North Yuba Little League Safety Manual 2014 PO Box 585, Browns Valley, CA 95918 / Phone (530) 749-0636 This manual to be distributed to league volunteers and be published on the NYLL website at 1. Emergency Contacts 911- for all emergencies Safety Officer – Michael Keller @ 530-682-2002 or 530-749-1240 President – Larry Brazil @ 530-742-4883 or 530-632-2299 2. Board of Directors 3. President Larry Brazil 530-742-4883/6322299 larrydbrazil@ VP Baseball Chris Johnson 530-218-3245 chrisnhaley13 m VP Softball Todd Tyler 530-870-7324 ttcms@hughe 530-218-1345 meganpooky9 m Player Agent Foothills Farm Upper Megan Olson Player Agent Foothills Minor Upper Player Agent Foothills Farm Lower Theresa Blackson 530-679-0780/5187585 blackson@gm Player Agent Foothills Minor Lower Kelly Owen 530-692-8903 kellyowen77 916-416-2979 tiffanytoo@d Treasurer Tiffany Kent DeeDee Cherry 530-675-1102/9135864 mdscherry@s -Sperbeck Karie Reese 530-713-5062 klr3sons@yah -Ponderosa Crystal Bond 530-675-1258 james4crysta Brian Owen 916-204-5149 bodeerhunter Penny Howsley 916-201-3620 garyhowsley -Sperbeck Chris Johnson 530-218-3245 chrisnhaley13 m -Ponderosa Gene Weckman weckman5@y 530-6753625/624-9206 -Alcouffe Mike Boals 530-692-9664 mboals@woo dleaf.youngli Information Officer Kathy Springsteen 530-675-2228 katwoman19 m Uniform Manager Janelle Pomeroy 530-237-6977 janellepomer Parent Roberta McKarson 530-790-5076 robertamck3 Secretary Concession Managers -Alcouffe Equipment Manager Fundraiser Coordinator/Scheduler Sponsorship Manager Facility Managers Team Coordinator Scorekeeper Coordinator Jill Williams 530-742-5822/916956-4094 jmwilliams@ Coach Coordinator Brian Williams 530-742-5822/3202382 bwcal@spryn Umpire in Chief Larry Brazil 530-742-4883/6322299 larrydbrazil@gmail .com Safety Officer Michael Keller 530-682-2002/7491240 info@calolea. com 3. Volunteer Application Every board member, manager, coach and any other adult assisting with the supervision of a child or children in association with North Yuba Little League will complete the mandatory (Megan’s Law) volunteer application dated 2014 provided by North Yuba Little League. 4. General Code of Conduct • Maximum speed of 5 mph on all roadways and in all parking lots while attending any Little League function. Always watch for children around parked cars. Always be alert for moving vehicles. • No alcohol or drugs are allowed in any parking lot, field, or otherwise common area within the Little League complex. • No playing in parking lots at any time. • No playing around lawn equipment. • No children under the age of 16 are allowed to operate lawn or power equipment without direct adult supervision. • No profanity will be allowed within or around league facilities. • No swinging of bats or throwing baseballs at any time within the walkways and common areas of the league facility. • No throwing or hitting balls against dugouts or against backstops. • No throwing rocks. No horseplay at any time. No climbing of fences or trees is allowed. • No pets are permitted at games or practices, except those that assist the disabled. • Only a player at bat may swing a bat, make sure that players are alert of area around them when swinging a bat. Exemption is for a batter within a closed area designated as a batting cage. • A catcher, (any player that is behind a batter to receive a pitched or thrown ball) must wear appropriate protective equipment. • Observe all posted signs. Players and spectators should be alert at all times for foul balls and errant throws. • During the game, players must remain in the dugout area in an orderly fashion at all times. • After each game, each team must clean up equipment, trash in dugouts and around the stands. • No Children under the age of 16 are to be permitted to serve food or collect money in the snack shack without adult supervision. Children between the ages of 12 and 16 must receive prior approval from all three concession managers. • Only authorized league personnel are allowed in the announcer’s booth. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in expulsion from the league or league facilities 5. Safety Code- Dedicated to Injury Prevention • First-Aid Kits are required for all games and practices. First-Aid Kits will be provided by the league. It is the responsibility of each manager/coach to maintain the first-Aid Kits. First-Aid Kits shall be with each team at all times. • Managers, Coaches, and Umpires should have general knowledge on First-Aid procedures. Standard First-Aid and accident report training will be provided at this year’s managers and coaches meeting February. Managers must attend this meeting. • No games or practices are to be held when weather or field conditions are determined not to be safe. • Team managers are responsible for determining the condition of the field prior to the start of the game or practice. Fields are to be inspected before each game and practice for holes, damage, stones, glass and other foreign objects. Any required corrective measures are to be arranged prior to the start of the game. 6. • All team equipment should be stored within the dugout or behind screens and not within the area defined by umpires as “in play”. • Only players, coaches, managers and umpires are permitted on playing fields or in dugouts during games and practices. • Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field in play should be that of the teams of which the equipment belongs, not the umpires. • Individual safety is to be considered for retrieving foul balls. This includes adult supervision for small children. • During practice and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter and where the ball is hit. • During warm-up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches. • All pre-game warm-ups should be performed within the confines of the playing fields and not within areas frequented by spectators. • Batters must wear Little League approved protective helmets during all batting practices and at all games. • Catchers must wear approved catchers helmet, mask, throat guard, long model chest protector, shin guards, and protective cups (or other similar devices) for all practices and games. • Headfirst sliding is not permitted except when the runner is returning to a base or when allowed for that division of play. • During sliding practice, bases should not be secured in any fashion. • At no time is horseplay permitted on the playing field. • Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide “safety glasses” for their child. • Players are not allowed to wear watches, rings, earrings, pins or any other metallic type items during practice or games, except for medical identification. • Managers or Coaches may not warm up pitchers before or during a game. • On-deck batters are not permitted. Accident Reporting Procedures • Report any incident other than basic First-Aid that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and or advanced First-Aid, to the Safety Officer (Michael Keller) at 530-682-2002/749-1240. • Initial incident reporting can be informal such as a phone call. However, it shall be followed up with the completion of an official incident report form being completed by the reporter and finalized by the Safety Officer. Blank incident report forms can be found in each Manager’s Packet, in the Snack Shack or Announcer’s booth within the 2014 NYLL Safety Compliance and Master Schedule binder or from the Safety Officer. At a minimum an incident report shall include the following: i. Name and phone number of individual(s) involved and parent contact if a minor. ii. Date, time and location of incident. iii. Detailed description of the incident. iv. List the most obvious injury(s). v. Name and phone number of incident reporter. vi. If the official incident report is being completed by anyone other than the injured party, they must begin the incident description with the statement “(name of individual) states that”! 7. 8. 9. Communicable Disease Procedures • Routinely use gloves to prevent exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids are anticipated. (Should be in all First-Aid Kits) • Bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered, and the uniform changed (if there is blood on it) before the child may continue play. • Immediately wash your hands and other skin surfaces if contaminated with blood or other body fluids. • Clean up contaminated surfaces and equipment thoroughly at a minimum with a ten to one bleach solution. Dispose of contaminated material appropriately. • Managers, coaches and any volunteers with any open wounds should refrain from direct contact of a bleeding wound without wearing the proper protective equipment. • Report any potential exposure to the Safety Officer (Michael Keller) at 530-682-2002/749-1240 Lightning Evacuation Procedures • Stop game or practice immediately. • Stay away from fencing including dugout fencing. • Do not hold a metal bat. • Walk, don’t run to a safe place and wait for a decision by the umpire, manager or coach on whether or not to continue the game or practice. Safety Officers Responsibilities • Within 48 hours of receiving an incident report, the Safety Officer will: vii. Contact the injured party’s parents and verify the initial information. viii. Obtain any further information deemed necessary. ix. Check the status of the injured party. x. Advise the injured party of the League insurance coverage’s and the provisions for submitting any claims. • If the injuries are more than minor, the Safety Officer shall periodically call the injured party to check on the status of any injuries and check if any other assistance is necessary such as submitting insurance forms, etc. This contact should continue until the incident is considered “closed”. • Prior to the start, and at the end of each season, and routinely throughout the season, conduct a thorough walkthrough and inspection of the facilities to identify potential hazards. Provide a report as needed to address corrective actions required to the board on the hazards found. • Has the authority to shut down, stop and function or remove equipment at his/her discretion if a hazard is identified that has the potential to cause harm or injury. 10. Special Section for Managers and Coaches: Some Important Do’s and Don’ts • Do….. xi. Request that parents do not drop their child off unless the manger or coach is present. xii.Reassure and aid children who are injured, frightened, or lost. Provide or assist in obtaining medical attention for those who require it. Know your limitations. xiii. Carry a First-Aid Kit to all practices and games. xiv. Assist those who require medical attention and when administering aid, remember to look for signs of injury (blood, bruises, stiffness), listen to the individual describe what happened and what hurts, and feel gently and carefully to the injured area for signs of swelling or grating of a broken bone. Keep your players Medical Release forms with you at all practices and games. Make arrangements to have cellular phone available in instances where any other public phone may not be available. xv. Ensure that a least one member of the coaching staff or the manager attends a coaches fundamentals training. The 2014 Coaches Fundamental Training clinic will be in Sutter, Sunday Feb. 23. More details about other clinics will be provided at the mandatory Managers meeting. Be advised that coaches and managers must attend this training at a minimum of every three years. xvi. Routinely inspect team and players equipment for damage and that safety features are intact. xvii. Teach your players, but do not forget to listen. viii. Attend the NYLL mandatory Managers Meeting. 2014 date to be set. Meeting agenda to include the following but not limited to: • 1. NYLL By Laws 2. Rule Changes 3. Review of Safety Plan and NYLL Manual 4. Basic First-Aid/First –Aid Kits Distributed 5. Emergency Contacts 6. Equipment requirements and Safety Inspections 7. Equipment Distribution 8. Practice and Game Day Field Prep and Safety Inspection 9. Additional Mangers/Coaches Responsibility Don’t……. ix. Do not administer and medication. x. Do not provide any food or beverages (other than water) in a medical emergency. xi. Do not be afraid to ask for help if you’re not sure of the proper First-Aid procedures. If you have to ask yourself if you should call 911, ALWAYS CALL (!!. xii.Do not leave an unattended child at a practice or game. xiii. Do not hesitate to report any potential safety hazard to the Safety Officer. xiv. When treating an injury, remember: 10. Protection - to the individual, others and yourself. 11. Reassure - calm and comfort the injured. 12. Ice -or a cold pack to reduce swelling. 13. Compression- applied to stop any bleeding. 14. Elevation – raising the area of bleeding can assist in stopping blood loss. 15. Support – taking the pressure off of the injury. 16. Hydration – provide water at practices and games. 17. Listen – complaints of pain or fatigue are pre-warning signs. 11. Safety for Concession Stand (Snack Shack) • Menu- keep menu simple, and keep potentially hazardous foods (meats, eggs, dairy products, salads, cut fruits and vegetables, etc.) to a minimum. Avoid using precooked foods or leftovers. Use only foods from approved sources, avoiding foods that have been prepared at home. • Cooking – use a food thermometer to check on cooking and holding temperatures of potentially hazardous foods. All potentially hazardous foods should be kept at 41 degrees F or below(if cold) or 140 degrees F. or above (if hot). Ground beef and ground pork products should be cooked to an internal temperature of 155 degrees F. Poultry parts should be cooked to 165 degrees f. • Reheating – Rapidly reheat potentially hazardous foods to 165 degrees F. Do not attempt to reheat foods in crock pots, steam tables, over stemo units or other holding devices. • Hand washing- the use of disposable gloves can provide an additional barrier to contamination, but they are no substitute for hand washing. • Health and Hygiene – Only healthy workers should prepare and serve food. Anyone who shows symptoms of disease (cramps, nausea, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, etc.) or who has open sores or cuts on the hands should not be allowed in the food concession area. • Food Handling – Avoid hand contact with raw, ready-to-eat foods and food contact surfaces. Use an acceptable dispensing utensil to serve food. • Dishwashing- Use appropriate soaps for washing dishes. When possible use disposable utensils for food service. Keep your hands away from food contact surfaces, and never reuse disposable dishware. • Ice-Ice used to cool cans/bottles is not to be used in cup beverages and should be stored separately. Use a scoop to dispense ice, never use your hands. • Wiping Cloths – Rinse and store your wiping cloths in a bucket of sanitizer (example: A ten to one water and bleach solution). • Insect Control – Keep foods covered to protect them from insects. Store pesticides away from foods. • Waste/Trash – Remove all full trash immediately. Remove all waste/trash at closing. • Food Storage and Cleanliness – Keep foods stored off the floor at least six inches. After your event is finished, clean the concession area and discard unusable food. Remember that Safety is everyone’s job. Prevention is the key to reducing accidents. Report all hazardous conditions to the Safety Office immediately. Don’t play on a field that is not safe or play with unsafe equipment. Be sure your players are fully equipped at all times and check the condition of your equipment often. “MAKING IT SAFE FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES” Michael Keller North Yuba Little League Safety Officer
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