from the same shipper and delivered by the same carrier. ADDITIONAL SURCHARGES: Shipment Delivered after Deadline Date (in addition to above rates) Warehouse Shipment after March 31, 2014................................................ $62.80 Show Site Shipment after April 08, 2014..................................................... $51.60 Overtime Charge - Inbound (in addition to above rates) Crated or Skidded Shipment........................................................................ $51.60 Special Handling Shipment.......................................................................... $67.10 Uncrated or Pad Wrapped Shipment........................................................... $77.45 Overtime Charge - Outbound (in addition to above rates) Crated or skidded Shipment........................................................................ $51.60 Special Handling Shipment.......................................................................... $67.10 Uncrated or Pad Wrapped Shipment........................................................... $77.45 Description Weight CWT Price per CWT 125.60 103.20 103.20 134.20 154.90 103.20 134.20 154.90 Estimated Total Cost (200 lb. Min.) ÷ 100 = Surcharges ÷ 100 = Tips to Save on Material Handling 7% Tax • Consolidate shipments - when total weight is less than 200 lbs. For Example: Total 3 Separate Shipments1 Consolidated Shipment 60 lbs. charged @ 200 lbs. $ 206.50 3 pieces (1 shipment) 52 lbs. charged @ 200 lbs. $ 206.50 177 lbs. charged @ 200 lbs = $ 206.50 65 lbs. charged @ 200 lbs. $ 206.50 = $ 619.50 Added benefit - your shipments are less likely to get misplaced if they are packaged together with larger items. The warehouse will receive shipments Monday through Friday during the hours of 8:00 AM. - 2:30 PM. To check on the arrival of freight, please call (215) 535-2110. ACC 13/14 (303456) FREEMAN material handling 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com for frequently asked questions and material handling estimator tools, go to www.myfreemanonline.com Special handling applies to shipments that are loaded by cubic space and/or packed in such a manner as to require additional labor/handling, such as ground unloading, constricted space unloading, designated piece unloading, carpet/pad only shipments or stacked shipments. Also included are shipment integrity, alternate delivery locations, mixed shipments, and shipments without individual bills of lading. Shipments loaded in this manner require additional time, labor, or equipment, to unload, sort and deliver. What is Ground Loading/Unloading? Vehicles that are not dock height, preventing the use of loading docks, such as U-hauls, flat bed trailers, double drop trailers, company vehicles with trailers that are not dock level, etc. What is Constricted Space Loading/Unloading? Trailer loaded “high and tight” shipments that are not easily accessible. Freight is loaded to full capacity of trailer – top to bottom, side to side. One example of this is freight that is loaded down one side of a trailer that must be bypassed to reach targeted freight. What is Designated Piece Loading/Unloading? Drivers that require the loading crew to bring multiple pieces of the freight to the rear of the trailer to select the next piece, having to remove freight from the trailer then reload to fit or the trailer must be loaded in a sequence to ensure all items fit. What are Stacked Shipments? Shipments loaded in such a manner requiring multiple items to be removed to ground level for delivery to booth. Stacked or “cubed out” shipments, loose items placed on top of crates and/or pallets constitute special handling. What is Shipment Integrity? Shipment integrity involves shipments on a carrier that are intermingled, or delivered in such a manner that additional labor is needed to sort through and separate the various shipments on a truck for delivery to our customers. What is Alternate Delivery Location? Alternative delivery location refers to shipments that are delivered by a carrier that requires us to deliver some shipments to different levels in the same building, or to other buildings in the same facility. What are Mixed Shipments? Mixed shipments are defined as shipments of mixed crated and uncrated goods, where the percentage of uncrated is minimal and does not warrant the full uncrated rate for the shipment, but does require special handling. Freeman defines special handling for mixed loads as having less than 50% of the volume as uncrated. What does it mean if I have “No Documentation”? Shipments arrive from a small package carrier (including, among others, Federal Express, UPS, Airborne Express & DHL) without an individual Bill of Lading, requiring additional time, labor and equipment to process. What about carpet only shipments? Shipments that consist of carpet and/or carpet padding only require special handling because of additional labor and equipment to unload. What is the difference between Crated and Uncrated Shipments? Crated shipments are those that are packed in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Such containers include crates, fiber cases, cartons, and properly packed skids. An uncrated shipment is material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped, and/or unskidded without proper lifting bars and hooks. special handling definitions SPECIAL HANDLING DEFINITIONS 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 • Fax:(469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store NON-DISPLAY MACHINERY UNLOADING & DELIVERY TO EXHIBITOR'S SPACE Rates quoted below include labor and equipment to unload trucks at the hall and to place items in exhibitor's booth, one time spotting, return of containers to dock and loading on outbound carriers. Machinery will be spotted with 6" tolerance, one time, after removal from the truck, provided the following conditions are met: 1. The Exhibitor, or his representative, is present to supervise the spotting. 2. The area within the booth is clearly marked to indicate the machine's position. 3. No rigging, bolting or unbolting, unskidding or attaching to other equipment must be done. 4. Shipment is received at the designated time on the target date. DIRECT SHIPMENTS TO THE EXHIBIT HALL These must arrive between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM to be unloaded on straight time. Shipments arriving after 2:00 PM and before 4:00 PM cannot be guaranteed unloading on straight time. The following rates are TWO-WAY with 100lb. minimum (dock to booth/booth to dock). MACHINERY SHIPMENT RATE CRATED AND SKIDDED MACHINERY SHIPMENTS WEIGHING STRAIGHT TIME 1,500 - 4,999lbs $37.60 5,000 - 7,499lbs$35.05 7,500 and over$32.65 REMOVAL & LOADING FOR RETURN SHIPPING At the conclusion of the show, machines and displays packed and ready for shipping will be moved from booth and loaded on trucks for return shipments. SHIPMENTS RECEIVED & STORED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION DATES Shipments arriving in the show city early can be stored in the material handling contractor 's warehouse for up to 30 days and delivered to the exhibit hall dock for a charge of $39.70 per cwt. Delivery from the exhibit hall dock to exhibitor's booth is at the rates quoted above. UNCRATED SHIPMENTS The handling of uncrated shhipments will be the rates above. Uncrated machines are defided as: those that are not crated, cased or skidded. Uncrated exhibits or equipment can only be received at the hall. Uncrated exhibits or equipment cannot be handled at the warehouse. UNCRATED & MACHINERY SHIPMENTS LOADED/UNLOADED FROM VAN LINE CARRIERS The handling of these shipments will be at the rates quoted above. (303456) FREEMAN non-display machinery DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store EVERY OUTBOUND SHIPMENT WILL REQUIRE A MATERIAL HANDLING AGREEMENT AND LABELS. WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO PREPARE THESE FOR YOU IN ADVANCE AND WILL DELIVER THEM TO YOUR BOOTH AT SHOW SITE TO REVIEW AND SIGN. TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SERVICE, PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM. SHIPPING INFORMATION FROM: SHIPPER/EXHIBITOR NAME: BILLING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE/ PROVINCE: ZIP/ POSTAL CODE: STATE/ PROVINCE: ZIP/ POSTAL CODE: SHIP TO: COMPANY NAME: DELIVERY ADDRESS: CITY: ATTN: PHONE#: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: METHOD OF SHIPMENT PLEASE CHECK DESIRED METHOD OF SHIPMENT BELOW FREEMAN EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION 1 Day: Delivery next business day 2 Day: Delivery by 5:00 P.M. second business day Expedited Deferred: Delivery within 3-4 business days Standard Ground Specialized: Pad wrapped, uncrated, or truckload Verify the piece count, weight and that a signature is on the Material Handling Agreement prior to shipping out. SHIPMENTS WITHOUT PAPERWORK TURNED IN WILL BE RETURNED TO OUR WAREHOUSE AT EXHIBITOR’S EXPENSE. OTHER COMMON CARRIER OTHER VAN LINE OTHER AIR FREIGHT Next Day 2nd Day CARRIER PHONE #: DESIRED NUMBER OF LABELS: 05/10 (303456) Once your shipment is packed and ready to be picked up, please return the Material Handling Agreement to the Exhibitor Services Center. Deferred Freeman will make arrangements for all Freeman Exhibit Transportation shipments. Arrangements for pick-up by other carriers is the responsibility of the exhibitor. During exhibitor move-out, when time permits, Freeman will attempt a courtesy phone call to your carrier to confirm the scheduled pick-up. FREEMAN outbound shipping OUTBOUND MATERIAL HANDLING AND SHIPPING LABELS R U S H R U S H DO NOT DELAY DO NOT DELAY MUST DELIVER BY MARCH 31, 2014 MUST DELIVER BY MARCH 31, 2014 TO: TO: EXHIBITOR NAME EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: FREEMAN C/O: FREEMAN 4201 TACONY STREET 4201 TACONY STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 WAREHOUSE EVENT: BOOTH NO: WAREHOUSE GLOBALCON 2014 NO. OF EVENT: PCS BOOTH NO: GLOBALCON 2014 NO. THE ABOVE LABELS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLACE ONE ON EACH PIECE SHIPPED TO ENSURE PROPER DELIVERY. IF MORE LABELS ARE NEEDED, COPIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. OF PCS R U S H R U S H DO NOT DELAY DO NOT DELAY CANNOT DELIVER BEFORE APRIL 07, 2014 CANNOT DELIVER BEFORE APRIL 07, 2014 TO: TO: EXHIBITOR NAME EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: FREEMAN C/O: FREEMAN ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER ONE CONVENTION WAY ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER ONE CONVENTION WAY ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 08401-6621 ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 08401-6621 SHOW SITE SHOW SITE EVENT: BOOTH NO: GLOBALCON 2014 NO. OF EVENT: PCS BOOTH NO: GLOBALCON 2014 NO. THE ABOVE LABELS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLACE ONE ON EACH PIECE SHIPPED TO ENSURE PROPER DELIVERY. IF MORE LABELS ARE NEEDED, COPIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. OF PCS R U S H R U S H DO NOT DELAY DO NOT DELAY MUST DELIVER BY MARCH 31, 2014 MUST DELIVER BY MARCH 31, 2014 TO: TO: EXHIBITOR NAME EXHIBITOR NAME C/O: FREEMAN C/O: FREEMAN 1 RAILROAD PL 1 RAILROAD PL MASPETH, NY 11378 MASPETH, NY 11378 HANGING SIGN EVENT: BOOTH NO: GLOBALCON 2014 NO. OF HANGING SIGN EVENT: PCS BOOTH NO: GLOBALCON 2014 NO. THE ABOVE LABELS ARE PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLACE ONE ON EACH PIECE SHIPPED TO ENSURE PROPER DELIVERY. IF MORE LABELS ARE NEEDED, COPIES ARE ACCEPTABLE. OF PCS page 1 of 10 FURNISHING seating essentials santana armchair 24"W 20"L 31"H – N710102 Modern styling with ergonomic shape; as striking as it is comfortable. When it comes to basic seating needs, look no further than Freeman. Our wide array of well-designed modern chairs, armchairs and stools will serve any exhibitor’s show space requirements. gray gaslift stool diva series 24"W 20"L 46"H With Arms – N71048 No Arms – N71047 Natural blonde wood and matte chrome finish highlight this sleek Italian design. gray gaslift chair 17"W 16"L 36"H – N71092 The intermediate 25”seating height makes this stool ideal for theater or demo areas. 26"W 20"L 38"H With Arms – N71046 No Arms – N71045 Telescoping height adjustment; five-caster base rolls with ease. diva counter stool diva chair 18"W 16"L 31"H – N71091 A natural complement to modern exhibit designs. Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 2 of 10 cherry barrel chair executive chair Black Tweed 28"W 25"L 45"H – N71044 Cranberry or Taupe 23"W 22"L 29"H – N71038 Traditional style in a cherry finish with classic fabric pattern options. diplomat chair Black Diamond Fabric 25"W 28"L 36"H – N710144 Comfortable, yet compact for office or conference table seating. black diamond side chair 21"W 23"L 32"H – N71089 black diamond armchair 20"W 21"L 33"H – N71090 For ideas on furniture pairings, go to www.freemanco.com. page 3 of 10 black diamond stool 22"W 18"L 46"H – N71088 casey padded stool Black or Gray Fabric 20"W 21.5"L 42.5"H – C210112 Soho Bistro Table (page 5) limerick ® chair By Herman Miller Gray 18"W 18"L 33"H – C210108 signature loveseat Black 33"W 60"L 33"H – N73091 Deeply comfortable sofa-style seating in a sleek, contemporary shape. signature chair Black 33"W 35"L 33"H – N71093 lounge seating Give your exhibit a casual yet practical look with Freeman’s superior lounge seating. Pick from a large selection of couches, loveseats, chairs and barstools that are sure to take your exhibit design to the next level. Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 4 of 10 glass conference table Black or Chrome Pedestal 42"W 42"L 30"H – N72015 Rounded square glass top is supported by stylish metal frame in a choice of two colors. cherry cocktail table 19"W 36"L 17"H – N72026 cherry end table 20"W 20"L 20"H – N72027 tables What Freeman always brings to the table is professionalism, and nothing says more about your meeting space and/or show site than your surfaces and tabletops. Choose from modern glass conference tables, traditional cocktail, end tables and much more. Milano Table (page 6) Diplomat Chair (page 2) For ideas on furniture pairings, go to www.freemanco.com. page 5 of 10 metro series Black slate end table 20”W 20”L 17”H – N72029 slate cocktail table 20"W 40"L 15"H – N72028 pedestal tables A range of table-top sizes and materials with pedestals in various heights to fit any space. soho series Black-Top Mini Black-Top Café Black-Top Bistro Black-Top Café Black-Top Bistro 18"H x 18"W 30"H x 24"W 42"H x 24"W 30"H x 36"W 42"H x 36"W N72066 N72069 N72070 N72067 N72068 30"H x 30"W 30"H x 36"W 42"H x 30"W 42"H x 36"W N72063 N72064 N720163 N720164 chelsea series Butcher Block-Top Café Butcher Block-Top Bistro studio series black end table 17"W 17"L 18"H – C115104 black cocktail table 36"W 20"L 15"H – C115103 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 6 of 10 office furniture When it’s time to set up office, Freeman offers a wide selection of superior, professional pieces in eye-catching shapes and styles to suit any budget and/or design essential. From classic credenzas and bookcases to professional seating, we’ve got all your office furniture requirements. Cherry Tables (page 4) Cherry Barrel Chairs (page 2) Black Table Lamp (page 10) office series C h e rr y o r O a k five-foot desk milano table 42"W 84"L 29"H Blon de To p with Bla ck Ba s e – N72093 Black Top with B la ck Ba s e – N72092 Freeman’s latest seven-foot conference table, featuring clean curved lines and a wealth of work space. 30"W 60"L 30"H Cherry – N74061 Oak – N74071 credenza 16"W 60"L 30"H Cherry – N74064 Oak – N74074 bookcase hemingway writing table 12"W 36"L 72"H Cherry – N74065 Oak – N74075 B lack 24"W 49"L 29"H – N720191 luna table 36"W 72"L 29"H Bla ck Top w it h Bla ck Ba s e – N72094 This contemporary six-foot conference table or writing desk comes with a black laminate top. For ideas on furniture pairings, go to www.freemanco.com. page 7 of 10 display Some of the most essential elements of your exhibit are the surfaces on which you display your show materials. That’s why we have an appealing variety of displays, from standing cylinders to sleek computer desks to draped table counters, to ensure your show space will be both attractive and interactive. draped or undraped table counters C olored drapin g in clu des w hit e v iny l t op a nd plea t ed s k i r t o n t h r e e sides. Fo urth -sid e d rap ing is a v a ila ble. Undr a ped t a b l e s i n c l u d e w h i t e vinyl tops. tables (30" height) 3'4' Draped C130330C130430 Draped on fourth side Undraped C131330C131430 6' C130630 C12404630 C131630 8' C130830 C12404830 C131830 counters (42" height) Draped C130342C130442 C130642 Draped on fourth side C12404642 Undraped C131342C131442 C131642 C130842 C12404842 C131842 Black Blue Burgundy Dark Green Flax Gold Gray Plum Red Teal White Table-top risers are also available in a variety of sizes. See order form for details. Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 8 of 10 display cubes Black 12" small 12"W 12"L 42"H – N75030 18" medium 18"W 18"L 36"H – N75031 24" large 24"W 24"L 42"H – N75032 display cylinders Black low 30"W 15"H – N75020 medium 18"W 20"H – N75021 high 24"W 36"H – N75022 display counter Black 24"W 49"L 42"H – N72056 orion computer kiosk Black 28"L 28"D 40.5"H – N75079 Pedestal for computer demo with keyboard tray and interior storage. (Computer not included.) For ideas on furniture pairings, go to www.freemanco.com. page 9 of 10 a. b. c. accessories We know that every exhibit is different and requires certain pieces that may be hard to find. That’s why we offer an assortment of accessories that will meet your needs, from literature racks to bulletin boards to refrigerators and file cabinets. No matter the requirement, your exhibit will always stand out with these striking and functional pieces. a. chrome stanchion with 8' retractable belt f. chrome easel C220134 42"H – C220121 b. chrome sign holder g. chrome bag rack C220110 Holds 22"x 28" sign – C220118 c. round literature rack 17"W 17"L 57"H – N750135 Revolving black display holds printed materials for easy access from 20 pockets. d. flat literature rack 10"W 55"H – N750136 Forward-facing black display presents printed materials in six pockets. h. contempo trash receptacle 8"W 24"H Black – N75053 Aluminum – N75054 wastebasket Wastebasket color may vary. C220107 e. chrome coat tree C220109 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. d. page 10 of 10 e. f. g. h. small refrigerator* 19"W 19"L 34"H – N75057 file cabinet with lock Standard Size two-drawer 15"W 29"L 28"H – N74082 four-drawer 15"W 29"L 50"H – N74081 floor-standing bulletin board table lamp* Black 25"H – N75052 *Note: Electrical power must be ordered separately. 07/13 - 53793 - online 48"W 96"L 78"H – C10201484 special draping (not pictured) Special drape is available in a variety of colors. Refer to the order form for details. NAME OF SHOW: MARCH 17, 2014 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store FURNISHINGS Qty Part # Online Discount Standard Price Price Price Description Total Qty Part # Online Discount Standard Price Price Price Description TABLES CHAIRS Page 5 Pages 1 & 2 N71092 Diva Counter Stool ............ 253.80 279.20 355.30 N71091 Pedestal Tables - SoHo Series Diva Chair .......................... 238.45 262.30 333.85 N72066 Black-top Mini 18"W x 18"H .... 132.20 145.40 185.10 N710102 Santana Chair .................... 225.70 248.25 316.00 N72069 Black-top Cafe 24"W x 30"H ... 179.00 196.90 250.60 N710144 Diplomat Chair ................... 351.50 386.65 492.10 N72070 Black-top Bistro 24"W x 42"H 179.00 196.90 250.60 N71038 Cherry Barrel Chair ............ Cranberry Taupe 225.30 247.85 315.40 N72067 Black-top Café Table 36"x30". 179.00 196.90 250.60 N72068 Black-top Bistro 36"W x 42"H .. 179.00 196.90 250.60 N71048 Gray Gaslift Stool w/Arms . 348.20 383.00 487.50 N71047 Gray Gaslift Stool .............. 306.60 337.25 429.25 N71046 Gray Gaslift Chair w/Arms .. 306.60 337.25 429.25 N71045 Gray Gaslift Chair .............. 241.40 265.55 337.95 N71044 Executive Chair .................. 322.70 354.95 451.80 N71089 Black Diamond Side Chair.. 154.45 169.90 216.25 N71090 Black Diamond Arm Chair.. 180.60 198.65 252.85 Pedestal Tables - Chelsea Series - Butcher Block Top N72063 Café Table 30"W x 30"H ......... 179.00 196.90 250.60 N72064 Café Table 36"W x 30"H ......... 179.00 196.90 250.60 N720163 Bistro Table 30"W x 42"H ....... 179.00 196.90 250.60 N720164 Bistro Table 36"W x 42"H ....... 179.00 196.90 250.60 OFFICE FURNITURE Page 6 CHAIRS Page 3 N71088 Black Diamond Stool ......... N72093 Milano Table/Blonde Top ........ 454.05 499.45 635.65 220.35 242.40 308.50 N72092 Milano Table/Black Top .......... 454.05 499.45 635.65 84.80 93.30 112.30 N72094 Luna Table/Black Top ............. 615.30 676.85 861.40 N720191 Hemingway Writing Table ....... 405.75 446.35 568.05 N74061 Cherry Desk 5' ........................ 682.90 751.20 956.05 N74065 Cherry Bookcase .................... 359.35 395.30 503.10 N74064 Cherry Credenza .................... 306.60 337.25 429.25 N74071 Oak Desk 5' ............................ 682.90 751.20 956.05 N74075 Oak Bookcase ......................... 359.35 395.30 503.10 N74074 Oak Credenza ......................... 306.60 337.25 429.25 C210108 Limerick® Chair................. by Herman Miller C210112 Casey Padded Stool ........... Black Gray Total 112.45 123.70 157.45 LOUNGE SEATING Page 3 N73091 Signature Loveseat ........... 1,038.20 1,142.00 1,453.50 N71093 Signature Chair ................ 466.20 512.80 652.70 DISPLAY FURNITURE TABLES Page 7 Page 4 N72026 Cherry Cocktail Table........... 171.20 188.30 239.70 N72027 Cherry End Table................. 135.40 148.95 189.55 N72015 Glass Conference Table....... 426.65 469.30 597.30 Black Chrome N72056 Display Counter....................... 216.45 238.10 303.05 N75079 Orion Computer Kiosk............. 333.30 366.65 466.60 N75030 Black Display Cube/Small....... 239.35 263.30 335.10 N75031 Black Display Cube/Medium.... 256.25 281.90 358.75 N75032 Black Display Cube/Large....... 290.45 319.50 406.65 TABLES Page 5 07/13 Display Cylinders N72028 Metro Slate Cocktail Table... 92.70 101.95 129.80 N72029 Metro Slate End Table......... 92.70 101.95 129.80 C115103 Studio Black Cocktail Table. 92.70 101.95 129.80 C115104 Studio Black End Table........ 92.70 101.95 129.80 (303456) 4948 N75020 Black Display Cylinder/Low. 186.15 204.75 260.60 N75021 Black Display Cylinder/Med. 186.15 204.75 260.60 N75022 Black Display Cylinder/Lg.... 186.15 204.75 260.60 Remember to select a color for items with checkboxes. A color will be selected for you if not indicated. Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN furnishing essentials 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014 ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH:: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store FURNISHINGS Qty Part # Description Online Discount Standard Price Price Price Total Qty Part # ACCESSORIES DISPLAY FURNITURE Page 7 & 8 (continued) Draped Tables - Tables are 24" wide Blue Burgundy Black Dark Green Gray Red Plum Teal Gold Online Discount Standard Total Price Price Price Description Pages 9 & 10 Flax White C220121 Chrome Stanchion w/belt .. 85.45 94.00 C220118 Chrome Sign Holder ........... 92.70 101.95 119.65 129.80 C130330 Draped Table 3'L x 30"H..... N/A N/A N/A N750135 Round Literature Rack ....... 244.50 268.95 342.30 C130430 Draped Table 4'L x 30"H..... 146.70 161.35 194.30 N750136 Flat Literature Rack ............ 209.90 230.90 293.85 C130630 Draped Table 6'L x 30"H..... 172.90 190.20 229.00 C220109 Chrome Coat Tree ............... 56.45 62.10 79.05 Chrome Easel ...................... 38.60 42.45 54.05 142.85 181.80 C130830 Draped Table 8'L x 30"H..... 206.35 227.00 273.30 C220134 C1240463 4th Side Drape 6'L x 30"H... 46.65 51.30 65.30 C220110 Chrome Bag Rack .............. 129.85 C1240483 4th Side Drape 8'L x 30"H... 46.65 51.30 65.30 N75053 Black Trash Receptacle ..... 92.70 101.95 129.80 N/A N75054 Aluminum Trash Receptacle 92.70 101.95 129.80 277.00 220107 Wastebasket ....................... N/A N/A N/A 220106 Corrugated Wastebasket..... 20.20 22.20 28.30 C130342 C130442 Draped Counter 3'L x 42"H. Draped Counter 4'L x 42"H. N/A 209.15 N/A 230.05 C130642 Draped Counter 6'L x 42"H. 220.70 242.75 292.30 C130842 Draped Counter 8'L x 42"H. 256.15 281.75 339.25 N75057 Small Refrigerator .............. 545.20 599.70 763.30 77.75 N75052 Black Table Lamp ............... 147.15 161.85 206.00 77.75 N74082 File Cabinet/2 Drawer ......... 186.15 204.75 260.60 N74081 File Cabinet/4 Drawer ......... 230.05 253.05 322.05 10201484 Bulletin Board ..................... 334.05 367.45 467.65 C1240464 4th Side Drape 6'L x 42"H... C1240484 4th Side Drape 8'L x 42"H... 55.55 55.55 61.10 61.10 Undraped Tables - Tables are 24" wide C131330 Undraped Table 3'L x 30"H.. N/A N/A N/A C131430 Undraped Table 4'L x 30"H.. 54.55 60.00 72.25 C131630 Undraped Table 6'L x 30"H.. 67.50 74.25 89.40 C131830 Undraped Table 8'L x 30"H.. 80.75 88.85 106.95 C131342 Undraped Counter 3'Lx42"H N/A N/A N/A 12103 Special Drape 3'H (per ft.) .. 21.75 23.95 30.45 C131442 Undraped Counter 4'Lx42"H 79.85 87.85 105.75 12108 Special Drape 8'H (per ft.) ... 28.35 31.20 39.70 C131642 Undraped Counter 6'Lx42"H 91.45 100.60 121.15 C131842 Undraped Counter 8'Lx42"H 105.30 115.85 139.45 Special Drape Black Gold Blue Gray Burgundy Dark Green Red Plum Teal Flax White FREEMAN furnishing essentials NAME OF SHOW: C150410 Single Step Riser 4'L x 7"H 36.65 40.30 51.30 C150610 Single Step Riser 6'L x 7"H 49.65 54.60 69.50 C150810 Single Step Riser 8'L x 7"H N/A N/A N/A C150414 Single Step Riser 4'L x14"H N/A N/A N/A C150614 Single Step Riser 6'L x14"H N/A N/A N/A C150814 Single Step Riser 8'L x14"H N/A N/A N/A C150420 Double Step Riser 4'L ......... N/A N/A N/A C150620 Double Step Riser 6'L ........ N/A N/A N/A C150820 Double Step Riser 8'L ......... N/A N/A N/A TOTAL COST + Sub-Total 07/13 (303456) 4948 Remember to select a color for items with checkboxes. A color will be selected for you if not indicated. = 7 % Tax Total Cost Page 2 of 2 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014 Table Top Risers page 1 of 14 SELECT seating furnishings Sit back and relax – your search for comfortable seating is over. Choose from a sleek selection of sofas, loveseats and chairs that are sure to take your exhibit design to the next level. l i sbon chair loveseat sofa Black Leather 40”L 36”D 34”H – 81011 Black Leather 64”L 36”D 34”H – 8303 Black Leather 88”L 36”D 34”H – 8302 n e wpor t possible configurations: loveseat armless chair corner chair Charcoal Leather 54”L 34”D 33”H – 8308 Charcoal Leather 24”L 34”D 33”H – 8109 Charcoal Leather 34”L 34”D 33”H – 81010 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 2 of 14 south be a c h possible configurations (featuring the half round ottomans from page 5): sofa ottoman Platinum Suede 69”L 29”D 33”H – 8301 Platinum Suede 25”L 31”D 18”H – 8151 ke y we st loveseat sofa tub chair Black Fabric 57”L 35”D 33”H – 8307 Black Fabric 85”L 35”D 33”H – 8306 Black Fabric 31”L 31”D 31”H – 8103 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 3 of 14 allegr o chair Blue Fabric 36”L 34.5”D 30”H – 81019 sofa Blue Fabric 73”L 34.5”D 29.5”H – 83015 m ar r ake s h chair Beige Fabric 34”L 37”D 38”H – 810808 sofa Beige Fabric 83”L 36”D 29”H – 83062 m em phi s chair Black Fabric 27.25”L 31.75”D 27.5”H – 810812 sofa (compact) Black Fabric 55”L 31”D 28”H – 83064 r om a chair White Vinyl 37”L 31”D 33”H – 81020 sofa White Vinyl 78”L 31”D 33”H – 83016 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 4 of 14 casual seating Look no further for a great variety of informal, modern seating options. Here you will find chairs, sofas, stools, ottomans – even sophisticated bar sets – that turn exhibits into destinations. ott om ans square ottoman Black Leather – 8154 White Leather – 8152 40”L 40”D 17”H half round ottoman White Leather – 81514 Black Leather – 81513 72”L 36”D 17”H bench ottoman Black Leather – 8155 White Leather – 8153 60”L 24”D 17”H leather cube Black Leather – 81512 White Leather – 81511 17”L 17”D 18”H edge LED cube High Density Plastic – 81526 20”L 20”D 20”H Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 5 of 14 o t t om ans vibe cube Blue Vinyl – 81518 Pink Vinyl – 81520 Red Vinyl – 81519 Yellow Vinyl – 81517 Orange Vinyl – 81525 18”L 18”D 18”H o c c as i ona l c h a i r s madrid chair madrid chair Black Leather/Chrome 30”L 30”D 31”H – 8102 White Leather/Chrome 30”L 30”D 31”H – 810816 meeting chair (espresso) meeting chair (taupe) Bonded Leather/Wood Legs 25.5”L 23.5”D 34”H – 810835 Microfiber/Wood Legs 25.5”L 23.5”D 34”H – 810836 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 6 of 14 o c c as i onal c h a i r s t-vac chair globus occasional chair Translucent/Chrome Legs 25”L 23”D 30”H – 8101 White Vinyl/Chrome Base 28”L 26”D 28”H – 810819 razor armless chair panton chair High Density Plastic 15.38”L 15.5”D 30.5”H – 810837 White Plastic 20”L 24”D 33”H – 81017 berlin stack chair White & Red Plastic/Chrome – 810811 White & Black Plastic/Chrome – 810810 18”L 22”D 32”H Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 7 of 14 o c c as i ona l c h a i r s ICE side chair Transparent/Chrome Legs 17.25”L 20”D 32”H – 810814 fusion chair (black/white) White/Black High Density Plastic 19”L 21”D 32”H – 810838 jetson chair new york chair Black Vinyl/Black Steel 19”L 18”D 31”H – 810702 Onyx/Maple Wood/Chrome 23”L 32”D 33”H – 81090 iso mesh pull-up chair Black Vinyl/Black Steel 26”L 24”D 38”H – 810707 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 8 of 14 confer enc e c h a i r s luxor executive chair tilt executive chair Black Leather 27”L 28”D 47”H Adjustable – 810807 Onyx Fabric 26”L 25”D 34”H – 81075 flex chair altura conference/ guest chair Black Plastic/Chrome 24”L 22”D 31”H – 81018 Black Fabric/Black Steel 25”L 20”D 34”H – 81063 per th highback chair altura junior executive chair Black Leather/Chrome 23”L 21”D 43”H Adjustable – 810813 Black Fabric 25”L 25”D 37”H Adjustable – 81073 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 9 of 14 b ar s & bar s t o o l s mar tini bar Grey metal rounded bar with frosted glass top and chrome legs 67”L 50”D 47”H – Radius 76.5” – 8501 possible configurations: ohio barstool Grey Fabric/Chrome – 810100 Red Fabric/Chrome – 810101 Black Fabric/Chrome – 810102 18”Round 31”H Adjustable banana barstool White Vinyl/Chrome – 810103 Black Vinyl/Chrome – 810104 21”L 22”D 30”H Tables in coordinating colors are available upon request. Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 10 of 14 b ar s & bar s t o o l s shark swivel barstool White Plastic/Chrome 22”L 19”D 34-44”H Adjustable – 810202 oslo barstool Blue Plastic/Chrome – 810200 White Plastic/Chrome – 810201 17”L 20”D 30”H zoey barstool gin barstool Vinyl/Chrome 15”L 17”D 31-35”H – 810834 Maple Wood/Chrome 16”L 16”D 29”H – 810505 jetson barstool ICE barstool Black Vinyl/Black Steel 18”L 19”D 29”H – 810706 Transparent/Chrome Legs 16.75”L 16”D 37.75”H – 810815 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 11 of 14 tables Bring professionalism to the table with our sleek variety of surfaces and tabletops. Choose from modern glass tops and more. oc c as i onal e n d & c o c k t a i l ta b le s silverado end table silverado table Tempered Glass/Painted Steel 24” Round 22”H – 82015 Tempered Glass/Painted Steel 36” Round 17”H – 82014 inspiration end table inspiration table Tempered Glass/Painted Steel 24”L 28”D 22”H – 82023 Tempered Glass/Painted Steel 42”L 28”D 18”H – 82022 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 12 of 14 o c c as i ona l e n d & c o c k t a i l ta b le s geo end table geo table Glass/Black Steel – 82025 Glass/Chrome – 82035 26”L 26”D 20”H Glass/Black Steel – 82024 Glass/Chrome – 82034 50”L 22”D 16”H sydney end table sydney table Black Laminate/Brushed Steel – 82054 White Laminate/Brushed Steel – 82055 27”L 23”D 22”H Black Laminate/Brushed Steel – 82052 White Laminate/Brushed Steel – 82053 48”L 24”D 18”H edge LED lighted table candy table White Plastic/Clear Acrylic 20”L 20”D 20”H – 82057 White Plastic/Black Laminated 18”L 18”D 18”H – 82056 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 13 of 14 confer enc e t a b l e s nova white oval table geo conference table White Laminate/Chrome 71”L 35.5”D 29”H – 82060 Glass/Black Steel – 82041 Glass/Chrome – 82051 60”L 36”D 29”H communal table (maple with grommets) manhattan table Laminate/Metal 72”L 26”D 30”H – 82058 72”L 26”D 42”H – 82059 Glass/Black Steel 42”Round 29”H – 82033 communal table (maple) communal table (white) Laminate/Metal 72”L 26”D 30”H – 82067 72”L 26”D 42”H – 82068 Laminate/Metal 72”L 26”D 30”H – 82063 72”L 26”D 42”H – 82066 Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 14 of 14 produc t di s p l a y etagere Black – 850604 Silver – 850605 30”L 16”D 70”H locking door pedestal Black Laminate 24”L 24”D 42”H – 85078 r efr i ger at o r s refrigerator* White 14.0 cubic feet 20”L 30”D 65”H – 8503001 lig ht i ng mason table lamp* mason floor lamp* White/Brushed Silver 16”D Round 26”H – 850707 White/Brushed Silver 18”D Round 55”H – 850708 *Electrical power must be ordered seperately. Call07/13 customer - 53792service - online at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com MARCH 17, 2014 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total SEATING Lisbon Group - Black Leather 81011 Chair............................................................................ 661.60 727.75 926.25 8303 Loveseat..................................................................... 1,328.90 1,461.80 1,860.45 8302 Sofa........................................................................... 2,084.90 2,293.40 2,918.85 select furnishings ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE 8308 Loveseat..................................................................... 899.40 989.35 1,259.15 8109 Armless Chair............................................................ 511.35 562.50 715.90 81010 Corner Chair.............................................................. 327.65 360.40 458.70 FREEMAN Newport Group -Charcoal Leather South Beach Group - Platinum Suede 8301 Sofa............................................................................ 866.10 952.70 1,212.55 8151 Ottoman...................................................................... 377.75 415.55 528.85 Key West Group - Black Fabric 8307 Loveseat..................................................................... 703.35 773.70 984.70 8306 Sofa............................................................................ 780.55 858.60 1,092.75 8103 Tub Chair................................................................... 542.65 596.90 759.70 81019 Chair........................................................................... 483.00 531.30 676.20 83015 Sofa............................................................................ 766.50 843.15 1,073.10 810808 Chair........................................................................... 587.65 646.40 822.70 83062 825.15 907.65 1,155.20 810812 Chair.......................................................................... 600.10 660.10 840.15 83064 837.70 921.45 1,172.80 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014 Allegro Group - Blue Fabric Marrakesh Group - Beige Fabric Sofa............................................................................ Memphis Group - Black Fabric Sofa (compact).......................................................... Roma Group - White Vinyl 81020 Chair........................................................................... 535.50 589.05 749.70 83016 Sofa............................................................................ 824.25 906.70 1,153.95 CASUAL SEATING Ottomans 8154 Square - Black Leather.............................................. 417.40 459.15 584.35 8152 Square - White Leather.............................................. 417.40 459.15 584.35 8155 Bench - Black Leather............................................... 519.75 571.75 727.65 8153 Bench - White Leather............................................... 519.75 571.75 727.65 81513 Half Round - Black Leather........................................ 542.65 596.90 759.70 81514 Half Round - White Leather....................................... 542.65 596.90 759.70 81518 Vibe - Blue Vinyl........................................................ 150.35 165.40 210.50 81520 Vibe - Pink Vinyl......................................................... 150.35 165.40 210.50 81519 Vibe - Red Vinyl......................................................... 150.35 165.40 210.50 81517 Vibe - Yellow Vinyl..................................................... 150.35 165.40 210.50 81525 Vibe - OrangeVinyl..................................................... 150.35 165.40 210.50 81511 Leather Cube - White Leather................................... 150.35 165.40 210.50 81512 Leather Cube - Black Leather.................................... 150.35 165.40 210.50 81526 Edge LED Cube......................................................... 205.00 225.50 287.00 Ottomans 07/13 (303456) 4948 Page 1 of 3 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Price Standard Price Total CASUAL SEATING (continued) Occasional Chairs T-vac Chair - Translucent/Chrome ........................... 423.70 466.05 810819 Globus Occasional Chair - White Vinyl/Chrome........ 581.35 639.50 813.90 Madrid Chair - Black Leather..................................... 1,083.20 1,191.50 1,516.50 810816 Madrid Chair - White Leather..................................... 8102 593.20 1,081.45 1,189.60 1,514.05 Panton Chair - White Plastic...................................... 260.95 287.05 365.35 810814 ICE Side Chair - Transparent/Chrome....................... 287.60 316.35 402.65 81090 256.70 282.35 359.40 810707 ISO Mesh Pull-up Chair - Black Vinyl/Black Steel..... 411.15 452.25 575.60 810811 Berlin Stack Chair - White & Red Plastic/Chrome..... 148.50 163.35 207.90 810810 Berlin Stack Chair - White & Black Plastic/Chrome... 148.50 163.35 207.90 810702 Jetson Chair - Black Vinyl/Black Steel....................... 256.70 282.35 359.40 810835 Meeting Chair (/Espresso)......................................... 217.50 239.25 304.50 810836 Meeting Chair (Taupe.....)......................................... 285.00 313.50 399.00 81017 New York Chair - Onyx/Maple Wood/Chrome............ 810837 Razor Armless Chair.................................................. 57.50 63.25 80.50 810838 Fusion Chair Black/White........................................... 150.00 165.00 210.00 810807 Luxor Executive Chair - Black Leather...................... 573.90 631.30 803.45 81075 Tilt Executive Chair - Onyx Fabric............................. 423.70 466.05 593.20 81018 Flex Chair - Black Plastic/Chrome............................. 212.85 234.15 298.00 81063 Altura Conference/Guest Chair - Black Fabric/Black Steel............................................................................ 434.15 477.55 607.80 810813 Perth Highback Chair - Black Leather/Chrome.......... 600.10 660.10 840.15 81073 Altura Junior Executive Chair - Black Fabric............. 477.90 525.70 669.05 Martini Bar - Grey metal rounded bar with frosted glass top and chrome legs.......................................... 1,878.40 2,066.25 2,629.75 810100 Ohio Barstool - Grey Fabric/Chrome......................... 235.85 259.45 330.20 810101 Ohio Barstool - Red Fabric/Chrome.......................... 235.85 259.45 330.20 810102 Ohio Barstool - Black Fabric/Chrome........................ 235.85 259.45 330.20 810202 Shark Swivel Barstool - White Plastic/Chrome.......... 325.50 358.05 455.70 810103 Banana Barstool - White Vinyl/Chrome..................... 258.75 284.65 362.25 810104 Banana Barstool - Black Vinyl/Chrome...................... 258.75 284.65 362.25 810815 ICE Barstool - Transparent/Chrome.......................... 306.30 336.95 428.80 810505 Gin Barstool - Maple Wood/Chrome.......................... 240.05 264.05 336.05 810706 Jetson Barstool - Black Vinyl/Black Steel.................. 356.85 392.55 499.60 810200 Oslo Barstool - Blue Plastic/Chrome......................... 325.45 358.00 455.65 810201 Oslo Barstool - White Plastic/Chrome....................... 325.45 358.00 455.65 810834 Zoey Barstool............................................................. 310.00 341.00 434.00 FREEMAN 8101 Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014 Conference Chairs Bars & Bar Stools 8501 Occasional End & Cocktail Tables 82015 Silverado End Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel........................................................................... 346.45 381.10 485.05 82014 Silverado Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel...... 369.35 406.30 517.10 82025 Geo End Table - Glass/Black Steel........................... 313.10 344.40 438.35 82035 Geo End Table - Glass/Chrome................................ 313.10 344.40 438.35 82024 Geo Table - Glass/Black Steel................................... 346.45 381.10 485.05 82034 Geo Table - Glass/Chrome ....................................... 346.45 381.10 485.05 82023 Inspiration End Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel........................................................................... 400.75 440.85 561.05 82022 Inspiration Table - Tempered Glass/Painted Steel.... 423.70 466.05 593.20 07/13 (303456) 4948 select furnishings GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 NAME OF SHOW: Page 2 of 3 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store Qty Part # Online Price Description Discount Price Standard Price Total TABLES, LIGHTING & MORE Occasional End & Cocktail Tables 82054 Sydney End Table - Black Laminate/Brushed Steel.. 325.10 357.60 455.15 82055 Sydney End Table - White Laminate/Brushed Steel.. 325.10 357.60 455.15 82052 Sydney Table - Black Laminate/Brushed Steel......... 390.75 429.85 547.05 82053 Sydney Table - White Laminate/Brushed Steel......... 390.75 429.85 547.05 82056 Candy Table............................................................... 177.50 195.25 248.50 82057 Edge LED Lighted Table............................................ 205.00 225.50 287.00 82060 Nova White Oval Table - White Laminate/Chrome.... 551.25 606.40 771.75 82033 Manhattan Table - Glass/Black Steel........................ 413.20 454.50 578.50 82041 Geo Conference Table - Glass/Black Steel............... 509.25 560.20 712.95 82051 Geo Conference Table - Glass/Chrome.................... 509.25 560.20 712.95 82058 Communal Table 30"H (Maple with Grommets)......... 512.50 563.75 717.50 82059 Communal Table 42"H (Maple with Grommets)......... 717.50 789.25 1,004.50 82067 Communal Table 30"H Maple.................................... 512.50 563.75 717.50 82068 Communal Table 42"H Maple.................................... 717.50 789.25 1,004.50 82063 Communal Table 30"H White................................... 512.50 563.75 717.50 82066 Communal Table 42"H White................................... 717.50 789.25 1,004.50 850604 Etagere - Black.......................................................... 429.95 472.95 601.95 850605 Etagere -Pewter......................................................... 429.95 472.95 601.95 85078 638.65 702.50 894.10 1,072.75 1,180.05 1,501.85 FREEMAN Conference Tables Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014 Product Display Locking Door Pedestal - Black Laminate................... Refrigerator 8503001 Refrigerator - White................................................... Lighting 850707 Mason Table Lamp - White/Brushed Silver............... 152.25 167.50 213.15 850708 Mason Floor Lamp - White/Brushed Silver................ 225.75 248.35 316.05 TOTAL COST + Sub-Total 07/13 (303456) 4948 = 7 % Tax select furnishings GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 NAME OF SHOW: Total Cost Page 3 of 3 GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store ACCESSORIES PERFBOARD - SINGLE SIDED BULLETIN BOARD CHROME GARMENT RACK 2-WAY STRAIGHT ARM Vertical Horizontal Qty Part # Description Online Price Discount Standard Price Price Total Qty Part # PERFBOARD / BULLETIN BOARDS Horizontal ______ 10201280 ______ 10201282 ______ 10201480 ______ 10201481 ______ 10201484 ______ 1020410 ______ 10201 ______ 10202 ______ 10203 ______ 10204 Vertical 2’X8’-Single Sided.................. 139.80 153.80195.70__________ 2’x8’-Double Sided................. 170.10 187.10238.15__________ 4’x8’-Single Sided.................. 226.00 248.60316.40__________ 4’x8’-Double Sided..................311.10 342.20435.55__________ 4’x8’-Bulletin Board/Horz........ 404.70 445.15566.60__________ 4’ x 12” Perfboard Shelf........... 95.40104.95 133.55 __________ Straight Hook............................. 4.50 4.95 6.30__________ Loop Hook................................. 4.50 4.95 6.30__________ Single Hook................................ 4.85 5.35 6.80__________ Double Hook.............................. 4.85 5.35 6.80__________ Description Online Price Discount Standard Price Price Total ACCESSORIES ______ 10406 ______ 15905 ______ 109011 ______ 10403 Garment Rack........................ 135.80 Fish Bowl ............................... 27.40 Ticket Tumbler - small............ 120.05 2-way Straight Arm ................ 136.55 149.40190.10__________ 30.1538.35 __________ 132.05168.05__________ 150.20191.15__________ TOTAL COST Sub-Total_________+ Tax (7%)__________= TOTAL_____________ Don’t see what you need? Please call Exhibitor Services at 201-299-7575. ACC 13/14 (303456) Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014. NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 • Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com FREEMAN accessories ONLINE PRICE Discount price DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 page 1 of 2 carpet When it comes to making your exhibit stand out on the show floor, we have you covered. Freeman offers several color options in both classic and prestige carpet designed to fit the requirements of your exhibit space. • Freeman uses only colorfast carpet, making it a consistent, matching shade every time • Freeman’s carpet is manufactured with recycled material • All of our carpet padding is made from recycled foam prestige C A R P E T Freeman’s prestige carpet combines plush comfort with durable soil and stain resistance, perfect for high-traffic areas. Five popular colors are available in a luxurious 40-ounce weight and all nine designer colors are available in a 28-ounce weight. Freeman’s prestige carpet packages include new, 10-foot-wide carpet, delivery, Visqueen covering, installation, carpet tape, carpet removal and all carpet material handling fees. Price includes environmentally friendly disposal of carpet after usage. Foam carpet padding is available for a minimal fee. If you have a large order, please contact us to see if volume discounts may apply. custom options Prestige carpets can also be customized to fit your exhibit needs with unique logos, patterns and borders. Call the phone number on Quick Facts for assistance. black* cardinal charcoal* cream navy* toast wedgewood white* gray pearl* *Colors available in both 28 oz. and 40 oz. Actual colors may vary slightly. questions? Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, visit us at www.freemanco.com. 12/12 - 53591 - online page 2 of 2 classic C A R P E T custom cut Freeman classic carpet is available in a range of colors and includes delivery, Visqueen covering, installation, carpet tape, carpet removal and all carpet material handling fees. Foam carpet padding is available for a minimal fee. If you have a large order, please contact us to see if volume discounts may apply. standard cut Our classic carpet comes in a variety of sizes: 9’ x 10’, 9’ x 20’, 9’ x 30’, 9’ x 40’ and larger. Prices include delivery, installation, carpet tape, carpet removal and all carpet material handling fees. Foam carpet padding and Visqueen covering are available for a minimal fee. black blue gray green latte midnight blue plum red red pepper tuxedo Actual colors may vary slightly. questions? Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, visit us at www.freemanco.com. 12/12 - 53591 - online 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com MARCH 17, 2014 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 NAME OF SHOW: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: X BOOTH SIZE: E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. • For FREE samples or a quote on orders over 1200 sq. ft. please call our Exhibitor Sales Department at (201) 299-7575. • Orders received after the deadline or without payment will be charged the Standard Price and are subject to availability. • Prestige and Custom Cut Classic Carpet are subject to a 100% Cancellation Charge. • No MATERIAL HANDLING charges apply. Rental prices are for the duration of the show and include delivery to and removal from your booth space. • All Classic and Prestige carpets contain recycled content and are recyclable. PRESTIGE CARPET - For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store includes plastic covering, delivery, material handling, installation and removal** FREEMAN carpet ONLINE PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE • Guaranteed new, high quality carpet available in a variety of designer colors. CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR - 40 oz. Carpet: Black 40 oz. Carpet Rental - Charcoal Gray Pearl Navy White Discount Price Online Price Price per sq. ft. (100 sq. ft. minimum) Standard Price 1 - 700 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = sq. ft. @ $ 8.30 $ 9.15 $ 11.60 701 - 1200 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = sq. ft. @ $ 7.50 $ 8.25 $ 10.50 Total CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR - 28 oz. Carpet: Cardinal Charcoal Toast Wedgewood Gray Pearl Cream White Online Price 28 oz. Carpet Rental - Price per sq. ft. (100 sq. ft. minimum) Standard Price Discount Price 1 - 700 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = sq. ft. @ $ 6.10 $ 6.70 $ 8.55 701 - 1200 sq. ft. Booth Size: X = sq. ft. @ $ 5.55 $ 6.10 $ 7.75 Total CUSTOM CUT CLASSIC CARPET - includes plastic covering, delivery, material handling, installation and removal** • Our Custom Cut Classic Carpeting is available in custom cut sizes, and in a variety of standard colors. CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR: Black Blue Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum Rental - Price per square foot (100 sq. ft. minimum) 16 oz. Carpet Rental Booth Size: Per sq. ft. CLASSIC CARPET - X sq. ft. @ = $ Red Pepper Red Online Price 4.55 Discount Price Standard Price 5.00 $ $ Tuxedo Total 6.35 includes delivery, material handling, installation and removal** • Our 16 oz. Classic Carpeting is available in a variety of standard colors in the following standard sizes. CHOOSE YOUR CARPET COLOR: Black Qty Blue Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum Red Description 9' x 10' Classic Carpet ..................................................... $ 9' x 20' Classic Carpet ..................................................... $ 9' x 30' Classic Carpet ..................................................... $ 9' x 40' Classic Carpet ..................................................... $ 223.65 447.30 671.00 894.65 Red Pepper Discount Price Online Price $ $ $ $ 232.00 492.05 738.10 984.10 Standard Price Tuxedo Total $ 296.20 $ 592.45 $ 888.75 $ 1,184.95 CARPET PADDING AND PLASTIC COVERING - includes delivery, material handling, installation and removal • Price is per sq. ft. Qty Online Price Description Carpet Padding - 1/2" (90 - 700 sq. ft.)............................. $ Carpet Padding - 1/2" (Over 700 sq. ft.)............................ $ Discount Price 2.05 $ 1.90 $ 1.05 $ Standard Price 2.25 $ 2.10 $ 1.15 $ Total 2.85 2.65 1.45 $ Plastic Covering ................................................................ Our carpet padding consists of 95 -100% recycled urethane foam and is also 100% recyclable according to the manufacturer's specifications. Our plastic floor covering contains up to 60% recycled content. **All utility lines must be installed before carpet installation. Utilities should be ordered in advance.** 01/13 (303456) 4948 TOTAL COST = + Sub- Total 7 % Tax Total Cost Take advantage of the Online price by ordering at www.freemanco.com/store before MARCH 17, 2014 Black Navy page 1 of 3 R E N TA L exhibits Package 1 Package 1 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 2 Package 2 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 3 Package 3 upgraded with graphics and cabinet 12/12 - 53592 - online page 2 of 3 Package 4 Package 4 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 5 Package 5 upgraded with graphics and cabinet Package 6 Package 6 upgraded with graphics and cabinet * All exhibits include: installation & dismantle of exhibit, material handling of exhibit, classic carpet with nightly vacuuming, 2 arm lights (per 10’ unit), power (500 watts) for lights ONLY and labor to hang arm lights. Questions? All packages can be customized or modified. To speak with an Exhibitor Sales specialist, call the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com. page 3 of 3 Color Options - Classic Carpet Color Options - Fabric and Hardwall Panels black blue gray green latte midnight blue plum red red pepper tuxedo black Blackfabric Fabric Upgraded Color Options - Prestige Carpet blue Bluefabric Fabric gray Grayfabric Fabric white Whitehardwall Hardwall white Whiteperfboard Perfboard Questions? black* cardinal charcoal* cream navy* toast wedgewood white* gray pearl* *Colors available in both 28 oz. and 40 oz. All packages can be customized or modified. To speak with an Exhibitor Sales specialist, call the number listed on Quick Facts. For additional custom examples click on the link below. Upgrades available for under $500 Slatwall & Shelves Black Metal Graphics & Custom Logo To view additional custom designs Cabinets & Counters Colored Panels www.freemanco.com/customexhibits 12/12 - 53592 - online 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: MARCH 17, 2014 INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store All Exhibits Include: installation & dismantle of exhibit, material handling of exhibit, 9' x 10' or 9' x 20' classic carpet with nightly vacuuming, 2 arm lights (per 10’ unit), power (500 watts) for lights ONLY and labor to hang arm lights. To place your order, please check the appropriate box and complete the remaining selections at the bottom of the form. RENTAL EXHIBITS Discount Price Package 1 10' x 10' Package 2 10' x 10' Package 3 10' x 10' Package 4 10' x 10' Package 5 10' x 10' Package 6 10' x 10' Standard Price Discount Price Standard Price 5,919.50 10' x 20' 7,466.30 10,452.80 2,671.45 3,740.05 10' x 20' 4,951.50 6,932.10 3,793.05 5,310.25 10' x 20' 6,073.10 8,502.35 4,930.05 6,902.05 10' x 20' 9,522.25 13,331.15 2,982.25 4,175.15 10' x 20' 6,001.75 8,402.45 3,072.70 4,301.80 10' x 20' 5,158.70 7,222.20 4,228.20 CHOOSE YOUR PANEL Black Fabric Blue Fabric White Perfboard White Hardwall Gray Fabric CARPET Our Classic Carpet and nightly vacuuming are included in the price of your Rental Exhibit. The following colors are available: Check color choice Black Blue Gray Green Latte Midnight Blue Plum Red Red Pepper Tuxedo You may want to add padding or upgrade your carpet to one of our 15 designer colors in our PRESTIGE carpet line. Now available in 28 oz. and 40 oz. weight. Refer to our enclosed Carpet order form for color selections and pricing. Our carpet padding consists of 95 - 100% recycled urethane foam and is also 100% recyclable according to the manufacturer's specifications. Our plastic floor covering contains up to 60% recyclable content. LIGHTING Each Rental Exhibit includes 2 Arm Lights (per 10’ unit). Note: Power and labor to hang the lights are included in our standard rental exhibit package price. Power consumption not to exceed 500 Watts. Additional power must be ordered separately. HEADER IDENTIFICATION SIGN Indicate which color lettering you would like. We have a wide variety of standard colors available: Black Blue Brown Red Teal White Burgundy Dark Green PMS Color Font Type *Unless font type is indicated, Helvetica will be used. Indicate exactly how you want your company name to appear: ENHANCE YOUR EXHIBIT Enhance your exhibit and have an Exhibitor Sales Specialist contact you for pricing by checking any of the following boxes: Slatwall & Shelves Cabinets & Counters Colored Panels Creating a Custom Exhibit The product offered has recyclable content or has eco-friendly attributes and is 100% recyclable according to manufacturer's speciifications. 07/13 (303456) 4948 Specialty Colored Metal Graphics & Custom Logo Recyclable Graphics White Eco-Board TOTAL COST COST TOTAL = + Sub-Total 7 % Tax Total Cost Page 1 of 1 FREEMAN rental exhibits DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store ACCESSORIES FOR RENTAL UNITS LIGHTS (use only on rentals) SHELVES (use only on rentals) CABINETS GONDOLAS RADIUS COUNTER (does not have doors) LITERATURE POCKETS Qty Part # Description DiscountStandard Price Price Total LIGHT FIXTURES (electrical service & labor to install lights not included) _____ 172512 Arm Light (200w)...............110.45154.65________ _____ 172514 8’ Tracklight (3 lights)........335.70470.00________ _____ 17252 Additional Track Light........ 84.30 118.00________ Qty Part # Description Gondolas Blue Fabric Gray Fabric Gray Fabric White PVC 1m x ½m x 36” High............554.75776.65________ 1m x ½m x 42” High............554.75776.65________ 2m x ½m x 36” High............670.10938.15________ 2m x ½m x 42” High...........670.10938.15________ 1m Radius x ½m x 36” H......941.551,318.15_______ (Radius Cabinets do not have doors) _____ 17301 Cabinet Lock........................30.95 43.35 _______ Inside Shelves Available . . .Quoted on Request _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 17305 17306 17308 17309 17310 Don’t see what you need? Please call an Exhibitor Sales Specialist at 201-299-7400. ACC 13/14 (303456) Perfboard White PVC _____ 174541 Single Sided 1M x 4’High..... 471.45 660.05_________ _____ 174581 Single Sided 1M x 6’High..... 628.20 879.50_________ _ SHELVES Cabinets Blue Fabric Total GONDOLAS CABINETS & LOCKS Black Fabric Discount Standard Price Price _____ 172011m Straight (37” x 12”)............ 95.40 133.55_________ _____ 172061m Angled (37” x 12”)............. 95.40 133.55_________ LITERATURE POCKETS ______174015 For 8½ x 11 Literature............. 45.10 63.15_________ TOTAL COST Sub-Total_________+ Tax (7%)__________= TOTAL_____________ * Remember to make a selection for items with checkboxes. Otherwise, a selection will be made for you. FREEMAN exhibit accessories DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME: PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store FLOOR UNIT Rental Units Include: Classic Carpet 9' X 10' (Select color below) Installation & Dismantle of Exhibit Material Handling of Exhibit Nightly Vacuuming 1-Podium - 8'H x 10'W unit only 2-200 Watt Halogen Lights (Electrical service & labor not included) RENTAL Size Price 8' H x 8' W $2,948.40 8' H x 10' W $3,175.20 QTY. TOTAL _____ _____ PURCHASE* Price Size 8' H x 8' W Call for Quote_____ 8' H x 10' W Call for Quote_____ ________ ________ Purchase Units Include: 2-Cases One Time Installation & Dismantle 1-Podium - 8'H x 10'W unit only Header Identification Sign - (white with black text) Indicate copy below: Black Fabric Panel Colors for All Units: ________ ________ *Shipping Not Included Gray Additional Fabric Panel Colors for Purchase Units Only: Blaze Red Blueberry Emerald Silver *Other Colors Also Available for Purchase Units* 9'x10' Classic Carpet: Latte Midnight Blue Table Drape: Black Gray Blue Plum Black Plum Blue Red Burgundy Red Green Red Pepper Green Teal Gray Tuxedo Gold White CUSTOM GRAPHIC / PHOTO PANELS Our custom graphic panels can dramatically enhance your exhibit's appearance. Please check the box to have an Exhibitor Sales Specialist contact you to assist in creating a unique exhibit. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Lights, shelves and other accessories area available with you booth purchase. Please call for a quote. QUICK TIPS * * If shipping literature or products, material handling rates will apply. Order in advance to save time, money and ensure availability. Orders received after the deadline date or without payment will cost an additional 40% over prices indicated. PURCHASE UNITS TOTAL COST Sub-Total____________+ Tax (7%)_______= TOTAL_________ ACC 13/14 (303456) RENTAL UNITS TOTAL COST Sub-Total____________+ Tax (7%)_______= TOTAL_________ FREEMAN totalflex Discount price DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny,, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: CONTACT NAME : PHONE #: BOOTH SIZE: X E-MAIL ADDRESS : For Assistance, please call (201) 299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store GRAPHICS To order your graphics, complete this order form and attach your sign copy or electronic file. Please see artwork guidelines for electronic files on page 2 of this form. Note: All graphics are subject to a 100% Cancellation Charge. DIGITAL GRAPHICS STANDARD SIZES Freeman has the capabilities to provide you with the finest digital graphic reproduction available. Capabilities include four-color, photo-quality, high-resolution digital printing virtually any size for banners, signage, exhibit graphics and more. L X W= sq.ft. $ 21.20 per sq. ft. discount price =$ x or sq. ft. $ 31.80 per sq. ft. standard price • Minimum order per graphic 9 sq. ft. (1296 sq. in.) • Double sq. ft. for double-sided graphics • Round sq. ft. to next whole increment • File conversion, retouching, cloning or color correcting may incur additional labor charges. (See reverse side for graphic guidelines.) LARGE DIGITAL GRAPHICS Please call an Exhibitor Sales Specialist for price quotes on graphics over 80 sq. ft. File Information: CHOOSE YOUR SIZE: Discount Price QTY. 7" x 11" 7" x 22" 7" x 44" 9" x 44" 11" x 14" 14" x 22" 14" x 44" 22" x 28" 28" x 44" 20" x 60" @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Standard Price TOTAL 49.95 74.95 52.40 78.60 64.25 96.40 82.80 124.20 49.95 74.95 65.15 97.75 129.20 193.80 129.20 193.80 190.50 285.75 = = = = = = = = = N/A N/A = @ (white only) Note: File conversion, retouching, cloning or color may incur additional labor charges. (See reverse side for graphic guidelines.) INDICATE YOUR SIGN COPY HERE: Electronic File Name * Please feel free to attach additional sign copy on separate page. Application PMS Colors Backing Material: Foamcore Masonite PVC Plexi Gatorfoam Eco-Board Ultra-Board Other The product offered has recycled content or has ecofriendly attributes and is 100% recyclable according to the manufacturer's specifications. Vertical Horizontal Use Your Judgment For Sign Layout Vertical Horizontal Use Your Judgment For Sign Layout Background Color: Lettering Color: TOTAL COST Special Instructions + Sub-Total 01/13 (303456) = 7 % Tax Total Cost Page 1 of 2 FREEMAN graphics DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 FREEMAN artwork guidelines CUSTOMER GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING GRAPHICS ARTWORK Our desire is to provide you with the best possible quality graphics for your event or exhibit. You can help us in that effort by providing digital art files using the following guidelines. If you are sending us completed, print-ready files, please pass the following information on to your graphics designer. Two overall considerations for submitting acceptable artwork involves proper resolution or size of the file to avoid poor quality images, and proper color matching information and proofs to ensure accurate color reproduction. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING WHEN SUBMITTING ART Minimum requirements for original artwork, such as logos, when Freeman is providing design and layout: • 300 dpi resolution at a size of 8 x 10 inches (higher resolution files will result in improved final product) Minimum requirements for final artwork that Freeman will reproduce exactly as provided: • 100 dpi resolution at full size of actual finished product Minimum requirements for both: • All related PMS and/or CMYK color codes (if submitting CMYK values, please supply accurate color swatches.) • Accurate color proof print of artwork • Contact name, phone number and e-mail address of art creator if applicable • If submitting a “vector” file, include all fonts, or convert fonts to outlines or paths ACCEPTABLE FILE SOFTWARE FORMATS We are capable of working with both PC and MAC based software, and can accept art created with the following software programs (listed in order of preference): • ADOBE—Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop • COREL DRAW • QUARK XPRESS Files should always be saved in their native format. ACCEPTABLE FILE TYPES Files that Freeman can use in order of preference, include: • EPS and AI (especially when submitting logos) • TIF (especially when submitting photos) • JPG (provided resolution is high enough for photo images; not recommended for logos) File types that Freeman cannot use to reproduce high quality graphics include: • GIF files • Microsoft Office software files such as Word (.doc), or PowerPoint (.ppt) file types • Self-extracting files, such as EXE or SEA files WAYS TO SEND ARTWORK • Artwork files that are of acceptable resolution as listed above will typically be too large to send via email. Files may be saved and sent via overnight delivery on either a CD-ROM or a DVD, along with the hard-printed proof copy. (Floppy disks and zip drives are not a good option for sending large graphics files.) •Files may also be posted to Freeman’s FTP site. You may get the password and other needed information from your Freeman service representative in order to post files. However, a hard copy proof and backup of the files on CD-Rom/DVD are required and must be sent via overnight delivery in addition to posting the electronic files. Please call (201) 299-7575 for assistance. 01/13 (303456) 4948 Page 2 of 2 THERE ARE FOUR UNIONS THAT HAVE JURISDICTION OVER TRADE SHOWS. THE FOLLOWING SHOULD HELP GUIDE YOU IN CONFORMING TO UNION JURISDICTIONS AND ITS ADHERENCE TO THEM WHEN REQUIRED. TEAMSTER UNION: Teamsters handle all freight at the exhibit hall exclusively. They unload all vehicles and deliver materials to and from each respective booth. Teamsters also unload, deliver and load all machinery. The normal rigging crew consist of a forklift, driver and helper. Arrangements for rigging crews must be made in advance. CARPENTERS UNION: Exhibitors may install and dismantle 10' x 10' and 10' x 20' In-Line booths and 20' x 20' Island booths provided they use only Full-Time employees of the exhibiting company exclusively. Where In-Line booths are larger than 10 'x 20' and Island booths are larger than 20' x 20' Exhibitors shall be required to use Carpenter Labor. DECORATORS: Decorators install drapery, bunting, banners, as well as table, stage and skid skirting. Exhibitors may use their own table coverings, decorative materials, and drapery provided the material is fire-resistant pursuant to the standards established by the Atlantic City Fire Department. ELECTRICAL UNION: Electricians handle all electrical work, which includes suppling power lines to your booth, connecting equipment to outlets and installing signs or headers that are lighted, unless they are permanently a part of the exhibit backwall. WHAT CAN EXHIBITORS DO WITHOUT UNION PERSONNEL? Contrary to popular belief, exhibitors are allowed to do some work within the privacy of their own booths. Exhibitors are allowed to unpack and repack their own product. Additionally, exhibitors can hand carry their product to and from their respective booth area. This does not mean that if an exhibitor has fifty (50) cartons in a truck that they can make fifty (50) trips to and from the booth. Exhibitors are always permitted to do technical work on their machine, such as balancing, programming, cleaning, etc. We hope the information above will be of help. If you are in doubt, do not wait until you get to show site to ask questions. Call Freeman at (201) 299-7575 and we will be happy to answer any questions. FREEMAN labor jurisdiction UNION JURISDICTIONS at ATLANTIC CITY Convention Center page 1 of 1 installation & dismantle When it comes to installation and dismantling of exhibits, no one does it better than Freeman. With more than 75 years of experience, our group of specialists is ready to assist you with all of your exhibit requests, from beginning to end. Whether you choose to supervise or you need the assistance of a full-time Freeman employee, we can meet all your needs, from shipping and storage to emergency on-site repairs to basic installation and dismantling to support service coordination including electrical, furnishings and more. Freeman has the resources and the capabilities to help you have the most successful show experience possible. do i need to order labor? As an exhibitor, you are required to follow local labor jurisdictions. Please refer to the enclosed “Labor Jurisdictions” information sheet for details. installation and dismantling services available Freeman will work closely with you to coordinate every phase of your trade show participation, including: • Preplanning and budget consultation • Support service coordination – electrical, furnishings, floral and more • Shipping and storage management • On-site supervisors with dedicated floor managers • Skilled labor and technicians for installation and dismantling • Full, in-house carpentry • Graphics production • Emergency repairs and refurbishing • Postshow evaluations • Multiple show coordination Supervise any labor yourself, or if you need assistance, Freeman I&D experts will do it for you. if you use Freeman staff Exhibits are set up prior to your arrival under the direction of Freeman I&D supervisors. We charge 30% of the total labor charge, with a minimum $45 fee. if you supervise yourself Installation – Your labor supervisor must check in at the exhibitor service center to pick up laborers. Upon completion of work, your supervisor must return to the exhibitor service center to release the laborers. Start time is guaranteed only when labor is requested for the start of the working day. Dismantling – When scheduling dismantling labor, be sure to allow time for empty containers to be returned to the booth after the close of your show. Start time is guaranteed only when labor is requested for the start of the working day. questions? Call customer service at the number listed on Quick Facts. For fast, easy ordering, visit us at www.myfreemanonline.com. 10/06 - 48854 NAME OF SHOW INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store DISPLAY LABOR (One Hour Minimum per Worker) Description Advance Price Show Site Price Carpenter Labor Straight Time- 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday...................................................... $119.35 155.15 Overtime- 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. All day Saturday................................................................ $172.10 223.75 Sunday and recognized holidays........................................................................... $ 221.15 287.50 Double Time- • Show Site prices will apply to all labor orders placed at show site. • Price is per person/per hour. • Start time guaranteed only at start of working day. • One hour minimum per person - labor thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments. • Supervisor must check in at Service Desk to pickup labor. • Labor must be canceled in writing, 24 hours in advance to avoid a one (1) hour cancellation fee per worker. • When scheduling dismantle labor, be sure to allow sufficient time for empty containers to be returned to your booth. • Freeman supervised jobs will be completed at our discretion prior to show opening and before the hall must be cleared. Please include setup plan/photo, special instructions & inbound shipping information with this order. INSTALLATION LABOR Freeman Supervised Labor - Please complete the reverse side of this form. • Installation of your exhibit will be completed at our discretion prior to show opening. • The charge for this service is 30% of the total installation labor bill, with a minimum of $45.00. Emergency contact:_______________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Exhibitor Supervised Labor (Supervisor must check in at Service Desk to pick up labor) Supervisor will be:__________________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Date Start No. of People Approx. Hrs. Total Hrs. Hourly Rate Estimated Time per Person Total Cost _______ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________= ____________ @ $ _____________ = $_________________ Freeman Supervision (30%/$45.00) = $_________________ 7% Tax = $_________________ Total Installation = $_________________ DISMANTLE LABOR Freeman Supervised Labor - Please complete the reverse side of this form. • Freeman is not responsible for product or literature that is not properly packed and labeled by exhibitor. • The charge for this service is 30% of the total dismantle labor bill, with a minimum of $45.00. Emergency contact:_______________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Exhibitor Supervised Labor(Supervisor must check in at Service Desk to pick up labor) Supervisor will be:__________________________________________Phone Number: ____________________________ Date Start No. of People Time Approx. Hrs. Total Hrs. Hourly Rate per Person Estimated Total Cost _______ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________=____________ @ $_____________ = $_________________ ________ _________ ______________ x ______________= ____________ @ $ _____________ = $ ________________ Freeman Supervision (30%/$45.00) = $_________________ 7% Tax = $_________________ Total Dismantle = $_________________ Page 1 of 2 ACC 13/14 (303456) FREEMAN installation & dismantle labor 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. FREEMAN SUPERVISED LABOR IN ORDER TO BETTER SERVE YOU - Please complete the following information if your display is to be set-up and/or dismantled by Freeman I&D and you will not be present to supervise the installation and/or dismantle. INBOUND SHIPPING & SET UP INFORMATION Freight will be shipped to Warehouse____________ Show Site__________ Date Shipped_______________________________ Total No. of: ___________________Crates _____________________Cartons ______________________Fiber Cases Setup Plan/Photo: Attached_______________ To Be Sent With Exhibit__________________ In Crate No.___________________ Carpet: With Exhibit______________ Rented From Freeman__________ Color_________________ Size_________________ Electrical Placement:___________________ Drawing Attached__________________ Drawing With Exhibit_________________ Electrical Under Carpet________________________________ Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Graphics:With Exhibit_________________ Shipped Separately______________ Comments:_________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Tools/Hardware Required:___________________________________________________________________________ OUTBOUND SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIP TO:______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF SHIPMENT Freeman Exhibit Transportation: Common Carrier Air Freight Next Day Other (list carrier name & phone number): Other Common Carrier:____________________________________________________________________________ Other Air Freight:_________________________________________________________________________________ Van Line:_______________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Day Deferred Expedited FREIGHT CHARGES Prepaid Collect Bill To: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ In the event your selected carrier fails to show on final move-out day, please select one of the following options: Reroute via Freeman’s choice Deliver back to Freeman warehouse at Exhibitor’s expense. PLEASE NOTE: Freeman is not responsible for product or literature that is not properly packed and labeled by exhibitor. (303456) Page 2 of 2 FREEMAN installation & dismantle labor NAME OF SHOW: NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store FORKLIFT RIGGING EQUIPMENT AND LABOR Straight Time - 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday Overtime - 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. to 12:00 Midnight Monday through Friday 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 Midnight Saturday and Sunday Double Time 12:00 Midnight to 6:00 A.M. and recognized holidays • Show site prices will apply to all labor orders placed at show site • Start time guaranteed only at start of working day • One hour minimum - labor thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments • Supervisor must check in at Service Desk to pick up labor • When scheduling dismantle labor, be sure to allow sufficient time for empty containers to be returned to your booth Part# Description Advance Price Show Site Price FORKLIFT LABOR 304050 Forklift w/operator - up to 5,000 lbs - ST.................................................................$ 507.05 659.15 304051 Forklift w/operator - up to 5,000 lbs - OT................................................................$ 692.80 900.65 304052 Forklift w/operator - up to 5,000 lbs - DT.................................................................$ 843.75 1,096.90 3040100 Forklift w/operator - up to 10,000 lbs - ST.................................................................$ 608.55 791.10 3040101 Forklift w/operator - up to 10,000 lbs - OT................................................................$ 831.30 1,080.70 3040102 Forklift w/operator - up to 10,000 lbs - DT.................................................................$1,012.801,316.65 3090600 Man cage for Forklift ................................................................................................ $ 72.50 94.25 INSTALLATION Part # Description Date Start # of Equip/ Approx Hrs Time Person per Person Total Hours Hourly Rate Estimated Total Cost Describe work to be done:______________________________________________________________________________ Sub-Total ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax 7% Total DISMANTLE Part # Description Date Start Time # of Equip/ Approx Hrs Person per Person Total Hours Hourly Rate Estimated Total Cost Describe work to be done:______________________________________________________________________________ Sub-Total ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax Total ACC 13/14 (303456) 7% FREEMAN forklift / rigging labor DEADLINE DATE MARCH 17, 2014 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com NAME OF SHOW: INCLUDE THE FREEMAN METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM WITH YOUR ORDER GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 COMPANY NAME: BOOTH #: BOOTH SIZE: X CONTACT NAME:PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: For Assistance, please call 201-299-7575 to speak with one of our experts. For fast, easy ordering, go to www.freemanco.com/store INSTRUCTIONS HANGING SIGN LABOR AND EQUIPMENT • All ceiling rigging must conform to Show Management rules and regulations and facility limitations. EQUIPMENT AND LABOR RATES TO HANG SIGNS Straight Time 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday Overtime 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.Monday through Friday, All Day Saturday & Sunday Double Time Recognized holidays Crew Size - MINIMUM of two people Materials Cable, clamps, etc. additional and charged accordingly • All overhead hanging must be assembled, installed, and removed by Freeman. Please refer to the Freeman Terms and Conditions found in the Exhibitors Services Manual as it relates. Please complete the enclosed Labor Order Form for labor to assemble your hanging sign. • Set up instructions must be provided for signs needing assembly. • Hanging anchor points must be pre-fabricated and ready for use. • Overhead hanging signs are to be sent in separate containers directly to advance warehouse using the enclosed Hanging Sign Labels. This container MUST arrive no later than one week prior to the first exhibitor move-in day. If these procedures are not followed‚ Freeman cannot guarantee the hanging of your sign. Equipment With Crew • Show Site prices will apply to all labor orders placed at show site • Rates are per lift and crew per hour • One hour minimum per lift/crew - lift/crew thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments • Straight time cannot be guaranteed • If any hang point supports over 250 lbs., notify Freeman immediately for special authorization. Straight Double Time OvertimeTime SIGN DESCRIPTION, SIZE & WEIGHT • For signs other than banners, include blueprint or drawing with Lift detailed information so hanging anchor points may be determined. Lift with crew (up to 400lbs lift capacity) Advance Price $525.35 623.85 Type: Cloth Banner_____ Metal or Wood______ Other________ Shape: Square_____ Triangle ___ Rectangle _____ Other____ Size: Height_________ Length _________ Width ___________ 811.00 707.55 919.80 Assembly Crew/Additional Labor Weight of Sign:_____________________________________ Per Person/Per Hour Does Your Sign Require Electricity_______ Assembly_______ Is Your Sign Designed to Rotate? _______Yes________No $682.95 Show Site Price (Initial in the application above) Advance Price $119.35 172.10 221.15 Show Site Price = $155.15 223.75 287.50 PLACEMENT DIAGRAM • Use diagram below to represent your booth space. Indicate how far in from each boundary you would like your sign placed. Installation Estimate • The ceiling structure and relation to the support beams may require your sign to be moved from your specified location. ________________ @ _____________ = _____________________ Approx Hours Hourly Rate Total Estimated Cost Dismantle Estimate Approx Hours Hourly Rate Total Estimated Cost ________ Feet in from the back Aisle #___________ ________________ @ ______________ = _____________________ ________ Feet in from the right Aisle #_______ ________ Feet in from the left Aisle #_______ ________ Feet in from the front Aisle #___________ Number of feet from floor to top of sign: _________________ ACC 13/14 (303456) Supervision for assembly and disassembly of overhead hanging sign can be provided by Freeman, or by your company representative, display house, independent or lighting contractor. Please indicate method of supervision you require for assembly/disassembly: ____ Freeman ____ Exhibitor Personnel ____ Display House Additional crew and/or equipment will be used if the supervisor deems it necessary to safely complete the installation and/or dismantling of a job and it will be charged accordingly. FREEMAN hanging sign labor 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanESNewYork ES122@freemanco.com PLEASE INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH YOUR HANGING SIGN ORDER FORM STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY STATEMENT THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED FOR ALL SUSPENDED STRUCTURES _______________________________________________, the contracted exhibitor at the GLOBALCON 2014 / APRIL 9 - 10, 2014 and (if applicable), the display house or builder for the aforementioned exhibitor, do hereby certify and guarantee that the stress points for the hanging structure have been properly engineered and tested. We further certify that the structure can be hung safely and has been constructed to meet all applicable regulations and safety measures. We hereby release, indemnify and forever hold harmless the ASSOCIATION, ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER, FREEMAN, and its subsidiaries, their directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents and contractors from and against any and all liability, claims, damage, loss, fines, or penalties arising from the installation, use or dismantling of this structure. All hang points supporting in excess of 200 lbs. may be verified (metered) on site at exhibitor’s expense. Exhibiting Company: _________________________________ Booth #:________ Authorized Signature: _______________________________________________ Printed Name: _______________________________________ Date:_________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________ Display House/Builder (if applicable): __________________________________ Authorized Signature: _______________________________________________ Printed Name: _______________________________________ Date:_________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________ Complete and return form to address listed at the top of this form. 7/12 (303456) FREEMAN structural integrity statement 909 Newark Turnpike Kearny, NJ 07032 (201) 299-7575 Fax: (469) 621-5618 FreemanNewYorkES@freemanco.com SECTION For More Information Call-985-809-0600, dial 1 EXPOPRO MOBILETM Additional Products and Services GreenPlus ELR™ BRAND NEW SERVICE The green option to reduce your cost and increase your exposure, ATS’s Electronic Literature Rack offers you a paperless approach to distributing marketing materials. Within one week postshow, attendees that visited your booth will receive a customized email with access to your company’s brochures in electronic form allowing them to retain an archive to your literature for when they most need it-when they are ready to buy! Delivery & Training ATS technicians deliver pre-ordered equipment prior to and after the event. In addition, our technician will train booth personnel on how to best use the unit. Custom Qualifiers ATS creates a list of exhibitor’s custom qualifiers that can include products and/or services and loads it into the unit; can be easily attached to a prospect’s record. Custom Survey ATS creates a custom survey that can include up to 10 personalized questions. The ATS Standard… *Leads on 64mb USB drive, yours to keep *Easily imported into Excel, Outlook, ACT! And other major sales tracking programs *Each lead may contain Name, Company, Title, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Qualifiers, and personal notes (determined by the association) *Random Drawing Raffle Feature on all units *20 Standard Qualifiers for Easy Follow-up *Free Technical Support Before, During & After the show GLOBALCON CONFERENCE & EXPO April 9-10, 2014 Atlantic City Convention Center, Hall B Atlantic City, NJ 217 General Patton Avenue Mandeville, LA 70471 GC 2014 LEAD RETRIEVAL ORDER FORM 1 DISCOUNT DEADLINE: MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014 Choose Your Unit(s) EXPOPRO PLUSTM DISCOUNT QUANTITY LINE TOTAL Easy‐To‐Use Desktop Unit Easy‐To‐Use Point & Shoot Color Touch screen display Allows Personalized Note Taking High‐speed Printer Reprint Individual Lead or All Leads on USB and Paper Electrical Requirements <1 amp, 110V Paperless, Green Op on Wireless Handheld Unit Large Color Touch Screen Display Allows Personalized Note Taking Leads on USB Extended Life Ba ery EXPOPRO MOBILETM REGULAR $ 250.00 $ 275.00 x _________ = _________ $ 250.00 $ 275.00 x _________ = _________ $ 330.00 $ 380.00 x _________ = _________ Windows‐based Custom Survey So ware $ Programs Runs Directly From USB Program Up To 10 Ques ons Instant Edi ng Capabili es Detailed Lead Reports Use Your Personal Laptop 350.00 $ 450.00 x _________ = _________ Be Mobile. Be Green. tLEADS APPLICATION The Lead Retrieval App Use your own iPhone®, iPad® or iPod Touch® Download App from iTunes Event Set‐up Access Code Post Show Management So ware Built In Qualifiers and Survey Func on LEADS IN A FLASHTM Custom to Your Needs 2 Add Optional Services DISCOUNT GreenPlus ELRTM Delivery & Setup Custom Qualifiers $ $ $ $ Custom Survey 3 REGULAR QUANTITY LINE TOTAL 150.00 $ 65.00 $ 150.00 85.00 = _________ x _________ = _________ $ 80.00 $ 80.00 x _________ = _________ x _________ = _________ 60.00 60.00 Add It Up Total Due (in US Funds) = $ ____________ All fields are required. Please include a Payment AuthorizaƟon Form with your order. 4 Fill It Out and Sign Order Online: BOOTH NO. COMPANY THIS LINK WILL BE SENT TO ALL ATTENDEES SCANNED BY YOUR SCANNER WEBSITE Fax Credit Card Orders to: 985-809-1888 ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE NO. FAX NO. ZIP ORDER CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS ONSITE CONTACT www.atsleads.com User Name: GC2014 Password: 1414 COUNTRY Email Order: orders@american-tradeshow.com Mail Check Orders to: American Tradeshow Services Attn: Exhibitor Services 217 General Patton Avenue Mandeville, LA 70471 To Call Order In or Ask Questions: ONSITE CELL PAGE 1 985-809-0600, dial 1 GLOBALCON CONFERENCE & EXPO April 9-10, 2014 Atlantic City Convention Center, Hall B Atlantic City, NJ 217 General Patton Avenue Mandeville, LA 70471 GC 2014 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM *A credit card is required on all orders as a security deposit on rental equipment. See Terms and Condi ons at the bo om of this page. CHOOSE PAYMENT METHOD: BOOTH NO. COMPANY ORDER CONTACT PHONE NUMBER To Pay By Credit Card We accept American Express, MasterCard and Visa. Please choose “To Pay By Credit Card” op on and enter your credit card details below. Your credit card will be charged upon receipt of your order and an email confirma on/receipt will be sent to the email address listed on Page 1 of the order form. To Pay By Company Check (Security Deposit Required*) Please make checks payable to American Tradeshow Services. Please choose “To Pay By Check” op on and enter your credit card number below for security deposit purposes. Please check the “Security Deposit Use Only” checkbox. Checks are due in the office ten (10) days prior to show start. Checks must be in US Funds and be drawn from a US Bank. To Pay By Wire Transfer (Security Deposit Required*) For informa on on paying by Wire Transfer, please contact Exhibitor Services at 985‐809‐0600, ext 201. Wire Transfers must be paid in US Dollars. Please choose “To Pay By Wire Transfer” and enter your credit card number below for security deposit purposes. Please check the “Security Deposit Use Only” checkbox. Wire Transfers will incur an addi onal $40.00 for handling and bank fees. An invoice will be sent once your order is processed along with details on how to complete your wire transfer transac on. Wire Transfers are due in the office ten (10) days prior to show start. * Credit Card Details - Required for All Orders* Use as Security Deposit Only Cardholder Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Expira on Date: _____________ / ______________ Security Code: _____________________________ Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ ! Terms and Conditions Order Online: All equipment ordered must be picked up at the service desk prior to the start of the show unless you have selected the Delivery and Setup option. Refunds will not be made for unclaimed equipment. Equipment must be returned to the service desk within one hour after the close of the show to avoid additional charges. If ATS staff has to pick up your scanner, you will be charged $100.00. Renter is responsible for the full replacement value of lead retrieval equipment if lost, stolen or damaged while in possession of renter. All cancellations received earlier than seven (7) working days prior to show opening date will be subject to a $75.00 service fee. All cancellations received within seven (7) working days prior to show opening date will be billed at full rental price and will not be eligible for refund. A credit card is required on all orders as a security deposit on rental equipment. ATS will not charge anything to credit card held as security deposit with out prior authorization, however, ATS reserves the right to charge fees associated with lost, stolen or damaged units as a last chance effort to recover damages. ATS will allow ample time (at least sixty days) for exhibitor to arrange payment for lost, stolen or damaged units, before this step in taken. Checks are due in the office ten (10) days prior to show start. PAGE 2 www.atsleads.com User Name: GC2014 Password: 1414 Fax Credit Card Orders to: 985-809-1888 Email Order: orders@american-tradeshow.com Mail Check Orders to: American Tradeshow Services Attn: Exhibitor Services 217 General Patton Avenue Mandeville, LA 70471 To Call Order In or Ask Questions: 985-809-0600, dial 1 GLOBALCON CONFERENCE & EXPO April 9-10, 2014 Atlantic City Convention Center, Hall B Atlantic City, NJ 217 General Patton Avenue Mandeville, LA 70471 GC 2014 Custom Qualifiers Template DISCOUNT DEADLINE: MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014 Below please list your custom action codes. These custom codes will be ready for you when you pick up your reader at the show. (Please type or print legibly, maximum 28 characters per code.) To guarantee availability at show site, please fax this template in seven (7) days prior to show start. The Following Characters May Not Be Entered As Part Of An Action Code: Apostrophes (‘), Slashes (/), Backslashes (\), Dots (.), Carrots (^), and Quotes (“) $60 before deadline $80 after deadline (COST PER UNIT) Fax To: 985-809-1888 Company Booth Number The following is a list of the standard action codes that are included with your unit rental. Add to Mailing List Current Customer Distributor Has Purchasing Authority Have Sales Rep Call Hot Lead! Inquiry Only Interested Buyer OEM Product A Product B Product C Product D Product E Product F Schedule Demonstration Send Literature Send Pricing Info VAR Wants Presentation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 To personalize these codes, or use your own codes, please fill in this template. 19 20 If you have any questions concerning any of the products or services being offered for lead collection, please feel free to call us at (985) 809-0600 and we will make certain your questions are answered promptly. ExpoRecall™ re r u t a u e o F y h W wit NEd d r! e u Incl orde WewanttoMaximizeROIwithout YouLiftingaFinger! LetATSHelpKeepYourNamein FrontofPotentialCustomers. ExpoRecall™sendsattendeesapersonalizedlistofcompanies visitedattheshowanddirectlinkstoyourwebsite. ExpoRecall™sendsreminderimmediatelyaftertheshow. ExpoRecall™ comes standard with your lead retrieval service asano‐charge/valueaddedfeature. ExpoRecall™isanemailthatissenttotheattendeesimmedi‐ atelyaftertheshowremindingthemoftheexhibitorsthatthey were scanned by at the Expo. Included in this email will be yourcompanynameandalinktoyourwebsite. YourWebsite isjusta ClickAway! lick “C ” ELECTRICAL SERVICE ORDER FORM Globalcon April 9th-10th 2014 Atlantic City, NJ COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS ELECTRICAL Full payment is required to process order. Return with 100% remittance to: ACCC Electrical ●One Convention Boulevard ● Atlantic City, NJ 08401 USA ● Phone (609) 449-2291 ● Fax (609) 449-2464 FED ID#232511871 IF YOU FAX YOUR ORDER PLEASE PRINT OUT A FAX CONFIRMATION FOR YOUR RECORDS. COMPANY BOOTH NUMBER CARDHOLDERS ADDRESS STREET CITY STATE PHONE FAX AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE AUTHORIZED CONTACT ● PLEASE PRINT MASTERCARD VISA AMERICAN EXPRESS ZIP email address (invoice will be mailed at show close) DATE EXPIRATION DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER CARDHOLDER’S NAME ● PLEASE PRINT CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE QUANTITY NON-24 HR ADVANCE RATE DESCRIPTION REGULAR RATE TOTAL 120 V LIGHTING & UTILITY OUTLETS Up to 1000 watts $ 120.00 $ 180.00 Up to 2000 watts $ 150.00 $ 225.00 Maximum of one (1) 208V 1ø MOTOR AND EQUIPMENT OUTLETS Connection per outlet All 208V connections require labor which will be billed at show. 20 Amp 30 Amp 60 Amp 100 Amp 200 Amp $ 320.00 $ 390.00 $ 680.00 $ 845.00 $ 1320.00 $ 480.00 $ 585.00 $ 1020.00 $ 1270.00 $1990.00 208V 3ø MOTOR AND EQUIPMENT OUTLETS 20 Amp 30 Amp 60 Amp 100 Amp 200 Amp TRANSFORMER(S) $ 395.00 $ 465.00 $ 745.00 $ 895.00 $ 1550.00 Maximum of one (1) Connection per outlet $ 590.00 $ 690.00 $ 1100.00 $ 1300.00 $ 1950.00 Circle Outlets Requiring Boost Boosts 208V to 230V $ 165.00 $ 230.00 480V 3ø MOTOR AND EQUIPMENT OUTLETS All 480V connections require labor which will be billed at show. 30 Amp 60 Amp FLOOD LIGHTS $ 870.00 $ 1120.00 $ 1300.00 $ 1635.00 Price includes outlet and labor (for track and flood lights only.) Placement of floodlights is at the front corner(s) of your in-line booth. Any other location(s) or installation time will require an additional labor charge. 120 Watt Dbl 120 Watt 250 Watt Krypton $ 105.00 $ 135.00 $ 140.00 $ 150.00 $ 205.00 $ 210.00 Overhead Quartz* $ 355.00 $ 540.00 TRACK LIGHTS Not available in all locations on the show floor. 4’ Track w/3 Lights Add’l 50 Watt Halogen $ 154.00 $ 245.00 $ $ 43.00 68.00 1. SUB TOTAL *REQUIRES LABOR AND/OR LIFT AT ADDITIONAL CHARGE NOT AVAILABLE AT SOME LOCATIONS. FLOOR PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR QUARTZ LIGHTS. $ 2. SALES TAX 7% 3. PAYMENT ENCLOSED $ $ $ Important information on reverse side. ALL CONNECTION AND LABOR RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ADVANCE RATE DEADLINE DATE: March 17th 2014 By signing and delivering this form to ACCC Electrical, customer agrees to all terms and conditions printed on this form. We do not accept orders without payment. ACCCE is not responsible for voltage fluctuation or power failure due to temporary conditions. For your protection you should install a surge protector on your equipment. All electrical installations and connections to all electrical service should be made by an ACCCE electrician. ACCCE will not be responsible for any damage or loss to any equipment component, computer hardware or software and/or any damage or injury to any person caused by the installation, connection or plugging in of any electrical outlet by an ACCCE electrician. IMPORTANT • 24-hour Power & Dedicated Circuits will be double the listed price. Please double rates. Use * to indicate 24-HR outlet(s). • To receive the advance rate, we must receive your order, along with payment in full or credit card authorization, on or before deadline date. All other orders will be charged at the regular rate. • No credits will be issued on unused outlets or lights installed as ordered. Claims regarding services provided by ACCCE can not be considered unless filed by the exhibitor prior to the close of show. Cancellations must be faxed to our office three days prior to show move in. There will be a 25% surcharge on all cancellations. • Electricity will be turned on within 30 minutes of show opening and off within 30 minutes after show closing. ELECTRICAL LABOR • Labor rates are subject to labor contract effective at time of show. • Labor before 8:00am and after 4:30pm and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be at the overtime rate. • Electricity Labor Rates: $113.00 per hour Regular Time, $226.00 per hour Overtime. Labor is billed in half-hour increments with a minimum of one hour. Dismantle labor is half that of the total installation labor. Overtime labor will be charged for shows closing @ 2pm. • Forklift Rates: prevailing labor rates (one hour minimum) plus $275.00 forklift rental. • Starting time can only be guaranteed when labor is requested for the start of the working day at 8:00am. The minimum charge per booth is one hour for installation and one-half (1/2) hour for dismantle. Time will commence per exhibitor’s request. Failure to start labor at requested time will result in a one hour charge per electrician requested, unless 24-hour advance notice is provided in writing. Supervision is required on larger or Island booths. OUTLET LOCATION & DISTRIBUTION • All 110 volt electrical outlets will be installed on the floor at the draped backwall of inline and peninsula booths. • All 110 volt electrical outlets for island booths will be set at one main location on the perimeter of the booth at our discretion if no floor plan provided. Labor is necessary in all Island booths. • Any additional power locations are chargeable on a time and material basis. • Distribution and connection of outlets are chargeable on a time and material basis. Please call regarding placement of 208 volt outlets. All services larger than 100 amps may be subject to an additional labor charge. ACCC ELECTRICAL JURISDICTION (Requires labor and/or material) • All under-carpet distribution of electrical wiring. • All distribution, light hanging or general labor in any space larger than 200 sq. ft. • All facility overhead distribution of electrical wiring, including coaxial cable, fiber optics, twisted pair, etc., and the distribution of same from product to booth and from booth to booth. • All connections requiring 208 volts and above. • All motor and equipment hook-ups requiring hard wiring connections. • Installation and/or repair of electrical fixtures. • Installation of all computers. • Installation of electrical motors and electrical apparatus to be energized. • All electrical signs and headers. • Labor is required to inspect equipment pre-wired to plug into our system. • Exhibitors are not permitted to use power unless ordered. Exhibitors found using outlets without an order will be subject to the regular rate for outlets used. Rigging: quote. Please call for LABOR REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Date: Time: This Labor order will not be processed until we receive a completed electrical order, credit card authorization, and or floor plan. Please indicate neighboring booth and aisle numbers. DO NOT Proceed – Exhibitor Will Call For Labor OK to Proceed Without Supervision – Per Attached Floor Plan METHOD OF PAYMENT Check Enclosed: No: Credit Card Provide Information Above Your credit card authorization is required for labor and material charges. For your convenience we will also charge the card for any additional amounts incurred as a result of showsite orders placed by you or your representative. All returned checks are subject to a $30.00 fee. ELECTRICAL CODE Electrical requirements for an exhibit at all convention facilities are for the safety of all exhibitors and are based on national electrical codes and local ordinances. Too frequently, fires have been traceable to faulty wiring, sometimes because of carelessness and sometimes because of lack of understanding of the risks involved. In the interest of public safety, exhibits at all convention facilities may be inspected to determine if any violations exist. If they are found, qualified electricians are available to correct the problem. This work will be performed on a time and material basis. If the exhibitor does not wish to have the fault corrected, electrical service to the offending booth will not be connected. If an exhibitor is not informed or does not understand basic safety standards for electrical wiring, an electrician should be consulted before shipment is made to convention facilities. Serious risks are involved which can be eliminated by understanding basic requirements of safe wiring inside your booth. For the safety of you and the public, remember these points: • • • • All wiring must have a 3-wire grounded cord with a minimum of #14 gauge. Spot or flood lighting is a hazard when lamps are too close to fabrics or other material which can be affected by heat. The use of clip-on sign sockets, latex or lamp cord wire in displays, or the use of 2-wire clamp on fixtures, is prohibited by order of fire prevention bureaus at trade shows and conventions. Zip cords or two-wire cords are ungrounded and could result in safety hazards. Their use is forbidden in all convention facilities. Please leave all 2-wire cords at home! USE TIMESAVING WIRING METHODS AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Whenever possible, in conformance with the electrical code, use multiconductor interconnecting cables with approved quickconnect plugs or fittings. Here is a list of the plugs that match our equipment receptacles: • 15 amp 120 volt: Standard U-ground cord cap • 20 amp 208 volt 1ø or 3 ø:Leviton 3521-C non nema • 30 amp 208 volt 1ø or 3 ø:Leviton 3521-C non nema • 60 amp 208 volt 1ø or 3ø: Daniel Woodhead Trade Show Plug Y560P • 100 amp 208 Volt 1ø or 3ø: Litton Veam Trade Show Plug CIRO1GRH Exhibitors who require many standard outlets may wish to incorporate a power distribution system into their booth. Please contact our staff if you need more information. Initial hook up to distribution system and all distribution from system both 208 and 110 volt to be done by our staff. COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS Where will my outlet be located? There are four different types of trade show booths: Line booths, Peninsula Booths, Back-to-Back Peninsula Booths, and island booths. Each type of booth has its own standard methods of installation. In the following diagrams, the symbol represents the approximate location of power outlets. --------- -------- Line Booths Peninsula Booths Back-to-Back Peninsula Booths Labor Required Submit Floorplan Island Booths Line Booths, Peninsula Booths, or Back-to-Back Peninsula Booths : Your pre-ordered electrical outlet will be installed at the rear of your booth, at the drape line. Island Booths : Your electrical outlet will be placed on the perimeter at one location at our discretion if no floorplan is submitted. Multiple outlet locations will be charged on a labor and material basis. All other distribution will be done on a time and material basis. ALL POWER IN THIS FACILITY ORIGINATES IN THE FLOOR. IF AN OVERHEAD DROP IS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR THE LABOR, LIFT, AND CABLE REQUIRED TO RUN THE OVERHEAD CONNECTION. How much power will I need? Calculate your lighting needs by adding wattage in each location. For other equipment, read the ratings from the metal plates attached to each unit. TELECOM & INTERNET SERVICE ORDER FORM Globalcon April 9th-10th 2014 Atlantic City, NJ COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Full payment is required to process order. Return with 100% remittance to: ACCC Utilities ●One Convention Boulevard ● Atlantic City, NJ 08401 USA ● Phone (609) 449-2291 ● Fax (609) 449-2464 FED ID#232511871 IF YOU FAX YOUR ORDER PLEASE PRINT OUT A FAX CONFIRMATION FOR YOUR RECORDS. COMPANY BOOTH NUMBER CARDHOLDERS ADDRESS STREET PHONE CITY FAX VISA ZIP ADVANCE RATE DEADLINE DATE: March 17th 2014 COUNTRY email address (invoice will be mailed at show close) AUTHORIZED CONTACT ● PLEASE PRINT AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE MASTERCARD STATE DATE By signing and delivering this form to ACCC Utilities, customer agrees to all terms and conditions printed on this form. EXPIRATION DATE AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER CARDHOLDER’S NAME ● PLEASE PRINT CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE QUANTITY DESCRIPTION ADVANCE RATE REGULAR RATE TOTAL BASIC PHONE LINE (includes dial 9, for voice/fax/modem, unrestricted Phone line & instrument) Basic phone line $245.00 $290.00 Hunt/Rollover & $11.00 $11.00 Toll restriction(price per service) INTERNET CONNECTION MEETING ROOMS $99.00 One IP Address $150.00 INTERNET CONNECTION – utilizing 10MB Ethernet connection to fiber optic backbone with RJ45 twisted pair connection to the booth (Network Interface Card (NIC) required) PLEASE RUN UPDATED ANTI VIRUS SOFTWARE ON YOUR COMPUTER BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL AT THE FACILITY.*** One IP Address $520.00 $780.00 $184.00 $276.00 Add’l IP Address @ same location (within same booth or mtg. Room) LAN CONNECTIONS (within booth, booth to booth, booth to mtg. Room) (does not include internet connectivity) LAN-10MB $363.00 $544.00 Ethernet Add’l LAN 10MB at $79.00 $119.00 same location LAN-100MB $394.00 $591.00 Ethernet Add’l LAN 100MB $84.00 $126.00 at same location PLEASE INDICATE LOCATION OF LINES 1. SUB TOTAL Dates of Service__________________________________ IMPORTANT • Outgoing phone calls will be billed at the following rates: Local: $.07/min., long distance $.46/min., Toll free $.50 per call. • To receive the advance rate, we must receive your order, along with payment in full or credit card authorization, on or before deadline date. All other orders will be charged at the regular rate. In order to process orders in advance, locations of connections must be indicated (see diagram below). For meeting room connections, a detailed floor plan must be included. Failure to indicate location will result in your line being placed in rear of booth and/or may result in delay of service or add’l charges. • No credits will be issued on unused phone lines installed as ordered. Only written cancellations will be accepted and must be received seven days before show move in. TERMS & CONDITIONS /--------------------- REAR-----------------------/ / / LEFT RIGHT / / /------------------------AISLE--------------------/ 2. SALES TAX 7% 3. PAYMENT ENCLOSED Orders submitted without payment will not be processed. $ $ $ • The ACCC is the exclusive provider of telecommunications for the Atlantic City Conv. Center. Exhibitors should pick up phone instruments at the Telecomm. Service desk. Exhibitors will be responsible for the protection and return of any equipment rented from ACCC. Equipment should be returned to the Service Desk at the close of the event. A $100 per single line set charge and a $300 multi-line set charge will be billed to your credit card if sets are damaged or not returned. A detailed statement of calls will be invoiced at the conclusion of the show and charged to the credit card provided. Credit card receipts and detail of calls will be mailed to the exhibitor. Telecommunications panels, floor boxes and equipment must be accessible at all times. Panels, floor boxes and equipment shall not be rendered inaccessible to ACCC Telecom personnel. Unless otherwise directed, ACCC techs are authorized to cut floor coverings. Telephone service is provided from floor boxes on 30-ft. centers. ACCC is responsible for Internet and other ACCC installed cable connections from point of demarcation to exhibitor booth. Services are limited to cable installation and IP address assignment. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to supply connectors, connect cable to exhibitor equipment, configure exhibitor equipment and properly operate equipment. ACCC will troubleshoot ACCC installed components only. ACCC is not responsible for lost connections or traffic interruptions. We will work with third parties to resolve circuit issues on a best effort basis. No refunds or discounts will be given for service interruptions or other network service related downtime. *** THE ACCC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTION DUE TO VIRUS INFECTION. The exhibitor must file disputes concerning service with the Service desk prior to the close of the event. A minimum of $50 will be charged to move an installed line. Prices subject to change without notice. ACCC does not allow the construction of wireless networks in the Facility. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Exh. No. ________________ Phone Ext. #: Payment: _________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT Date Rec’d:___________________________________ PLUMBING ORDER FORM Globalcon April 9th-10th 2014 Atlantic City, NJ COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Full payment is required to process order. Return with 100% remittance to: ACCC Electrical ●One Convention Boulevard ● Atlantic City, NJ 08401 USA ● Phone (609) 449-2291 ● Fax (609) 449-2464 FED ID# 232511871 IF YOU FAX YOUR ORDER PLEASE PRINT OUT A FAX CONFIRMATION FOR YOUR RECORDS. COMPANY BOOTH NUMBER CARDHOLDERS ADDRESS STREET PHONE CITY STATE FAX email address (invoice will be mailed at show close) AUTHORIZED CONTACT ● PLEASE PRINT AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE MASTERCARD VISA ADVANCE RATE DEADLINE DATE: March 17th 2014 ZIP DATE By signing and delivering this form to ACCC Electrical, customer agrees to all terms and conditions printed on this form. We do not accept orders without payment. EXPIRATION DATE AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER CARDHOLDER’S NAME ● PLEASE PRINT CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ADVANCED RATE REGULAR RATE TOTAL COMPRESSED AIR LINES – Plumber to make all connections/One connection per line 1/4” Air Line 15CFM $245.00 $ 370.00 3/8” Air Line 30CFM $395.00 $ 555.00 1/2” Air Line 50CFM $495.00 $ 620.00 Additional Connections $ 95.00 $ 150.00 (to line ordered – ea.) Does not include Labor. Labor charge is additional WATER LINES – Plumber to make all connections/One connection per line 1/4” Water Line 3/8” Water Line $160.00 $190.00 $ 245.00 $ 285.00 1/2” Water Line $215.00 $ 295.00 3/4” Water Line $245.00 $ 325.00 Additional Connections $ 95.00 $ 150.00 (to line ordered – ea.) Does not include Labor. Labor charge is additional 3/4” Drain Line $150.00 $ 165.00 1” Drain Line $185.00 $ 206.00 $95.00 $ 150.00 (to line ordered – ea.) • • • • • • indicate where required. NATURAL GAS LINES – Plumber to make all connections/One connection per line 1/2” Gas Line 3/4” Gas Line $495.00 $615.00 $ 740.00 $ 925.00 1” Gas Line $770.00 $105.00 $ 1130.00 $ 160.00 (to line ordered – ea.) WATER FILL & DRAIN – Includes regular Time Labor Up to 100 Gallons Additional 100 Ga $120.00 $40.00 $ 165.00 $ 55.00 1. SUB TOTAL $ 2. SALES TAX 7% $ 3. PAYMENT ENCLOSED $ LOCATION OF COMPRESSED WATER AND DRAIN SERVICE indicate where required. Booth or Aisle # FRONT SIDE FRONT SIDE LEFT SIDE LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE Booth or Aisle # RIGHT SIDE Booth or Aisle # Booth or Aisle # Booth or Aisle # BACK SIDE BACK SIDE Booth or Aisle # HAND CARRYING OF WATER PROHIBITED IN THE FACILITY. Booth or Aisle # PLUMBING LABOR Does not include Labor. Labor charge is additional • Water and drain lines are priced by the foot, depending on location of booth and distance from plumbing service. 25 feet of line is included in the initial cost. Additional footage may be necessary in order to reach your booth and to avoid crossing aisles. Additional footage will be billed at $0.50 per foot. • Standard water lines are 1/2”, 3/4”, and 1.” Any other size is considered a special request. Call for quote. • Water pressure may vary. If pressure is critical, a pressure regulator valve may be installed. • Certain types of installations may require additional labor. • Ramping will be available on a time and material basis. • All connections must be made by the Official Show Plumber. Booth or Aisle # Does not include Labor. Labor charge is additional Additional Connections WATER LINES AND DRAINS The Official Show Plumber will not be responsible for moisture or water in air line. Exhibitor should supply their own filter or other equipment to handle moisture or water. The Official Show Plumber should have fifteen (15) days notice if special regulators or filters are to be supplied on a rental basis only. Compressed air lines are 1/4”, 1/2”, 3/8”, and 3/4.” Any other size is considered a special request. Call for quote. Air is available during show hours only. There will be an additional charge for use after hours. Call for rates. All connections must be made by the Official Show Plumber. COMPRESSORS WHICH ARE NOT A FIXED PART OF YOUR MACHINE ARE NOT PERMITTED. LOCATION OF COMPRESSED AIR OR GAS SERVICE DRAIN LINES –Plumber to make all connections Additional Connections COMPRESSED AIR • All connections will require labor that will be billed at showsite. • Labor before 8:00 am and after 4:30 pm and Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays will be at the Overtime Rate. Overtime labor will be charged for shows closing @ 2pm • Labor Rates: $85.00 per hour Regular Time. $170.00 per hour Overtime.. • Gas lines and labor will be charged from point of attachment to inside of booth. • All gas lines are overhead. CANCELLATION POLICY • Items cancelled after show move-in begins or after installation will be charged at 100% of original price. PAYMENT POLICY • To obtain the advance rate, full payment must be included with your order. All orders must be received no later than the deadline date noted above. All invoices must be settled at our Service Desk prior to the closing of the show. • No telephone orders accepted. LABOR REQUEST FOR PLUMBING LABOR: Date: Time: METHOD OF PAYMENT Check Enclosed: No: Credit Card Provide Information Above Your credit card authorization is required for labor and material charges. For your convenience we will also charge the card for any additional amounts incurred as a result of showsite orders placed by you or your representative. Booth Cleaning RATES OF SERVICE (Based on total sq. footage of booth. Min. Charge is 100 sq. ft.) Check Desired Service(s) Vacuum carpet (one time) Vacuum carpet (multiple days) RATE $.30 per square foot. $.25 per square foot per day. Booth Size ______ sq. ft. x $.____ Rate Above x _____Day(s) + 7 % sales tax = $________ Globalcon Dates: April 9th -10th 2014 Booth #_____ Event Name: Company_______________________________Authorized By________________________________ Address_______________________________City_______________State_______Zip_____________ Phone (___)___________Fax (___)__________On Site Representative_________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT: Orders must be received 14 days prior to show opening in order to receive the Advance Order Rate. Payment may be made by cash, check, money order or credit card, and must be in US Funds. A valid credit card number must be on file as guarantee of payment. Any remaining balance will be posted to the credit card. A $30.00 charge will be made for returned checks. Orders placed on site must be paid by cash, credit or money order. Checks should be made payable to "Atlantic City Convention Center". Select Payment Option: ___Credit Card for all services ___Money Order/Credit Card Credit Card # ________________________ Exp. Date ______________ ___Cash/Credit Card Circle one: VISA AMEX MC Name of Cardholder__________________________________ Authorized Signature____________________________________________ GENERAL CONDITIONS: Atlantic City Convention Center will provide booth cleaning service. Vacuuming will be done either prior to show hours or after show hours for next day. . ****************************************************************************************************** Ordering Information: To Order in Advance: Fax completed order form with method of payment to 609-449-2464. Mail completed order form to: Atlantic City Convention Center, One Convention Blvd. Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Attn: Client Utilities Department. To Order on Site: Visit ACCC Client Utilities Service Desk in Exhibit Hall. ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER(CLIENT UTILITIES) ONE CONVENTION BOULEVARD ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 08401 TELEPHONE: (609) 449-2291 FAX: (609) 449-2464 Revised as of 8/11/10 A TriVision Production 71 Elm Street Unit 4 Foxboro, MA 02035 Ph: 508-543-0655 Fax: 508-543-0577 www.tripro.net Globalcon 2014 Atlantic City Convention Center ~ Atlantic City, NJ April 9-10, 2014 Computer & Audio Visual 2 Day Show Rates FLAT SCREEN MONITORS 19" LCD Monitor 25" LCD Monitor 32" LCD Monitor 42" HD LED Display 46" HD LED Display 52" HD LED Display 42" Plasma Monitor 50" Plasma Monitor 61" Plasma Monitor Monitor Floor Stand (32"-61" Mon) Monitor order required Monitor Wall Mounts (Monitor order required) Pair Monitor Speakers (Monitor order required) ***Special Requests*** $195.00 $225.00 $325.00 $500.00 $575.00 $670.00 $400.00 $500.00 $900.00 $95.00 $55.00 $75.00 COMPUTERS Lenovo M72p Desktop (3.3 i3, 4GB RAM, MS Office) Lenovo M92p Desktop (3.2GHz i5, 8GB RAM, MS Office) Lenovo U510 Laptop (1.8GHz i5, 6GB RAM, MS Office) Lenovo T430 Laptop (3.5GHz i7, 8GB RAM, MS Office) MacBook Pro (Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB Ram,320GB HD) HP LaserJet 4220N 45ppm 1200dpi (black/white) HP LaserJet 3800, 22ppm 600dpi (black/white) HP ColorJet 4550N/4600N Computer Speakers (Pair) Company Information Company: Address: $200.00 $235.00 $210.00 $220.00 $275.00 $350.00 $250.00 $495.00 $70.00 VIDEO & AUDIO Phone: Fax: Email: Booth #: Del Date/Time: 3300 Lumen XGA LCD Projectors Standard Bluray/DVD Player Region Free Bluray/DVD Player MiniDV Camcorder 54" Cart w/ Black Drape $525.00 $110.00 $500.00 $500.00 $50.00 Powered Speaker (Pair) Wireless Lavaliere/Handheld Mics PC Audio Interface $220.00 $220.00 $65.00 April 8 @ 3pm On Site Contact: Payment Information Payment Mode Cardholder Name: x 20% On-site Surcharge (Received on or after 04/01/14): Billing Address: x 7% Sales Tax: Exp. Date: $99.00 Total Due: (circle one) Check / Mastercard or Visa Only Card Number: Total Equip: Deliver/Set/Strike: Exhibitor Order Form VVC #: Email: Signature: **Important Information** Your on-site contact person must be at the booth during delivery. NO EQUIPMENT WILL BE DELIVERED WITHOUT A SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT. Payment must be made in advance via company check or credit card. All on-site orders must be paid upon delivery. All orders received after April 1, 2014 will be considered as "On-Site Order" and must include 20% surcharge. Advanced written notice required for any cancellation of equipment and/or services. Cancellation of equipment and/or services will not be refunded after April 7, 2014 The undersigned excepts receipt of the equipment described herein and agrees to assume all responsibility for any loss or damaged equipment. Exhibitor is responsible for any Union, Security and/or Drayage charges should they apply. Approved: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________ GLOBALCON 2014 WELCOME TO ATLANTIC CITY! We are excited to be the choice caterer in delivering your booth service needs. Ovations Food Services is committed to detail, timing, and quality as we deliver friendly service to each exhibitor at this year’s show. You will find that you can expect a higher standard in your overall food service experience. We are a full service company that specializes in catered events. We have combined your favorite food service choices with some regional fare to create menu selections for this year’s show. We provide staff that is experienced in booth service delivery as well as on‐site separate preparation chefs and managers. This enables us to ensure that your booth guests receive fresh, delicious food in an efficient manner. Pertinent Exhibitor Information All food and beverages served within the exhibit halls must be ordered through Ovations Food Services, the exclusive caterer at the Atlantic City Convention Center and Boardwalk Hall. No food or beverage will be permitted to be brought into the convention center without prior written authorization by Ovations Food Services management. If you import products without written authorization, you will be asked to remove them from the show floor. This includes traffic promoters such as bottled water, popcorn, candy, etc. We require 100% payment of the food service purchased by either check or credit card along with a signed contract. All orders will be charged a 23% catering supplement fee plus applicable tax. If an exhibitor needs tables for food service, arrangements should be made with the official show decorator. Scheduled booth services canceled at the time the show is in process will incur 100% of the estimated charges. Alcoholic beverages may not be brought onto the premises during this event. A final guarantee of attendance is required 3 working days prior to all food and beverage events. Cancellation policy – any cancellation made less than 72 hours in advance will be subject to a cancellation fee up to the full price of the order. Food and Beverage Sampling Atlantic City Convention Center exhibitors may distribute Food & Beverage samples in authorized space and must not be in competition with products or services offered by Ovations Food Services. Samples must be representative of products manufactured or sold by the company exhibiting. Free samples are limited to 2 ounces of non‐alcoholic beverages and 2 ounces of a food sample. Exact descriptions of sample and portion size must be submitted to the Ovations Office for written approval 14 days prior to the opening of the event. The distribution of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Any exhibitor giving away and/or selling food in their booth must have a permit and all appropriate fees on file with the New Jersey Department of Health. ALL ORDERS RECEIVED WITHIN 72 HOURS OF THE SHOW WILL BE SUBJECT TO A 15% ADDITIONAL CHARGE & OVATIONS MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE THESE ORDERS. How to order We have dedicated a catering sales representative who specializes in shows like yours. Our dedicated Booth Service number is (609) 449‐ 2058. You may also fax your food and beverage booth service order to our office. Our office fax number is (609) 449‐2416. All information faxed must be sent one week prior to show start along with credit card information. You may also mail your information. To guarantee delivery it must be received one week in advance. Our mailing address is: Ovations Food Services Atlantic City Convention Center One Convention Boulevard Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Attn: Catering Sales WATER COOLER BREAKFAST ITEMS MUFFINS OR DANISH BAGELS WITH CREAM CHEESE DONUTS CINNAMON ROLLS ASSORTED FRUIT YOGURT $35.00 / dozen $36.00 / dozen FIVE GALLON WATERBOTTLE REFILL $25.00 per refill $36.00 / dozen $3.25 each DELI PLATTERS AND PARTY TRAYS Serves 10‐15 Serves 20‐25 Serves 35‐40 Small $50 Medium $80 Large $125 $31.00 / dozen FRESH VEGETABLE TRAY $31.00 / dozen GOURMET CHEESE & FRUIT Small $125 Medium $175 Large $225 $45.00 / dozen ASSORTED DELI SANDWICHES Small $140 Medium $230 Large $275 $60.00 each BOX LUNCH SELECTIONS $60.00 each All boxed lunches includes Apple, Chips, Sweet Treat, & Bottled Water $20.00 / dozen $20.00 / dozen $23.00 / pound $15.00 / pound $15.00 / pound $40.00 / dozen CANDY BY THE POUND HOSPITALITY MINTS STARLIGHT MINTS HERSHEY’S KISSES $125.00 / day Initial Setup includes Electric Cooler; Five Gallon Water Tank & Cups Requires 110-volt/1000 watts connection $31.00 / dozen SNACKS FRESH BAKED BROWNIES FRESH BAKED COOKIES SOFT PRETZELS wit h SPICY MUSTARD CHIPS & SALSA (Serves 25) CHIPS & DIP (Serves 25) INDIVIDUAL BAGS OF CHIPS ASSORTED CANDY BARS DELUXE MIXED NUTS PARTY MIX TRAIL MIX INDIVIDUAL ICE CREAM TREATS ELECTRIC WATER COOLER CHICKEN OR TUNA SALAD On a Large Croissant with Cheese, Lettuce & Tomato ROASTED TURKEY BREAST & CHEESE On a Soft Hoagie Roll with Lettuce & Tomato HONEY GLAZED HAM & CHEESE On a Soft Hoagie Roll with Lettuce & Tomato CENTER CUT ROAST BEEF & CHEESE On a Soft Hoagie Roll with Lettuce & Tomato VEGETARIAN WRAP Balsamic Grilled Portabella Mushroom with Fire Roasted Red Peppers, Spring Mix and Buffalo Mozzarella with Pesto $18.95 $18.95 $18.95 $18.95 $18.95 $12.00 / pound $12.00 / pound $14.00 / pound REFRESHMENTS AND BEVERAGES FRESHLY BREWED COFFEE $45.00 / gallon FRESHLY BREWED DECAF $45.00 / gallon HOT WATER AND 16 TEA BAGS $40.00 / gallon FRESHLY BREWED ICED TEA $40.00 / gallon ASSORTED COCA COLA SOFT DRINKS 12 oz $3.00 each BOTTLED WATER DASANI 20OZ $4.00 each INDIVIDUAL BOTTLED JUICES $3.75 each CAKE WITH LOGO OR SPECIAL MESSAGE HALF SHEET CAKE: (Serves 40) FULL: (Serves 75) BUTTERCREAM $80.00 $155.00 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE $90.00 $165.00 ITALIAN RUM $90.00 $165.00 $165.00 BLACK FOREST $90.00 GERMAN CHOCOLATE $110.00 $180.00 TIRAMASU $110.00 $180.00 CHOCOLATE MOUSSE $110.00 $180.00 OTHER OPTIONS ICE (40LB BAG) $25.00 per bag STORAGE COLD $6.10 per cubic ft/per day POPCORN MACHINE RENTAL $325.00 / per day Includes 12 Popcorn Kits and Unlimited Bags POPCORN ATTENDANT $150.00 / 4 hr minimum BOOTH SERVICES ORDER FORM COMPANY CONTACT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP CODE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER E -MAIL ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TRADE SHOW GLOBALCON 2014 BOOTH NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ON -SITE AUTHORIZED CONTACTS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DAY/DATE REQUESTED DELIVERY TIME ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ __________________ ______________ _______________________________ ____________________ _________ ESTIMATED SUBTOTAL ______________ 23% SERVICE CHARGE ______________ ESTIMATED SUBTOTAL ______________ 7% SALES TAX ______________ INSTRUCTIONS: FILL OUT ORDER FORM AND FAX YOUR ORDER TO 609.449.2416 OR CALL CATERING SALES AT 609.449.2058 1. A 23% catering supplement fee, 7% sales tax and 3% city liquor tax (where applicable) will be added to total. 2. Food service function sheets and the total amount due will be sent to you. PLEASE contact us if you do not receive confirmation of your services. 3. All replenishment orders during the show must be guaranteed by credit card; any balance of charges due will be billed to this credit card. 4. Cancellations require a 72 hour notice or full charges will be incurred. (CIRCLE ONE) CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE: ________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________ NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD: _________________________________________________ SECURITY CODE: ____________ MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL TO: Ovations Food Services | Atlantic City Convention Center | 1 Convention Boulevard | Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Phone: 609.449.2058 | Fax: 609.449.2416 | Email: Sharon.Henschel@Ovationsfs.com
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