THE NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY SM PARTICIPANT MANUAL © 1997 - 2007, THE PRESENT COMPANY NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 2 Table of Contents Master Checklist.............................................................................. page 3 Schedule Overview ......................................................................... page 4 Duties of an ACR ............................................................................ page 5 Glossary .......................................................................................... page 7 Staff List........................................................................................ page 10 STEP 1: REGISTRATION Technical Information and Survey Form ............................... pages 11-16 STEP 2: MARKETING MATERIALS Marketing Information Form ................................................ pages 17-21 STEP 3: TOWN MEETING FringeNYC Program Guide Info / Advertising Rate Sheet...... page 22-26 FringeNYC Propaganda Info / Advertising Rate Sheet ................ page 27 Press Information and Survey Form....................................... pages 28-31 Volunteer Flier (to post / distribute).............................................. page 32 STEP 4: MANDATORY ACR BOX OFFICE TRAINING Box Office Information.......................................................... pages 33-35 FringeAL FRESCO....................................................................... page 36 FringeJR / FringeHIGH................................................................. page 36 FringeU ......................................................................................... page 37 FringeCLUB / Closing Night Party............................................... page 38 STEP 5: TECH REHEARSAL ..................................................... page 39 STEP 6: CHECK-IN ..................................................................... page 39 Optional Services ................................................................. pages 40 - 47 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 3 MASTER CHECKLIST STEP ONE: REGISTRATION Due POSTMARKED by May 15th to Participate in FringeNYC (address on page 11): Non-Refundable Participation Fee of $550 (Money order, certified check or cashiers check ONLY. Made payable to The Present Company.) Two copies of Contract & One copy of W9 (WHITE PAGES ON TOP) (Applicant, Author, and ACR Sign and return BOTH copies, a copy will be returned to you.) Technical Survey Form (YELLOW PAGES) (Venue assignments and scheduling will be based on this information) STEP TWO: MARKETING MATERIALS Due SUBMITTED ONLINE by May 25th (instructions will be emailed to REGISTERED shows): Marketing Information Form (online) Due POSTMARKED by May 25th FringeU Form (optional) (GREEN PAGE) STEP THREE: TOWN MEETING Due at or before TOWN MEETING on Sunday, June 3rd at Noon Press Packet w/ Press Survey Form on top (BLUE PAGE) Graphic File Uploaded Program Ad Insertion Order (PINK PAGE) (optional) STEP FOUR: MANDATORY ACR BOX OFFICE TRAINING Due at ACR Box Office Training Your ACR – must attend one training session STEP FIVE: TECH REHEARSAL Due at Tech Rehearsal Your programs with Audience Survey / Ballot stuffer (Enough copies for your performances at FringeNYC to Venue Director) Your complete company list for badges (cast, staff, crew names) STEP SIX: CHECK-IN Due at Check In Your ACR must check-in your company at FringeCENTRAL some time between August 5th – 13th from 2pm to 6pm NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 4 FringeNYC 2007 DATES PLEASE NOTE: ALL DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THE PURPOSE OF THIS OVERVIEW IS TO GIVE YOU A GENERAL SENSE OF THE TIMELINE BETWEEN NOW AND THE FESTIVAL. PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO NEWSLETTERS REGARDING ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SCHEDULE AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES. MAY May 15th May 19th, 20th May 25th - STEP 1: REGISTRATION Deadline (postmark) Marketing Speed Dates – By Appointment Noon –5pm STEP 2: MARKETING INFORMATION Deadline (online submission) - STEP 3: TOWN MEETING Program Guide Advertising Reservation Deadline (optional) Program Guide Advertising Digital File Due (optional) Marketing Mixers July 5th - July 14th July 14th July 19th July 22nd July 22nd July 27th - Scheduling of Performances Complete (approximately) STEP 4: MANDATORY ACR BOX OFFICE TRAINING SESSION Noon Mandatory ACR Box Office Training Session 3pm Mandatory ACR Box Office Training Session 7pm Mandatory ACR Box Office Training Session Noon Mandatory ACR Box Office Training Session 3pm Mandatory ACR Box Office Training Session Phone / Web orders begin JUNE June 3rd June 3rd June 10th June 16th JULY AUGUST rd Aug 3 Aug 5th – 13th 2pm - 6pm Aug 10th – 26th STEP 5: TECH REHEARSAL FringeCentral Opens STEP 6: CHECK-IN FringeNYC 2007 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 5 The Authorized Company Representative (ACR) Each company will have one ACR. That ACR (and their contact information) is to be listed on the Participant’s Agreement before it is returned. There is some language in the contract about what an ACR does, but we thought we’d explain the duties of an ACR in plain language here. As you’ll see below, the ACR of a company CANNOT in ANY way be a performer, board op, or stage manager of the show. Sole Representative – by now you are no doubt totally aware that FringeNYC is run almost entirely by volunteers. The Present Company has two (2) full-time staff members. Other than that, everyone that you see listed as staff has a regular day-job. With more than 200 companies participating, it is necessary that only ONE person from each company contact the office. Therefore, the ACR is the SOLE representative of your company, and the only communicator. If someone other than the ACR contacts the office (an actor or designer, say), they’ll be asked to contact the ACR, and have the ACR contact the office with their question. This is because it is likely that the ACR, through newsletters and training and reading this manual, already knows the answer to the question. It also allows the ACR to act as an information conduit between us and each company. That way we don’t have to repeat the same information to every member of your cast, and you remain informed and in control. Email – it is CRUCIAL that the ACR keep one working email address from now until the end of the festival. MOST of the important information (and many of the opportunities) over the next months will be distributed via an emailed newsletter. If one or two of the 200+ addresses that we send a newsletter to bounce back to us, we won’t have time to re-send our message. We cannot hunt you down. If you use a “hotmail” or other account of limited size, you’d be wise to keep it cleaned out. They fill up with spam really quickly, and you might miss notice of an opportunity for your show. Likewise, we have had difficulties in prior years with Road Runner and University accounts, and our newsletters ending up in a “spam” or “bulk mail” account. We use an email distribution service called “Topica”. You may want to add the email address to your address book in order to ensure that you receive these emails. This is the address that the newsletters are sent from, and adding it to your address book will inform your email provider that the newsletters are not spam or bulk mail, so they are more likely to end up in your in box. And speaking of email, this is our MUCH PREFERRED method of communication. As we said, each of our staffers is a volunteer. Email allows them to help you out at their convenience. They’ll get your message much, much more quickly than if you call the office and we put the phone message in their in box, which they’ll see at the next weekly staff meeting. Do yourself a favor, use the email addresses that you’ll find in this participant manual and later on the participant website. Box office – Each ACR will attend ONE mandatory box office training session. There will be several held over the month prior to the festival, and one or more during the festival for nationals and internationals who cannot attend any of the July sessions. The mandatory ACR box office training sessions are currently scheduled for Saturday, July 14th at Noon and 3pm; Thursday, July 19th at 7pm; Sunday, July 22nd at Noon and 3pm. All of these sessions will be held at the Bruce Mitchell Multi-Purpose Room, 520 Eighth Avenue, 3rd Floor (between 36th and 37th Streets – same building as the Present Company’s office). We STRONGLY encourage you to attend one of these early sessions, if at all possible. Remember, you won’t know details about ordering industry comps and participant rate tickets for your show until you’ve attended a training session. And most importantly, the ACR will be the representative of the participating company at the box office, so it is crucial that you understand how it works. ACRs must be trained prior to arranging industry comps or working a box office, and companies without a trained ACR will not receive their box office income. National and International ACRs – we will hold several mandatory ACR box office training sessions during the festival for you. These will be held at FringeCENTRAL, It is not necessary, or expected, that you will travel to New York in order to attend one of these early (July) sessions. At each performance – a box office manager will sell any remaining unsold tickets to your performance. They will arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to your performance in order to do this. They will also be handing out pre-sold, or “Will Call” tickets, in coordination with a volunteer. Your job is to stand NEAR the box office (but not in their way) so that you can answer questions about your show that the volunteer cannot be expected to know. You may wish to hand out your programs, as well. Doing so makes it apparent to your audience that you’re the representative of the show. Remember: many people who will see your work at FringeNYC will not be familiar with your company. This is your chance to build an audience! Smile! Spread that FringeNYC spirit! You never know who you’re talking to. FringeNYC presents many opportunities to meet future supporters and collaborators, and this is one of the best ones! This is also your chance to interact with press or industry who are attending your show. You may want to have press kits for your show available to give to press and industry. Press kits are your responsibility. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 6 You will want to record any press or industry attendee at your show. That way you can follow up with them on a timely basis. Those who have not made an advance reservation will be handing the box office volunteer a business card. When the show has started, you can quickly copy down the most important information. Then the card will be returned to the performance envelope for our data entry and as “back-up” for the comp they’ve been given. When the venue director tells you it is time to open the house, you’ll act as house manager, making sure that each person entering the theatre has a ticket for that performance. That way the box office manager can stay at the box office, which may or may not be near the entrance to the theatre. You’ll know the audience members, too, because you’ll have greeted them, answered any questions, and given them a program! When the show begins, the box office manager will do a quick preliminary reconciliation of sales. This will be done on the front of the performance envelope. After this, you will look at the reconciliation and SIGN THE PERFORMANCE ENVELOPE. Then the box office manager will return the performance envelope to FringeCENTRAL. The performance envelope will be reconciled again with a FringeNYC staff member. Then it goes to the main office for data-entry. This early data entry allows us to pay each company for their cash sales for the first week before the festival is even finished. It also prevents us from pulling a particular performance envelope after that performance in order to answer a question, retrieve an industry business card, etc. This is why it is crucial you review and sign the envelope before it leaves the venue. Please keep in mind that the festival is more than 1,200 performances…it’s a lot of envelopes. THE ACR WILL REMAIN IN THE LOBBY, AS HOUSE MANAGER, IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT NOBODY “SNEAKS IN” TO THE THEATRE. IT IS NEITHER THE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR VENUE DIRECTOR OR YOUR BOX OFFICE MANAGER TO KEEP OUT LATECOMERS. For all of the above reasons, and many more, the ACR of a company CANNOT in ANY way be a performer, board op, or stage manager of the show. Company Manager – you’ll be acting as the company manager for your show. This means that we’ll give you all of the information, and you’ll pass along the information to all of your company members. You’ll officially check-in the company upon your arrival at the festival. At check-in, you’ll pick up the participants’ badges for your entire company, and then you’ll pass out the participants’ badges to all of your company members. You’ll explain to them how to volunteer, arrange industry comps, purchase participant rate tickets, and where the closing night party is. You’ll also be the enforcer of the FringeNYC policies, and help spread the FringeNYC spirit. You’ll have the primary responsibility of communicating information from the Venue Director to your company. Remember, the Venue Director has to keep things on schedule. He or she will tell YOU that it is time to open the house, or that your company can enter the theatre. You will then get your company in and out in a friendly, cooperative, timely manner. Signatory – As the ACR, you have the authority to sign for your company. You (and you alone) can check-in your company and pick up important information for your company (including participants’ badges). You (and you alone) can pick up the first box office distribution for your company. This all sounds much more difficult than it really is. But a conscientious ACR can make all the difference in a particular show’s experience at FringeNYC. Don’t leave your gang in the dark. Read the materials we send you and the newsletters we email you. Come to the Town Meeting. Report any problem or potential problem to FringeNYC staff so we can try to solve it. Set an example. Share the love. They’ll adore and appreciate you, and so will we. SPECIAL OFFER FROM THEATER RESOURCES UNLIMITED: If you do NOT have an ACR (Authorized Company Representative), our friends at Theater Resources Unlimited might be able to match you up with one of their member producers. If you are interested in being listed as a “FringeNYC Show in Need of an ACR” on the Theater Resources Unlimited Bulletin Board / Newsletter, please send an email to Bob Ost, President, at as soon as possible. (Remember: You cannot complete STEP ONE: REGISTRATION without having your ACR sign the Participants Agreement.) Your email to Bob MUST use the subject line “FringeNYC ACR Request” and include the following: Your name, your email address, your phone number, and Title, Author (Playwright, Composer, Choreographer, etc.), Cast (if known), Producing Organization, and a synopsis of the show (one-page maximum – included in the body of the email). DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 7 A GLOSSARY OF FringeNYC TERMS Note: All glossary terms are underlined throughout Participant’s Manual. ACR - Authorized Company Representative - The ACR is your company’s sole FringeNYC contact and House / Company Manager. The ACR must be the sole representative that contacts FringeNYC staff with questions. This person must be present at every performance (not on stage or backstage) to answer any questions about your show that the venue staff will not be able to answer (remember that there will be 10 - 14 shows in each venue, and the venue staff will not know everything about each one), including any questions regarding ticketing and settlements. See page 5 for further description. BLURB - Each Participant will provide a 40-word description of the show. This blurb will be used in the program guide. It should be intriguing; this is your opportunity to sell your show. See page 21 for further description. BOARD OP - The board op(s) are the crew members provided by each participating company in order to work the sound and lighting equipment for their show, as well as any backstage requirements. Your board op and stage manager may be the same person, depending upon the requirements of your show. Be sure to pass along any information regarding your venue to your board op and stage manager. BUSKING - At most festivals, buskers perform outside to market their shows. In New York City, there are strict guidelines regarding performing outdoors. If you wish to promote your show by performing outdoors (which is highly encouraged), please contact the FringeAL FRESCO staff in order to schedule a time and location as a part of “FringeNYTeasers”. FringeNYC will obtain any required permits for several locations and blocks of time. You are, of course, welcome to pass out flyers and postcards at FringeCENTRAL. In addition, FringeNYC may provide several other opportunities to promote your show, such as informal performances at FringeCENTRAL and FringeCLUB. CHECK-IN – The ACR is required to register each company for the Festival at FringeCENTRAL. Upon registering, we will confirm local phone numbers and contact information for each ACR during the Festival, and double-check your payment information (payable to, address, social security / Fed ID#). We will also distribute important information to each company at this time, including participant’s badges. For FringeNYC 2007, each company must check-in at FringeCENTRAL sometime between 2pm and 6pm, August 5th –13th, or sometime between 2pm and 6pm on the first day after August 13th that your company is in town (if you are not in town August 5th – 13th) CONCIERGE - Each day of the Festival you will find a friendly face behind the concierge desk at FringeCENTRAL. These are knowledgeable volunteers who are there to provide audience with answers to questions ranging from “How do I get from FringeCENTRAL to Venue #20?” to “Where is a good place to get a vegetarian meal?” The concierge also provides maps and information on the neighborhood. E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS – We are asking for a lot of materials from you via e-mail. Please include any text information in the BODY of your e-mail, with the required information in the subject line. Please do not e-mail text attachments. In addition, please be aware that we distribute very time sensitive and important information to the ACR of each show via an emailed newsletter. It is very important that your email account have ample capacity. If you have a “hotmail” or similar email account with limited capacity, and your box is full, we WILL NOT be able to re-send the information. Please consider using an email address associated with an amply-sized in box. FringeAL FRESCO is the unique outdoor “festival within a festival” in the parks and on the streets of FringeNYC. Featuring free performances to draw crowds to our neighborhoods, FringeAL FRESCO is also an excellent opportunity to promote your show. You will receive further information regarding FringeAL FRESCO’s “FringeNYTeasers” in the next months. FringeCENTRAL - FringeCENTRAL is the central box office of FringeNYC. Each company must check in here. It is also where you may leave promotional materials for your show, purchase advance tickets for any performance in the Festival, and visit the Participant’s Liaison to ask any questions that may arise. FringeCLUB - FringeCLUB is the late night gathering spot for FringeNYC participants, staff and audience. We are working to provide a location which will feature short performance slots, reduced price beverages, and a place to gather and relax with other FringeNYC folk. Location TBA. FringeJR - is FringeNYC for families. FringeJR is comprised of the shows that are aimed at children and families. FringeJR presents “Fort FringeJR”, an activities center and entertainment area for families each weekend of the Festival. FringeJR shows will be performing excerpts and will have fliers for their shows available to parents at Fort FringeJR. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 8 FringeHIGH - is a program to involve high school students in FringeNYC, both as audience members and volunteers. Shows may elect to join FringeHIGH, and take advantage of specific marketing opportunities targeted toward High School students. See page 35 for more information. FringeU - In addition to over 200 shows, street performances and art exhibitions, FringeNYC presents FringeU. We will offer classes, workshops, round-tables, and seminars where learning electrifies. We will schedule programs for both audiences and performance professionals, as well as everyone else who has a stake in the energy and excitement of multi-arts festivals. Workshops and lectures will focus on producing, financing and conceptualizing alternative theater, plus a few other surprises. Panels and seminars will investigate critical issues for those committed to performance and the arts. Every event will encourage intense interaction between all the participants. And it's all free! FringeNYC Propaganda - FringeNYC Propaganda is the newspaper of The New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC). The paper contains everything from listings, advertisements and articles to features and gossip. It is distributed to all of the venues and neighborhood establishments. The first issues of FringeNYC Propaganda are the “Sneak Peek” (June) and the “Preview” (July). HOUSING - FringeNYC does not provide housing for its participants, but can be helpful in finding such locations. A list of housing possibilities will be posted on the website. In addition, if any local participants would like to house national or international participants, please contact the FringeNYC office so that we can help match up available space with our national and international visitors. INFORMATION BLOCK – The information block is a specifically designed graphic which should appear on all of your promotional materials for FringeNYC. The information block ensures that FringeNYC is listed correctly, and that all of your promotional materials list the correct phone numbers, etc. It also assures that your production is recognized as a part of The New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC). LOAD-IN - Each company will be required to have at least one representative present at the load-in of the venue. This is the time to bring in any pre-approved set pieces and props. It is also when the rep light plot is hung and focused, and the venue is prepared for FringeNYC. If any company fails to provide one representative, with a crescent wrench, for the entire load-in, a $30 penalty will be assessed to that company. MANDATORY ACR BOX OFFICE TRAINING SESSION – Each ACR is required to attend one box office training session, per the contract. At this informative, thorough training session, the ACR of each company will learn how FringeNYC box office and ticketing work – including how to arrange industry comps, how to review and sign / approve each performance report, and your responsibilities at the box office. Untrained ACRs may not be present at the box office, and companies without the signature of their trained ACR on each performance report will not receive their box office income. MARKETING SPEED DATES – In an effort to help you best market your show, we will present these informative, fun sessions. Each speed date is a chance for you to present your blurb to someone from our marketing department. We will then help you clarify and enhance the description of your show so that your marketing materials have the greatest impact with our audience and the media. Appointments for Marketing Speed Dates will be available May 19th from Noon to 5pm and May 20th from Noon to 5pm. To make an appointment for a Marketing Speed Date, send an email to National and International participants who cannot attend these sessions will be able to take advantage of “virtual” speed dates by emailing their blurbs to MARKETING MIXERS – In addition to Marketing Speed Dates, we will be hosting Marketing Mixers in order to facilitate cross-marketing opportunities among FringeNYC shows. These will be held June 16th. Keep an eye on your newsletters for further information. We will likely invite shows by genres, themes, and height of ACR (just kidding). PARTICIPANT - Once selected to be in the Festival, you and everyone associated with your show becomes a PARTICIPANT. You will submit your participants list (the name of every cast member, staff person, designer, technician, and crew member involved in presenting your show) so that each of them can be issued a participant’s badge. This badge allows each participant the “participant’s rate” for tickets ($5), on a space-available basis, for each performance comprising the Festival. PRIME - Every company performing within a certain venue will be assigned approximately the same number of “prime” performance slots. “Prime” slots are generally defined as those which fall between 5pm and Midnight. “Prime” slots for FringeJR shows generally fall between Noon and 8pm. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 9 PROGRAM GUIDE - The program guide is the “bible” of the Festival. We generally print between 25,000 and 50,000 copies of the program guide, and it serves as our primary marketing tool. You will have the opportunity to purchase advertising in the program guide, which is optional. Each company will have a small icon(either a photo or logo provided, electronically, by you) and a 40 word blurb in the alphabetical listing section of the program guide. REGISTER / REGISTRATION – STEP 1 of participating in FringeNYC is registration. Registration is complete when we have received two signed copies of your Participant’s Agreement (including Author’s Agreement), one W-9, your Participation Fee, and your Technical Survey Form. Shows who DO NOT REGISTER are NOT a part of FringeNYC. REP LIGHT PLOT - Each venue will have a rep light plot. A rep light plot is one which provides sufficient lighting for each show performing in that venue. Remember, each venue will have eight to fourteen companies performing on a rotating schedule. There is not time to re-focus lights between shows. Therefore, the lights will be set in such a manner that each area of the stage can be lit. See page 11 for further information. RUNNING TIME - The running time of your show should be listed accurately on your tech survey form and should start at the moment the lights go down and run to the last minute, including any intermissions. Remember, we use this information to schedule performances at your venue, so it is important to be accurate. Once you submit a tech survey form, the length of your show cannot change. STRIKE - Strike is the event of restoring the venue. It occurs following the final performance at that venue on Sunday, August 26th (the last day of the Festival). Each company must send at least one representative, with a crescent wrench, to strike lights, sound, costumes and scenery and restore the venue to cleaner than its original state. All show props, costumes, set pieces and other equipment must be picked up by 8pm Sunday night-or they will be disposed of at your expense. If any company fails to provide one representative, with a crescent wrench, for the entire strike, a $50 penalty will be assessed to that company. TECHNICAL DIRECTORS - FringeNYC will provide one Festival Technical Director and an appropriate number of Technical Directors, who will provide technical assistance above and beyond that provided by Venue Directors. These people will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of venue equipment as well as facilitation of load-in and strike, in coordination with your Venue Director. TOWN MEETING - Open meeting between FringeNYC staff and New York City area participants - a chance to turn in required materials, ask questions about the Festival, and network with other companies. For those outside the New York City area, all information discussed at the town meetings will be available via a participants newsletter, which will also be posted on the FringeNYC website. WEBSITE / – The official website of FringeNYC. We will establish a secure (password protected) area of this site for posting information helpful to participants. This will include a press list, housing list, community guide, a copy of this manual, and much more. VENUE DIRECTOR - Each venue will have one Venue Director, who will be a staff person provided by FringeNYC. Once assigned, this person will be your primary contact during the Festival, and will be present at the majority of your performances. They are there to ensure that the Festival stays on schedule, that the box office and audience changeover runs smoothly, and that all venue requirements are met. The Venue Director is also trained to provide light-duty technical assistance. The Venue Director is not there to be your stage manager or board op, or in any way to run your show. VENUE POOL - One dollar of each ticket sold to the Festival will go into a “venue pool”. This pool provides additional income to our venue partners, who rent their theatres to us at a substantial discount for FringeNYC. VOLUNTEERS - Volunteers are the people who make FringeNYC happen. The Festival requires a total of over 1,100 volunteers working multiple shifts helping out at box offices, staffing the concierge desk and helping at FringeCENTRAL -and lots more! It is imperative that each participant volunteer whenever possible. Volunteers receive a volunteer voucher which admits them to any FringeNYC show for free, on a space available basis. Volunteer, and be nice to those who do. A flier about volunteering has been provided on page 32. Please copy it and distribute it to your company, and post it wherever possible. Remember: Our volunteers see lots of shows and come into contact with our audience members – there will be announcements of additional opportunities to show your support of our volunteers, and to get them excited about your show. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 10 FringeNYC CONTACT INFORMATION The New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC) c/o The Present Company 520 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 311 New York, NY 10018 Phone 212.279.4455 Fax 212.279.4466 The New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC) is a production of The Present Company, and our office is located at the above address (between 36th and 37th Streets). Our office hours are 10am to 6pm, and our office is easily accessible via the A, C, E or 1, 2, 3 trains. However, most of our staff is volunteer, does not work at our office, and can be reached most easily and efficiently via email. PARTIAL Staff List POSITION NAME E-MAIL CONTACT Producing Artistic Director Elena K. Holy Asst. to the Producer Alexa Shaughnessy Production Manager Krista Robbins Festival Technical Director Gregg Bellon Marketing Liaison John Peterson Web Master Taty Sena Publicist / Press Ron Lasko, Spin Cycle Special Events Director Kevin Bartlett FringeJR Director Amanda Herel FringeNYC Propaganda Ed. Frank Kuzler International Ambassador Avner Kam Volunteer Coordinator Taty Sena A publication of The Present Company, Inc. (c) 1997 - 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be distributed or reproduced without the permission of the author and The Present Company, Inc. FringeNYC, fringenyc(logo), The New York International Fringe Festival, fringe(logo), Fringe Festival, FringeJR, FringeU, FringeAL FRESCO, FringeART, Fringe High, Fringe Cafe, Frozen Fringe, FringeCLUB, FringeNYC Slice-O-Matic, FringeNYC Propaganda, and The Present Company are trademarks and/or service marks of The Present Company, Inc. and may not be used without express written permission of The Present Company, 520 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 311, New York, NY 10018. (212) 279-4488. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997 - 2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 11 STEP ONE: REGISTRATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION COMPLETED FORMS MUST BE POSTMARKED OR HAND DELIVERED NO LATER THAN MAY 15th If we do not receive your completed forms ON TIME, you will not be able to participate in FringeNYC. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for us to help you. If you have any questions about anything on this form, or any other technical questions, please e-mail Please address all completed forms or other technical inquiries to: FringeNYC c/o The Present Company 520 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 311 New York, NY 10018 email PLEASE NOTE: The information you provide on your technical survey form is necessary for us to get a sense of the IDEAL requirements for your show. It does not mean that what you put on your form will necessarily be provided. You may be required to reduce or simplify the technical needs of your show in order to perform your show within the resources of FringeNYC. Basic Information • Each company/artist will be assigned to a single venue for the run of FringeNYC. • Between ten and fourteen companies/artists will be assigned to each venue. • The performance schedule will rotate to give every company a fair shot at all performance times. Note: This means that you will most likely have at least one prime weekend evening slot, as well as at least one weekday afternoon slot. Schedule conflicts may impact on the number of performances you receive and will impact your performance times. . • Because of the rotating schedule, changeovers from one show into another must take no longer than a total of 30 minutes. This means that you must be able to set up all scenery, props, sound, lighting, and other equipment in fifteen minutes. Likewise, after your performance, you must be able to strike your show in fifteen minutes. • No open flame or pyrotechnics are allowed at any venue. This includes candles and lit cigarettes. FringeNYC will provide: • A venue, equipped with at least the following: a basic repertory light plot (consisting of at least a front light system, a back light system, and at least one special (which is shared by all companies)), a basic sound system (consisting of at least an amplifier, a mixer, two speakers, a single CD player, and all necessary cable), and audience seating . • Box office personnel. • A Venue Director, who is responsible for crowd control, posting the schedule of events in the venue and running that schedule, and providing minor technical assistance. • A Festival Technical Director, who will provide more complicated technical assistance when necessary and will be responsible for technical oversight of five or more venues. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 12 TECHNICAL INFORMATION (continued) Every company must provide: • A completed Technical Survey Form postmarked by MAY 15th. If we do not have the survey form by the deadline, your show will be replaced by an alternate from the alternates list. • A Stage Manager who is intimately familiar with the technical details of your show. • A light board op, sound operator, and any other technical personnel necessary to run your show. If your lighting is complicated, you must provide a lighting designer to set cues during tech rehearsal as well. Out-of-Town Companies: • If you cannot bring the necessary people with you, we will ATTEMPT to provide assistance in finding local help by providing of list of available people for you to contact. Please make a note of this on the Technical Survey Form. REMEMBER: All out-oftown companies must provide a stage manager. Tech Rehearsals • You will be scheduled for a single technical rehearsal, which will be at least two times the length of your show. Because of the short time available to you, you should rehearse the technical aspects of the show before you get to your FringeNYC venue. You may use this rehearsal time in any way you wish, but you must run your show completely once, in order to confirm an accurate timing on the length of your show. Your Responsibilities at the Venue • Load-in: There will be a scheduled time for load-in for each venue. Each company must send at least one representative (with a crescent wrench) to help with load-in, light hang, focus, and general venue preparation. Any company failing to provide at least one person for the load-in will be fined $30. This is also the time when large set pieces or furniture should be loaded into the space -- if they have been APPROVED by the Venue Director for storage in the space. NOTE: Most venues have very limited storage space, and you may be required to take furniture or set pieces, props and/or costumes in and out of the space each time you have a show. HINT: keep scenery to a minimum to avoid having to transport large pieces back and forth. • Cleaning: Each venue will be shared by up to 14 different companies, and that includes sharing the dressing rooms, front of house, and bathroom facilities. Please be respectful of other companies, and leave all the venue spaces clean when you finish your show. Your Venue Director will coordinate the cleaning of the venue. • Strike: Strike will occur in each venue on Sunday, August 26th, after the end of the last show. Each company must send at least one representative (with a crescent wrench) to strike lights, sound, costumes and scenery, and restore the venue to a state cleaner than its original. Any company failing to provide at least one person for the entire strike will be fined $50. All fines will be deducted from your final box office payment. All show props, costumes, set pieces and other equipment must be picked up by 8pm Sunday night, or it will be disposed of at your expense. • Heat: Please, please keep in mind that our festival takes place in August, in New York City. It is often very hot and humid. Even though our venues are air conditioned, you must keep the heat in mind when planning every technical aspect of your show. The air conditioning in even the most well equipped venue is not meant to handle eight performances a day, from Noon to Midnight, for sixteen consecutive days. Add to that some additional lighting equipment, and keep it on for fourteen hours, and you’ve got a sticky and potentially dangerous situation for your company. Do NOT put your actors in heavy clothing or coats or materials that don’t breathe. Prepare your actors to project their voices over the hum of an air conditioner. Encourage them to drink water, and provide it for them, if possible. We cannot be responsible for the health and safety of your cast and crew, but we are concerned. We want all of our participants to have a good experience, and we will step in if we feel you are jeopardizing anyone’s safety. Be smart. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 13 Technical Survey Form (due postmarked or hand delivered by May 15th) Please read this form fully before filling it out. General Information Company Name__________________________________ Show Title_______________________________________________ Who is your Company’s Authorized Company Representative (ACR)? (REQUIRED) Name_______________________________________________ Phone (day) __________________________________ Phone (eve)________________________ Fax_______________________ E-mail ___________________________ (REQUIRED) Stage Manager________________________________________ Phone (day) __________________________________ Phone (eve)________________________ Fax_______________________ E-mail ____________________________ Company Technical Contact_____________________________ Phone (day) _________________________________ Phone (eve)________________________ Fax_______________________ E-mail ____________________________ Additional Production Staff/Crew not listed above (Name/Title) 1)_____________________________________________ 4)______________________________________________________ 2)_____________________________________________ 5)______________________________________________________ 3)_____________________________________________ 6)______________________________________________________ Running time of show: (including intermissions, expressed in minutes -- i.e. 60 minutes rather than 1 hour) Number of intermissions: _____________ Set-up time: 15 minutes Strike time: 15 minutes Number of performers in show: ________ + Number of staff with show: ________ = Total number of people: ___________ Do you plan on performing your show under the Actors' Equity Showcase Code? (circle one) YES NO Each company will be allotted between five (5) and seven (7) performances (inclusive) during FringeNYC. What is the optimum number of performances for your show during the Festival? _____________ What is the minimum? ____________ Are there any special considerations we should consider when scheduling your show? (i.e. actor conflicts, the company arriving in or leaving New York on a certain day, etc.) Please be explicit, and remember that such conflicts may impact the number of performances your show receives (please note: 95% of our participants have day jobs. Your actors day jobs are not a conflict): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (You may add another sheet if necessary.) NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 14 Ground Plan and Scenery Please provide us with a basic ground plan of your show (stage entrances, scenery pieces, etc.) in the space provided below or attach a Ground Plan to back of this form. Include estimated measurements of stage dimensions and scenery expressed in feet and inches. Backstage Audience Preferred type of Venue: (Circle ONE) PROSCENIUM BLACK BOX STUDIO THEATER CABARET DANCE – FLOORED (Type: ) (Marley, Hardwood, Etc.) NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 15 Technical Survey Form (continued) Scenery Please describe any scenery pieces or large prop items (including furniture, flats, platforms, doors, etc.). Item Size: length, width, depth Remember: Your scenery and props must be built in such a way that they can be set up and struck in fifteen minutes or less. Also, many of the FringeNYC venues have minimal storage, if any at all. Storage for large items cannot be guaranteed. All storage concerns will be arranged with your Venue Director. Please describe any soft goods, hanging banners, scrims, cycs, screens, or other hanging or rigged scenery: Item Size: length, width, height Some FringeNYC venues have very low grids, and some have no grids at all. If you require high hanging positions, we will do our best to match you with a venue that meets your needs. There is no “flying” in or out of set pieces or drapes at FringeNYC. Lighting and Effects Each venue is equipped with a repertory light plot that all shows in the venue must share. The size of the repertory plot varies with the size of the venue. Every repertory plot contains at least a front light system (with the ability to isolate stage left and stage right), a backlight system, at least one special, and a manual light board. Most venues are equipped with much more. Approximate number of lighting cues in the show: ______________ Ideal number of specials: ______________ Will you be bringing practical lights (i.e. lamps, light boxes) or special lights (i.e. strobes, IF's) specific to your show? ___________ If so, describe the nature and wattage of each instrument: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Will you be bringing fog machines, hazers, smoke machines, pneumatic cannons, or any other theatrical effect devices? __________ If so, describe the nature and electrical requirements of each accessory: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 16 Lighting and Effects (continued) Please indicate any special needs or concerns regarding your lighting: __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note there is NO OPEN FLAME or SMOKING in any venue. This includes candles and cigarettes. If you need advice on a creative solution / alternative to candles or cigarettes, please contact We can offer suggestions. Sound, Video, and Projection Please indicate your sound, video, and projection requirements by checking the boxes below: Check Here Component Cassette Deck (Dual) CD Player ** Mini-Disc Player DAT Player Microphone with stand ** Provided by FringeNYC Please note that FringeNYC guarantees that each venue is equipped with an amplifier, mixing board, two speakers, and single CD player. Some FringeNYC venues are equipped with better audio/video components than others. If you use specialized sound or video media (especially mini-discs and video projectors), you should plan on bringing its source component with you. Live Sound and Amplification Will you be using any live instruments? If so, describe them and any amplification/sound reinforcement you will be using: ________________________________________________ Slide Projector Video Projector Film Projector Television/ monitor ________________________________________________ VCR ________________________________________________ Front Projection Screen Rear Projection Screen ________________________________________________ Please describe any other special needs or concerns regarding your sound, video, or projection: ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Priorities In order for us to help select a venue for you, please indicate how you prioritize the following specifications / production elements by numbering them from #1 – #10, with #1 being your highest priority. You must NOT use any number twice (no “ties”), and you must use all numbers. The point here is for you to prioritize. We will attempt to keep this in mind when choosing your venue. _____Small/Intimate Venue _____Access to Audience _____ Lighting _____Large Audience Capacity _____Large Performance Area _____Sound _____Type of Venue _____Height _____Rigging Ability _____Other (explain) Out-of-town Companies Please indicate on a separate page any additional tech staff needed for your show that you are not able to bring with you. We will attempt to furnish you with contact information for available people in New York. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 17 MARKETING General Information... The responsibility of the Marketing Department is to promote FringeNYC as one entity. We are requesting up to 5 different types of media from you in order to plug your individual show into the overall programming and publicity. It is your responsibility to promote your own show. We do not wish to give you the impression that by asking for publicity materials that you should rely solely on FringeNYC to publicize your show. The Marketing Department is divided into 6 different components: Marketing Liaison, Program Guide, Website, Press, FringeNYC Propaganda and Newsletters. Their different responsibilities are as follows: Marketing Liaison – We created this position to provide all companies with marketing advice for their individual shows. John Peterson, our Marketing Liaison, will help groups maximize their audience potential, find cross-marketing opportunities, and advise on marketing strategies. We will be holding Marketing Speed Dates and Marketing Mixers (see Glossary) to help you learn how to best market your show at FringeNYC. John also handles advertising sales in the program guide. Watch the participants’ newsletters for special marketing events and mixers. e-mail contact: Program Guide - This department has the overall responsibility of producing FringeNYC material for the audience. Key areas of responsibility are producing the FringeNYC Program Guide (with all show listings), daily FringeNYC listings, and other helpful information that our concierge team will have available for our audience at FringeCENTRAL. e-mail contact: Website – The website of FringeNYC is There our audience will find information about the festival, venues, purchasing tickets, etc. The website will feature a searchable database (the FringeNYC Slice-O-Matic), and many, many more features designed to make FringeNYC as accessible as possible. There is also a participants’ website, which is at a secret url and requires a password for entry (which you’ll be emailed once you have registered). This is where you’ll find resources for participating companies and archived newsletters. Taty Sena is our webmaster. e-mail contact: Press- FringeNYC Press / Publicity is headed up by Ron Lasko of SPIN CYCLE. Ron’s job is to publicize FringeNYC as a whole and to be responsible for overall news coverage. Ron is the press agent for FringeNYC. e-mail contact: FringeNYC Propaganda – FringeNYC Propaganda is the hometown newspaper of The New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC). During the course of the festival, we will produce five issues of FringeNYC Propaganda. You will have the opportunity to purchase advertising in FringeNYC Propaganda, which will also report on the events of FringeNYC. The editor of FringeNYC Propaganda is Frank Kuzler. e-mail contact: Newsletters - Frequent participants’ newsletters will be produced to answer basic questions before they arise, provide FringeNYC information, and keep participants up to date with FringeNYC developments. Every FringeNYC Department contributes to these newsletters. This newsletter (along with other announcements) will be sent to ONE ACR e-mail address per show. Please do not contact us and ask us to add anyone other than the ACR to the participants’ newsletter distribution list. We also have a newsletter for our volunteers, and a newsletter for our audience. You and your friends, family, and fellow participants can sign up for these on our website ( All of these departments work together to get 70,000 people to FringeNYC each year. Your job is to get our FringeNYC audience into your show. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 18 What we are providing for you: Text: We have enclosed information on how to refer to FringeNYC. Please be sure to share this information with the rest of your company. It is important that you follow these requirements, so that each participant gets the most out of the marketing and press blitz that a Festival of this magnitude creates. The proper way to refer to FringeNYC is as follows: The New York International Fringe Festival FringeNYC A Production of The Present Company PLEASE NOTE: The official name of the Festival is “The New York International Fringe Festival.” That’s like the “Elizabeth” of our names. Our nickname, and the more commonly used name, is FringeNYC. That’s like the “Betty” of our names. When not using the logo, FringeNYC should be spelled and typed (or written) exactly as you see it here. That’s capital “F”, lowercase “ringe”, capital “NYC,” without any spaces. Please share this information with your company members so that they get it right in their bios and on their resumes, when they send them to us next year. You should use the following phone numbers on your press materials: Information / Tickets In New York: (212) 279-4488 Outside New York: 1-888-FringeNYC PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT make ANY reference to “reservations” on any of your materials. We do not accept reservations for FringeNYC, only advance purchase of tickets (see Box Office section). Information Block: In addition to this, you MUST include the information block on your postcards. THIS IS REQUIRED. We encourage you to use the information block on your press release and all other printed materials, but it is REQUIRED on your postcard. Very shortly, you will be given a link to a web site where you can download a digital version from the participant's website. DO NOT make ANY reference to "reservations" on any of your materials. The Information Block will be available for download as an .eps file (for your printed materials) and as a .jpeg (for your website). We also require that if you’d like your website listed / linked to at, you must place the information block, with a reciprocal link (to, on your website. Marketing Special Events This year we will be holding Marketing Special Events geared toward helping you market your FringeNYC show. MARKETING SPEED DATES – In an effort to help you best market your show, we will present these informative, fun sessions. Each 15 minute Marketing Speed Date is a chance for you to present your blurb to someone from our marketing department. We will then help you clarify and enhance the description of your show so that your marketing materials have the greatest impact with our audience and the media. Appointments for Marketing Speed Dates will be available May 19th from Noon to 5pm and May 20th from Noon to 5pm. To make an appointment for a Marketing Speed Date, send an email to National and International participants who cannot attend these sessions will be able to take advantage of “virtual” speed dates by emailing their blurbs to MARKETING MIXERS – In addition to Marketing Speed Dates, we will be hosting Marketing Mixers in order to facilitate crossmarketing opportunities among FringeNYC shows. These will be held June 16th. Keep an eye on your newsletters for further information about how we might split up groups by genres, themes, and height of ACR (just kidding). NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 19 STEP TWO: MARKETING MATERIALS Here is an overview of the materials you can expect to be asked to submit online via your show’s Marketing Information Form on or before May 25th. Complete instructions on getting to the online submission form and your show-specific unique login and password will be emailed to the ACR of each REGISTERED show. A. Title You must provide the title of your show, the exact way you want it to be presented in our marketing materials. PLEASE NOTE: AFTER THIS DATE (May 25th, 2007) you cannot change the title of your show. If you ignore this rule, your show will suffer. Please do yourself a favor, and allow us to begin marketing your show in May, so that you have an audience in August. If they can’t find you, they can’t come. Use the exact capitalization, punctuation and spelling that you will use from now through the festival. We’re sorry, but we cannot honor requests regarding underlining, boldface, italics or a particular typeface or font. Please note that any symbols or unusual punctuation used in your title may not translate easily or accurately onto the website or online ticketing process. Symbols that have a meaning in html / characters or phrases (such as @, or “) are particularly difficult to deal with and may hinder your sales. If the title that you choose for your show on this form is different than the title of your show when you applied to the festival, please use “formerly ____________” with your former show title in your initial correspondence with us. Thanks. B. Company / Staff There will be a section where you will be able to enter the name of your company (producing organization), creators (author / playwright / composer / lyricist / adapter), directors (director / music director), and other creative staff. Please follow the instructions on the form. We’ve created examples in order to help clarify what looks good as far as staff listings. C. A 40 word blurb The blurb should be a succinct description of your show/company for use in the FringeNYC Program Guide, Website and other promotional materials. This is your chance to sell your show and your company. The Program Guide is the FringeNYC bible, so make it as interesting (or intriguing) as possible! FringeNYC reserves the right to edit material, but help us out, please DO YOUR OWN SPELL CHECKING. Please see Tips on How to Write a Good Blurb which follow, and plan on attending our Marketing Speed Dates. D. Your show’s genres Based upon this year’s application pool, we are providing a list of genres below. The purpose of these genres is to make the 200 shows of FringeNYC as accessible as possible to our audience. You will be asked to choose the TWO genres which describe your show most accurately. Remember, this list will be used to create a searchable database for our audience, so it is in your interest to pick the two genres that are most representative. We will not decide for you, and genres must be from this list. We will be using these genres in our audience friendly online searchable database, the FringeNYC Slice-O-Matic, so accuracy is important. These genres will appear alphabetically, not in the order they are chosen. GENRE LIST: Clown / Mask Comedy Improv / Sketch / Stand-up Dance Multi-media Drama FringeHIGH Musical Performance Art Spoken Word / Poetry Solo Show NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM Puppetry SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 20 Please note that that if you have been accepted as a FringeJR show, you will choose FringeJR as your primary genre. Any show which is appropriate for High School students may choose FringeHIGH as one of their genres, but must realize that by doing so you are accepting both the special benefits, and unique box office, marketing and promotional differences you are required to accept in order to participate in FringeHIGH. Be sure that you have read the FringeHIGH information page 36. E. Running Time Your running time will appear here – we will have entered it from your technical survey form,but on your technical survey form, your running time (length of your show including intermissions) is stated in minutes, and here we will have converted that information to hours and minutes. In other words, on the technical survey form you would put 90m, and on the Marketing Information Form, for marketing purposes, we converted that to 1h 30m. However, although expressed differently, the running time MUST BE THE SAME on both the technical survey form and marketing information form. Accuracy is important. F. Your Website We STRONGLY encourage you to set up a website for your show, or utilize a specific page or pages of your company’s existing website, to further promote your show and to provide information regarding how to arrange Industry Comps. This procedure will be explained more fully at the Mandatory ACR Box Office Training. By entering your website on your Marketing Information Form, the website of the festival will automatically link to your site. There, you have the opportunity to further entice audience and press by uploading photos from your show, press information, etc. In exchange for us listing (and linking to) your website, we expect a reciprocal link (using the Information Block) on your site. G. Where You’re From This is where you’ll enter where your company is from. Companies from New York City should list their borough and State. Companies from the United States should enter their City and State. Companies from outside the Untied States should enter their City and Country. H. Locale This is where you’ll use a pull-down menu to select whether yours is a LOCAL (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut), NATIONAL (other states in the U.S.) or INTERNATIONAL Company. Please make sure that this information is consistent with item G, above. HOW TO SUBMIT ITEMS A-F ABOVE: You must submit your TITLE, STAFF, 40 WORD BLURB, GENRES, RUNNING TIME and WEBSITE via the online submission form created for your show for this purpose by May 25th. This form is called the Marketing Information Form, and each individual show will have a show-specific login and password for their form. Shows that have registered by the deadline (STEP ONE) will be emailed the instructions on how to get to this form, and their login and password. PLEASE NOTE: As soon as you hit SUBMIT at the bottom of the Marketing Information Form – whatever you have entered goes “live” at immediately. There is no need to email us to ask us if it “worked”. Simply go to the show listings pages on, go to the page where your show’s information should appear, hit “refresh”, and your information will be there, if it “worked”. If you don’t like what you see, you may log back in to your Marketing Information Form and make changes to everything EXCEPT your title. You may continue to make changes until the deadline (May 25th), at which point the Marketing Information Form will disappear. You will also submit your IMAGE via this same form, and are free to do so at any time, but must do so on or before June 3rd (see STEP THREE). NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 21 10 TIPS ON HOW TO WRITE A GOOD BLURB -- or at least one that will help you sell tickets! 1) Use simple, short, complete sentences. And use your words sparingly. “This show is about a woman who gets hit by a car” can be turned into “A woman gets hit by a car.” 2) Use a few well chosen, descriptive adjectives. Use them sparingly, and avoid over-editorializing -- words like “awesome” and “spectacular” can foster unrealistic expectations. Leave the critiques up to the professionals. 3) Don’t be afraid to label your work. Is it a comedy, a drama, a dance piece? But don't go overboard. Even if you truly are doing a solo multimedia puppet drama with comedic elements, music, and dance breaks, pick no more than two genres. 4) Names don’t sell tickets. Unless you have a real star in your show, avoid using names of actors, directors, stage manager, etc., in your blurb. That’s what a program is for once people BUY a ticket. Avoid long lists of creative staff before your blurb – they’re a turn-off for our audience. 5) If you are a non-New York company, make sure to take advantage of the opportunity to say where you are from. It can be a real selling point. Similarly, New York companies should be as specific as possible. People from Brooklyn want to see shows from Brooklyn. 6) Don't try to be too clever or too funny EVEN if you are a stand-up comedy act. If the reader doesn't like the joke, he/she absolutely won’t buy a ticket. 7) Read your final blurb to a STRANGER and ask them if they would pay $15 to see the show described. Then ask them if they have 2 friends who would. 8) Using reviews/quotes/awards can be helpful - as long as they are from prominent sources. 9) Yes, sex sells. But over-sensationalizing your show often just comes across as amateur and tacky. And on the flip side, dreary or overly intellectual blurbs tend to be box office poison in the summer heat. 10) Make sure your blurb accurately reflects what audiences are actually going to see once they buy a ticket. The tone of your blurb should match the tone of your show. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 22 STEP THREE: TOWN MEETING Due at or before the Town Meeting (June 3rd) are the following items: DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM GUIDE ITEM: ICON MATERIALS MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AS A JPEG. (If you do not know how to get a photo, logo, or artwork into a digital format, you can have this done at any Kinkos or do it yourself at a Kinkos or similar establishment. Basically, you will have your original photo, logo or artwork scanned, and saved on a disk as a JPEG (a type of graphic file)). You will upload this ICON via the marketing information form on our website. Deadline: June 3rd As you’ll notice when you first login to the Marketing Information Form in order to complete Step 2, this is also where you’ll upload your ICON. An icon is a Graphic, Photo, Logo, Title Treatment, or other Artwork which will be the “eye-catching / consistent image” for your show. This very small (1” x 1”) color, grayscale or black & white graphic, that you choose and provide, will be included next to your blurb in the FringeNYC program guide and on the website. We can accept any appropriate photo, logo, title treatment, or other artwork for your show. Your graphic should be a ready-to-use, either color or grayscale or black & white JPEG graphic file that has a resolution of 300 dps (not higher). The database will only accept icons that are 50kb or less. REPEAT, the graphic is small and you should choose something appropriate for the size. This means that YOU SUPPLY A GRAPHIC FILE THAT IS 1 INCH BY 1 INCH. That way, we’ll know that you have seen the graphic at the size that it will be reproduced, and we won’t get those 25M files. Also, DO NOT upload more than one graphic and ask us to “choose” the one to use. You have a better of idea of what looks good and accurately represents your show than we do. If a second icon is successfully uploaded with the same title, it will replace the first. You may want to take advantage of this, after you have submitted your icon. As with the other information submitted via the Marketing Information Form, whatever icon you upload goes “live” immediately at After you have submitted your icon, go to the show listings pages, click on the letter that your show title begins with, hit “refresh” and see how it looks. If you are not satisfied, and it is before the June 3rd deadline, you can upload a replacement icon. PLEASE NOTE: Icons can be in color on the website, but are printed in black and white in the Program Guide. IF you submit a color icon, please be sure you have viewed it in black and white, and are happy with the way it will look in the Program Guide. We cannot take responsibility for icons which do not reproduce well in black and white. There is a slight possibility that for 2007 you’ll be able to upload two 1” x 1” icons – one in color for the website, and one in black and white (high contrast) for the program guide. However, I haven’t worked out the details with the database / website yet, so please don’t be upset if it doesn’t happen. Just wanted to give you a heads up that it might be possible. More info will follow via a participants newsletter. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 23 OPTIONAL – OFFICIAL PROGRAM GUIDE AD DEPARTMENT: ITEM: PROGRAM GUIDE ADVERTISING FringeNYC Advertising You may purchase advertising in both the FringeNYC Program Guide and FringeNYC Propaganda. Each of these is optional. Each participating show in FringeNYC will be included in the listings section of the program guide regardless of whether you purchase advertising. We print and distribute 25,000 to 50,000 copies of the FringeNYC program guide each year. They are made available at every venue of the Festival, FringeCENTRAL, local bars, restaurants and merchants, and other locations around the entire city. Please note that participants can purchase advertising at significantly lower prices than other folks. Anyone other than a FringeNYC participant who is interested in purchasing advertising should contact for the appropriate ad rate sheet. If you are interested in purchasing an advertisement in the FringeNYC Program Guide, you must return an ad reservation form (page 25) and NON-REFUNDABLE payment on or before the Town Meeting on June 3rd. Your digital ad must be uploaded and your hard copy (print out) mailed on or before June 29th. If your digital ad is not uploaded and/or your hard copy is not mailed on or before June 29th, your advertising income will NOT be refunded. Remember, we are reserving your space in the FringeNYC Program Guide and laying out the remainder of the guide around your confirmed size of ad, while giving you additional time to prepare the actual advertisement. Your ad reservation sheet and payment represent your commitment to provide the digital ad and hard copy per our specifications and by the deadline. FringeNYC 2007 Program Guide Participant Advertising Rates Full Page B/W 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/6 Page 1/9 Page 1/18 Page $ 1500 $ 880 $ 575 $ 450 $ 250 $ 100 (single ad only) Full Pg. B/W 1/2 Page H 1/3 Page H 1/3 Page V 1/6 Page H 1/6 Page V 1/9 Page V 1/18 Page H 7.25" x 9.5" 7.25" x 4.625" 7.25" x 3.125" 2.25" x 9.50" 4.75" x 2.25" 2.25" x 4.625" 2.25" x 3.125" 2.25" x 1.56" Dimensions Space Reservation Ad space must be reserved with payment and ad insertion order at or before the Sunday, June 3rd Town Meeting. Check or Money Order should be made payable to The Present Company. If you cannot attend the Town Meeting, please send payment and ad insertion order (pg. 25) to: John Peterson - FringeNYC Program Ads c/o The Present Company 520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 311 New York, NY 10018 e-mail Digital File Digital file must be uploaded and hard copy (print out) mailed by June 29th. See next page for advertisement specs. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 24 FringeNYC 2007 Program Guide (continued) Participant Advertising Specifications PLEASE NOTE: Participants should use the phrase “See listings for details” in your ad, rather than listing performance times and dates (which you won’t know yet and which are redundant in the program guide). Please do not refer to FringeNYC in your ad (also redundant). We strongly suggest graphic and title only for 1/18th page sized ads. An additional layout fee of $25 is required for special layout requests. We are sorry, but we cannot accept or honor placement requests. File Type: We are only accepting advertising in the PDF file format. Make sure your files are high resolution, 300 dpi or higher. All files should be black and white. Color files converted to black and white do not always contrast well. All files should be 100% of the final size. All fonts should be embedded in your PDF file. (see below) When creating the a PDF using Acrobat Distiller: Use Job Options: Press To convert an Illustrator file to PDF: Use the Save As Menu Check the Option – Embed All Fonts To convert a Photoshop file to PDF: Use the Save As Menu Save as Photoshop PDF To convert a Quark file: (requires Acrobat Distiller) Create a Postscript file from the Print menu: Choose the Printer button On the Destination pull down menu change Printer to File Save your postscript file Create a PDF file using Acrobat Distiller set to the Press job options If you need to use Acrobat Distiller and don’t have a copy, go to and click on the link “Create Adobe PDF online.” Note: FringeNYC experiences an unavoidable 15%-20% dot gain during printing of the Program Guide. This means that a 50% grayscale image will appear much darker in the Program Guide, somewhere along the lines of 70%. This is critical for advertisements featuring halftones (photographs or screens). Advertisers should avoid placing type over screens darker than 20%, else they risk the type becoming illegible after dot gain. Media: All ads must be submitted electronically via an online submission form. Details of how/where to upload your advertisement will follow via a participants’ newsletter. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 25 PROGRAM GUIDE AD RESERVATION / INSERTION ORDER PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN TO TOWN MEETING – DUE JUNE 3rd BRING TO TOWN MEETING or if you cannot attend the Town Meeting, please send payment and this ad insertion order to: John Peterson - FringeNYC Program Ads c/o The Present Company 520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 311 New York, NY 10018 Company Name: ________________________________ Show Title: _______________________________ ACR Name: ________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Email Address:____________________________________________________________________________ ADVERTISEMENT SIZE (check ONE) : 1/18th 1/9th 1/6th H 1/6th V 1/3rd H 1/3rd V 1/2 Full Page AMOUNT OF FULL PAYMENT ENCLOSED: __________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (check ONE) : Check / Money Order (made payable to The Present Company) Check or Money Order Number: ________________________ Attach payment here Credit Card Name on Card Card # (please print clearly) Three digits on back of card Expiration Date Authorizing Signature Please remember you must mail a hard copy (print out) of your BLACK AND WHITE advertisement to the above address on or before June 29th. Please note that your hard copy must be of the actual advertisement, AT THE ACTUAL SIZE. If you submit an incorrectly sized hard copy or a COLOR advertisement or hard copy, we cannot be responsible for the appearance of the ad in the guide. The hard copy MUST be mailed on or before June 29th in order to reserve your ad space. You may then upload your digital file. These two files MUST match. The hard copy is to make sure the digital file is not in any way corrupt (i.e. fonts changing, images dropping out, etc.). NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 26 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 27 OPTIONAL – FringeNYC Propaganda AD DEPARTMENT: ITEM: FringeNYC Propaganda Advertising SEND TO: FringeNYC PROPAGANDA C/O THE PRESENT COMPANY 520 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 311 NEW YORK, NY 10018 We will be producing a newspaper – FringeNYC Propaganda. This 4-sheet newspaper will have features, columns, daily schedule and other FringeNYC news. Although the newspaper is published by FringeNYC, its editorial policy is independent and governed by high journalistic standards. You can purchase an ad in FringeNYC Propaganda, the newspaper of FringeNYC. FringeNYC Propaganda is the hotly anticipated news of the festival which contains both feature stories and articles about the festival. It is distributed to each FringeNYC Venue, and to many of the local bars and restaurants. We are offering participants the opportunity to purchase advertising in FringeNYC Propaganda for very reasonable rates. But space is limited, and any remaining ads will be sold to local businesses. FringeNYC Propaganda Advertising Information Deadline: July 11, 2007 Distribution: 5,000 / issue, 20,000 total Rates: Ad Size Business Card 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Price $50 $100 $175 $350 Specs: Ad Size Business Card 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 3 1/2" x 2" 4 1/2" x 3 3/4" 4 1/2" x 7 1/2" 9" x 7 1/2" Email to reserve your space or inquire about advertising in FringeNYC Propaganda. Watch participants’ newsletters for additional information regarding where to deliver your actual advertisement. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 28 DEPARTMENT: ITEM: PRESS OFFICE PRESS MATERIALS / SURVEY FORM (pg. 31) ON TOP SEND TO: RON LASKO C/O SPIN CYCLE 114 East First Street, #8 New York, NY 10009 NOTE: Do NOT use the US Postal Service (sorry). ONLY use Federal Express or UPS or hand deliver your materials. US Postal Service mail will inevitably get rerouted back to you weeks late and you will have missed countless deadlines. NOTE 2: This document is 4 pages long. Make sure you read and complete all 4 pages. NOTE 3: Do not paperclip or staple materials. If turning in materials by hand at the town meeting or in person, please have your materials in an envelope. Production photos – Send your best production photos to be used for publicity & marketing. Good quality photos can make a huge difference promoting your show. Newspapers, magazines and online sites will often choose ones that reproduce well and that have a high stylistic quality. A good production photo should look like it was taken during your show. Photos with 2-3 people in them (unless you have a solo show), positioned tightly together, are usually best. • Best Option: Digital pictures (much preferred). - Either mail images burned on a CD or email photos to Subject line MUST read: FringeNYC photo (Show Title). All others will be deleted. - Maximum of 3 photos per production, if emailing. Each photo MUST be emailed separately. Photos should be sent as attachments, not inserts. - Photos should be in JPG or JPEG format. - Photos should be high resolution. 300 dpi minimum at 4”x6” (8”x10” preferred). Maximum file size to email is 6MB. Preferred size is approx. 2MB. - Use the first word or two in your title as the name for you photo file. Examples: Urinetown1.jpg / DogSeesGod2.jpg / DebbieDoes3.jpg. - Include all photo caption information in a separate email or in a Word document on your CD. See instructions below. nd • 2 Option: Color prints (black & whites are acceptable, but rarely used these days unless the photo is spectacular). - 4”x6” minimum size. 8”x10” preferred. - Photos should be professionally printed by a quality photo lab on quality paper. Photos printed from your laser printer are fine to give Grandma, but generally not high quality enough for magazine reproduction. - Include all photo caption information. See instructions below. - If sending photos to us under separate cover, make sure to use a stiffener or cardboard backing so that photos do not get bent. Do not write directly on the back of a photograph, this will ruin your photo. Use a label instead, or tape a piece of paper with the info on it to your picture. NEVER paper clip a photo to anything. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 29 Photo Caption Information. You must include caption info for each photo you submit. For each picture we need: 1) title of production, 2) name of the photographer & 3) persons pictured from left to right. Either mail us images on a CD or email caption information to Subject line MUST read: FringeNYC photo caption (Show Title). All others will be deleted. Press Clippings • Please send us only your best. Reviews and articles only, no listings or photo placements. These can be from past productions by the same company/author/performer. • Clips should include date, author, and publication. Support Materials • Videotapes, DVD’s, CD’s, background material, research, or any other materials that you think will help us to help you get publicity, you are welcome to include. • Bios of any significant company members. Press release • ONE HARD COPY REQUIRED. • In addition, please E-MAIL a Word file of your release, if available, to Subject line MUST read: FringeNYC release (Show Title). All others will be deleted. • The press release is an invitation, so keep it short (only the most appropriate information about your show), as well as enticing. Include the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, and ‘where’ as well as the contact name and number of your press representative. • Include any newsworthy information, i.e., New York or world premiere, etc., cast and production staff (if known). • Include good quotes if you have them. • The following page shows an example of a press release. Wrapping things up... So that’s what Ron, our Publicist, needs from you so we can do the best job we can, and do our best for you. It’s VERY IMPORTANT that we get all the above information from you as soon as possible in order to take advantage of these early deadlines. PLEASE NOTE: All publicity materials submitted will become the property of FringeNYC and will be used at our discretion. FringeNYC cannot assume responsibility for materials submitted and no attempt will be made to return these materials. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 30 For Immediate Release Contact: (Your Press Contact Name Here) at (Your Press Contact Number Here) (Your Theater Company Here) Presents (YOUR SHOW TITLE HERE) The New York International Fringe Festival - FringeNYC A production of The Present Company August 10th – 26th Tickets: $15. For tickets visit or call In New York: (212) 279-4488 or Outside New York: 1-888-FringeNYC (Your Theater Company) is proud to present (YOUR SHOW) as part of the 11th annual New York International Fringe Festival - FringeNYC. A sentence or two about who/what/where/when goes here ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. A paragraph about your show. What is the plot? What are audiences going to see? Two or three simple descriptive sentences here. This is the most important part of the press release. …………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… This show features (your cast and designers go here along with any significant credits they may have – full bios are not necessary unless it is a solo show) ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… A paragraph about the production company and / or any other important people involved with the show goes here. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… # # # # NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 31 PRESS MATERIALS SURVEY ALL MATERIALS DUE BY JUNE 3RD FED EX OR UPS OR DROP OFF TO PRESS OFFICE (Ron Lasko c/o SPIN CYCLE, 114 East First Street, #8 , New York, NY 10009) BEFORE JUNE 3RD OR BRING TO TOWN MEETING. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DROP OFF YOUR MATERIALS AT THIS ADDRESS DURING THE TOWN MEETING. ** Include this completed check list with the materials sent to the PRESS OFFICE ** Company Name: ________________________________ Show Title: _______________________________ Press Contact Name: ________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Company address: ________________________________________________________________________ Email Address:____________________________________________________________________________ Be sure that you have enclosed: a CD with production photos (unless emailing) Press release Press clippings Any other materials that will help us sell you show This sheet ON TOP Best interview candidate: Day & evening telephone number E-mail Is your show suitable for children? yes ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ no If so, what age and up? ________ Significant minority or ethnic interests? (select all that apply) Black Latino Asian Gay Irish Greek Jewish Russian German Middle Eastern Japanese Other______________ On an attached page, please explain exactly what the minority interest is – is a character Jewish or is the actor or both? Do you have any company members from: New Jersey? Long Island? yes yes no no On an attached page, please tell us who and where they are from. A complete bio for this person would be helpful. Other interesting story angles? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 32 THE NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL SM a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY See FringeNYC shows for FREE! Volunteer for FringeNYC and see shows for FREE! Tell me more… 1,000+ indoor performances FringeU FringeJR FringeAL Fresco FringeNYC Propaganda FringeHigh FringeClub The New York International Fringe Festival is a sixteen day theatre event in New York City in August hosting 200 different shows, with groups from all over the world performing in over 20 different venues, parks and street stages in downtown Manhattan. An alternative theatre festival, with most shows from 30 to 90 minutes, FringeNYC is a place to see as much theatre as one possibly can and at the end of it all, find not exhaustion, but inspiration. We are best known as the birthplace of Broadway’s Tony-Award winning Urinetown! and off-Broadway’s Matt & Ben, Debbie Does Dallas, Carnival Knowledge and The Joys of Sex. Daytime Nighttime Weekends MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday We are almost entirely staffed by Volunteers. Volunteers are crucial to help out at all levels of the festival. Work a shift See a show There are 3 different short-term volunteer positions, each of them a "work a shift, see a show" opportunity. For each two hour shift you volunteer with FringeNYC, you'll receive a Volunteer Voucher - good for a ticket to any FringeNYC performance. CONCIERGE (AT FringeCENTRAL) – ASSIST THE TEAM AT FringeCENTRAL! answer general questions suggest restaurants & routes to venues to our patrons access the FringeNYC Slice-O-Matic, to help our audience find the perfect show for them BOX OFFICE / TICKET DISTRIBUTION (AT THE VENUES) Help with will-call distribution – handing out tickets purchased in advance to audience Go to sold-out shows to guide audience members to find another FringeNYC show just about to start GENERAL VOLUNTEERS (AT FringeCENTRAL) – assist the staff with whatever needs doin' delivering a replacement lamp to a venue taking notes at a daily roll call meeting Whatever it is, you can bet it is vital to keeping FringeNYC goin'! We NEED you We WANT you must HAVE you Sign up! Go to our website: click on VOLUNTEER Use our online FringeNYC Volunteer Application Form and click the submit button at the bottom to be part of our volunteer database which coordinates registering, communicating, scheduling and volunteering. You will be contacted with specialized training and scheduling information based on your interest and availability! Thanks for helping to make this festival happen! PLEASE COPY AND POST THIS FLIER! If you have questions about volunteering at FringeNYC, please email NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 33 STEP FOUR: ACR BOX OFFICE TRAINING BOX OFFICE INFORMATION General Information... Ticket Prices Full price admission for all FringeNYC shows is $15.00. There will be one discount admission price of $10.00 offered to children under 12 attending FringeJR shows, senior citizens (65 years or older), and to those who purchase groups of 20 or more tickets to a single performance. Discount tickets are available in person only – either in advance, at FringeCENTRAL or on the day of the performance, at the venues. Reservations No reservations will be taken. All advance orders must be either paid with a credit card or cash in advance. Purchasing Tickets Tickets can be purchased: IN ADVANCE: BY PHONE: (with a credit card) beginning July 27th by calling 212-279-4488 in New York, or 1-888-FringeNYC from outside of New York. CHARGE ONLY. CONVENIENCE CHARGE APPLIES. Full priced tickets only. ONLINE: (with a credit card) beginning July 27th at CHARGE ONLY. CONVENIENCE CHARGE APPLIES. Full priced tickets only. IN PERSON: beginning August 3rd, tickets for all events may be purchased at FringeCENTRAL, the main box office for the Festival, up until 24 hours before the actual performance. CASH OR CHARGE. DAY OF: IN PERSON: On the day of the performance, tickets must be purchased at the venue where the show is playing. Venue box office opens 15 minutes before the performance. Put simply, all tickets for all events must be purchased through FringeCENTRAL until the date of the performance, at which time they must be purchased at the venue. CASH ONLY. Festival Passes Three kinds of non-transferable passes will be offered: the “Lunatic Pass,” which entitles the purchaser to see any show at any time, price: $500 “Flex Pass,” which offers 10 admissions, price: $120 “Fiver”, which offers five admissions, price: $70 We provide box office training sessions to all of our box office managers and venue directors. In addition, your ACR MUST attend a Mandatory ACR Box Office Training Session. Participant Rate Any participant in FringeNYC (performers, crew, directors, etc.) who has a participant’s badge may purchase $5 tickets to any FringeNYC show, on a space available basis at the venue box office. The performing company will only receive a $1 fee for each of these tickets. Since they are on a space-available basis, they are seats that would have remained empty. The ACR of each show (ONLY the ACR) can purchase Participant Rate tickets for the show for which he or she is serving as ACR in advance, in person (ONLY) at FringeCENTRAL. More information about how / why this is done is provided at Mandatory ACR Box Office Training. Press / Industry (Professional Courtesy) Comps Press / Industry Comps will be available. These should be requested through the FringeNYC office, and should be requested at least 72 hours in advance. Companies and company members do not have the right to grant complimentary tickets. Information on how the ACR makes these requests is provided at Mandatory ACR Box Office Training. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 34 BOX OFFICE INFORMATION (continued) Comp Policy Because the ticket income is a shared benefit, there are no comps other than those provided for industry or press. The box office manager is instructed to charge $5.00 for any “company comps” that have not been prearranged by the ACR with FringeNYC. The only exception to this policy is those shows being produced under an Actors’ Equity Association showcase code, which specifies that members showing a valid AEA membership card for a showcase production must be admitted on a space available basis to any production produced under the showcase code. Additionally, each AEA member actor performing under a showcase code is entitled to request up to a pair of comps for the production. These will be arranged by the ACR via the Industry Comp Request form. Instruction regarding use of the Industry Comp Request form is provided as a part of Mandatory ACR Box Office training. Payment to Company Box Office The ticket/pass breakdown is as follows: All prices in US dollars TICKET PRICE FULL PRICE – $15 DISCOUNT – $10 PARTICIPANT RATE – $5 FIVER PASS - $14 FLEX PASS - $12 LUNATIC PASS - $10 (approx) PERFORMING COMPANY RECEIVES $8.75 $5.50 $1 $8.00 $7.00 $5.50 VENUE POOL $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 FringeNYC $5.25 $3.50 $3 $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 Note: There will be a limited number of VIP and All Access passes given to donors, sponsors and FringeNYC staff members by the Festival. These will be the only other tickets that will not have any charge attached to them. Documentation A Performance Report will be prepared by the box office manager when the house closes for every performance (see sample next page). This report will list all tickets sold for that performance, and the price at which they were sold. Enclosed will be a will-call sheet which will list all tickets sold in advance. The report will be signed by the box office manager, and your Authorized Company Representative (“ACR”). The envelope will then return to the FringeNYC office for final reconciliation and data entry, where it will be signed by a senior staff member of FringeNYC. A statement of each of these reports will then be prepared, and a copy of this statement will be presented to the company’s ACR along with each payment. Payment schedule is as follows: 1st payment-Friday, August 24th , the ACR may pick up the check and preliminary box office statement at FringeCENTRAL from 2pm to 4pm, which will include cash sales “at the door” of each performance for the first week. 2nd payment-November 2007, a check will be mailed to the payable to address, c/o ACR, and made payable to the name and address listed on your contract and W-9. This check will include advance sales, credit card sales made at FringeCENTRAL, and cash sales from those performances not included in the 1st payment. What we need from you in order to pay you: • You must let us know to whom you would like your checks made out for settlement purposes (i.e., the name of the company or individual which will be confirmed at check-in). Space is provided for this purpose in your Participant Agreement. This person must also provide a Federal ID number or a social security number via a completed W-9 form, and let us know if the group to whom the checks are to be made out is incorporated. This is very important - without this information, we can’t pay you. Please be aware that any changes of ACR, address or payment information will result in delays in receiving payment. • Individuals and companies that are not incorporated will receive a 1099 for their income from The Present Company. • Please note the US Post Office will not deliver mail to a non-resident / tenant. If your payable to is not your ACR, and the address you’ve put on your contract/W-9 is a residence, we will use “ACR NAME c/o (“care of”) payable to name on the payment address. Payment #2 will be mailed to your ACR at the payable to address you put on your contract. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 35 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 36 FringeNYC Special Events FringeNYC will host many special events and “extra-curricular” activities for participants and audience alike. Below is an overview of what we anticipate. Be sure to read Participants’ Newsletters and the website for more information and opportunities! FringeAL FRESCO FringeAL FRESCO is the FREE "festival within a festival" of FringeNYC. In addition to free featured performances in the parks, FringeAL FRESCO creates opportunities for you to market your shows and spread that FringeNYC spirit. Opening Ceremonies: The Opening Ceremonies are the emotional kick off of FringeNYC. We're looking for some eager, exciting groups to join us on August 10th! If you have what it takes (a banner, large puppets, elaborate costumes, instruments, stilts, big props, a love of festivities) then be sure to join us on the opening day of the festival. We'll be in touch with you via participants newsletters in July with our location and further details. FringeNYTeasers: FringeAL FRESCO presents **FREE** previews of FringeNYC 2007 shows - we do for FringeNYC shows what the trailers do for Hollywood Blockbusters by giving you an opportunity to present a seven (7) minute preview to promote your show and pass out those hot looking postcards that FringeNYC is notorious for. Outdoor Activities: We also program the buskers, visual artists and special outdoor events during FringeNYC. If you plan to do any kind of outdoor advertising (flyer distribution, for example), we can help you find the best places to advertise, both downtown and in Manhattan in general. And if you wish to do any busking while in the city, definitely read your newsletters. We know the ins and outs of (and the laws concerning) busking the Big Apple. For example, there can be no panhandling or passing the hat in New York City. We will be providing further information on these and other marketing opportunities in upcoming newsletters. FringeJR Some shows have applied and been accepted to participate in FringeJR, and were notified of such in their acceptance letter. FringeJR is FringeNYC for families! FringeJR events include Fort FringeJR, a learning and activities center for parents and children to hear a story, do a craft project, and see excerpts of shows. We have some great FringeNYC shows that are appropriate for children and are taking advantage of this marketing opportunity. Each FringeJR show will host a Fort FringeJR. In addition, there will be special busking opportunities for FringeJR shows. In exchange for this marketing push, they allow children (age 12 and under) into their show for the discount ticket price ($10), and agree to a smaller ticket share. See box office section page 32 for further explanation. FringeJR shows: Remember to choose FringeJR as your primary genre. FringeHIGH Any show accepted to FringeNYC can choose FringeHIGH as one of their genres if their show is appropriate for high school students. All shows choosing FringeHIGH as a genre will be reviewed for subject matter for possible inclusion in our FringeNYC Educational Guide and FringeHIGH materials, and agree to donate 20 tickets to their first performance to high school students. FringeNYC will administrate getting these tickets into the hands of high school students by working with organizations with this mission. Remember, if your show is appropriate for high school students, choose FringeHIGH as one of your genres. You’ll receive special marketing and group sales opportunities, including being listed on the FringeHIGH page of the website. FringeU In addition to over 200 shows, street performances and art exhibitions, FringeNYC presents FringeU. We will offer classes, workshops, round-tables, and seminars where learning electrifies. We will schedule programs for both audiences and performance professionals, as well as everyone else who has a stake in the energy and excitement of multi-arts festivals. Workshops and lectures will focus on producing, financing and conceptualizing alternative theater. Panels and seminars will investigate critical issues for those committed to performance and the arts. Every event will encourage intense interaction between all the participants. And it's all free! We encourage everyone who’ll be a part of the FringeNYC community to fill out and return the FringeU Participant Questionnaire on the next page. ACRs, please share it with your participants! NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 37 OPTIONAL – FringeU PARTICIPANT QUESTIONNAIRE DEPARTMENT: ITEM: Special Events FringeU Participant Questionnaire SEND TO: FringeU C/O THE PRESENT COMPANY 520 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 311 NEW YORK, NY 10018 DEADLINE: May 25 (postmark) Share Your Dreams For FringeU! ACR: Please circulate copies of this questionnaire to all of your participants. What is FringeU? It's classes, workshops, round-tables and seminars during FringeNYC where learning electrifies. FringeU offers free programs for both audiences and performance professionals, as well as everyone else who has a stake in the energy and excitement of multi-arts festivals. Share your dreams here. If you could be a part of the best course, teach the best workshop, or attend the best seminar about performance or multi-arts events, what would it be? Please complete this questionnaire and although we won't be able to make all of those dreams come true, we promise to do our best to make FringeU a vital part of FringeNYC. · LEARN What would you like to learn at FringeU? Include the subject, likely formats, potential presenters and a target audience. Please include your name and e-mail address. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ · TEACH What would you like to teach at FringeU? (This is a volunteer opportunity.) Describe the subject, your expertise, a format, the target audience, and venue, equipment or other special needs. Please include your name and e-mail address. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Keep an eye on Participants’ Newsletters for more information on FringeU programs. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 38 FringeCLUB FringeCLUB is the place for the artists and audience of FringeNYC to gather and unwind. It also features the FringeCLUB Variety Power Hour, where you can Promote! Network! Party! The FringeCLUB Variety Power Hour is THE AFTER HOURS place to be. Promote your show, network and party down with fellow participants/industry. And the LIVE PODCAST is back after its initial success at the 2006 festival! It gives participants the perfect opportunity to reach a wider audience by performing a sample from their piece or by sitting down for an interview on this live, improvised, variety show. Join your hosts Jeff and Charlie La Greca of FringeNYC Alumni Show Minimum Wage for this midnight romp of music, comedy, previews, and general all around silliness. Each episode of the Variety Power hour is recorded live throughout the festival and can be heard by subscribing through free services such as Ipodder, Itunes etc. It is also available through streaming at and will be heard by THOUSANDS! Get the word out and let your voice be heard! To set up a pre-festival interview or a Variety Power Hour performance at FringeCLUB contact us at: Closing Night Party / Awards Presentation Each year, after we’re finished striking the venues and closing down the festival, we have a Closing Night Party. The party is on Sunday, August 26th, and will generally begin around 9pm. One of the many features of the Closing Night Party is the presentation of awards, both goofy and serious. The FringeNYC Staff presents the goofy awards. The Audience award is voted on by the audience, via the Audience Award Ballot Insert. The FringeNYC Awards for Excellence are chosen by a panel of independent judges, not the Present Company or staff of FringeNYC. In the coming weeks, more information regarding the Closing Night Party will follow. But tell your participants to SAVE THE DATE and to hang on to their participants badge, which will be required for admission. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 39 STEP FIVE: TECH REHEARSAL Here is an overview of the way things will work at your venue. Please keep in mind that our goal here, at this early stage, is to give you an overall sense of how things will work. Much, much more detailed information will follow via Participants’ Newsletters and directly from your Venue Director. Venue Meeting: Prior to the festival, each Venue Director will call one meeting in each venue, which should be attended by the ACR of each show. At this meeting, you will become familiar with the venue, and the rules of the venue. We will also be putting additional information about each venue on the Participants’ Website. This is the ONE meeting that will be held in the venue. You are not to call, visit, or stop by the venue on your own. Load-In: Each show is required to provide one person at the Load-In, and that person is required to bring a crescent wrench. At Load In, every company will participate in cleaning the venue, and preparing it for FringeNYC, per the instructions of your Venue Director and the festival Production Manager and Technical Director. Tech Rehearsal: Your technical rehearsal will be scheduled by your Venue Director, and will be at least two times the length of your show. Remember: each show only gets ONE technical rehearsal, so your show must be fully rehearsed prior to your technical rehearsal. You must run your entire show during the technical rehearsal so that your Venue Director can confirm that your running time is accurate. Programs: Each company must provide one program for each person attending each of their performances during the Festival. FringeNYC has the option of providing a standard program cover that your program insert will fit into. Your programs should be an 8 ½” X 11” piece of paper (standard American letter size) folded in half so that the finished program is 5 ½” x 8 ½”. It can be as many pages as you’d like, but it must be this size. These programs must be brought to your venue at your tech rehearsal. Additionally, you must include the audience survey / ballot (which will be available for download on the participants' website) in the middle of your program. This gives the audience a chance to vote for your show for the "Audience Favorite" award. STEP SIX: CHECK-IN Prior to the festival, the ACR (and ONLY the ACR) of each company must Check-In at FringeCENTRAL sometime between August 5th and 13th, from 2pm to 6pm. If you are not arriving prior to the first day of the festival, you may check in from 2pm to 6pm on the first day you are in town. Please note, however, that we must ask your patience when you are checking in during the festival, when we are quite likely to have other priorities. Company Names / Participants List: Prior to the festival, you will be asked (via a Participants’ Newsletter) to provide the names of each of your company members, so that we can prepare badges for them. It is important that you provide this information in a timely manner, and that it is complete. Late submission of these names, or adding names after the deadline, will result in your badges and other important Check-In materials not being ready at Check-In. Badges: When your ACR checks-in, he or she will receive materials regarding the festival, including the Participants’ Badges for each company member. These badges identify Participants for security purposes in their own Venue, and entitle Participants to discounts and admission to special events. They also allow your company members to purchase Participant’s Rate Tickets. It is your responsibility to make sure to provide your Participants’ List in a timely manner, so that your company members receive their badges. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 40 OPTIONAL – MAILING SERVICES PR/MAILING SERVICE: Spin Cycle, FringeNYC’s Public Relations firm and marketing consultant, is offering low-cost mailings for press, industry, and ticket buyers. These services are provided in lieu of you hiring your own press agent. You don’t get the hands on treatment you would get from hiring your own publicist, but you also won’t have to shell out as much as $3000 either (and its cheaper than you could mail it yourself!). This is the best, and most efficient method to guarantee that ALL of the RIGHT people are getting your materials. Services are as listed below. Materials may be dropped off in person or sent via Fed Ex or UPS to Spin Cycle, 114 East First Street, #8, New York, NY 10009. DO NOT use the US Postal Service. Please include a money order made payable to Spin Cycle (or cash, in person only – no personal checks) with a written request of which services you would like. Drop off hours are 11am -7pm weekdays. IMPORTANT NOTES: Press releases are limited to a single 8 1/2" x 11" page. No stapled or folded releases are permitted. Postcards may be no bigger than 4" x 6". These deadlines are firm: NO EXCEPTIONS! Please also note that this is a separate, optional service being offered by Spin Cycle. Do NOT drop of your materials for these services to The Present Company / FringeNYC office. Press Release Mailing: You provide 250 press releases** $75 Deadline: Mon. JULY 2, 2007 at 7pm Postcards to Press You provide 250 postcards $75 Deadline: Weds. JULY 25, 2007 at 7pm Postcards to Casting Agents/Producers You provide 250 postcards $75 Deadline: Weds. JULY 25, 2007 at 7pm Postcards to FringeNYC Ticket Buyers $80 / Per 500 (1500 max) Deadline: Fri. JULY 27, 2007 You provide postcards in groups of 500. Past FringeNYC ticket buyers are the base list for this mailing, with additional ticket buyers culled from Spin Cycle’s own Off-Off Broadway show ticket buyers list. Cards are mailed first class in envelopes and sent in small groups to the most appropriate geographic or demographic list. You do not need to leave space on the back for an address label. ** For an additional fee of $25 Spin Cycle will make the 250 copies for you. This offer is only open to participants who are NOT in the NYC Metro region. You must provide your release as a Word document. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 41 OPTIONAL - ***FREE*** PROMOTION It’s FREE, it’s EASY, it reaches thousands of POTENTIAL AUDIENCE members – it’s FringeNYC PREVIEWS Each year extensively covers FringeNYC. As they have done for the past several years, will undertake to review every FringeNYC show. Sign on now to get all the pre-show publicity you can via their FringeNYC Preview. This special feature consists of mini-cyber interviews with a key artist (author, director, cast member preferred) from each show participating in FringeNYC. It is your chance to tell readers about your show in your own words. FringeNYC Preview is published on-line beginning July 1st and remains easily available through the entire festival. The interviews are read by thousands of interested theatregoers. You can use copies of the interview in your press materials. It is simple to do, and...there is no charge. All you have to do is answer the following three questions by email: 1. 2. 3. What is your show about and what can audiences expect when they see it? Why is your show pertinent to today’s times and/or why should your show be the choice for audiences to see? Why did you choose to present this show? Please follow these guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Your responses should be brief. (300 words maximum for all 3 questions) Be clear and be concise. Do not include any hype – hype means critical quotes, previous credits, un-provable assertions about how good your show is, etc. Remember: this is your chance to tell thousands of theatre-goers who you don’t know all about your show in your own words. Tell them things that are compelling and they won’t find elsewhere. Do not repeat your FringeNYC blurb. Please include an image or photo sent electronically, no larger than 100kb, as a jpeg attachment. Large attachments will not be opened. Include the name of your production, company producing it and a contact email address, PLUS the name/job of the artist responding to the questions. Respondent should be either the director, playwright, actor, or other member of the artistic team. Send all in an email to: Responses may be sent from the time you receive this until July 1. Don’t hesitate. If you have questions, contact us at You will be sent a link to the finished interview for your approval. Please note, this is a separate, optional service being offered by Do NOT email your materials for these services to the Present Company / FringeNYC office. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 42 OPTIONAL – PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES PHOTO SERVICE: PUBLICITY SET-UPS: FringeNYC's official photographer, Dixie Sheridan, will offering dates for set-ups for FringeNYC companies who need photos for publicity. These sessions will be held at a theater in NYC, TBA. Photographer's fee for digital shooting is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced and clients will receive a CD with selected JPEG images at no additional cost. Dixie also provides one to three digital images to Spin Cycle for its use in publicizing FringeNYC. It’s a fantastic deal – watch your newsletter for Dixie’s Dates and Details! PRODUCTION PHOTOGRAPHY: Dixie will also be available during FringeNYC, if you would like to hire her to do production photography for your show. She will be offering these services at an incredibly reduced rate for FringeNYC participants as well. Many, many of the photos from FringeNYC that you may have seen published were taken by our own official photographer, Dixie Sheridan. You can call Dixie at 212-229-9261, if you are interested in these services – and we’ll remind you (and provide further details) in the coming weeks. Please note, this is a separate, optional service being offered by Dixie Sheridan. Do NOT call or email the Present Company / FringeNYC office regarding these services. OPTIONAL – INSURANCE PLEASE NOTE: INSURANCE, ITSELF, IS NOT AT ALL, OPTIONAL. PER THE PARTICIPANTS AGREEMENT, EACH FringeNYC SHOW IS REQUIRED TO CARRY EITHER WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE OR A VOLUNTEER ACCIDENT POLICY. WE HAVE DONE OUR BEST TO ARRANGE A DISCOUNTED GROUP RATE, AND THE INFORMATION IS BELOW. EVENT INSURANCE is pleased to announce they have arranged a special FringeNYC rate for all FringeNYC shows on their volunteer accident policy. This special offer represents a savings of $200. This is the policy you need in order to participate in FringeNYC or to perform under an Actors' Equity Showcase Code. And they've made it so simple! All you have to do is fill out the form that is downloadable from the participants' website, pay with a credit card, and you are covered! They will initial and date and fax back the approved application. Please take advantage of this SIGNFICANTLY REDUCED RATE of $250 (normally this policy is $450). ACT NOW by FILLING OUT and SUBMITTING the form. ***Event Insurance Registration form will be available for download at the Participants’ Website upon registration. You may return your form at the Town Meeting. IF YOU DO NOT ARRANGE INSURANCE THROUGH EVENTS INSURANCE, YOU MUST SECURE YOUR OWN INSURANCE AND PROVIDE A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AS PROOF. When we receive this, we’ll attach it to your Participant’s Agreement and return a counter-signed copy. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 43 OPTIONAL - DISTRIBUTION K and S Advertising is offering a discount on their distribution and posting services to all FringeNYC participants. For the first time, they are offering a $150.00 “FringeNYC Advertising Campaign Package” which will create a specific and detailed distribution of 500 of your postcards or 100 of your posters. We encourage you to contact them now, so that one of their representatives can meet with you, and help generate early interest in your show, before FringeNYC begins. Please contact Managing Director Bill Coelius at 917-568-4391 to arrange their services. Once you have arranged with K&S to take advantage of this offer, you may leave your 500 postcards or your 100 posters at the offices of The Present Company (520 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 311) between 10am and 6pm before July 27TH for K&S to pick up and begin distribution. After August 1ST, you’ll be able to leave your materials in the K&S pick-up area at FringeCENTRAL. PLEASE NOTE: PROMOTIONAL ITEMS LEFT FOR K&S AT THE OFFICES OF THE PRESENT COMPANY AFTER JULY 31ST WILL PROBABLY STILL BE AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESENT COMPANY IN SEPTEMBER. … Please attach this form and your payment to the front of your bundle of postcards or posters before leaving them for pick-up. Make sure your payment (MONEY ORDER ONLY, MADE PAYABLE TO K AND S ADVERTISING) is attached to the front of the form. Please note, this is a separate, optional service being offered by K and S Advertising. -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE OF SHOW ACR NAME ACR PHONE NUMBER ACR EMAIL ADDRESS # OF POSTERS TO BE DISTRIBUTED ($150 per 100) # OF POSTCARDS TO BE DISTRIBUTED ($150 per 500) *ATTACH MONEY ORDER HERE TOTAL DUE $ NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM SHOW TITLE_______________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT MANUAL 44 OPTIONAL – CASTING NOTICE ADVERTISING Back Stage will give all shows participating in FringeNYC a promotion code that will cut the price of all casting/audition notices and staff/tech notices in half. To redeem this 50% discount, FringeNYC Participants should do the following: 1) Go to and click on "Post a Notice." This will bring you to the new Casting Center. 2) After creating a free Casting Center account, create a casting notice (this includes staff notices) and click "Proceed." 3) A screen will show you the regular price for the notice (based upon the word count) and a rough preview of the notice. Click "Proceed to Checkout." 4) On the edit order page, there will be an "Add Promotional Code" button. Click the button and a pop-up window will appear, asking for your promo code. (NOTE: You must allow pop-up windows for in your web-browser in order to complete the form!) 5) Enter FEST07 as the promo code in the pop-up window. Click "Add." 6) The cost of the notice will be cut in half. This should be immediately visible. Click "Proceed to Checkout." 7) The user will now be able to pay for the notice with a credit card over our secure server. 8) Users can then log into the Casting Center at at any time (for free) to check up on their notice, track the stats on their notice, search for actors in our talent database, contact actors, and organize online submissions (when applicable). 9) Deadlines: It may take up to 10 business days before notices are published in print and online, so try to submit notices early. The regular weekly deadline is every Friday at 3 p.m. for the following week's edition. The New York casting office can be contacted directly at for assistance, but to receive the FringeNYC discount notices should be submitted via the Casting Center using the discount code FEST07. Back Stage: The Actor’s Resource © — the sister publication of The Hollywood Reporter, Billboard, and Ross Reports — publishes a national website and weekly print editions in New York and Los Angeles. You can choose to post your notice in Back Stage East (our New York City-based paper), Back Stage West (based in Los Angeles), or on one of our online-only regional areas. All notices appear nationwide on Back Stage has served the creative community for over 45 years. Combined, Back Stage East, Back Stage West, and reach greater than 150,000 performers every month, including seasoned pros and eager newcomers, union and nonunion actors, and film and theatre enthusiasts. The website alone clocks more than 18 million page views per year. Visit for info on our rates, policies, and deadlines. East Coast Casting: email West Coast Casting: email Casting in other areas: email NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL FRINGE FESTIVAL , a production of THE PRESENT COMPANY © 1997-2007 SM
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