JCA Newsletter, 2015-01 - Jewish Community of Amherst

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Jewish Community of Amherst
Candle Lighting
January 2 ~ 4:11 pm
January 9 ~ 4:18 pm
January 16 ~ 4:26 pm
January 23 ~ 4:34 pm
January 30 ~ 4:43 pm
Times shown are 18 minutes
before sunset for Amherst, MA
Special Events
January 18
Israeli Film: Lost Islands
January 25
Camp Shemesh Reunion
January 7
Ritual Life Committee
School Committee
January 8
Board Meeting
January 9
Adult Ed Committee
B'nai Mitzvah
January 3
Abby & Matthew Seltzer
January 31
Maya & Samuel Laur
Message from Co-President
Bill Zimmer, 582-1810, wdzimmer@gmail.com
It’s rare that I’m surprised about how
things go at meetings, but I must confess that
I was very surprised about the discussion regarding our identity as a Reconstructionist
community that occurred at the Annual
The Board had voted unanimously, with
the support of the Rabbi, to recommend a
sentence in the preamble to the bylaws that
said “Religious and ritual practice is informed by the principles of Reconstructionist
Judaism.” We thought this was a straightforward and non-controversial affirmation of
our religious identity. And yet there were
a number of strong objections to that statement, and after an impassioned discussion, a
majority of those present voted against that
statement, in favor of a statement that simply acknowledged that the JCA was “affiliated with the Reconstructionist movement.”
I was, and am, perplexed about what the
objection to the proposed statement was
really about. After being served by three
Reconstructionist Rabbis over the past quarter century, and more than a decade after the
community made a knowing decision to affiliate with the Reconstructionist movement,
I was genuinely surprised that this could
generate the level of reactivity that it did.
What was this reactivity about? What underlies the discomfort on some people’s part
with acknowledging this commitment to the
principles of Reconstructionist Judaism?
What message should we take from this?
Two types of arguments were advanced
in opposition to the proposed statement. One
was that the affiliation decision was purely
a pragmatic one, not a principled one. And
while the original discussion about affiliation did, in fact, deal with pragmatic considerations (e.g., the inability to recruit a suitable Rabbi without affiliating, the greater
divisiveness of considering either the Reform or Conservative movements), it also
emphatically dealt with the positive appeal
Affiliated with the
Jewish Reconstructionist
January 2015
Tevet/Shevat 5775
Vol. 14, Issue No. 1
of the Reconstructionist movement, what it
stood for and what it meant. I was part of
that extended 18 month community dialogue, and it’s simply inaccurate to describe
the affiliation decision as only a pragmatic
The second claim, made by some of the
people who objected, was that they didn’t
really understand what being “informed by
the principles of Reconstructionist Judaism”
meant, and needed us to explicate that more
My response to that is two-fold.
First, I believe we have a magnificent
Reconstructionist Rabbi whose every word,
teaching and action reflects what it means to
have religious and ritual practice informed
by the principles of Reconstructionist Judaism. Second, I believe that educating ourselves about Reconstructionist Judaism is
the personal responsibility of every member
who chooses to participate in communal
decision-making, and wants to be part of an
informed dialogue about this issue. From
my perspective as a lay leader, I strongly
recommend that everyone interested in this
issue pick up a copy of Rebecca Alpert and
Jacob Staub’s updated edition of Exploring
Judaism: A Reconstructionist Approach.
It’s short, clearly written, informative, and
has the imprimatur of the Reconstructionist
movement, which publishes it. It was my personal introduction to the Reconstructionist
movement, and I’ve returned to it many
times. I highly recommend it. (Don’t start
with Kaplan!!)
I’m not being dismissive about the concerns; the Board genuinely wants to understand them better. We take seriously that
something about the proposed statement
was problematic for some people, and we
are committed to creating opportunities in
the year ahead to talk about this in more
continued on next page
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Jewish Community of Amherst, Inc.
742 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 256-0160, fax (413) 256-1588
Religious School (413) 256-0160 ext. 203
email: info@j-c-a.org; Online at: www.j-c-a.org
Rabbi Benjamin Weiner
Rabbi David Dunn Bauer (2003-2010)
Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg (1989-2002)
Rabbi Emeritus Yechiael Lander
Director of Lifelong Learning: Jody Rosenbloom (256-0160 ext. 203)
Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 10:30 - 4:00
Wednesday: 4:00 - 6:00 & Sunday 9:00 - 1:00
(When Religious School is in session)
Beit Shalom Committee
The Beit Shalom Committee is available to members of the JCA congregation
wishing assistance in addressing personal
differences that have arisen between individuals, among committees or with those
in leadership positions within the JCA.
The Committee will step in to help facilitate the resolving of conflicts only when
they cannot otherwise be successfully
resolved between the parties themselves
or through other existing JCA structures.
Communications with Beit Shalom members will be kept strictly confidential unless agreed upon differently by the participants.
Committee members are:
Josette Henschel: 213-0186
Rob Okun: 253-9372
Board of Directors
Co-Presidents: Guy Wood (802-387-5676)
Bill Zimmer (413-537-7827 )
First Vice President: Bob Solosko (413-527-0725)
Second Vice President: Michael Burkart (413-256-8139)
Clerk: To be determined
Treasurer: Jonathan Shefftz (413-256-1101)
Kitty Talan: 253-2248
Normand Berlin, Jaymie Chernoff, Richard Cohen, Robert Friedman,
Hans Herda, Amy Kroin, Eli Kwartler, Andra Rose, Flo Stern
Membership: Tobi Sznajderman (413-549-1795)
Administrative Director:
Karen Bell (256-0160 ext. 207, admindir@j-c-a.org)
Office Manager: Susan Thomas (256-0160, susan@j-c-a.org)
Administrative Assistants: Nora Mariano, Dan Reynolds (256-0160)
Facility Manager: Santo Alers (256-0160)
For information about using JCA space including
renting the Social Hall, contact:
Karen Bell (256-0160 ext. 207, admindir@j-c-a.org)
Have you checked out the
JCA Judaica Store lately?
Books by JCA members and
others, siddurim, chumashim,
tallitot, mezzuzot and many
lovely gift items.
You can shop whenever
the office is open
For a list of committee chairs and members, go to:
Please refer to your Guidebook for contact information.
(If you have not received your Guidebook, call the office.)
Editor/Graphic Designer: Aaron Bousel
(Voice: 253-3544, Voice & Fax: 253-3846; news@j-c-a.org)
Proofreader: Sarah Thomson
Deadline for the February issue is January 12th
January 2015, Vol. 14, Issue No. 1 Newsletter is published 11 times per year.
Subscription price is included in membership.
Co-President's column
continued from previous page
depth. We will be talking to the Rabbi
about how he can guide us in this discussion, and how he may wish to address the
issue from his vantage point.
I look forward to continuing this dialogue in the year ahead.
B’shalom, Bill
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Words from Rabbi Benjamin Weiner
Dear JCA,
In the weeks to come, you will be hearing more and more
about our plans for youth education at the JCA, following
the retirement of Jody Rosenbloom at the end of this school
year. Recently, the board approved a very exciting plan for
next steps, and I want to use my space this month to tell you
a little about it.
The plan that was approved was developed by a task force
that included me, Karen Bell (the JCA’s new administrative
director), and Jody herself, along with board members Andra
Rose and Amy Kroin, both of whom have significant experience with the education and school committees. We also ran
our work by both of these committees, prior to submitting it
to the board, and incorporated their input in editing the final
As we set about our work, we were guided by the notion
that what we were really trying to do was craft a transitional
model that could safeguard the great work that Jody has done
for us over the past 18 years in building a successful Hebrew
school, while at the same time expanding our capacity to explore new models. We also wanted to enhance our ability to
meet the long term goals of establishing a more coherent trajectory for youth education, from tots to teens, and a greater
sense of connectivity between kids, their families, and the life
of the JCA as a whole.
We recognized that with the arrival of Karen we now have
a professional, and incredibly competent, administrator who
can take on some of the managerial tasks that had devolved in
the past on to Jody. And I also acknowledged that I was eager
to make a focus on youth education a significant aspect of the
next phase of my spiritual leadership of the JCA. Given these
factors, it became clear to us that we had a strong supervisory
team already in place, and had the opportunity to experiment
with a team model going forward, rather than simply hiring
“another Jody” (as if such a thing were possible!)
Early on, we also saw that in Cara Michelle Silverberg the
JCA already has a very capable and dynamic young leader
in Jewish education—someone who has proven herself able
over the past few years to connect with a variety of age cohorts through creative and inspiring programming. Work has
already been ongoing to stabilize and formalize her position
here, and, to that, we decided it would be worth our while to
add a new dimension of responsibility.
At the same time, we realized that we need someone to
serve as the formal “head of school”—to oversee the dayto-day operations of the centerpiece of our program, such as
staff training, curricular implementation, disciplinary supervision, and interface with families.
So we proposed, and the board approved, a leadership tandem, featuring Cara as the JCA’s “programming specialist”,
with special focus on teen, tot, and family education, Camp
Shemesh, and other opportunities for informal education and
curricular enhancement (as well as a special portfolio with
regard to “greening” and stewardship initiatives) working in
conjunction with the “head of school”, a position for which
the job search is now getting underway. Karen Bell will serve
as the managerial supervisor of both positions, and I will be
the professional supervisor.
We are very excited about this model, and we hope you
will be too. The board has approved it as a budget neutral
proposition—meaning that we believe it can be done without
an expansion of the existing budget. (It will be returned to the
board for reconsideration if this proves not to be the case.)
Beyond that, it really does position us to go from strength
to strength: to safeguard the legacy of a beloved educator
while positioning ourselves to move forward into a new era
of meaningful engagement of the youngest members of our
Rabbi Weiner
Rabbi Liaison Committee
All congregants are encouraged to speak to members of
the committee about any concerns they may have that they
would like to be brought to the rabbi’s attention.
All information is shared only with the rabbi and the
committee and will be held in confidence.
The committee meets monthly with the rabbi.
The purpose of the Rabbi Liaison Committee is to support
and enhance the rabbi-congregational relationship by:
1. Serving as a channel to communicate comments,
issues and/or complaints from congregants who
would prefer not to contact the rabbi directly.
2. Meeting with the rabbi to help with processing and
thinking through issues or concerns that are raised
either by congregants or by the rabbi.
Aaron Bousel 253-3544, abousel@comcast.net
Barbara Burkart 256-8139, barbruth@comcast.net
Richard Cohen, 256-6145, ra_cohen@msn.com
Deb Fine 256-1572, zohar01@comcast.net
Amy Mittelman 256-0883, amGU@hampshire.edu
Ted Slovin 253-3518, tslovin@acad.umass.edu
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Ritual Life Committee
Yossi Bryer-Charette, Co-chair, 860-559-4926, pcharette@lightingaffiliates.com
Aaron Bousel, Co-chair, 413-253-3544, abousel@comcast.net
January 1, Thursday- Asarah B'Tevet
The 10th day of the month of Tevet marks the beginning of the
siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia, which
ended eighteen months later with the destruction of the First
Temple. Some observe this day by fasting from dawn until
Shabbat Vayeḥi, Genesis 47:28-50:26
January 2, Friday
5:30 PM
Intergenerational Family Service and concurrent Tot Shabbat
followed by vegetarian potluck supper.
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
January 3, Saturday
10:00 AM
B'nai Mitzvah: Abby & Matthew Seltzer
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
Divrei Torah: Abby & Matthew Seltzer
Shabbat Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1
January 9, Friday
6:15 PM
Farbrengen Friday
Service Leader: To be announced
January 10, Saturday
9:15 AM
Shabbat Yoga
10:00 AM
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
D’var Torah: Rabbi Weiner
Shabbat Va'era, Exodus 6:2-9:35
January 16, Friday
6:15 PM
Shabbat Ne'eemah
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
January 17, Saturday
10:00 AM
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
D’var Torah: Rabbi Weiner
January 21 Wednesday
Rosh Ḥodesh Shevat
Shabbat Bo Exodus 10:1-13:16
January 23, Friday
6:15 PM
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
January 24, Saturday
9:15 AM
Shabbat Yoga
10:00 AM
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
D’var Torah: Rabbi Weiner
Shabbat Shirah, Parashat Beshallaḥ
Exodus 13:17-17:16
January 30, Friday
6:15 PM
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
January 31, Saturday
10:00 AM
B'nai Mitzvah: Maya & Samuel Laur
Service Leader: Rabbi Weiner
Divrei Torah: Maya & Samuel Laur
Check the JCA website at:
for updated religion calendar information.
Prayerbook Fund
As we had a sufficient number of copies of
Maḥzor Lev Shalem for use during the High
Holidays, we are returning the focus of the
Prayerbook Fund to the purchase of the Etz
Ḥayim Chumash.
Donations of any amount are gratefully
accepted, however a minimum
donation of $65.00 is required for a book
dedication plate.
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Kiddush and Oneg
December 6The JCA Board in honor of
Karen Bell, and welcoming her
to the JCA community.
January 3Jim Seltzer and Holly Perry
in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah
of their children, Matthew and
January 17Family of Louis Greenbaum in
honor of his birthday
January 31Joe Laur and Sara Schley in
honor of the B'nai Mitzvah of
their children, Sam and Maya
If you would like to help
with or sponsor a kiddush,
please contact Karen Bell at:
Shacharit (morning)
The weekday
shacharit minyan
meets every Tuesday
at 7:30 am in the
small sanctuary.
Meditation Minyan
The weekday
minyan meets
every Wednesday
at 7:30 am in the
small sanctuary.
Ma'ariv (evening)
The weekday
ma'ariv minyan
meets every Thursday
at 5:30 pm in the
small sanctuary.
First Friday Evening Family Service
Please join us on the first Friday of the month at 5:30 pm for a brief child oriented service followed by a potluck supper. Although the service is geared towards young children, it
contains all the elements of a regular Friday evening service, including mourner’s kaddish.
People of all ages are encouraged to attend. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know each
other in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Shabbat Ne'eemah
This service, held on the third Friday of the month, features a small group of instrumental
and vocal musicians, our "musical daveners" who set the tone for a soul inspiring service
with the congregation joining in the singing and chanting.
Renewal Shabbat
Please join Sara Schley and Felicia Mednick Shabbat morning, Saturday, February 7,
at 10:00 AM in the small sanctuary at the JCA as we co-create a Renewal Shabbat: chanting,
contemplative prayer and Torah service. Though central to the experience, chanting is not
the goal of this practice, but rather a vehicle for accelerating our connection with the Divine.
We follow the structure of the Shabbat morning service including traditional prayers and
Torah. What is different is the use and experience of chanting, contemplation, and dialogue
to arrive, via a Jewish path, at sacred states of consciousness. We’re delighted to share this
time with you!
Torah Reading Co-ordination
If you are interested in reading Torah and would like
to schedule a time to read, please contact:
Randi Stein, 549-0526, randistein@earthlink.net, for reading in February.
Robert Friedman, robertofriedman@hotmail.com, for reading in March.
If you would like to learn to read Torah, would like help choosing or preparing a reading,
or would like to schedule a reading for a month when there is no designated coordinator,
please contact Batya Perman, 549-4853, batya1818@gmail.com.
Thank You To Volunteers
The Ritual Life committee would like to thank those who have given their time and expertise in service to the ritual life of the community:
• December Torah readers: Joseph Boucher, Aaron Bousel, Yossi Bryer-Charette,
Jayne Pearl, Elissa Rubinstein,Yosef Rumshiskiy, Rhonda Shapiro-Rieser,
Randi Stein
• Haftarah readers: Joseph Boucher, Ruth Love Barer
• Lay service leaders: Catherine Madsen, Felicia Mednick and Sara Schley
• D'var Torah givers: Joseph Boucher, Randi Stein
• Musicians: Shabbat Band
Chemical Sensitivities
A number of our members have allergies to perfumes, colognes and other fragrances.
Please try to minimize the use of these products when coming to the JCA.
Thank you.
Yahrzeit Reminder
We have been sending yahrzeit reminders to those who have placed memorial plaques
in the sanctuary, and who have requested the reminders. Please leave a message in the JCA
Office if you think you should be getting reminders but have not received them.
If you have a yarzheit coming up and would like to
have a weekday service, please let us know. Contact the
JCA office at 256-0160, info@j-c-a.org or Aaron Bousel
at 253-3544 abousel@comcast.net.
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Education News
Jody Rosenbloom, Director of Life Long Learning, 256-0160, ext. 203
As we enter the final semester of my career as a Jewish
supplementary school educator, I am getting nostalgic and reflective. So ask your indulgence as each month I share some
highlights – each of which adds to the joys of being a Jewish
educator and part of the JCA community.
• Mentoring teachers, teen advisors, and teaching assistants as they grow, e.g. Ezra Weinberg, Rachel
Zaslow, Eric Benau, Debra Leibson, Gamliel/Perlbinders, Lily Blain, Eli & Matt Cohen, Rachael Goren Watts, and Cara Michelle Silverberg to name a
• Collaborating with my colleagues in the region on programs – the bar was set high with the “Sweet Harvest”
& “Sweet Beginnings” festivals at the Yiddish Book
Center years ago.
• Small moments – like when students pitch in to take
out the garbage after a Shabbat program; a parent donates extra money towards helping out another student
or camper; a teacher tries a new activity and it takes
off, e.g. Keren’ Rhode’s Hebrew reading “on-line”
and Noah Slovin’s “Saba Sy” Skype conversation to
Florida to share memories about Martin Luther King.
• Talking with parents about the Jewish journey of their
family. And being able to nourish and enhance connections that build community for them.
• Working with hardworking committee members to develop policy and trouble shoot challenges. Past school
& education committee leadership, e.g. Jayne Pearl,
Stacy Tobin, Nina Tetenbaum, David Rabinovitz,
Amy Rothenberg, Tobi Sznajderman, Beth Eisenberg & Deborah Evans.
• When pulling together various committees, staff
and families to try something new that works better
than expected, e.g. Mitzvah Day – Thanks to Judith
Souweine, Reed Alper, the Flint Family, Marlene
Rachelle and many others.
Parent Teacher Conferences Scheduled for
Wednesday, January 28
At mid-year, we take time for reflection on how the year
is going. This process includes teachers writing progress reports, students evaluating their learning, and parents of children in grades 3-6 attending a parent-teacher conference.
Watch your mail for details of scheduling a conference time.
If anyone has any questions, concerns, or compliments, feel
free to contact a school committee member (Mara Hahn
– chair, Talya Kingston, Shari McDonald, Dana Parrot,
Holly Perry, Josh Polak, or Ted Trobaugh) or Jody Rosenbloom, Director of Lifelong Learning at 256-0160 X203.
In the Event of Inclement Weather
Just a reminder that the school phone line has the latest notification for weather cancellations pertaining to JCA school
programming. For weekends, a decision is made by 8 am and
weekdays by 2pm. If a snow emergency is declared, we do
not have school. If Amherst Public Schools cancel during the
week, we will not have school that day. Dial 256-0160 x203.
Thank-You To:
-All those helpers of the Hannukah Party. Special thanks
to Josh Polak for coordinating the event and Amy Epstein
for working with the 7th graders. Set up, clean up & food coordination: Joshua Polak, Dana Parrot, Av Harris, Mara
Kaplan Hahn, Shari McDonald, Sarah Cohen, Krista
Harper, Amy Sweeting, Talya Kingston, Rachel Siegel,
Rachel Flint, Peter Wood, Emily & Robert Boutilier,
Ruby Schmerling, Heather Davis, Laura Peltz Ginzberg,
and Bruce Klotz. Music: The JCA Kelzmer Group.
-Emily Bloch for leading the December parent discussion
Fri, Jan. 2 First Friday Family & Tot Shabbat Combination
Service followed by a potluck dinner.
Sat, Jan. 3 7th graders attend services as Matthew & Abby
Seltzer become b’nai mitzvah.
Sun, Jan. 4 Class for grades 1-6.
Wed, Jan. 7 School Committee 7:00 pm
Sun, Jan. 11 Shalom Sunday 10:00 -11:45 a.m.
Sat/Sun, No Classes-Martin Luther King Weekend
Jan. 17/18 Holiday
Wed, Jan. 28 No Class-Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sat, Jan. 31 7th graders attend services as Sam & Maya
Laur become b’nai mitzvah.
Sat, Feb. 7 Shabbat B’Yachad for all families.
Sun, Feb. 8 No JCA School (come on Sat. Feb. 7 instead)
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
JCA Teen Programming
Go to jcateens.eventbrite.com for details and to register for
Teva Torah and JV Corps.
Teva means ‘nature’ in Hebrew.
Now in its third year, Teva Torah
is a program for 7th—9th graders
that meets once per month
throughout the school year to
build community, practice earth
living skills, and learn about
nature-based Jewish traditions
and teachings. 10th graders may
inquire about Harim, our leadersin-training program.
Next Event: January 18-19
At our last event in December, we made
menorahs and Hannukah candles using fire by
friction tools and wilderness skills!
To register and for
more information:
Registration and payment
are required in advance
of program attendance.
Teva Torah takes place in Wendell, MA.
The program is led by Cara Michelle Silverberg
and other qualified staff. Families receive
monthly emails with details and reminders.
JV Corps
The Jewish Volunteer Corps for Teens
We need volunteers & chaperones!
Next date: January 15
JV Corps has helped at three dinners so far this year. Thank you so much to all the teens and parents
who have volunteered their time. The most recent group of volunteers DUHOLVWHGEHORZ.
The next two dates to sign up for are January 15 and February 12. Feel free to join us in helping out
the Amherst Survival Center serve dinner to those who are in need. You can sign up at our website
As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the JV Corps Coordinator Keren
Rhodes at jvcorps4teens@gmail.com.
Thanks to the December crew: Teens Sam Laur, Maya Laur,
Dan Siegelman, Sophie Kaplan-Bucciarelli, Noah Madowitz,
and Kailey Tobin (Madricha)
These programs are largely funded by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation Family & Teen Education Intiatives.
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Havurah K’tana will be meeƟng Saturday, January 24 from 4-6 pm to play, nosh,
and make Havdalah. Contact Rachael Goren-WaƩs at r.gorenwaƩs@gmail.com
for more informaƟon on Havurah.
January’s Tot Shabbat will take place on Friday, January 2, and will be led by the Rabbi.
As usual, the service starts at 5:45, with a potluck dinner to follow at 6:30 (vegetarian,
nut-free). February’s Tot Shabbat will be with Anna Sobel on Friday, February 6.
The JCA’s new Shabbat childcare program, available every Saturday
from 10 to 12:30 downstairs, will take a winter hiatus and will recommence
on Saturday of MarƟn Luther King, Jr. weekend, January 17.
Contact Anna Sobel at tots@j-c-a.org with any quesƟons
or if you’d like to be added to the JCA Tots list-serve.
Shabbat B’Yachad/ Shabbat Together
Family program for the whole community
Saturday morning, February 7, 2015
Please join us for the next Shabbat B’Yachad/ Shabbat Together for
Parashat Yitro. This is a great opportunity for the JCA community to
learn and have fun together! Please note: this is intended as a family
Shabbat and programming is intended for children, accompanied by a
parent or special adult. A nut-free & vegetarian potluck will follow
More informaƟon to follow!
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
B’nai Mitzvah Highlight
Abby Seltzer & Matthew Seltzer
Will be called to the Torah on the occasion
of becoming b’nai mitzvah on Saturday, January
3, 2015/12th of Tevet/5775, and will be reading
from parshat Vayechi. They are the children
of Jim Seltzer and Holly Perry and the grandchildren of Samuel Seltzer, Marilyn Spencer,
Mitchell Perry (deceased) & Elizabeth Perry
Matthew & Abby attend Williston
Northampton School and enjoy soccer, ultimate
Frisbee and reading. Matthew also enjoys math
and history, while Abby enjoys Chinese language and art. Both have attended JCA School
for seven years, creatively studied Hebrew and the weekly parsha, and in the summer attend Camp Young Judea. For their
mitzvah projects, Abby helped with the Purim carnival, sat shiva with her grandfather, made hamentashen and a tzedakah
box. Matthew went to the Yiddish Book Center exhibit on Jewish immigration, read the Jerusalem Post, made challah and
chose as part of his Shabbat observance, to not use his computer on Shabbat. They both marched for climate change in NYC
and raised money and awareness for multiple sclerosis.
Mazel Tov to Abby & Matthew and their family!
B’nai Mitzvah Highlight
Maya (Ma’ayan) Laur & Sam (Shmuel) Laur
ƒ Do you need to organize your life?
ƒ Get paperwork under control?
ƒ Clear some space?
ƒ Plan a move?
Will be called to the Torah on the occasion of becoming b’nai mitzvah on
Shabbat Shira - Saturday, January 31, 2015/11th of Shvat/5775, and will be reading
from parshat Beshallach. They are the children of Joe Laur & Sara Schley; siblings
of Melanie, Sean & Lauren; and the grandchildren of Joe (z”l) & Ruth Laur (z”l)
and Leonard & Harriet Schley.
Maya & Sam attend Four Rivers Charter Public School. Both have attended JCA
School since Shabbat Shalom/kindergarten and attended Camp Shemesh. Maya
also studied at the Lander Grinspoon Academy for four years. Both Maya and
Sam participate in JCA’s teen program, Teva Torah – which they help host at their
home in Wendall. Both Sam & Maya play ultimate Frisbee. Maya enjoys musical
theater, writing, running X-country, babysitting and travelling. Sam likes baseball, basketball, soccer, singing, and photography. Among their mitzvah projects,
Maya interviewed a Jewish elder and Sam wrote about his view of God. They both
marched for climate change in NYC and helped cook/serve a meal at the Amherst
Survival Center.
Mazel Tov to Maya & Sam and their family!
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tel 413.584.3098
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fax 413.584.0160
cell 413.427.2782
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Music: Jazz,Sephardic, Jewish, Country & More
Food: Middle Eastern Buffet following the concert
Plates of pita, falafel, humus, grapeleaves, Israeli salads @ $7; pizza slices @ $1.00; desserts @ $2
Performers: Jeff (Grammy Winner) & Dawning Holmes Jazz
Duo, Mak’hela Jewish Chorus of western MA, Cantor Elise
Barber & Friends, Old Time Band with Rabbi Weiner &
Henry the Juggler
When: Sunday, February 1, 3:30pm
The event will end in plenty of time to watch the Superbowl kickoff.
Tickets: $5 children & students; $10 everyone else
Concert Benefits Project Rehovot, helping children in Rehovot, Israel
Children in the Project Rehovot program in the Ma’alot Meshulam public
school pose with Vice Principal Esther Ha’Levy & their Teacher Tal Kahan.
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Thank You For Your Generous Donations To Project Rehovot
Reed and Arnie Alper
Christine Denison and Fred Bloom
Norman and Eva Brown
Diane Chajes in memory of Alex Chajes
Jules Chametzky in memory of Anne Halley Chametzky
Moira and Stephen Clingman
in honor of Allen and Judy Davis's 70th birthdays
Shelly and Ira Cohen in honor of Marilyn Kushick
Sarina Ergas and Allan Feldman
Scottie and Kent Faerber in honor of Marilyn Kushick
Arnold Friedmann
Marcia and Sheldon Goldman
in memory of Gerard Braunthal
Natalie Jarmon in memory of Hannah Zuckerman
Elinor Levine in honor of Karen Loeb
Susan and Pavel Machala
in memory of Milena and Jiri Brezina
Roger Magnus and Ariella Schwell
Lewis and Caden Mainzer
Naomi and Micha Pele
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potash
David Rabinovitz and Jordene Hale
in honor of Rabbi Ben Weiner
Linda and Dan Reif in honor of Gabriel Reif
Susan and James Richardson
David Rozman
Elissa Rubinstein in memory of Hannah Zuckerman
Barbara and Ted Slovin in memory of
Ruth and Harry Slovin and Sadie and Irving Teitelbaum
Dr Ruth and Mr. Howard Smith
Randi Stein in honor of my grandchildren, Eli and Teia
Jane Trigere
Ruth Wax
Rabbi Sheila Weinberg
Rabbi Benjamin Weiner in honor of Marilyn Kushick
Janet Klausmer-Wise and Jeremy Wise
Fay Zipkowitz in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of my
grandniece Sarah Yafa Zipkowitz
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Spring Adult Education
Tikkun Olam Committee
A Sampling of Spring Programs
Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Weiner.
Every Wednesday 12:15 – 1:15
Jewish Genealogy
The Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Boston
will be presenting a fascinating look into how to
trace your Jewish roots
Sing-Along with Funny Girl
Chanting Torah with Elise Barber. Back by
popular demand.
The Resurgence of European Antisemitism – a
panel discussion
“From Aging to Saging”
A series of workshops by Batya Perman on spiritual aging
Introduction to the Study of Jewish Texts
Rabbi Weiner will lead a four-session class based
around the major texts of Judaism
Mah Jongg
All levels from neophyte to maven are welcome.
More information will be forthcoming in the
Adult Education Spring Programs booklet.
JCA Annual Campaign
Membership dues constitute just 62
percent of the income we
need to preserve JCA as a vibrant
Your generous contribution to the
annual campaign enables us to balance
our budget and pay for staff salaries,
programs and building upkeep.
Donations are tax deductible, and you
may designate your gift in honor of a
loved one.
Please donate today at http://j-c-a.org/
If you prefer to pay by check, please
follow the instructions online.
Thank you for your support!
The Tikkun Olam Committee is charged with the
responsibility for distributing the Tzedakah funds that are
allocated by the JCA budget as well as donations that are
made throughout the year. Our committee met in November
and finalized the distribution taking into account input from
community members. We focused on local organizations
that our community has a relationship with as well as national and international organizations. This year we wanted
to give extra money to organizations fighting Ebola. Our list
of recipients for this year is:
Safe Passage
Arise for Social Justice
Literacy Project
Craig’s Doors
Amherst Survival Center
Not Bread Alone
Family Outreach
Soldier On
Doctors without Borders
International Rescue
American Jewish World
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
JCA Hall Gallery
Not Bread Alone
The Visual Art Committee welcomes the work of
Randi Stein for the months of November, December
and January. This will be her second exhibit at the JCA. \
Please join us in the Hall Gallery to meet with her and to
see her exciting new collages.
We are seeking JCA volunteers to work at Not Bread
Alone, our Amherst soup kitchen, where JCA has provided
volunteers for over 20 years.
Regular volunteers are needed : once a month, second
Sunday of the month, for either the cooking/prep shift (9:30
a.m. – Noon) or the clean-up shift (Noon – 2 p.m.).
If you are unable to make a regular monthly commitment, you can also serve as a sub, for those months when
you might be available.
If you are interested and/or would like more information,
please contact JCA coordinator at NBA, Devorah Jacobson
It’s a great opportunity for families to do together, Bar /
Bat Mitzvah students, seniors, singles, and everyone in our
Collages and Photographs by Randi Stein
Natalie Goldberg once said: "Painting is an underground river that feeds my writing life. " I seem to have
twin rivers--writing and painting-- each of which nourishes the other. And perhaps I can also say I have in me
a third river, perhaps the most important-- the well-- that
feeds the two: Judaism. This exhibit is one result of this
rich and deep well. During the last year I have been investigating the life of the Hebrew letters-- letters, which
according to Jewish legend, called the universe into being. I have invited the letters to speak to me, and have
let my hands respond to their speech with the media of
paper and paint. These collages are the result. I have also
included in the exhibit some images from the "Narcissus" series which preceded-- and brought into being-- the
first of the letters: Bet (Bereshit). As well, I have included
some photographs which may be the beginning of another series: Genesis. I hope you enjoy them!
The Deadline for the
February Newsletter
is January 12th
All submissions MUST be made either by e-mail
or e-mail with a file attached.
If you do not have access to a computer or email,
please contact the editor.
Thank you, Aaron Bousel,
news@j-c-a.org 253-3544
The Black Sheep
79 Main St Amherst, MA
413-253-3442 blacksheepdeli@gmail.com
delicatessen, bakery, cafe
Fresh baked challah every Friday
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Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
~Membership Committee Corner~
~JCA Outing Club!
Our Inaugural Event Is Set!
Hike/Ski at Mt. Warner Reservation
1 pm, January 1, New Years Day, 2015
Start the New Year off with a leisurely hike at the new Mt. Warner
Trustees of the Reservation property in North Hadley.
If there is snow, we can cross-country ski or snowshoe.
Please RSVP to Dan Price, drdanprice@hotmail.com 413-203-1643
Rain or other not so nice weather cancels. Contact me on the morning of
the first if the weather is questionable. Here is a link to directions:
~Join our JCA Outing Club List Serve!
This is the best way to be in touch with other JCA Nature Lovers!
Subscribe by emailing: jcaoutingclub-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
For more info, email Oran Kaufman: orankaufman@verizon.net
~What is the best way to find community at our Shul?
This is what makes the JCA such an amazing place, and it’s fun!
There are committees and tasks to fit every personality.
You can volunteer once a year, monthly or more!
Email volunteer coordinator, Jaymie Chernoff, and she can help you
find the perfect opportunity for you to connect with like-minded
volunteers: jaymiechernoff@yahoo.com
~New Member Shabbat and Havdalah Matchmaking!
Would you like to host a new member for Shabbat dinner or Havdalah?
Are you a new JCA member who would like to meet other members over
Challah and wine?
Email Ruth Kane-Levit: dblevit@crocker.com and let us know if you
would like to host or be a guest. We will be the Shabbat Matchmakers!
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Shemesh B’Choref:
Winter Reunion
Sunday, January 25
Glow Golf at the Hampshire Mall in Hadley, MA
COST: $10 per child, $5 per adult - includes golf and pizza
(parents welcome to just schmooze)
Hang with counselors from last summer ~ See old friends ~
Join a song session ~ Nosh at a pizza party!
RSVP to shemeshdirector@gmail.com to give
us a general headcount - greatly appreciated
but not required.
Details at www.j-c-a.org/shemesh.html.
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Dean’s Beans JCA Order Form 2014-2015
Order by: 11/2/14, 12/7/14, 1/4/15, 2/1/15, 3/1/15, 3/29/15, 4/26/15, 5/24/15, 6/28/15
Pick up: 11/6/14, 12/11/14, 1/9/15, 2/5/15, 3/5/15, 4/2/15, 5/29/15, 7/2/15
I have a child at the JCA School
E mail address:
This is a standing/prepaid order for
Whole/Ground Bean
JCA Regular *
JCA Regular *
Dark Roast*
Dark Roast*
JCA Decaf *
JCA Decaf *
Dark Roast Decaf*
Dark Roast Decaf*
Vanilla/Other flavor
Hazelnut Decaf
Hazelnut Decaf
Vanilla Decaf
Vanilla Decaf
Vanilla/Other flavor:
Dark Choc. Covered Beans
Checks to “JCA” with “coffee” in the memo
Total $
*The JCA blend is Moka Sumatra, JCA Decaf is Aztec 2 Step,
Dark Roast is Marrakesh, and Dark Roast Decaf is Peruvian French Roast
(Requests for other blends not listed above are $11.00/lb regular; $12.00/lb decaf )
Forms with payment may be dropped off at the JCA office or mailed to:
Jill Kaufman 323 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002
Contact Jill with questions: harris_kaufman@msn.com or 401-524-9270
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Compassionate Community
Monthly Notes From The Chesed Committee
Bikur Cholim – Visiting the Sick
According to the rabbis, the three most important Jewish mitzvot are caring for the corpse, helping a poor couple
marry, and visiting the sick. This last mitzvah is called Bikur
Cholim. It is said that God was the first to have performed
this mitzvah when he visited Abraham who was recovering
from his (adult) circumcision. Therefore, we are told, that
when we visit the sick, we are not only visiting as ourselves
and as representatives of the community, but in fact, acting
“in the image of God." Visiting the sick, the rabbis say, “adds
life” to the one who is ill.
Rabbi Weiner and the Chesed Committee are hoping that,
as a community, we can increase our capacity for this compassionate practice of Bikur Cholim.
Here are a few things we can all do:
Check in with our neighbors and friends when they don’t
show up in the usual places. Call and see if they are okay. Ask
if they need help of some kind, and if they are sick, ask if they
would like the rabbi to include them in his weekly prayer for
health (the misheberach).
Or call the JCA office to register concern, and someone
from the Chesed Committee will call and check in on them.
If we, ourselves, are in need of some help—a visit when
we are homebound, a meal, a ride to a doctor, someone to
pick up groceries, etc., call the office or a Chesed Committee
member. Remember: It is a mitzvah to give another person
the opportunity to do a mitzvah.
Finally, if we are able, we should volunteer to be added to
the Chesed Committee’s list of people who can be called on
to make a visit, cook a meal, offer a ride, etc.
Below Is A Description Of The Chesed
Committee’s Role, And The Names Of Current
We meet at 7:15 p.m. on the first Monday of the month,
usually. Please check with the JCA office to confirm our
meeting time.
Chesed Committee
The Chesed Committee assists JCA members in times of
joy, sorrow, and need, coordinating volunteers to help with
meals, rides, errands, visits, shiva minyanim, etc. We also
welcome babies to the community (see below).
If you, someone in your family, or someone in the community is ill, hospitalized, or in need of assistance, please let
us know right away. Even if no help is needed, it is important
for us as a community to be aware of each other’s health and
wellbeing. Although it sometimes feels awkward to share this
kind of information, it is an important part of being “in community.” We can’t help if we don’t know.
Please be part of the JCA’s growth as a “compassionate
Contact the office at 256-0160 or any of our current members:
Amy Mittelman
David Piech
Ellen Middleton
Hans Herda
Judy Davis
Kitty Talan
Reed Alper
Robin Diamond
Susan Myers
Susan Zarchin
Celebrating Babies: Shalom Baby Baskets
Know any new babies in the community? The JCA’s
Chesed and Membership Committees have teamed up with
Havurah K'tana (Little Friends Circle) to welcome new
babies into our community with a "Shalom Baby Basket."
Please contact us when you learn of families with a new baby
(JCA members or potential members). We will stop by with
a decorated basket containing a menorah, a PJ Library book,
a card made by children in the JCA Religious School, and, as
well, information about area Jewish resources for families.
We’ll also bring a meal and a plate of goodies! Please contact
Ariella Schwell (ariellachef@yahoo.com or 230-3694) or
Reed Alper (reedmangels@comcast.net or 549-0438).
Celebrating Marriages
The Chesed Committee commemorates weddings in the
JCA community with a card and something sweet. Please
contact us through the JCA office if you know of a wedding
in our community.
Thank You, Volunteers!
The Chesed Committee thanks all who have recently provided compassionate support to others in the community.
In particular, thank you to Kitty Talan, Anna Robbins,
Barbara Burkart, David Piech, Ellen Middleton, and
Marilyn Kushick for preparing and delivering meals to
members in need; to Judy Davis, Hans Herda, and Kitty
Talan for visits; and to Robin Diamond, Kitty Talan, and
Aaron Bousel for their help with a funeral service. Thanks
also to all the volunteers who helped at the blood drive.
And thanks, again, to everyone who has made a meal,
provided a ride, lent a sympathetic ear, visited a person in
need of companionship, or performed other acts of chesed
(loving kindness).
Another Successful Senior Luncheon
On Thursday November 13th, close to 25 seniors joined
Rabbi Weiner and members of the Chesed Committee for lunch
(prepared by our wonderful kitchen coordinator Rosemary
Spear) and conversation. Attendees watched excerpts from the
movie “Avalon” and talked about Thanksgiving traditions. We
look forward to hosting another gathering in the spring.
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Annual Giving
In memory of Melvin Charles Shefftz
(Andrea Newman & Jonathan Shefftz)
Jessica & Eric Wilkinson
Bob Solosko & Jeane Krogh
In honor of Florence Cohen on her 95th birthday
(Jeffrey Cohen & Lori Holder-Webb)
In memory of Joshua Clayton
(John Clayton & Sharon Dunn)
In memory of David Kroin (Amy Kroin & Robert Radin)
In honor of Richard Cohen, Painter (Phyllis & Hans Herda)
In honor of Rabbi Benjamin Weiner (Roslyn Heafitz)
In memory of Sydell Israel (Mark Israel & Joni Fraser)
In memory of Arnold Brainin & William Hutton
(Robert Brainin & Ruth Hutton)
In honor of Bill Zimmer & Guy Wood (Judith Souweine)
In honor of Andra Rose and all the work she does for the
JCA (Felicia Mednick)
In memory of Delia Rosel’s mother, Hannah Brundel
(Rona Chayah Conrad)
In honor of Beatrice Meyerson (Jane Brodwyn)
In memory of our parents & grandparents
(Marilyn & Jeff Blaustein)
Patience & Aaron Bousel
Karen & Michael Bell
Renee Spring & David Piech
Jackie Katz
Ronnie Williams & Suzanne Arnopolin
Janet Kannel
Amy & James Sweeting
Marsha & Bill Zimmer
Linda & David Reif
Cynthia & Joseph Gensheimer
In honor of Abby & Matthew Seltzer’s Bar & Bat Mitzvah
(Holly Perry & James Seltzer)
Ronnie Janoff-Bulman & Michael Shea Bulman
Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu
Marcia & Sheldon Goldman
Danielle Kadinoff
Janis & Steven Wolkenbreit
Barbara & Ted Slovin
Joan & Monroe Rabin
Anna Markus
Jana Silver & Aaron Kropf
Judith Loischild
Zahava Koren
Samuel Gladstone & Joyce Duncan
Normand & Barbara Berlin
Elissa & Bernard Rubinstein
Neta Bolozky
Guy Wood
James & Barbara Pistrang
Lewis & Caden Mainzer
Nancy Grossman
Eve Eisman
Eric & Jessica Wilkinson
Joy Ladin
Robert Horowitz & Catherine Nagle
Madeline Berkowitz
Diego Angarita Horowitz
Jose Cartagena-Ortiz
Jaymie & Michael Chernoff
Eva & Norman Brown
Yaldira & Michael Brown
Susan Myers
Stephanie Sandler & Austin Sarat
Jeanne & Robert Potash
Barbara & Gordon Freed
Karen Helfer & Richard Madowitz
Barbara & Michael Burkart
Reed & Arnie Alper
Carol Kaminsky
Randi Stein
Fay Zipkowitz
Robert Weitzman & Hollie Kalkstein
Elaine & Arnold Trehub
Judy Glaser & Robert Stern
Ariella Schwell & Roger Magnus
Flo Stern & Nancy DeProsse
Phil Weilerstein
Ruth Love Barer
Jane Brodwyn
Tamar Shadur
Hannah Blau
Connie & Charles Songer
Beverly & Steve Woolf
Amy Mittelman & Aaron Berman
Linda Sinapi
Amanda Walling & Boris Wolfson
Moira & Stephen Clingman
Yaffa & Haim Gunner
Natalie Jarmon
Susan Mosler & Alan Peterfreund
Sarah Cohen & Joshua Polak
Linda & Irv Seidman
Sigrid & Bob Pollin
Dana & Ed Parrot
In honor of Camilla Brewer (Diana & Sara Brewer)
In memory of Irving Howards (Freida Howards)
Eliza Gouverneur & Richard Cohen
Rachael & Molly Goren-Watts
Childrens Scholarship Fund
Dana & Ed Parrot
In memory of Tara Michelle Katzner (Ruth Katzner)
General Fund
In memory of Harriette (Hannah) Zuckerman (Joy Ladin)
In honor of Judy & Allen Davis
continued on next page
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
continued from previous page
(Lisa Perlbinder & Tom Porter)
In honor of Joan Saperstan’s 70th birthday
(Eva & Norman Brown)
Mazel Tov on Joan Saperstan’s 70th Birthday
(Richard Stein)
Shemariah Blum-Evitts & Robert Friedman
Thank you to the JCA for your service to the Jewish
Community (Susan & Richard Knapp)
In memory of Norman J & Eileen Bergman (Joy Bergman)
Carole & Leslie May
In honor of the birth of Eli Kwartler & Barbara Jenkin’s
great-grandson (Judy Glaser & Robert Stern)
Karen Sheingold
High Holiday Fund
Thank you for the welcoming place to go on the High Holy
Days (Judith Finman)
Harry Levit
Rabbi Discretionary Fund
In honor of our nephew, Efraim Weinbarber.
Happy Chanukah! (Rayna & Isaac Weiner)
For The New Music Fund In Honor Of Joan Saperstan’s
Judith Souweine
Virginia & Edward Brewer
Josette Henschel
Deliah Rosel
Patience & Aaron Bousel
Amy Mittelman & Aaron Berman
Deborah & Larry Fine
Jackie Katz
Linda Sinapi
Ann Armon & Len Huber
Susan Zarchin
Robin & Ted Diamond
Jaymie & Michael Chernoff
Andrea Ange DiBenedetto
Margaret Mastrangelo & Devorah Jacobson
Joan & Monroe Rabin
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielson
Barbara & Ted Slovin
Randi Stein
Richard Stein
Judy Davis
Judy Glaser & Robert Stern
Barbara & Michael Burkart
Esther Mercer
We offer our sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the
families and friends of those who have recently died:
Harriette (Hannah) Zuckerman. Hannah was a beloved
member of the JCA who in recent years had relocated to
Maine, to be closer to family. We offer our condolences
to her children, Myra Zuckerman, Linda Gliedman, and
Jonathan Zuckerman, along with their families.
New Members
Rabbi Weiner wants to make sure the
community knows he is available and eager to
visit at home, or in the hospital, with people who
are unwell or otherwise in need of some spiritual support. The important step is to make sure
he knows you are in need! Please don't hesitate
to contact him directly, or through the JCA office, if you would like a visit.
We warmly welcome the following people to the JCA
Lee Jennings & Eric Sommers
(413) 253-5384
Patience Meigs Bousel, CTP, CSE, LMT
Certi¿ed Trager® Practitioner, Clinical Somatic Educator, Licensed Massage Therapist
42 Years of Service
PO BOX 506
Experience peace and calm
through deeply relaxing touch.
Discover the joy of moving
with freedom and ease.
800 Main St., Amherst, MA
Jewish Community of Amherst Newsletter — January 2015
Gan Keshet (Rainbow Garden)
Gan Keshet Jewish Community Preschool is accepting applications for the
2015-16 school year. Schedule a visit;
see our classrooms in action and meet
our experienced staff. We offer: Part/
Full Day Options; flexible scheduling,
Abundance Farm/Garden Based Activities, and a Summer Program. Ask about
the HGF Right Start Grant- your family
could be eligible to receive $1000-2000
towards your child’s tuition! We value
diversity and welcome all families in
the community. Contact our Director,
Wendy Stein at 413-584-3593 ext. 204
or at gan.keshet@cbi.northampton.org.
For additional details, visit our webpage at www.cbinorthampton.org or
our Facebook page at: www.facebook.
Meditation Group
Thursday Morning “Lecha Dumiyah
Tehillah”* Meditation Group
Every Thursday in the CBI Library,
from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
Led by Rabbi Nancy Flam
Please know this is not an instructional group. Rather, each of us comes
with our own silent meditation or prayer
practice and draws strength and affirma-
tion for our deep, inner work by being
together in community.
• Arrive & Settling In:
8:00 – 8:15 a.m.
• Setting of Kavvanah/Teaching:
8:15 – 8:25 a.m.
• Bell to begin silent meditation:
8:25 a.m.
• Bell to end silent meditation:
8:55 a.m.
* “To You silence is praise.”
Psalm 65:2
Room Needed by Retired Woman
Professor/Psychotherapist, JCA
Member's Mother.
My mother is planning to relocate to
the Amherst area on, or soon as possible
after July 1, 2015. She plays Bridge, is
highly active in the community, and has
volunteered as a teacher at the Amherst
Senior Center. She is a noted public
speaker and educator, and published author. For the last few years, she has been
spending summers here, and has local
references. She is on the waiting list
for the Clark House in Amherst. Until
it becomes available, she is in need of a
room to rent, private bath preferred, in
a house or condo in the Amherst area,
with kitchen and living room privileges,
use of washer/dryer, parking space for
car, no pets, no smoking. My Mom does
not require Kosher, but she is comfort-
able with it, having been brought up
Orthodox in Bangor, Maine, and attending Cheder for all her school years. She
was a guest faculty at Hebrew Union
College, and gave the graduating class
Keynote Address one year there. She
also gave a Seminar at Jewish Theological Seminary called “Ethics for
Rabbis.” My Mom was a “lay rabbi”
in Manhattan, leading a Chavurah for
several years, formed at a liberal Conservative congregation. Her Chavurah
raised funds for the synagogue through
Musicales and Art shows which she
organized. My Mom is a spiritual, caring, outgoing, quiet, friendly, helpful
woman, beloved by us and our son. We
live in a small two bedroom, one bathroom home with our young son. Please
call Rachel at home: 413-253-1295 evenings or weekends, leave a message, or
email:rasr86@mac.com. You can call
my mother directly at: (954) 426-6612,
or e-mail her at_DrSchwab@bellsouth.
net. Her name is Charlotte Schwab.
Thank you very much. Rachel Schwab
Rehorka and Gary Rehorka, JCA Members
Community announcements should be brief and
of interest to the local Jewish community. Announcements will be listed as
space permits.
Choose our catering team
to create a mitzvah!
Our team of experienced caterers
has a different take on special
We donate 80% of our fee to
Project Rehovot and 20% to the JCA
We excel in Middle Eastern,
Mediterranean and Jewish
•we use high quality food for weddings, Bar
and Bat mitzvahs, Garden Parties, Banquets
and other events in your home or another
location; attractive floral arrangments on
every table
For sample menus and price quotes
contact Karen Loeb at:
phone: 413-253-0336
Email: kloeb@comcast.net
Pelham Auto Service
Div. of Pelham Industrial Group Ltd.
1315 Federal St.
Belchertown, Ma. 01007
413-253-9811 FAX
Foreign Car Repairs Since 1972
Jewish Community of Amherst
742 Main Street
Amherst, MA 01002
Return Service Requested
January 18
Israeli Film: Lost Islands (see page 11)
January 25
Camp Shemesh Reunion (see page 15
February 1
Concert for Project Rehovot (see page 10)
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Amherst, MA
Permit No. 90