SOUTH AFRICAN GYMNASTICS FEDERATION SCHOOLS GYMNASTICS MANUAL 2012 – 2014 Contents 1. AerobicStar 2. GymStar 3. SkipStar Page 3 Page 19 Page 28 2 AerobicSt r Aerobics Gymnastics Program BACKGROUND This program was developed for schools, community clubs and recreational centres as a competitive introduction to Aerobics gymnastics. It consists of three levels of participation and each level has a floor routine. Aerobic gymnastics is a combination of seven basic aerobic steps together with arm movements; all performed to music to create dynamic, rhythmic and continuous sequences of high and low impact movements. PROGRAM OUTLINE This program is suitable for girls and boys. It forms part of the schools competitive gymnastics program. Teams are made up of either 4 boys or girls, and compete under the name of the school. Schools may enter any number of teams. For the schools program gymnasts perform in trios, pairs (2 pairs) and as an individual. Scores from all 4 routines count towards the team total score. The person performing as the individual cannot perform in the trio. AGE GROUPS Primary school U11 and U14 High School (introduced in 2015) U15 and U17 3 COMPETITION FORMAT Year 2012 2013 2014 Level of comp Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Program usage AerobicStar1 AerobicStar1 AerobicStar1 Age groups U11, U14 U14 U14 AerobicStar1 AerobicStar1 AerobicStar1 U11, U14 U14 U14 AerobicStar1, 2 AerobicStar2 AerobicStar2 U11, U14 U11, U14 U14 Attire Girls: Leotard/Stockings/Socks/Shoes T-Shirt/Shorts/Socks/Shoes Boys: Unitard/Socks/Shoes T-Shirt/Shorts/Shoes No jewelry is allowed. General notes The floor routine can be performed on thin mats, however any suitable working surface is acceptable (spring floor, judo mat, soft grass field) Floor size is 7m x 7m The routine is performed to music The floor routine is judged out of a maximum of 20 points The 7 basic aerobics steps are: March, Jog, Jumping jack, Knee up, Flick kick, High leg kick and Lunge Suggested lesson plan: Activity Warm Up Stretch Routine/Elements Cool Down/ Stretch Time + 15 Minutes + 10 Minutes + 30 Minutes + 5 Minutes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 JUDGING MANUAL Difficulty Group A Push Up on knees Technical Description: Start Position: Front Support (push up position). Hands begin under the shoulders and slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Fingers pointing forward with wrist hyper extended. Knees on floor with feet crossed. Head in line with the spine. Action: Bend elbows, lowering body to 10cm from the floor. Body stays straight throughout element. End Position: Straighten arms to return to front support. Methodology (ways to learn the element): 1. 2. 3. 4. Wall push ups. Push up with arms elevated (raised). Front support on knees. Push up from front support, coach to assist gymnast by supporting the abdominal area, while gymnast performs push up. 13 Group B Technical Description L-Support with lifted buttocks Starting Position: Seated in a piked position (legs together straight in front of body) hands flat and on either side of body. Action: While in piked position lift buttocks off the floor. Legs stay in contact with the floor. Hold position for 2 seconds. End Position: Lower (buttocks) body to floor. Methodology (ways to learn the element): 1. Beginning with a bench with legs tucked, lift body off the bench. 2. Coach supports at the waist while athlete lifts off the bench, athlete extends the legs and holds. 3. Coach supports the legs while the athlete holds the straddle or piked position. (can also be done with feet on a bench) 14 Group C Technical Description Tuck Jump Starting Position: Standing position with feet together. Action: A vertical jump with take off from 2 feet. Knees are raised to above horizontal (to belly button or higher). End Position: Lower legs to standing position, feet together. Methodology (ways to learn the element): 1. Strengthen legs by doing lunges and squats. 2. From standing step forward jump feet together to perform a stretch jump. Ensure that the gymnasts uses the whole of the foot (flat, ball and toes) and bending the knees to start and finish the jump. 3. Practice jump on the trampoline first 4. Start from on a bench or spring board (height) and perform the jump off 15 Group D Technical Description Split Action: Legs are fully extended (One in front and one behind) and at least 170°. Both legs are in contact with the floor. Upper body is up-right. Methodology (ways to learn the element): For all splits 1. Lying on the back one leg on the floor raise the other leg as far as possible. The coach’s assists the gymnast by pushing the leg to its maximum (without the gymnast feeling pain) this is repeated on both legs. 2. In the same position, the coach holds the lifted leg and the gymnast pushes against the coach’s hands. The gymnast stops push and the coaches extended the leg further (without pain). Execution Every movement must be performed with perfect execution. That means that the correct posture must be maintained throughout the routine. Body alignment must be maintained while moving. Arm movements must show a clear starting and ending position for every movement. Feet and arms must be fully extended when required. Toes must be pointed to show full extension. 16 Artistic Composition: To assist with the arms choreography for AerobicStar2 and 3 there are some examples of arm positions with the 7 basics steps. Coaches may use any variety and variation of these positions. This is in no means all the possible arms positions that can be used. Arm movements must be combined and each leg movement must have a corresponding arm movement. Arm movements must be linked in a smooth and dynamic way. Arm movements must show a combination of short and long levers. The more complex the arm movements are performed with the correct legs choreography, the higher the artistic, composition score will be received. Space Gymnasts must follow the prescribed (set) floor pattern of the routines. For pairs, trio’s and groups, coaches must change the patterns and formation of the gymnasts but the overall floor pattern must stay the same. Presentation Gymnasts must have an athletic impression with all movements being sharp and clear. They must also show self-confidence, physical energy and showmanship. Facial expressions must be natural. Eye contact must be made with the audience, judges and partners for pairs and trios. Timing and Synchronization Timing is the ability to work on the beat of the music. Gymnasts must perform all movements to the music. Synchronization is for pairs, trio’s and groups and is the ability of all the gymnasts to perform the moves at the same time. They must move as one. 17 18 GymSt r Artistic Gymnastics program BACKGROUND This program was developed for schools, community clubs and recreational centres as a competitive introduction to Artistic gymnastics. It consists of three levels of participation and each level has a floor routine and 2 skill vaults. PROGRAM OUTLINE This program is suitable for girls and boys. It forms part of the schools competitive gymnastics program. Teams are made up of either 4 boys, 4 girls or a mixture of boys and girls, and compete under the name of the school. Schools may enter any number of teams. Gymnasts perform individually and all 4 of their scores count towards the team total score. AGE GROUPS Primary school U11 and U14 High School (introduced in 2015) U15 and U17 PROGRAM USE This program will be used as part of the intra and inter – schools competitive program. Using a league system, school teams will use this program to compete for district, provincial and national championship status. At the National Championships, teams MUST consist of 4 learners (either all girls or all boys). 19 COMPETITION FORMAT Year 2012 2013 2014 Level of comp Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Program usage GymStar1 GymStar1 GymStar1 Age groups U11, U14 U14 U14 GymStar1 GymStar1 GymStar1 U11, U14 U14 U14 GymStar1, 2 GymStar2 GymStar2 U11, U14 U11, U14 U14 Attire Girls: Leotard, bare foot T-Shirt and shorts, bare foot Boys: Leotard and shorts, bare foot T-Shirt and shorts, bare foot No jewelry is allowed General notes Boys & Girls do the same routines on Floor & Vault Judging requirements & principals are the same for boys and girls VAULT General notes 6m Run up (minimum) Spring board or the floor Standard Landing Mat – approx (1350 x 2300 x 150 mm) Top surface – “EVA” (hard) mat (1000 x 2000 x 50 mm) Each gymnast must perform BOTH vaults Each vault is judged out of a maximum value of 5 points 20 JUMPS 1) 2) 1) 2) 1) 2) Tuck Jump Star Jump Straddle Jump Full twist stretch jump Pike Jump Front Somersault (tuck position) FLOOR General notes All floor routines may use a strip mat (minimum 10m x 2m) however any suitable working surface is acceptable (spring floor, judo mat, soft grass field) Turns/movements may be done L or R Balance may be done on L or R foot The routine is not performed to music The floor routine is judged out of a maximum of 10 points 21 FLOOR Description Step forward raising arms upward and kick to momentary handstand > (1.5) lower to lunge arms upward > bring back foot fwd to standing (0.5) Cartwheel to finish sideways, ¼ turn outwards and join feet - arms upwards Value Faults 2.0 Handstand not in vertical Legs not closed in Handstand .1 X .3 X X X 2.0 X X X X Crouch arms forward (0.5) > forward roll (1.0) > immediate stretch jump, land. (0.5) 2.0 X X Crouch (0.5) , place hands on 2.0 floor > jump to bunny handstand (1.0) > lower back to crouch arms fwd (0.5) Rise to standing arms 2.0 sideways > lift 1 leg forwards and bend knee @ 90 deg. (horizontal) > balance for 2 seconds > return to standing - arms down Cartwheel not through vertical Insufficient separation of legs Back not straight in crouch Hands push off mat in roll Stretch jump not immediate Back not straight in crouch Legs not together Bunny not reaching vertical Balance not held for 2 sec Leg not 90” Upper Leg not horizontal 22 .5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FLOOR Description Step fwd raising arms upward and kick to momentary handstand (1.0) > forward roll (0.5) to immediate tuck jump > standing arms upward (0.5) Value 2.0 Run / hurdle step to cartwheel with ¼ turn inwards to lunge arms upwards (1.5) > move rear foot fwd to standing arms upwards (0.5) Crouch arms fwd (0.5) > backward roll to straddle standing (back horizontal) arms sideways (1.5) 2.0 Place hands on floor and jump with straddle legs to momentary handstand (1.5) > lower through tuck handstand to crouch arms (0.5) fwd Stand arms sideways > step forward to arabesque – (chest down) arms sideways > hold for 2 seconds > lower rear leg , raise trunk to standing arms at side 2.0 2.0 2.0 Faults H/Stand not through vertical Tuck jump not immediate Legs open in tuck jump Hands push off mat in roll C/wheel not through vertical Insufficient separation of legs .1 X .3 X X X X X X X X X X Legs not together Bent legs in straddle standing Back not horizontal in balance Hips not stretched in handstand X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Balance not held for 2 seconds Chest / Leg too high / low 23 .5 X X FLOOR Description Short Run / Hurdle step to arabspring (1.5) stretch jump > land arms upwards (0.5) Value 2.0 Crouch arms forward (0.5) > backward roll to right angle straddle standing arms sideways > hold for 2 seconds (1.5) 2.0 Place hands on floor > jump to handstand (1.5) > forward roll (0.5) 2.0 Immediate stretch jump with full turn > landing with arms upwards 2.0 Lower arms to sideways > lift 2.0 straight leg fwd (to 45’)(0.5), move free leg through sideways to backwards (0.5) – to finish in Arabesque Standing (Chest down) arms sideways > hold for 2 seconds > lower rear leg , raise trunk to standing arms at side (1.0) Faults Arabspring not thru vertical Stretch jump not immediate Insufficient height in jump Back not straight in crouch Legs not together Bent legs in pike standing Back not horizontal in balance Balance not held for 2 seconds Not passing through vertical Hips not stretched in H/Stand Stretch jump not immediate Full turn incomplete Body not stretched in turn Free leg not lifted 45’ Balance not held for 2 seconds Chest / Leg too high / low 24 .1 X X X .3 X X X .5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X JUDGING GymSt r Table of General Deductions DESCRIPTION OF FAULT DEDUCTION Bent legs/arms/hips when not prescribed Lack of body tension Insufficient tuck/star/straddle shape Insufficient height in jumps Insufficient stretch before landings Deviation of direction Fall Steps on landing – each (max. 0.9 ded.) Step or shifting of hands/feet Incorrect posture (arms, body), deep bending of knees on landings Extra swing or element Turn not completed Shifting/walking of hands / feet Hold elements not held Straddled legs when not allowed Use of strength where not required 2 or more jumps on take-off 0.1 Small 0.3 Medium 0.5 Large X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (each) X X(<30) X each 1-2 sec X<shoulders X X X X X(31’-60’) X(>60’) 1 sec X>shoulders X X SCORING Scoring is done by adding up the marks attained by each gymnast and then totaling all 4 gymnasts of the team to give total team score. Each floor routine has a maximum value of 10.00 points and each vault a maximum for 5.00 points. 25 X 1.0 <1 sec GymStar Score Sheet Level GymStar1 Date School Age group Name Floor score Max = 10.0 Vault 1 score Max = 5.0 Vault 2 score Max = 5.0 Total 1. 2. 3. 4. Team score GymStar Score Sheet Level GymStar1 Date School Age group Name Floor score Max = 10.0 Vault 1 score Max = 5.0 Vault 2 score Max = 5.0 1. 2. 3. 4. Team score 26 Total Example of a competition floor layout Team “A” Competition area for floor Judge 1 Gymnast 1 Judge 2 Gymnast 2 Judge 3 Gymnast 3 Judge 4 Gymnast 4 Competition area for vault Judge 5 Gymnast 1 Judge 6 Gymnast 2 Judge 7 Gymnast 3 Judge 8 Gymnast 4 Team “B” Minimum area for each competition grid would be 10m x 6m (i.e. total competition area of 10m x 12m or just 10m x 6m with 2 rounds and only 4 judges) 27 SkipSt r Rope Skipping program BACKGROUND This program was developed for schools, community clubs and recreational centres as a competitive introduction to Rope Skipping. It consists of three levels of participation and each level has a floor routine and 2 skill requirements. PROGRAM OUTLINE This program is suitable for girls and boys. It forms part of the schools competitive gymnastics program. Teams are made up of 4 learners (either all boys or all girls), and compete under the name of the school. Schools may enter any number of teams. Jumpers perform individually and all 4 scores count towards the team total score. AGE GROUPS Primary school U11 and U14 High School (introduced in 2015) U15 and U17 PROGRAM USE This program will be used as part of the intra and inter – schools competitive program. Using a league system, school teams will use this program to compete for district, provincial and national championship status. 28 COMPETITION FORMAT Year 2012 2013 2014 Level of comp Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Intra district (District level) Inter district (Provincial level) Inter provincial (National level) Program usage SkipStar1 SkipStar1 SkipStar1 Age groups U11, U14 U14 U14 SkipStar1 SkipStar1 SkipStar1 U11, U14 U14 U14 SkipStar1, 2 SkipStar2 SkipStar2 U11, U14 U11, U14 U14 Attire Girls: Leotard and shorts, takkies T-Shirt and shorts, takkies Boys: Leotard and shorts, takkies T-Shirt and shorts, takkies No jewelry is allowed General notes The floor routine can be performed on a flat even surface (spring floor, judo mat, soft grass field) Floor size is 7m x 7m The floor routine is performed to music The floor routine is judged out of a maximum of 10 points The skills score is recorded as the number of jumps each jumper achieves during the 30 second time allocation. The floor routine score and the skill points are added together to obtain the total for each skipper. Suggested lesson plan: Activity Warm Up Stretch Routine/Elements Cool Down/ Stretch Time + 15 Minutes + 10 Minutes + 30 Minutes + 5 Minutes 29 SkipStar1 - Skills Speed and double unders are the skills that are judged. SPEED: The judge counts how many times the RIGHT foot of the jumper touches the floor, whilst doing a legitimate skip in a running motion. DOUBLE UNDERS: The judge counts every successful jump on both feet while the rope rotates twice under the feet and over the head of the jumper. Each skip is counted as 1 skip. Each skip equals 1 point i.e. 40 skips = 40 points. Each skip skill is performed for 30 seconds. A timekeeper with a whistle or CD with timed music will indicate the start and end of each time period. Teams have 15 seconds for the next jumper to enter the floor for his/her skill to be judged. SkipStar1 – Floor routine (Level 1) Starting 1m from the left corner of the floor square; on a cross pose do two double bounce jumps Two basic jumps - heel toe tap twice both feet (L&R moving to the right hand side sideways while doing it) Four speed steps going forward. Grab the left handle on R –hand swing the rope once above the head and do two grass cutters Take the L- handle back to left hand and two basic jumps criss cross to caboose swing back - one forward. Basic jump toad to two double unders side swing EB pose. 30 SCORING Scoring is done by adding up the marks attained by each skipper and then totaling all 4 skippers of the team to give total team score. Each floor routine has a maximum value of 10.00 points. Each team will take their score sheet with them as they move between each floor. Suggested floor layout: TIMEKEEPER/ANNOUNCER Team A FLOOR 1 FLOOR 2 SPEED Team B DOUBLE UNDERS Judge Judge Judge SPEED Team C Judge DOUBLE UNDERS FLOOR 3 FLOOR 4 Team D Participation flow: All teams will perform their skills first before the floor routine. So if there are 8 teams, the first 4 teams follow the procedure below, then the next 4 teams will follow the same procedure. Only once all the teams have completed their skills will judging of the floor routine commence. 31 Round 1: Team A and C - all 4 team members are judged individually for speed on Floor 1 and 3 respectively. Team B and D – all 4 team members are judged individually for double unders on Floors 2 and 4 respectively. Round 2: Team A - all members move to Floor 2 to be judged individually for double unders. Team C - all members move to Floor 4 to be judged individually for double unders. Team B - all members move to Floor 1 to be judged individually for speed. Team D - all members move to Floor 3 to be judged individually for speed. Round 3: Team A – all members will move to Floor 4, to be judged individually for their floor routine. Team B – all members will move to Floor 3, to be judged individually for their floor routine. Team C – all members will move to Floor 2, to be judged individually for their floor routine. Team D – all members will move to Floor 1, to be judged individually for their floor routine. 32 SkipStar1 Skills Score Sheet DATE: School name Age group JUMPER 1: _____________________ Skills event Speed Double unders TOTAL JUMPER 2: __________________ Skills event Speed Double unders TOTAL JUMPER 3: __________________ Skills event Speed Double unders TOTAL JUMPER 4: __________________ Skills event Speed Double unders TOTAL TEAM SKILL TOTAL: TEAM FLOOR TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL: 33 SkipStar1 Floor Score Sheet DATE: School name Age group JUMPER 1: __________________ Execution Score Sheet SKILLS Double Bounce 2 x Basic Jumps Heel Toe Tap Speed Step Grass Cutter Criss Cross Caboose Toad Double Under Side Swing EB Pose POINTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Full Points Half Points No Points Full Points Half Points No Points FINAL SCORE: JUMPER 2: _________________ Execution Score Sheet SKILLS Double Bounce 2 x Basic Jumps Heel Toe Tap Speed Step Grass Cutter Criss Cross Caboose Toad Double Under Side Swing EB Pose POINTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINAL SCORE: 34 SkipStar1 Floor Score Sheet DATE: School name Age group JUMPER 3: _________________ Execution Score Sheet SKILLS Double Bounce 2 x Basic Jumps Heel Toe Tap Speed Step Grass Cutter Criss Cross Caboose Toad Double Under Side Swing EB Pose POINTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Full Points Half Points No Points Full Points Half Points No Points FINAL SCORE: JUMPER 4: _________________ Execution Score Sheet SKILLS POINTS Double Bounce 2 x Basic Jumps Heel Toe Tap Speed Step Grass Cutter Criss Cross Caboose Toad Double Under Side Swing EB Pose 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINAL SCORE: 35
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