UIYI TY... FAITH, EXCELLENCE,,SER HOmn BUUETIN Liaing our Story -Discerning God's Plan is Unity's VICE October 2,201.4 chapel theme this year. But God demonstrates His own loae for us in this: while lue Trrere still sinners, Christ died for zs. Romans 5:8 Our theme for the month of September has been Living Our Story - A Story of Love. In chapel, we recognized that our stories are those of love - the love that our Creator Father has for each of us, His children. This love was demonstrated through the sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus Christ. We have been created to love God above all, and to love each other, building each other up in Christ. It is our prayer that the love of Christ will bind us together in perfect Unity. Our theme for the month of October is: A Story of Forgiveness. 1. 'PARENT CONNECT'i, Unity', parent portal for viewing student information. By logging into the Parent Connect website, you may view student data items such as current course grades, daily schedule, transcript, attendance, etc. You should note that what you are viewing on the initial page after logging in is not a daily schedule, but rather a list of email addresses of your student's teachers. To view a schedule, click on the appropriate tab on the left. The web address for Parent Connect is: https://SSl3.schooloffice.com/unitv/parentconnect/. For your convenience, a link to this URL is nrovided under the "Academics" tab on Unity's website www.unitychristian.orq. If you have a problem or have forgotten your Parent Connect "Login ID" or "Password", call Tudv Mulder at 669-1820 or email her at imulder@unitvchristian.orq. Inside This Issue Chapel Parent Connect Student Directory Transportation Student Council Service Opportunities Science Olympiad Senior Pictures Yearbook Sigting Music Program Page I Page I Page2 Page2 Page2 Page2 Page Page Page Page 3 3 3 3 Band Orchestra Fall Musical Guidance Info. Falf Sports Update Physicals & Tryouts Coaching Opportunity 'SaderFest Spirit Store Senior All-Nighter Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 4 4 4 Prayer 20l4ll5 Alumni in Mission 5 Unity Business 6 6 7 RequestedAnnouncements PageT PageT Page 7 Moms In PACE Drive Revive Calendar Directory Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 8 8 8 9 9 l0 II 12 October Prayer Calendar Musical Patron Letter and Patron Ticket Order Form Enclosure 2. UNITY'S STUDENT DIRECTORY FOR 2014-2015: The Student Directory was sent electronically on September 30. If you did not receive the email and would like an electronic copy or if you are unable to print a hard copy, please call ]udy Mulder in Unity's office at 669-1820 or email imulder@unitychristian.org. J. PLEASE SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE WHEN YOU VISIT UNITY: When you visit Unity to see teachers, counselors, students, etc., please stop in the office and see lrrdy. Mulder. If you are granted permission to be in the building, she will have you sign in and issue you a Visitor Pass to wear during your visit. 4. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION FOR UNITY STUDENTS WHO RIDE I{UDSONVTLLE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUSES: No Hudsonville Public busing: Wednesday, Novemb er 26* Monday, February 2 *In the morning, sfudents w.ho normally ride Hudsonville Public buses need to provide their own transportation to school. Unity buses will provide transportation home. Unity buses will run as normal. 5. STUDENT COUNCIL: This year's Student Council is made up of 1"8 members from the sophomore through senior class. The officers are Hailey Bouwmary Presidenf Mikayla Geers, Vice PresidenU Presley Scholteru Treasurer; and Abby VanWienen, Secretary. Mr. Chris Achterhof and Mr. Mark TeSlaa are the faculty advisors. 6. UNITY STUDENT SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: We are off to another great start for our student involvement with service projects! Our theme again this year is "service without expecting anything in return." A lot of sfudents have stepped forward and are willing to give of their time to help others. We have many different agencies now asking if our students are available because of the work they have done for other organizations. There are plenty of opportunities for our students to get involved with a wide range of different activities. This allows students to find things that challenge them and help others at the same time. Some service projects we have done already and are scheduled to do include: Crossroads Bible Institute Woman at Risk Bingo Night at Degage Ministries Comprenew God continues to bless us with opportunities to serve and expect nothing in return. 7. SCIENCE OLYMPIAD TEAM: Unity students will once again be competirg in the Michigan Science Olympiad. The regional competition will be held on March 28,2015, at Grand Valley State University. There are a variety of events which are intended to attract sfudents with diverse interests. We are looking for students who are interested in science and engineering. Some of the events stress reasoning and problem solving ability, while others involve building things like bridges, planes, and vehicles. will have an informational meeting with students in the next few weeks. Our season will officially start in early December. We will be meeting at school on Mondays from We 2:45 -4:45 p.m. Please encourage your son or daughter to become involved. Unity's team is coached by Mrs. Jen Koning and Mr. Brian Mast. If you or someone you know is interested in assisting by helping the team prepare for their events, please contact Brian Mast at 669-1820. 8. SENIOR PICTURES: Yearbook 2015 o o The deadline for senior pictures and baby pictures for the 2015 yearbook is December'L,, 2014. We can accept one of the wallet photos students hand out to friends. Please be sure that it is at least a waist or higher photo. We cannot accept horizontal pictures. Please drop off pictures together (senior picture and baby picture) to the office in an envelope by December '/-., or email in jpeg format to Jeanne Arends at arends@unitychristian. org. Questions? Please contact Mrs. Arends at school (669-1820). i 9, YEARBOOK SIGNING PARTY: Students who attended Unity during the 201,31201,4 school year are encouraged to pick up their 20L4 yearbook at the Yearbook Signing Parfy! New Date & Time: The signing party will be held on Wednesday, Novembet 26,2074, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. in Unity's north gym. 10. THE MUSIC PROGRAM: Unity has five choirs, two bands, and two orchestras meeting daily involving over 400 students! You are invited to hear each of the groups perform at the following concerts in October: * The Band/Orchestra Fall Concert will be held on Tuesday, October 14,7:30 p.m., at Fair Haven Ministries in Hudsonville. {. The Choral Concert will be held on Thursday, October 75,7:30 p.ffi., at Fair Haven Ministries in Hudsonville. 11,. BAND: The bands will be marching in the Hudsonville Holiday Parade on Saturday, November 22. Come support the band as they march down 32"d Avenue in Hudsonville! Band uniforms have been sent home for most students. Please make sure that their uniforms are home and fit well. Our annual Fall Music Concert is Tuesday, October 1,4 and concert. Please plan to bring a finger-food dessert to share. 12. it is our "Dessert Medley" ORCHESTRA: We are off to a great start for the new school year. We are preparing for an exciting year and looking forward to all our performances this year. Orchestra Uniforms have been sent home (with a few that have to be ordered). Please make sure that everything fifs your student well and they have their uniforms at home with them. Our annual Fall Music Concert (Dessert Medley) will be held on October 1..4,201.4 at Fair Haven Ministries. We will be joined by the bands and have our annual desserts afterwards. Please plan on bringing a finger-food dessert to share with others. Also, please mark your calendars in advance for our Christmas Concert. This year the Christmas Concert will be on Wednesday, December LQ at St. Cecilia Music Society in downtown Grand Rapids. St. Cecilia is an outstanding hall to play in and we are delighted to be able to perform there again this year. 13. FALL MUSICAL - OKLAIIOMA: Unity Christian is proud to present the musical, Oklahoma, this fall under the direction of Mrs. Ashton Foreman. Performances are scheduled at the Zeeland East High School's DeWitt Auditorium on November 20,2\, and22, at Z:00 p.m. This Rodgers and Hammerstein classic takes place in the late L800's in the Oklahoma Territory. It is fu1l of exciting dances, funny music, and silly characters that will be sure to leave you laughing. You have an opportunity to become a PATRON of the Musical by returning the enclosed Patron Form by Octobet 77,2014. t-- 1.4. UNITY DIRECTIONS. AND DUE DATES FROM THE GUIDANCE STAFF: Mr. Bill Postma - Director of Instruction Mrs. Julie Essebaggers - Mddle Sdrools; Intemational Students Mr. Randy Heethuis - Counselor, (A - K) Mr. Dan Sanders - Counselor, (L - Z) Mrs. Cyndi Post - Specialist in leaming disabilities Freshmen: Counselors will be meeting with freshmen to explain the services available to them through the Guidance Office. Counselors have also been meeting with freshmen on a student or teacher request basis. Sophomores: Juniors have until Wednesday, October 8, to sign up for the PSAT (see information about the PSAT under "]uniors"). On Thursday, October 9, sophomores will be allowed to sign up for the PSAT until all seats are filled. Although any sophomore may sign up for the PSAT, those with a 3.5 or higher GPA are especially encouraged to take the test. Iuniors: Juniors will be taking the PSAT, which is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Competition. This test will be given on Wednesday, October L6, during morning classes. Students should sign up in the office. Cost is $14. The PSAT is a great practice test for the juniors who will be taking the ACT or SAT later this spring. Seniors: Seniors are currently meeting individually with counselors to review credits for graduation and the work they need to do in order to get ready for life after high school. This work involves career ideas, jobs, college applications, and scholarship/financial aid applications. Seniors have been given a packet with information on all of these areas. Scholarship opportunities can be researched using resources available in the Media Center and Guidance Office. These resources include various internet sites; internet site references are included in the information packet seniors were given. A good place to begin is www.fastweb.com. Additional information is also made known to students through the daily Student Bulletin. Below is a sample of scholarships currently being offered: o American Legion Scholarships o Central Michigan University Centralis Scholarship o Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship o Hugh and Eve Meeter Calvinism Award (Scholarship) o MHSAA - Farm Bureau Insurance Scholar-Athlete Scholarship o Michigan Tech Scholarship Program o Northern Michigan lJniversity Presidential Scholars Competition o SAE Engineering Scholarship o MSPE Engineering Scholarship o Sam Walton Community Scholarship Student college applications are pouring in to counselors. Students planning on applying to Grand Valley, Michigan State, and University of Michigan have been encouraged to set aoDlications done as soon as possible. 15. FALL SPORTS UPDATE (as of Cross 1"0/2/L4) 2 2-2 Country Boys Girls 2 Placed 4th, th, and 5s at invitationals Placed 4*, 5*, and 6ft at invitationals - Finished 2"d in the District Competition and qualified for the Regional Meet. Equestrians Football Varsity 2-3 ry 4-1 Freshmen 1. -2 Golf - Girls Varsity 2 - g Placed 10th & 126 atinvitationals. League Meet finishes 2nd, /nd,6th, sth, 5th, 5th ry 2-3 I Soccer - Boys Swimming Tennis 13-0-3 ry Freshmen 2-9 -2 - Boys 15 1. 2-5 - - Girls Volleyball 1,6. Varsity Varsity lV 1 3 6 -1, L 8 - 3- 4 1,0 - 6 Freshmen 9 - 10 Varsity ry 3 - Placed 4s and L't at invitationals Placed 4ft at an invitational Placed L't at an invitational Placed 6h,9h, & ls at invitationals Placed fnd(. lst at invitationals Placed 6s at an invitational PHYSICALS AND WINTER SPORTS TRYOUTS: Remember - if your son or daughter is planning to try out for a winter sport and has not yet turned in a physical to the office dated after April 15,20'1.4, he/she must do so in order to be allowed to participate in practice or tryouts. The first date for tryout/practices for winter sports is: Hockey (cooperative program with Hudsonville H.S.) November 3 November L0 Girls Basketball Boys Basketbalf Bowling, Wrestling November L7 Boys Swimming (cooperative program with Hudsonville H.S.) November 24 17. COACHING POSITION OPENING: Unity is currently accepting applications for the position of freshman baseball head coach. Unity is looking for an individual who wishes to mentor young people in their walk with the Lord while providing leadership in organizing and overseeing the freshman baseball program. All qualified individuals should contact feff Engbers at 6691820. 18. The ANNUAL 'SADERFEST Athletic Fundraiser was held on Saturday, September 27. It was again a tremendous success and a great way to celebrate athletics at Unity. Totals are not available yet as pledges are still coming in. Funds raised help the Athletic Boosters reach the $90,000 needed to assist towards the athletic budget this year. Special thanks go to AAA Turf, Coit Avenue Builders, Flame Center, FreedomNet Solutions, Fusion Properties, Hudsonville Dental Associates, Gerrit's Appliance, Health Care Associates, Kerkstra Precast, Redstone Builders, Royal Sheet Metal, Starlite Kitchens & Baths, and Tom Montsma Builders, Inc. for sponsoring'SaderFest. Many volunteers assisted with organizing this event along with preparing the brunch. Thank you, volunteers. Thank you for participating - raising funds, eating the food, and making donations. We are having a great time working together to have "Educational Excellence in a Christian Community" inUnity Athletics. 19. UNITY'S SPIRIT STORE: Open Wednesdays,2:30 P.m. - 3:15 p.m. This year's first SADER SALE will be held Saturday, November 12:00 p.m.in the south gym lobby. 1,5, from 9:00 a.m. - We have some awesome new merchandise arriving just prior to the sale. Sizes are limited, so shop early...think Christmas gifts!! Cash, check, or credit cards 20. will be accepted. SENIOR ALL.NIGHTER: Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered their time so far with donut sales and the upcoming pie-making day! Thank you also for sending in your volunteer form. If you haven't done so yet, we will still take them! Please send the volunteer form in or email us at unityseniors20L5@gmail.com. Key card books are being sold in the office for $25 through the month of December 21.. MOMS IN PRAYER: It's never too late to join Unity's Moms In Prayer group! We meet in Room 64, at 8:00 a.m. each Friday morning for an hour. For more information, call Deb Gaffner at 6694383. 22. UNITY'S PACE DRM 2014/152 PACE 20L4/L5: A Community of Faith Prooiding Afforilable Christian eilucation for ALL. - Committed to UC students are encouraged to be followers of |esus Christ and learn how to be Christian leaders serving our God. Thuy ARE Unity. Your gift to PACE ensures that ALL UC students receive a Christian education. \Mhen people like you say "yes" to PACE, the students of Unity - your sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, nieces, nephews all benefit. The PACE 2014-15 Drive begins on Octobet 21.,2014. Once again we will parbrer with ]. Milito & Associates in contacting the Unity community on behalf of the students and families of Unity, Giving to PACE helps to keep tuition affordable for all and provides tuition assistance so that no'btudent will be prohibited by finances in receiving a Christcentered education. PACE provides $200,000 to grants-in-aid to all students, reducing tuition by $297 per student, and $200,000 to tuition assistance based on a family's financial application. Your gift to PACE says, "Yes! I believe Christian education is the key to growing the faith of our children and helping them discover how they can serve Christ in our world." When the call comes, please say YES to PACE, 23. COMING SOON...ALUMNI IN MISSION: As a new feature in the Tidings" alumni news, we want to identify and support the alumni who are serving in missions across the world as well as in this country. If you know of UC alumni who are working on the mission fields, please submit their name(s) and any information on their mission. We will be holding these people up in prayer as they work to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Contact the Unify Christian Development Office at 662-40'J.1., or email the information to development@unitvchristian.org. 24. UNITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY: As a business, organization, and/or a parent of a Unity Christian High School student, you support Unity - either through event or scholarship sponsorship, as a UC patron of the Education Foundatiory PACE, the Building Unity campaign, or through tuition - and we want yOU to be included in the UC Business Directory - at no cost to you! This directorv is available on the UC website at www.unitvchristian.ore under the "Development" tab. We encourage Unity families to support and utilize the local businesses and services listed. (Printed copies are available upon request.) If you would like your business or organization listed, please contact the Development Office at development@unitychristian.org or call 662-4011, BY December 1. (If you are already listed, please visit the website to view your current listing to make sure it is still correct.) Please indicate: n r n Correct listing of the business/organization name, address & phone Contact name Category or type of"business We hope to see YOUR company listed in the UC Business Directory for 2015! 25. REVIVE; Revive is sponsored by Unity Christian High School for the benefit of all the Eastern Ottawa Christian Schools (Allendale, Borculo, Hudsonville, Jenisory Lamont, and Unity). The money raised is distributed to these schools to help keep tuition affordable by reducing tuition costs. Recently, Revive distributedfi'J.48,120 to the EOCS. Since Revive's opening, it has given the schools a total of $455,490! Thank you for blessing Revive through your prayers, donations, and patronage. It is because of you that Revive can be a blessing to our schools. The Revive Resale store is seeking a new part-time assistant manager. This position requires approximately L0 hours a week (evenings and some Saturdays, with additional hours over Christmas, spring break, and summer break). A job description and application may be picked up at the Revive Resale store or emailed to you. Contact Darlene VanKempery Revive's Store Director, at (616) 662-3375 or revive@unitychristian.org. Resumes with completed applications must be turned it by November 1". Revive Fashion Show: Enjoy an evening out with fun, fashiory and flare! Revive will be presenting a fall fashion show at Hillcrest CRC on Tuesday, October 28, at 7pm, with refreshments following. Flyers are available in the school office to share with family, friends, and neighbors. Purchase your $5 tickets at Revive or at school. Questions? Call Revive at662-3375. 26. REOUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS: . Winning at Home is excited to announce a new event, Strollers to Scooters, led by Dan Seaborn on Friday, October 10, at Engedi Church (7L0 Chicago Drive, Holland). Tickets are $10 and must be purchased in advance either online (www.winningathome.com) or by calling ]ulie (616-772-1733). This event is for parents only, no childcare is provided. Copies of Dan's newly-released book will be given at no charge to parents the night of the event. o Jenison Christian's 2"d Hand Sale is coming soon! Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 1L, from 9-11am to get some great items for your kids. Half-off sale is from 11:30 - L2:00. Plan to come and shop for some clothes, winter gear, toys, and baby items. o A golf fundraiser to financially support the family of Steve Roon, who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, is being planned for Saturday, October 1-8, at Diamond Springs Golf Course (3400 34ft Street, Hamilton). The golf scramble is $75 per person ($a0 of which is donated..to the "Steve Roon Benefit Fund") and includes L8 holes of golf with a cart, range balls, lunch, and prizes. For more information, to sign up to golf, or to sponsor this evenf please call Bob at269-751-4545 or 6'1.6-337-6918. o First jenison CRC (8360 Cottonwood Drive, ]enison) will be showing the movie God's Not Dead on Sunday, October 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. o The Annual Jenison Christian School Fall Fest will be held on Saturday. November 1, 9:00 am-3:00 pm at the school, 7726 Graceland Dr. (off Baldwin west of 2gttr;. It's free admission. Lunch will be available. . If you are called to youth ministry and feel strongly about helping kids strengthen their faith walk, then we might be the church you are looking for. Caledonia Christian Reformed Church is a growing congregation with a thriving youth population. As a church we seek to lead people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, deeper fellowship, and fruitful service. We are looking for a hardworking, inspirational person to lead our middle and high school students, empower our volunteers, and partner with our parents. This is a full-time position. If you are interested, please visit our website at www.caledoniacrc.org. l0 I 27. CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. & DECEMBER: Friday, October 3 Taste & U'11C Tailgater Dance, will begin after football game and end at 11:30 p.m.in South Friday, October L0 Tuesday, October Gy- Blood Drive 14 Band/Orchestra Dessert Medle/, Fair Haven Ministries,T:30 p.m. Thursday, October 16 Choir Concert, Fair Haven Ministries, 7:30 p.m. Thurs./Fri., Oct. 23 &24 CEA Convention Monday, October 27 Thursday, October Friday, October Thurs. - Parentfleacher Conferences, 6:30 30 9:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Parentfleacher Conf., L0:30 a.m.-1,2:30 p.m. No school for students 20-22 Musical - Oklahoma Zeeland East High School DeWitt Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. 22 Holiday Parade - Bands &28 Thanksgiving Vacation Saturday, November Thurs./Fri., Nov. 27 - Parentffeacher Conference+ 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. & 6:30 12:20 p.m. dismissal for students 3L Sat. Nov. - No school for students Wednesday, December Thursday, December 3 4 Adam's Park Christmas Party Band Concert, Fair Haven Ministries, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. L0 Orchestra Concert, St. Cecilia Music Society, 7:30 p.m. Friday, December L2 Blood Drive Monday, December L5 Wednesday,Dec.24 Fri., January 2 Monday, January 6 Choir Concert, Fair Haven Ministries, 7:30 p.m. Christmas Break School Resume 1l 0 ti() t'lrr .x o x l [+ t 5 I 3'Z H: ri>\ ET &to I6i (! .:i 5€ 9r i ;-E s l& .,9X-r 6i oJrJ 3g T; ':i=.aUt: 6>-99 O. 5E 6ti ili y 9*-o.6 +J O- o fr:8"#* -E q€a EL.E* -c-g U a > -Yofaq (g +iA 3 F la F 8*v nt 9pd; F i U t \E Hre \ tJ ri ss' N (n o. oTrJ J NT b't e\ s3 Hi\ uh' ,\* N \Jan t) Y A -\ A r./ I .i + U >' -L U L b& Q di oj o aoE.6i .r€ r::d U F[i "v PJqc -6 .e8X -i -**-l Ig.=.:6x eY l'S pF s,g E !E SdtT sO t lz,, 5* >\E;"fi'Eu a5_88ifr ..€h@+y N6Kii-dd.g E N i $ c14 UD- -)& r-.t b.i bI' e O r -ti# x= Q u--o n Y.ESfiB (i'i!T.r t ta * H gi O.€ -i H s{ Es€€ hhg \g '" E c) a2 o;A 5 . 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I tsJz 6 <E; -c =r-! > Y 3 A \d b F,3; (ir .: €{,) &E* T hr b .r. s EE 8 ' E !.d Ei tr 5:€i 9g.E:t 9Pd6'l u(E €.. i i! o>' (iu ^!^ ii' st*i FX!i s !: \\ F $$' fq s:g$!, s t*i$* $!{Ei l'Rt \'B {s i gt I * Uvlr Y... retr*, EXCELTENCE, sERv rcn StudentCampus . 3487 OakSireet, Hudsonville,Ml 49426 ph, (616) 669-1820 . Fax (616) 669-5760 DevelopmentOffice . 5S40plazaAvenue ph.(61 6t 662-4011 . Fax (616) 662-4006 . Hudsonville,Ml49426 October 2,201.4 Dear Friends of Unity, This is your invitation to reserve Thursday, Friday, or Safurday, November 20-22, and join us as Unify Christian presents the romantic musical comedy Oklahoma. Al performances will take place at Zeeland High School Auditorium on the corner of Riley and 96'h Avenue, and will begin at 7pm. The production involves an onstage cast of 55+ sfudents, a pit, and many additional devoted students and adults. This Rodgers and Hammerstein classic is full of exciting dances, fu*y music, and silly characters, and takes place in the late 1"800's in the Oklahoma Territory. You have an opportunity to become a PATRON OF THE MUSICAL by returning the enclosed Patron Form by October 17,201.4. "Patron Ticket" holders will be given priority seating and will be assigned in the order received until the deadline of Friday, October 17. Following this, all additional ticket orders will be filled in the order received. Patron ticket orders will be filled from the following sections on a first-come, first-served basis: Lower level front half, Upper wings - right and left, Balcony rows 1, &,2, If you wish to order tickets in addition to your patron tickets, please use the "Additional Tickets" line on the patron form. Also, use the "Additional Tickets" line to order general $5 admission tickets. Please indicate on the form anyone who requires handicapped or wheelchair accessible seating. Please enclose payment for all tickets ordered. We will mail your patron order tickets the week of October 20. Refurn the ticket form as soon as possible for best selection of seats. If you are not ordering patron tickets, your request will be filled in the order received beginning on the first day of general tickets sales, which is November 10. Thank you for your past, present, and the Lord willing, fufure support. Sincerely, Ashton Foremar; Director 13 OKLAHOMA MUSICAL PATRON/ADDITIONAL TICKET FORM Phone: Name CitylZip: Address: PATRON ORDERS ONLY: Name as it should appeff on the program: (lll20) THURSDAY FRIDAY (rt/2r) SAruRDAY (tt/22) # of tickets + + x $10: total + + (office use only) FILLED ADDITIONAL TICKETS: THURSDAY (tv20) FRIDAY (tyzt) # of tickets + + : + + x $5 total SAruRDAY (n/22) (ofrice use only) FILLED Total Tickets: Total Cost: $ t] Check if anyone requires handicap/wheelchair seating Are there any other special needs that we should know about: Patron ticket orders will be filled from the following sections on a first-come, first-served basis: Lower level front half, Upper wings - right and left, Balcony rows I & 2. **Tickets ordered with this form are non-refundable** t4
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