Oaklands Market Manual 2014 Oaklands Sunset Market Manual 2014

Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Oaklands Sunset Market
Manual 2014
Policies and Information for Vendors
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
We are striving to:
• Help strengthen the foundation of healthy community by offering a
safe, relaxing and enjoyable place for families and individuals to come
• Stimulate and support our local economy by providing a venue for
organic market gardeners, backyard growers, home produced foods,
crafts and artisans,
• Create an opportunity for community groups to convey information to
their neighbours concerning important local, social, political and
environmental issues,
• Encourage the continuing transition towards ecologically harmonious
methods of food production, striving to work with, rather than against
the natural system, and
• Have fun!
In the spirit of cooperation, let’s enjoy our community market to the fullest!
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Table of Contents
We are striving to:
Welcome to our Market
Policies of the Oaklands Community Market
Market Day
Section 1 - Membership, Fees and Stall Space
Section 2 – General Conduct
Section 3 - Policies for Education / Community Groups and Services
Sale of Products and Services
Section 4 - General Sale of Products
Section 5 - Craft Policies
Section 6 - Farm Policies
Section 7 - Food and Beverage Policies
Section 8 - Services Policies
Organizational Structure
Section 9 - Make-up of the Governing Body
Section 10 - Staffing
Market Contacts
Oaklands Market Vendor Code of Conduct
Events Calendar
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Welcome to our Market
We are a market where individuals work in a consensual spirit respecting others. Vendors at the
Oaklands Market believe in creating community as well as selling products. By fostering an
environment that promotes creativity, openness, and cooperation, we celebrate the local talent that is
showcased at the market.
Rather than competing with each other, we encourage each other to thrive in a nurturing atmosphere
of abundance. We help each other to set up and take down our stands, and we buy from each other.
Oaklands Community Association & the Oaklands Market
The Oaklands Market is a program that is funded and operated by the Oaklands Community
Association. The Oaklands Market Manager is hired by the Oaklands Community Association and
supervised by the Executive Director. The majority of the market procedures will be instigated by the
Market Manager under the direction of the Executive Director.
The market committee is made up of a selection of Oaklands Community Association Board members
who are engaged in the market governance. The market committee will be utilized as third party
assessment during the vendor selection process and in the occurrence of a discrepancy where the
Market Manager must remain impartial.
Tasks of the Market Manager include but are not limited are to:
create and update all vendor, volunteer, and entertainment applications
administer vendor registration and review all applicants
plan and implement volunteer recruitment and training
research and acquire grants and sponsorships
foster and build relationships with community partners
manage marketing and advertising for the Oaklands Market
plan prospective community events within the market
supervise all tasks, staff, activities, and sales during the market day
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Policies of the Oaklands Community Market
The day-to-day conduct, operation and coordination of the Oaklands Market shall be governed
according to the following rules and regulations. Exceptions to these policies may occur on a case by
case basis at the discretion of the Market Manager with support from the Oaklands Community
Association Board, if they find the exception to be in the best interest of the Market.
• market refers to the Oaklands Market;
• OCA refers to the Oaklands Community Association, a registered not-for-profit society and
charitable organization;
• board refers to the Board of Directors of the Oaklands Community Association;
• director means a director of the OCA Board;
• market season refers to the length of dates starting Wednesdays in June until Wednesdays
September; winter market occurs on a weekend at the end of November
• ‘market club’ refers to any paid supporter(vending or community) of the Oaklands Market;
• market manager refers to person hired by the OCA to manage the market during this season; In
the absence of the assigned market manager, the Executive Director will designate their
• vendor refers to a person who sells a product at the Market;
• producer means any individual who put a significant amount of time into creating or growing a
particular item;
• daily fee is the fee charged to vendors for each market they attend;
• reserved space is a prepaid, reserved 10’x10' space or food cart sized space at each market;
• Local or locally means: first the Capital region district, and second Vancouver Island and outlying
• Vendor Market Club fee is $20 + GST for the season (May 2014-2015) which rewards a 20%
discount for full season price , priority to rentals (table & power), and choice of market space
• Community Market Club fee is $5 or 6 hours of volunteer time
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Market Day
Section 1 – Market Club, Fees and Stall Space
Vendors MUST abide by the “make, bake, or grow” BCAFM mandate. Vendors must staff their
own tables, unless an exception of a short term basis is discussed in advance with the Market
Manager and/or approved Board of Directors. Market vendor members will always be
prioritized over drop-in vendors.
Space and memberships at the Market shall be paid for as follows:
Annual vendor market club fee
Annual community (non-vending supporter) market club
Daily fee to market club vendors - regular 10 x 10 space
Daily fee to market club vendors-food trucks
Daily fee for education/community tables
Daily fee for vendors under 15 years of age (1/2 spot)
Daily fee to rent one 2.5 x 6’ table
Daily fee to rent power (must bring own extension cord)
Entertainers free
*All vendor market members will receive a 20% discount on full market season
(16 markets from June 4-September 17)
Summer Season fee for a reserved vendor space (incl. market club fee)
Summer Season fee for food cart space (incl. market club fee)
Summer Season fee for NFP (market club fee waved)
Prices exclude taxes
Market Club benefits do not include voting rights, as the Oaklands Market is a part of the
Oaklands Community Association and subsequently guided by the OCA board. Oaklands
Community Association welcomes community members (defined in the OCA bylaws below) to
attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.
There shall be two classes of membership in the Society, namely, voting members and associate
(a) Voting members must
(i) either work or reside within the Oaklands area, or
(ii) own real property within the Oaklands area or
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
(iii) be accepted as a voting member by a ¾ vote of the members present at the general
meeting in recognition of their contributions to the Society or the Oaklands area.
Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote at all meetings of the Society.
(b) Associate members are those person who do not meet the requirement for voting
membership, shall be entitled to participate at meetings, but shall not be entitled to vote
(c) For the purpose of this section, the term “work” shall include both gainful employment and
volunteer work
Drop-in spots may be paid for and reserved in advance by contacting the Market Manager.
Cancellations must be made by 3pm the Tuesday before the Market or fees will not be
refunded. Any leftover drop-in spots will be assigned based availability that market day and
based on the Market Manager’s discretion.
Spaces at each market are limited. Several spaces may be reserved by the Market Manager for
pre-booking by non-members whose products add variety to the Market.
To ensure a full and vibrant market, the manager must know in advance which reserved
vendors will attend. Notice of cancellation of a reserved space must be received by the
manager by 3:00pm Tuesday, AT LATEST. Except in an emergency, a member with a reserved
space who fails to notify the manager of his/her absence may lose the reserved space.
The board and/or Market Manager reserve the right to limit the number of vending
memberships and reserved spaces. The Market Manager will use their discretion to balance the
types of product
Section 2 – General Conduct
In order to foster a spirit of community at the Market, all members, vendors and OCA staff are
expected to treat each other and customers with courtesy and to work together in a spirit of
cooperation, and open, positive communication.
Vendors are responsible for keeping their stall space and surrounding area clean and tidy at all
times, and for clearing up any litter from around their stall at the end of each market. Vendors
are responsible for limiting the amount of packaging sold with their products and for taking
packaging back from patrons and disposing of it. One of the Market’s guiding principles is to be
ecologically sustainable and to aim to be garbage-free.
No dogs, except guide dogs, or other animals, are permitted inside the market. No bicycles,
scooters or skateboards are to be operated in the market.
Out of respect for others, there shall be no hawking, accosting, leafleting or badgering of the
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
The success of the market is dependent upon the goodwill of our neighbours – please be aware
of where you park (i.e. don’t block driveways).
Washroom facilities are located in the main Community Centre building and can be accessed
from the front entrance pathway and beer garden entrance. Please help keep all washrooms
clean and tidy at all times, and inform a staff member when cleanliness levels are not being
In consideration of Market performers and your fellow vendors, any playing of live or recorded
music must be pre-approved by the manager (i.e. no radios please).
The Board and/or Market Manager may prohibit any person from renting stall space and may
require persons to leave the Market in the event that they fail to abide by the policies, vendor
code of conduct, or the decisions of the Board.
The Board and/or Market Manager have the right to withdraw the Market Club status of a
vendor who fails to abide by the policies. The vendor in question may appeal the decision by a
written submission to the Board within 60 days of being notified of the withdrawal of their
Market Club status. Market Club fees will not be returned in these cases.
Because we are here to celebrate a healthy and diverse community, organizations or individuals
promoting any form of prejudice, such as homophobia, racism and sexism, are not welcome
and will be required to dismantle their display and to leave the Market immediately upon the
request of the Market Manager and/or OCA board.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in and around all facilities of the Oaklands Community Centre.
are required to use the public sidewalk areas as the Centre is located on school grounds.
All candles, open flamed lamps, sparklers or other forms of fireworks are strictly prohibited.
Should the need arise Oaklands Community Centre is equipped with the fire extinguishers as
required by the fire inspector.
All vendors must comply with Municipal Fire Regulations and By-Laws including smoking
regulations and exit clearances.
All vendors must abide by the rule that all illegal substances used or brought on site, including
OCA and Oaklands Elementary School property is strictly prohibited and such persons and
substance will be removed from the market immediately.
Vendors must acknowledge that the OCA and/or the City of Victoria is/are not responsible for
loss or damage to property left on the premises by the vendor or their agents.
Vendors must allow the OCA or its designate (including the Market Manager and OCA staff) to
enter vendor space to make repairs or additions that, in its opinion, are necessary for the safety
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
of patrons and structures on the premises. The OCA shall not be liable to the vendor for any
damage, direct or consequential, caused by such an inspection or works undertaken by the
Vendors must acknowledge that any games of chance, including lotteries, raffles, bingos and
casinos, unless instigated by the OCA, will not be held on the premises or during the Oaklands
Market unless approval from Market Manager and proper permits are obtained. Copies of
permits must be provided to the Market Manager and/or OCA at least five (5) working days
prior to the rental date. Failure to do so may result in termination of vendor contract and may
be asked to leave the market permanently.
Vendors must acknowledge that the use the OCA facilities are available at their own risk and
shall assume all risks and hazards incidental to the use of the Facility and agrees to release,
dissolve, save harmless and indemnify the OCA and the City of Victoria, their employees and
representatives from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands with respect
to the death, injury, loss or damage to personal property howsoever caused, arising out of or in
connection with Oaklands Market and use of the facilities made available.
Vendors must acknowledge the strong suggestion from OCA, the Oaklands Market, and the
Market Manager that each vendor maintain, at their own expense, a minimum of $2,000,000
public liability insurance against claims of personal injury, death, property or equipment
damage occurring in or about the Facility and grounds of the Oaklands Market.
Section 3 - Policies for Education / Community Groups and Services
A maximum of five spaces will be reserved for education/community tables at each market.
These are for non-profit organizations which in some way contribute to the environmental,
social or cultural health of the community. Attendance at each market must be pre-booked.
Priority may be given to groups who have not yet had a table at the Market in the current
Groups strictly promoting one political party or religious perspective are not considered
education/community groups. (For example the Anglican Church of Canada could not have a
table but their international development organization, the Primates Fund, could).
One of these spaces may be reserved for community-minded, for-profit organizations to inform
people of their services.
Political parties and independent running candidates in municipal, provincial or federal
elections are welcome to have a table one week during the Market season, close to election
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
At education tables all items must be locally designed, etc. However exceptions from local
production requirements may be allowed for items which enhance the education program.
The Market Manager will have the option to choose which education tables are appropriate to
have at the market. However, the OCA board will have absolute discretion to decide which
education groups may participate at the market and to what extent. The Market Manager will
encourage the participation of education groups which hold a similar philosophy as that upon
which the OCA was founded.
A maximum of four spaces will be reserved each week for profit-oriented services. Attendance
at each market must be pre-booked. Priority may be given to groups or individuals who have
not yet had a table at the Market in the current season.
Sale of Products and Services
Section 4 - General Sale of Products
All products offered must be produced locally. This encourages a direct relationship between
the producer and consumer and builds the local economy. Under special circumstances,
consideration may be given to non-local products. All vendors are encouraged to buy from one
Products should be sold by their primary producer, unless exception has been approved by
Market Manager by the Tuesday previous of Market day. Owner/producer is the creator of the
original recipe, design or farm plan, and who is involved in all elements of the production. This
supports integrity and branding of the market.
At the discretion of the market manager, a group of vendors who cannot be present each week,
may share a spot and attend the market on a rotational basis. Each vendor in the group must be
a market club member. Products of each vendor may be present in proportions decided by the
group selling, and an extra $5 will be charged for each extra vendor. All products must have
labels indicating which producer they come from, and each selling producer must be
knowledgeable about the other vendors’ products.
All producers must fill out and sign a Participant’s Agreement and Vendor Information Form.
Where required, vendors shall obtain Social Services Sales Tax and GST Registration Numbers,
and shall be responsible for the collection and remittance of any Provincial and/or GST Tax
Because we encourage everyone to value the work that goes into the creation of all goods and
services offered at the Market, we strongly discourage signs advertising "sales," "discounts,"
"reduced prices", etc.
Except where they meet VIHA health regulations, those products that MAY NOT be sold include
(but are not limited to) the following: dairy products (milk, cream, cottage cheese); meat, fish,
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
poultry or products thereof; live animals, including fish and fowl; cakes, pies, tarts or bread
products that have a syrup, frosting or topping on the surface or cream filling; and, under no
circumstances, used or second-hand material including antiques, commercial products for
resale or products which exploit humanity.
The final decision as to the suitability of any product for sale at the market shall be at the
discretion of the market committee. The Market Manager will review each application and
allocate a balance of vendor types that best represent the community’s needs with an
emphasis on farmed goods, local food production, and variety of artisan goods. Regardless of
previous sales, each new type of product must be included in the market vendor application
and reviewed by the Market Manager before it can be displayed at the Market.
The Market Manager is responsible to be in contact with each prospective vendor to review the
product for its appropriateness for sale at our market and its compatibility with all Market
policies. If concerns cannot be dealt with at the Market Manager Review level, they must be
brought to the Executive Director and market committee for final decisions. The Market
Manager must also discuss product-related policies with prospective vendors. They must
provide them with an electronic copy of this manual and participant's agreement, and inform
them that they must fill out and sign a participant’s agreement before selling at the Market,
and read and understand the policy manual.
In the event of a question as to the suitability of a product for sale during the course of a
market, the market manager must be informed in writing within 24 hours. The market manager
will address the market committee for review. Where such a decision has been made, it may
be appealed by any vendor to the market committee via email or if necessary, a meeting will be
Persons conducting a store front operation including of farm gate sales & home based
businesses, or having a commercial vendor’s license to sell on the streets, are permitted to sell
that product at the Market subject to the discretion of the Market Manager.
Those products that may be sold include (but are not limited to) the following. Each falls under
one of four categories:
• Farm: organically grown fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, seeds, and other unprocessed food
• Food: fast foods, canned foods, preserves, baked goods, and other processed edibles;
• Craft: original crafts, arts, and other hand-made items excluding food.
• Services: therapy and personal services.
• Locally crafted beer and BC wines
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Children under the age of 15 will be permitted to sell their crafts at the market, subject to a
review by the Market Manager. Children will be held to a similar standard as adult vendors.
They must have a parent of responsible adult willing to supervise.
The following policies are specific to the four product categories:
Section 5 - Craft Policies
The following are additional policies that vendors selling crafts at the Market should be aware
In all items, the handcraft component must dominate the commercial component, and
commercial components must be transformed in a way that makes the work unique.
Items must be of original, unique work or design.
The starting material must be significantly altered and enhanced by the artisan.
The product must meet basic expectations of product life, function and safety.
Crafts will be reviewed in advance by the Market Manager during their application process.
Section 6 - Farm Policies
The following are additional policies that vendors selling fresh produce at the Market should be aware
All produce, plants, seeds and flowers must be certified or have applied for certification
through a provincially recognized certification body except as follows. Farms less than 1/4 acre
under their cultivation or backyard (urban) farms may at the Board/Market Manager’s
discretion may be exempt. Growers must complete and sign the Growers Statement, which
shall be displayed at each Market. Farmers are required to obtain current organic guidelines
before each Market season. Each farm is required to display the farm’s name, the grower’s
statement, and if applicable, certifications at their stand.
To support diversified farming, preference will be given to local farmers producing a range of
In keeping with the Market’s cooperative philosophy and being respectful of yourself and other
farmers, dumping of produce at below fair market value is strongly discouraged. The market
value of farmer's produce should reflect the farmer’s labor and knowledge as well as quality,
time of season and variety of crop grown. A current market analysis for organic produce has
been compiled by the Farm committee in order to give farmers an idea of what is fair market
value for local organic produce.
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Each farmer MUST be reviewed in advance by the Market Manager before displaying their
produce at the Market
Section 7 - Food and Beverage Policies
The following are additional policies that vendors selling processed food products at the Market
should be aware of:
VIHA Regulations apply to all high risk and low risk products sold and a vendor shall
immediately cease to sell and remove any product upon the request of an official or
representative of the VIHA. Vendors must get approval from VIHA each season prior to selling
at the Market.
We encourage the use of organic, unrefined, locally grown ingredients. Non-local ingredients
should be kept to a minimum. Major ingredients and flavourings should be local as possible. We
encourage the purchase of ingredients from Market farmers.
In order to inform customers of exactly what they are buying, food products are to be labelled
as to ingredients, in their order of predominance. Every effort should be made to distinguish
between organic and non-organic ingredients. You may label each item or have labels clearly
displayed on your table beside the appropriate food items.
All open prepared food must be kept covered at all times. Open prepared food must be served
using appropriate, clean tools (i.e. tongs, cloth napkins.) Vendors handling cash must wash their
hands before touching open prepared food.
Each food product MUST be reviewed in advance by the Market Manager before being
displayed at the Market.
In order to reduce the ecological impact of the market, all food vendors are required, where
alternatives exist, to use compostable or reusable cups, plates, and cutlery.
Vendors wishing to sell drinks need Market Manager Approval. Preference will be given to
vendors who use organic and locally sourced ingredients.
Vendors wishing to drink must be over the age of 19 years, remain within the boundaries of
the beer garden while consuming alcohol, and act responsibly.
Persons who decide to consume alcohol at the market may use the OCA and Oaklands Market
facilities available at their own risk and shall assume all risks and hazards incidental to the use
of the Facility and Oaklands Market and agrees to release, dissolve, save harmless and
indemnify the OCA and the City of Victoria, their employees and representatives from and
against all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands with respect to the death, injury, loss
or damage to personal property howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with
Oaklands Market and use of the facilities made available;
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Section 8 - Services Policies
Persons who physically manipulate the body may bring an assistant to demonstrate on. For
reasons of liability, they may not physically manipulate the bodies of members of the public,
unless an insurance rider is provided to the market society by the practitioner that names as an
additional insured, and gives indemnity to the Oaklands Market and the OCA.
Each service provider must be reviewed by the Market Manager before providing services to
the market.
Organizational Structure
Section 9 - Make-up of the Governing Body
The Oaklands Community Association Society is a non-profit society consisting of the board of
directors, and its community members.
The Oaklands Board of Directors consists of a minimum of six and a maximum of nine Society
members (directors).
The Board makes decisions by consensus and directors need to make a concerted cooperative
effort. Directors will have at least one Annual General Meeting per year.
Manager(s) will manage the Market as determined by the policies and directions agreed upon
by the Board.
Section 10 - Staffing
The Market Manager position: A Market Manager position was created in 2012 to see if it was
possible to host regular Oaklands Markets throughout a summer season. The market vision
included community events at as many markets as possible. It was understood a permanent
position was necessary in order to accomplish the complexities of our market vision and in
order for the market to grow in the number of vendors selling and the number of people
regularly attending and purchasing. As well, our vision included the market positively impacting
community economic development and helping create scalable sustainability.
Supportive Staff positions: To date, supportive staff positions have been hired as needed
during the market season. Supportive Staff positions and the permanency of these roles will
continue to develop and evolve as the Oaklands market season continues to grow.
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
Market Contacts
The Oaklands Community Association, which runs the Oaklands Market, is directed by a Board of
Directors elected by its members at the Annual General Meeting of every year. The Directors are
volunteers, and together with other dedicated member-volunteers and staff, a great many hours go
into to organizing our Community Centre and the direction of the Market. If you have a concern, idea,
affirmation or feedback, please share it with us. Sharing efforts and ideas brings us together, and
makes ours a communal and successful market.
Ben Clark- Board President
Eric Hallman- Vice President
Pat Irwin – Market Volunteer Coordinator
Kim Walker – OCA Secretary
Bridget Minishka- Treasurer
Jeff Lougheed
Cait Irwin
Market Manager – Alex Harned
Oaklands Market Vendor Code of Conduct
The Oaklands Market was first operated in the summer of 2011; a pocket market started by a
group of community members involved in a community mapping project. In 2012, the role of a
Market Manager was created to expand the market in order to help foster community
engagement and to support a resilient local economy. The Market Manager and the surge of
community support created a vision of a market community that offers truly sustainable, local
products that are: handmade with environmentally friendly materials, organically grown,
ethically minded, minimally packaged, and when possible, sold by the artisans who produced
them. Every stall at the market is a microcosm of the whole, each vendor is asked not only to
abide by this philosophy, but to embody it, build on it and make certain that every element of
their business is as sustainable and locally-sourced as it can be. As a market community, we
gain strength by our ability to work together, to support and inspire each other and to draw
others to our market. It is our hope that this code of conduct will help us work together for the
betterment of our market.
Oaklands Market Vendors have a responsibility to:
Oaklands Market Manual 2014
1) Read the policy manual, uphold the principles of the market and promote the market
philosophy of sustainably-produced, socially just and organically-grown.
2) Lend a hand when possible. The market is volunteer-driven and there are many jobs to be
done, big and small, that can make a big difference to the staff and board.
3) Conduct themselves in a respectful manner toward other vendors, staff, and volunteers.
Abuse, foul language, discrimination and aggression will not be tolerated at the market. Wear
appropriate clothing for the venue. Shirts and shoes will be required while vending. Vendors
who behave inappropriately will be asked to leave the market.
4) Report any problems or suggestions to the market manager as soon as possible so they can
be dealt with or implemented as soon as possible. Vendors are expected to attend market
meetings on the rare occasion they are called in order to stay informed and to provide feedback
on their market experience.
5) Follow the suggestions from Market Manager with regard to limitations on displays, saleable
items and production practices.
6) Be community-minded and aware that we are guests in the Oaklands neighbourhood. Be
gracious about parking and not blocking traffic flow and help make sure that everyone’s needs
are being met within the space confines that the market offers.
7) Have fun at the market and allow their artisanal passion to flow. Good energy at the market
is catchy and it helps make the market an uplifting experience.
Market Events Calendar
Some the dates and times of the following may change, and new event dates may be added.
Please check at the information table now and then for an updated list for market dates in
Oaklands Community Association’s Annual General Meeting
First full market
Last full market
Late November
West Coast Winter Market
Market Contact Information:
Email: alex@oaklandscommunitycentre.com
Phone: 250-370-9103
Website: www.oaklandscommunitycentre.com/markets