HINDU TEMPLE SOCIETY of Lehigh Valley 4200 Airport Road, Allentown, PA 18109 Ph: (610) 264-2810 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2014 Volume 27, Issue 10 Om asato maa sadgamaya, tamaso maa jyotirgamaya, mrtyormaa amrtam gamaya.....Om Saantih,Saantih,Saantih * TEMPLE PROGRAMS ALMANAC (Panchang) Every Tuesday 11:00 AM Jain Samuhik Samayik Every Tuesday 7:15 PM Hanuman Chalisa & Sri Ram Amritvani Recitation Every Thursday 7:30 PM Gita Study Group. See page 6 for details. Every Friday 7:00 PM Vishnu Sahasranamam chanting Every Saturday 9:30 AM Gita Study Group. See page 6 for details. Every first Saturday 10:30 AM-12:00 PM Senior Citizens Meeting Every Sunday 8:45 AM-10:00 AM Yoga Class (See page 6 for details) Oct 3, Friday 6:00 PM Deepam Puja Oct 3, Friday Oct 4, Saturday 8:00 PM Navaratri Garba at Temple Oct 4, Saturday 11:00 AM—1:00 PM Kirtan Langar (see page 5 for details) Oct 5, Sunday Oct 19, Sunday 10:00 AM—1:00 PM Balvihar Oct 5, Sunday 7:00 PM Pradosha Puja Oct 5, Sunday 4:00 PM Navratri Havan (see page 11 for details) Oct 7, Tuesday 6:30 PM Pournima Satyanarayan Puja Oct 9, Thursday— Oct 12, Sunday 8:00 PM—9:30 PM Lecture on jainisam by Tarala ben Doshi Oct 11, Saturday 4:00 PM Karva Chauth Oct 11, Saturday Oct 12, Sunday 10:00 AM Durga Puja Celebration (see page 3 for details) Oct 20, Monday 7:00 PM Pradosha Puja Oct 21, Tuesday— Oct 24, Friday 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Jain Puja Oct 23, Thursday 6:30 PM Diwali Puja Celebration (see page 4 for details) Oct 24, Friday 10 AM– 1:00 PM Snatra Puja Oct 26, Sunday 3:00 PM Sunder Kanda Path recitation Sept 30-Oct 8: Ayambil Oli Oct 4: Ekadasi Oct 5: Pradosham Oct 8: Pournima Oct 11: Sankatahara Chaturthi Oct 19: Ekadasi Oct 20: Pradosham Oct 21: Masa Sivaratri Oct 22: Naraka Chaturthi Oct 23: Deepavali/Amavasya Oct 24: Gujarati New Year Oct 27: Chaturthi FORTHCOMING PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS November 15th Mata-ki-Chowki TEMPLE TIMINGS Priests: Acharya Anil Kumar Shukla and Sri. Shyam Prasad Kannadaguli—Cell: (610) 709 7787 Monday - Friday : 10:00 AM - 12:05 PM Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Daily Aarti Timings: 10.00 AM & 7:30 PM 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Please contact the editor at 610. 868.3771 or send e-mail to htseditor@gmail.com by the 10th of each month to publish in the following newsletter. Any emails received after the 10h cannot be published in the following month For further details, please see next page. 1 TEMPLE ADMINISTRATION Executive Council An Important Announcement In order to reduce expenses, The Hindu Temple Society has decided NOT to mail Annual Reports. If you are a paid member of HTS, and would like to receive an electronic copy of the annual reports (2010 and 2011), please email Mr. Raman Malhotra at ritumoni@ptd.net. !!NO PARKING ON THE CURB!! Note the yellow “no parking” lines next to the curbside of the temple. Violations will be strictly enforced by the local police. **No Eating in the Temple Sanctorum** Only small quantity of dry Prasad is allowed in the temple sanctorum. No plates and cutlery allowed. Please exit out of the temple sanctorum into the main lobby area to eat more Prasad. Please refrain from bringing unused items from your home and leaving it at the temple in boxes Advertisement in the News Letter Full Page(7.5” x 10”) $ 150 Half Page (7.5” x 5”) $ 100 Quarter Page (3.5” x 5”) $ 50 Temple Tax ID #23-2064729 Please e-mail your ad (in WORD / PUBLISHER ONLY) AS PER THE ABOVE GUIDELINES to the editor htseditor@gmail.com, and send the check payment (made out to Hindu Temple Society) directly to the temple address. Please enter the purpose of the check in the memo field. RENTAL AND OTHER CHARGES FOR THE TEMPLE (EFFECTIVE FROM AUGUST 2014) MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS Main Level, Lower Level & Kitchen (6 hrs.): $500 $600 Main Temple Hall (up to 4 hrs.) $200 $300 Lower Level & Kitchen (6 hrs.): $350 $450 Lower Level without kitchen (6 hrs.): (Fri,Sat,Sun) $250 $350 Lower Level without kitchen (6 hrs..): (Mon-Thu) (Except Holidays) $150 $250 Kitchen only ( 6hrs): $150 $250 Upper Level, Krishna Room (2 hrs or less) $15 $25 Upper Level, Yamuna Room (2 hrs or less) $15 $25 Upper Level, Ganga Room (2hrs or less) $25 $35 Lower Level, Stage Only (2 hrs or less) $25 $35 A refundable deposit of $100 is required. Each additional hour is $50/hour. Use of the audio system in the temple: $50 $75 *** Audio system must be operated by a qualified person only. *** Chair - Each Table - Each $0.50 $5 $0.60 $6 President: Subash Asnani 610-530-0389 Vice-President: Atul Dalal 610-395-3375 Secretary: Pratix Parikh 610-360-3217 Treasurer: Narayanan Soundrarajan 484-619-9984 Program Director: Shaila Shah 610-706-3233 Editor: Srini Ranganna 610-868-3771 Balvihar Director: Ashok Khandelwal 610-351-0071 Balvihar Asst. Dir.: Jitesh Rohatgi 610-758-8391 Community Relations Director: Surender Dayal 610706-4584 Webmaster: Anand Chavan 610-762-0041 Members-at-large Hammi Kapoor 610-504-1774 Joita Bhattachrya 732-247-0441 Raj Kuppuswamy 610-481-8919 Rajul Shah 610-868-0586 Sougata Roy 610-866-2151 Susheer Gandotra 570-620-6219 Program Committee Jyoti Asnani 610-530-0389 Rasna Patel 732-648-4918 Rimmi Dawar 610-261-2050 Sukanti Sahoo 570-668-0811 Vandana Negandhi 610-530-7918 Editorial Committee Amita Pallod 610-336-0633 Nivedita Kannadaguli 610-709-7787 Umadevi Ranganna 610-868-3771 Treasurer Committee Kamacharulu V Ramoju 678-779-1606 Board of Trustees Chairman: Raman Malhotra 610-433-8221 Vice Chairman: Neela Bera 610-861-0560 Secretary: Rajesh Jain: 610-398-1095 Finance Committee & Projects & Planning Committee: Vikas Joshi 610-398-8840 Chandra Swaminathan 610-481-9528 Audit Committee: Parveen Gupta 610-366-1618 Education Committee: Kamlesh Ashar 610-366-7257 Membership and Community Relations: Irawathy Chalikonda 610-867-8236 Members: Kris Kapoor 610-868-9305 Manoj Mittal 610-762-6360 Ex-Officio Member: Subash Asnani 610-530-0389 Publication Identification Title: HTS News Letter Issue Date: Monthly / October 2014 Issue No: Volume:27 ; Issue # 10 Published by: Hindu Temple Society, 4200 Airport Road, Allentown, PA 18109 Visit “www.hindutempleallentown.org” for CURRENT newsletter, donation and other information 2 Durga Puja On Saturday, October 11th All are cordially invited to the Durga Puja celebrations on Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12 at the Hindu Temple Society, 4200 North Airport Rd, Allentown, PA 18109 Puja Schedule: Saturday, October 11 Sunday, October 12 10:00 AM: Puja 1:30 PM: Prasad/Lunch 6:00 PM: Dinner 8:00 PM: Cultural Program 11:00 AM: Puja 1:30 PM: Prasad/Lunch 1:30 PM: Havan 3:00 PM: Sindur Khela 4:00 PM: Bisharjan and Bijoya Contact: Gautam Santra: 610-554-7368 Arup Mukherjee 610-317-6385 3 DIWALI PUJA On Thursday, October 23rd HTS Executive Committee invites you to come and participate in DIWALI PUJA at 6.30 p.m. at The Allentown Hindu Temple To sponsor Diwali Puja, Please call Shyam Prasadji at 610-709-7787 or e-mail your request to: president@hindutempleallentown.org OR vicepresident@hindutempleallentown.org OR progdirector@hindutempleallentown.org 4 Ladies Group Gita Class KIRTAN-LANGER Gita class held for ladies every Wednesday at the Temple. On October 4th, Saturday Time: 10:00 am-11:30 am Kirtan and Bhajans by Harpal Singhji in the Allentown Temple Contact: Kumkum Mathur From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Followed by Langar Phone: 610-861-5123 For information please call Email address: beaufort23@rcn.com Rimmi Dawar at: 610-554-5491 A Voice of Reason Hans R. Sharma, MBA, CFP Independent Certified Financial Planner, Registered Investment Advisor and Notary Public, Specializes in Retirement Income Planning for certainty of income during retirement, building and preserving wealth. President, CEO - Sharma Associates, Inc. Registered Investment Advisory Company, 124 Scarlet Drive, Conshohocken, PA 19428 Contact information: Please call: 610-828-8253 or Email: hans@sharmah.com Please visit our Website: www.sharmah.com Are you completely happy and comfortable with the financial advice you have been getting? Can you see the wisdom of at least seeking a second opinion at this time? 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Securities are offered through: Resource Horizons Group, L.L.C, Member FINRA/SIPC, 1350 Church Street, Marietta, GA 30060 Phone: 770319-1970--Fax: 770-319-1676 - Investment Advisory Services are offered through: Sharma Associates, Inc. 5 TEMPLE BULLETIN BOARD BHAGAVAD GITA TEMPLE VICHAR GROUP BULLETIN BOARD GITA HOME STUDY CLASSES Classes on Gita and Vedanta are held every Saturday, 9:30am to 11:00 in Krishna Room. Text: BHAGAVAD GITA Home Study Program Designed by Swami Dayanandji of Arsha Vidya Gurukulum Everybody is welcome to join any time. More info please contact: Purshottam Ghai (Chapter-2) Organized by Prakash Kutagolla every Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. For more info please contact: Prakash Kutagolla at Kutagolla@hotmail.com or Phone: 610-691-5759 at plghai@yahoo.com or Phone: 610-398-1510 YOGA CLASSES Yoga, Pranayama, Chakra balancing and Meditation Class Yoga class is held every Sunday from 8:45am to 10:00am in the Ganga Room The class focuses on simple postures, pranayama, chakra balancing and meditation. Every one is welcome to join. There is a small charge for the class payable to the Hindu Temple. For more information contact either Hammi Kapoor at kapoor5@yahoo.com Phone:610-504-1774 or Atul Thakur at atulthakur7@gmail.com Phone: 610-360-2024 6 THANK YOU The Executive Committee of the Hindu Temple appreciates community participation in the Temple programs and thanks all the families who have sponsored various Pujas in the month of September. Special thanks to sponsors of Ganesh Festival pujas. A big thank you to Mayuri Indian Cuisine for sponsoring visarjan day lunch for the community. 7 8 9 IAALV 2014 ANNUAL DIWALI CELEBRATION - TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE! Tickets are selling fast – make sure you don't miss out! Dear Esteemed Members of Our Community: Please note that IAALV Diwali is on Saturday, Nov 8, 2014. Here are the particulars: Venue: Springhouse Middle School, 1200 Springhouse Rd, Allentown, PA 18104 Celebration Timing: 4:30-6:30PM - Cultural Program by well-known local Dance & Music Schools 6:30-8:30 PM - Indian Vegetarian Dinner catered by famous restaurants 8:30-11:30PM - Professional Program consisting of different songs, dances including Bollywood, Bhangra Note: Please note that the theme for 2014 cultural program is…Fusion – Indian and Western. TICKETS ARE ON SALE: To get the best seats*, please buy tickets early and do not forget that 2014 paid members get one free ticket. Please take advantage of this unique IAALV offering by becoming a member by Sunday, Oct 19, 2014. Visit www.iaalv.org/join to learn more about IAALV membership. You may buy your tickets at the following locations. We will accept cash or checks. IAALV Website: http://www.iaalv.org/tix or send your request with details to tix@iaalv.org At Hindu Temple Society: Only on Sunday Oct 5, Sunday Oct 19, from 2:00PM to 5:00PM. @ HTS, 4200 Airport Rd, Allentown, PA 18109 Note: Call 610-966-5057 to confirm the timing At the Venue: Saturday Nov 8, from 4:00 PM onwards If you need further clarifications, please send e-mail to diwali@iaalv.org. We will get back to you promptly. DONATIONS: Team IAALV gets involved in various community projects such as Meals on Wheels, Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Shoe Drive for Homeless, Smartphone drive for troops, Food Drives, Highway Cleanup and so on and so forth. We use the Diwali celebration as a fundraiser. These projects cannot be accomplished without your support and generosity. You can support IAALV, by being a donor or by simply becoming a 2014 member. If interested, please send email to diwali@iaalv.org. We will get back to you promptly. See you at the event! Team IAALV Note: * We make the best effort to provide best seats in the house on first come first serve basis. 10 Navratri Havan On Sunday, October 5th Navratri Havan in Hindu Temple at 4:00 p.m. sponsored by Singh family followed by dinner. DIWALI BAZAAR 2014 PICTURES 11 The Hindu Temple Society 4200 Airport Road, Allentown, PA 18109 (610) 264-2810 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED...... 2014 HTS Upcoming Events Mark your calendar for these grand HTS events and look out for further updates in the HTS email blasts and the newsletter. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Lehigh Valley, PA Permit No.22 OCTOBER 3, 4 - GARBA OCTOBER 3 - DEEPAM (VALLUKU) PUJA OCTOBER 11 - KARVA CHAUTH OCTOBER 10,11,12 - DURGA PUJA OCTOBER 23 - DIWALI PUJA NOVEMBER 15 - MATA KI CHOWKI DECEMBER - HTS ANNIVERSARY DAY DECEMBER - TIRUPPAVAI (610) 264-2810 12
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