Go2Germany Why Hamburg and what have we achieved? Rex A. Clausager Country Manager September, 28th 2011, Copenhagen September, 29th 2011, Århus Agenda Short introduction to TARGIT A/S and TARGIT BI Suite Why Hamburg? What have we achieved so far? Q&A A complete BI solution With fewest possible clicks you can… Create your own analyses and find the information you need. Build reports and distribute them via e-mail or websites. Get an overview of your performance in your intelligent dashboard. Get alerts from intelligent agents and react if necessary. Search for Sentinels and get warnings faster than ever before Share knowledge with the entire organization via storyboards Get critical business insight directly on your iPhone or iPad Global distribution Wisdom and insight is theirs... Why Hamburg? Firstly – why Germany? Distributor reached their selfdefined limit! 136 BI providers in Germany Revenue among the 48 largest reached €754 millions in 2008 The market is estimated to grow about 6% p.a. Source: BARC, 2008 Why Hamburg? Hamburg has more than 120.000 enterprises – i.e. e-commerce, logistics, financial services, manufacturing, media and retail. The Hamburg Metropolitan Region has more than 4,3 mill. inhabitants (a little Denmark) Hamburg has a relatively international business environment Hamburg is far from our current distributor, b-imtec in Hüfingen and close to Denmark ;-) Why Hamburg? Why Hamburg? Potential Danish assumption: Underlying value proposition, strong product, excellent services and the best people is of course important Why Hamburg? Marketshare ERP - DK Marketshare ERP - DE Microsoft Microsoft SAP SAP Others Others Why Hamburg? BIA exists for AX/NAV/GP/SL/CRM – case-bycase Microsoft Dynamics resellers (ISVs) BIA exists for AX/NAV/GP/SL/CRM - template based (BIA, analysis, reports etc.) – can be OEM like SAP Business One resellers BIA exists – case-by-case Larger vertical Business Solutions based on old legacy or ”home-grown” case-by-case BIA - template based (analysis, reports etc.) – can be OEM like SAP reselllers (SMB-segment) Theobald based BIA – case-by-case FOCUS Microsoft Dynamics resellers (VARs) Reseller Segmentation Why Hamburg? Underlying value proposition is of course important. We ”acid-tested” our concept together with: Hamburg@Work TBK Consult Further more they contributed with: Cultural hints, networking, contacts, market and country information, subsidy-ideas and more. Regular follow up to secure our continued investment in a new market makes sense. What have we achieved so far? Developed a 3-year ”strategy” for our market entry. Own office in Hamburg (incl. phone, mobiles, service etc.) from March 2011. Signed with 2 new resellers (March and May) – further 7 resellers in the pipeline – of which 4 are promoting vertical solutions. Signed with 1 end-customer (April), made 40 demos on-site – 35 are still in our pipeline. Achieved 2 strategic co operations to extract data from SAP. Participated in several networking meetings – mainly through Hamburg@Work. What have we achieved so far? Microsoft Dynamics resellers (VARs) case Microsoft Dynamics resellers (ISVs) BIA exists for AX/NAV/GP/SL/CRM - template based (BIA, analysis, reports etc.) – can be OEM like SAP Business One resellers BIA exists – case-by-case Larger vertical Business Solutions based on old legacy or ”home-grown” case-by-case BIA - template based (analysis, reports etc.) – can be OEM like SAP reselllers (SMB-segment) Theobald based BIA – case-by-case FOCUS BIA exists for AX/NAV/GP/SL/CRM – case-by- Microsoft Dynamics resellers (VARs) Signed 2 reseller. Working with 20+ customer cases. Microsoft Dynamics resellers (ISVs) Proposal presented to agilesFood, Nemetschek and MULTIBANK. SAP Business One resellers Not current focus. Larger vertical Business Solutions based on old legacy or ”home-grown” Not current focus. SAP reselllers (SMB-segment) Contract signed with Theobald for TARGIT Xtract. Installed base activities with EXASOL. Working with 10+ customer cases. What have we achieved so far? Main learning lessons: Germany is not Denmark. Even though German businesses are very international, they like selling in English – but buying in German. There is a number of well established competitors in the market – and most potential reseller are already ”married” to one of them! Networking – and who knows who is important. Potential is real. Questions? Contact me… Rex A. Clausager Country Manager Mobile DK: +45 2632 1979 Mobile DE: +49 157 850 468 37 rac@targit.com Forberedelse • • • • • 2011 – Find kursen Tysk marketing / hjemmeside / foldere / video clips / etc. Markedsundersøgelse: Internt og med hjælp fra Det danske Handelskontor I Tyskland Intern udarbejdet konkurrent analyse Ansætte Country Manager Anvende 2 DK Account Managers til forberedelse Investering i markerting og forundersøgelser mulig • • • • • • 3 nye MS Dynamics partnere 2 nye OEM partnere Mindst 10 potentielle partnere i pipelinen 1 testimonial Anvende 2 DK Account Managers til salg, opfølgning og vedligeholdelse Tag der Deutschen Partner Effektivt og målrettet salgsteam 2012 – Fuld kraft frem • • • • • • 2013 - Vinderkurs • 4 nye MS Dynamics partnere 4 nye OEM partnere Mindst 20 potentielle partnere i pipelinen 4 testimonials Ansætte 1 tysk Account Manager til salg, opfølgning og vedligeholdels Tag der Deutschen Partner Udviklingskapacitet til integration af OEM aftaler • • • • • Stærk Value Proposition med klar værdiskabelse for partner og slutkunde 4 nye MS Dynamics partnere 4 nye OEM partnere Mindst 30 potentielle partnere i pipelinen 4 testimonials Ansætte 1 tysk Account Manager til salg, opfølgning og vedligeholdels Tag der Deutschen Partner Kontinuerlig udvikling af produkt til nye behov og teknologier Forøge antallet af brugere i Tyskland til 200.000 over de næste tre år gennem strategiske partnerskaber • Nuværende og kommende MS Dynamics forhandlere med og uden vertikaler • Betydende vertikaler – også udenfor Dynamics kanalen Stræbe efter høj kundetilfredshed og 90% fornyelse af abonnement Arbejde gennem partnere og slutkunder på tysk Konstant udvikling af partnere Forberede til salg på tysk Opbygning af pipeline Lukke aftaler Udviklingskapacitet til integration af OEM aftaler Finde de rigtige medarbejdere Sikre og måle kundetilfredshed
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