Newsletter Index JCA Home Page Calendar Page 21 Jewish Community of Amherst Candle Lighting October 3~ 6:10 pm October 10 ~ 5:58 pm October 17 ~ 5:47 pm October 24 ~ 5:36 pm October 31 ~ 5:27 pm Times shown are 18 minutes before sunset for Amherst, MA Meetings October 1 Ritual Life Committee School Committee October 2 Board Meeting October 17 Adult Ed Committee October 23 Board Meeting Message from Co-President Guy Wood, 802-387-5676, I’m writing this on 10 September. My bags are packed and early in the morning I’ll leave for JFK airport to Poland and then to Israel for a month, volunteering in a social work/farming program on a kibbutz. For the first time since I became a member of the JCA, I won’t be celebrating the high holidays with the rest of you. My copresident, Bill Zimmer, will be giving the High Holidays President’s address. I’ve been thinking today what I would say if I were giving it. And tonight, if I were writing it I would say to each of you that I invite you to be at the center of the JCA. For those of you who are active in the many different ways the JCA offers opportunities, I encourage you to notice that and to continue to figure out what it means to be at the center of our community. For those of you who are new to the JCA, or are trying to figure it out, please join with the rest of us in making the changes in your life that will put you where you want to be in the JCA, and find your place in our Jewish community. When I say I invite you to be at the center of the JCA, this Affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement October 2014 Tishre/Ḥeshvan 5775 Vol. 13, Issue No. 9 isn’t meant as a clever sales pitch to you. It’s sincere, an invitation to be active, contributing, learning and struggling with the rest of us who care about the JCA and its future. Bill and I have sometimes wondered how some of our members see this community. We’re looking for people with a passion to be part of it. I belong to other communities beyond my immediate family; NPR, the Appalachian Mountain Club, community volunteer organizations, etc. The others have their moments of significance, but the community that is special to me, that’s part of my weekly life, week in-week out, is the JCA. It isn’t always easy, it isn’t always fun, but in sum, it is meaningful to me. Bill and I are both retired, and we have other parts of our lives, such as family, that pull us away from the Amherst area. However, we still find it rewarding and important to be a part of the JCA, and invite you, if you haven’t done so already, to also be a full, active member. B’shalom, Guy Yom Kippur Sukkot Shemini Atzeret Kol Nidre – Friday, October 3 Reconstructionist Service: 6:00 pm Masorti Service: 8:00 pm Sukkah Building Sunday, October 5 at 10:00 am Yom Kippur – Saturday, October 4 Reconstructionist Service: 9:00 - 11:00 am Masorti Service with Yiskor and Musaf: 9:30 am Sukkot Family Celebration Wednesday, October 8, 4:00 - 6:00 pm Shemini Atzeret Services (Yizkor) Thursday, October 16 at 9:30 am (Yiskor: 11:45 am, Musaf: 12:15 pm, approximately) Shofarot Program: 10:00 am Family Service: 11:30 am Minchah Service: 5:20 pm Ne’ilah Service: 6:45 pm (approximately) Tekiah Gedolah: 7:16 pm Sukkot Services Thursday, October 9 at 9:30 am Simḥat Torah Simḥat Torah Community Celebration Thursday, October 16 at 6:30 pm 2 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 Beit Shalom Committee Jewish Community of Amherst, Inc. 742 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 256-0160, fax (413) 256-1588 Religious School (413) 256-0160 ext. 203 email:; Online at: Rabbi Benjamin Weiner Rabbi David Dunn Bauer (2003-2010) Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg (1989-2002) Rabbi Emeritus Yechiael Lander Director of Lifelong Learning: Jody Rosenbloom (256-0160 ext. 203) Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday: 10:30 - 4:00 Wednesday: 4:00 - 6:00 & Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 (When Religious School is in session) _____________________________ The Beit Shalom Committee is available to members of the JCA congregation wishing assistance in addressing personal differences that have arisen between individuals, among committees or with those in leadership positions within the JCA. The Committee will step in to help facilitate the resolving of conflicts only when they cannot otherwise be successfully resolved between the parties themselves or through other existing JCA structures. Communications with Beit Shalom members will be kept strictly confidential unless agreed upon differently by the participants. Committee members are: Josette Henschel: 213-0186 Rob Okun: 253-9372 Board of Directors Officers: Co-Presidents: Guy Wood (802-387-5676) Bill Zimmer (413-537-7827 ) First Vice President: Bob Solosko (413-527-0725) Second Vice President: To be determined Clerk: Janis Levy (413-584-6418) Treasurer: Jonathan Shefftz (413-256-1101) Kitty Talan: 253-2248 Members: Donna Baron, Jaymie Chernoff, Richard Cohen, Robert Friedman, Hans Herda, Amy Kroin, Eli Kwartler, Andra Rose, Flo Stern Membership: Tobi Sznajderman (413-549-1795) Administrative Director: Karen Bell (256-0160 ext. 207, Office Manager: Susan Thomas (256-0160, Administrative Assistants: Nora Mariano, Dan Reynolds (256-0160) For information about using JCA space including renting the Social Hall, contact: Karen Bell (256-0160 ext. 207, For a list of committee chairs and members, go to: Please refer to your Guidebook for contact information. (If you have not received your Guidebook, call the office.) _____________________________ NEWSLETTER Editor/Graphic Designer: Aaron Bousel (Voice: 253-3544, Voice & Fax: 253-3846; Proofreader: Sarah Thomson Deadline for the November issue is October 12th October 2014, Vol. 13, Issue No. 9 Newsletter is published 11 times per year. Subscription price is included in membership. Have you checked out the JCA Judaica Store lately? Books by JCA members and others, siddurim, chumashim, tallitot, mezzuzot and many lovely gift items. You can shop whenever the office is open 3 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 Devarim: Words from Rabbi Benjamin Weiner In honor of the High Holiday season, into which we are about to enter as I write these words, I wanted to share a poem that came to my inbox recently, by EE Cummings. Called i thank you God for most this amazing, it also seems a good poem for the celebration of the birthday of the world—whether that event occurs once a year, or every day. I look forward to getting back to writing more substantive d’varim in this space, just as soon as my High Holiday sermons are done! i thank You God for most this amazing i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes (i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great happening illimitably earth) how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any-lifted from the no of all nothing-human merely being doubt unimaginable You? (now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened) Rabbi Liaison Committee The committee meets monthly with the rabbi. The purpose of the Rabbi Liaison Committee is to support and enhance the rabbi-congregational relationship by: 1. Serving as a channel to communicate comments, issues and/or complaints from congregants who would prefer not to contact the rabbi directly. 2. Meeting with the rabbi to help with processing and thinking through issues or concerns that are raised either by congregants or by the rabbi. All congregants are encouraged to speak to members of the committee about any concerns they may have that they would like to be brought to the rabbi’s attention. All information is shared only with the rabbi and the committee and will be held in confidence. Amy Mittelman 256-0883, Aaron Bousel 253-3544, Richard Cohen, 256-6145, Barbara Burkart 256-8139, Deb Fine 256-1572, Ted Slovin 253-3518, 4 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 Ritual Life Committee Yossi Bryer-Charette, Co-chair, 860-559-4926, Aaron Bousel, Co-chair, 413-253-3544, RELIGION CALENDAR Yom Kippur October 3, Friday- Kol Nidre 6:00 PM Reconstructionist Service 8:00 PM Shemini Atzeret Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17, Numbers 29:35-30:1 October 16, Thursday 9:30 AM Shemini Atzeret Services (Yizkor) Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner Masorti Service October 4, Saturday- Yom Kippur Day 9:00 AM Reconstructionist Service 9:30 AM Masorti Service Simḥat Torah October 16, Thursday 6:30 PM Simḥat Torah Celebration 10:00 AM Shabbat Bereshit, Genesis 1:1-6:8 October 17, Friday 6:15 PM Shofarot 11:30 AM Family Service 5:20 PM Minchah/Ne'ilah Sukkah Building October 5, Sunday, 10:00 AM Sukkot Leviticus 22:26-23:44, Numbers 29:12-16 October 9, Thursday 9:30 AM Sukkot Services Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner Shabbat Ḥol Hamo'ed Sukkot Exodus 33:12-34:26, Numbers 29:17-22 October 10, Friday 6:15 PM Farbrengen Friday Service Leader: To be announced October 11, Saturday 10:00 AM Shabbat Ne'eemah Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner October 18, Saturday 10:00 AM Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D’var Torah: Rabbi Weiner October 24/25, Friday/Saturday Rosh Ḥodesh Ḥeshvan Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh Ḥeshvan, Parashat Noaḥ, Genesis 6:9-11:32, Numbers 28:9-15 October 24, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner October 25, Saturday 10:00 AM Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D’var Torah: Rabbi Weiner Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D’var Torah: Judy Davis Check the JCA website at: for updated religion calendar information. See page 12 for more information about High Holidays. Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 Kiddush and Oneg Sponsors August 30Ken Schoen and Jane Trigère in honor of their wedding anniversary, and Aaron and Patience Bousel in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Aaron’s father, George Bousel September 13Nina Brand and Heather Davis in honor of their son Cole Davis-Brand becoming Bar Mitzvah October 11Judy and Allen Davis, in honor of Judy's birthday If you would like to help with or sponsor a kiddush, please contact Rosemary Spear at: 5 First Friday Evening Family Service Please join us on the first Friday of the month at 5:30 pm for a brief child oriented service followed by a potluck supper. Although the service is geared towards young children, it contains all the elements of a regular Friday evening service, including mourner’s kaddish. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Shabbat Ne'eemah This service, held on the third Friday of the month, features a small group of instrumental and vocal musicians, our "musical daveners" who set the tone for a soul inspiring service with the congregation joining in the singing and chanting. Sukkah Building Come help us put up our JCA Sukkah! This is a fun project and a good way to meet some new people. Coffee and donuts provided! Sunday October 5 at 10:00 am. If you can't make it that day (and even if you can) we'll gather to dismantle the Sukkah on Sunday October 19, also at 10:00 am. Torah Reading Co-ordination If you are interested in reading Torah and would like to schedule a time to read, please contact: Jayne Pearl, 256-1310,, for reading in November Eliza Gouverneur, 256-6145,, for reading in December If you would like to learn to read Torah, or would like help choosing or preparing a reading, please contact Batya Perman, 549-4853, Thank You To Volunteers Chemical Sensitivities A number of our members have allergies to perfumes, colognes and other fragrances. Please try to minimize the use of these products when coming to the JCA. Thank you. Shacharit (morning) Minyan The weekday shacharit minyan continues to meet every Tuesday at 7:30 am in the small sanctuary. The Ritual Life committee would like to thank those who have given their time and expertise in service to the ritual life of the community: • September Torah readers: Ruth Love Barer, Aaron Bousel, Cole Davis-Brand, Marvin Ellin, Jane Myers, Yosef Rumshiskiy • D'var Torah giver: Cole Davis-Brand • Musicians: Shabbat Band Misheberach List The JCA is joining the tradition of having a list of people in need of healing read by Rabbi Weiner during the Shabbat service, so that the energy from the whole congregation will be going out to them. If you would like to have your name placed on this list please contact Rabbi Weiner, Karen Bell in the office, the Chesed Committee, or send the info to Deliah Rosel will be updating the list each week. For privacy concerns, each person seeking to be included is responsible to add only their own name, in Hebrew or English. The list will be updated weekly by Deliah Rosel. If you know that this support from the healing prayers of our community is for a time-limited situation, please include that information so as to more easily keep the list current. Yahrzeit Reminder We have been sending yahrzeit reminders to those who have placed memorial plaques in the sanctuary, and who have requested the reminders. Please leave a message in the JCA Office if you think you should be getting reminders but have not received them. Meditation Minyan The weekday meditation minyan continues to meet every Wednesday at 7:30 am in the small sanctuary. Prayerbook Fund The focus of the Prayerbook Fund is now the purchase of the recently published Mahzor Lev Shalem to be used in the masorti high holiday services. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted, however a minimum donation of $45.00 is required for a book dedication plate. 6 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 Education News Jody Rosenbloom, Director of Life Long Learning, 256-0160, ext. 203 Introducing Our School Staff Jody Rosenbloom, M.A. is entering her 18th and final year as the Director of Lifelong Learning at the JCA. Working with Jody is a strong team of teachers: Shalom Sunday/Tech Project: Melissa Zeitz, M.A. Melissa is in her 12th year at the JCA. She has an M.A. in education from UMass, and has certification in special education, as a school technology specialist, and in Jewish early childhood education. 1st/2nd grade: Samantha Kramer, a Hampshire College Div2 student who was a teaching assistant for a 2nd grade Sunday school class at her home synagogue in South Carolina for 3 years. Samantha was also involved in NIFTY & Kutz Camp, the youth and leadership programs in the Reform movement. 3rd grade/Hebrew Learning Covenant Coordinator/JVCorps Coordinator: Keren Goderez Rhodes is returning for her second year. This summer, Keren helped with administrative support for Camp Shemesh. She grew up in Amherst and attended Brandeis University. She is in business running GLAZED donut shop with her husband, Nick. Keren has two children, Aiden & Noa 4th grade: Adin Bohmiller. He worked at Kerem Shalom in Concord, MA all through high school, including work as a class assistant, helping as a Hebrew tutor, assisting children with special needs, and piloting technology to assist student learning. He is beginning his freshman year studying engineering at UMass. 5th grade/Family Educator: Marlene Rachelle, M.A. This is her 3rd year teaching at the JCA. She has an undergraduate degree in communications from UMass and was a producer at MTV Networks for over a decade. More recently, Marlene completed an M.A. from Jewish Theological Seminary’s Davidson Graduate School of Education. She and her wife Laurel are parents of three year old, Eli. 6th grade: Heidi Diamond Shaffer moved to Western Massachusetts last year from Pennsylvania. This is her 2nd year teaching at the JCA. She has taught Spanish in public schools and worked in various synagogue schools for over 26 years. 7th grade: Amy Epstein has taught several grades, a Rosh Hodesh group, Shabbat B’Yachad arts programs and Teva Torah since 2007. Amy graduated from UMass with a degree in sociology. She worked with youth in Boston & Santa Fe, and most recently with LGBT teens in Holyoke, MA. Music Specialist: Av Harris returns for his fifth year of song leading. Raised in New Hampshire but with family in Israel, Av grew up surrounded by Jewish music and Hebrew through the interests of his parents, his years in Jewish camping, and his travels. Av is the director of communications for the Connecticut Secretary of the State. Av’s daughters are Nora (6th grade) and Lily (8th grade). Camp Shemesh Director/Family Education & Teen Staff: Cara Michelle Silverberg returns for her fourth year. She has years of experience working in environmental education and leadership development. She holds a B.A. in bioregional studies with an emphasis in environmental education from Prescott College in Arizona. She has run Jewish educational programs, camping trips, and ecology programs for all ages for the Teva Learning Alliance. Cara also led the family and mountain services at High Holidays. Assisting our teachers are Rachel Warshaw (UMASS) on Sundays and Rosalie Shays (Mount Holyoke) on Wednesdays. Our teen teaching assistants include: Sophia Keins (12th), Hannah Ballentine (10th), Lily Harris (8th), Ben Hernandez-Sommer-Kliman (8th), Adin Klotz (9th), Aleeza Kropf (9th), Emily Porter (9th) and Tavi Wolfwood (10th). TA Coordinator: Dane Kuttler Calendar Sat/Sun, Oct. 4/5 NO CLASS (Yom Kippur Weekend) Wed, Oct. 8 Sukkot Family Program (see page 8) Sat/Sun, Oct. 11/12 NO CLASS (Columbus Day Weekend) Thurs, Oct. 16 Simḥat Torah Family Service 6:30 pm Sun, Oct. 19 Shalom Sunday class w/concurrent parent group AND the B’Tzelem Elohim Group meets from 10:15-11:30 am. Sun, Oct. 26 Kedusha LaTorah Workshop for 1st & 2nd graders with parents. 7 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 B’Tzelem Elohim/In God’s Image: A Monthly Parent/Grandparent Support & Education Group Building Jewish Identity for Children with Special Needs YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US On Sunday mornings Oct. 19, Nov. 16 & Dec. 21 From 10:15-11:30 at the JCA Free and open to the community. We are fortunate that for 5 years we have been able to facilitate building Jewish identity for children with special needs with this offering known as B’Tzelem Elohim/In God’s Image. Join other parents and grandparents of children with special needs (e.g. dyslexia, atypical sensory integration or processing, ADD, ADHD, and/or Autism Spectrum) that may cause challenges---behavioral or emotional -- to help identify needs, problems and solutions; to educate ourselves and the community; and to enhance our religious schools, holiday celebrations and home practices for our children to have a fuller Jewish identity. The group is led by Rhonda Shapiro-Rieser. She has a D.Min in Jewish Spiritual Direction, is a licensed Mental Health Counselor and holds a graduate certificate in autism spectrum disorders from Antioch University. For further information, contact: Jody Rosenbloom, Director of Lifelong Learning at 256-0160x203. This program is possible through the generous funding from the Family Education Initiative of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. JCA Adult Reading Group The 1st meeting of the year of the ARG will be on Thursday October 2, 2014, at 7:30 PM in the JCA library. We will be discussing a non-fiction book that has received very positive reviews, My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel, by Ari Shavit. It is not in paperback, but it is in used hardbacks and of course available through a library or Kindle. Come join us; new participants are always welcome! Any questions, please call Ken Talan, 253-2248. Adult Education Offerings Fall, 2014 Increase your Jewish knowledge, meet new people, learn new skills, and challenge your understandings of our world by participating in a JCA Adult Education program this fall. More information on each program is available in the online Adult Ed booklet that you can find at For additional program information email For registration information email Some programs require preregistration and have limits on the number of participants so register soon. Some programs ask for a donation to help cover the cost of the program. No one will be denied access to programming because of financial need. Your participation is more important than the amount of your donation. In lieu of monetary donations for programs, please bring a nonperishable food item to be donated to the Survival Center as part of the JCA Perpetual Food Drive. Magen David Holographic Glasses Now On Sale At JCA Judaica Store! A fun gift for kids, grandkids of any age—or yourself! Add this to your Shabbat-lighting ritual! Great for any holiday celebration. Slip a pair into a get-well card to cheer up someone who is ill! Keep a pair in you tallis bag to view the sanctuary chandeliers before or after services! Just $4 – available during JCA regular office hours. 8 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 Havurah K’tana will be meeting Saturday, September 20 from 4-6pm to play, nosh, and make havdalah. Contact Rachael Goren-Watts at for more information on the Havurah and location for this month's gathering. There will be no Tot Shabbat this month, as Kol Nidre falls on the first Friday in October. See you in November. On the first night of Sukkot, October 8, the family Sukkot celebration will have a special puppet show for tots with Anna Sobel-- see announcement in this newsletter. We have been invited to "Kedusha LaTorah" on Friday, November 7 to honor new JCA School 1st graders and new students. 5:30-6:30 followed by a potluck. Contact Anna Sobel at with any questions or if you’d like to be added to the JCA Tots list-serve. In the meanƟme, starƟng Saturday, October 18, childcare will be available weekly during Shabbat morning services from 10-12:30. These programs are largely funded by the Harold Grinspoon FoundaƟon Family & Teen EducaƟon IniƟaƟves. 9 10 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 M AK E A DI FFEREN CE WITH & (*)+$+ ,#,(&$'!+('"($'"+!*.$!$'(-* !.!'$""!* $0!*!'! !"" !"!"#"& "%!$$ "#$%"&&$" #%!!( "$ #"&$$ "#$%"&&$" ! # "( $ " $ "# $"#$%"&&$" %$( '$$ ' $"! !"" %$( %"#!"$ %$( & %$"### #(" !" (!"$& %$"# # " # ! # ! ! #! 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Regular volunteers are needed : once a month, second Sunday of the month, for either the cooking/prep shift (9:30 a.m. – Noon) or the clean-up shift (Noon – 2 p.m.). If you are unable to make a regular monthly commitment, you can also serve as a sub, for those months when you might be available. If you are interested and/or would like more information, please contact JCA coordinator at NBA, Devorah Jacobson It’s a great opportunity for families to do together, Bar / Bat Mitzvah students, seniors, singles, and everyone in our community. During Yom Kippur, the Haftorah we read includes Prophet Isaiah’s words imploring us, as we fast, to share your bread with the hungry (58:7). In Western Massachusetts, 100,000 people struggle with hunger. No one should be hungry. On Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Day, please bring your greatly needed donations of non-perishable food, perhaps the equivalent of one day's food, to be distributed by the Amherst Survival Center's Emergency Food Pantry to those in need in our community. A collection box will be in place anytime before or after Yom Kippur if you wish to contribute then. THANK YOU! Critically needed: tomato products, beans, nut butters, breakfast cereal, and healthy kids' snacks We have set the goal of collecting 5,775 pounds of food for the hungry during this year, 5775. Please help our JCA get off to a good start in achieving that goal! Tikkun Olam Committee UMASS Hillel’s Ride to Provide Sunday Oct. 19th. Join hundreds of participants on Sunday morning, October 19, 2014 for your choice of 9, 18 and 36 mile bike routes and a 5K fun run/walk/ride around the UMass Amherst campus! This event funds the UMASS students doing alternative Spring Break tikkun olam activities. If you join the JCA Team the money raised is split 50/50 between Hillel and the JCA. We'd like to have a big contingent from the JCA to welcome the new Hillel Rabbi -Aaron Fine - son of Deb and Larry Fine and graduate of the JCA Sunday School, former Camp Shemesh Director and all around GREAT GUY. To sign up for the JCA team go to < Donations to Project Rehovot Haim and Yaffa Gunner in memory of Dorothy Wald, step mother of Barbara Freed Haim and Yaffa Gunner in memory of Moshe Bolotin, husband of Elly Bolotim Choose our catering team to create a mitzvah! Our team of experienced caterers has a different take on special events! We donate 80% of our fee to Project Rehovot and 20% to the JCA We excel in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Jewish Cuisine! •we use high quality food for weddings, Bar and Bat mitzvahs, Garden Parties, Banquets and other events in your home or another location; attractive floral arrangments on every table For sample menus and price quotes contact Karen Loeb at: phone: 413-253-0336 Email: JL Geriatric Services Full Scope Nursing and Life Enhancement Care Judith Loischild RN, MSN Director Home Care Services Nursing Facility Care 413 303 9434 14 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 Adult Education Offerings ~ Fall, 2015 Lunch and Learn Rabbi Ben Weiner Every Wednesday, 12:15 – 1:15 One Bam, Two Crak, Three Dot: the JCA Mah Jongg Club September 21, October 19, November 16, December 14, 2014 Sundays, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Jews and Climate Change - Book Discussion Active Hope: How to Face The Mess We Are In Without Going Crazy Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:00 - 4:30 PM Jews and Climate Change - Book Discussion Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:00 - 4:30 PM These are the Words: An Introduction to Judaism (r) Rabbi Benjamin Weiner October 21, 28; November 4, 11, 18, 25; December 2, 9, 2014 Tuesdays, 7:15 - 8:45 pm Israel and Palestine: The Clash of Nationalisms (r) Professor Aaron Berman October 22, 29; November 12, 19; December 3, 10 Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9:30 PM Chanting Torah (r) Cantor Elise Barber Mondays 7:00 - 8:00 pm October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 24; December 1, 2014 Honoring Traditions: Creating a Quilted Challah Cover (r) Ziva Harmatz Sundays 1:30 - 4:30 pm November 9, 23; December 7, 21, 2014 Fiddler on the Roof Sing-Along Saturday, December 6, 2014 7:00 - 10:00 PM To register (r) contact more information, see the full brochure online at or contact Additional booklets are available at the JCA. Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 ~Membership Committee Corner~ ~ Thank you ~ ~ to all of you who helped make our Open House a Great Success! Special thanks go to Rabbi Weiner, Jody Rosenbloom and Bill Zimmer for sharing words of wisdom, and to Karen Bell for taking the time to be with us. A HUGE thank you to Sibies for donating delicious pizza and The Next Barn Over Farm for lovely salad!! The biggest thanks go to all the New, Prospective and Old members who came and schmoozed! ~Help set up our Sukkah!~ Sunday, October 5th at 10 am in the JCA Courtyard. This is a lovely tradition and is fun for all ages! ~Let’s all Celebrate Simchat Torah Together!~ New, old and prospective members, come dance with the Torah! Thursday, October 16th, starting at 6:30 pm ~New Member Shabbat and Havdalah Matchmaking!~ --Would you like to host a new member for Shabbat dinner or Havdalah? --Are you a new JCA member who would like to meet other members over Challah and wine? Email Ruth Kane-Levit: and let us know if you would like to host or be a guest. We will be the Shabbat Matchmakers! ~JCA Outing Club~ --Calling all hikers, bikers, kayakers and fellow lovers of the outdoors! In the coming months the JCA Membership Committee will be launching a new initiative to allow those of us who love to commune with nature, to be able to do so with other JCA members. For now, we are calling it the JCA Outing Club, otherwise known as the Outdoor Kvetchers Club, Alta Kaker Kayaking Club or Oy is My Tush Aching Biking Club! --We are creating an email list-serve that all interested members can use to announce outings. If you are interested in being notified of activities or organizing hikes, rides, kayak trips etc., email Oran Kaufman: and we will add your email to the list. 15 16 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 Compassionate Community Monthly Notes From The Chesed Committee Bikur Cholim – Visiting the Sick According to the rabbis, the three most important Jewish mitzvot are caring for the corpse, helping a poor couple marry, and visiting the sick. This last mitzvah is called Bikur Cholim. It is said that God was the first to have performed this mitzvah when he visited Abraham who was recovering from his (adult) circumcision. Therefore, we are told, that when we visit the sick, we are not only visiting as ourselves and as representatives of the community, but in fact, acting “in the image of God." Visiting the sick, the rabbis say, “adds life” to the one who is ill. Rabbi Weiner and the Chesed Committee are hoping that, as a community, we can increase our capacity for this compassionate practice of Bikur Cholim. Here are a few things we can all do: Check in with our neighbors and friends when they don’t show up in the usual places. Call and see if they are okay. Ask if they need help of some kind, and if they are sick, ask if they would like the rabbi to include them in his weekly prayer for health (the misheberach). Or call the JCA office to register concern, and someone from the Chesed Committee will call and check in on them. If we, ourselves, are in need of some help—a visit when we are homebound, a meal, a ride to a doctor, someone to pick up groceries, etc., call the office or a Chesed Committee member. Remember: It is a mitzvah to give another person the opportunity to do a mitzvah. Finally, if we are able, we should volunteer to be added to the Chesed Committee’s list of people who can be called on to make a visit, cook a meal, offer a ride, etc. Below Is A Description Of The Chesed Committee’s Role, And The Names Of Current Members. We meet at 7:15 p.m. on the first Monday of the month, usually. Please check with the JCA office to confirm our meeting time. Chesed Committee The Chesed Committee assists JCA members in times of joy, sorrow, and need, coordinating volunteers to help with meals, rides, errands, visits, shiva minyanim, etc. We also welcome babies to the community (see below). If you, someone in your family, or someone in the community is ill, hospitalized, or in need of assistance, please let us know right away. Even if no help is needed, it is important for us as a community to be aware of each other’s health and wellbeing. Although it sometimes feels awkward to share this kind of information, it is an important part of being “in community.” We can’t help if we don’t know. Please be part of the JCA’s growth as a “compassionate community.” Contact the office at 256-0160 or any of our current members: Ellen Middleton 253-3059 Eva Brown 256-8066 Hans Herda 549-1010 Judy Davis 549-0128 Kitty Talan 253-2248 Reed Alper 549-0438 Robin Diamond 253-0660 Susan Myers 532-5839 Susan Zarchin 256-0667 Amy Mittelman 256-0883 David Piech 253-7586 Celebrating Babies: Shalom Baby Baskets Know any new babies in the community? The JCA’s Chesed and Membership Committees have teamed up with Havurah K'tana (Little Friends Circle) to welcome new babies into our community with a "Shalom Baby Basket." Please contact us when you learn of families with a new baby (JCA members or potential members). We will stop by with a decorated basket containing a menorah, a PJ Library book, a card made by children in the JCA Religious School, and, as well, information about area Jewish resources for families. We’ll also bring a meal and a plate of goodies! Please contact Ariella Schwell ( or 230-3694) or Reed Alper ( or 549-0438). Celebrating Marriages The Chesed Committee commemorates weddings in the JCA community with a card and something sweet. Please contact us through the JCA office if you know of a wedding in our community. Thank You, Volunteers! The Chesed Committee thanks all who have recently provided compassionate support to others in the community. Thank you to everyone who has made a meal, provided a ride, lent a sympathetic ear, visited a person in need of companionship, or performed other acts of chesed (loving kindness) throughout the past month. We welcome our newest Chesed Committee members – Amy Mittelman and David Piech. Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 17 Shekel Talk: From Your Treasurer, Jonathan Shefftz This month’s Shekel Talk column will focus on some unexpected expenditures. Specifically, the overheating problem appears to have been connected to not only the $273 thermostat replacement at the end of last month, but also the $400 radiator replacement yesterday, and now – just as I was preparing the write this column – $2,300 of head gasket work. Okay, so that is for my wife’s aging car, not the JCA. But it does lead in rather nicely to some unexpected expenditures that the JCA might soon be facing. By the time this column goes to press, you will probably have already heard all about this. It reminds me a bit of a call with my mother a few years ago: “Did you see The Forward article about the former rabbi who’s living with a former nun?” “Yes, sounded like one of those jokes where a rabbi and a nun go into a bar, except this time because they’re dating.” “That’s our former rabbi.” Not such a funny joke when it’s your childhood temple! And not such a funny joke when the temple is hit by lightning only shortly before the High Holidays is the JCA! Mix in the twist that the only damage from a lightning strike to a Jewish temple was done to the decidedly non-Jewish steeple, and it becomes … well, I’ll leave the theological implications to Rabbi Ben and the potentially humorous implications to the annual comedy night. Fortunately we can also leave the insurance back-and-forth to our new Administrative Director Karen Bell. Plus we have many other committee members and officers who will consider the alternative costs for repair versus removal, as well as address any potential historical issues with Town government. And yes, now I really am going to bring this back around to Mommy’s car! When I first heard of both of these sets of unexpected expenditures, my Pelham Auto Service Div. of Pelham Industrial Group Ltd. 1315 Federal St. Belchertown, Ma. 01007 413-253-9302 413-253-9811 FAX Foreign Car Repairs Since 1972 immediate thought was of course Oy Vey! (And I worried that our Chief Financial Officer and my supervisor – little Micayla Shefftz – might be upset if she is never able to retrieve her precious stickers should we not opt for repair . . . of Mommy’s car that is, not the steeple.) My second thought was to be grateful that both potential financial hits do not cause an immediate crisis. Dipping into savings, facing difficult decisions, taking up lots of time, yes. But having to sacrifice basic needs, no. Such unexpected financial expenditures make me realize even more how important it is to be on a sound financial footing, since some unexpected events are ultimately inevitable, whether for a household or the JCA. Until my next column – or at any other time too – you can always reach me with any questions or concerns at and also download past columns at my http://tinyurl. com/ShekelTalk documents folder. 18 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 JCA Hall Gallery Beginning August 2nd, Rochelle Shicoff will be our exhibitor. Here is her statement about her work: It Came to Pass my latest series of photomontages, depicts sacred objects from currently functioning Lower Eastside, NYC historic orthodox synagogues.One room synagogues known as shtiebels established early in the 20th century by newly arrived immigrants, are also shown.The photographs highlight only ritual objects such as torahs, talleisim and siddurim. In this work the focus is to emphasize and express the intimacy and power of particular sacred objects. To add a secular element, handmade paper, fragments of my past paintings, encaustic and oil painted surfaces are added to photographs taken during my travels through Japan, Italy, Mexico and the United States. This series was inspired by my memories of synagogue life where the cantorial music of my father and grandfather, who were cantors, could be heard. For the Jewish viewer, It Came To Pass is meant to engender a connection to their heritage. For the non-Jewish viewer, it can encourage and stimulate an understanding and illumination of an important aspect of Jewish culture,. The Deadline for the November Newsletter is October 12th All submissions MUST be made either by e-mail or e-mail with a file attached. If you do not have access to a computer or email, please contact the editor. PLEASE RESPECT THE DEADLINE! Thank you, Aaron Bousel, 253-3544 The exhibit is from Aug. 7 until Oct. 31. The Black Sheep 79 Main St Amherst, MA 413-253-3442 delicatessen, bakery, cafe Fresh baked challah every Friday Holiday Menus New York Nova Lox N.Y. Bagels Baked Daily House-Made Whitefish Salad & Corned Beef Full Service Catering at the JCA or other locations Having fun with food since 1986 19 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — october 2014 Donations High Holiday Donation Kathryn & Stephen Rose Adult Ed Barbara Jenkins & Eli Kwartler Rabbi Discretionary Fund Bharati & Michah Winston Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu Jeff & Marilyn Blaustein Children's Scholarship Fund Sara Schley & Joseph Laur Arlie & Josh Rose Tzedakah In memory of Robert Solomon (Marian & Leonard Lubinsky) Guidebook Judy Glaser & Robert Stern Judy & Allen Davis Yaffa & Haim Gunner Beverly & Steve Woolf Patience & Aaron Bousel A Esther Mercer Jeanne & Robert Potash Jayne Pearl Elaine & Arnold Trehub Ronnie Williams & Suzanne Arnopolin Elissa & Bernie Rubinstein Jaymie & Michael Chernoff Susan Myers Randi Stein Condolences We offer our sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those who have recently died: Anne Atkins Rein, mother of Deliah Rosel Rabbi Weiner wants to make sure the community knows he is available and eager to visit at home, or in the hospital, with people who are unwell or otherwise in need of some spiritual support. The important step is to make sure he knows you are in need! Please don't hesitate to contact him directly, or through the JCA office, if you would like a visit. Newsletter Advertising Rates Business Card - 2 x 3.5 Non-Member rate per issue JCA Member rate per issue 1 issue 4 issues 11 issues $ 40.00 $ 135.00 $ 300.00 $ 33.75 $ 27.27 $ 32.00 $ 110.00 $ 242.00 $ 27.50 $ 22.00 ¼ Sheet - 3.5 x 4.75 Non-Member rate per issue JCA Member rate per issue ½ Sheet - 4.75 x 7 1 issue 4 issues 11 issues $ 124.00 $ 420.00 $ 955.00 $ 105.00 $ 86.81 $ 100.00 $ 340.00 $ 680.00 $ 85.00 $ 61.82 Weȱcanȱhelpȱyouȱmoveȱlifeȱalongȱ Do you need to organize your life? Get paperwork under control? Clear some space? Plan a move? RethinkingȱMovingȱSinceȱ1996ȱ 413-549-1039 Full Sheet - 7 x 9.5 Non-Member rate per issue JCA Member rate per issue 1 issue 4 issues 11 issues $ 225.00 $ 755.00 $ 1750.00 $ 188.75 $ 159.09 $ 180.00 $ 605.00 $ 1390.00 $ 151.25 $ 126.36 THE Non-Member rate per issue JCA Member rate per issue 1 issue 4 issues 11 issues $ 68.00 $ 225.00 $ 515.00 $ 56.25 $ 46.81 $ 54.00 $ 180.00 $ 420.00 $ 45.00 $ 38.18 DAVIS FINANCIAL GROUP LLC Allen Davis, CFP® Financial Planner 10 Bay Road, Hadley, MA 01035 tel 413.584.3098 Allen Davis is a Registered Representative of and offers securities, investment advisory and fee-based financial planning services through MML Investors Services, Inc. Member SIPC. 330 Whitney Avenue, Suite 600, Holyoke, MA 01040, Tel:413-539-2000. fax 413.584.0160 cell 413.427.2782 20 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — October 2014 nnouncements Community A Seeking "Dinner Buddy" For 6-Year Old Boy (Wednesdays) visit, please contact our Director, Wendy Stein at 584-3593 x204. Melton School We need someone to come to our North Amherst home every Wednesdays (5:30-7:00pm) -- to serve dinner and have fun with our son. You might be a teenager seeking some extra money. Or an elder seeking some company. Contact JCA member, Madeleine Charney or 549-5707 Gan Keshet Pre-School Accepting applications for the 201415 school year: Gan Keshet Jewish Community Preschool, offers a rich, stimulating play-based indoor/outdoor learning environment. Families partner with us as we introduce our children to the Jewish community and its values. We offer an integrated curriculum with emphasis on social/emotional growth; indoor/outdoor-discovery oriented opportunities; flexible schedules: part/full day options until 5:15 p.m., Gardening and a Summer Program. Remember to ask us about the HGF PIP and/or the HGF Right Start Grant and how you may qualify to receive from $1000 up to $2000 towards your child’s tuition. For additional information about our preschool program and/or to arrange a Are you a Wondering Jew? Are you interested in deepening your understanding of Judaism? The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning will provide you with a profound understanding of what it means to be Jewish as you engage in lively discussions to explore the texts of our Jewish tradition. Join us as we explore Jewish thought, practice, ethics and history over the two year course. This fall, we will study Jewish history and ethics. If you have been considering enrollment in this popular course, now is the time to plan for the fall session. Please hold this time slot for the fall: Wednesday nights, 7-9 pm at LanderGrinspoon Academy in Northampton. The course runs for 30 weeks, 2 hours per week, mid-September through late May. All classes are recorded and sent to students who miss a class. (Hey, life happens.) Tuition: $390 includes all course materials, handouts and site fees. Top notch instructors. No homework. No tests. No grades. No prior knowledge needed. The best way to learn! Interfaith partners are especially welcome in the class. To reserve a spot in the class or to get more information, call Nanci Martine (registrar) 413-584-3593 (ext 0). Sponsored by Congregation B’nai Israel, Lander-Grinspoon Academy, and the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts. This course was exactly what I was looking for --- study of the history and values underpinning Judaism and how they bridge to my life today."(Linda Terry, JCA member) Meditation Group Thursday Morning “Lecha Dumiyah Tehillah”* Meditation Group Every Thursday in the CBI Library, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Led by Rabbi Nancy Flam Please know this is not an instructional group. Rather, each of us comes with our own silent meditation or prayer practice and draws strength and affirmation for our deep, inner work by being together in community. • Arrive & Settling In: 8:00 – 8:15 a.m. • Setting of Kavvanah/Teaching: 8:15 – 8:25 a.m. • Bell to begin silent meditation: 8:25 a.m. • Bell to end silent meditation: 8:55 a.m. * “To You silence is praise.” Psalm 65:2 Community announcements should be brief and of interest to the local Jewish community. Announcements will be listed as space permits. (413) 253-5384 Patience Meigs Bousel, CTP, CSE, LMT Certi¿ed Trager® Practitioner, Clinical Somatic Educator, Licensed Massage Therapist PURVEYORS OF FINE WINE, LIQUORS, MICRO & SPECIALTY BEERS 42 Years of Service 338 COLLEGE ST. PO BOX 506 AMHERST, MA 01004 Experience peace and calm through deeply relaxing touch. Discover the joy of moving with freedom and ease. 413-218-7815 800 Main St., Amherst, MA Jewish Community of Amherst 742 Main Street Amherst, MA 01002 Return Service Requested ase o -D lay De R ia ter a dM le l-P ush t No te Da October 3 Erev Yom Kippur October 4 Yom Kippur October 5 Sukkah Building (see page 5) October 8 Family Sukkot Celebration (see page 8) October 12 Teva Torah Kick Off Day (see page 9) October 16 Simhat . Torah Celebration (see page 12 for High Holiday information) Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Amherst, MA Permit No. 90
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