PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFIED PERSONNEL MANUAL 2013-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ADMINISTRATION Building Administrator/Fed. Programs Goals and Objectives Eval of Admin Admin Eval Form Support Eval/Assign/Transfer/Handbook Develop Regs/Policy Impletment/Policy Absence Introduction to Policy Manual Non-Discrimination Compensation Plans/Lane Advancement Compensation: Certified Certification Medical Insurance/Tax Sheltered Annuity: Cert. Definition of Household Leave: Family and Medical Leave: Illness and Bereavement Certified Leave: Personal Leave: Professional Certified Leave: Sabbatical Certified Leave: Sabbatical Prepaid Leave: Jury Duty Certified Leave: Military Leave: Unpaid Absence Certified Leave: Sick Bank Certified Sick Leave Bank Form Political Activities: All Personnel Involvement In Decision-Making Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars Reduction in Force Certified Voluntary Transfers Sexual Harassment Staff Conduct Staff Ethics Grievance Procedures Teacher Retirement - District Wyoming Retirement Worker's Compensation SUMMATIVE EVALUATIONS Evaluation System Example Evaluation Form DISTRICT SALARY SCHEDULES CFA/CDG CA CFB/CDA AC:PM GCB-R-2:PM GCBA:PM GCA GCBD:PM GCCAAC:PM GCCAB-R-PM GCCAA:PM GCCAAB:PM GCI:PM GCCAF:PM GCCAFA:PM GCCABB:PM GCCAD:PM GCC:PM GCCAAA:PM GCCAAA-R:PM GBI:PM GBB:PM GCLA:PM GCQA-R:PM GCKA:PM GBAA: PM A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 1 2 3-5 6 7 8 9 10 - 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 29 30 31 – 41 GBK-R:PM GCQE:PM GCQEA:PM GCBG 42 - 45 46 - 47 48 48 CDO/CFC/CHCA CHA/CH/CHD/BGG GCOO:PM GCOO-R:PM PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY ADMINISTRATOR PERSONNEL MANUAL INTRODUCTION POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS ARE NOT A CONTRACT The Cody School District has identified negotiated and non-negotiated policies, procedures and regulations, that generate numerous inquiries. This manual is intended as a guide for the efficient and professional performance of this school district. While policies, procedures, and regulations may be generated through a consensual process, nothing herein contained shall be construed to be a contract between the employer and the employee, or as containing binding terms and conditions or employment. The Board of Trustees of this school District retains the sole and exclusive right to add, delete, or amend the policies and regulations contained in this manual, with or without notice, at such times as they deem it necessary and in the manner they deem best for the school district. Publish Date: 1 August 2013 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: CFA SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR Within limits of the law, Board regulations, and instructions from the Superintendent and assistants, the principal will be the administrative authority of assigned school. The principal is responsible for a thorough knowledge of all laws, regulations, and instructions governing the position. The principal will coordinate all administrative and supervisory activities which occur in the building. The principal will be responsible for the coordination of the work of supervisors, custodians, officials of the business department, health officers, and all others who work in relationship to the school and to the teachers. The principal will be responsible for the administration of school policies in assigned school and for making available to building staff a knowledge of such regulations as they are enacted by the Board of Trustees or formulated by the central administration. The principal will keep superior officers fully advised as to the condition of the school. The principal is responsible for the detailed organization of the school, the assignment of duties of staff members within the school, and the administration of the instructional program. The principal will handle all complaints from patrons or parents which affect the school, investigate the same, and refer to the central administration all cases which cannot be adjusted satisfactorily. The principal is responsible for the efficiency of teachers and other staff members within the building and will evaluate them in accordance with established procedures as may be defined by the central administration. The principal will have the power to suspend students temporarily and make recommendations for reassignment, long-term suspension or expulsion. The principal may assign this duty to the assistant principal(s). In matters of attendance and suspension, the principal will work closely with the community counselors in order to enforce the requirements of the compulsory attendance laws. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CGD STATE AND FEDERAL PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATION This district operates many specially funded programs which must be administered in accordance with particular federal and/or state laws and conditions of the grants. The Board of Trustees, through its approval of such programs and acceptance of funds, is ultimately responsible for them even though many of the regulations which govern them are established by another agency. The district administrator assigned responsibility for federal and state programs is charged with coordinating funded projects, for administration of grants, and for ensuring that the 2 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY various departments which operate these programs do so within the guidelines pertaining to the particular program. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CA ADMINISTRATION GOALS/PRIORITY OBJECTIVES The major responsibility of the school administration in this district is to provide leadership directed toward the implementation, facilitation, and improvement of the District's instructional program. The administration must strive to create an environment which encourages the cooperative efforts needed to support District philosophies and accomplish District goals and objectives. Administrators should be effective decision makers who give consideration to the input of others when appropriate. They should facilitate the participation of appropriate persons and groups (parents, community persons, superiors, subordinates and peers) in the school improvement process on matters within the scope of their responsibility, expertise, and desire to be involved. Administration Goals: The purpose of school administration is to help create and foster an environment in which students may learn effectively. All administrative duties and functions should be appraised in terms of the contribution they make to better instruction and to increase student motivation and achievement. The Board will rely on its chief executive officer, the Superintendent of Schools, to provide the professional administrative leadership that such a goal demands. The design of the administrative organization will be such that all departments of the district and all schools are part of a single system subject to the policies of the Board and implemented through a single chief administrator, the Superintendent. The administrators and supervisors are expected to administer their units in accordance with board policies and administrative regulations. However, the mere execution of directives cannot and should not, by itself, be construed as good administration. Vision, initiative, resourcefulness, and leadership are essential in effective administration of schools. Within the scope of each administrator's responsibility, the administrator: facilitates the development of an environment which fosters student learning understands his/her responsibilities and authorities and organizes and manages to meet the responsibilities is knowledgeable about current trends in education, and available resources is knowledgeable regarding effective teaching techniques and methodologies acts in accordance with Board policies delegates authority and responsibility when appropriate contributes as a member of the administrative team and supports team decisions 3 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY supervises and evaluates the performance of personnel and programs using appropriate District policies and procedures encourages professional growth opportunities for staff and provides for them treats others fairly, consistently, and honestly maintains positive community/school relations facilitates the development and implementation of district, building or program goals, provides appropriate resources, monitors progress toward reaching goals, and evaluates goal accomplishment develops and administers budget manages fiscal resources to support the school(s) and its programs ensures the proper operation and maintenance of facilities, vehicles, equipment, and services assumes responsibility for personnel decisions and recommendations serves as an advocate for assigned staff, programs, and students accepts accountability for his/her area of responsibility, including teacher performance and student achievement demonstrates effective leadership and positive relationships with students individually and in groups is flexible in administrative style participates in professional growth activities demonstrates effective interpersonal skills demonstrates respect for the dignity and worth of students, staff, parents, community members, and other administrators demonstrates professional, ethical behavior. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CFB EVALUATION OF ADMINISTRATORS OTHER THAN SUPERINTENDENT Each year prior to March 15, the superintendent shall have on file an evaluation for each administrator in the district other than the superintendent. The evaluation shall be completed by the superintendent with input from immediate supervisors. The superintendent or other administrative supervisor will conduct an annual goals-planning conference with each administrator at the beginning of each evaluation cycle. Additional informative conferences should be conducted with each administrator prior to completion of the summative evaluation. The administrator evaluation and superintendent's recommendation shall not constitute a contractual obligation by the school district. The board of trustees remains as the final authority in approving the contractual employment of each administrator. Prior to taking action on administrator's contract, the board shall consider the recommendation of the superintendent. The board, however, shall be under no obligation to renew an administrator's contract and may elect to not renew an administrator's contract regardless of the evaluation of the administrator and without any obligation to give the administrator reasons for the decision not to renew the contract or a hearing and opportunity to respond. Adopted: 1/20/98 4 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: CDA EVALUATION OF PROFESSIONAL STAFF - ADMINISTRATOR OBJECTIVES: A. To provide an ongoing process between the Board, the superintendent, and the administrator being evaluated which creates a cooperative effort to achieve mutual goals. B. To provide a structure that is diagnostic and prescriptive, and one that affords an opportunity for evaluation to identify strengths and areas which need improvement. C. To assist each administrator in setting goals and objectives and improve personal performance in areas where needed. D. To provide an informational tool for the Board and the superintendent when decisions regarding promotions, salary advancement, transfers, staff reductions, and termination are necessary. Adopted 7/21/93 5 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 Administrator Evaluation 2013-2014 ADMINISTRATOR: ______________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT: __________________________________________________ MEETS DISTRICT NEEDS YES NO 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 DEMONSTRATES LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, AND Demonstrates effective leadership of the staff, students, parents and/or patrons. Demonstrates knowledge and ability to implement approved Knows and applies principles of school finance. 2. DEMONSTRATES THE ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE AND EVALUATE GOOD PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE OF THE STAFF. 2.1 Acquires knowledge about staff performance through direct 2.2 Demonstrates skill in evaluating the performance of assigned staff members. 3. DEMONSTRATES AN INTEREST IN AND COMMITMENT TO STUDENTS, EMPLOYEES, PATRONS, AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS 3.1 Provides an environment of trust that is responsive to the collective needs of the students, staff, and patrons. 3.2 Promotes and nurtures a positive climate in the workplace. 3.3 Provides opportunities for the staff to experience professional growth 4. DEMONSTRATES A COMMITMENT TO PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND MAKES EFFORTS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE. 4.1 Maintains an appropriate level of preparation and scholarship on 4.2 Participates in workshops, seminars, and graduate studies. OTHER COMMENTS: ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: I understand that my signature means only that I have read this evaluation and not that I necessarily agree with what has been written. _________________________________ _______________________________ 6 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY (Superintendent) (Administrator) _________________________________ (Date) _______________________________ (Date) CODE: CDO SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION The development of a competent support staff is essential to the smooth operation of the school district. The Board of Education expects all employees to make continuous efforts to improve their performance and expects supervisors to assist them through the supervision and evaluation process. Therefore, the Board has established the following as its policy for the evaluation of support personnel. 1. 2. 3. 4. The evaluation shall be conducted in an objective manner with the primary purpose being the improving of the employee’s performance. An evaluation for all support staff members shall be made no less than once a year. The evaluation shall be done no later than April 15th. The evaluation system should make provision for the support employees to submit a written rebuttal to the formal evaluation if so desired. A satisfactory annual evaluation is needed for an employee to be eligible to move to the next step on the salary schedule effective on July 11th. Adopted: 12/19/95 CODE: CFC ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF BUILDING ADMINISTRATORS Appropriate placement transfer practices for school administrators should enhance effective utilization of skills and abilities and the professional growth of individuals. These objectives can best be achieved through the provision of some variety of school assignment over a period of years, and the best possible matching of known administrator strengths to identify current needs of a particular school. The superintendent shall recommend on an annual basis to the board of trustees the assignment of the individual administrators. The board of trustees together with the superintendent may assign the building administrator to any position in the district which the administrator is certified to fulfill. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CHCA HANDBOOKS AND DIRECTIVES In order that pertinent Board policies, District regulations, and departmental and/or school rules and procedures may be known by District personnel and students affected by them, District administrators and principals are granted authority to issue staff and student handbooks as found necessary and desirable. It is essential that the contents of handbooks conform to District-wide policies and regulations. It is also important that all handbooks bearing the name of the District or one of its schools be of a quality that reflects credit on the District. Therefore, the Board expects handbooks to be approved by the Superintendent prior to publication. The Board shall review and approve, prior to publication, the District-wide personnel handbooks and school student handbooks. 7 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY All handbooks are intended as a guide for the efficient and professional performance of this school district and the employees and students of the district. Nothing in the handbook shall be construed to be a contract between the employer and the employee. The handbook should not be construed by any employee as containing binding terms and conditions of employment. The board of trustees of the school district retains the sole and exclusive right to add, delete and amend the provisions contained in the handbooks at such time as they deem it necessary and in the manner they deem best for the school district. Nothing in the handbook shall be construed as altering the right of the school district to terminate any classified employee at any time with or without good cause. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CHA DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATIONS Often the Board's policies will require developing regulations. The Superintendent shall develop these in consultation with administrators and other staff and submit them to the Board for review when Board action is necessary or advisable. The Superintendent's regulations, along with those officially adopted by the Board, shall be included in the Board's policies and regulations manual. Within the policies and regulations of the Board and the regulations of the Superintendent, principals are authorized to establish rules and procedures for the staff and student bodies of their schools. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CH POLICY IMPLEMENTATION The Superintendent has responsibility for carrying out, through administrative regulations, the policies established by the Board. Other administrators and supervisors share in this responsibility. The policies developed by the Board and the administrative regulations developed to implement policy are designed to promote an effective and efficient school system. There are many activities that are common to all schools, but procedures for conducting them may vary from school to school. School principals will establish procedures for conducting activities within their individual schools within the larger framework of administrative regulations and Board policies. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CHD/BGG ADMINISTRATION IN THE ABSENCE OF POLICY In instances when action must be taken within the school district where the Board has provided no districtwide policy guides for administrative action, or when an exception to policy may be appropriate, the superintendent shall have the power to act. 8 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to inform the Board promptly of such action and the need for a policy at the next regular Board meeting. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CHA DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATIONS Often the Board's policies will require developing regulations. The Superintendent shall develop these in consultation with administrators and other staff and submit them to the Board for review when Board action is necessary or advisable. The Superintendent's regulations, along with those officially adopted by the Board, shall be included in the Board's policies and regulations manual. Within the policies and regulations of the Board and the regulations of the Superintendent, principals are authorized to establish rules and procedures for the staff and student bodies of their schools. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CH POLICY IMPLEMENTATION The Superintendent has responsibility for carrying out, through administrative regulations, the policies established by the Board. Other administrators and supervisors share in this responsibility. The policies developed by the Board and the administrative regulations developed to implement policy are designed to promote an effective and efficient school system. There are many activities that are common to all schools, but procedures for conducting them may vary from school to school. School principals will establish procedures for conducting activities within their individual schools within the larger framework of administrative regulations and Board policies. Adopted: 1/20/98 CODE: CHD/BGG ADMINISTRATION IN THE ABSENCE OF POLICY In instances when action must be taken within the school district where the Board has provided no districtwide policy guides for administrative action, or when an exception to policy may be appropriate, the superintendent shall have the power to act. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to inform the Board promptly of such action and the need for a policy at the next regular Board meeting. Adopted: 1/20/98 9 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: AC: PM NON-DISCRIMINATION Park County School District No. 6, State of Wyoming, is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination relation to race, color, national origin, sex, age, handicap and religion. This policy should prevail in all matters concerning staff, students, education programs, amend services and individuals with whom the school district does business. The school staff should establish and maintain an atmosphere in which students can develop attitudes and skills for effective, cooperative living, including: a) b) c) d) respect for the individual regardless of economic status, intellectual ability, race, color, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or religion; respect for cultural differences; respect for economic, political, and social rights of others; respect for the rights of others to seek and maintain their own identities. The school district, in keeping with the requirements of state and federal law, will strive to remove any vestige of prejudice and discrimination, in employment, assignment and promotion of personnel; in location and use of facilities; in educational offerings and instructional materials. Adopted 12/16/97 10 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCB-R-2:PM PROFESSIONAL STAFF CONTRACTS AND COMPENSATION PLANS ADVANCED DEGREE/LANE ADVANCEMENT Conditions Governing Eligibility for Salary Increment Teachers applying salary increments for B.A.+ 15, +30, +45, M.A., M.A. + 15, +30, +45, +75, must meet the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Certified personnel who plan to acquire enough hours to move on the salary schedule must notify the superintendent by May 1 before the anticipated year. Evidence of courses completed for advancement on the salary schedule must be submitted to the superintendent’s office no later than September 10th of the following school year, with transcripts or other official documents showing credits earned. Credits earned will be measured in semester hours. One quarter hour will equal 2/3 of one semester hour. All credits earned must be graduate credits*, and must be earned from an accredited institution granting graduate credits. No more than one third (1/3) of the hours for each horizontal advancement on the salary schedule may be workshops, coaching clinics, and/or conferences. All courses applied to lane advancement must be related to the current teaching assignment or courses specifically oriented to improve instructional skills. Graduate credit earned via television/internet may be used for salary increment advancement. All requests for television credit classes must be submitted to the superintendent, in writing, for approval before the class begins. Each request will be evaluated for approval on a case by case basis by the superintendent or designee. Generally, all courses approved must be rigorous in nature, designed to improve instructional capabilities, and/or oriented to the content teaching assignment of the teacher seeking approval for the television/internet course. All persons taking graduate level course work for the purpose of lane advancement should submit an Application For Prior Credit Approval For Lane Advancement to secure pre-approval of coursework. (available at each building’s office) Staff Academy Credits initiated and offered by Park County School District #6 will be allowed for lane advancement. Repeated courses may not be used for lane advancement. State department credit cannot be applied toward lane advancement. *Undergraduate courses may be considered for lane advancement, in rare cases. Staff seeking to take undergraduate courses for the purpose of lane advancement must schedule a meeting with the superintendent to determine lane advancement applicability. 11 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Adopted: Revised: 12/16/97 3/16/99 FORM A APPLICATION FOR PRIOR CREDIT APPROVAL FOR LANE ADVANCEMENT Please fill out this form and return it to the Superintendent/designee prior to registering for the course. Name Date of Application ________________ Lane level for which these courses would apply: BS +15 Masters ______ MS +45 BS + 30 MS +15 MS +75 BS +45 MS +30 NOTE: Credits to be applied for lane advancement must be part of an approved graduate level program showing a letter grade on the transcript. Upon completion of sufficient credits to request a lane advancement to the next salary lane, please submit official transcripts to the Human Resources Office. Please list all course titles, semester hours, and institutions for all graduate level courses you are seeking to use for lane advancement on the salary schedule. Date Course Begins Date Course Ends Course Number Graduate Level (Y/N) Course Title College or University _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Briefly, describe how the course(s) you are requesting for approval apply to your assigned area of teaching or how the course(s) will improve your instructional skills. Courses for lane advancement are approved. Approved pending receipt of final transcripts. (Must be graduate level for a letter grade and apply to a graduate program.) Not approved. 12 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY __________________________________ Superintendent or Designee Signature ____________________ Date FORM B APPLICATION FOR SALARY SCHEDULE LANE ADVANCEMENT Name Present Lane Lane___________________ Requested Application for credits being considered for lane or degree advancement. Course Semester Institution Number Course Year Hours _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please group the credits that you believe apply directly to your field of teaching. Written data supporting a course description will be helpful in considering your application. Attach grade cards or transcripts of credits listed above. 13 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Approved Denied________ Approved pending receipt of final transcripts __________________________________ Superintendent or Designee Signature ____________________ Date CODE: GCBA: PM COMPENSATION: CERTIFIED The Board shall consider and adopt a salary schedule(s) for the certified staff on an annual basis. Such staff shall be paid in accordance with such schedule(s), except that upon approval of the Board, compensation in excess of the applicable schedule(s) may be paid a certified employee whose salary would be reduced by the adoption of a new salary schedule. All teachers hired by the District shall receive full credit in accordance with the District’s salary schedule for all prior years of service obtained as a teacher, or as a teacher in the regional development preschool system as defined by W.S. § 21-2-701 (a)(iii). In the event of termination, leave of absence without pay, or other events resulting in certified personnel being entitled to less than full annual salary, partial compensation shall be prorated for certified personnel other than administrators on the basis that the number of days worked bears to the number of contracted days, and for administrators on the basis that the number of days employed bears to the total number of contract days plus any consideration approved by the board for unused accrued vacation time. In the event an applicable pay schedule provides for certain performed extra-assigned duties to be compensated, such remuneration shall be paid in one (1) payment following completion of the season or of the duty, or by other method as determined by the Board of Trustees. Adopted: 6/15/82 Revised: 7/15/98 Revised: 1/18/00 Revised: 11/20/01 14 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCA CERTIFICATION Wyoming Statute stipulates that no persons shall teach or supervise in a public school in this state and receive compensation therefore out of any public fund who at the time of rendering such services is not a holder of, or a candidate and qualified for a certificate issued, or to be issued, under the laws of this state and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each teacher and certified employee to maintain appropriate certification to fulfill their assigned responsibilities in the State of Wyoming. Recertification should be applied for through the Professional Teaching Standards Board sufficiently in advance of the expiration date of the current certificate to allow recertification to be completed prior to the expiration of the current certificate. Securing and maintaining appropriate Wyoming certification is the responsibility of the individual teacher or certified employee, not the responsibility of the District. Employment is conditional upon certified personnel securing and maintaining appropriate ratification from the Professional Teaching Standards Board for the position employed and filing evidence thereof with the superintendent of schools. Failure to secure and maintain appropriate certification shall be grounds for dismissal. Adopted: 1/20/98 NOTE: As a further explanation of the above policy, you should know that the Professional Teaching and Standards Board (PTSB) determines certification of an applicant and whether or not the applicant is highly qualified to teach in a stipulated assignment. The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) has stated that highly qualified and certified designations are required before a teacher may be paid a teacher’s salary with district funds. Therefore, teachers hired by the district must be certified and highly qualified by the PTSB before the district can pay a salary based on the district’s teacher pay schedule. Those who are hired to teach in this district (or any other district in the state) who are not highly qualified and certified at the time school starts, or their certificate expires during the year, may begin or continue teaching responsibilities as a substitute teacher, subject to substituting limitations, until they are able to gain their certification, or until such time that it becomes known that certification cannot be gained for the position and courses they were hired to teach. 15 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY It has been asked whether or not a teacher who has been receiving pay as a substitute while awaiting certification can be paid a teacher’s salary retroactively to the date of initial employment as a teacher when their certification is established. The answer to this question from the WDE is: A teacher can only be paid a teaching salary effective on the date that certification is established. Any district that fails to adhere to this directive is subject to revocation of the district’s accreditation status. GCBD: PM MEDICAL INSURANCE/TAX SHELTERED ANNUITY: CERTIFIED In order to be eligible for this benefit, the employee must be employed a minimum of 1,000 hours per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) and must be eligible as required in the insurance contract between the district and the insurance provider. The district shall comply with all COBRA requirements for those employees who leave the district. Employees who leave the district forfeit eligibility for inclusion in the district’s group medical insurance program on the last day of the month of the termination of employment. Certified staff members who are on an approved leave of absence shall continue to be eligible for membership in the district’s approved group medical insurance program during the period of approved leave. However, the district will not contribute financially, on behalf of the employee, to the program: the employee shall be responsible for full payment of the insurance premium during the period of approved leave except when an employee qualifies for family medical leave, in which event, the District shall continue to pay the same portion of the medical insurance the District was paying at the time of the commencement of the leave. Certified staff members who do not fulfill the terms of their employment contract in a given school year shall forfeit their eligibility for inclusion in the district’s group medical insurance program on the last day of the month following the month in which employment is terminated. The district’s financial contribution toward the employee’s month premium shall cease on the same date the employee’s eligibility for membership in the group plan is terminated. The district will make available medical coverage for full-time certified employees and their dependents in a board approved health/dental plan for the employee. The board of trustees may elect to contribute to the cost of these plans. The amount to be contributed by the board shall be set by the board. Adopted: 7/21/93 Revised: 10/20/98 Revised: 5/21/13 16 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCCAAC DEFINITION OF HOUSEHOLD For the purposes of all short-term absences outlined in this policy, immediate household shall be defined as those family members which reside within the physical structure of the employee’s home and/or a bona fide dependent for IRS purposes. Immediate family is defined as wife, husband, children, grandchildren, grandparents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-inlaw, son-in-law, parents, foster parents, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces of the employee. With the superintendent’s permission, such leaves as taken for immediate family may also be taken for a “significant other.” Adopted 1/20/98 17 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCCAB-R-PM FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE Pursuant to the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (P.L. 103-3), the District hereby adopts the following policy relating to family and medical leave for eligible employees. BENEFITS Eligible employees are entitled to a total of twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave per year (beginning July 1 of each year) for the following five leave situations: 1. the birth and first-year care of a child; 2. the adoption or foster placement of a child; 3. The "serious health condition" of an employee's spouse, parent, or child; and 4. the employee's own "serious health condition". 5. A “qualifying exigency” as defined by the United States Secretary of Labor, in which the employee’s spouse, son, daughter or parent is on covered active duty (or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered active duty) in the Armed Forces. For purposes of the benefits referred to above, a serious health condition means "an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves: 1. inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility; or 2. continuing treatment by a health care provider that results in a period of incapacity of more than three (3) consecutive full calendar days and involves either: a. two (2) or more treatments in person by a health care provider within 30 days of the first day of incapacity, unless extenuating circumstances exist. The first treatment must take place within 7 days of the first day of incapacity, and health care provider, not the employee/patient, shall determine if the second visit is needed; or b. treatment by a health care provider on at least one occasion followed by a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider. Over-the-counter medications, bed rest, taking of fluids, exercise, and other activities that can be initiated without a visit to a health care provider do not constitute continuing treatment. Serious health condition does cover conditions such as asthma and diabetes even if the episode of incapacity does not last more than three (3) days." For purposes of the benefits referred to above which pertain to leave for the care of a child, the term "child" shall mean a son or daughter which is either a biological, adopted, or foster child, a step-child, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is: 18 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 1. under eighteen (18) years of age; or 2. eighteen (18) years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability. SERVICE MEMBER FAMILY LEAVE Subject to the requirements of this policy and Federal law, an eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member shall be entitled to a total of 26 workweeks of leave during a 12-month period to care for the service member. During the 12-month period described in this paragraph, an eligible employee shall be entitled to a combined total of 26 workweeks of leave for leave under this paragraph, and leave under the section entitled “Benefits.” Definitions 1. “Covered Active Duty” means: A. in the case of a member of a regular component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed forces to a foreign country; and B. in the case of a member of a reserve components of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country under a call or order to active duty under a provision of law referred to in section 101(a)(13)(B) of Title 10. 2. “Covered service member” means: A. a member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or B. a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, for a serious injury or illness and who was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the national Guard or Reserves) at any time during the period of 5 years preceding the date on which the veteran undergoes that medical treatment, recuperation or therapy. 3. The term “outpatient status,” with respect to a covered service member, means the status of a member of the Armed Forces assigned to: A. a military medical treatment facility as an outpatient; or B. a unit established for the purpose of providing command and control of members of the Armed Forces receiving medical care as outpatients. 4. The term “Next of Kin” means with respect to an individual, the nearest blood relative of that individual. 5. The term “serious injury or illness” in the case of a member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, means an injury or illness incurred by the member in line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces that may render the member medically unfit to perform the duties of the member’s office, grade rank or rating. 19 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE To be eligible for leave under this policy and to be considered an eligible employee, an employee must have been employed: 1. for at least twelve (12) months (nonconsecutive); and 2. for at least 1,250 hours of service within the previous twelve (12) month period. Time paid (i.e., sick leave, vacation leave, etc.) will not be counted in calculating hours of service. In the case of employees only employed for nine (9) months or one hundred eighty (180) working days out of each twelve (12) month period, this will require that they be employed for at least 1,250 hours of service during those one hundred eighty (180) working days, or whatever number of working days are actually worked during the twelve (12) month period. Any eligible employee who is entitled to the leave referred to above shall be entitled to continuation of health benefits and all other insurance benefits, as well as accrual of sick leave and/or other leave benefits during the period of leave, under the same terms and conditions as are provided to the employee prior to taking the leave. Any increase in premiums or deductibles that apply to active employees shall also apply to employees on FMLA leave. Any employee who fails to pay his required share of premium may be dropped from coverage under the group health plan. The District shall provide the employee a notice that coverage will be dropped at least fifteen (15) days before coverage will cease. Any employee who is eligible for this leave and takes the leave is entitled to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and conditions of employment upon return to employment so long as the employee can continue to perform all the essential functions of the position. This leave is not to be considered as leave in addition to other leave granted to the employee by School District policy for which the employee is otherwise eligible, but is intended only to supplement that leave to the extent it does not otherwise provide for twelve (12) weeks of leave. In other words, to the extent that any eligible employee would be entitled to receive sick leave, maternity leave, or personal leave pursuant to other applicable School District policies, then the eligible employee must use the sick/personal leave benefits granted under other applicable District policies and only in the event that it does not provide the eligible employee with twelve (12) weeks of leave would the employee be able to use the leave granted under this policy. The leave for which the eligible employee may qualify under the provisions of this policy will not exceed twelve (12) weeks inclusive of the leave utilized under other District policies for any of the above described leave situations. (For example, if due to the illness of an employee, an employee desires to take leave for a period up to twelve (12) weeks and the employee has available six (6) weeks of sick leave which could be utilized for this leave, then the employee would be required to use the six (6) weeks of available sick leave and thereafter would qualify for six (6) weeks of unpaid leave pursuant to this policy. If the employee had available up to twelve (12) weeks of personal/sick leave which could be utilized, then this policy would not apply). LIMIT ON CHILD CARE BENEFIT The family leave benefit applicable to the birth, adoption, and foster placement for child care ends after (1) the child reaches age one; or (2) twelve months after adoption or placement. When both spouses are employed by the School District, the combined amount of leave for birth, adoption, and illness of a parent may be limited to a total of twelve (12) weeks. This limitation is not applicable to leave for personal illness and illness of a spouse or child. 20 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PLANNED MEDICAL LEAVE In the event an eligible employee employed principally in an instructional capacity (teacher or teacher's aide) requests leave due to a serious health condition or to care for someone with a serious health condition, and the employee would be on leave for greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of working days in the period during which the leave would extend, the District may require that such employee elect either: 1. to take leave for periods of a particular duration, not to exceed the duration of the planned medical treatment; or 2. transfer temporarily to an available alternative position offered by the School District for which the employee is qualified and that (1) has equivalent pay and benefits; and (2) better accommodates recurring periods of leave than the regular employment position of the employee. REQUEST FOR LEAVE NEAR THE CONCLUSION OF THE SEMESTER 1. In the case of an employee principally employed in an instructional capacity (teacher or teacher's aide), if the eligible employee begins leave more than five (5) weeks prior to the end of the academic term, the District may require the employee to continue taking leave until the end of such term if: A. the leave is of at least three (3) weeks duration; and B. the return to employment would occur during the three (3) week period before the end of such term. 2. If the eligible employee begins leave, which leave is granted for any of the permissible reasons other than the employee's own serious health condition, and the leave period would commence within the last five (5) weeks prior to the end of a semester, the District may require the employee to continue taking leave until the end of such term if: A. the leave is of greater than two (2) weeks duration; and B. the return to employment would occur during the two (2) week period before the end of such term. 3. If the eligible employee requests leave for any reason other than the employee's own serious health condition, which period would commence during the three (3) weeks prior to the end of a semester and the duration of the leave is greater than five (5) working days, the District may require the employee to continue to take leave until the end of such term. 4. Whenever a teacher is required to extend his/her leave as provided for in Sections 1, 2 or 3 above, the "extra" leave required by the District does not count against the employee's twelve (12) workweek entitlement. DUTIES OF EMPLOYEE In any case in which the reason for leave is due to the necessity of the employee to care for the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee or because of the serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of his/her position, the employee: 21 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 1. shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the operations of the District, subject to the approval of the health care provider; and 2. shall provide the School District with timely oral or written notice, such notice to be not less than thirty (30) days before the date the leave is to begin, of the employee's intention to take leave under such provision, except that, if the date of the treatment requires the leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee shall provide such notice as soon as practicable. “As soon as practicable” means the day the employee learns of the need for the leave or the next business day. If the employee does not give at least 30 days’ notice, the District may ask for an explanation, and the employee must respond. If an employee fails to give proper notice, the District may delay or deny leave. In any case in which the necessity for leave under the section entitled “Service Member Family Leave” is foreseeable, whether because the spouse, or a son, daughter, or parent, of the employee is on covered active duty, or because of notification of an impending call or order to covered active duty, the employee shall provide such notice to the employer as is reasonable and practicable. SCHOOL DISTRICT RESPONSE: ELIGIBILITY NOTICE AND RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITY NOTICE The District shall notify the employee of eligibility within 5 business days of the employee’s request or of the District learning that leave may be covered by FMLA, unless there are extenuating circumstances. The notice may be oral or written, and must inform the employee if he or she is eligible. If the employee is not eligible for FMLA leave, the eligibility notice must specify at least one reason why the employee is not eligible. The District must also give notice to the employees of their rights and responsibilities. The District may use a single form (including U.S. Department of Labor forms) for both the eligibility notice and the rights and responsibility notice. CERTIFICATION The District may require that a request for leave to care for a relative with a serious health condition or because of the employee's own serious health condition, or a request for service member family leave, be supported by a certification issued by the health care provider of the eligible employee or of the son, daughter, spouse, or parent of the employee, or in the case of service member family leave, of the next of kin of an individual, as appropriate. The District must request the certification within 5 business days after the employee requests leave. The District must give the employee at least 15 calendar days to provide the certification. This may be done through the rights and responsibilities notice. It is the employee’s responsibility to provide the District with a complete and sufficient certification. The employee shall provide a copy of such certification to the Superintendent, or his or her designee. The employee shall be responsible for the cost of such certification or re-certification. If the certification is incomplete or insufficient, the District must notify the employee in writing of what additional information is needed, and must give the employee at least 7 calendar days to cure any deficiency in the certification. A certification is incomplete if an entry is blank, and is insufficient if information is vague, ambiguous or non-responsive. The District may deny FMLA leave if the deficiencies in the certification are not corrected, or there is no resubmitted certification. The District may contact the health care provider for authentication (i.e., verifying that the health care provider completed and signed the certification) or clarification (i.e., understanding the handwriting or understanding the meaning of a response) but only after giving the employee a chance to clarify. The District superintendent, business manager, human resources manager or leave administrator (but not the employee’s direct supervisor) may contact the employee’s health care provider. 22 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Certification provided under this section shall be sufficient if it states: 1. the date on which the serious health condition commenced; and 2. the probable duration of the condition; and 3. the appropriate medical facts within the knowledge of the health care provider regarding the condition; and 4. if applicable, a statement that the eligible employee is needed to care for the son, daughter, spouse, or parent and an estimate of the amount of time that such employee is needed to care for the son, daughter, spouse, or parent; and 5. in the case of the employee's own serious health condition, a statement that the employee is unable to perform the functions of the position of the employee; and 6. in the case of certification for intermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule for planned medical treatment, the dates on which such treatment is expected to be given and the duration of such treatment, and a statement of the medical necessity for the intermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule. Second Opinion: In any case in which the District has reason to doubt the validity of the certification provided by the employee for leave for medical care or for medical reasons, the District may require, at the expense of the District, that the eligible employee obtain the opinion of a second health care provider designated or approved by the District concerning any information certified under this section for such medical leave. In any case in which the second opinion described above differs from the opinion in the original certification provided under this section, the District may require, at the expense of the District, that the employee obtain the opinion of a third health care provider designated or approved jointly by the District and the employee. The opinion of the third health care provider shall be considered to be final and shall be binding on the District and the employee. The District can ask for recertification once every 30 days in connection with the employee’s absence. If the original certification indicated that the condition will last more than 30 days and the leave involves the absence of the employee, the District will not ask for recertification during the period specified in that original certification. The District may ask for recertification every six months, regardless of the peri8od specified in the certification. DESIGNATION OF LEAVE AS FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE Within five business days of when the District has enough information to know whether leave is for an FMLA qualifying reason (e.g. after getting a sufficient medical certification) the District will give written notification to the employee that the leave is designated as family medical leave. The notice must state whether the employee has FMLA time available and whether leave does or does not qualify as FMLA leave. If the employee is out for a FMLA qualifying reason and the District does not learn of the reason until the employee returns, the employee must give notice within two (2) days of his return and the District will give notice of any FMLA designation within two (2) days thereafter. The District may also provisionally designate leave as FMLA qualifying leave while awaiting receipt of medical certification or a second or third medical opinion. PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO RETURN The District may recover the premium that the District paid for maintaining coverage for the employee under the District’s group health insurance plan during any period of leave under this policy if: 23 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 1. 2. the employee fails to return from leave after the period of leave to which the employee is entitled has expired; and the employee fails to return to work for a reason other than (1) the continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition that entitles the employee to leave either to care for an individual or on account of the employee’s own serious health condition, or (2) other circumstances beyond the control of the employee. Adopted: 1/20/98 Revised: 11/16/1 CODE: GCCAA: PM CERTIFIED STAFF ILLNESS, BEREAVEMENT LEAVE, AND RETIREMENT INCENTIVE Certified employees shall be granted twelve (12) leave days per year for personal illness, family illness and bereavement leave, accumulative to 160 days. In order to qualify for personal or family illness leave benefits under this policy, the Board and/or its designee reserves the right to require the employee to submit a personal affidavit and/or a physician's statement verifying that the employee or member of the immediate family or someone substantially under the care of the employee as approved by the superintendent or his/her designee, was ill on the days claimed. In the event of a death in the family or a person established as a significant other, as defined in policy GCCAAC, to the employee, the benefits under this policy may be used for bereavement leave. The Board or its designee reserves the right to require the employee to stipulate the circumstances of the requested bereavement leave and approve such leave for a "significant other". The Board and/or its designee also reserves the right to stipulate length of bereavement leave per occurrence. In the event the employee's absence is due to a work-related illness or injury for which the employee is receiving worker's compensation benefits, the employee will be entitled to receive sick leave only in the amount equivalent to the difference between the worker's compensation benefit received and the regular salary the employee would have received had he/she elected to take sick leave. For purposes of calculating the amount of sick leave used, any payment used to supplement the worker's compensation benefit which is less than one-half day's salary shall count as one-half day's sick leave for each day the benefit is received. In the event of payment of sick leave prior to a determination by Workers compensation that an individual is entitled to an award of Workers Compensation to the employee for wages, which determination is made retroactive, the employee will be given the option of repaying to the District any overpayment received by the employee for sick leave or, alternatively, having the district withhold future sick leave payments until the overpayment is made up. Based upon an agreement between the certified staff and the Board of Trustees (IBPS), certified instructional and certified non-instructional staff who have 15 years of continuous employment with the district, who have accumulated at least 60 days of sick leave and who tender their notice to retire from the district on or before the 15th day of February in any given year, will receive an incentive payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day for all sick leave days accumulated by the employee beyond the 60th day up to including the 160th day of accumulated sick leave. For example, a retiree with 80 accumulated sick leave days will receive an incentive payment for the 20 days accumulated beyond the 60th day through the 80th day. This benefit shall remain in place for a period of three years from the beginning of 24 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY the 2012-2013 school term until February 16th, 2016, unless the Board of Trustees takes additional action to modify or extend this incentive beyond February 16th 2016. Adopted: 12/16/97 Revised: 1/16/01 Revised: 1/15/13 CODE: GCCAAB: PM PERSONAL LEAVE Each certified employee shall be entitled to two (2) days of personal leave per year, not accumulative. This leave shall be for personal reasons at no cost to the employee. Personal leave immediately preceding or immediately following regularly scheduled school vacations will be allowed only with permission of the Board and/or its designee. Such permission may be granted when, in the Board’s and/or its designee’s judgment, the request is justifiable and adequate staffing of the district’s classrooms and activities will not be jeopardized. Personal leave shall be computed in increments of not less than one-half (1/2) days. At the close of each fiscal year, the unused portion of personal leave shall be transferred to the employee’s sick leave allowance, provided the maximum 160 days accumulation shall not be exceeded. Each certified employee may also request five (5) personal leave days for which the employee pays the substitute cost or the rate of pay of a daily substitute if a substitute is not needed. These days shall be pre-arranged and pre-approved with the superintendent or his/her designee. The intent is that the additional personal days be used only for special and/or significant reasons. Adopted: 12/16/97 ** This district does not have a policy of additional leave without pay which extends beyond the two (2) days of personal leave and the five (5) days of personal leave for which the employee pays the cost of the substitute, whether or not a substitute is needed; however, the superintendent, as designated by the board, may grant additional days of leave with a complete dock of pay for each granted day in extreme extenuating circumstances. Each such request will be considered on a 25 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY case by case basis and the decision to grant or deny such a request shall rest with the superintendent. CODE: GCI: PM PROFESSIONAL LEAVE: CERTIFIED Certified personnel shall be allowed up to ten (10) days of professional leave within a two year period for the purposes of conference attendance, school visitations or other activities directly related to instructional improvement. Professional leave shall be approved by the building administrator if it is for school purposes and is an expense to the building account. Approved leave that is for district purposes and is an expense to central accounts shall require the approval of the superintendent and/or his designee as well. District personnel are encouraged to become actively involved in state and national associations. Officers elected to any such association who must be absent as a result of their duties with the group shall receive those days plus the allotment of ten days every two years for other professional leave. Certified personnel involved with student related activities, for which compensation is provided by an agency other than School District no. 6, may be granted, if requested, a maximum of three (3) days leave per year for which the current daily rate of a substitute teacher’s salary will be deducted from the employee’s salary for such absence(s). A maximum of two (2) additional days leave may be granted, if requested, for which the full amount of the employee’s daily salary rate will be deducted. Application for leave under the terms of this section must be submitted to the building principal or supervisor. The principal or supervisor will attach his/her recommendation to the request and forward it to the superintendent for final determination. Total maximum number of days professional leave under this provision shall not exceed five (5) working days per school year. 26 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Adopted: 12/20/94 CODE: GCCAF-R: PM SABBATICAL LEAVE The School Board, upon recommendation of the Professional Development Committee, may grant a sabbatical leave to certified classroom teachers, librarians, guidance counselors, and speech pathologists, hereinafter called “teachers,” for the purpose of study toward attaining a higher degree in the area in which the teacher is employed, guidance and counseling, or school administration. REGULATIONS The following conditions shall apply: a. b. c. d. e. f. A teacher applying for such leave shall have completed seven years of service in the School District. The applicant, if accepted, will receive one-quarter (1/4) of the salary based on the teacher’s current position on the salary schedule. A teacher on sabbatical leave may continue with the group health insurance program during the leave. District contribution will continue as per current procedure. Additional premiums, if any, shall be paid by the teacher in accordance with arrangements made with the Business Office. The teacher shall sign a note for the amount of premium to be paid by the District and collectable unless the terms of paragraph (f) are met. If applying for sabbatical leave, the teacher shall fully outline the program of study to be undertaken. Failure to complete the approved program shall constitute a forfeiture of any monetary benefits originally granted under this policy. Applications for sabbatical leave must be submitted on or before March 1. The number of leaves granted by the District shall be up to, but not exceeding, two per year. A teacher receiving sabbatical leave shall agree to return to the service of the School Board for a period of three years. Failure to complete said term of service shall result in the repayment of salary and benefits paid to or paid on behalf of the teacher during the sabbatical leave. The teacher shall sign a note for the amount of salary and benefits accrued during the sabbatical leave to be paid by the teacher and collectable unless said teacher completes the three years of service; however, in the event of death or disability, this note will be forgiven. 27 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY g. h. The teacher, upon return from sabbatical leave, shall be restored his/her former position. Candidates for sabbatical leave will be evaluated and selected by a committee consisting of the following: two members of the School Board, two administrators selected by the School Board and two teachers selected by the Cody Education Association. Adopted: 6/16/98 CODE: MC: GCCAFA LEAVE OF ABSENCE OR SABBATICAL: PREPAID All certified personnel may elect to take a guaranteed year sabbatical/renewal leave to be used in any way that the employee chooses. This will be paid for by the employee investing 10% of his/her salary over a ten (10) year period or 20% of his/her salary over a five year period. The employee will arrange for his/her own investment plan but must show the district documentation that this is being done when announcing their intent at the beginning of the ten or five year period. The district will guarantee the employee this sabbatical during the requested year except for extreme circumstances which would make this year a hardship on the district. The district will explain, in writing, what the circumstances are. The sabbatical will then be granted for the following year. One year ahead of the final approval date, the employee must, again, announce his/her intent. The district and employee will agree on the year. If the employee has decided not to take a sabbatical, he/she will inform the district of this change in plan. After the year of leave, the individual will be granted his/her original position back. In the event that the employee does not wish to continue in the same position, he/she must go through the district transfer policy. All district benefits (retirement, insurance, etc.) will continue to be covered on a 100% of the salary basis by the district. Adopted 8/29/95 28 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCCABB: PM JURY DUTY/SUBPOENA LEAVE: CERTIFIED Jury Duty -- Leaves of absence, with full pay, are allowed for jury duty. District employees may not receive compensation from the District and for jury duty at the same time. Should an employee wish to accept District pay while serving on jury duty, compensation received by the employee for jury duty performed on contract days must be endorsed and signed over to the District through the Business Office. An employee who is dismissed from jury duty prior to 12:00 noon must report back to his/her assignment. The Superintendent may request that an employee be excused from jury service or that the service be delayed if the special nature of the employee's qualifications or assignment would make it difficult to secure an adequate substitute or if the timing of the proposed jury service seriously disrupts the educational program of the District. Subpoena -- Leaves of absence, with pay, shall be granted for an employee who is subpoenaed to testify in an official proceeding except as provided below: If the proceeding involves the employee as a person being grieved against or being the griever for a non-District issue, leave shall be considered as being either personal leave or leave without pay (divorce, criminal, IRS, etc.) Any compensation received by the employee for subpoena purposes will be endorsed and signed over to the District through the Business Office if the employee is paid by the District. Adopted: 12/16/97 29 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCCAD MILITARY LEAVE Military Leave entitlement shall be as follows: 1. Any member of the Wyoming National Guard or United States military forces reserve who is an officer or employee of this school district shall be given a military leave of absence with pay, at the regular salary or wage which the employee receives, for not to exceed fifteen (15) calendar days in any one (1) calendar year, to attend duly authorized encampments, training cruises and similar training programs, in addition to any other leave or vacation time to which the person is otherwise entitled. The employee is requested, to the extent possible, to participate in training during the summer when school is not in session. In the event an employee requests military leave during school session, the Superintendent may request a letter from the commanding officer stating that this special training is necessary and required for the applicant and that such training cannot be obtained at any other time. 2. Subject to subparagraph (a) below, any employee of the school district who has been employed for one (1) year and who is a member of the National Guard or any other component of the military forces of the State, a member of the reserve forces of the United States, or who is inducted into military service of the United States, is entitled to leave of absence from his employment, without pay, but without loss of seniority, status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave or other benefits, while he/she is engaged in active military training or service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law exceeding fifteen (15) days in any calendar year. Such leave is in addition to any other military leave or vacation time to which the officer or employee may be entitled by law if the required military service is satisfactorily performed, which is presumed unless the contrary is established. a. Upon completion of the service described in this paragraph 2, the employee shall be reinstated to the employment position held at the time of entry into service or a position of like status and pay if available, subject to the following conditions: (i) The position has not been abolished or the term thereof, if limited, has not expired; 30 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY (ii) He/she is not physically or mentally disabled from performing the duties of the position; (iii) He/she makes written application for reinstatement to the appointing authority within thirty (30) days following release from the military service or within ninety (90) days after discharge from hospitalization or medical treatment which immediately follows the termination and results from, the service, but not to exceed one (1) year and ninety (90) days after termination of service notwithstanding hospitalization or medical treatment; (iv) He/she submits an honorable discharge or other release by proper authority indicating his/her military service was satisfactory; and (v) Military service does not exceed four (4) years plus any period of additional service imposed by law. 3. Upon reinstatement, the employee shall have the same rights with respect to accrued and future seniority, status, vacation, sick leave and other benefits, as if he/she had been employed during the time of the leave. During the absence the school district may discontinue its shares of payments for Social Security, insurance of any type, and State retirement, unless the employee elects to contribute to the State retirement plan during his/her absence, in which case the school district will likewise contribute its share. 4. Any employee shall have the right to maintain any group life, health or accident insurance which other employees are participating in by furnishing to the school district such sum as would equal that which would have been deducted from his/her compensation for such coverage had he/she not been placed on military leave. The employee must notify the school district of his/her election to continue insurance or plan coverage at the time he/she enters service in the uniformed services. 5. The above-described military leave shall be requested through the immediate supervisor and shall be granted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The request shall be accompanied by a copy of the official orders to active duty. The vacancy created by this leave may be filled by a substitute provided by the district. Adopted: 4/20/99 31 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCC: PM UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE: CERTIFIED The Board may grant to any certified employee who has completed seven (7) years continuous years of service in the district a leave of absence without pay or benefits for a period not to exceed one (1) year for any purpose the Board believes to be in the best interest of the district. The request for such leave must be submitted by the employee by April 15 of the year prior to the planned absence. The request may be submitted at a later date only in the case of an emergency situation. Such employee granted such leave with an expiration date which occurs at the end of the school year shall notify the Board, in writing, not later than April 15, of said employee’s intention to return to employment for the ensuing year, or the position will be declared open. Such employee granted such leave with an expiration date which occurs during a school year shall notify the Board, in writing, not after than a date established by the Board when such leave is approved, of said employee’s intention to return to employment the next ensuing duty day after expiration of the leave, or the position will be declared open. Adopted: 7/21/93 32 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCCAAA: PM SICK LEAVE BANK - CERTIFIED PERSONNEL A sick leave bank will be established and maintained for all district certified staff members. Participation shall be on a voluntary basis with employees who wish to participate initially contributing two days of unused sick leave to the bank. Employees may join during the first thirty (30) days of each school year, by contributing two days of their sick leave. When days in the bank drop to a balance of fifty (50) days, those members wishing to continue in the bank will be required to contribute one additional day on the appropriate authorization form. The ending balance of sick days for the school year will carry over to the following year. PURPOSE: The Sick Leave Bank is established to provide paid sick leave days for Sick Leave Bank members who have exhausted all other leave available to them, which includes sick leave, personal leave, docked personal leave and vacation days. The provision of Sick Leave Bank days to a Sick Leave Bank participant is intended to provide assistance to employees with emergency or catastrophic illness leave needs. Therefore, the Participatory Management Council will consider requests for Sick Leave Bank days within the following parameters: emergency surgeries or non-elective surgeries, emergency bed rest, serious debilitating disease, terminal illnesses, severe accidents or extreme severe illness, emergency, or severe injury of a family member when no other attending family member is available for assistance. The Sick Leave Bank days are not intended to cover elective surgeries, normal illnesses such as flu or respiratory issues, doctor visits, normal or caesarian childbirth, post-child birth, elective post-operative recovery, or other common and ordinary uses for employee sick leave. The following guidelines will be followed in administering this program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Only employees contributing to the bank will be eligible to request use of days from the bank. Days donated to sick bank will be deducted from the individual’s available sick days. Days contributed to the sick leave bank cannot be subsequently refunded. An employee’s rights to the sick leave bank are discontinued upon termination of employment. An employee who is rehired may rejoin the sick leave bank, on a voluntary basis, by contributing two more days of their sick leave during the first thirty (30) days of the re-employment. The sick leave bank may be used for personal illness and/or illness or death in the family as outlined above in the sick leave bank purpose. The sick leave bank will be administered by the Certified Participatory Management Council. The sick leave bank committee shall review each case independently. The committee shall make reasonable rules for the implementation of the bank; provided, said rules shall not be contrary to, or in conflict with, this article or district policies. An employee wishing to request days from the sick leave bank shall submit an authorized written request form to the Superintendent’s secretary. The request may be made by another member of the family and/or an administrator. A doctor’s statement must be submitted, in the case of illness, to the committee, along with the request for withdrawal of days from the sick leave bank. The committee has the right to require a second doctor’s opinion, at district expense, in warranted cases. The committee shall only accept applications for two (2) or more consecutive days with a maximum of twenty (20) days per application, not to exceed one hundred (100) days per year. 33 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 9. Requests will be approved or denied by committee majority rule. In the event you are facing a long-term medical-related absence, please refer to Policy GCCAB-R – Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Adopted: 8/29/95 Revised: 7/18/07 SICK LEAVE BANK REQUEST FORM Name of person requesting Sick Leave Bank days _______________________________ Please Print Number of years as an employee of the district __________________________________ Is this your first request for days from the Sick Leave Bank? ________ If “no,” please explain your past request(s), their length and purpose. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please state a clear reason for your current request of Sick Leave Bank days. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How many total days do you anticipate requesting? ________ Do you have a note from a doctor in support of this request ______________________? The Participatory Management Council may require you to authorize a PMC representative (generally this means the superintendent) to contact your doctor to obtain further information related to your illness or medical leave request. Your signature below will indicate that you authorize the PMC representative to request information regarding your illness or medical emergency in order to determine your eligibility to be considered for Sick Leave Bank days. I hereby authorize the doctor to release information to the PMC representative regarding my illness or medical issue related to my request for Sick Leave Bank days. 34 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY ____________________________________________________ Employee Signature Date of this request _________________________________ CODE: GBI: PM POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: ALL PERSONNEL The Board recognizes that employees of the district have the same fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens. Among these are campaigning for an elective or appointed public office and holding an elective or appointive public office. Any employee who intends to hold or campaign for an elective or appointive public office shall give timely notice to the superintendent, in writing, of the office which he or she intends to seek, and an indication as to whether he or she wishes to continue employment with the school district. Upon request, such employee will meet with the superintendent to discuss the matter of continued employment. If necessary, the superintendent will present a proposed solution to the Board for consideration regarding continued employment. The essential element to be determined by the Board is whether the activities proposed by the employee are consistent with his or her services to the district and the best interests of education. In conjunction with campaigning, no employee shall use school district facilities, equipment, or supplies; nor shall the employee use any time during the working day for campaigning purpose. Employees shall be permitted to campaign, be candidates for and serve if elected to the Wyoming Legislature. The employee shall continue to receive school salary and benefits, but will return all legislative salary to the school system. The employee may retain the per diem allowance to cover living costs while serving in the Legislature. However, no federal funds shall be used to pay any part of the employee’s salary or benefits. Adopted: 9/19/89 35 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GBB: PM STAFF INVOLVEMENT IN DECISION-MAKING The Board wishes to encourage employee participation in the process leading to decision making for the school district. From time to time this participation may include work on committees, as appropriate to areas, programs and schools, in such areas as: Policy and regulations development; Development of programs goals and objective; Budget planning; Facilities planning. In the development of regulations and arrangements for the operation of the school district, the superintendent should generally include at the planning stage those employees or their representative who will be affected by such provisions. The certificated staff shall be given full opportunity and encouragement to contribute to curriculum development, with particular arrangements made for determining curricular goals and objectives and the development of policies and regulations pertaining to the instructional program. Each principal shall maintain channels for conferring with both the certificated and support staffs in establishing building policies and regulations. The superintendent shall evolve with employees channels for the communication of ideas and feelings regarding the operation of the schools. He shall weigh with care the counsel given, especially by groups designated to represent large segments of the staff, and shall inform the Board of such counsel in presenting recommendation for Board action. 36 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Adopted 12/16/97 CODE: GCLA: PM PROFESSIONAL STAFF SCHEDULES AND CALENDARS Work Year The working year for the teaching staff will be set forth on the school calendar adopted by the Board. The number of teaching days will conform with, but not be limited to, state requirements for the number of instructional days. Working Hours Working hours for certified instructional and certified non-instructional support staff shall include a total of 60 minutes per day outside of the regular day for classes. The building principal may schedule the 60 minutes as 30 minutes before classes start and 30 minutes after classes end, 15 minutes before classes begin and 45 minutes after classes end, or any other reasonable equivalent of time before classes begin and end. The normal hours of duty for elementary schools shall be 15 minutes before classes begin and 45 minutes after regular classes end. On the last day of the school week, certified instructional and certified non-instructional staff may depart from school after students and buses have departed. In general, the Board expects its certified staff, including both teachers and administrators, to observe the established day. Administrators and supervisory personnel are expected to observe a daily schedule consistent with the hours that the central office is open, extending this by the time required to discharge the responsibilities of their positions. Schedules during the summer may be shortened as deemed appropriate by the superintendent of schools. Adopted: 12/16/97 Revised: 4/21/08 37 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GCQA-R: PM REDUCTION IN FORCE: CERTIFIED When the Board determines that a reduction in the number of positions, subject areas, grade levels and/or assignments of certified employees shall be made, due to reduced enrollment, financial needs, a program change or other events beyond the control of the board, the following provisions shall serve as guidelines to the superintendent in making any recommendations concerning such certified employee reduction: 1. The superintendent shall first consider and determine the appropriateness of reducing staff through elimination of positions which have become vacant through attrition (e.g. resignations, retirement); 2. Following the considerations set forth in Paragraph One (1) hereinabove, the superintendent shall consider the following factors when recommending to the Board, layoff of certified employee(s); 3. a. Needs of the school district with respect to curricular, extra-curricular, co-curricular and coaching assignments, and other duty assignments, b. Demonstrated proficiency in teaching performance and other duty assignments, c. Certified employee’s certification area(s), d. Length of teaching experience in the school district, e. Length of teaching experience in the assigned subject area(s); The Board, prior to making a decision to reduce staff may conduct an investigation, form and consult a committee, or do any other act that would aid its determination. Before deciding, the Board shall review and consider the superintendent’s report and recommendation. The Board will then determine whether a reduction is desirable, and if so, will further determine 38 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY what positions, subject areas, grade levels, and/or assignments should be subject to the reduction. 4. The superintendent, upon being notified by the Board of a desire to reduce staff, and of the positions, subject areas, grade levels and/or assignments subject to reduction, shall determine the individual certified staff members to be released according to the method set forth herein. In each position, subject area, grade level and/or assignment to have the number of certified staff members reduced, initial contract teachers will be non-renewed before continuing contract teachers are reduced. No continuing contract teacher will be released if there is a position for which that teacher is qualified which is currently occupied by an initial contract teacher. RECALL Unless otherwise terminated, a continuing or initial contract teacher released because of a reduction in the number of teachers will be placed on a recall list for a period of two (2) years after the date of such teacher’s release. After this period, the teacher shall have no recall privileges. When a vacancy occurs, the appropriate teacher as determined above, will be notified by certified mail at the last known address of said teacher as reflected in said teacher’s personnel file. Failure to accept the offer within ten(10) calendar days of the postmark date, or five (5) calendar days if the postmark date is after July 31, shall result in the teacher’s name being removed from the recall list. A teacher employed under a teaching contract with another school district after July 31 of the school year, will not forfeit recall status in the event the teacher declines a particular position offered to fill a vacancy arising during the school year. However, the teacher must respond appropriately, in writing, to the recall notice. It shall be the duty and responsibility of each teacher on the recall list to inform the superintendent, in writing, of any change of address. The school district may offer teachers on the recall list work as a substitute teacher. Employment as a substitute teacher on a short term basis, or, for a longer period of time as in the case of a temporary vacancy, shall not terminate, extend, or in any other manner affect the length of the recall period as it applies to said teachers. Teachers released under this policy have no contract rights, are dismissed without pay, and will not be entitled to years of experience, benefits, or leaves of any kind. If recalled to service during the recall period, said teachers shall have restored all previously accumulated rights, benefits, and leaves as such existed at the time of suspension. 39 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Federal and state affirmative action requirements and other employment requirements of law shall take precedence over this policy when in conflict. Adopted: 6/15/82 Revised: 7/15/98 Revised: 6/20/00 CODE: GCKA: PM VOLUNTARY TRANSFERS All certified, non-supervisory positions declared open by the Board of Education shall be posted in each school for a ten (10) day period to allow for current employees to apply for a transfer. At the end of the posting period, all qualified applicants for a transfer shall receive consideration. Current employees are not guaranteed the position for which they desire transfer. During the summer months, when school is not in session, it is the responsibility of staff interested in a transfer to contact the superintendent’s office to ascertain open positions. These shall be announced, specifically, by position. Adopted: 12/16/97 40 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: ACA SEXUAL HARASSMENT All students and employees must be able to learn and work in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures. Sexual harassment is deemed unacceptable conduct in the employment and educational environment and will not be tolerated. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or employee of the school district to harass a student or an employee through conduct or communication of a sexual nature as defined by this policy. This policy is equally applicable to sexual harassment between supervisors and workers, between co-workers, between students, and between students and employees. This policy shall be in force on and off school district property, i.e., at school activities and/or school sponsored events that may occur away from school, and whenever school employees have jurisdiction over students. This district will act to investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written, of sexual harassment and to discipline any students or employee who sexually harasses a student or employee of this district. It is no defense to a claim of sexual harassment that the alleged harasser did not intend to harass. I. Sexual Harassment Defined For purposes of this policy, the following definitions shall apply: Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature, including inappropriate or adverse conduct or communication directed to an individual because of that individual’s sexual orientation (i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual) when: 1. Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining or retaining employment, or of obtaining an education; or 2. Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting that individual’s employment or education; or 3. That conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s employment or education, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or education environment. Any sexual harassment as defined in Section I, when perpetrated on any student or employee by any student or employee, will be treated as sexual harassment under this policy. 41 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II. verbal harassment or abuse; any pressure to engage in sexual activity; inappropriate patting, touching or pinching; intentional brushing against a student’s or an employee’s body; demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt promises of preferential treatment with regard to an individual’s employment or educational status; demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning an individual’s employment or educational status; any sexually motivated unwelcome touching; or sexual violence which is a physical act of aggression that includes sexual act or sexual purpose. Reporting Procedures Re: Allegations of Sexual Harassment Any person who believes s(he) has been the victim of sexual harassment by a student or an employee of the school district, or any third person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment shall immediately report the allegations to an appropriate school district official as designated by this policy. The district encourages the reporting party or complainant to use the report form available from the principal of each school building or available from the district office. In each school building. The verbal or written report of sexual harassment at the building level may be given to either the building principal or to the Assistant Superintendent, whose office is located at 919 Cody Avenue. The person to whom the report is made shall conduct an investigation to follow up the report or, alternatively, if the report is made to the building principal, the building principal may request investigation of the report by the Assistant Superintendent. Any person to whom a report is made shall notify the principal of the employee alleged to have committed the harassment or, in the case of a student, the building principal, and the Assistant Superintendent of schools immediately upon receiving the report. If the report was given verbally, the person to whom the report is made shall reduce it to written form within 24 hours and forward it to the principal and Assistant Superintendent. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. If the complaint involves the building principal, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Superintendent or, if the complaint involves the Superintendent, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. District-wide. The School Board hereby designates the Assistant Superintendent as the District Human Rights Officer to receive reports or complaints of sexual harassment from any individual, employee, or victim of sexual harassment and also from the building principals and/or other persons to whom reports may be made as outlined above. If any person would prefer to report to an individual other than the Assistant Superintendent, the report may be made to the Superintendent. The person to whom the report is made shall conduct an investigation or, in the event the report is made to the Superintendent, he may delegate the investigation of the report to the Assistant Superintendent to conduct the investigation. In the event of any complaint involving the Superintendent, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Freedom from retaliation. Submission of a complaint or report of sexual harassment or sexual violence shall not effect the individual’s future employment, grades, work assignments, or subject complainant to retaliation of any kind. Reporting. Use of formal reporting forms is encouraged but not mandatory. 42 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY This District will respect the confidentiality of the complainant and the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed as much as possible consistent with the District’s legal obligations and the necessity to investigate any/all allegations of sexual harassment. Both the complainant and the alleged harasser are strongly encouraged to keep the matter confidential. The District cannot and will not prevent either from gathering information to support the claim or defend against the claim, however, the district would urge both parties to exercise the utmost care and caution in gathering information in order to keep the matter as confidential as possible. III. Investigations of Allegations of Sexual Harassment It is the goal of this policy to have a process in place that is sensitive to the needs of the students and/or employees as well as the rights of those against whom allegations have been made. All complaints, both formal and informal, must be taken seriously and investigated by means of an Administrative Procedure as developed by the Superintendent. No retaliation will be taken against individual(s) involved in the investigation process. IV. Recommendations and Action(s) Taken Upon determination that a complaint is valid, the Principal or, in the case of a District complaint, the Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent, will take such action as appropriate based on the results of the investigation. The results of the investigation of each complaint filed under these procedures will be reported, in writing, to the complainant by either the principal, in the case of a building-level complaint, or Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent, in the case of a district-level complaint. The report will document whether or not disciplinary action was taken as a result of the complaint. A copy of this report will be placed in either: a. b. the student files of both the complainant and the accused or the personnel files of both the complainant and the accused. In inconclusive cases in which no harassment can be proven against the accused or malice established against the accuser, the incident report will remain in the files referred to above in order to fully document the complaint so that any future occurrences may be examined in light of a possible pattern. In inconclusive cases where there are no subsequent reports of similar incidents within five (5) years from the date of the original report, the report, at the sole discretion of the Superintendent, maybe purged from the file. V. Disciplinary Action A substantiated charge against an employee of the District shall subject such employee to disciplinary actions which may result but not be limited to verbal warnings, letters of reprimand, suspension with or without pay, and dismissal. A substantiated charge against a student shall subject that student to disciplinary actions including verbal warnings, reprimand, counseling, and suspension or expulsion, consistent with the Student Disciplinary Code. Adopted: 11/15/05 43 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: ACA-E-2 SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINT FORM Name of complainant: ___________________________________________________________ Date of complaint: ______________________________________________________________ Name of alleged harasser: ________________________________________________________ Date and place of incident or incidents:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Description of misconduct: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of witnesses (if any): _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Evidence of harassment, i.e., letters, photos, etc. (attach evidence if possible):____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Any other information: ___________________________________________________________ 44 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY ______________________________________________________________________________ I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Adopted: 11/15/05 CODE: GBEB STAFF CONDUCT The board reaffirms one of the oldest beliefs in education: One of the best methods of instruction is that of setting a good example. The board expects that the staff of the district will strive to set the kind of example for students that will serve them well in their own conduct and behavior which will contribute toward an appropriate school atmosphere. To that end, in dress, conduct, and interpersonal relationships, all staff should recognize that they are being continuously observed by students and that their actions and demeanor will be reflected in the conduct of the students. The relationship between the teacher and the students should be one of cooperation, understanding, and mutual respect. The teacher has a responsibility to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning, and to motivating each student to perform to his/her capacity. The teacher will strive to secure individual and group discipline, and should be treated with respect by the students. The teacher should extend to students the same respect and courtesy which they, as staff members, have a right to demand. Although it is desired that teachers have a sincere interest in students as individuals, partiality must be avoided and teacher-pupil friendship must be on a teacher-pupil basis. Adopted: 1/20/98 45 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: ACA-R ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT INVESTIGATION 1. At such time as a student, employee or other individual reports an incident of sexual harassment or conduct which the reporting party believes constitutes sexual harassment to either the building principal, Assistant Superintendent, or the Superintendent, the person to whom the report is made shall, if a verbal report, encourage the complaining party to fill out the sexual harassment complaint form. If the report is made to someone other than the Superintendent, the principal or the Assistant Superintendent, shall provide that person either the written report or shall reduce the verbal report to written form and, within twenty-four (24) hours, forward it to the Superintendent. 2. Within twenty-four (24) hours after the report is made, the person to whom the report is made, if the principal or the Superintendent shall determine whether or not they will investigate the complaint or assign it to Assistant Superintendent to be investigated. 3. The person who is responsible for conducting the investigation shall, within five (5) days, attempt to contact all witnesses whom the reporting party believes can provide information and/or evidence to support the claim of harassment. The investigator shall attempt to get the witnesses to fill out the Witness Disclosure Form. 4. Within ten (10) days after the report, the investigator shall contact the alleged harasser and notify him/her of the sexual harassment that has been alleged and provide an opportunity for that individual to provide a response to the allegation of sexual harassment. The investigator shall notify the alleged harasser not only of the specific conduct alleged by the reporting party and/or alleged victim but also of any conduct which supports the claim for sexual harassment or which may support any defense of the alleged harasser which has been reported by witnesses interviewed by the investigator. 46 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 5. Within fifteen (15) days after the original report is made, the individual against whom the complaint is made shall provide to the investigator, a response to the allegations and any information, including names of witnesses, whom the person against whom the complaint is made believes are supportive of his/her position. 6. The investigator shall, within twenty (20) days, conduct such further investigation as the investigator determines is appropriate and/or conduct such meetings or conferences between the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made as the investigator feels is appropriate. 7. Within twenty-four (24) days after the original report, the investigator shall prepare a written report containing the results of the investigation of the complaint and provide a copy to the principal, Assistant Superintendent and/or Superintendent if they are not the investigator. 8. Within four (4) days after receipt of the report, the investigating administrator (principal, Assistant Superintendent, Superintendent) shall report the results of the investigation to the complainant and the person against whom the complaint was made. The report shall document whether or not disciplinary action was taken as a result of the complaint. 9. A copy of the report will be placed in either the student files of both the complainant and the accused or the personnel files of both the complainant and the accused. 10. Reference in this administrative procedure to the word “day” shall mean business days. 11. The investigator may consult with such other sources, including other personnel in the District and/or the school’s legal counsel as the investigator deems appropriate, keeping in mind the need to keep the matter as confidential as reasonably possible. Adopted: 11/15/05 47 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: ACA-E-1 WITNESS DISCLOSURE FORM Name of Witness: _______________________________________________________________ Position/Grade of Witness: ________________________________________________________ Date of Testimony, Interview: _____________________________________________________ Description of Incident Witnessed: _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Any other information: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 48 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Adopted: 11/15/05 CODE: GBEA-R STAFF ETHICS I. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS High standards of professional, moral, and ethical practices commonly recognized in human relationships are essential to the teaching profession and are an integral part of this code. Therefore: 1. A teacher's conduct shall embrace the dignity and prestige of the teaching profession. 2. A teacher shall resist pressure made by an individual, agency, or organization which tends to control or exploit the teacher's professional duties or responsibilities. 3. A teacher shall accept non-professional type extra employment only when such employment is compatible with the high ideals of teaching. 4. A teacher shall recognize his/her obligation as a member of a professional team working toward the fulfillment of the total educational needs of each individual pupil. This depends upon the close cooperation of all members of the staff. II. STAFF RELATIONSHIPS The members of the teaching profession have obligations with respect to professional practice. These obligations are shared employer-employee responsibilities based upon mutual respect and good faith. 1. Accept the responsibility of understanding the total educational program and the relationship of one segment of the program to the other. 2. Cooperate with other staff members in the development and implementation of the total program. 3. Understand and cooperate with proper channels of authority and procedure. 4. Apply for or accept employment only on the basis of competence. 5. Cooperate in the development of school policies and assume professional obligation in this respect. 49 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 6. Abide by all terms of his/her contract. 7. Accept the professional responsibility of maintaining a high level of service. 8. Respect the professional reputation of other teachers. 9. Participate in the teacher-pupil or teacher-parent relationships of another teacher only upon the request of the teacher concerned, or through established channels of administration. 10. Encourage and assist other teachers to uphold the standards of professional practice herein enumerated. 11. Recognize the professional aspects of democratic procedure in relationships with other members of the profession. III. TEACHER-PUPIL RELATIONSHIPS The primary obligation of the teaching profession is to guide children, youth, and adults in the pursuit of knowledge and skills, to prepare them in the ways of democracy, and to help them to become happy, useful, self-supporting citizens. The ultimate strength of the nation lies in the social responsibility, economic competence, and moral strength of the individual American. Therefore, the teacher shall: 1. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their physical, mental, emotional, political, economic, social, racial, or religious characteristics. 2. Recognize the difference among students and seek to meet their individual needs. 3. Encourage students to formulate and work for high individual goals in the development of their physical, intellectual, creative, and spiritual endowments. 4. Aid students to develop an understanding and appreciation, not only of the opportunities and benefits of American democracy, but also of their obligations to it. 5. Respect the right of students to have confidential information about themselves withheld except when such release is made to authorized individuals or agencies or as required by law. 6. Keep teacher-pupil relationships on a professional basis. IV. TEACHER-COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS The teaching profession occupies a position of public trust involving not only the individual teacher's personal conduct, but also the interaction of the school and the community. Education is most effective when these many relationships operate in a friendly, cooperative, and constructive manner. Therefore, a teacher shall: 1. Adhere to a reasonable pattern of behavior accepted by the community for professional persons. 2. Perform the duties of citizenship, and participate in community activities with due consideration for obligations to students, family and self. 50 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 3. Discuss controversial issues from an objective point of view, thereby keeping classes free from partisan opinions. 4. Recognize that the public schools belong to the people of the community, encourage lay participation in shaping the purposes of the school, and strive to keep the public informed of the education program which is being provided. 5. Work to improve education in the community and to strengthen the community's moral, spiritual, and intellectual life. 6. Work to foster and maintain a public opinion that will discriminate between the ill-trained, poorly prepared teacher and the properly trained, fully qualified practitioner who is a professional teacher in every respect. 7. Respect the community in which employed and be loyal to the school system, community, state and nation. Adopted: 1/20/98 51 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY CODE: GBK-R: PM GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES I. Definitions 1. As used in the Grievance Procedure: a. Grievance: A grievance is an assertion by an aggrieved party that there has been a violation, a misinterpretation, or inequitable application of any provision of board policy, rule, regulation or procedure, or an assertion of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or religion. The term “grievance” shall not apply to matters of employment, continued employment (termination, dismissal or suspension), content of evaluations, or any matter defined as a contested case under the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. Neither party nor its agent shall in any way harass, intimidate, or otherwise take reprisals against any other employee by reason of participation or nonparticipation in the processing of a grievance. A grievance may be withdrawn at any level if it is recorded in writing as being withdrawn, and copies of the withdrawal notice(s) are given to all parties involved. Once a grievance is withdrawn, that same grievance cannot be reopened. b. Aggrieved Party: An aggrieved party is any employee or group of employees acting collectively on their behalf of the school district who assert a grievance. c. Supervisor: A supervisor is any employee with immediate supervisory and rating responsibility over other employees. 2. Dispute means a potential grievance. Section 1. Purpose. As problems may arise, good morale will be maintained by the expeditious and sincere efforts of all individually concerned to work toward constructive solutions in an atmosphere of courtesy and cooperation. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, an equitable solution to any problem as defined in the above grievance definition. As appropriate at all levels the proceeding will be kept informal, expeditious and confidential. Section 2. Non-limiting. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the presently existent right of any school employee having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with the appropriate member of the administration. Section 3. Stages of Grievance Procedure 52 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY a. Informal Level 1. The person asserting a grievance must meet informally with the immediate supervisor in an effort to resolve the dispute or grievance concern. A neutral person (one neutral participant mutually agreed upon by the person with the grievance and the supervisor) may be present to witness the meeting and be an observer and recorder. b. Level I 1. Problem identification: The aggrieved party will notify, in writing, his supervisor of his or her grievance in sufficient detail so that the problem can be fully understood. This document will constitute the complaint of grievance for subsequent stages subject to written amendment or supplement. The written grievance should state the nature of the perceived unfairness or the specific practice(s), policy or policies, and/or procedure or procedures that were alleged to be violated including the person or persons involved and time and date of the event or events related to the grievance. The aggrieved person(s) should also indicate the specific relief they request in order for the grievance to be resolved. 2. Meeting: The supervisor will schedule a meeting within 10 school calendar days for discussion of the grievance. If the grievance involves other district employees who may be parties in interest, notice will be given such person or persons and an opportunity afforded to be present at all sessions concerning the grievance. All participants shall have the right to freely express their opinions in an effort to resolve the matter informally and to the satisfaction of everyone. 3. Written Decision: A written decision will be made and filed within five days by the supervisor. 4. Directly Involving a Supervisor: In the event that the grievance directly involves the immediate supervisor of the aggrieved party, the superintendent shall act as the supervisor for the purpose of the Level I grievance procedure, and in the event an appeals is necessary, the Level III procedure will be followed. c. Level II 1. Appeal: An appeal from the supervisor’s decision may be taken by any party in interest within 10 school calendar days after the date of the written filing form Level I by submitting a written notice of appeal by the party of interest in the Level I grievance. 2. Meeting: A meeting will be held within ten school calendar days after the receipt of the written notice of appeal by the superintendent. Unless waived by the party filing the appeal, the superintendent shall give forty-eight hours of notice regarding the time, date and place of the meeting to hear the grievance appeal. The appeal shall include a copy of all materials and evidence previously submitted and may include new materials in response to Level One. 53 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 3. Decision: A written decision of the superintendent will be made and filed within ten school calendar days after the conclusion of the appeal meeting held by the superintendent. d. Level III 1. Appeal. An appeal by any party of interest for a hearing before the Board of Trustees may be taken by filing a written notice within 10 days after the written decision has been issued by the superintendent. II. Miscellaneous 1. The aggrieved person has the right to be present and may be represented by any persons of his/her own choosing at all levels of the Grievance Policy. 2. The administrator/supervisor has the right to be present and may be represented by one other person of his/her own choosing at all formal levels of the Grievance Procedure. 3. The number of days indicated at each level of the Grievance Procedure should be considered as maximum; however, the time limits specified may be extended by mutual agreement of the party who filed the grievance and the superintendent. 4. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in the Superintendent’s Office separate from employee personnel files. This file shall remain closed, except to the parties involved in a specified grievance. 5. If a class action grievance is filed by persons representing different buildings or groups, or by any person who is an immediate supervisor, then the processing of such grievance may commence at Level Two. 6. Failure of a person to advance a grievance claim to the next level within the required time allotment shall constitute a forfeiture of the right to appeal the grievance to the next level. Failure of the supervisor or superintendent to provide resolution within the established time frames shall not limit the person advancing the grievance from appealing to the next level. 7. Anyone who believes that he/she has been discriminated against has the option to file complaints with the Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, United States Department of Education, Federal Building, Suite 310, 1244 Spear Blvd., Denver, Colorado 80204-3582 Adopted: 1/16/90 Revised: 4/15/08 54 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY GRIEVANCE FORM GBK-R1 A grievance is an assertion by an aggrieved party that there has been a violation, a misinterpretation, or inequitable application of any provision of board policy, rule, regulation or procedure, or an assertion of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or religion. The term “grievance” shall not apply to matters of employment, continued employment (termination, dismissal or suspension), content of evaluations, or any matter defined as a contested case under the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. I, _______________________________________, am filing a grievance according to the policy and regulations of the Grievance Policy, GBK, GBK-R. Check the appropriate blank: Level One, immediate supervisor Level Two, superintendent Level Three, Board of Trustees _____ _____ _____ Statement of reason for filing of a grievance (please provide a clearly stated reason for the filing including a description of the incident or event that you believe is a cause for a grievance resolution. (If this space is too restrictive, please attach additional comments.) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Employee Signature Date Received ________________ Date of Conference _________________ Site of Conference _____________ Time of Conference _________________ Those present at the conference include the following: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 55 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Comments, as necessary______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Resolution, if appropriate at the time of this meeting: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature of Employee or Representative ____________________________________ Signature of Supervisor or Boar CODE: GCQEA: PM WYOMING RETIREMENT BENEFIT: CERTIFIED Retirement of certified personnel shall be in accordance with statutes and regulations pertaining to the Wyoming Retirement Act. The district shall contribute up to a maximum of 14.12% of the certified employee’s gross salary into the State Retirement System in that employee’s behalf. This may be subject to change at any time. Eligible certified personnel may apply for the district’s paid retirement program. Adopted: 1/23/96 CODE: GCBG WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION In accordance with Wyoming Statute, the District employees required to be covered are covered under Wyoming Workmen's Compensation and are entitled to the prescribed benefits of the plan should they become injured while at work or sustain a work related injury. All work or work-related injuries must be reported and filed in compliance with guidelines established under Wyoming Workmen's Compensation laws. The District, at its option, may cover other employees under Wyoming Worker's Compensation also. 56 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Adopted: 1/20/98 Park County School District #6 Teacher Evaluation System Established 2010- 2011 Philosophy of Instruction Student performance is increased as a result of high quality instruction. High quality instruction is the result of the work of high quality teachers. A teacher’s planning and preparation, classroom environment, and level of professional responsibility affect instruction. Philosophy of Performance Evaluation PCSD #6 believes the primary objective of an evaluation system is to improve instruction through teacher growth and development and to facilitate a positive learning environment in which both students and educators experience success, growth, and achievement. Evaluation is a collaborative, continual improvement process based on clear expectations, and objective data, in which competence is verified, areas of needed growth are identified, strengths are assessed, and excellence is acknowledged. The evaluation should emphasize professional growth in which employees are empowered to be reflective and self-directed. Supervision and evaluation in PCSD #6 support the belief that each person is a unique individual, whose differences allow him/her to demonstrate proficiency in District Teaching Standards in a variety of ways. Supervisors are encouraged to recognize and support these differences. The PCSD #6 evaluation system is aligned with the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board professional teaching standards and is research based and in accord with Charlotte Danielson’s work in Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching. PCSD #6 Teacher Evaluation System Description of Performance Evaluation Cycle Date Track 1 Non-tenured Track 2 Tenured 57 Track 3 Tenured Professional Growth Track 4 Plan of Assistance* PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY September 30 Professional Development Goals written and approved November 11 First Summative Evaluation Report Professional Development Goals written and approved Professional Development Goals written and approved Summative Evaluation Report Mid Year Review of Professional Growth Plan Professional Growth Plan Evaluation Report (Continuing contract) January 15 April 5 April 15 Second Summative Evaluation Report Notification of renewal (Continuing contract) Plan of Assistance goals and activities written by administrator for teacher First Summative Evaluation Report Second Summative Evaluation Report Notification of renewal Track 1 f or Non–tenured teachers will have the Components of Professional Practice phased in over three years. Year One – Components 1c, 1e, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 3c, 3d, 4c, 4e, 4f Year Two – All of year one plus components 1b, 1d, 1f, 2a, 3a, 4b Year Three – All of year two plus components 1a, 3b, 3e, 4a, 4d. The deadline for notification of renewal is April 15. Track 2 and Track 3 for Tenured Teachers Track 2: In any given year one third of the certified staff (combination of non-tenured and tenured) will be evaluated using the formal, Summative Evaluation Report based on the Domains and Components of Professional Practice. Track 3: The other two-thirds of the tenured staff will be evaluated using the Professional Growth Plan Evaluation Report, which is based on the individual teacher’s Professional Growth Plan. *Track 4 Plan of Assistance: A teacher may be placed on a Plan of Assistance at any time during the evaluation cycle. When a teacher is placed on a Plan of Assistance their current Professional Growth Plan is suspended. They work on the assigned activities specific to their Plan of Assistance. It is required that a teacher on a Plan of Assistance receives a minimum of two summative evaluations each year. These evaluations may or may not be completed according to the timeline in the chart. The deadline for completion of both summative evaluations is April 5. The deadline for notification of renewal is April 15. Description of Performance Evaluation Procedures Evaluation Track Track 1 Procedures Professional Growth Plan required 58 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Non-tenured Track 2 Tenured Track 3 Tenured Professional Growth Plan Track 4 Plan of Assistance Two Summative Evaluation Reports required All teachers new to the district are placed in this track for three years (two years with previous Wyoming tenure and uninterrupted service) and until they are proficient in all Domains and Components Teachers new to the profession have fewer Domains and Components in which to demonstrate proficiency during the first year, adding more the second year and all Domains and Components the third year. To be placed on the Tenured or Professional Growth track the teacher must demonstrate proficiency in all Domains and Components Professional Growth Plan required One Summative Evaluation Report required Teachers with three years of experience (two years with previous Wyoming tenure and uninterrupted service) and who demonstrate proficiency in all Domains and Components may be evaluated using this track Approximately one-third of all certified staff (non-tenured and tenured) are evaluated using this track, rotating with the Professional Growth Track on the alternate three years Teachers are required to identify, have approved, write and implement an expanded Professional Growth Plan in lieu of participating in the cycle of evidence gathering and formal observations in the classroom A mid year conference on the Professional Growth Plan is required to monitor progress. One Professional Growth Track Summative Evaluation Report is required (evaluation is based on the individual teacher’s Professional Growth Plan rather than the Domains and Components) Teachers with three years of experience years (two years with previous Wyoming tenure and uninterrupted service) and who demonstrate proficiency in all Domains and Components may be evaluated using this track Approximately two-thirds of all tenured staff are evaluated using this track, rotating with the Tenured Track in a three year rotation Current evaluation track and current Professional Growth Plan is suspended when teacher is placed on a Plan of Assistance Plan of Assistance is given to the teacher by their evaluator and details the required growth/improvement activities Two Summative Evaluation Reports required To be placed on the Tenured or Professional Growth track the teacher must demonstrate proficiency in all Domains and Components A teacher may be on a Plan of Assistance for not more than two consecutive years. They must show significant improvement or be recommended for termination of employment. Tenured or non-tenured teachers may be placed on a Plan of Assistance. 59 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY 60 PARK COSCHOOL DISTRICT #6 ADMINISTRATOR SALARY SCHEDULE 2013-2014 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ELEM EL ASST MS MS ASST HS HS ASST ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL SUPT. SPEC ED DIR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES MANAGER COORD TECH Policy: COORD (200 Days) (200 Days) (215 Days) (200 Days) (215 Days) (205 Days) (260 Days) (200 Days) (260 Days) (210 Days) (260 days) 78,490 79,690 80,890 82,090 83,290 84,490 85,690 86,890 88,090 89,290 90,490 91,690 92,890 94,090 95,290 96,490 97,690 98,890 100,090 72,955 74,155 75,355 76,555 77,755 78,955 80,155 81,355 82,555 83,755 84,955 86,155 87,355 88,555 89,755 90,955 92,155 93,355 94,555 81,455 82,655 83,855 85,055 86,255 87,455 88,655 89,855 91,055 92,255 93,455 94,655 95,855 97,055 98,255 99,455 100,655 101,855 103,055 73,775 74,975 76,175 77,375 78,575 79,775 80,975 82,175 83,375 84,575 85,775 86,975 88,175 89,375 90,575 91,775 92,975 94,175 95,375 83,005 84,205 85,405 86,605 87,805 89,005 90,205 91,405 92,605 93,805 95,005 96,205 97,405 98,605 99,805 101,005 102,205 103,405 104,605 75,100 76,300 77,500 78,700 79,900 81,100 82,300 83,500 84,700 85,900 87,100 88,300 89,500 90,700 91,900 93,100 94,300 95,500 96,700 98,925 100,125 101,325 102,525 103,725 104,925 106,125 107,325 108,525 109,725 110,925 112,125 113,325 114,525 115,725 116,925 118,125 119,325 120,525 75,750 76,950 78,150 79,350 80,550 81,750 82,950 84,150 85,350 86,550 87,750 88,950 90,150 91,350 92,550 93,750 94,950 96,150 97,350 81,455 82,655 83,855 85,055 86,255 87,455 88,655 89,855 91,055 92,255 93,455 94,655 95,855 97,055 98,255 99,455 100,655 101,855 103,055 71,435 72,635 73,835 75,035 76,235 77,435 78,635 79,835 81,035 82,235 83,435 84,635 85,835 87,035 88,235 89,435 90,635 91,835 93,035 75,625 76,825 78,025 79,225 80,425 81,625 82,825 84,025 85,225 86,425 87,625 88,825 90,025 91,225 92,425 93,625 94,825 96,025 97,225 Benefits Package: g Medical Insurance - The district will pay (monthly) $480 for Employee (EE) only / $1,030 for EE + spouse / $825 for EE + Child(ren) / $1,354 for EE + family (Participation in the WELLNESS PROGRAM will lower the premium withheld.) Tax Sheltered Annuity - The district will contribute $350.00 monthly to a qualified Tax Sheltered Annuity. Wyoming Retirement - District contributes 12.94% of the 14.62% for all district employees to the Wyoming Retirement System. Considerations: Administrators shall be placed upon the ranges according to education, merit (evaluation) and experience as recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board of Trustees. Life Insurance - The District will pay the full premium for life insurance (with a face value of up to 150% of annual salary) purchased by the administrator through his/her professional organization. Any administrator that earns a specialist degree after employment shall receive an additional $1000.00 per year to the schedule. Any administrator that earns a doctorate degree after employment, shall receive an additional $2,000.00 per year to the schedule. Adopted: 7/17/13 GCBB STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CUSTOD MAINT 13.30 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 19.80 15.05 15.55 16.05 16.55 17.05 17.55 18.05 18.55 19.05 19.55 20.05 20.55 21.05 21.55 TRUCK DRIVER 12.05 12.55 13.05 13.55 14.05 14.55 15.05 15.55 15 55 16.05 16.55 17.05 17.55 18.05 BLDG SUPT/BD SECRET SECRET 12.80 13.30 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 19.80 20.30 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE 2013-2014 BUS BRONC MECH CLASS SPEC ED DRIVER PARA-ED PARA-ED DRIVER 13.60 14.10 14.60 15.10 15.60 16.10 16.60 17.10 17.60 18.10 18.60 19.10 19.60 20.10 14.65 15.15 15.65 16.15 16.65 17.15 17.65 18.15 18.65 19.15 19.65 20.15 20.65 21.15 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 19.80 20.30 20.80 12.05 12.55 13.05 13.55 14.05 14.55 15.05 15.55 16.05 16.55 17.05 17.55 18.05 18.55 12.30 12.80 13.30 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 SIGN INTER 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 19.80 20.30 CROSS PARA-PRODISTRICT ASST. DIST. O.T. ASST. MASTER HEAD POWER ASST GUARD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT MECH. CUSTOD SCHOOL TECH DIR 10.95 11.45 11.95 12.45 12.95 13.45 13.95 14.45 14 45 14.95 15.05 15.55 16.05 16.55 17.05 17.55 18.05 18.55 18 55 19.05 19.55 20.05 20.55 21.05 21.55 15.65 16.15 16.65 17.15 17.65 18.15 18.65 19.15 19 15 19.65 20.15 20.65 21.15 21.65 22.15 13.30 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 16 80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 19.80 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 24 50 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 19.05 19.55 20.05 20.55 21.05 21.55 22.05 22.55 22 55 23.05 23.55 24.05 24.55 25.05 25.55 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 17 80 18.30 18.80 19.30 19.80 20.30 20.80 65,080 66,120 67,160 68,200 69,240 70,280 71,320 72,360 72 360 73,400 74,440 75,480 76,520 77,560 78,600 61,049 62,089 63,129 64,169 65,209 66,249 67,289 68,329 68 329 69,369 70,409 71,449 72,489 73,529 74,569 ELL PARA 12.80 13.30 13.80 14.30 14.80 15.30 15.80 16.30 16.80 17.30 17.80 18.30 18.80 19.30 MAINT SUPER 54,362 55,402 56,442 57,482 58,522 59,562 60,602 61,642 61 642 62,682 63,722 64,762 65,802 66,842 67,882 TECH ASST Policy: GCBAD FOOD SERVICE 18.39 18.89 19.39 19.89 20.39 20.89 21.39 21.89 22.39 22.89 23.39 23.89 24.39 24.89 TRANS SUPER 11.85 12.35 12.85 13.35 13.85 14.35 14.85 15.35 15.85 16.35 16.85 17.35 17.85 FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR 53,327 54,367 55,407 56,447 57,487 58,527 59,567 60,607 60 607 61,647 62,687 63,727 64,767 65,807 66,847 55,728 56,768 57,808 58,848 59,888 60,928 61,968 63,008 63 008 64,048 65,088 66,128 67,168 68,208 69,248 Medical Insurance - For those who qualify, the district will pay (monthly) $480 for Employee (EE) only / $1,030 for EE + spouse / $825 for EE + Child(ren) / $1,354 for EE + f Participation in the WELLNESS PROGRAM will lower the premium withheld. Wyoming Retirement - District contributes 12.94% of the 14.62% for all district employees to Wyoming Retirement System. Adopted: 7/17/13 Park County School District #6 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 2013-2014 SALARY SCHEDULE NOT TEACHING CONTRACT Bachelors Masters STEP 1 $49,722.00 $51,022.00 STEP 2 $50,697.00 $51,997.00 STEP 3 $51,672.00 $52,972.00 STEP 4 $52,647.00 $53,947.00 STEP 5 $53,622.00 $54,922.00 STEP 6 $54,597.00 $55,897.00 STEP 7 $55,572.00 $56,872.00 STEP 8 $56,547.00 $57,847.00 STEP 9 $57,522.00 $58,822.00 STEP 10 $58,497.00 $59,797.00 STEP 11 $59,472.00 $60,772.00 STEP 12 $60,447.00 $61,747.00 STEP 13 $61,422.00 $62,722.00 STEP 14 $62,397.00 $63,697.00 STEP 15 $63,372.00 $64,672.00 STEP 16 $64,347.00 $65,647.00 Benefits Package: Medical Insurance - The district will pay (monthly) $480 for Employee (EE) only $1,030 for EE + spouse / $825 for EE + child(ren) / $1,354 for EE + family (Participation in the WELLNESS PROGRAM will lower premium withheld) Wyoming Retirement - The District contributes 12.94% of the 14.62% for all district employees to Wyoming Retirement System. Adopted: 7/17/13 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 2013-2014 SPECIAL EDUCATION CONTRACT (With Benefits) - Not to exceed 200 working days SALARY SCHEDULE: STEP 1 $67,284.00 STEP 2 $68,384.00 STEP 3 $69,484.00 STEP 4 $70,584.00 STEP 5 $71,684.00 STEP 6 $72,784.00 STEP 7 $73,884.00 STEP 8 $74,984.00 STEP 9 $76,084.00 STEP 10 $77,184.00 Benefits Package: Medical Insurance - The district will pay (monthly) $480 for Employee (EE) onl $1,030 for EE + spouse / $825 for EE + child(ren) / $1,354 for EE + family (Paricipation in the WELLNESS PROGRAM will lower premiums withheld.) Wyoming Retirement - The District contributes 12.94% of the 14.62% for all district employees to Wyoming Retirement System. Adopted: 7/17/13 PARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #6 TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE 2013-2014 LANE STEP 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BA 51,575 50,600 49,625 48,650 47,675 46,700 45,725 44,750 43 775 43,775 B BA+15 54,625 53,650 52,675 51,700 50,725 49,750 48,775 47,800 46,825 45,850 44 875 44,875 C BA+30 57,675 56,700 55,725 54,750 53,775 52,800 51,825 50,850 49,875 48,900 47,925 46,950 45 975 45,975 D BA+45 59,750 58,775 57,800 56,825 55,850 54,875 53,900 52,925 51,950 50,975 50,000 49,025 48,050 47 075 47,075 E MA 62,800 61,825 60,850 59,875 58,900 57,925 56,950 55,975 55,000 54,025 53,050 52,075 51,100 50,125 49,150 48 175 48,175 F MA+15 63,900 62,925 61,950 60,975 60,000 59,025 58,050 57,075 56,100 55,125 54,150 53,175 52,200 51,225 50,250 49 275 49,275 Policy: GCBAB:PM-1 G MA+30 H MA+45 69,025 68,050 67,075 66,100 65,125 64,150 63,175 62,200 61,225 60,250 59,275 58,300 57,325 56,350 55,375 54,400 53,425 52,450 51 475 51,475 66,950 65,975 65,000 64,025 63,050 62,075 61,100 60,125 59,150 58,175 57,200 56,225 55,250 54,275 53,300 52,325 51,350 50 375 50,375 I MA+75 70,125 69,150 68,175 67,200 66,225 65,250 64,275 63,300 62,325 61,350 60,375 59,400 58,425 57,450 56,475 55,500 54,525 53,550 52 575 52,575 Certified Benefit Package Medical Insurance - The District will pay $480 for Empoyee (EE) only; $1,030 for EE + spouse; $825 for EE + child(ren); and $1,353 for EE + family Wyoming Retirement - District contributes 12.94% of the 14.62% for all district employees to Wyoming Retirement System. 185 Teacher Days Adopted: 7/17/13
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