WIB PROCEDURES MANUAL FOR THE Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Contents Section 1: WIB Consulting Director ......................................................................................... 3 Policy 100: WIB Consulting Director Responsibilities .......................................................... 4 Policy 101: Overview of WIB-WIO Responsibilities ............................................................. 7 Workforce Investment Office (WIO) Responsibilities ........................................................ 7 WIB Consulting Director Responsibilities ......................................................................... 7 Section 2: Board Membership ................................................................................................. 9 Policy 200: Recruitment of New Board Members .............................................................. 10 Policy 201: Prospective Board Member Introductory Packet ............................................ 12 Policy 202: New Board Member Welcome Packet ........................................................... 13 Policy 203: Membership Changes ................................................................................... 14 Policy 204: Reappointment of WIB members .................................................................... 15 Policy: 205: Board Officer Nominations-Elections ............................................................. 16 Policy 206: Member Recognition ....................................................................................... 17 Section 3: Board Member Education ..................................................................................... 18 Policy 300: Membership Expectations ............................................................................... 19 Policy 301: Workforce Terminology ................................................................................... 20 Section 4: Meeting Coordination ........................................................................................... 21 Policy 400: Agenda Format................................................................................................ 22 Policy 401: Scheduling Committee Meetings ..................................................................... 23 Policy 402: Scheduling Board meetings............................................................................. 24 Policy 403: Meeting Minutes .............................................................................................. 25 Section 5: Committees .......................................................................................................... 26 Policy 500: Committees-General ....................................................................................... 27 Policy 501: Executive Committee ...................................................................................... 28 Policy 502: Local WIB Directors Meeting ........................................................................... 29 Policy 503: B.E.S.T. Steering Committee .......................................................................... 30 Section 6: Youth Council Activities ........................................................................................ 31 Policy 600: Youth Program Provider Evaluations .............................................................. 32 Policy 601: Process for Request for Proposals (RFP) ....................................................... 34 Policy 602: Annual Youth Dinner ....................................................................................... 35 Section 7: Employer Linkages ............................................................................................... 37 Policy 700: Promoting Business Participation .................................................................... 38 Section 8: Communication..................................................................................................... 39 Policy 800: Communication-WIB Chair .............................................................................. 40 Policy 801: Communication-WIO Director Interactions ...................................................... 41 Section 9: Monitoring ............................................................................................................. 42 Policy 900: Monitoring....................................................................................................... 43 Policy 901: Functional Alignment Individual Record Review Guide from PY06 ................ 45 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 49 Sample: Board Meeting Agenda ............................................................................................ 50 Sample: Committee Agenda.................................................................................................. 52 Sample: Minutes.................................................................................................................... 53 2 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 1: WIB Consulting Director 3 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 100: WIB Consulting Director Responsibilities Effective Date: January 18, 2006 Approved By: Amended Date: November 3, 2013 Policy: The WIB Consulting Director is responsible for assisting the Board in its policy making role by coordinating and participating in all Board activities. The WIB Consulting Director will work in close cooperation with the Workforce Investment Office (WIO) Director. In addition, the WIB Consulting Director will serve as liaison between the Board and the Greene County Legislature and Columbia County Board of Supervisors as well as on behalf of the WIB Chairperson. The WIB Consulting Director will attend and participate in WIB Directors meetings in Albany and Syracuse, as scheduled. Reference Documents: WIB Agenda-Sample; Sample Committee/Board meeting minutes; Recruitment SOPS; YC Program Evaluation form-Sample Sample RFP SOP-YC-Annual Dinner SOP-Monitoring Procedures: 1. Responsible for coordinating all Board and Committee meetings a. Create agendas (see Agenda sample), schedule meetings, e-mail possible meeting dates to members, based on response-select appropriate date for meeting. b. Send meeting confirmation, prepare materials and staff all functions. c. Schedule rooms with WIO office, give count of attendees so they can arrange for space and refreshments. d. Send meeting reminder notice one week before event. One-two days before meeting call members you haven’t heard from to confirm their participation. e. For Board meetings, you must ensure quorum (18 members) attends or no business can be conducted. If members indicate they can only attend part of meeting, inform Chair so he/she can rearrange meeting to vote on resolutions. f. Assist the committees in meeting their goals and objectives. 2. Responsible for handling the minutes for all meetings. a. Attend all meetings and take notes. b. Confirm attendance. c. Type up minutes in Word using format provided. (See sample Committee/Board meeting minutes.) d. E-mail minutes to WIO Director for review. Make any needed revisions and send out minutes to all Committee/Board members. 4 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties 3. Responsible for maintaining Board membership a. In a manner consistent with the law and it’s implementing regulations, while ensuring equal representation for both counties. (See Recruitment SOPS) b. Annually, update members needing reappointment from Columbia or Greene Counties. 4. Selection of Operators and Providers a. The WIB Director will assist the board with the selection of the One Stop Operator, Satellite sites, and the providers of youth, training and intensive services. (Generally done annually through work in committees.) 5. Employment Statistics System a. The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board in working with the state in developing the statewide employment statistic system that is part of the Wagner Peyser Act. b. . Statistics are presented at the full Board meeting through the One Stop Operator report. 6. Employer Linkages a. The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board in coordinating with local economic development strategies and developing employer linkages with such activities. This activity is usually done through work on Business Services committees, Economic Development reports and regional partner meetings. 7. Connecting, Brokering, and Coaching a. The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board in promoting the participation of private sector employers in the system and ensuring the effective provision of connecting, brokering and coaching activities to assist employers in meeting hiring needs. b. Work in conjunction with committees and WIO to do this. 8. Youth Council a. Assist the council in making their recommendations to the Board on the eligible providers of youth activities that should be awarded contracts and handle other duties determined to be appropriate by the chairperson of the board. b. Annually (Generally late November or early December), schedule evaluation visits with Youth Providers. Arrange for Council volunteers to accompany you on visits. Prepare evaluation forms and conduct interviews with a sample of youth in programs. (See YC Program Evaluation form-Sample) c. In early April work with Youth Council to prepare refunding application for youth providers. (See sample RFP) d. Assist WIO Youth staff in preparing for Annual Youth Dinner. (See SOP-YCAnnual Dinner) (Dinner based on two or more in-school youth providers) 5 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties 9. Maintain regular communication with the WIB Chairperson a. Perform any necessary duties on his or her behalf. b. Check in with chair on a bi-weekly basis. Keep in touch via phone and e-mail. 10. Maintain regular communication with the Greene County Legislature and Columbia County Board of Supervisors on behalf of the WIB Chairperson. a. Prepare Quarterly report of activities and send to all County elected representatives. b. Communicate with each official regarding Board vacancies. (See SOPRecruitment) c. Annually, (March) check expiring terms of Board members and send roster of updates to each county official. (See WIB/Members/2006/Reappointments ) 11. Maintain regular communication with One-Stop partner organizations including WIO, NYSDOES, Acces-VR, Questar III, Columbia Greene Community College, Columbia County DSS, Columbia County OFA, Greene County DSS, and Catskill Housing Authority in preparing for WIB meetings and dealing with other system related issues. a. Work closely with the WIO Director and staff at CGCC. b. Attend & participate in bi-monthly WIB Directors statewide meetings in Albany or Syracuse, as scheduled. c. Contact with other partners is on an as needed basis. 12. Monitoring-NYS Department of Labor requires the WIB Consulting Director to perform on-site monitoring of WIO client records. a. This monitoring is done on a quarterly basis.(see SOP- Monitoring for schedule) b. Contact is made directly with WIO Staff. (See SOP-Monitoring) c. NYSDOL provides a monitoring format. 6 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 101: Overview of WIB-WIO Responsibilities Workforce Investment Office (WIO) Responsibilities LOCAL PLAN: The WIO office will be responsible developing and submitting the local plan, including the Memorandum of Understanding between the local board and the One-Stop Partners, to the Governor. SELECTION OF OPERATORS AND PROVIDERS: The WIO office will be responsible for the creation and dissemination of RFP’s for Providers of youth and intensive services, and will maintain the list of providers of training services. BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION: The WIO office will act as the grant subrecipient and be responsible for developing the Board budget and the dispersal of funds. It will also accept grants and donations. PROGRAM OVERSIGHT: The WIO office will have the responsibility of conducting oversight of youth contracts, local employment and training activities and the one stop system. NEGOTIATION OF LOCAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES; The WIO office will negotiate performance standards with the Dept. of Labor on a yearly basis. WIB Consulting Director Responsibilities The WIB Consulting Director will be responsible for coordinating all Board and Committee meetings, including the Youth Council. This includes scheduling meetings, disseminating information, arranging for space and refreshments, creating agendas, preparing materials and staffing all functions. The Director will also be responsible for handling the minutes for all committee and youth council meeting. The Director will also be involved in assisting the committees in meeting their goals and objectives. In addition, the WIB Consulting Director will be responsible for maintaining Board membership in a manner consistent with the law and it’s implementing regulations, while ensuring equal representation for both counties. The WIB Consulting Director will also be responsible for the following functions as outlined in the WIA law: SELECTION OF OPERATORS AND PROVIDERS: The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board with the selection of the One Stop Operator, Satellite sites, and the providers of youth, training and intensive services. EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS SYSTEM The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board in working with the state in developing the statewide employment statistic system that is part of the Wagner Peyser Act. 7 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties EMPLOYER LINKAGES: The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board in coordinating with local economic development strategies and developing employer linkages with such activities. CONNECTING, BROKERING, AND COACHING The WIB Consulting Director will assist the board in promoting the participation of private sector employers in the system and ensuring the effective provision of connecting, brokering and coaching activities to assist employers in meeting hiring needs. YOUTH COUNCIL: The WIB Consulting Director will assist the council in making their recommendations to the Board on the eligible providers of youth activities that should be awarded contracts and handle other duties determined to be appropriate by the chairperson of the board. MONITORING: NYS Department of Labor requires the WIB Consulting Director to perform on-site monitoring of WIO client records. a. This monitoring is done on a quarterly basis. b. Contact is made directly with WIO Staff. (See SOP-Monitoring) c. NYSDOL provides a monitoring format. Additional responsibilities are to: Maintain regular communication with the WIB Chairperson and perform any necessary duties on his or her behalf. Maintain regular communication with One-Stop partner organizations including WIO, NYSDOES, Acces-VR, Questar III, Columbia Greene Community College, Columbia County DSS, Columbia County OFA, Greene County DSS, and Catskill Housing Authority in preparing for WIB meetings and dealing with other system related issues. Maintain regular communication with the Greene County Legislature and Columbia County Board of Supervisors on behalf of the WIB Chairperson. 8 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 2: Board Membership 9 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 200: Recruitment of New Board Members Effective Date: 9/9/2003 Approved By: Executive Committee Amended Date: 2/3/06, 10/28/13 Policy: The Workforce Investment Board of Columbia and Greene Counties is mandated by its bylaws to maintain its membership level at not more than thirty-four members. Nine members from each county must be business members and constitute a majority of the membership of the Board. Business members are owners of business concerns, chief executives or chief operating officers of non-governmental employers, or other business executives who have substantial management or policy responsibility. Business representatives on the Board reasonably represent the industrial and demographic composition of the business community. The WIB Consulting Director to the Board is responsible for recruitment of members and maintaining communication with governmental agencies, WIO Director, Board chair and Board members as regards the status of these efforts. Reference Documents: WIB By-Laws; Prospective Board Member Introductory packet Procedures: 1. Accept resignation of current member. 2. Forward resignation to legislator or supervisor. 3. Discuss slot to be filled with legislator or supervisor before approaching any potential new members. 4. Discuss opening with WIO Director and Board chair to determine suitable replacement 5. Send out request to all Executive Committee members for suggestions as to replacement. 6. Contact suitable candidates by letter with follow up call to inquire about their interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board. 7. If the potential candidate is interested in learning more about the opportunity to serve on the Board, the consultant will schedule a face-to-face meeting at the candidate’s place of employment or other suitable location. 8. A Prospective Board Member introductory Packet is compiled and shared with the candidate. A brief discussion of the Board and members expectations is discussed and the candidate is asked whether they would like to serve on the Board. Discuss and declare any conflicts of interest in the potential member serving on the WIB. If the candidate agrees to serve, the consultant outlines the steps to be taken to secure the appointment. The candidate is left with the information packet and is asked to provide a brief bio and list of their affiliations via e-mail. 9. Upon receipt of the requested info, a letter is forwarded to the county Chamber of Commerce or appropriate trade organization regarding their recommendation of the 10 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties appointee to the Board. The chamber and/or trade organization then forwards the letter to their local governmental body for appointment. Partner members require a letter of sponsorship from the Commissioner/Director or appropriate agency representative, which is submitted to the BOS or Legislature when requesting consideration for appointment. 10. When the consultant receives the copy of the appointment, a telephone call or email is made to the new board members advising them of the formal confirmation. 11 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 201: Prospective Board Member Introductory Packet Effective Date: 9/9/2003 Approved By: Executive Committee Amended Date: 2/3/06 Policy: All prospective board members will have a face-to-face meeting with the WIB consultant and other workforce member as appropriate to discuss their interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board of Columbia and Greene Counties. Reference Documents: WIB By-Laws; Prospective Board Member Introductory packet Procedures: 1. The Board Consultant will schedule a meeting with the prospective candidate to discuss what the Board is, what is required of Board members and what the candidate can gain by serving on the Board. 2. An informational packet is prepared that will include: a. WIB-help sheet b. Membership requirements c. Membership roster d. Board Committees e. Workforce NY brochure 12 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 202: New Board Member Welcome Packet Effective Date: 9/9/03 Approved By: Executive Committee Amended Date: 1/2/06, 10/28/13 Policy: Once the Board Consulting Director has received confirmation of appointment to the Workforce Investment Board of Columbia and Greene Counties, new members will receive a welcome letter and packet. Reference Documents: WIB By-Laws; New Board Member Welcome packet Procedures: 1. A telephone call is made to new members after official notification is received of their appointment to welcome them to the Board. 2. A welcome letter is generated outlining the schedule for the next Board meeting. 3. A welcome packet is compiled in a report cover. This packet includes: a. Board by-laws b. Membership Roster c. Board committees d. Committee assignments e. Workforce Terminology definitions f. CGCC site map g. Meeting schedule h. County Ethic Packet (mailed to new member by Greene Legislators office, copied from Columbia County website for Columbia members) i. One Stop Fact sheets, as applicable j. Career Center Services Handbook for the current program year k. Current grant information as applicable (ie; 2012- 2014 WIF) 4. Information is delivered to the new member. 13 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 203: Membership Changes Effective Date: 2/6/06 Approved By: Amended Date: 10/28/13 Policy: To provide the Local Workforce Investment Areas with a mechanism for communicating WIB changes to the Department of Labor, WIBs have the obligation to report changes in their board membership to the New York State Department of Labor within 30 days of a change. Reference Documents: TEGL 04-0-found on the web at http://labor.ny.gov/workforcenypartners/tas.shtm See computer file-Members Procedures: 1. Since the Department of Labor is required, by statute, to certify that the composition of each WIB is consistent with the requirements of the Workforce Investment Act and related State criteria, it is critical that each Local Area provide prompt updates whenever changes in WIB membership occur. 2. Therefore, notices of changes in WIB membership must be submitted to the Department within 30 days of occurrence. This reporting requirement should in no way delay, or impede, the new member in the full performance of his/her duties, including casting votes during WIB meetings. 3. To fulfill this requirement the WIB Consulting Director is responsible for the completion of the summary form, "Notice of Change in Membership of Local Workforce Investment Board." It is permissible to do several changes at one time, rather than one at a time. 4. Complete the appropriate accompanying form(s) a. Provide the details for the new business representative(s) using the form, "Local WIB Composition - Business Representatives" b. Provide details for all other new representative(s) using the form, "Local WIB Composition - Other-than-Business" 5. As each form is completed, save it for your records. 6. Forward the forms to the Department by following the directions provided on the bottom of the last form. Once received, the requested changes will be reviewed. 7. An e-mail is sent to the WIB Consulting Director notifying them of the changes. 8. The Chief Elected Official(s) will be notified when the changes have been recorded in the Department's official records. It is not necessary, however, for new WIB members to delay their full participation pending issuance of this notification. 9. Periodically, the WIB Consulting Director will check the website, http://labor.ny.gov/workforcenypartners/lwia/localboards.shtm and look under the heading Certified Local Boards to check the Columbia-Greene listing for accuracy. 14 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 204: Reappointment of WIB members Effective Date: 2/9/06 Approved By: Amended Date: 10/28/13 Policy: Annually a review is made of the expiration of terms for WIB members. It is the responsibility of the WIB Consulting Director to review all terms and forward that information to the WIB member’s county of origin for reappointment. Reference Documents: See computer file; Members, Reappointments (Excel Spreadsheet) Procedures: 1. Approximately in March of the current program year, the WIB Consulting Director reviews the list of members to determine if any reappointments are due in that program year. 2. The Reappointments listed is arranged by county and by sector. All reappointments after the initial appointment are for three years. For each member that is due a reappointment, mark in the Reappointment column the next scheduled date (three years out) in bold. 3. Once the review has been completed, print out the reappointments by County. 4. Send an e-mail to Board members informing them that they are up for reappointment and if an individual does not want to be reappointed, they should advise the WIB Consulting Director who will then inform the appropriate elected officials. 5. Mail the Columbia County reappointments to the Board of Supervisors with a note to the attention of the Clerk requesting the reappointments be made effective for July 1 st. (This is usually done in March to give the Board time to get it on their agenda.) 6. Mail or e-mail the Greene County reappointments to Clerk in charge of the Greene County Legislatures WIB section. (Currently, Tammy Scavillo.) Utilize the same time frame unless you are contacted earlier in the year for the information. 7. Inform the Board members at the July meeting that they have been reappointed. 8. Revise the list to show the reappointments in the appointment column and remove the old date and clear the reappointments column. 15 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy: 205: Board Officer Nominations-Elections Effective Date: 2/24/06 Approved By: Amended Date: Policy: Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting consistent with quorum requirements when a vacancy occurs or terms expire. The election of officers shall follow the Board By-laws. Reference Documents: Board By-Laws-Article V-Section1& Article VIII-Section 2 Sample- Board Officer Nomination letter Procedures: 1. Approximately every two years, terms of officers will expire on June 30th. The WIB Consulting Director will track changes to member’s terms and will inform the Executive Committee at its May meeting that terms are expiring. 2. At that meeting, the Board Chairperson will appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) Board members for the purpose of nominating officers and board replacements prior to the expiration of existing terms. 3. The Nominating Committee will schedule a meeting to submit to the Board a slate of officers to assume office on the first day of July following their election. 4. The Nominating Committee will nominate Board members for the positions of ViceChairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer (as needed) as per Article V, Section 1. 5. The Chair of the Nominating Committee will have the WIB Consulting Director mail to all Board members, prior to the annual election (30 days notice required), a list of nominees recommended by the Nominating Committee. 6. At the Board meeting, nominations will be accepted from the floor as long as the nominee is present or a letter is in hand from the nominee stating they will accept the nomination. 7. The Chairperson will be elected from among the private sector representatives of one county. The Vice-Chairperson will be elected from among the private sector representatives of the other county. At the end of the Chairperson’s term, the Vice Chairperson will ascend to the office of Chairperson. 8. The Vice Chairperson will be elected from among the private sector representatives of the county with the open seat. 9. A Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the membership at large. Terms of office are for a two (2)-year period commencing on July 1. 10. The Secretary and Treasurer may be reelected to succeeding terms at the discretion of the Board. 11. If the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson must resign before the completion of their term, the Executive Committee will appoint a private sector representative from the same county of the Officer who resigned to complete the balance of the term of office. 16 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 206: Member Recognition Effective Date: 2/23/06 Amended Date: 10/28/13 Approved By: Policy: The time and effort that Board members put into their work on the Board is greatly valued. Periodically, members are recognized for achievements through letters, cards, certificates, a year-end thank you and other means recommended by the Board Chair. Reference Documents: Certificate of Appreciation See computer file-Members 2006 See computer file-Projects/Thank you cards Procedures: 1. The WIB Consulting Director is responsible for keeping track of member community or business achievements. The WIB Chair may also communicate achievements that need to be sent to a Board or community member. Updates on member accomplishments will be included under “good and welfare” in the meeting. 2. When a member leaves the Board on good terms, a certificate of appreciation/Letter of appreciation is prepared by the WIB Consulting Director . 3. The WIB Chair will sign letters of appreciation. Both the chair and vice chair will sign certificates of appreciation. 4. Annually, prior to the end of the calendar year, the WIB Consulting Director will draft a thank you card to be sent to all Board members. He/She will share the draft with the WIB Chair for input and approval. 5. The WIB Consulting Director will prepare the cards, addresses and bring them for signing by the Chair. Once the cards are signed they are mailed to all members. 17 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 3: Board Member Education 18 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 300: Membership Expectations Effective Date: 9/9/03 Approved By: Executive Committee Amended Date: 10/28/13 Policy: The overall responsibility of a board member is to use their knowledge, experience, insight and influence to help achieve the purpose of the Board. Each member is expected to be an active participant in the Board’s proceedings. In addition, each member is expected to join one of the Standing Committees of the Board. Reference Documents: WIB Bylaws; Membership Requirements and Responsibilities Brochure Procedures: 1. New Board members are informed of what is expected of them from their first meeting with the Board Consultant. 2. A copy of the Membership Requirements and Responsibilities informational packet is given to interested candidates. 3. The WIB Consulting Director and Executive Committee members are available to answer any questions the new member may have. 4. A tour of the Workforce Office is scheduled for new members who have not had the opportunity to visit the One Stop Office. 5. Once the new member has had the opportunity to attend one to two meetings, a committee appointment should be planned. 19 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 301: Workforce Terminology Effective Date: 9/23/2003 Approved By: Executive Committee Amended Date: 10/28/13 Policy: As part of the educational process for new members, terms used in the Workforce Development system will be defined and provided to members as a reference document. Reference Documents: Workforce Development System Terminology Definitions Procedures: 1. A list of all workforce terminology will be compiled, defined, reviewed by the Workforce Investment Office and Partner agencies and approved by the Executive Committee. 2. Upon approval the definitions will be sent to all current board members. 3. The definitions will become part of the New Board Member Welcome packet. 4. Include the terminology that is included in current discussion topics on the Board agenda. 20 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 4: Meeting Coordination 21 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 400: Agenda Format Effective Date: January 1, 2006 Amended Date: 10-28-13 Approved By: Policy: The creation of a workable agenda is central to conducting the business of the Board. Reference Documents: See Computer file-WIB Committees-General Info-Draft Agenda items-December 2005. See Sample Agenda Format See Computer file-WIB-Board meetings-2006-Meetings-Draft-BD agenda format Procedures: 1. Approximately one and ½ months before the quarterly Board meeting, a draft agenda ideas report is compiled by the WIB Director. 2. Ideas for the agenda come from a review of the past committee minutes and the Workforce Investment Office Director. 3. With the assistance of the WIO Director prepare draft agendas for each committee. 4. Send the draft agenda items to the Chair and the individual committee chairs to determine if they need anything else included on the agenda. 5. For the Board meeting agenda, compile a draft format based on the sample BD Agenda Format. 6. E-mail draft agenda to WIO Director for inclusions. Make any suggested changes. 7. Schedule a meeting with the Chair approximately one week before Board meeting to review Agenda. Make any changes needed. 8. E-mail Agenda out to Board members 1-2 days before Board meeting. 9. When sending out the agenda, include a proxy vote for those who cannot attend the meeting. Proxy votes can only be counted when a quorum is present at the meeting. Proxy votes require a signature. The voting form can be faxed to the WIO office or emailed to the consulting Director prior to the start of the meeting. 22 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 401: Scheduling Committee Meetings Effective Date: January 1, 2006 Approved By: Amended Date: 10- 28-13 Policy: All Workforce Investment Board meetings will be scheduled to maximize Board members attendance. Reference Documents: SOP-Agenda Format Procedures: 1. After the meeting agenda has been determined, the WIB Consulting Director will send out a request to the committee chair to schedule a meeting. The WIB Consulting Director will select two potential dates and times for the meeting. 2. Upon receipt of Committee chair meeting date selection an email will be sent out to the members asking which date(s) works for the majority to schedule a meeting. Members will be requested to confirm which date(s) works for them. 3. When committee meetings are scheduled and confirmed a request is e-mailed to the WIO Director for meeting rooms. 4. Once the WIB Consulting Director hears from a majority of the committee members an e-mail is sent out confirming the meeting date and the room number. Those who did not respond to the original e-mail will be asked to confirm whether or not they will attend. 5. Approximately one week before the committee meeting, another e-mail is sent out as a reminder to members. 6. Also, one week ahead, an e-mail or phone call is made to the WIO Director, giving the approximate number of persons attending for food count. 7. One to two days before the meeting, phone calls are made to committee members that have still not responded. The agenda is emailed out to all the day before the meeting as a final reminder, along with confirmation of the meeting location. 8. The agenda is e-mailed to the WIO Director so copies can be made by staff for the meeting. 9. The WIB Consulting Director hands out the agendas and any additional info at the committee meeting. 23 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 402: Scheduling Board meetings Effective Date: 2/3/06 Approved By: Amended Date: Policy: Board meetings are scheduled a year in advance following a quarterly schedule. Generally meetings are set for the months of October, January, April and July. Reference Documents: WIB Agenda-Sample WIB Board meetings-2005-2006 Procedures: 1. When setting the July Board meeting agenda look at the calendar for the coming year and select tentative dates for the next year. 2. E-mail your selections to WIB Chair and WIO Director to see if any conflicts are in the dates you selected. 3. Once you received confirmation that the dates are good, place the dates on the Board agenda. 4. At the July Board meeting, encourage members to look at the next year’s dates and to put them on their calendar. Send a follow up email after the July meeting to again secure the upcoming year’s meeting dates. 5. Make a copy of the Board meeting dates for future reference and to send to new Board members. Include upcoming meeting dates on all agendas as a reminder. 24 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 403: Meeting Minutes Effective Date: January 1, 2006 Amended Date: 10-28-13 Approved By: Policy: The WIB Consulting Director is responsible for attending all committee and Board meetings as well as taking accurate, clear and concise minutes of the meetings. Reference Documents: Current Meeting Agenda WIBAttendance06 form Procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ensure that all of the essential elements are noted, such as type of meeting, name, date and time, venue, name of the chair or facilitator, main topics and the time of adjournment. Include approval of previous minutes, and all resolutions (as relevant). Bring a copy of the list of members who indicated they would attend the meeting. (For Board meetings bring the WIBAttendance06 form.) Don't record every single comment. Concentrate on getting the gist of the discussion and taking enough notes to summarize it later. Think in terms of issues discussed, major points raised and decisions taken. Don't be intimidated by the prospect of taking minutes. Concise and coherent minutes are the mark of a professional. The very process of recording minutes can give you a deeper understanding of the issues faced by the Board along with the ability to focus on what's important. If you miss something while recording the minutes, speak up and ask for clarification. Don't wait too long to type up the minutes, especially while your memory is fresh. Minutes are usually typed up within a week of the meeting and approved by the Chair and distributed within two weeks. Before sending the minutes out to committee members or board members, send a copy to the WIO Director for review. Make any changes as needed. Send out minutes to all members as soon as they are approved. Keep a copy of minutes, along with any hand-outs and the original agenda in the committee 25 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 5: Committees 26 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 500: Committees-General Effective Date: 2/9/06 Amended Date: 10-28-13 Approved By: Policy: Each member of the Board shall be encouraged to serve on at least one subcommittee. Reference Documents: WIB By-laws Board Committees-2006 Committee Assignments Spreadsheet Procedures: 1. Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees are appointed by the Chairperson of the Board. 2. Chairperson of standing committees shall be a member of the Board. Vice-Chairs can vote at Board meetings if the Committee Chair is absent. 3. Committee members do not need to be Board members. 4. Non-Board members may vote at Committee meetings, but do not have voting rights at Board Meetings 5. All standing committees are to submit their recommendations to the full Board for ratification. All minutes and relevant documents produced by Committees are available to all Board members upon request. 6. All Committee meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Law. The agenda must be available to the public prior to and during the meeting. A notice of upcoming meeting dates is sent to the local papers annually and again the month before the meeting (Papers must receive a minimum of 10 days before the meeting in order to post on line and in publications. 7. When a new member is appointed to serve on the Board, it is the responsibility of the WIB Consulting Director to give the new member information on Board committees and request that the new member review the committee to determine which one may fit either his/her schedule or interests. 8. The WIB Consulting Director shall discuss the new members’ preference for a committee with the Chair, who will make the appointment. 9. The new member is informed that they will serve on the specific committee. 10. The new members name is added to the specific committee on the Committee Assignments spreadsheet. The new member is also added to the committee group e-mail list so they receive notice of upcoming meetings. 27 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 501: Executive Committee Effective Date: 2/9/06 Amended Date: Approved By: Policy: The Executive Committee shall be made up of Officers of the Board (4), a business sector representative from each county (2), WIA Title I representative (1), Wagner/Peyser Representative (1) and a Grant Recipient representative from each county (2). The Executive Committee shall assume responsibilities as designated by the Board and shall meet as needed. Reference Documents: WIB By-laws Procedures: 1. The Executive Committee interacts with the Standing Committees to insure alignment to the board’s strategic goals and plans. 2. The Executive Committee meets quarterly as the last committee before the Board meeting to: a. Review Resolutions from other committees b. To hear a report from the WIB Consulting Director on the status of vacancies and work to fill them. c. To discuss the Board member Education session of the upcoming Board meeting. 3. If necessary, the Executive Committee will have a special meeting at the end of each program year to perform the following functions for the Board: a. nomination of committee appointments; b. review of meeting attendance, making recommendations to the Board for member replacement to be forwarded to the appropriate county’s Chief Elected Official for vacancies resulting from term expiration, resignation, or removal: c. review of Board by-laws, making recommendations to the Board as appropriate: d. review of Board administration, making recommendations to the Board, as appropriate. 4. The WIB Consulting Director will prepare a spreadsheet listing all Board members attendance at committee and board meetings for the current program year to date. 28 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 502: Local WIB Directors Meeting Effective Date: 2/16/06 Approved By: Amended Date: 10/28//13 Policy: The WIB Consulting Director will attend and participate in bi-monthly WIB Directors meetings in Albany and Syracuse, as scheduled. Reference Documents: See computer file: Committees/LWIB/2005 & 2006 Procedures: 1. WIB Directors meetings are scheduled on a bi-monthly basis. WIB Director calls are also generally scheduled every other Tuesday, at 10 a.m. NYSDOL sends reminders with call in information prior to the call. 2. An e-mail notice is sent from the New York State Department of Labor or NYATEP indicating that a meeting is being set up. 3. An rsvp is required for parking and food. 4. Forward all meeting notices to the WIO Director. 5. An agenda is usually sent with the meeting notice and there is generally some kind of homework assignment. Be sure when you forward the notice to the WIO Director to indicate that there is homework required. 6. The WIO Director will e-mail you any required information that you do not have available. 7. You are responsible for making your own travel arrangements to and from the meetings. 8. Occasionally, meetings require an overnight visit. Contact the meeting arranger and ask if there is a state rate for the hotel. Then make your own arrangement with the hotel, mentioning that you are there for the state meeting, so they charge you the state rate. 9. Some years, in the summer there is a two day overnight retreat and the Department of Labor pays for the accommodations. 10. Be sure to keep a record of your mileage and keep all receipts for monthly billing of your expenses. 11. Materials are provided for your use and to bring back. Take notes at the meeting. Listen for any information that pertains to WIB’s in general, our specific workforce area and any funding opportunities. 12. After you read over the materials, either provide a brief written synopsis of the meeting or pass the information on to the WIO Director. 29 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 503: B.E.S.T. Steering Committee Effective Date: 2/16/06 Approved By: Amended Date: 10/08/13 Policy: The WIB is no longer involved in the BEST project and the policy is null and void: The Workforce Investment Board is a partner in a project called B.E.S.T.-Business Employment Standards Transition program which is a course that will prepare high school students for success in the workplace upon graduation. The BEST Program certifies the work readiness of students so that when they apply for employment or admission to college they can easily demonstrate that they have the skills, behaviors and knowledge necessary for success in the workplace and/or college. Partners in the project include the Columbia Hudson Partnership, Greene County Economic Development, Columbia County Chamber of Commerce, and the Greene County Chamber of Commerce. Reference Documents: Youth Employability Certificate-Purpose2 Youth Employability Certificate Program-PowerPoint presentation Columbia-Greene Youth Employability Program-B.E.S.T. BEST program coord jobdesc BEST Agenda-format BEST Steering Committee Mtg minutes format Procedures: 1. The WIB Consulting Director is a member of the B.E.S.T. Steering committee and attends meetings and takes the meeting minutes. 2. Meetings are now scheduled on a quarterly basis and are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month. 3. The WIB Consulting Director sends a meeting reminder approximately two weeks in advance of the meeting. 4. The WIB Consulting Director sets up the agenda with the assistance of the WIO office. 5. Contact Steering committee members to see whether or not they are able to attend. 6. Attend the meeting and take notes, including any next steps. 7. Send out minutes to Steering committee members. 30 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 6: Youth Council Activities 31 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 600: Youth Program Provider Evaluations Effective Date: Approved By: Amended Date: 2/18/06 Policy: It is the responsibility of the WIB Consulting Director of perform evaluations of funded youth provider programs on an annual basis or as required by performance or the Youth Council. Reference Documents: YC Program Evaluation form-Sample See computer file: Committees/Youth Council/2006/Evals/YC evals summary-Winter 2005-06 See same computer file under : EvalupdateCatskil021306 (sample letter to provider) Procedures: 1. The Youth Council meets in late Fall (November) to discuss the status of youth providers. 2. After the report on how the projects started out the new school year, the WIB Consulting Director asks for volunteers from the Youth Council to accompany him/her on evaluation visits. 3. Youth Program providers are contacted via e-mail to determine what dates the program is running and what day/time is a good time for a visit. 4. Depending on the response from providers, the WIB Consulting Director then contacts the volunteers to find out what dates work for them to accompany him/her on the evaluation. 5. After coordinating the dates between the providers and volunteers, the WIB Consulting Director sends a confirmation to both groups for the date. 6. Prior to the date, the WIB Consulting Director looks at the provider contracts and final youth funding letters sent to providers outlining the contract amounts. With this information, the WIB Consulting Director fills in the Program evaluation form under the headings Program goals and Program budgets. The WIB Consulting Director also enters the evaluation date and the names of the monitors. Save the form under the heading; WIA program eval form-include the year and the program name. 7. An e-mail request is sent to the Youth Program Associate Director (Mark Decker02/06) for the following information: Targeted Enrollment; Current Enrollment; Follow Up and WIA Performance which includes Number of Goals Set; Number of Goals Met and Goals Pending; Credential; Entered Employment; and Employment Retention. When the information is received, it is added to the evaluation form. 8. Speak with the Youth Program Associate Director about any additional information or concerns he/she may have about the program and keep them in mind for the evaluation. 9. A week prior to the evaluation, the WIB Consulting Director sends an e-mail reminder to the provider and the evaluator. At that time the WIB Consulting Director also sends the blank evaluation form to the co-monitor. 32 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties 10. Print out the prepared evaluation forms and meet the co-monitor at the time you have set for the appointment. Note: Most school districts require visitors to sign in before going to the classroom and will have someone show the way to a particular room. 11. Greet the teacher(s), perform introductions and thank them for their time. Depending on what students are working on, the teacher may first give an overview of their program or ask you to meet with a few students first. Generally, the monitor speaks with two-three students. 12. Try to cover the material on the evaluation form without reading all questions. Some students are shy and the evaluator may have to explain the questions to elicit the answers. Try to briefly jot down answers. 13. After the evaluation is completed, take a few moments with the co-monitor to discuss the program, its strengths and any concerns/recommendations they may have. Inform the co-monitor that you will type up the information and will forward it them by e-mail for their additional comments. 14. After all the evaluations are completed, contact the WIO office about scheduling a Youth Council meeting. 15. Prepare a summary that outlines the overall state of the program along with the recommendations for the meeting. 16. At the next Youth Council meeting, be prepared to report on your findings along with recommendations for the future. 17. After the Youth Council meets and makes any additional recommendations, the WIB Consulting Director will prepare a letter to the Youth providers outlining the findings of the evaluation along with any information on that year’s process for proposals. Send a copy of the evaluation form as well as a copy to the School Superintendent. 18. Keep a copy of the evaluation in the files. The correspondence is placed in the WIBLetters Sent/Received file until after the next Board meeting. 33 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 601: Process for Request for Proposals (RFP) Effective Date: 2/17/06 Approved By: Amended Date: Policy: It is the responsibility of the Youth Council to recommend to the Board eligible providers of youth activities/programs to be considered for grants/contracts on a competitive basis. Reference Documents: See computer file: Committees/Youth Council/2006/Contracts/ RFP application2006 See same file: 2005/ Correspondence/Youth funding letters Procedures: 1. At a Youth Council meeting, late winter or early in the Spring, the Council determines with the assistance of the WIO Director what the process will be for funding youth programs in the next program year. 2. The Youth Council will review a copy of the current year’s proposals to determine if any changes need to be made in the request for proposals process. 3. After the Department of Labor releases the amount of Youth funding for the program year, the RFP is written up and sent out, first to current providers and then if required by law out to the public to solicit new providers. 4. A one month turn around time is usually attached to the requests. Generally, they are sent out in late April and are due back to the Workforce Investment Office by May. 5. A meeting is set of the Youth Council for June to review proposals. Providers are advised to be available either in person or by telephone to answer any questions Council members may have on their proposed programs. 6. The Youth Council will look at the request against the amount of money available and will determine allocations of funds to programs. Youth providers may be contacted if there is a severe decrease in funding and asked to made adjustments to their request. 7. Once the Youth Council has proposed resolutions as to the amount of funding for specific programs, the resolutions are forwarded to the Executive Committee for support and the full Board for approval. 8. The Board at its next meeting reviews the resolutions for funding and puts the matter to a vote. 9. The WIB Director is responsible for drafting a letter to the youth providers indicating whether or not they will be receiving funding and in what amount. A copy of that letter is kept in the correspondence file. 34 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 602: Annual Youth Dinner Effective Date: 02/17/06 Amended Date: 10/08/13 Approved By: Policy: When the Youth Council has more than three projects in contract and at least 2 contracts are for in-school youth, it will present an annual youth dinner to the WIB, elected officials, students, teachers and families to showcase the work of youth in funded youth programs. Reference Documents: See computer files: WIB/Projects/YP-Dinner/2005 See WIB Nomination Youth of Year form 2006 Procedures: 1. The Youth Council selects a date annually to hold the Youth Dinner. The dinner is held at Columbia-Greene Community sometime in the month of May. 2. The responsibility for planning this event is shared between the WIB Consulting Director and the WIO Assistant Director for Youth. 3. The WIB Consulting Director prepares a draft invitation and forwards it to the WIO Associate Director for Youth for review. The WIO Assistant Director for Youth will contact all the providers and give them the Dinner date. 4. Once the draft is approved, contact is made with the head teacher of the Greenville program usually through e-mail asking if the students would be willing to design the invitations and print them out. 5. The WIO Assistant Director for Youth is responsible giving the youth providers the invitations to give to the youth and their parents. He/She is also responsible for securing the Student Center at the College and the menu. He/She will be responsible for contacting the College President to give him the date of the event and ask for him to do the welcome part on the program. 6. The WIO Assistant Director for Youth will also provide the names of those who are receiving a Certificate of Appreciation to the WIB Consulting Director for inclusion in the dinner brochure. 7. The WIB Consulting Director prepares a draft dinner brochure listing all WIB and Youth Council members and any other relevant information. (See draft dinner brochure) If the Greenville program is doing the invites and brochures, this information is sent to them. 8. At the same time, a request is sent to the youth providers asking them to provide information on an outstanding youth in their program. A nomination form is sent to the instructors for their use. (See sample nomination form.) A reply by date is selected to review the nominations. 9. All nominations are forwarded to the WIB Chair and the WIB Consulting Director. Between the two persons, one outstanding youth of the year is selected. The WIO 35 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Assistant Director for Youth is given the name of the youth being selected in enough time to order a plaque. The other youths receive a certificate prepared by the WIO. 10. Prior to the event, the WIB Consulting Director will review the program with the WIB Chair to determine the timing of the program. 11. The WIB Consulting Director will pick up the invitations and mail them out to the WIB members, elected officials and other interested parties. He/She will also keep track of who will be attending and who will not. The WIO will need the number of those attending to determine the food needs. 12. A week or less prior to the event, contact will be made with any persons who have not responded to the invitation. A check will also be made with the WIO office to determine the number of staff and youth attending. The total numbers will be given to the WIO Assistant Director of Youth. 13. The program events will be coordinated by the WIO; this includes getting information out to local newspapers ahead of time to cover the event. 14. On the day of the program, all staff will arrive at least ½ hour prior to the event. 15. The WIB Consulting Director will meet and greet all WIB members, youth providers and elected officials as they arrive. Once the program starts enjoy the event. 36 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 7: Employer Linkages 37 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 700: Promoting Business Participation Effective Date: January 1, 2006 Approved By: Amended Date: Policy: Private Sector (Businesses) members constitute a majority of the membership of the Board. The WIB Directors role is to assist the board in promoting the participation of business members on the Board through involvement in Board Committees, local WIB Directors meetings, the web site and Chamber activities. Reference Documents: Board By-laws Article IV, Section 2, SOP-Recruitment of New Board Members, Board Committees Procedures: 1. The WIB Consulting Director’s first contact with business people is through the Recruitment Process. 2. The WIB Consulting Director works closely with the Workforce Investment Office’s Business Services Representative to keep in touch with employers and activities affecting them. 3. A Quarterly Business services e-mail sent out by the WIO also contains up-to-date information for businesses. HR Roundtable and JSEC events are included in committee and Board agendas/minutes. 4. The WIB Consulting Director is in contact with both counties Economic Developers by requesting that they prepare a County Economic Development report at the Board meetings. 5. The WIB Consulting Director attends the WIB Director meetings in Albany and Syracuse, as scheduled. Information gleaned from this meeting is shared with the WIO Director. 6. The WIB Director participates, along with the WIO Director, in regional partners meetings, committees and projects. 7. The WIB Consulting Director is familiar with and uses the workforce website at: www.columbiagreeneworks.org 38 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 8: Communication 39 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 800: Communication-WIB Chair Effective Date: 2/23/06 Amended Date: Approved By: Policy: The WIB Consulting Director will be responsible for maintaining regular communication with the WIB Chairperson and performing any necessary duties on his or her behalf. The WIB Consulting Director works for the board and anything and every thing should go through the chair before any action is taken Reference Documents: SOP-WIB Consulting Director Responsibilities Procedures: 1. The WIB Consulting Director will maintain regular communication with the current Board Chair through e-mail, the telephone and in-person meetings. 2. The WIB Chair should be informed if there any changes to membership, information regarding vacancies and any outside communication. All copies of communication should be made available to the chair 3. Periodically, letters may need to be sent with the WIB Chair’s signature. A draft of the intended letter is sent via e-mail for approval. Once approval is given, the WIB Consulting Director will determine the best method to secure the signature of the Chair. 4. If there are newspaper articles being proposed about the WIB, the Chair should be notified prior to the article being published. If an article appears in the local newspapers, the WIB Consulting Director will inform the Chair of the publication as soon as possible. No publication should go out without the chairs approval. 5. Changes to membership status, committee or other member related item are communicated to the Chair. The WIB Chair will authorize any committee changes. 6. Any letters and Certificates of Appreciation will be signed by WIB Chair. 7. The WIB Consulting Director will prepare a copy of Draft Agenda items for committee meetings and e-mail it to the WIB Chair for review and inclusion of additional items. Also, the chair should be notified of the meeting dates and time. 8. The WIB Consulting Director will set up time on a quarterly basis or as needed or requested by the chair to review the Board meeting agenda. He/She will prepare a draft agenda and bring copies to review it with the Chair. 9. The WIB Consulting Director will work with the Chair at any time to prepare any communication with the Board, including the annual Thank you cards. 40 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 801: Communication-WIO Director Interactions Effective Date: 2/23/06 Approved By: Amended Date: Policy: The working relationship between the WIB Consultant and the WIO Director will be informative, timely, professional and occur in a synergistic fashion (i.e. work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of the two). Reference Documents: SOP-WIB Consulting Director Responsibilities Procedures: 1. The WIB Consulting Director will maintain regular communication with the WIO Director through e-mail, the telephone and in-person meetings. 2. The WIB Consulting Director is responsible for sharing all communications from the New York State Department of Labor with the WIO Director. If communication arrives in the form of an e-mail, it is immediately forwarded to the WIO Director. 3. The WIB Consulting Director will communicate all relevant information garnered from Local WIB Directors meetings either in writing or by personal summary. Any materials received are also shared with the WIO Director. 4. The WIB Consulting Director will be the principle liaison between the elected officials and the WIO Director. Information from the elected officials will be communicated to the WIO Director. Any issues or problems will be discussed with the WIO Director before contact is made with elected officials as much as possible. 5. All draft materials prepared by the WIB Consulting Director will be sent via e-mail to the WIO Director for approval before being sent to the Board. 6. All agendas, meeting minutes and any other prepared material for Board consumption will be reviewed by the WIO Director. 41 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Section 9: Monitoring 42 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 900: Monitoring Effective Date: 2/23/06 Amended Date: 6/14/11 Approved By: Reviewed by CQI 6/15/11 Policy: The monitoring process is conducted by the WIB Consulting Director to ensure that; the data in participant case files is accurate, reliable and up-to-date; participant data reported in the WIA case management and reporting system accurately reflects the data in participant files and the activities of case managers and participants are appropriate and accurately reflected in participant case files and in the WIA case management and reporting system. Reference Documents: Technical Advisory #04-2,Technical Advisory #04-19, Technical Advisory #04-6, Technical Advisory # 05-15 Local Workforce Investment Area’s Program, Financial, & Performance Monitoring Guide for Sub-recipient’s-Section I-A Program Monitoring - Adult and Dislocated Worker and Section I-B Program Monitoring - Youth o Exhibit 1 – Individual Record Review o Exhibit 2 – Verification of Data in Case Management & Reporting System o Exhibit 3 - OJT On-Site Employer/Supervisor Review o Exhibit 4 – OJT On-Site Trainee Review o Exhibit 5 – Entrance/Exit Conference o I-B.4- Exhibit 1 – Individual Record Review for Youth Procedures: The WIB Consulting Director will contact the WIO Director to arrange on-site review date. The following monitoring will occur each program year: Adult/Dislocated Workers/Youth File Review OJT/TAA/TGAA Review Youth Programs Policy Review One Stop Center Review Conducted by the Consulting Director Conducted by the Consulting Director Physical visit to each program Conducted by the CQI committee Conducted by the CQI committee The Business Services Committee reviews OJT contracts/status/progress quarterly. The Workforce Investment Board reviews the following quarterly: Core & Intensive Services Skill Development & Training Employment Services Statistics for the Counties Quarterly Report Local Activities Local Marketing Efforts Randomly pick a sample of Adult/Dislocated Worker files to examine during the review. The random sample must include sufficient sample sizes from each of the service areas (core, intensive and training) and if the random sample does not produce that, the sample pool must be expanded. Sample files reviewed must include TAA/TGAA participants per 43 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties TA #05-15, TA#04-6 and TA 04-19. Also, randomly pick a sample of Youth files to examine during the review. Staff at the WIO will pull files for the review. Bring copies of Exhibit 1 “Individual Record Review.” For reference plus any updated monitoring information. For each participant in the sample complete a separate Comment on documentation missing from files, the timeliness of services, and if the sequence of services was appropriate. Compare the information on Exhibit 1 to the information in the sub-recipient’s WIA case management and reporting system (OSOS). Pick a sample of On-the-Job Training contracts. Go on-site and complete Exhibit 3 “OJT On-Site Employer/Supervisor Review” and Exhibit 4 “OJT On-Site Trainee Review.” Arrange and conduct an exit conference. Note the details of meeting on Exhibit 5. Prepare a narrative summarizing your monitoring visit and address it to the WIO Director. Detail all exceptions found. Note what corrective action needs to be taken by the subrecipient along with the timetable for corrective action to be developed and implemented. Prepare and issue report. Bring document and Record Reviews to WIO office for safekeeping. Direct a copy of the report to the DOL Manager. Follow up on any weaknesses within 90 days of the issuance of the report. Write up results of follow up and issue letter on status of the sub-recipient’s corrective action. 44 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Policy 901: Functional Alignment Individual Record Review Guide from PY06 Effective Date: 2/23/06 Approved By: Amended Date: Added to Procedures Guide 10/10/13 Policy: It is the WIB’s responsibility to monitor the services offered by the Career Center, following the guidelines provided by the NYS DOL. Procedures: The following guide provides NYS DOL’s recommended procedures for reviewing WIA eligibility and service documentation: Staff Verification of Eligibility and Data Element Validation requires staff to: o Identify the information to be collected (relevant data element) using an allowable documentation source. o Assure the information is accurately recorded in the appropriate OSOS data field(s). o Record in OSOS Comments: o The information (data element) that has been validated; o The source used to validate the information; o Pertinent data from the document source; and o The date of the Staff Verification. Upon receipt of a Staff Assisted Service Outcome Information must be recorded in OSOS. Outcome information must be validated against specific source documents beyond self-identification. Selective Service (SS) Registration Verification – At the time of 1st staff-assisted service, staff must verify that a male participant born after December 31, 1959 is registered with the US Military Selective Service (SS). o For males 18 -25 years of age who are not registered with the selective service: Staff must refer the individual to the Selective Service for registration. WIA funded services can not be provided until the individual is registered. However, services funded by the W-P program may be provided. o For males 26 years of age or older, whose selective service registration status can not be verified: WIA funded services can be provided, as long as the individual discloses that they did not willfully or deliberately avoid selective service registration. Staff must refer the individual to the Selective Service, and record an OSOS Comment noting the individual’s statement; that the referral was made; and the date the referral was made. No hard copy documentation is required to be maintained. If registered: Check the OSOS SS box, and if available, record the Selective Service registration number (e.g., 67 - 0398583 – 1). 45 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Record an OSOS Comment, noting the source(s) used to determine Selective Service / Military Status. UI Claimant = NYS UI Claimant Reference TA06-19 Provide supporting detail for all responses that to not meet the following minimum documentation standards in Notes section. OSOS NY#: Date: Name: Staff Name: Section 1. Adult & DW Common Enrollment Participants Level 1 Staff Assisted Core Services 1. DOB Source Documentation: UI Claimant at Enrollment: Yes No (verify UI status at enrollment on service history tab enrollment tab) or Other (minimum self Identification required): Yes No Comment (required): Yes No Does the comment meet requirements listed on page 1? Yes No 2. Employment Status: Active UI Claimant at Enrollment and Employment Status equals “Not Employed”: Yes No (verify UI status at enrollment on service history tab enrollment detail) Non UI Claimant Status: Not Employed Employed Employed, but received notice of termination Allowable source verification required OSOS Work History, which is based upon prior/current employment/unemployment information obtained from the participant. The work history should specify occupation, employer, dates of employment, hours worked, wages and reason for unemployment (if applicable) and make reference to appropriate employer record in comments. OSOS Comments Pay Stub (requires comment noting pay period, company, wage, hours) Does Work History contain all requirements? Yes or Does comment meet requirements listed on page 1? No Yes No 3. Selective Service/Military Status: (males born after Dec. 31, 1959) See page 1 for clarification Selective Service box checked: Yes No Registration Number recorded: Yes No Comment Entered (required): Yes No Does comment meet requirements? Yes No 46 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties 4. DW Status: If participant is a DW respond to questions in applicable DW category. Requirement: Work history fields and DW category information must be data entered in the “OSOS Work History” tab Category 1 DW – Laid Off: Unlikely to Return to Previous Occupation And Category 2 DW – Plant Closing Is the participant a Profiled DW? Yes No (verify UI DW status at enrollment on service history tab enrollment detail) or Is the participant a UI Exhaustee at time of 1st staff assisted service? Yes No (verify UI DW status at enrollment on service history tab enrollment detail) or Participant designated UI Exhaustee DW status after common enrollment? No Comment (required): Yes No Does comment support transition in program status? (dual adult and DW enrollment) No Yes Yes Active UI Claimant Profiled as likely to Exhaust Benefits or UI Exhaustee The dislocation date should correspond with the “end date” reported in the OSOS Work History. NOTE: Work History Detail requires only month/year; Qualifying Dislocation Date requires Month/Date/Year. Is Customer Detail/Work History/Reason for Leaving/Dislocated Worker category Information fields completed? Yes No Active UI Claimant who is unlikely to return to previous occupation The dislocation date should be set equal to the “end date” reported in the OSOS Work History. NOTE: Work History Detail requires only month/year; Qualifying Dislocation Date requires Month/Date/Year. Record an OSOS Comment, noting the source(s) used to determine “unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation.” Self identification is an acceptable source if participant receives staff assisted core services only. However, staff can also determine “unlikely to return to their previous occupation” thru job search activities, which result in no jobs within 1-hour travel by personal transportation or 1½ hours by public transportation. Is Customer Detail/Work History/Reason for Leaving/Dislocated Worker Category Information fields completed? Yes No Comment Entered(required)? Yes No Does comment meet requirements? Yes No Non-UI Claimants Staff must verify that the participant meets all three of Category 1 DW criteria. For staff assisted core services only, self identification is an acceptable source. 47 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Record/select Category 1 or 2 DW in the OSOS Customer Detail-Work History/Reason for Leaving Record the “qualifying date of the dislocation” in the OSOS pop-up field. Record an OSOS Comment, noting the source(s) used to determine Category 1 or 2 DW eligibility. Is there a DW related comment entered into OSOS? Yes No Does the OSOS comment provide sufficient information to justify DW eligibility? Yes No Category 3 DW – Self-Employed For staff assisted core services only, self identification is an acceptable source. Record/select “Category 3” DW in the OSOS Customer Detail-Work History/Reason for Leaving. Record an OSOS Comment, noting the source(s) used to determine the individual’s Category 3 DW eligibility. Is Customer Detail/Work History/Reason for leaving field completed? Comment Entered(required)? Yes No Does comment meet requirements to justify DW eligibility? Yes Yes No No Category 4 DW – Displaced Homemakers For staff assisted core services only, self identification is an acceptable source. Record/select “Category 4” DW in the OSOS Customer Detail-Work History/Reason for Leaving Record an OSOS Comment, noting the source(s) used to determine the individual’s Category 4 DW eligibility. Is Customer Detail/Work History/Reason for leaving field completed? Comment Entered(required)? Yes No Does comment meet requirements to justify DW eligibility? Yes Yes No No Notes: 48 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Appendix 1. WIB Agenda-Sample 2. Board Agenda-Sample 3. Sample Committee/Board meeting minutes 49 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Sample: Board Meeting Agenda MISSION: The C-G WIB will provide leadership, influence, focus and oversight for the local workforce development system. Strategies to Achieve Vision and Mission: Promote collaboration between economic development, education and training resources. Measure system performance for quality improvement. Promote the system with the public Agenda October 8, 2013 5:30 pm. Insert Room Number and Building Name WELCOME Chair Insert Name, Board ROLL CALL Chair Insert Name, Board Invited Guests: Insert Names STATUS OF VACANCIES Chair Insert Name, Board CORRESPONDENCE Letters Sent: Available for Review Letters Received: ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Chair Insert Name, Board Date COMMITTEE UPDATES- (See Attached Reports) Business Services Committee (Insert Name of Chair) Executive Committee (Insert Name of Chair) Youth Council (Insert Name of Chair) 50 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties ONE STOP OPERATOR DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Participation Report- ( in meeting packet) PY 13 Budget Update/Government Shutdown Impact Insert Name, WIO OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATES Insert Names of Economic Development WIB Members GOOD AND WELFARE Insert Name, Board Chair PY Insert Year Full Board Meeting Schedule Insert Date Insert Time Insert Date Insert Time Insert Date Insert Time Insert Date Insert Time All meetings are held at Columbia Greene Community College. Meeting reminders, agendas, committee reports and materials are distributed electronically in advance of the meeting. 51 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Sample: Committee Agenda Agenda Committee Name Date Old Business (Follow-up items from last meeting) New Business (New items for discussion) Action Items (Items the committee needs to take action on) Other 52 Workforce Investment Board of Columbia & Greene Counties Sample: Minutes Minutes for (meeting date) Attendance: Present: Insert names of those attending meeting Excused: Insert names of those unable to attend. WIO Staff: ________ Consultant: __Your name__________ Old Business: Use title from Agenda Action Items: Use title from Agenda o New Business: Use title from Agenda o Next Steps: o Meeting adjourned: Insert meeting time 53
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