South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 The South African Rope Skipping levels Manual This manual shall serve as the national protocol for all Rope Skippers in South Africa it is designed to help break down the Rope Skipping to fit in to the SAGF levels as per all disciplines does, it sole purpose is to illustrate the way each level should be performed and the skills that must be performed in that level as per level. In total it contains 6 (six) levels in it and level nine is the highest of all levels which is also called masters. These levels are made up of many skills from the international Rope Skipping Federation/ FISAC. The levels will consist of all the basic skills to advance and difficult skills that a jumper will have to perform to be on that certain level or progress to another level. In this manual there are two categories the Single Rope and the Double Dutch levels and it has the team events and the individuals events from each level to the last level. You will also find sections where some of the rules will be stated as to what can be done and what can’t be done on that level a jumper is on, that year. Level 4-6 (four to six) are voluntary levels where by you are given the value of the skills you need to do and how many you must do as required in that level , where as level 1-3 (one to three ) are compulsory and prescribed levels. In a single rope competition, each level will have a speed, double unders, triples and freestyle. The team Single rope must consist of speed relay, team relay (four jumpers, that is 2 doing speed step and 2 double unders) pair’s freestyle and team freestyle. In the team competition all the team members score will be combined to give a final score. The Double Dutch team competition must consist of Double Dutch speed relay, Double Dutch freestyle. Double Dutch Speed relay will consist of four jumpers, who will each have an opportunity to turn the ropes as well as jumping. The final score will be made up of the combination of all 4 jumpers’ score. The Double Dutch freestyle will have two categories DD3 and DD4. DD3 is made up of three (3) jumpers, two turners and one jumper, who will have to jump and do different skills. DD4 is made up of 4 jumpers, 2 turners and 2 jumpers who will each have the opportunity to turn and jump the rope. The last part of the competition must be the Demo Cup, where by the whole team or certain team members will perform the above mentioned categories in a routine including Chinese wheel, long rope and traveller to show case the beauty of the sport. These are the basic rules that will govern the whole rope skipping discipline in South Africa and any country that will be using this material as it Rope Skipping Manual. Important signs to know: * Important to know. SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 1 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 1. Rules of the game * The single rope routine level 1-3 must be 45sec to 50 sec performed continuously with no stop in between the skills. These routines are to be performed on the Level 1-3 Prescribed Music (edited versions), which can be requested from this email / . * The Double Dutch freestyle Routines for Level 1-3 must be 45 – 50 seconds in time of length performed continuously without a stop in between the skills. *All Freestyle routines for level 4-6 must be 60-75 seconds as per the fisac-irsf rules and the music must be cut to that time limit. *If the music is beyond the required time limit or Routine itself there will be a penalty of 5 points deduction from the final Score. * Any other skill added on the routine that belongs to that level’s skills group will be treated as bonus with two (2) marks given to it. Bonuses are allocated by the Execution Judge and the maximum bonuses to be recognised is 5 no more than five bonuses. All bonuses will have to be within the same level the jumpers is competing not outside that level e.g Level1 – level1 skills as bonuses except for such skills that are Prescribed on the routine and are a level high e.g Toad in level 1 routine but it is level 2 . * A jumper can add any skill from the skills list / SAGF’s Rope Skipping rules book to increase his/her score. *Bonuses & Poses – all jumpers competing level 1-3 will have add the bonuses Just before the pose and do the pose after they have done the bonus. The pose can’t be any pose but has to be the Prescribed Pose the one on each level according to this levels Program. * The Level 1- 3 don’t compete Triple Unders at all for Health reasons of the young ones and to keep the Competition simple. Only level 4 – 6 will compete Triple Unders and medals will only be awarded to those that achieve the minimum required Triple Unders. Level 4 minimum required is 55 Triple Unders; level 5 minimum required is 110 Triple Unders and Level 6 minimum required is 170 triple Unders. This is way below the international trends especial for level 5 and 6 who will compete at WYT and WC respectively but it ok. * Level 1-3 age groups do NOT do DD3 (Double Dutch 3 two turners and one jumper). * Any pose maybe performed before and after the routine and each pose is 1 Mark for Beginning Pose and 2 marks for ending Pose. * For every skill performed clearly and perfectly a mark is awarded to the jumper. * A major miss is worth 1 mark deduction * A minor miss is worth 0.5 marks deduction * The routine must be in that order as written down except for the bonuses they can be arranged in any order. *Note these abbreviations (DU-double under), (TP- triples) & (BckS- back swing). SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 2 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Age Groups 2013-2014 The age group of the jumper will be determined by the age the jumper will be that year, eg: A child born in 1999 will be 14yrs in 2013, irrespective of the month he or she was born. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level6 8Under, 12Under & 13O 8Uunedr, 11under, 14under & 15 Over 11under, 14under & 15 Over 12Under , 15Under , 18under, 19Over 14Under, 17Under & 18Over 14Under, 17Under & 18Over SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 3 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 1 Events Single Rope Team Single Rope Double Dutch Team 4 Demo Cup team routine Speed 30sec 30sec x4 30 sec x 4 NO DEMO!! Double unders 30sec 30sec x4 Triples No triples for this Levels for the health reasons . Freestyle See bellow for all freestyles Freestyle: Starting 1m from the left corner of the floor square; on a cross pose do two double bounce jumps two basic jumps – heel tap toe tap twice both feet (L&R moving to the right hand side sideways while doing it) - four speed steps going forward . Grab the left handle on R –hand swing the rope once above the head and do two grass cutters take the L- handle back to left hand and two basic jumps to criss cross to caboose swing back - one forward basic jump toad to two double unders side swing EB pose. SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 4 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 1 Team freestyle 4 members; They will have to perform the same individual routine with any level one skill that they want to add on following the same paten on floor movements. Same rule applies for the team pair’s freestyle. Double Dutch freestyle 4members; Turners have to turn the rope 4 x before the other two go in then they do the following skills: Double bounce x2 Leg hold 180- double bounce – barrel –double wrap to twin cities. Turn ‘A’ must show a knees turning – stand up both turn ‘A’ & ‘B’ do walk in circle (while jumpers are jumping) Jumpers 1&2 jumps out and switch from behind turn the rope 4 x before the ropes and do the same as jumper 1&2 Turn ‘C’ & ‘D’ turn the ropes in stall while jumper 3&4 are doing the same sequence than the whole team do can-can both turners and jumpers at the same time. Ending with two double bounces and stepping on the rope to form a pose. SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 5 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 2 Events Single Rope Team Single Rope Double Dutch Team 4 Demo Cup team routine Speed 30sec 30 sec x4 30 sec x 4 NO DEMO CUP! Double unders 30sec 30 sec x4 triples No triples unders for this level for health reasons Freestyle See below for freestyle Freestyle (individual): starting 1m ‘A’; (Pass A- C) >Two double bounce - criss cross - toad L & R - caboose swing back to AS to CL jump to push up - one basic jump ¼ turn left. (Pass C- D)> basic jump- can –can L &R - knee lift L &R -forward & side straddle jumps - speed steps x 6 (counting right leg) basic jump ¼ turn left (facing the position where started). (Pass D-A)> basic jump - awesome anne 360* to elephant to crougar cross open to basic jump to double under to DU side cross to DU side jump to DU cross open to DU cross cross to basic jump to behind cross (TS) to side swing to slam dunk release catch swing back pose. SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 6 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 2 Team freestyle 4members; They will have to perform the same single (individual) routine at the same time on one floor. They can add flavour in to it to get bonuses skills with in level two. Same rule applies in a case of pair’s freestyle. Double Dutch freestyle 4memebrs; Turners ‘A’& ‘B’ have to turn the rope 4 x before jumpers 1&2 enter the ropes. Both jumpers1&2 enter the ropes jump twice to dish rag to pretzel and leap frog inside ropes Does a straddle kick straddle kick x 4 while turner ‘A’ switches handles and turner ‘B’ jump through turn twice and turner ‘A’ switches handles to normal- Speed steps x 6 , two basic jumps while jumper 1&2 are switching turner ‘A’ & ‘B’. Jumper 3 & 4 enters the rope immediately and the whole team do can –can, high knee, jumper 3 and turner ‘C’ do a V- switch(jumper 4 must do a frog) two basic jump into a pose. SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 7 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 3 Events Single Rope Team Single Rope Double Dutch Team 4 Demo Cup team routine Speed 30sec 30 sec x4 30 sec x 4 NO DEMO CUP! Double unders 30sec 30 sec x4 triples No triple unders for this level for health reasons Freestyle See below for freestyle Freestyle individuals; (Pass A-B)> 2-3 basic jumps -Criss Cross - Toad-Caboose -Swing back -Cross back-AS- CL (Pass B-C)> Can Can L&R- The box -3 x speed steps -Side in L&R DU (Pass C- D)> ¼ turn – DU Side L back cross to DU Side R back cross to Ribbon spin realise to Catch to DU Cross to DU Criss cross to DU TJ to Du Inverse TJ to DU AS to DU CL to two basic jumps (Pass D-A)> Arabspring backwards DU to swing back ½ turn to frog jump to push up to min kamikaze to push up position ½ turn to crabs x 2 to body bounce x2 to Kip up to basic jump (Pass A-C ½ way -centre)> TP side Jump Jump to TP side criss cross to TP side cross Cross to TP side TJ to basic jump pose SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 8 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level3 Team freestyle 4 members; They will have to perform the same individual level 3 routine with any level 3 skill that they want to add on from the SAGF code in any sequence. The same rule will apply to pairs freestyle 2 members. Double Dutch freestyle; Turners ‘A’ & ‘B’ have to turn the rope 4 x before jumper 1&2 enter Ropes. Both jumps enter between the turners legs jumper 1 under turner A and jumper 2 Under turner B. Jump twice holds opposite legs do a 360 turn jumping in the ropes Speed jumps x6 -Heel high x4 (including turners)- frog -jump ½ turn -frog – while turner ‘A’ do an EB split turn – basic jump Switch from the inside The tuners A&B jump in immediately on the switch. 2 x basic jumps the jumper ‘3’ jumps of the while jumper ‘4’ does push ups x2, jumper ‘3’ does a leap over turner ‘C’- both jumpers ‘3’& ‘4’ do a wheel barrow - two basic jumps – arabspring – turners turn a double – to a pose. SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 9 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 4 Events Single Rope Team Single Rope Double Dutch Team 4 Demo Cup team routine Speed 30sec 30sec x4 30 sec x 4 Double unders 30sec One demo per province / Region follow level 6 rules. triples Minimum required to get a medal is 55 for this Level Freestyle Please see below on the freestyle table. Freestyle individual; The Level 4 freestyle routine must comprise of the following Skills: 10 X Level 2 Skills 10 X Level 3 Skills 9 X Level 4 Skills 2 X Level 5 Skills SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 10 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 4 Team freestyle 4 members; Will have to make their own routine using the skill in the single rope individual routine. The floor paten is of choice as well as to how they move around the floor. The same rule will apply for the Freestyle Pairs routine. Double Dutch freestyle 4mambers; Turners have to turn the rope 4 x before rope is entered. First two jumps 5x L1 skills 6x L2 skills 5xL3 skills Switch from inside Second two jumps in 5x L1 skills 6x L2 skills 5xL3 skills Finish with a pause. Events speed freestyle Double Dutch 3 (three) 30 sec speed relay 8x L1 skills, 8x L2 skills, 10xL3 skills * All the jumpers must perform the above mentioned skills in DD3&DD4 different from each jumper on the team. E.g a frog can only be done by one jumper in a team unless modified to a higher frog. # Skills from level4 will be awarded as bonuses if any are performed SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 11 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 5 Events Single Rope Team Single Rope Double Dutch Team 4 Demo Cup team routine Speed 30sec / 75 steps 30sec x4 30 sec x 4 One demo per province / Region follow level 6 rules. 3min/ 400 steps Double unders 30sec/75 steps triples Minimum required triples to get a medal are 180 for this level Freestyle The freestyle must comprise of all the below listed levels skills: 12 xL2 skills 12xL3 skills 10 x L4 skills 7 x L5 skills # Any 5 multiple under will be a bonus if clearly performed worth (3points) * Creativity and difficulty will be looked at as well This is a voluntary exercise where jumpers will have to follow the same criteria as for single rope individuals. Interaction between the jumpers and working together will obsevered at a high note and marks will be given for that. Each skipper should have a turn to turn the rope and to jumper the rope. Each jumper must perform all the following skills: 10xL1 skills 10xL2skills 8xL3skills 8xL4skills 5x L5skills This includes the turning of the rope and the switching. Bonuses will be awarded where deserved. Events speed freestyle Double Dutch 3 (three) 30 sec speed relay 8 x L1 skills, 6x L2 skills,7xL3 and 7xL4 skills >including turning and switching * All the jumpers must perform the above mentioned skills in DD3&DD4 different from each jumper on the team. E.g a frog can only be done by one jumper in a team unless modified to a higher frog. # Skills from level4 will be awarded as bonuses if any are performed SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 12 of 13 South African Gymnastics Federation Rope Skipping Levels Manual 2008 Version 2013/03 Level 6 Events Single Rope Team Single Rope Double Dutch Team 4 Demo Cup team routine Speed 30sec /80 steps 30sec x4/80 steps 2 x 1min The demo cup will have to show case all the rope skipping elements from single rope, DD, traveller, wheels etc. 3min / 450 Steps Double unders 30sec/ 80 jumps triples Minimum required triples to get a medal 200 for this level DD 4 Requirements Freestyle The freestyle must comprise of all the below listed levels skills: 15xL2 skills 15xL3 skills 12x L4 skills 8x L5 skills # Any 5 multiple under will be a bonus if clearly performed worth (3points) #any realise with sumsault /high frog /to a cross This is a voluntary exercise where jumpers will have to follow the same criteria as for single rope individuals. Interaction between the jumpers and working together will observed at a high note and marks will be given for that. Each skipper should have a turn to turn the rope and to jumper the rope. Each jumper must perform all the following skills: 10 xL1 skills 10 xL2skills 8 xL3skills 8 xL4skills This includes the turning of the rope and the switching. This event must take place in 4min to 8min Covering all these elements. No props are allowed. #Bonuses will be awarded where deserved. *(note no repetition will be * Creativity and difficulty will be looked at as well Events speed freestyle taken / judged.) Double Dutch 3 (three) 45 sec speed relay, 2min speed , 10 x L1 skills, 10 x L2 skills, 8 x L3 and 8xL4 skills >including turning and switching * All the jumpers must perform the above mentioned skills in DD3&DD4 different from each jumper on the team. E.g a frog can only be done by one jumper in a team unless it is in a different way of turning . SAGF Rope Skipping Levels Programme prepared by RSPM / version -2012 @ Sandile’s doc Page 13 of 13
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