NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 TREASURER’S MANUAL CONTENTS 1. NZU Treasurer’s Job Description 2. Treasurer’s Guide A. Contact and Email Details B. Bank Accounts i. NZU Policy ii. Current bank account details and assignments iii. Bank contacts iv. Internet banking procedures v. Visa debit card procedures vi. Current NZU List of Signatories C. Funds Held on Behalf of Others i. NZU Policy ii. Accounting issues iii. Procedures for following up refunds and under-payments D. Budgets and Approvals i. NZU Policy ii. Preparing the NZU budget iii. Individual activity budgets iv. Monitoring progress against budgets E. Payments i. NZU Policy ii. Payment procedures F. Financial Records i. NZU Policy ii. Reconciling bank statements iii. Current record-keeping procedures 1|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 G. Annual Financial Accounts i. NZU Policy ii. Current best practice iii. Procedure for compiling annual financial statement H. Taxation i. Income tax exempt status ii. GST iii. Payments to Volunteers iv. Employees Appendix 1: NZU Financial Policy Appendix 2: Rules of NZU Appendix 3: Sample Annual Financial Statement Appendix 4: Treasurer’s Report Template Appendix 5: Tax Exemption Certificates 2|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 1. JOB DESCRIPTION – NZU Treasurer Responsible to: NZU Board Directly Supervising: Functional Relationships With: NZU Board, Players, Regional Bodies, Representative Campaign/Team Managers Main Objectives 1. To ensure the effective management of NZU’s financial statements and accounts. 2. To ensure correct recording and reporting of all NZU financial transactions. 3. To ensure all financial documents are prepared and filed in accordance with applicable NZ law. Key Tasks Desired Outcomes 1. Record all financial transactions including receipts and payments of NZU. Clear and accurate in all areas of Accounting. 2. Issue receipts and invoices as appropriate and ensure that outgoing invoices (Authorised signatory to co-authorise) are paid. Accurate invoicing and payments made on time and in accordance with authorised budget. 3. Bank cheques/cash as soon as practicable, reconcile monthly bank statements. Clear and accurate records. 4. Prepare an annual budget for the NZU. Accurate Budget allowing Board to make informed decisions. 5. Prepare Annual Financial Statements including Statement of Financial Performance and Statement of Financial Position to be presented at the AGM. Accurate Financial Statements in a timely manner. 6. Apply for funding, complete funding applications as directed by the NZU Board. Correct procedure for funding applications carried out in a timely manner. Key Objectives Desired Outcomes 1. Provide the NZU Board with a clear picture of the financial position of NZU. Decisions able to be made effectively. 2. Accurate financial recording. Clear and accurate records, timely reports. 3. Annual financial statements filed correctly with the Companies Office. Maintenance of Incorporated Society status in accordance with NZ law. Objectives Deadline Objectives outlined above are due to be on track by each AGM. Quarterly updates should be given to the board to make sure all objectives are on track to being completed or at the right stage. 3|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 4|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Intellectual Property Any ideas, systems or processes that were created by the NZU Treasurer that are agreed to be used by the NZU or used within NZU during and after the resignation of the NZU Treasurer is the Intellectual property of NZU. Any ideas, systems or processes not used by the NZU but created by the person is still the intellectual property of the person when they leave NZU. Any intellectual property owned by others used within NZU that is not the creation of the NZU Treasurer is still owned by their respective owners. Essential Qualities Regular E-mail and web access Be extremely competent with multiple computer programs and resources. Ability to meet deadlines. Have enough free time to complete tasks and objectives. (approx 2 hours per week) Accounting and finance skills Desirable Qualities Knowledge of Accounting and Banking best practises Previous Treasurer experience Contacts with Regional Bodies, Ultimate Suppliers and National Tournament Organisers Removal Process The NZU Treasurer can resign at any time with 6 weeks written notice. The NZU Board may remove the NZU Treasurer at any time with 6 weeks written notice. Notice of removal should include clear indications of the actions or omissions leading to their removal and their repercussions. The notice to remove should be cancelled if the person addresses those issues to the board's satisfaction. If notice of removal is given to the NZU Treasurer ownership of used intellectual property must be discussed on future use and agreed with consent of both the person and the NZU board. Remuneration The NZU Treasurer is not an employee of New Zealand Ultimate Inc. but a volunteer helping out to carry out various tasks. 5|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 2. Treasurer’s Guide A. Contact and Email Details i. The NZU Treasurer gmail account,, can be used for all incoming and outgoing mail relating to the treasurer role. The previous treasurer or the board chair will provide you with the login details, and you should immediately change the password. ii. You can email all board members via iii. The board member currently responsible for the finance portfolio is Andrew Ivory (Please update as required, for the benefit of the next treasurer). iv. The current and immediate past treasurers are: 1. Helen Germann 2. Mike Connolly (New treasurers: please update this with your details so they pass to the next treasurer in due course). v. NZU financial information, including budgets, forms, electronic records etc. are stored in the NZU DropBox. The board chair will provide you with details of how to access the DropBox. 6|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 B. Bank Accounts i. Extract from NZU Financial Control Policy: 1 Bank Accounts 1.1 NZU shall maintain at least one bank account, which shall be used for the operational finances of NZU. 1.2 Funds held by NZU on behalf of others (for example in trust for international campaigns) shall be held in a bank account or bank accounts separate from the NZU operational bank account/s. 1.3 All bank accounts used for NZU financial affairs, whether directly or on behalf of others, shall be maintained at a single bank with NZU as master account holder. 1.4 The persons authorised to operate the bank accounts of NZU must be only those persons in the NZU List of Signatories (see Rules of NZU, 10.4). 1.5 NZU may maintain a single Visa debit card (or equivalent) to facilitate purchases. The Visa debit card must be issued to a person on the List of Signatories. The account to which the Visa debit card is issued must be maintained at a balance not exceeding NZ$200 at all times, unless a Visa debit purchase has been pre-approved by the board in which case the purchase funds may be transferred into the Visa debit account with the appropriate authorisations. 1.6 All bank accounts used for NZU financial affairs shall require the authorisation of at least two persons on the List of Signatories for all transactions, including but not limited to written cheques, withdrawal slips, outgoing electronic transactions and transfers between NZU accounts; with the sole exception of a single Visa debit card account set up under 1.5 above, which shall require the authorisation of one person from the List of Signatories. ii. Current bank accounts and assignments: NZU currently banks with Kiwibank. The master account number is xx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx-xx The following suffixes are currently open: NZU accounts: -01 NZU operating account -03 NZU savings account -05 Visa debit account (see policy 1.5 above) Funds held by NZU on behalf of others: -02 Seniors operating account -06 Seniors savings account -07 U23 operating account -08 U23 savings account -09 U19 operating account -10 U19 savings account 7|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 iii. Bank contacts: The current contact for NZU at Kiwibank is Kiwibank Business Banking on 0800 601 601 or iv. Internet banking procedures: NZU is set up for Kiwibank internet banking, with access to all the accounts above. The Access Number is xxxxxxx and the board chair will advise you of the login details. All members of the NZU List of Signatories should have full access to internet banking for the accounts above, with the exception of the Visa debit (-05) account which can be restricted to the Visa debit cardholder only. Generally the treasurer will be on the list of signatories and will be the Visa debit card holder. Other members of the board who are not on the list of signatories should have view-only internet banking access to all accounts. Other officers of NZU (for example campaign managers) may also be given view-only access for internet banking, and if possible their viewing rights should be limited to the accounts which are directly relevant to their campaign. v. Visa debit card procedures: The Visa debit card is linked to the -05 account and may be used for authorised purchases. It was introduced to streamline online purchases and to facilitate expenditure on behalf of volunteers. In usual circumstances, the Visa debit card will be issued to the treasurer. As per the policy above, funds for an approved purchase are transferred to the -05 account using two authorised signatories, and then the Visa debit card may be used with a single authorisation. As the -05 is the only account requiring a single authority, it should be maintained at a small balance (less than $200) between authorised purchases. vi. Current NZU List of Signatories: The current NZU List of Signatories is as below. This list is selected and approved by the board and is required to be maintained under the Rules of NZU. Note that this is a separate list from the Kiwibank list of people authorised to operate the NZU accounts, but that the two lists should consist of the same names. That is to say, when someone is added to or removed from the authorised signatories, this must happen in two places: one on the List of Signatories (a resolution from the board) and one on the Kiwibank list (an application to the bank, signed by two of the remaining signatories and supported by the board resolution). Generally the treasurer will be a member of the List of Signatories. 8|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Current List of Signatories: Helen Germann (Visa debit holder) Iain Stewart Sherif Ibrahim (please update as required, for the benefit of the next treasurer) 9|Page NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 C. Funds Held on Behalf of Others i. Extract from NZU Financial Control Policy: 2 Funds Held on Behalf of Others 2.1 Funds held on behalf of others (for example in trust for international campaigns) remain the property of the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.2 Any benefits arising from the holding of funds on behalf of others (for example interest on credit balances, foreign exchange gains etc.) shall accrue to the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.3 Any direct costs arising from the holding or management of funds on behalf of others (for example bank fees, foreign exchange costs etc.) shall accrue against the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.4 When the purpose for which funds are held in trust is complete (for example when an international campaign is finished and all external financial transactions are complete) NZU shall make best endeavours to return any remaining funds held in trust to the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.5 If for any reason, after NZU having made all reasonable efforts to return funds to the persons on whose behalf those funds are held, a credit balance should remain, that credit balance may be applied by NZU to the next subsequent purpose of the same or equivalent nature, on the basis that the funds should continue to be utilised for the benefit of the same or equivalent persons in the future. (For example, unreturnable funds remaining after a WUGC campaign should be applied to the next subsequent WUGC campaign) ii. Accounting issues: NZU provides assistance to our international team campaigns by handling funds on their behalf through bank accounts set up under the NZU master account number, and with the suffixes referred to in the list above. It is important that these funds are handled and treated as completely separate from NZU operating finances. If handled appropriately, they are not considered part of NZU income and expenditure from an IRD point of view, and do not count towards our requirement for GST registration for example. As the campaign funds are separate from NZU, any interest they earn or charges they incur, or any foreign exchange gains or losses, should be passed on directly to the campaigns, and not credited/debited to NZU. iii. Procedures for following up refunds and under-payments: Principal responsibility for ensuring all participants in a campaign or other event make their payments in full lies with the campaign manager or event organiser. The treasurer and board may assist when called upon to do so, and to ensure integrity of oversight. The general principle is that payments should be made in full before participation is allowed in the event or campaign (or at least payments should be up to date as per any agreed payment schedule and event schedule). 10 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 In practice, because of the complexity of calculating the exact costs in advance, particularly with overseas campaigns involving fluctuating exchange rates and unknown ground costs, there is often a wash-up required afterwards, with some participants being due refunds and some participants owing final amounts. The process for ensuring payments and refunds are made should follow the responsibility line above: campaign manager / event organiser in the first instance, followed by treasurer and board. To maintain oversight throughout the process, the treasurer should monitor progress on this issue (an extra pair of eyes) during and following an event/campaign, and raise any perceived issues with the campaign manager/ event organiser either directly or through the board. 11 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 D. Budgets and Approvals i. Extract from NZU Financial Control Policy: 3 Budgets and Approvals 3.1 Prior to the start of each financial year, the treasurer and board of NZU shall prepare and approve a budget which sets out the forecast income and expenditure for that financial year. 3.2 Specific budgets shall be completed, and approved by the board of NZU, for each major activity of NZU (for example each national tournament, international campaign etc.). Budgets should be completed and approved as early as possible prior to the activity and before any expenses are incurred. 3.3 Financial expenditure which sits within approved budgets may be authorised by persons on the List of Signatories in accordance with the Rules of NZU. 3.4 Any material alterations to approved budgets, and any expenditure outside approved budgets, must be approved by the board of NZU. 3.5 The person responsible for the budget of each activity (and in the case of the NZU budget, the treasurer of NZU) shall report the financial progress against budget on a regular basis to the board of NZU, as and when requested. ii. Preparing the NZU budget: The treasurer and board should work together to prepare a budget for each financial year. Currently the financial year of NZU is 1 January – 31 December, so the budget should be prepared and presented for board approval in December of the previous year or earlier. The treasurer should bring the board’s attention to the requirement to undertake the budget process in November of each year at the latest, assuming it has not already been raised. Generally the budget will be a collaborative effort, with the treasurer and the board member responsible for the finance portfolio laying out the figures, and other board members contributing estimates for income and expenditure in their relevant portfolio areas. The starting point will be the current year’s budget. This can be circulated to the board with a request to estimate income and expenditure in their relevant portfolio areas for the upcoming year. The completed budget should aim to forecast a net operating surplus for the year. If the result of the initial estimates across portfolios is a net loss, the draft budget should be returned to the board for review and re-costing. Once the budget has been completed, it should be formally approved by the board prior to 1 January. 12 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 iii. Individual activity budgets: Each NZU activity (e.g. national tournament) and campaign should have its own budget prepared. This responsibility lies with the event organiser or campaign manager. The treasurer can assist the event organisers and campaign managers to prepare the budget by providing the budget for the previous such event/s, or an example budget from a similar event as a template. The treasurer can also assist further if the organiser is struggling with the financial estimates required. Each activity budget should be presented to the board and approved before any expenditure is made for the event/campaign. iv. Monitoring and reporting progress against budgets: The approved NZU budget, and the individual activity budgets, are stored in the NZU DropBox finance section. It is the treasurer’s role to control, monitor, and report to the board on progress against the NZU budget. This includes ensuring receipts and payments are allocated to the correct budget categories, and ensuring they lie within approved budget figures. Expenditure outside budgeted amounts requires board approval (see payment procedures below). The cumulative effect of such extra-budget expenditure should also be measured and the latest net budget outcome (overall forecast surplus or deficit) should be reported to the board in the regular treasurer’s report. The treasurer should complete a report for the board each time the board meets, and at other times if requested by the board. A template for the treasurer’s report, with guidelines on content, is in Appendix 4. Monitoring progress against individual activity budgets is the responsibility of the manager/organiser of the activity, who will report on this progress directly to the board. The treasurer should keep an oversight of individual activity budgets (an extra pair of eyes) and raise any perceived issues with the organiser or directly with the board. 13 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 E. Payments i. Extract from NZU Financial Control Policy: 4 Payments 4.1 Outgoing payments made direct to suppliers of goods and services must be supported by full supplier invoices matching the amount to be paid. 4.2 Outgoing payments made to officers of NZU for goods or services provided by others must be supported by all of the following: i. an NZU expense claim form completed by the officer; ii. full supplier invoices matching the amount to be paid; iii. proof of payment to the supplier. 4.3 Where an officer is unable to pay a supplier before lodging an expense claim, NZU shall pay the supplier directly. NZU may make advance payment to an office to cover approved small expenses, subject to the terms of clause 4.4 below. 4.4 Advance payments made to an officer of NZU for on-payment to a supplier are limited to a total of NZ$200 (or foreign currency equivalent) advanced to any one officer. Further advances may be made only once receipts have been submitted covering the previous advance (i.e. the total outstanding non-receipted advances to any officer must not exceed NZ$200 or equivalent). 14 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 ii. Payment procedures: 15 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 F. Financial Records i. Extract from NZU Financial Control Policy 5 Financial Records 5.1 Records shall be kept of all financial transactions undertaken by NZU whether on its own behalf or others. Records including (but not restricted to) receipts, invoices, expense claims bank statements and tax records (if any) shall be kept in their original form where possible. 5.2 Records may be stored electronically or physically. Where records are stored electronically, they shall be saved in at least two distinctly separate locations, one of which should be accessible by the Board of NZU. 5.3 As soon as practicable following the end of each financial year, all records for that financial year should be converted to a single form whether electronic or physical (or ideally both). For example physical records should be scanned and stored with electronic records, and/or electronic records printed and stored with physical records. ii. Reconciling bank transactions At the end of each month print a list of all transactions for the month for each account. Ensure you have invoices/expense claims for all outgoing funds and receipts/payment advice for all incoming funds. Against each transaction, record which budget line it relates to (e.g. “NZUC tournament fees”, “Internet expenses” etc.). This will allow you to track each budget over time, and will assist with the preparation of the annual financial statement at the end of the year.. iii. Record-keeping procedures: File the reconciled bank statements, invoices, expense claims, receipts, payment advises in the relevant NZU folder which is retained by the current treasurer. Electronic records should be saved in the NZU DropBox Finance folder. 16 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 G. Annual Financial Accounts i. Extract from NZU Financial Control Policy: 6 Annual Financial Accounts 6.1 As soon as practicable following the end of each financial year, a financial statement for that financial year shall be prepared by the Board or by officers of NZU in accordance with the Rules of NZU. 6.2 Accounts in the financial statement shall be prepared in accordance with accepted best practice for an incorporated society in New Zealand of the size and scope of NZU. 6.3 The financial statement shall detail the basis on which accounts have been prepared. Accounts may be prepared on a cash basis where this is permitted by accepted best practice. 6.4 If accounts are prepared on a cash basis, the financial statement shall draw attention to any exceptional accounts due or exceptional accounts payable at year end. ii. Current best practice: As NZU has tax-exempt status (see Taxation section below), the annual accounts are prepared for information-purposes only. The guiding principles are simplicity, clarity and providing a fair and accurate picture of NZU finances for the members. Accounting on a cash basis (basically just an allocation of the debits and credits from the bank accounts to different income and expense categories, as per the “Financial Records” section above) is the simplest method and is an accepted practice for this purpose, provided this method provides a fair picture of the financial performance and position. Issues may arise if there are large payments due (to be paid or received) after 31 December, which relate to the financial year but have not yet hit the bank accounts. In that case, the reported financial performance and position may not be a fair reflection of reality. The treasurer should make a written note of such transactions, to accompany the annual accounts, and describe how these transactions affect the actual financial performance and position. The basis on which the accounts have been prepared (whether cash-basis or accrual-basis) must be declared in the financial statement. (See example in Appendix 3) Note also that the NZU annual accounts deal with actual NZU income and expenditure. All transactions relating to funds held on behalf of others (e.g. international campaign accounts) are not part of NZU income or expenditure. Where reference to these funds appears in the financial statement, a note should be made to this effect. 17 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 iii. Procedure for compiling annual financial statement: An example annual financial statement is included in Appendix 3. If you do not have specific accounting experience, it is recommended that you engage assistance from an accountant or someone with accounting experience to prepare the annual financial statement. It is very important that it is accurately prepared and correctly recorded. The board will assist in getting some experienced support, if you do not have any direct contacts. Currently board member Andrew Ivory is a partner in an accounting practice and can assist with preparing the annual financial statement. [Please update as required for the benefit of the next treasurer] 18 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 H. Taxation i. Income Tax exempt status: IRD allows income derived by approved amateur sports bodies to be exempt from income tax. NZU holds an exemption on this basis (see Appendix 5), which also allows exemption from Resident Withholding Tax (RWT) on interest and dividends earned by NZU. The Certificate of Exemption from RWT (in Appendix 5) should be presented to banks or other organisations when opening accounts or making term deposits etc., as it allows NZU to earn untaxed interest. ii. GST: Regardless of NZU’s exemption from income tax, NZU is still required to register for GST if annual income exceeds the GST threshold (currently $60,000 per annum). Note that the threshold relates to operating income, and so funds held on behalf of others do not count towards the threshold, provided NZU treat them as entirely separate (as discussed above). Currently NZU operating income has not reached the threshold, and NZU is not registered for GST. As NZU is not registered for GST, GST should not be added to any invoices we issue. NOTE: Once the income threshold is reached, NZU must contact IRD and register for GST, from which point it will be necessary to charge GST on all invoices, and to file GST returns regularly. If the new financial model being proposed by the board is adopted at the 2014 AGM, it is likely the threshold will be reached in the 2015 year, and so the treasurer should apply for GST registration in the latter part of 2014. iii. Payments to volunteers: Payments to volunteers for reimbursement of “actual and reasonable” expenses do not incur tax. The expenses must be supported by invoices and receipts (as per the procedures above). Note that payment for a volunteer’s time is not considered an actual and reasonable expense in most instances. One-off or occasional payments to volunteers, over and above their actual expenses (e.g. bonuses, honoraria) are treated by the IRD as “schedular payments”, equivalent to paying a contractor. This does not necessarily imply an employment relationship, provided the payments are one-off or occasional (as opposed to a regular weekly wage, for example). However, NZU must deduct tax from schedular payments at a fixed rate before paying the volunteer the balance (the rate of deduction is currently 33%, unless the volunteer provides NZU with a special tax code certificate in which case we can use the rate on that certificate). NZU must register with IRD as an employer (even though the volunteer is not an “employee”)and pay the deducted amount to IRD: instructions on how to do this are on the IRD website: 19 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 iv. Employees: NZU does not currently have any employees. The distinction between an employee and a volunteer who is paid an honorarium is an important one, and is based around key questions such as: - Does NZU instruct them regularly about what to do and how to do it Are they paid a regular rate (e.g. per hour, week, month) Do they work a set number of hours each week/month Do they have to follow NZU rules and procedures etc. Full details are on: If the answer to several of the above is yes, then the person will be considered an employee, and we should: - Have an employment contract in place with the employee Register with IRD as an employer, and deduct PAYE etc. NOTE: If the current proposal for NZU to engage a paid executive officer goes ahead, it is probable the person in that role will be considered an employee, and it will be necessary to register with the IRD as an employer. 20 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Appendi x1 Financial Control Policy Name: Approved by: Date approved: SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of the Financial Control Policy is to set out the principles, rules and procedures under which New Zealand Ultimate Inc. (“NZU”) manages its financial affairs. SCOPE The Financial Control Policy applies to all management of money and other assets by NZU whether under its own auspices or on behalf of other parties. The Financial Control Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Rules of New Zealand Ultimate Inc., and in particular Section 10 (“Finances”) of those Rules. In any circumstance where contradiction or ambiguity arises between interpretation of the Financial Control Policy and the Rules of New Zealand Ultimate Inc., the Rules of New Zealand Ultimate Inc. shall prevail. 21 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 SECTION 2 – POLICY PRINCIPLES The Financial Control Policy is committed to and guided by the principles of: Best ethical practice in the management of members’ financial assets; Risk management through openness, visibility and cross-authorisation; Best-practice principles of accounting and record-keeping; Adherence to the Rules of New Zealand Ultimate Inc. POLICY 1 Bank Accounts 1.1 NZU shall maintain at least one bank account, which shall be used for the operational finances of NZU. 1.2 Funds held by NZU on behalf of others (for example in trust for international campaigns) shall be held in a bank account or bank accounts separate from the NZU operational bank account/s. 1.3 All bank accounts used for NZU financial affairs, whether directly or on behalf of others, shall be maintained at a single bank with NZU as master account holder. 1.4 The persons authorised to operate the bank accounts of NZU must be only those persons in the NZU List of Signatories (see Rules of NZU, 10.4). 1.5 NZU may maintain a single Visa debit card (or equivalent) to facilitate purchases. The Visa debit card must be issued to a person on the List of Signatories. The account to which the Visa debit card is issued must be maintained at a balance not exceeding NZ$200 at all times, unless a Visa debit purchase has been pre-approved by the board in which case the purchase funds may be transferred into the Visa debit account with the appropriate authorisations. 1.6 All bank accounts used for NZU financial affairs shall require the authorisation of at least two persons on the List of Signatories for all transactions, including but not limited to written cheques, withdrawal slips, outgoing electronic transactions and transfers between NZU accounts; with the sole exception of a single Visa debit card account set up under 1.5 above, which shall require the authorisation of one person from the List of Signatories. 2 Funds Held on Behalf of Others 2.1 Funds held on behalf of others (for example in trust for international campaigns) remain the property of the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.2 Any benefits arising from the holding of funds on behalf of others (for example interest on credit balances, foreign exchange gains etc.) shall accrue to the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.3 Any direct costs arising from the holding or management of funds on behalf of others (for example bank fees, foreign exchange costs etc.) shall accrue against the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.4 When the purpose for which funds are held in trust is complete (for example when an international campaign is finished and all external financial transactions are complete) NZU 22 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 shall make best endeavours to return any remaining funds held in trust to the persons on whose behalf those funds are held. 2.5 If for any reason, after NZU having made all reasonable efforts to return funds to the persons on whose behalf those funds are held, a credit balance should remain, that credit balance may be applied by NZU to the next subsequent purpose of the same or equivalent nature, on the basis that the funds should continue to be utilised for the benefit of the same or equivalent persons in the future. (For example, unreturnable funds remaining after a WUGC campaign should be applied to the next subsequent WUGC campaign) 3 Budgets and Approvals 3.1 Prior to the start of each financial year, the treasurer and board of NZU shall prepare and approve a budget which sets out the forecast income and expenditure for that financial year. 3.2 Specific budgets shall be completed, and approved by the board of NZU, for each major activity of NZU (for example each national tournament, international campaign etc.). Budgets should be completed and approved as early as possible prior to the activity and before any expenses are incurred. 3.3 Financial expenditure which sits within approved budgets may be authorised by persons on the List of Signatories in accordance with the Rules of NZU. 3.4 Any material alterations to approved budgets, and any expenditure outside approved budgets, must be approved by the board of NZU. 3.5 The person responsible for the budget of each activity (and in the case of the NZU budget, the treasurer of NZU) shall report the financial progress against budget on a regular basis to the board of NZU, as and when requested. 4 Payments 4.1 Outgoing payments made direct to suppliers of goods and services must be supported by full supplier invoices matching the amount to be paid. 4.2 Outgoing payments made to officers of NZU for goods or services provided by others must be supported by all of the following: iv. an NZU expense claim form completed by the officer; v. full supplier invoices matching the amount to be paid; vi. proof of payment to the supplier. 4.3 Where an officer is unable to pay a supplier before lodging an expense claim, NZU shall pay the supplier directly. NZU may make advance payment to an office to cover approved small expenses, subject to the terms of clause 4.4 below. 4.4 Advance payments made to an officer of NZU for on-payment to a supplier are limited to a total of NZ$200 (or foreign currency equivalent) advanced to any one officer. Further advances may be made only once receipts have been submitted covering the previous advance (i.e. the total outstanding non-receipted advances to any officer must not exceed NZ$200 or equivalent). 5 Financial Records 5.1 Records shall be kept of all financial transactions undertaken by NZU whether on its own behalf or others. Records including (but not restricted to) receipts, invoices, expense claims bank statements and tax records (if any) shall be kept in their original form where possible. 23 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 5.2 Records may be stored electronically or physically. Where records are stored electronically, they shall be saved in at least two distinctly separate locations, one of which should be accessible by the Board of NZU. 5.3 As soon as practicable following the end of each financial year, all records for that financial year should be converted to a single form whether electronic or physical (or ideally both). For example physical records should be scanned and stored with electronic records, and/or electronic records printed and stored with physical records. 6 Annual Financial Accounts 6.1 As soon as practicable following the end of each financial year, a financial statement for that financial year shall be prepared by the Board or by officers of NZU in accordance with the Rules of NZU. 6.2 Accounts in the financial statement shall be prepared in accordance with accepted best practice for an incorporated society in New Zealand of the size and scope of NZU. 6.3 The financial statement shall detail the basis on which accounts have been prepared. Accounts may be prepared on a cash basis where this is permitted by accepted best practice. 6.4 If accounts are prepared on a cash basis, the financial statement shall draw attention to any exceptional accounts due or exceptional accounts payable at year end. 24 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 SECTION 4 – REFERENCE AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION DEFINITIONS Word/Term Definition NZU New Zealand Ultimate Inc. Board The Board of New Zealand Ultimate Inc. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Document/Site Location Rules of New Zealand Ultimate Inc. SECTION 5 – GOVERNANCE RESPONSIBILITY Responsible manager(s) NZU Board and Treasurer Policy administrator NZU Board Approving body NZU Board CHANGE HISTORY Version Approval date Approved by Change 1.0 25 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Appendix 2 Rules of the New Zealand Ultimate Inc. 1. NAME The organization shall be called New Zealand Ultimate Incorporated, hereafter referred to as NZU. 2. OBJECTS New Zealand Ultimate is a non-profit organisation established as a focal point for the sport of Ultimate in New Zealand. The objects of NZU shall be : a) to foster, control, administer and regulate the sport of Ultimate in New Zealand; b) to create opportunities for all participants(e.g. Administrators, competitors, coaches etc) to reach their potential; c) to encourage and develop elite performance; d) to encourage and enable mass participation; d) to act as the governing body in New Zealand in relation to the Rules of Ultimate; e) to promote and support development programmes to further: i Youth Ultimate for children through the school years, ii Coaching of Ultimate at all levels, iii Recruitment, training and retention of administrators and volunteers iv Modified forms of Ultimate; f) to initiate and control national leagues, tournament and competitions for club and representative teams in New Zealand; g) to arrange games in New Zealand and overseas between teams representing New Zealand and teams representing other countries or states and to select, control and administer teams representing New Zealand in such matches; h) to arrange, control and administer tours overseas by teams representing New Zealand and tours in New Zealand by teams representing other countries or states; i) to arrange for teams from and/or representing New Zealand to attend international competitions sanctioned by the World Flying Disc Federation and if necessary to select, control and administer those teams; j) to protect the safety of all participants in Ultimate and to uphold the principles of fair play, including in relation to ensuring that Ultimate participants within New Zealand are free from performance enhancing drugs, in concord with policies set by NZU. 3. POWERS 3.1 NZU, by and through its Board, has power to do all things necessary, desirable or convenient for the promotion of its objects and in particular may: a) purchase, or lease, or acquire any other interests in, real or personal property; b) raise money by subscriptions, levies or otherwise and grant to subscribers or contributors such rights and privileges as the Association considers necessary; c) borrow or secure the payment of money in whatever manner NZU thinks fit and mortgage or otherwise charge any property or interest of NZU; d) enter into any contract or arrangements with any person or body; e) invest, lend or deal with money not immediately required for the purposes of NZU as the Board may determine from time to time; 26 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 f) g) h) i) k) l) m) 3.2 4. 5. lend money to a member or affiliated body with or without security on such terms and conditions as NZU may determine; employ and remunerate officers and employees of NZU as the Board sees fit; give rulings as to the application and interpretation of the Rules of Ultimate; exercise discipline over persons involved in the sport of Ultimate as decided by the Board; encourage the playing of Ultimate free from the use of drugs, implement drug sampling and testing measures, and apply penalties for doping infractions, in accordance with the Sports Anti-Doping Rules made by Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFS) under the provisions of the Sports AntiDoping Act 2006; affiliate to other organisations in furtherance of the objects of NZU, in particular the World Flying Disc Federation; make/alter or rescind bylaws and regulations as a separate document to these rules. The borrowing of money (otherwise than by temporary bank overdraft) or charging any property or interest of NZU, shall be made only pursuant to a resolution of a General Meeting. MEMBERSHIP 4.1 NZU shall maintain a Membership Policy at all times. 4.2 Membership shall be either subscription-based or events-based for a period defined in the NZU membership policy. 4.3 Membership is open to all individuals, as well as legally recognised organisation, including, but not limited to, educational institutes, commercial businesses, clubs, societies and trusts, provided that the individual or organisation does not have aims or agendas that conflict with the objects of NZU. 4.4 Categories of membership are defined below: a) Individual – Any individual interested in becoming involved in the sport of Ultimate is eligible to become an individual member subject to the NZU Membership Policy; b) Organisational – Any legally-recognised organisation interested in becoming involved in the sport of Ultimate is eligible to apply to become an organisational member subject to the Membership Policy. 4.5 Matters relating to membership conditions, duration, fees, rights, obligations and terminations shall be included in the NZU Membership Policy. 4.6 Any changes to the NZU Membership Policy shall be approved by the Board. 4.7 Members of NZU are prohibited from deriving any pecuniary gain, excluding prizes, from any of NZU’s properties or activities, except to the extent that such Member may be remunerated by NZU for services rendered to NZU as a full-time or part-time employee, contractor or reimbursed for money paid on behalf on NZU or as otherwise specifically provided for in these rules OFFICERS/BOARD MEMBERS OF NZU 5.1 The Board of NZU shall comprise of 5 elected Board Members. 5.2 At the Annual General Meeting of NZU all of the Board Members shall retire from office, but shall be eligible upon nomination for re-election. 27 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 6. 5.3 The election of Board Members shall take place in the following manner: a) Anyone wishing to stand for election to the NZU Board, shall notify the current Board in writing at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting at which the election is to take place. b) A list of the candidates’ names in alphabetical order shall be circulated to members, via the Ultimate and Regional email lists and via the NZU website, at least 10 days preceding the Annual General Meeting. c) If, at the commencement of the meeting, there be an insufficient number of candidates nominated, those nominated shall be automatically elected, and nominations for the remaining vacancies may be taken from the floor of the meeting. d) If, at the commencement of the meeting, there be exactly the same number of nominations as vacancies, those nominated shall be automatically elected to the Board. No further election needs to take place. e) If, at the commencement of the meeting, there be more nominations than vacancies, a vote shall be taken to elect the Board as outlined in 5.3 f. f) Voting at the Annual General Meeting shall be done by a show of hands or by ballot as the Chairperson sees fits. Each Playing Member or Non-Playing Member shall have one vote to cast on their choice of nominee. The 5 nominees with the highest number of votes shall be elected to the Board. th Where there is an equal number of votes for the 5 position on the Board, a new election shall take place between the nominees who gained an equal number of votes with each Member or Non-Playing Member having one vote to cast. 5.4 A Board member may resign from the Board by giving fourteen (14) days notice of this resignation. The Board member must ensure that all remaining Board members are fully aware of any responsibilities that Board member might have left unfinished. 5.5 The Board shall have the power at any time to co-opt any person to fill a vacancy in the Board until the next AGM. MEETINGS OF NZU 6.1 Annual General Meetings The Annual General Meeting shall be open to all Members, Non-Playing Members and members of Affiliated and Recognised Regional Bodies and shall, where possible, be held during a National Tournament prior to May each year. a) Notice of a General Meeting i The Board, or a person nominated by the Board, shall convene all general meetings of NZU by giving not less than 1 months notice of such a meeting to all Members, Non-Playing Members and Affiliated and Recognised Regional Bodies of NZU; ii An agenda, including all nominations for the Board and motions to be put to a vote shall be included in the notice. iii The manner by which such notice shall be given shall be determined by the Board; b) Chairperson at General Meetings i The Chairperson shall be the Board Chair who shall preside. If the Board Chair is unavailable then another member of the Board shall preside. If no Board Member is available, then those present shall elect one of their number to be Chairperson of the meeting. ii The Chairperson shall maintain order and conduct the meeting in a proper and orderly manner. 28 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 iii 6.2 c) Voting at General Meetings Unless otherwise provided by these Rules, at every General Meeting i except for votes to alter these Rules, as provided for in Clause 8, every question, matter or resolution shall be decided by a majority of votes of the Members and Non-Playing Members present; ii every Member present and entitled to vote shall be entitled to one vote and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote; iii voting shall be by show of hands. d) Quorum for General Meetings i At any General Meeting the number required to constitute quorum shall be 15 Members. ii No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. iii If, within 30 minutes of the time appointed for the commencement of a general meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened at the requisition of the Board or the members shall lapse. In any other case it shall stand adjourned to such other day and at such other time and place as may be determined. e) Business of the Annual General Meeting The business to be transacted at every annual general meeting shall be: i the approval of the minutes of the previous AGM; ii the receiving of the Board’s report; iii the receiving of the Financial Accounts; iv the Election of the Members of the Board; v the approval of the levies and subscriptions; vi the acknowledging any amendments to the Rules of Ultimate; vii amendments to these Rules. Special General Meetings a) Requisition i The Board, or a person nominated by the Board, shall convene a special general meeting: when directed to do so by the Management Committee; on the requisition in writing signed by not less than 3 members of the Board or not less than two thirds of the members of NZU. Such requisition shall clearly state the reasons why such meeting is being convened and the nature of the business to be transacted thereat. ii 6.3 The Chairperson shall count the votes as necessary at the general meeting. Such meetings shall be called within 60 days of receipt of requisition. b) Chairperson, voting, quorum and notice of meeting and agenda at special general meetings shall be as defined for annual general meetings. c) The business of a special general meeting shall be in the requisition notice and no other business may be transacted. Board Meetings a) Board meetings shall be held as required in order to conduct the business of NZU and to decide on any motions put to the Board. 29 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 7 b) Board meetings may take place in person, over conference call, via email or over the internet as the Board sees fit. c) At all Board meetings, a quorum will compromise at least half of the Board members. d) At the first Board meeting after the Annual General Meeting, the Board shall elect a Chairperson who shall be known as the Board Chair. e) Every motion put to a vote shall be decided by a simple majority of votes, with each Board member receiving one vote. If there is a tie in the voting, the Board Chair shall have a casting vote. f) Minutes of Board meetings must be made available to all members of the Society. BYLAWS The Board may from time to time make, amend or repeal by-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with these Rules, for the internal management of NZU and any by-law or regulation may be set aside by a general meeting of members. 8 9 10. ALTERATIONS TO THESE RULES 8.1 No additions to or alteration or recession of these Rules relating to the non-profit aims of NZU or the winding up of NZU shall be approved without the consent of Inland Revenue. The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this constitution and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this constitution. 8.2 But for any clauses referred to in Sections 4a, these rules may be altered, added to or rescinded by a resolution passed by at least a two-thirds (2:1) majority of votes at a General Meeting. 8.3 Meeting notifications must contain details of the proposed changes. COMMON SEAL 9.1 NZU shall have a Common Seal and it shall be kept by a Board member. 9.2 Whenever the Common Seal is required to be affixed to a document, a resolution shall first be passed by the Board to that effect. 9.3 The Board member authorised to use the seal must at the same time sign the document involved. FINANCES 10.1 As soon as practicable after the end of the financial year the Board shall cause to be prepared a statement containing particulars of a) the income and expenditure of NZU for the past financial year; b) the assets and liabilities of the organisation at the close of the financial year; c) all mortgages, charges and securities of any description affecting any of the property of NZU at the close of the financial year. 30 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 11 12 10.2 The NZU shall maintain at least one current bank account. 10.3 The financial year for New Zealand Ultimate shall be 1 January to 31 December of the same year 10.4 The Board shall cause a list of appropriate people able to sign cheques and withdrawal slips and approve electronic banking transactions and this shall be called the List of Signatories. The names on the List of Signatories shall be: a) Delegated Board Members b) Any other person nominated by the Board 10.5 Cheques and withdrawal slips shall be signed by at least two (2) people who are on the List of Signatories. 10.6 All out-going electronic banking transactions must be approved through NZU’s online banking system by two (2) people who are on the List of Signatories. AFFILIATION 11.1 NZU shall maintain an Affiliated Organisations Policy at all times. 11.2 NZU shall be affiliated to the World Flying Disc Association for as long as they are in existence. 11.3 Any organisation that does not wish to or is unable to become an organisational member of NZU can apply for recognition as an Affiliated Organisation as set down in the NZU Affiliated Organisations Policy. WINDING UP 12.1 The Society may be wound up by a resolution passed in accordance with the provisions on the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 or any subsequent amendments thereof, or if it has been ordered to do so by the High Court. 12.2 If upon liquidation of NZU there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property it shall not be paid or distributed among members of the organisation but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organisation or body having objects similar to the objects of NZU, or for some other charitable purpose within New Zealand. 31 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Appendix 3: Sample Financial Statement 32 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 33 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 34 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 35 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 36 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 37 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 38 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 39 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 40 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 41 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Appendix 4: Treasurer’s Report Template To: NZU Board From: [name and role] Date: Subject: Treasurer’s Report for [period covered: month, quarter, etc] Purpose: Information Only / Action Required / Decision Required Executive Summary: [why report is presented, what are the significant conclusions and learnings, what requires immediate attention, what decisions or actions are required by the board] Financial Position: [table of current assets and liabilities] Financial Performance: [table of income and expenditure versus budget, with notes about budget issues requiring attention] Cash Flow Issues: [indicate if any significant payments are known to be coming up which may cause issues, or significant outstanding amounts are owed to us which are giving us concern] Correspondence: [summary of correspondence received or sent which requires board attention or information] Strategic Issues: [what progress has been made against our strategic plan, or other strategic initiatives involving the Treasury role] Practical Issues: [are there any general issues affecting the role which the board can assist with] Other: [anything else you want to bring to the board’s attention] Opportunities for Improvement: [identify any other ways in which our financial management could be improved: what should change, what should stop, what new features could we implement, etc.] 42 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 Appendix 5: Tax Exemption Certificates 43 | P a g e NZU Treasurer’s Manual October 2013 44 | P a g e
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