Coaches’ Manual 11 Annual

11th Annual
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Battle of the Books
Coaches’ Manual
Final Battle
Wednesday April 23, 2014
October 2013
The Battle of the Books program is a valuable and enjoyable way to
generate enthusiasm for books and reading among students and promote
literacy in schools. This program was created to stimulate the enjoyment of
recreational reading in grades 4, 5 and 6 by encouraging students to read
more widely in authors they already enjoy, and to discover new authors.
The Greater Sudbury Public Library is inviting your school to participate in
this year’s Battle of the Books 2014! We are delighted to present this
great reading program for students in grades 4, 5 and 6 attending
elementary schools throughout our area, and encourage you to register
In this manual you will find: an outline for Battle of the Books 2014,
registration forms and the official Reading List. Please note that in order to
participate, you must reply on the registration form provided by December
13, 2013; and only the first 20 teams will be accepted. Interested students
might like to begin reading some of the suggested titles as soon as
possible, so please distribute the Reading List as required.
Information about this program along with the Reading List and printable
forms can be found on the Greater Sudbury Public Library’s website If you require any additional information, please
do not hesitate to contact me at the Greater Sudbury Public Library – Main
Branch at 705-673-1155 extension 4778, or by email at
We look forward to seeing you at the Battle of the Books 2014!
Monique Roy
Children’s Librarian
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Greater Sudbury Public Library’s Battle of the Books
Reading List
Reading Lists are compiled by Greater Sudbury Public Library staff. Titles are of a
grade 4-6 reading level, are expected to be of excellent quality, and representative of
many genres. The overriding guideline is to choose titles that the students will want to
read, will enjoy reading, and that will promote further reading in that genre, by that
author, etc. All titles are verified to be in print at the time of compilation of the reading
The Library will have copies of all titles on the Battle reading list available for loan.
Participants are encouraged to place a reserve on these titles at their local branch if
their school does not have a copy. Schools are not required to purchase the books.
Some titles may be available from our Anytime Anywhere site as digital downloads.
Some titles might be available on Tumblebooks – available for free through the Library’s
web site.
Please note: you will need a library card and PIN to borrow books, either from the
library or as ebooks or audio books, and to access Tumblebooks.
School Registration Deadline: December 13, 2013
Please submit the School Registration form to:
Monique Roy, Children’s Librarian
Greater Sudbury Public Library
74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, ON P3C 4X8
Fax: 705-673-6145
The first 20 schools to submit their registrations will be guaranteed participation in the
Team Registration Deadline: March 28, 2014
Schools may register one (1) team
Each team shall consist of six (6) students.
Each team shall contain no more than three (3) grade 6 students.
Two (2) alternate students (optional, but suggested)
(Their names must be submitted with the team list)
Important: Once your team members have been chosen, please have their parents
sign the attached photo release form and fax them to me before April 23 or bring them
to the Final Battle. Due to a new policy, we must have the photo release forms of every
participant before we can promote the event and its winners publicly.
Final Battle
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
Upper Hall, Tom Davies Community Centre / Arena
325 Anderson Drive, Lively, ON
Participants, team members and coaches are encouraged to arrive 30 minutes prior to
the Battle to register and have team photos taken. Students are encouraged to pick a
name for their team, dress up or wear their school colors, make a poster, or bring a
mascot to the Final Battle. No last minute substitutions will be allowed during the
Preparation Tips
Your school may host an internal competition to determine the students who will be
competing in the Battle of the Books. The clues for the in-school competition are the
responsibility of the coaches and their students. Coaches and students can quiz each
other, discuss the books, or invent games to learn more about the books during team
meetings. Be creative and have fun.
Clues are written to be both challenging and fun. Students are required to identify the
title and the author’s last name of the book in question and are awarded points for
successfully doing so. The author’s last name must be spelled correctly, as it is on
the official reading list. (See Reading List attached) Each title will have 3 clues of
decreasing difficulty all directed at identifying one book and its author. The team with
the highest score will be declared the winner. For more details, please refer to the Battle
of the Books Rules.
Sample Clue
Clue #1: In this book, the story takes place in St. Justine, Quebec.
Clue #2: In this book, the mother orders clothes from the Eaton’s catalogue.
Clue #3: In this book, trouble begins when a young boy receives a Toronto
Maple Leaf sweater instead of the Montreal Canadiens sweater he wanted.
Answer: The Hockey Sweater by Roch Carrier
The top three teams will receive medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze). The winning school
will receive the Battle of the Books trophy that recognizes all the schools which have
won to date. The school will keep the trophy until just before the next Battle, where they
will receive a replacement trophy that they may keep. All medals and trophies are
generously donated by Chapters. All coaches and team members receive
participation certificates.
Rules for the Battle of the Books
Please leave all book lists and team-created clues at home. Review
of such tools at any time during the evening will not be tolerated. The
team coach will not sit with the team.
If there is audible prompting from the audience, the clue will be
disqualified. If a member of the audience continues to disrupt the
proceedings then s/he will be asked to leave the Battle site.
To maintain the integrity of the questions and the yearly competitions,
recordings of any kind (i.e. audio, video, or written) of the Battle in
whole or in part will not be permitted.
The clues have been written to be both challenging and fun!
Each title will contain 3 clues of decreasing difficulty all directed at
identifying one book and the author.
The Moderator will read all three clues for each title once. So, please
listen carefully.
After each clue, the answers will be written down and passed to your
Table Judge. Please select one person on your team to write down
all the answers. The answers must be written on the answer sheet
Each team will have 30 seconds in which to write down the answer to
each clue. The time (30 seconds) will start immediately after the clue
has been read. There will be a warning at the 15 second mark.
Team members may confer with each other when answering the
clues. Please remember to whisper. Do not shout out your answer.
After 30 seconds, the bell will sound. You are to pass your answer
sheet to the Table Judge immediately. You cannot finish writing your
answer once the bell has rung.
The author’s last name must be identified and spelled correctly on
the answer sheet.
Spelling mistakes may be ignored in the title as long as it is
The Table Judge will accept or reject the answer. The team is
allowed one answer per clue during a round. The table judge will
mark an X or
on the answer sheet for each answer.
Should the Table Judge have a question concerning an answer, then
the Table Judge will raise his/her folder and the Head Judge will
come over to review the answer. The time will be stopped during this
consultation period. Once the Head Judge has reviewed the answer
then the Head Judge will notify the Moderator to proceed with the
Table Judges will pass the answer sheets to a Runner who will bring
the sheets to the Head Scorekeeper, who will record the accumulated
points for each team.
Clues will be given for up to twenty books from the official Reading
List within a one hour period. A short break will be provided half-way
through the competition.
In the event of a tie, all teams will continue playing for up to three
rounds. Each team will have 15 seconds in which to write down the
answer to each clue. The time (15 seconds) will start immediately
after the clue has been read.
Medals will be awarded to first, second and third place teams after all
the scores have been tabulated.
Above all have FUN!
Code of Conduct
Participants, Coaches and Teachers
The ideals of fair play, civility, and friendship shall guide the conduct
of all participants throughout the Battle of the Books contest.
Courtesy toward opposing team members, table judges, tournament
officials, coaches and one’s own team members is expected of all
Any competitor, coach, or observer who demonstrates or encourages
unprofessional conduct may be subject to exclusion from further
participation in the Battle of the Books contests.
The use of abusive or obscene language is strictly forbidden at all
As a courtesy to other teams, participants must remain quiet at their
tables until all the clues have been given out.
No participant shall intentionally take or cause damage to any
property of the institution hosting the Battle of the Books or belonging
to the members of any other team.
Participants are encouraged to arrive 30 minutes prior to the Battle to
register and have team photos taken. The competition will begin at
the designated time whether or not all team members are present.
At the earliest possible moment, the coach should notify tournament
officials of any changes in his/her entry and any special needs of
his/her team members.
Coaches must not contact or attempt to contact by any means any
member of a team during the competition.
Participants are to remain seated in their seats during the competition
and participate in the Battle with their team mates. Please keep all
electronic devices (such as cell phones, portable game consoles,
MP3 players, etc.), books, notes / papers, posters, backpacks (bags),
or purses away from the teams’ tables.
Participants must seek permission from the Table Judge to leave the
Battle to go to the washroom if in dire need. Only one team member
may leave the table at a time and only after a round has been
completed. The competition will continue with the remaining team
Complaints or requests for interpretations of a rule should be
addressed to the Head Judge before or after the Battle of the Books.
Comment: Volunteers are not prepared to receive complaints or
interpret rules. Whenever possible, concerns and questions should
be brought to the attention of the Head Judge prior to the competition
so that they can be resolved in advance. Such concerns should be
expressed with decorum and will be responded to in a manner that
does not disrupt the program or cause any unnecessary anxiety to
any team or team member.
The decision of the Head Judge is final.
Teacher’s Checklist
May 2013
October to April
December 13, 2013
March 28, 2014
April 2014
Annual Battle of the Books held
-New Reading List established by Library Staff
-New Reading List posted on library website :
-Read Read Read…
-Reserve titles from the Greater Sudbury
Public Library if not held by your school library
-hold in-school competitions to determine
team members
-Have fun!
-Register your School for the Battle of the
-First 20 teams will be accepted
-Register your School Team for the Battle of
the Books
-1 team per school
-6 students per team (no more than three
Grade 6s)
-2 alternates can be registered at this time (in
case of unforeseen circumstances with other
team members)
-please ensure that all names, students and
coaches, are printed and spelled correctly
Annual Battle of the Books held
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Name of Parent/Guardian : _____________________________________________
Name of Child/Children: ____________________________________________________________________________
Place photograph was taken: ___________________________________________
I hereby consent on my behalf and on behalf of the minor child to the use of the Photograph by the
Greater Sudbury Public Library for all purposes and in any form, including but not limited to an electronic
format and I release all claim, interest, title or other right which I may and which the minor child may
have in the said photograph. I understand and agree that the Greater Sudbury Public Library is the
owner of the copyright in the photograph and has full rights to use the Photograph in its discretion. I also
understand that the Greater Sudbury Public Library reserves the right to make use of the Photograph or
not and that this Release is not a representation that the Photograph will be utilized by the Greater
Sudbury Public Library for any purpose.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
Please have each child’s parents fill out the Photo Release Form and bring them
with you to the final Battle in April. You can give the signed forms to the person at
the Registration Desk. Thank You
Battle of the Books 2014
Reading List
Adams, Richard – Watership Down
Baum, L. Frank – The Wizard of Oz
Charles, Veronika Martenova – Maiden of
the Mist *
Lavallée, Calixa - O Canada: our national
Leonetti, Mike – The Mighty Tim Horton
Levine, Gail Carson – Ella Enchanted
Clements, Andrew – Frindle
McKay, Sharon – Charlie Wilcox
Colfer, Eoin – Artemis Fowl
Paterson, Katherine – Bridge to Terabithia *
Fagan, Cary – Banjo of Destiny *
Pullman, Philip – I was a rat
Faulkner, Megan – A Day at the Sugarbush
Riordan, Rick – The Lightning Thief
Fleming, Ian – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang *
Rondina, Catherine – Don’t Touch that Toad
Funke, Cornelia – The Thief Lord
Sewell, Anna – Black Beauty *
Gaetz, Dayle – Sea Dog
Solomon, Chad – True Hearts *
Helmer, Marilyn – Adventures at Camp
Lots-o-Fun *
Stinson, Kathy – Highway of Heroes
Hémon, Louis – Maria Chapdelaine
Kirby, Matthew J. – Icefall
Kitts, Wendy – Sable Island *
Van Allsburg, Chris – Probuditi!
Van Draanen, Wendelin – Secret Identity
Weeks, Sarah – Pie *
White, E. B. – Charlotte’s Web
LaFevers, R. L. – Flight of the Phoenix *
* Indicates a new title for 2014
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Battle of the Books 2014
Team Registration Deadline: March 28, 2014
Please note: One (1) team per school
Please print clearly
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________ Fax___________________________________
Name of Student (please print full name)
Names of alternate students
Team Name _________________________________________________________________
Coach Name(s) ______________________________________________________________
Coach(es) e-mail______________________________________________________________
Fax to:
Monique Roy
Children’s Librarian
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Fax: 705-673-6145
This form is also available on the library’s web site:
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Battle of the Books 2014
School Registration Deadline: December 13, 2013
Please print clearly
School _____________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________ Fax _________________________________
Contact Name _______________________________________________________________
Position ____________________________________________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________________________________
Fax to:
Monique Roy
Children’s Librarian
Greater Sudbury Public Library
Fax: 705-673-6145
Have you read the Rules
and Code of Conduct with
your team?
Code of Conduct
Battle Rules
This form is also available on the library’s web site: