Write Letters (Please check all areas of service in which you are interested) Serving on an Inside Team Serving on a Music Team Sponsoring an Inmate for the weekend ($150) Serving on an Outside Support Team Kairos Cookie Fund (cash donation) Writing letters to Inmates for the weekend Providing Posters or Placemats for the weekend Attending a weekend Closing Event Kairos Outside (for adult female loved ones) Providing Financial Support Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: ( Email: Church: ) - Lay Person Clergy I have attended Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, Tres Dias, Via de Cristo, etc. Kairos Prison Ministry of Idaho • P.O. Box 791 Nampa, ID 83653 • (208) 740-1391 • isci@idkairos.org • www.idkairos.org (20 minutes per letter) Handwritten letters expressing God’s love for the inmates are a treasured gift from God’s family. • • • • Address to “Dear Brother in Christ” Include messages of hope, faith and love Don’t seal the envelope A short “note” from children can have an especially incredible impact for Christ (for children, first name and age only) Kairos Prison Ministry Attend a Closing (~4 hours Sunday afternoon) Attend a Closing Ceremony at the end of a 3½-day weekend and be a witness to the glorious work of the Holy Spirit. You must submit an application and be approved to attend the Closing! Visit Kairos Inside at www.idkairos.org for date/time, IDOC application, map, and dress guidelines to attend a Closing. Lives are being redeemed in one of the darkest places on earth – prisons. It takes a virtual army of volunteers to be the hands and feet of Christ in this mission. Some actually go inside the prison for the 3½-day weekend event; some cook meals…and many, many others provide cookies, placemats, posters, agape letters and funding. All can be in prayer. Your contributions are part of God’s plan to bring the light of Christ into this very dark place. Thank you for being a willing servant for God. The Kairos logo is a registered trademark of Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. All rights reserved. Kairos Inside Volunteer Guide Kairos Prison Ministry of Idaho P.O. Box 791 Nampa, ID 83653 (208) 740-1391 email: isci@idkairos.org website: www.idkairos.org Decorate Placemats (15-30 minutes) Pray, Pray, Pray (5-30 minutes) Your ongoing prayer for the success of our mission meets our greatest need. Kairos Inside Ministry Overview Kairos is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry that conducts a highly structured program designed for use in correctional institutions. After 36 hours of training for volunteers, the Kairos program starts with a 3½-day weekend event that allows inmates to witness Christ’s love through the servitude of Christian Kairos volunteers. During this event, participants are given an opportunity to experience a religious renewal, accepting God’s call to a life of Christian witness and service to one another during their stay in the institution—and beyond. After the 3½-day weekend, participants are encouraged to establish strong Christian communities within their institutions. Follow-up by volunteers consists of a ½-day Instructional Reunion modeling prayer and share grouping. There are also 2-hour reunion gatherings held each month, and three 2-day mini weekend retreats per year. • • • • • • Please pray for 30-42 inmates for each 3½-day weekend The Warden and Staff The Chaplain Our Inside Team Our Outside Support Team That the will of God be accomplished Sign up to pray for a Kairos Inside 3½day weekend at www.idkairos.org and we’ll add your name to the paper prayer chain we create and put on display. Cookie Fund We take over 2,000 dozen cookies into the institution for each 3½-day weekend as a tangible example of the love of God poured out by His family. At one time, Kairos recruited a large number of volunteers to bake and donate homemade cookies for the weekend. Unfortunately, policy changes at Idaho Department of Corrections now require us to purchase cookies commercially. To ensure Kairos can continue to share cookies with inmates in the future, we appreciate your cash donation to our Kairos Cookie Fund. At each meal, placemats—handmade by children—serve as powerful tools of the Holy Spirit that can help break open a lifetime of sorrow and let the love of Christ shine within. (ideal Sunday school activity) • • • • Placemat Guidelines Share simple messages of God’s love Drawn/Colored/Decorated by children Include child’s first name and age only Preferred size is 11” x 17” Create Posters (15-30 minutes) Sunday School Classes, Youth Groups, Bible Study Groups, Small Groups and even Families can make posters that express the hope found in Christ. Your messages of love from the Body of Christ can make a truly life-changing impact on hardened hearts. Poster Guidelines • Your design can be a simple trace of hands, or a beautiful work of art • Express faith, hope and God’s love • Include the name of the group • Include the group’s signatures (for children, first name and age only) • DON’T use stickers or glue Sponsor Inmates You can help an inmate come “heart to heart” with the love of God by supporting him financially to cover the $150 cost of the Kairos 3½-day weekend. Churches, Families, Small Groups, Sunday School Classes and local Businesses can help sponsor an inmate into a new life—one based on the love of Jesus Christ.
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