Microsoft Dynamics® C5 version 2012 Hot fix 002 Fix list CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 General ledger ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 OIOUBL ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Inventory/Customer/Vendor ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Inventory .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Payroll ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Kernel ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Corrected elements in version .................................................................................................................. 6 Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 : Fix list for version 2012 Hot fix 002 2 INTRODUCTION This Hot fix addresses some issues of unintended behavior observed in Microsoft Dynamics® C5 2012 hot fix 001 and updates to C5 payroll due to Holiday patch. The fixed issues are listed below – se also the document for Payroll - Ferie2012 GENERAL LEDGER Bug ID MS solve 2719 Title Dimension balance sheet – error message Array index is out of bound if no dimension was entered in the filter when executing the report OIOUBL Bug ID MS solve Description 60950 112030152667342 Suggestion: Updatering Factsheet about OIOUBL and Get stated with OIOUBL. Updated concerning links to validation and comment about - We recommend that you regularly check the above mentioned webpages for newly released files INVENTORY/CUSTOMER/VENDOR Bug ID MS solve Description 60914 112020835310727 When you search in customer/vendor/item table using the field “Search for” you receive a choice to choose template customer/vendor/item, if the customer/vendor/item does not exict. INVENTORY Bug ID 2718 MS solve Description 1. Inventory module check open old entries. Inventory check must not correct the old entries in a way that leads to the situation where the entries get re- Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 : Fix list for version 2012 Hot fix 002 3 opened, but useless. 2. Pre-upgrade check scripts should include extended inventory check in ver. 2008 and ver. 2010 3. All pre-upgrade inventory check scripts should be corrected to exclude Services in all 3 versions PAYROLL Bug ID MS solve Description 60085 110113051590835 60865 111122738084984 60884 112011271350471 60887 112011643506376 Oprydning i ferietælleværker Timelønnede/Funktionærer Tælleværk 5149 bør slettes på tælleværk 9924 og tælleværk 5159 bør slettets på tælleværk 9925. Indbereting til ACF, når der sker udbetaling af ferie før 1/5 via lønart 5154 Fejl i tælleværk 1001 og 5111 ved brug af manuel fri telefon Løsningen på sagen er at tælleværk på lønart 1856 skal være 1115. Fejl ved check af lønmodul – Multimediebeskatning Check af modul under generelt/periodisk/check/ modul løn - fejl på flere linjer som relaterer sig til Multimediebeskatning. 60894 112011942704061 60900 112011942329608 60906 112011440259047 60929 112022051506336 60936 112030647062046 eFeriekort og dannelse af fil til ACF Indberettes der for mange medarbejdere til eFeriekort, står C5 og tænker i utroligt lang tid efter rapporten er udskrevet - typisk 30-40 sekunder. Beregnings fejl i lønstatistikken Ingen summering på statistik med lønart beløb samt lønart antal. Ønske om rutine til nulstilling af indberettede værdier til ACF Nyeste frigivne lønopsætning mangler på følgende lønarter 1801, 1803, 1809, 1810 og 1896 Fejl ved indberetning af Rest eFeriekort på fratrådte medarbejdere I tillæg dannes Rest eFeriekort for alle medarbejdere selvom de ikke har afviklet ferie i den pågældende periode. Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 : Fix list for version 2012 Hot fix 002 4 2674 eIndkomst felt 26 Under Løn/Tilpasning/Systemparametre skal der oprettes en ny systemparameter S74 (26). Tekstfil til Portal Bank ved løn overførsel Fast tekst filen til Portal Bank får et blankt mellemrum mellem hver felt, det må den ikke. Systemparametre systemnavne ændres hvor der står 2/5 til 1/5. 2708 2636 KERNEL Bug ID 2713 2716 MS solve Title Import of RQT with space character after an ENUM in RQT definition fails Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type INT, is encountered during database size calculation, when SQL database exceeds 2.147.483.648 Mb. Number of rows in table is couned with COUNT(), which returns an INT - canged to COUNT_BIG(), which returns a BIGINT New linker option added: /SWAPRUN:NET This tells Windows to load the entire C5 exe file into memory at program startup. The kernels might otherwise crash before being able to give an error message when the network connection was lost. Better performance when changing datasets The native kernel now loads the dataset names on demand instead of all of them at startup of the dataset selector Activity indication The kernel now updates the activity indicator when calculating database license sizes and retrieving the dataset names when changing datasets. Max open files Default value of max open files changed from 12 to 30. Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 : Fix list for version 2012 Hot fix 002 5 CORRECTED ELEMENTS IN VERSION Type FNC FNC FRM FRM FRM FRM MAC MAC MAC QTX QTX QTX REP REP REP XAL Element PayEmplTable.PayDA_XMLEHoliday PayParm.CheckPaySysParm CustTable InvenTable VendTable PayDA_XMLEHoliday ApplBuild APPLVERSIONLIST PAYSYS CheckInventory PayDiskTextfile PayEIncome LedBalanceParmDim PayDA_XMLEHoliday PayStatisticsParm 4200InvenCheckUpdate Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 : Fix list for version 2012 Hot fix 002 6 Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success. U.S. and Canada Toll Free 1-888-477-7989 Worldwide +1-701-281-6500 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this document should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. 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