Newsletter Index JCA Home Page Calendar Pages 18 & 19 Jewish Community of Amherst Candle Lighting June 5 ~ 8:05 pm June 12 ~ 8:09 pm June 19 ~ 8:12 pm June 26 ~ 8:13 pm July 3 ~ 8:12 pm July 10 ~ 8:10 pm July 17 ~ 8:06 pm July 24 ~ 8:00 pm July 31 ~ 7:53 pm Times shown are 18 minutes before sunset for Amherst, MA Special Events June 7 Semi-Annual Meeting June 11 Senior Luncheon June 11 Film: A Life Well Loved Meetings June 3 School Committee June 3 Ritual Life Committee June 4 Board Meeting June 12 Adult Ed Committee July 1 Ritual Life Committee July 9 Board Meeting B'nai Mitzvah June 13 Gabriel Trobaugh June 20 Caleb Ballantine June 27 Eli Kayser Hirsh Message from Co-President Bill Zimmer, 537-7827, W e’re preparing for the Semi-Annual Meeting of the community, and I want to highlight some of the issues we’ll be discussing. First, we want to share with you that effective next July1, we intend to change the budget year to July-June, while keeping the dues year and fiscal year January- December (This requires a formal bylaw change which we won’t bring to the community until December, so we’ll be transitioning informally into this model during the next year). This might seem odd, but it’s driven by a number of considerations. One is that as currently set up, the Finance Committee and Board have a highly condensed time period, from after the High Holydays until the beginning of November to develop the budget, and it doesn’t allow for sufficient analysis and vetting by either the Board or the community. By shifting the budget year to July- June we have a 5 month period from January – June to work on this and solicit feedback about it, uninterrupted by the summer and the High Holydays. Second, if the dues year stays as January-December, we’ll have actual data about membership and dues pledges when we develop the budget, whereas now we make a sometimes less- than- accurate projection about them based on history. Second, we're struggling with a related, although separate, dilemma. Many in the community have not responded in a timely manner to our membership and dues letters. Dues commitments were requested by February 15th, and yet 130 member units had not responded by March 1; after a follow-up letter, that number came down to 82 by April 15th; as of May 12th, we still have not heard from 44 members about their status. This is not a reasonable way for us to plan. We will do everything we can to outreach to these 44 members, but sometime in June we’ll be communicating with them and indicating Affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist Movement June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 Vol. 14, Issue No. 6 that based on their lack of response to what will by that time be three letters and phone calls, we’ll have to assume, reluctantly, that they no longer intend to remain members. The way that’s related to our change in budget year is that there is an emerging consensus on the Board that next June we will present a budget to the community based only on actual data about membership and dues, even if that means we’ll need to consider reductions in programs and other costs to accommodate our known revenue. That seems to us the responsible, albeit, unpleasant way, to proceed. Our Fair Share system is still a work-in-progress, and our dues projections have been less predictable than in traditional dues models, and it requires us to approach our budget in a prudent and conservative manner. Third, we are pleased to be implementing our new Educational model, which replaces a single Director of Life-Long Learning with a team comprised of a School Principal (Keren Rhodes) and a Coordinator of Youth & Family Programs (Cara Silverberg), working collaboratively with the Rabbi, the Administrative Director and the Education Committee to establish a new vision of integrated education at the JCA. The Rabbi will talk about that vision at the Semi-Annual Meeting, and we will also have the opportunity to officially welcome Keren Rhodes into her new role. Finally, we’ll have an opportunity for Tobi Sznajderman, chair of the Membership Committee, to speak briefly about the work of this very important committee, which is charged with developing programs for the orientation, integration, engagement and retention of all our members. We hope you will consider joining us for our semi-annual meeting of members. B’shalom, Bill 2 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Jewish Community of Amherst, Inc. 742 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 256-0160, fax (413) 256-1588 Religious School (413) 256-0160 ext. 203 email:; Online at: Rabbi Benjamin Weiner Rabbi David Dunn Bauer (2003-2010) Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg (1989-2002) Rabbi Emeritus Yechiael Lander School Principal: Keren Rhodes (256-0160 ext. 203) Coordinator of Youth and Family Programs: Cara Michelle Silverberg (256-0160 ext. 204) Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday: 10:30 - 4:00 Wednesday: 4:00 - 6:00 & Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 (When Religious School is in session) _____________________________ Beit Shalom Committee The Beit Shalom Committee is available to members of the JCA congregation wishing assistance in addressing personal differences that have arisen between individuals, among committees or with those in leadership positions within the JCA. The Committee will step in to help facilitate the resolving of conflicts only when they cannot otherwise be successfully resolved between the parties themselves or through other existing JCA structures. Communications with Beit Shalom members will be kept strictly confidential unless agreed upon differently by the participants. Committee members are: Danielle Barshak: 548-8139 Josette Henschel: 213-0186 Board of Directors Officers: Co-Presidents: Guy Wood (802-387-5676) Bill Zimmer (413-537-7827) First Vice President: Bob Solosko (413-527-0725) Second Vice President: Michael Burkart (413-256-8139) Clerk: To be determined Treasurer: Michael Burkart (413-256-8139) Rob Okun: 253-9372 Kitty Talan: 253-2248 Members: Normand Berlin, Jaymie Chernoff, Richard Cohen, Robert Friedman, Hans Herda, Amy Kroin, Eli Kwartler, Andra Rose, Flo Stern Membership: Tobi Sznajderman (413-549-1795) Administrative Director: Karen Bell (256-0160 ext. 207, Office Manager: Susan Thomas (256-0160, Administrative Assistants: Misha Heij Mariano, Dan Reynolds (256-0160) Facility Manager: Santo Alers (256-0160) For information about using JCA space including renting the Social Hall, contact: Karen Bell (256-0160 ext. 207, For a list of committee chairs and members, go to: Please refer to your Guidebook for contact information. (If you have not received your Guidebook, call the office.) _____________________________ NEWSLETTER Editor/Graphic Designer: Aaron Bousel (Voice: 253-3544, Voice & Fax: 253-3846; Proofreader: Sarah Thomson Deadline for the August issue is July 12th June/July 2015, Vol. 14, Issue No. 6. Newsletter is published 11 times per year. Subscription price is included in membership. Have you checked out the JCA Judaica Store lately? Books by JCA members and others, siddurim, chumashim, tallitot, mezzuzot and many lovely gift items. You can shop whenever the office is open. 3 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Devarim: Words from Rabbi Benjamin Weiner A bout twenty years ago, as I was about to graduate from college, I went with my mother to visit an old friend of our family who was recovering from open heart surgery. He was back home, but clearly in the very early stages of recuperation—gaunt and tired, and bearing the kind of gravity that attends a close brush with mortality. He was sitting on his sofa, with a bowl of soup in his lap, but didn’t seem to have much of an appetite. Instead of eating, he wanted to tell us a story— and I remember the story he told vividly, to this day. I want to share it with you, as my words this month, without much in the way of commentary, simply for your consideration. “I’ve always wondered why it is we say we ‘practice’ Judaism,” he said to us. “Why that word? Why ‘practice’?” I can’t remember if he paused before speaking the next phrase, but it would have conveyed the appropriate dramatic effect. “Now I know why,” he said. He had known for most of his adult life that he would inevitably have heart surgery, if he were lucky. His brother had died of an early heart attack—the result of a congenital condition—and so he was always very conscious of his own health, both in terms of taking care of himself, and being attentive to the state of his body. One day, in his office, he realized something wasn’t right, and the next thing he knew, emergency surgery had been scheduled. Rabbi Liaison Committee The committee meets monthly with the rabbi. The purpose of the Rabbi Liaison Committee is to support and enhance the rabbi-congregational relationship by: 1. Serving as a channel to communicate comments, issues and/or complaints from congregants who would prefer not to contact the rabbi directly. 2. Meeting with the rabbi to help with processing and thinking through issues or concerns that are raised either by congregants or by the rabbi. “They got me all ready,” he said, “and then they wheeled me into the preoperative area. I had to wait there for a little while, lying there on the gurney. I was nervous. My mind was racing. I didn’t know what was going to happen.” He continued, “There, in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair, was an orthodox woman. She must have been waiting for someone who was in there, her husband maybe, or a child. She had a book in her hand, Tehillim, the Psalms, and she was reading them.” “I called over to her, and when I had her attention, I asked her, ‘Excuse me, ma’am. Could you read a Psalm for me?’ I didn’t know what she would think, but I had to ask her.” “She came over, and sat down beside me, close to my head, and started to read the 23rd Psalm. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear. She read the Psalm and she gave me a blessing.” “Pretty soon, they came to wheel me into surgery. I still didn’t know what would happen, but my heart was calm.” “And now I know why we say we ‘practice’ Judaism,” he said. “It’s because there might very well come a time when we need to know how to do it.” b'shalom, Rabbi Weiner All congregants are encouraged to speak to members of the committee about any concerns they may have that they would like to be brought to the rabbi’s attention. All information is shared only with the rabbi and the committee and will be held in confidence. Aaron Bousel 253-3544, Barbara Burkart 256-8139, Richard Cohen, 256-6145, Deb Fine 256-1572, Amy Mittelman 256-0883, Ted Slovin 253-3518, 4 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Ritual Life Committee Yossi Bryer-Charette, Co-chair, 860-559-4926, Aaron Bousel, Co-chair, 413-253-3544, RELIGION CALENDAR Shabbat Behalotekha, Numbers 8:1-12:16 Shabbat Balak, Numbers 22:2-25:9 June 5, Friday July 3, Friday 5:30 PM 5:30 PM Intergenerational family service and potluck supper Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner June 6, Saturday 10:00 AM Service and Kiddush honoring Jody Rosenbloom Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D'var Torah: Rabbi Weiner Shabbat Shelaḥ Lekha Numbers 13:1-15:41 June 12, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner Service will be followed by a community potluck supper June 13, Saturday 10:00 AM Bar Mitzvah: Gabriel Trobaugh Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D’var Torah: Gabriel Trobaugh June 17/18, Wednesday/ThursdayRosh Ḥodesh Tammuz Shabbat Koraḥ, Numbers 16:1-18:32 June 19, Friday 6:15 PM Shabbat Ne'imah Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner June 20, Saturday 10:00 AM Intergenerational family service, Tot Shabbat and potluck supper Service Leader: To be announced July 4, Saturday 10:00 AM Service Leader: To be announced D'var Torah: To be announced July 5, Sunday- Shiv'ah Asar B'Tammuz On this date in 70 C.E. the Roman army broke through the walls of Jerusalem. Shiv'ah Asar B'Tammuz inaugurates a three week mourning period, culminating in Tisha B'Av. It is traditionally a day of fasting from dawn to dusk. Shabbat Pinḥas, Numbers 25:10-30:1 July 10, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: To be announced July 11, Saturday 10:00 AM Service Leader: To be announced D'var Torah: To be announced July 17, Friday- Rosh Ḥodesh Av Shabbat Mattot/Masei, Numbers 30:2-36:13 July 17, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: To be announced Bar Mitzvah: Caleb Ballantine Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D'var Torah: Caleb Ballantine Shabbat Ḥukkat, Numbers 19:1-22:1 June 26, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner June 27, Saturday 10:00 AM Bar Mitzvah: Eli Kayser Hirsh Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner D'var Torah: Eli Kayser Hirsh July 18, Saturday 10:00 AM Service Leader: To be announced D'var Torah: To be announced The process of replacing our chumashim in the sanctuary continues. Our only source of revenue for this is from your donations to the prayerbook fund. Please consider aiding this effort. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted, however a minimum donation of $65.00 is required for a book dedication plate. 5 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Kiddush and Oneg Sponsors May 9The Blain family in honor of their son, Seth, becoming Bar Mitzvah May 15Havurah Reyim in honor of our congregation May 16Ruth Love Barer and her sister Susan Saunders, in memory of their mother Peppy Barer on the occasion of her 4th yahrzeit May 30The Sweeting family in honor of Rory becoming Bar Mitzvah June 6The JCA, in honor of Jody Rosenbloom June13The Trobaugh family in honor of their son, Gabriel, becoming Bar Mitzvah June 20The Ballantine family in honor of their son, Caleb, becoming Bar Mitzvah June 27Jules and Julianne Hirsh in honor of their grandson, Eli Kayser Hirsh, becoming Bar Mitzvah If you would like to help with or sponsor a kiddush, please contact Karen Bell at: Weekday Minyanim Continue Through The Summer Tuesday, 7:30 am: Traditional Shacharit Minyan Wednesday, 7:30 am: Meditation Minyan Thursday, 5:30 pm: Traditional Mincha Minyan Shabbat Hazon, Parashat Devarim Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 July 24, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: To be announced July 25, Saturday 10:00 AM Shabbat Naḥamu, Parashat Va'etḥanan Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 July 31, Friday 6:15 PM Service Leader: To be announced August 1, Saturday 10:00 AM Service Leader: To be announced D'var Torah: To be announced Tisha B'Av July 25, Saturday- Erev Tisha B'Av 8:00 PM Service and Chanting of Lamentations July 26, Sunday- Tisha B'Av No services at JCA Service Leader: To be announced D'var Torah: To be announced Check the JCA website at: for updated religion calendar information. First Friday Evening Family Service Please join us on the first Friday of the month at 5:30 pm for a brief child oriented service followed by a potluck supper. Although the service is geared towards young children, it contains all the elements of a regular Friday evening service, including mourner’s kaddish. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Shabbat Ne'imah This service, held on the third Friday of the month, features a small group of instrumental and vocal musicians, our "musical daveners" who set the tone for a soul inspiring service with the congregation joining in the singing and chanting. Torah Reading Co-ordination If you are interested in reading Torah and would like to schedule a time to read, please contact: Gordon Freed,, for reading in July If you would like to learn to read Torah, would like help choosing or preparing a reading, or would like to schedule a reading for a month when there is no designated coordinator, please contact Batya Perman, 549-4853, Thank You To Volunteers The Ritual Life committee would like to thank those who have given their time and expertise in service to the ritual life of the community: • May Torah readers: Arnie Alper, Seth Blain, Blain family and friends, Aaron Bousel, Uri Cohen, Marvin Ellin, Ben Hernandez-Kliman, Aleeza Kropf, Jayne Pearl, Batya Perman, Deliah Rosel, Elissa Rubinstein, Amy Sweeting, Rory Sweeting, Rabbi Ben Weiner • D'var Torah givers: Seth Blain, Rory Sweeting • Lay service leaders: Catherine Madsen, Elyria Little, Felicia Mednick, Sara Schley • Musicians: Shabbat Band • Shavuot teachers: Catherine Madsen, Rabbi Rhonda Shapiro-Rieser, Boris Wolfson Chemical Sensitivities A number of our members have allergies to perfumes, colognes and other fragrances. Please try to minimize the use of these products when coming to the JCA. Thank you. 6 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Education News Jody Rosenbloom, Director of Lifelong Learning, 256-0160, ext. 203 Dear JCA Community, It has been my honor to serve the JCA over the last 18 years. I am grateful to each of you who has sent a note or taken the time for a brief conversation as I finish up this school year. I have had much nachas/pleasure in sharing the Jewish journeys of each of the households with children in education programs – from toddlers to teens. And my thanks to the JCA lay leadership and committee volunteers who have supported efforts on behalf of the school during my tenure. Thank-you to all who had a part in planning such a wonderful send-off both on the last day of JCA School and on Saturday, June 6. I know education programs are in good hands with Rabbi Weiner, Karen Bell, Cara Michelle Silverberg, Keren Rhodes and returning teachers. And I can look forward to a summer of travel and reflection and to being part of the congregation at events and holidays in the coming year. B’Shalom, Jody Rosenbloom Summer Hours To contact school principal Keren Rhodes in June & July, either leave a message on 413-256-0160 X 203 or leave a message in the office. For day-to-day assistance, contact education administrative assistant, Misha Heij Mariano at 2560160 X208 or Recruitment and Registration for Next Fall The sooner we know who will be attending JCA School in the fall, the better. Lots of planning happens over the summer. We meet new families and consider placement of their children. We hire teachers, set up rooms and make adjustments to curriculum. We consider class composition; smaller classes may be combined, larger classes may be split. Registration information was sent to families with students currently enrolled in JCA School in May. If you are interested in beginning JCA School, call Misha 256-0160 for registration information. Principal, Keren Rhodes is available by appointment should you have questions or concerns. Registration is processed only if you are current in fulfilling your financial obligations to the JCA. So take the time to get your registration in as soon as possible. Encourage any of your friends or acquaintances that may be interested in starting their children in JCA School, to contact the office. Continue The Jewish Journey Over The Summer! Families are encouraged to reinforce the lessons of the school year in experiential ways over the next few months. Tailor the experience to fit your family. Here are four easy ways: 1) Pick a Jewish book to read together, 2) When you travel, visit Jewish sites (a synagogue, museum, Jewish book store/neighborhood), 3) Create a Hebrew reading reinforcement game by using your child’s Hebrew text or going to (Please use the site for the grade your child completed this year - Book 1/grade 4, Book 2/grade 5, Book3/grade 6) and of course, 4) Jewish summer camp is a great way to blend summer play with enhancing Jewish identity. Tzedakah: A Group Effort to Share Justice/tzedakah is one of the Jewish values taught in JCA School. This year, students donated close to $ 250 – a range of $15-$50/organization. Recipients were a pair of Jewish & non-Jewish organizations matched to one of the grade level mitzvot studied during the course of the year e.g. Mazon (A Jewish response to hunger) & the Amherst Survival Center, Hazon (Vision/Environment) & Community Involved in Sustainable Agriculture (CISA), Israeli Guide Dogs & Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society, Project Rehovot & the Adult Literacy Project, the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts & Doctors Without Borders. Fifth grade did a particularly outstanding job of regularly contributing to tzedakah and raised almost half of the school’s total collection! Thank-You To: Herb Bernstein for the donation of books and games. Calendar Fri, June 5 Tot Shabbat and family services begin at 5:30 followed by a vegetarian potluck. Sun, June 7 Semi-Annual Meeting at the JCA – Parents are encouraged to attend to represent the interests of families with school age children. Sat, June 13 Gabriel Trobaugh becomes Bar Mitzvah. Sat, June 20 Caleb Ballentine becomes Bar Mitzvah. Sat, June 27 Eli Kayser Hirsh becomes Bar Mitzvah. 7 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 JCA Teen Programming Go to for details and to register for Next event: June 7 JV Corps The Jewish Volunteer Corps for Teens Prep & Serve a Meal To register and for more information: Registration and payment are required in advance of program attendance. Teva Torah takes place in Wendell, MA. The program is led by Cara Michelle Silverberg and other qualified staff. Families receive monthly emails with details and reminders. JV Corps had a wonderful year. Thank you to the many teens and parents who volunteered their time to help out the Amherst Survival Center. If you are interested in participating in this amazing program next year, please email JV Corps Coordinator Keren Rhodes at 7KHVHSURJUDPVDUHODUJHO\IXQGHGE\WKH+DUROG*ULQVSRRQ)RXQGDWLRQ)DPLO\7HHQ(GXFDWLRQ,QLWLDWLYHV Havurah K’tana will be meeƟng Saturday, June 13 from 4—6 pm to play, nosh, and make Havdalah. Contact Rachael Goren-WaƩs at r.gorenwaƩ for more informaƟon on the Havurah. The last Tot Shabbat before the summer will be held on June 5. We start promptly at 5:45, and a vegetarian, nut-free potluck with our school-age friends follows at 6:30. Shalom Baby Baskets: Know any new babies in the community? Please contact us if you would like to receive a basket or know of families who would like one (JCA members or potenƟal members). We will stop by with a basket, a meal, and a plate of goodies! To request a basket, email or contact Ariella Schwell at 413-230-3694 or; or Reed Alper at 413-549-0438 or Contact Anna Sobel at with any quesƟons or if you’d like to be added to the JCA Tots list-serve. 7KHVHSURJUDPVDUHODUJHO\IXQGHGE\WKH+DUROG*ULQVSRRQ)RXQGDWLRQ)DPLO\7HHQ(GXFDWLRQ,QLWLDWLYHV 8 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 MITZVAH DAY 2015 This year, over 100 volunteers: x x x x x x x x x Cleaned up the JCA cemetery Sang at the Center for Extended Care Cleaned up the Mount Warner Trail Decorated welcome baby baskets Cooked meals for the Chesed Commi ee to distribute Worked in the garden to encourage pollinators Cleaned up the JCA grounds Made blankets for the Care Center Sorted dona ons for the Survival Center & Craig’s DoorƐ This program was made possible by: The collabora on between the JCA Chesed Commi ee, Family Educa on, JCA School staff, Tikkun Olam, and the Cemetery Commi ee. Generous funding through the Harold Grinspoon Founda on’s Family Educa on Ini a ve & the JCA Lander Fund. 9 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Mitzvah Day 2015 ~ Thank You To All Our Volunteers! Cleaning up the JCA cemetery: Linda Sinapi, Devorah Jacobson, Elaine Walsh, Ken Talan, Karen Hoffman, Jill Roberts, Rich Pivriotto, Anna Sobel, Brian Bender, Milo Bender, Amy Mittelman, Aaron Berman, Jackie Katz, Sam Gladstone. Cleaning up Mount Warner trail: Judith Souweine, Nina Sossen, Nina Pollard, Elliot Lindsay, Oliver Lindsay, Phyllis Herda, Ezekiel Flint, Ethan Flint, Joanna Ballantine, Caleb Ballantine, Gabe Trobaugh, Pearl Strong, Barbara Goldstein, Kevin Lake, Sallie Deans Lake, Josh Knox of the Trustees for Reservations. Singing at Center for Extended Care: Diana Brewer, Camilla Brewer, Jaymie Chernoff, Lisa Pack, Danielle Kadinoff, Anne Hartheimer. B’Siman Tov U’Mazel Tov/ decorating welcome baby baskets: Audrey Davis-Brand, Sophie Sweeting, Esme Seigel, Eden Hahn, Harry Hahn, Levi Hahn, Mara Hahn, Samantha Kramer, Aleeza Kropf. Making meals: Aza Wolfwood, Nora Klotz, David Greenbaum, Ava Greenbaum, Tal Schmerling, Amelia Beigel, Ben Schwab Rehorka, Gary Rehorka, Levi Hahn, Mara Hahn, Bonnie Diamond, Reed Alper, Kitty Talan, Susan Reisman Working in the JCA garden: Sage Aronson, Michael Aronson, Rebecca Aronson, Cady Reiken, Miranda Reiken, Cailin Reiken, Woody Sherman, Daniella Sherman, Laura Ginsberg Peltz, Ezra Ginsberg, Ariel Ginsberg, Asher Ginsberg, Dana Parrot, Jana Parrot, Lena Goldman, Sylvia Gold- man, Ariella Schwell, Noah Magnus, Sophie Magnus, Josh Polak, Sarah Polak, Ava Polak, Eden Polak, Isabel Polak, Nora Klotz, Adin Klotz, Tavi Wolfwood, Bob Winston, Cara Michelle Silverberg. Cleaning up JCA grounds: Sophie Lindsey, Jessica Moore, Julia Edgerly, Chery Edgerly, Nick Rhodes, Noa Rhodes, Nina Hernandez-Kliman, Jonathan Kliman-Hernandez, Woody Sherman, Beth Ross, Calem Ross, Nathaniel Ross, Bruce Klotz, Eli Perkins, Shari McDonald, Ian McDonald, Tyler McDonald. Making blankets for Care Center: Sophie Lindsey, Jessica Moore, Julia Edgerly, Cheryl Edgerly, Nick Rhodes, Noa Rhodes, Nina Hernandez-Kliman, Jonathan KlimanHernandez, Isabelle Mondschein, Linda Mondschein, Talya Kingston, Cara Kingston, Jacqi Mosselson, Natasha Ardizzone, Keren Rhodes. Making cards for JCA Chesed Committee: Emily Boutilier, Samantha Boutilier, Oren Schmerling, Ruby Schmerling, Ben Kingston, Aiden Rhodes, Sophie Sweeting, Jamie Sweeting, Amy Sweeting, Audrey Davis-Brand, Esme Siegel, Rosalie Shays. Sorting donations for the Survival Center & Craig’s Doors: Cheryl Campbell, Maya Campbell Levine, Tavi Wolfwood. Coordination by Marlene Rachelle, Jody Rosenbloom, & Misha Heij Mariano. Thank you to Rabbi Weiner for teaching and starting out our day. JCA Adult Reading Group Weȱcanȱhelpȱyouȱmoveȱlifeȱalongȱ Do you need to organize your life? Get paperwork under control? Clear some space? Plan a move? RethinkingȱMovingȱSinceȱ1996ȱ 413-549-1039 THE The next meeting of the ARG will be on Thursday June 11, 2015, at 7:30 PM in the JCA library. We will be discussing a fiction book, The Story of Jonah: a novel by Joshua Max Feldman, of Amherst and the JCA. This book has received positive reviews. It is in paperback. Come join us for the last meeting until September/ October; new participants are always welcome! Any questions, please call Ken Talan, 253-2248. DAVIS FINANCIAL GROUP LLC Allen Davis, CFP® Financial Planner 10 Bay Road, Hadley, MA 01035 tel 413.584.3098 Allen Davis is a Registered Representative of and offers securities, investment advisory and fee-based financial planning services through MML Investors Services, Inc. Member SIPC. 330 Whitney Avenue, Suite 600, Holyoke, MA 01040, Tel:413-539-2000. fax 413.584.0160 cell 413.427.2782 10 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Bar Mitzvah Highlight Bar Mitzvah Highlight Gabriel Trobaugh Caleb Ballantine Son of Ted & Elizabeth Trobaugh, Gabriel will be called to the Torah on the occasion of his bar mitzvah on Saturday, June 13, 2015/26 Sivan 5775 reading from parshat Shelach. Gabriel is the brother of Hannah and Tess. He is the grandson of Roberta Berger and Irwin Berger z’l and Frank & Marjorie Trobaugh (deceased). Gabriel has been in JCA School for 8 years since Shabbat Shalom. Gabriel attended Camp Shemesh for 2 years. He currently attends Amherst Regional Middle School. He enjoys music and dancing. For projects, Gabriel made a tzedakah box for the community, directed traffic on High Holidays, played trumpet with the Klezmer band on Simchat Torah & Hannukah, ran a booth at the Purim carnival and helped clear trail on Mount Warner for Mitzvah Day. Mazel Tov to Gabriel & his family Son of Joanna and Clay Ballantine, Caleb will be called to the Torah on the occasion of his bar mitzvah on Saturday June 20, 2015/3 Tammuz 5775 reading from parshat Korah. Caleb is the brother of Hannah and the grandson of Peggy and Murray Schwartz and Jeanne and Harden Ballantine. Caleb attended LanderGrinspoon Academy, JCA school and Eden Village Camp. He currently attends Hartsbrook School. Caleb's favorite activities are dancing, including ballet and hip hop, ultimate frisbee and exploring the outdoors with friends, cousins and family. For his mitzvah projects, Caleb volunteered doing trail work and learning about invasive species and climate change at Mount Warner in Hadley and visited Israel with his family, giving tzedekah as he traveled while learning about social issues in Israel. As part of Caleb's Torah studies he choreographed an interpretive dance of his haftorah with Professor Paul Dennis of UMASS, Amherst. Mazel Tov to Caleb and his family Bar Mitzvah Highlight Eli Kayser-Hirsh Son of Jonathan Hirsh and Karin Kayser,Eli will be called to the Torah on the occasion of his bar mitzvah on Saturday, June 27, 2015/10 Tammuz 5775 reading from parshat Chukat. Eli is the brother of Alyssa, Katherine and Noah. He is the grandson of Jules & Julianne Hirsh and John & Joanne Kayser. Eli has been in JCA School for 7 years. Eli attends Amherst Regional Middle School. He enjoys music, English, Social Studies, basketball, baseball and golf. For one of his mitzvah projects, Eli collected sports equipment for children in need. Mazel Tov to Eli & his family Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Contact Karen Bell at 413-256-0160 ext. 207 or at for reservations and more information. The Black Sheep 79 Main St Amherst, MA 413-253-3442 delicatessen, bakery, cafe Fresh baked challah every Friday Holiday Menus New York Nova Lox N.Y. Bagels Baked Daily House-Made Whitefish Salad & Corned Beef Full Service Catering at the JCA or other locations Having fun with food since 1986 11 12 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 A Life Well Loved A film about Felice Yeskel, the founder and director for 20 years of the UMass Stonewall Center Thursday, June Tuesday, March 3, 711, p.m. 168 UMass Campus 7:00 pm Center A Life Well Loved chronicles the life of Felice Yeskel, from her early feminist roots, to her LGBT activism, to taking on classism in the U.S. The film moves through Felice’s life chronologically, quilting together various interviews of Felice, as well as others’ perspectives of Felice and her work. Free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible. Sponsored by the UMass Stonewall Center For more information: Presented by the (413) 545-4824 JCA Tikkun Olam Committee 13 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 JCA Hall Gallery The Visual Art Committee welcomes the work of Paula Gottlieb, May 4 through July 31. Paula Gottlieb will be showing a series of oil paintings which she has interpreted from old photos taken in the 1940's and 1950's of her family's New Jersey poultry farm. The paintings are documentation and memoir of a thriving community which virtually disappeared by the 1970's. From a personal perspective they honor the importance and uniqueness of this community and dispel the myth that Eastern European immigrant Jews were strictly urban while recognizing their contribution to early poultry farming in America. Paula has transformed the black and white photos into paint and color and in the process has recreated a period of time which is informed by her memory and intuition. Paula was born in 1947 in Neptune, New Jersey. She received a BFA degree from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and Rome and graduated from Indiana University, Bloomington with an MFA degree. She has lived in the hills of western Massachusetts since 1979. Paula teaches workshops, classes and retreats in painting and drawing at Greenfield Communi- ty College, IS183 Art School of the Berkshires, Snow Farm, the Deerfield Arts Bank and other schools and venues around New England. Her work is in many collections around the world. Her paintings can also be seen at R. Michelson Galleries in Northampton MA, at her Cummington studio and at The Deadline for the August Newsletter is July 12th All submissions MUST be made either by e-mail or e-mail with a file attached. If you do not have access to a computer or email, please contact the editor. PLEASE RESPECT THE DEADLINE! Thank you, Aaron Bousel, 253-3544 Stop and Shop Food Collection Shavuot Fruit Collection In late May and in June, in the spirit of bringing Bikkurim (First Fruits) on Shavuot, we ask for your donations to the annual JCA Shavuot Fruit Collection. The items collected, greatly appreciated but rarely contributed in food collections, will be distributed by the Survival Center to those in need in our community. Please place your non-perishable donations in the boxes as you enter the JCA. Even though Shavuot will have passed by the time you read this, we will still be collecting these items. Thank you! Suggestions: cans & jars of fruit, fruit juice, dried fruit, jam, jelly & fruit snacks CONGRATULATIONS!!! to those who helped make our April 23, 24 and 26 JCA food/money collection at the Stop & Shop the most productive in 10 years! 3,231 pounds of food and personal care items and $557 were collected and delivered to the Amherst Survival Center to help stock the Food Pantry for distribution to those in need. Many thanks to volunteers Aaron and Patience Bousel, Danielle Kadinoff, Hill Boss, Barbara Berlin, Irene Eigner, Esther Mercer, Kitty and Ken Talan, Elaine Walsh, Judith Souweine, Judi Fonsh, Ann Armon, Flo Stern, Nancy deProsse, Xander Smith, Michael Chernoff, Emily Mortimer, Hadar Grabel, Hollie Kalkstein, Harry, Levi and Eden Hahn, Fay Zipkowitz and Arnie Alper. JL Geriatric Services Full Scope Nursing and Life Enhancement Care Judith Loischild RN, MSN Director Home Care Services Nursing Facility Care 413 303 9434 14 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 ~Membership Committee Corner~ ~HAPPY SUMMER from The Membership Committee!~ Now is a great time to join the JCA Outing Club! Get in on the FUN! Join our JCA Outing Club List Serve. Invite others to join in on an outdoor activity via the list serve. This is a great way to be in touch with other JCA Nature Lovers! Subscribe by emailing: For more info, email Oran Kaufman: ~What is the best way to find community at our Shul? VOLUNTEER! This is what makes the JCA such an amazing place, and it’s fun! There are committees and tasks to fit every personality. You can volunteer once a year, monthly or more! Email volunteer coordinator, Jaymie Chernoff, and she can help you find the volunteer opportunity to fit your schedule and interests: ~New Member Shabbat and Havdalah Matchmaking! Would you like to host a new member for Shabbat dinner or Havdalah? Are you a new JCA member who would like to meet other members over Challah and wine? Email Ruth Kane-Levit: and let us know if you would like to host or be a guest. We will be the Shabbat Matchmakers! PLEASE HOLD THIS DATE for the next SENIOR LUNCHEON: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Please join the rabbi and members of the Chesed Committee for a fabulous meal and an entertaining and informative look at the earliest Jewish presence in Amherst. Some years ago, our own Frieda Howards and Hannah Zuckerman (May her memory be for a blessing) made a half hour “pseudo-documentary” entitled, “From Immigrant to Academic: The Jewish Experience in Amherst, 1900-1988.” Come see how our community began with a handful of Jews, and how it grew into the JCA. We are expecting that this will stir many memories and many stories that we can share with the rabbi and with each other about what Amherst was like when each of us arrived (and how it has changed from your perspective). If you’ve come to earlier luncheons, you know how delightful these gatherings have been. If you haven’t come yet, come and see for yourself. Whether you consider yourself a “senior,” or not, you are invited. To RSVP or for more information, call Judy Davis, 413 549 0128 or email Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 15 Compassionate Community Monthly Notes From The Chesed Committee Bikur Cholim – Visiting the Sick According to the rabbis, the three most important Jewish mitzvot are caring for the corpse, helping a poor couple marry, and visiting the sick. This last mitzvah is called Bikur Cholim. It is said that God was the first to have performed this mitzvah when he visited Abraham who was recovering from his (adult) circumcision. Therefore, we are told, that when we visit the sick, we are not only visiting as ourselves and as representatives of the community, but in fact, acting “in the image of God." Visiting the sick, the rabbis say, “adds life” to the one who is ill. Rabbi Weiner and the Chesed Committee are hoping that, as a community, we can increase our capacity for this compassionate practice of Bikur Cholim. Here are a few things we can all do: Check in with our neighbors and friends when they don’t show up in the usual places. Call and see if they are okay. Ask if they need help of some kind, and if they are sick, ask if they would like the rabbi to include them in his weekly prayer for health (the misheberach). Or call the JCA office to register concern, and someone from the Chesed Committee will call and check in on them. If we, ourselves, are in need of some help—a visit when we are homebound, a meal, a ride to a doctor, someone to pick up groceries, etc., call the office or a Chesed Committee member. Remember: It is a mitzvah to give another person the opportunity to do a mitzvah. Finally, if we are able, we should volunteer to be added to the Chesed Committee’s list of people who can be called on to make a visit, cook a meal, offer a ride, etc. Below Is A Description Of The Chesed Committee’s Role, And The Names Of Current Members. We meet at 7:15 p.m. on the first Monday of the month, usually. Please check with the JCA office to confirm our meeting time. Chesed Committee The Chesed Committee assists JCA members in times of joy, sorrow, and need, coordinating volunteers to help with meals, rides, errands, visits, shiva minyanim, etc. We also welcome babies to the community (see below). If you, someone in your family, or someone in the community is ill, hospitalized, or in need of assistance, please let us know right away. Even if no help is needed, it is important for us as a community to be aware of each other’s health and wellbeing. Although it sometimes feels awkward to share this kind of information, it is an important part of being “in community.” We can’t help if we don’t know. Please be part of the JCA’s growth as a “compassionate community.” Contact the office at 256-0160 or any of our current members: Amy Mittelman 256-0883 David Piech 253-7586 Ellen Middleton 253-3059 Hans Herda 549-1010 Judy Davis 549-0128 Kitty Talan 253-2248 Reed Alper 549-0438 Robin Diamond 253-0660 Susan Zarchin 256-0667 Celebrating Babies: Shalom Baby Baskets Know any new babies in the community? The JCA’s Chesed Committee and jcaTOTS have teamed up to welcome new babies into our community with a Shalom Baby Basket. Please contact us if you would like to receive a basket or know of families who would like one (JCA members or potential members). We will stop by with a basket, a meal, and a plate of goodies! To request a basket email or contact Ariella Schwell at 230-3694 or or Reed Alper at 549-0438 or Celebrating Marriages The Chesed Committee commemorates weddings in the JCA community with a card and something sweet. Please contact us through the JCA office if you know of a wedding in our community. Thank You, Volunteers! The Chesed Committee thanks all who have recently provided compassionate support to others in the community. In particular, thank you to Anna Robbins, Jill Kaufman, and Ariella Schwell, for preparing and delivering meals to members in need; to everyone who helped make meals, cards, and baby boxes on Mitzvah Day; and to Robin Diamond, Hans Herda, Diana Brewer, Esther Mercer, Aaron Bousel, Ruth Love Barer and many others for visits. And thanks, again, to everyone who has made a meal, provided a ride, lent a sympathetic ear, visited a person in need of companionship, or performed other acts of chesed (loving kindness). 16 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 Donations Condolences Adult Ed Martina Ravangan Madeline Berkowitz Patience Bousel Moira Clingman Judy Davis Alison Ellis Alan Goodman Phyllis Herda Jacqueline Katz Tamara Kupfer Patricia Levine Janice Levy Dorothy Pam David Piech Irving Seidman Susan Sherman Connie Songer Sarah Thomson James Wald Amanda Walling Jacqueline Levy We offer our sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those who have recently died: David A. Brooks, father of Betsy Brooks, father-in-law of Jon Machta, and grandfather of Rachel and Ben Machta New Members We warmly welcome the following people to the JCA community: Janet and Leonard Strauss General Fund In memory of Ruth Hecht and Lewis Hecht (Marilyn & Jeff Blaustein) In Memory of Ruth Lubinsky (Marian & Leonard Lubinsky) In memory of Rose Solomon (Marian & Leonard Lubinsky) In celebration of the marriage of Amelia Clingman & Darren Torres in Amherst on June 14, 2015 (Jackie Wolf & Barry Levy) Prayerbook Fund In memory of Irving Feldman (Alan Feldman) Rabbi Weiner wants to make sure the community knows he is available and eager to visit at home, or in the hospital, with people who are unwell or otherwise in need of some spiritual support. The important step is to make sure he knows you are in need! Please don't hesitate to contact him directly, or through the JCA office, if you would like a visit. Visual Arts Committee Randi Stein World Jewish Concerns In memory of David Brooks, father of Betsy Brooks and Father-in-law of Jonathan Machta (Alison & Richard Ellis) In memory of Ruth Slovin (Barbara & Ted Slovin) Choose our catering team to create a mitzvah! Our team of experienced caterers has a different take on special events! We donate 80% of our fee to Project Rehovot and 20% to the JCA We excel in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Jewish Cuisine! •we use high quality food for weddings, Bar and Bat mitzvahs, Garden Parties, Banquets and other events in your home or another location; attractive floral arrangments on every table For sample menus and price quotes contact Karen Loeb at: phone: 413-253-0336 Email: Pelham Auto Service Div. of Pelham Industrial Group Ltd. 1315 Federal St. Belchertown, Ma. 01007 413-253-9302 413-253-9811 FAX Foreign Car Repairs Since 1972 17 Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — June/July 2015 ts men e c n u o n n A y t i Commun Mak'hela at The Yiddish Book Center Sunday May 31, 2:00 pm The program will feature a diverse selection of Jewish choral music, including the third movement of Ernest Bloch’s Sacred Service (Avodath Hakodesh). In addition to the excerpts from Bloch’s Sacred Service, the concert program will include Eftakh Na Sefatay, a liturgical work by the 17th century Jewish-Italian composer Salamone Rossi (arranged by Joshua Jacobson); Adon Haselikhot, a traditional Sephardic hymn (also arranged by Jacobson); Oori, a new composition by Mak’hela member Rebecca Fisher; and several Hebrew and Yiddish melodies arranged by Dr. Ginsberg. Mature Couple Seeks July Housing In Amherst Responsible, neat and respectful couple seeks private Amherst apartment or home for July (all or part). Open to house/plant/pet sitting (can cover utili- ties). Renting a possibility too. Contact JCA member Madeleine Charney at or 549-5707. Gan Keshet (Rainbow Garden) Preschool Gan Keshet Jewish Community Preschool is accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. Schedule a visit; see our classrooms in action and meet our experienced staff. We offer: Part/ Full Day Options; flexible scheduling, Abundance Farm/Garden Based Activities, and a Summer Program. Ask about the HGF Right Start Grant- your family could be eligible to receive $1000-2000 towards your child’s tuition! We value diversity and welcome all families in the community. Contact our Director, Wendy Stein at 413-584-3593 ext. 204 or at For additional details, visit our webpage at or our Facebook page at: www.facebook. com/Gan.Keshet.Jewish.Community. Preschool. Meditation Group Thursday Morning “Lecha Dumiyah Tehillah”* Meditation Group Every Thursday in the CBI Library, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Led by Rabbi Nancy Flam Please know this is not an instructional group. Rather, each of us comes with our own silent meditation or prayer practice and draws strength and affirmation for our deep, inner work by being together in community. • Arrive & Settling In: 8:00 – 8:15 a.m. • Setting of Kavvanah/Teaching: 8:15 – 8:25 a.m. • Bell to begin silent meditation: 8:25 a.m. • Bell to end silent meditation: 8:55 a.m. * “To You silence is praise.” Psalm 65:2 (413) 253-5384 Patience Meigs Bousel, CTP, CSE, LMT Certi¿ed Trager® Practitioner, Clinical Somatic Educator, Licensed Massage Therapist PURVEYORS OF FINE WINE, LIQUORS, MICRO & SPECIALTY BEERS 42 Years of Service 338 COLLEGE ST. PO BOX 506 AMHERST, MA 01004 Experience peace and calm through deeply relaxing touch. Discover the joy of moving with freedom and ease. 413-218-7815 800 Main St., Amherst, MA Jewish Community of Amherst 742 Main Street Amherst, MA 01002 Return Service Requested ase o -D lay De R ia ter a dM le l-P ush t No Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Amherst, MA Permit No. 90 te Da June 6 Service and Kiddush Honoring Jody Rosenbloom June 7 Semi-Annual Meeting June 11 Senior Luncheon (see page 14) June 11 Film: A Life Well Loved (see page 12) July 25 Erev Tisha B'Av Service and Chanting of Lamentations
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