Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form *INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: *ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S INFORMATION AND BACKGROUND *1. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): 2. Date(s) of Evaluation (mm/dd/yyyy): Address Line 1: *3. Address Line 2: City: State: Zip Code: Evaluation State: Evaluation Zip Code: Evaluation Location Address L1: *4. Evaluation Location Address L 2: Evaluation City: 5. Height: 6. Professionals Present: *7. DME Provider Evaluator: FT IN Weight: Name LBS Credentials Agency Not required for SNF/ICF Residents 8. Caregiver/Family: *9. *10. Present During Evaluation? Prescribing Physician: Physician Phone Number: Physician Agency: *11. Physician Address: Physician City: Physician State: Physician Zip Code: Size a. Primary Reason for Evaluation: Please Select. . . 12. *13. b. Primary Issues Relating to DME (explain in 12c): Does not address current medical needs Does not address current functional needs c. Other Pertinent Information; i.e., additional information from 12b, rationale for replacement vs. modification, repair history, other information regarding request: General Description of DME Recommendation: HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 1 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: 14. 14a. DIAGNOSIS(ES), INCLUDING RECENT SURGERIES AND DATES OF SURGERIES RECENT CHANGE IN MEDICAL STATUS Explain recent change in medical condition and/or other relevant information including symptoms, treatments, interventions and medications: The requested Wheeled Mobility Device can be modified to meet anticipated medical needs 15. How will the person’s anticipated medical changes be accommodated in the requested Wheeled Mobility Device? 16. Caretaker Support: 16a. 16b. Other: The individual has 24 Hour Care. Caretaker Support Hours per Day: N/A Amount of Time Alone per Day: Relationship/Role: N/A 17. Additional Information: HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 2 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: *18. List all Current/Previous DME: DME TYPE, INCLUDING MANUFACTURER AND MODEL 18A. Type/Mfg/Model: DATE OF PURCHASE (MM/YYYY) ENVIRONMENTS WHERE USED (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) (MM/YY) Home None IS DME CURRENTLY BEING USED? IF INEFFECTIVE, PROVIDE REASON SKILL LEVEL (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Independent N/A Work WNL endurance and distance School Below normal endurance and distance Community Dependent SNF/ICF Other: Comments, including special features (e.g., specialty seating components or electronics): Ownership: 18B. Type/Mfg/Model: Personally Owned (MM/YY) None Home Other N/A Independent Work WNL endurance and distance School Below normal endurance and distance Community Dependent SNF/ICF Other: Comments, including special features (e.g., specialty seating components or electronics): Ownership: 18C. Type/Mfg/Model: Personally Owned (MM/YY) None Home Other Independent N/A Work WNL endurance and distance School Below normal endurance and distance Community Dependent SNF/ICF Other: Comments, including special features (e.g., specialty seating components or electronics): Ownership: 18D. Type/Mfg/Model: Personally Owned (MM/YY) None Home Other Independent N/A Work WNL endurance and distance School Below normal endurance and distance Community Dependent SNF/ICF Other: Comments, including special features (e.g., specialty seating components or electronics): Ownership: HUSKY Health Personally Owned Other Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 3 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form *ID NUMBER: *INDIVIDUAL'S NAME: 19. Functional Skills ACTIVITY LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE DME USED TO ADDRESS FUNCTIONAL TASK Bathing Independent Provide number from DME list on page 3: Dressing Independent Provide number from DME list on page 3: Grooming Independent Provide number from DME list on page 3: Eating Independent Provide number from DME list on page 3: Toileting Independent Provide number from DME list on page 3: In-home mobility Independent Provide number from DME list on page 3: 20. Orthosis(es)/Prosthesis(es): NA / None ITEM LEFT/RIGHT/BOTH EFFECTIVENESS None N/A N/A None N/A N/A None N/A N/A None N/A N/A None N/A N/A HUSKY Health COMMMENTS/FUNCTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR REQUESTED DME COMMENTS/IF INEFFECTIVE, PLEASE EXPLAIN Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 4 b Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: 21. Transfer skills: Independent for all transfers FROM Dependent for all transfers TO METHOD Varied transfer skills; see completed table LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE EQUIPMENT N/A N/A Stand pivot Independent N/A N/A N/A Stand pivot Independent N/A N/A N/A Stand pivot Independent N/A N/A N/A Stand pivot Independent N/A 22. Ambulation skills: SURFACE Non-ambulatory on all surfaces AMBULATION STATUS SPEED Ambulatory on all surfaces DISTANCE Varied ambulation skills; see completed table ENDURANCE SPECIFY AMBULATION AIDE BALANCE Carpet: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Smooth: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Varied Terrain: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Stairs: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 23. Describe conditions which impact person’s ability to ambulate and/or transfer safely, independently, and in a timely manner; e.g., weakness, cardiovascular/respiratory compromise, range of motion deficits, imbalance, tone, cognitive deficits, coordination, sensory deficits: 24. Postural Control, Muscle Strength, and tone (Medical Research Council [MRC] Scale for Muscle Strength) STRENGTH Trunk: WNL (5) Right Upper Extremity: WNL (5) Left Upper Extremity: WNL (5) Right Lower Extremity: WNL (5) Left Lower Extremity: WNL (5) Head/neck: WNL (5) HUSKY Health (+) / (-) TONE COMMENTS Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 5 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: 25. Postural Alignment of trunk, pelvis, neck, and lower extremities POSTURAL ALIGNMENT FIXED VS. FLEXIBLE Alignment WNL Flexible Pelvis/Hips: WNL Flexible Head/Neck: Normal Flexible Leg Length: Even Flexible Ankles/Foot/Toes: Even Flexible Trunk/Spine: COMMENTS, INCLUDING QUANTITATIVE DATA Other pertinent information: 26. Coordination, Motor Control, and Balance ACTIVITY Sitting Balance (Static): FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ACTIVITY Standing (Static): Functional Steady, safe Describe: Upper Extremity Gross Motor Control: COMMENTS/FUNCTIONAL SKILLS Describe: Upper Extremity Fine Functional Motor Control: Functional Describe: Describe: 27. Range of Motion (Optional: attach data) AREA AFFECTED RANGE OF MOTION LIMITATIONS RELATIVE TO SEATING COMMENTS/QUALIFYING INFORMATION Right Upper Extremity: Left Upper Extremity: Right Lower Extremity: Left Lower Extremity: Head/Neck: 28. Pain (Ref: www.painmed.org/SOPResources/ClinicalTools/government-websites/). LOCATION INTENSITY FREQUENCY DURATION None N/A N/A N/A None N/A N/A N/A None N/A N/A N/A HUSKY Health Unable to determine if person is experiencing pain COMMENTS/QUALIFYING INFORMATION; RELATIONSHIP TO POSITIONING Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 6 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: 29. Skin integrity (optional: attach Braden Scale http://www.bradenscale.com/images/bradenscale.pdf) CURRENT SKIN INTEGRITY STATUS HISTORY OF SKIN INTEGRITY Intact Intact None If Impaired, date(s) of onset: If Impaired, date(s) of onset: If Impaired, stage: If Impaired, stage: If Impaired, location(s): If Impaired, location(s): Ability to use pressure reducing methods: RISK FACTORS Self-positioning Impaired Nutritional Status Bony Prominences Fecal and/or Urinary Incontinence Circulatory Compromise Pressure Methods Comments: Immobility Sensory Deficits Aged Skin General Comments: If Sensory Deficits, indicate: 30. Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Vascular, Bowel and Bladder status CONDITION Cardiac Status: Normal Pulmonary Status: Normal Vascular Status: Normal If Impaired, Edema Grade Level: Bowel and Bladder Status: N/A Normal Catheterization: No Suppository use: No HUSKY Health CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS / REFERENCE TO DIAGNOSIS Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 7 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: ID NUMBER: 31. List the primary medical and functional objectives for the recommended wheeled mobility device, including how this will impact the individual’s ADL independence: 32. Will this person be dependent mobilizing the recommended wheeled mobility device? Yes, proceed to #33 If the person will be mobilizing the Wheeled Mobility Device, based upon the evaluation, describe the person’s ability to independently mobilize and utilize the features of the recommended wheeled mobility device system within their customary environment(s), i.e., bedroom, bathroom, ramp, varied terrain, including the following: Durat Duration and frequency of evaluation trial(s): Person’s cognitive, visual, and fine/gross motor skills to safely and independently use the recommended wheeled mobility device system based upon their strength; endurance; ability to control any special features such as power tilt, power recline, power leg rests, seat elevator, power assist, one arm drive, alternative mobility controls: Does this person require additional training or caretaker assistance for drive controls? Explain: 33. Are there anticipated changes in the individual’s customary environments with the next 1-2 years? If so, how was this taken into consideration for the requested wheeled mobility device? No Yes, please explain: 34. In lieu of using the requested wheeled mobility device, what other medical approaches, functional strategies, and/or other DME were considered or evaluated? Why was these ruled out? HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 8 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: 35. For residents of Skilled Nursing Facilities: a. What is the length of time per day that the wheeled mobility device will be used? If this request is for a replacement wheeled mobility device under Sec. 17-134d-46 Customized Wheelchairs In Nursing Facilities Regulation, attach a copy of the current positioning program (required). b. Describe the positioning program used to address the individual’s needs, including the monitoring program. c. What is the person’s out of bed tolerance? 36. Training to be provided to who/where/by whom for wheeled mobility use: CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS / REFERENCE TO DIAGNOSIS Select one. . . If other, please explain: 37. Comments (include e. g., Continued from #xx): HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 9 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: Based on the clinical assessment & consideration of various Wheeled Mobility options, the following is suggested to address this person’s medical needs: 38. * Description of DME component: This list can be pre-populated by the DME Provider. Postural components can be combined with hardware; e.g., lateral trunk pads with swing-away mounting hardware; phenolic upper extremity support with channel locks and strap. 39. Medical Rationale: Pre-populated, generic, and general rationales and definitions will not be accepted. Information must include: Document the rationale for requested base or component for this specific person, as correlated with the documented clinical information. Reference comparisons and simulations; e.g., “Based upon trials of the seat cushions xx, yy, and zz, the zz cushion was chosen because….” Note: Only the essential components require comparison of various options, as related to the person’s medical condition. If appropriate, include reason why a standard component would not address the person’s medical needs. * Technical rationales can be written by the DME provider which should be designated with an asterisk. Include the reason the component is needed, as compared to less complex alternatives and correlated with necessary functional or technical outcomes. a. b. c. d. HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 10 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: ID NUMBER: e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 11 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: ID NUMBER: o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. HUSKY Health Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 12 Wheeled Mobility Letter of Medical Necessity Form ID NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL’S NAME: y. z. I certify that I wrote this report and I am the Licensed Occupational and/or Physical Therapist identified below. I have included my credentials, affiliated agency, address, and preferred contact information. My signature affirms that I solely wrote each section of this report, except where an asterisk is designated, based upon my own clinical knowledge, training and evaluation of the person’s medical condition. Note: All email correspondences utilize the CHN secure email system. Name: Credentials: CT License #: Agency: Address L1: Address L2: City: State: Preferred Phone Number: Fax Number: Zip Code: Preferred Email Address: Electronic Signature Agreement. By clicking “I agree” and electronically signing below, you certify that: (1) you and the agency/facility in which you are employed agree to follow and are in compliance with the Connecticut Department of Social Services Conditions for DSS Acceptance of Electronic Signatures (“Electronic Signature Policy”) and (2) your electronic signature below complies with the Electronic Signature Policy. If your agency does not comply with this Agreement, a handwritten signature is required. Signature: Date of report (mm/dd/yyyy): Physician’s Signature: By signing below, I have reviewed and concur with the above evaluation: Physician Agency: Physician NPI: Electronic Signature Agreement. By clicking “I agree” and electronically signing below, you certify that: (1) you and the agency/facility in which you are employed agree to follow and are in compliance with the Connecticut Department of Social Services Conditions for DSS Acceptance of Electronic Signatures (“Electronic Signature Policy”) and (2) your electronic signature below complies with the Electronic Signature Policy. If your agency does not comply with this Agreement, a handwritten signature is required. Signature: HUSKY Health Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Wheeled Mobility LMN ACROBAT PDF Form 07.01.2014 13
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