SPONSOR COMMITMENT LETTER It is my honor and privilege to share God's grace with you by sponsoring you on the Walk to Emmaus. The Emmaus Community of Southeast Michigan has prayed for you from the time of preparation and during this waiting time of confirmation by the Registrar. They will continue to pray for you throughout the actual Walk and beyond. You are special to God - to me - and to the Community at large. As your Sponsor, I am committed to do the following: ~ Give you a copy of "What is Emmaus?" and answer ~ Notify you when the Registrar your application; ~ Remind ~ Offer guidance ~ Provide o o o o o o o confirms you of the "Walk" dates, Community will will will will I will I will I will Training that you may have; dates, Reunions, Gatherings, you for the Emmaus experience; etc.; as what to pack; encouragement I I I I any questions & reassurance to prepare drive you to and from the Walk; make sure you have dinner on Thursday night; check you in at the registration table and assist in getting your name tag; help you getting settled in your room; return with you to the Community Reception Area for fellowship & snacks; remain with you, introducing you to others, until it is time to leave; pray for you during the entire weekend; ~ I will help you, as needed (i.e. pick up mail, take out trash, check on pets or plants, your family with any needs they may have while you are away); ~ Pick you up at the Closing ~ Help you stay connected ~ Introduce ~ Show you the many opportunities ~ Explain ~ Encourage and make sure you have dinner on the way home; with Christ and other Christians you to others in the Community and model progressive you to become and assist through a Reunion and help you learn about Emmaus; you will have to serve in the Emmaus servant Group; Community; hood; and renewed in your involvement at your local church. a- Please allow me to do these things for you, as I seek to serve Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4: 1 "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." May you have a spirit of cooperation, acceptance, and feel God's richest blessings as you prepare yourself for your Walk to Emmaus. Sponsor Emmaus of Southeast Michigan As sponsors, a perplexing situation often arises when we try to explain to someone what kind of letter we want them to write to the pilgrim. You may want to use the following as a pattern for the one you write: Dear _ (Name) is going to attend a "Walk to Emmaus." (upperroom.org/Emmausj) These walks are under the direction of the Upper Room of Nashville, Tennessee and Emmaus of Southeast Michigan - part of the United Methodist Church. The "Walk to Emmaus" is a weekend of Christian spiritual renewal. The focus is on Jesus Christ and his love. Each person is showered with many beautiful gifts of love. One of these gifts is the mail that persons attending the Walk receive from their friends and loved ones. As a sponsor, one of my responsibilities is to contact family and friends and ask them to send a note or letter to (Name) so that he/she will receive it during this special weekend. This letter is an opportunity for you to express your appreciation of (Name) and what your relationship means to you. You may want to recall some event which is special to both of you. This is a letter of love and will only be read by (Name). Since this is an unexpected gift, we sometimes need to do a little detective work to find persons who would like to write. Perhaps you could pass this letter along to other persons that (Name) would like to hear from. You can make (Name's) walk special by: - Writing a letter to (Name); - Sign it and put it in a sealed envelope; - Write (Name) on the envelope; - Put (Name's) letter in a second envelope and mail it to me by (date); or - Contact me and I will pick it up so it can be taken to the proper place. I hope you will take this opportunity to givea wonderful surprise gift to (Name). Sincerely, (Sponsor's name and address) Agape Letter amm~01 sa 1Iek4~~ March 1, 2011 Wm Maxwell - Registrar PO Box 701968 Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Direct line (734) 323-9760 EMAIL: wmaxwell@aol.com Dear Sponsor, Your pilgrim candidate is eligible to attend the Walk to Emmaus #154, to be held on March 31 - April 3, 2011 at Swartz Creek United Methodist Church in Swartz Creek, MI. Her participation as a pilgrim in this Walk is subject to your confirmation that your candidate will attend and confirmation that you are able to fulfill your responsibilities as their sponsor. Until you respond to the Registrar, no further action will be taken regarding your candidate. You may call, text, or e-mail Wm Maxwell at 734-323-9760, registration@emsem.org. If your candidate plans to attend the Walk, you should begin preparing now for a successful experience by fulfilling the sponsor responsibilities outlined below. t Read the enclosed "Sponsor Commitment Letter" carefully in order to fully understand what your pilgrim can expect from you; t Request, collect, and bring agape letters to the Emmaus Walk site by Saturday evening. Be sure to get agape letters from your pilgrim's pastor, spouse and family. Enclosed is an example of a "Request for Agape" that you can use to obtain these letters; t Sign up for a Prayer Vigil time via the website at prayervigil@emsem.org. pilgrim, as well as all the pilgrims and team, in your daily prayers; t Arrange to bring your pilgrim to the Emmaus Walk site beginning at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. t Inform your pilgrim that any unpaid registration costs need to be paid at check-in on Thursday. The cost of your pilgrim's weekend is $70.00. Assist with check-in at the Emmaus Walk site; t Plan to participate in the Sponsor's In addition, keep your Hour following the check-in on Thursday; and Candlelight at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday; t Plan to participate in Closing at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, and to take your pilgrim home afterward; t Support your pilgrim's family while they are away. Make yourself available for emergencies, fellowship time, and spiritual support. If you have any questions, please call the Registrar or any member of the Board for assistance. Yours in Christ, Wm Maxwell Emmaus Registrar ~~SS~~4ft February 18, 2011 Wm Maxwell - Registrar PO Box 701968 - Plymouth, MI 48170 Direct line (734) 323-9760 EMAIL: registration@emsem.org Dear: You are invited to participate in the Walk to Emmaus #154. Please free your schedule from 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2011 until 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 3, 2011. It is very important to have no interruptions (phone calls, visits, or business matters) during the entire three days. ~ Checklist of what to do: __ 1 Check the dates once again: March 31 - April 3, 2011. If you can attend without conflict, please call or text (734-323-9760) or email the registrar at registration@emsem.org to confirm your participation. If you do not contact me, you will not be confirmed for the Walk. __ 2 Bring comfortable clothes to last from Thursday through Sunday. Bring your own toiletries, washcloths, towels, and bedding (sheets, blanket or sleeping bag, and pillow) - a mattress and sheet is provided. Don't forget to bring any medications you need. __ 3 Complete the enclosed Medical Form and give it to the Registration table on Thursday night when you arrive at the Walk. At the same time, payment will be received for the balance of expenses due (a total contribution of $70.00 per Pilgrim). __ 4 Your sponsor will make arrangements to pick you up on Thursday evening and take you to Swartz Creek United Methodist Church, in Swartz Creek, MI that will be hosting the Walk. Your sponsor will make similar arrangements for your return trip on Sunday evening. __ 5 Leave your cell phone at home. Instead, provide your family with your sponsor's phone number. He or she will assist your family with any need that may arise during the weekend and can contact someone at the Walk if contact with you becomes necessary. __ 6 You may consider bringing funds to purchase a new book, as there will be a book table available. The Emmaus Community is engaged in extensive planning, preparation, and prayer for your Walk to Emmaus. We are excited to have you become a part of the weekend! Remember, please call, text or email me immediately to confirm your place on this Walk. This is the only correspondence you will receive. If you do not contact me, you will not be confirmed for the Walk. If you have any questions, please contact your sponsor first. If you still have a concern, please feel free to contact me 'at the number or emaillisted above. Yours in Christ, Wm Maxwell Emmaus Registrar EMMAUS OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN MEDICAL EMERGENCY INFORMATION PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY: NAME: _ EMERGENCY CONTACT:, EMERGENCYPHONE~BER:, _ _ RELATIONSHlP~: _ ADDRESS: _ CITY: STATE, PHONE (HOME) .•... o crs .•... _ _ (CELL) c ZIP-'--: (WORK) _ o DATEOFB~TH:, _ >- DOCTOR'S NAME: _ o o c Q) e> DR'SPHONE~: E INSURANCECO. _ INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER: _ _ Q) w KNOWN MEDICAL CONDITIONS: _ MEDICATIONS: _ ALLERGIES,~: _ In the event I suffer a medical emergency and I am rendered unable to authorize medical treatment for myself while at the "Walk to Emmaus", I hereby authorize "Walk to Emmaus" to call 911 or other medical emergency services on my behalf and/or transport me to a medical center or hospital. I also authorize any qualified medical person, including but not limited to a paramedic, nurse, or physician to provide and perform any and all medical treatment, which is necessary for my well being. Signature, Q) Q) E crs .r:. § Z a... Date _ _
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