Statistic with Aviation Applications Math 211 Mode of Delivery ʹ Eaglevision Classroom Course Syllabus Credit Hours: 3 Credits Academic Term: Term 2282: 20 October 2014 - 21 December 2014 Meetings: Tue/ Thurs 18:00-21:00 21, 23, 28, 30 Oct; 4, 6, 18, 20, 25 Nov; 2, 4, 9, 11, 16 Dec Location: Ramstein/Kapaun, Aviano Instructor: Dr. R. Kuseski Office Hours: Before and after class or by appointment Telephone: Phone: 49--‐(0)6371--‐51163 E-mail: (EVC) Course Description: This course is a study of basic descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include types of data, sampling techniques, measures of central tendency and dispersion, elementary probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and simple linear regression. Lecture hours per week (4: 45). Prerequisite(s): MATH 111 or MATH 140 Course Goals: Enable students to select and apply appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical techniques to analyze varying types of data, to defend the rationale for selection of the techniques, and to effectively communicate results of their analyses. Learning Outcomes: Alignment with Worldwide College of Arts & Sciences general education program outcomes is indicated in parentheses. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to do the following: Ver. 12/11 1 1. Construct, compute, and use appropriate graphical displays and numerical measures to make accurate conclusions about data. (PO 2 & 7) 2. Identify various discrete and continuous probability distributions, identify skewness and symmetry in a distribution, and compute appropriate parameters and probabilities associated with probability distributions including sampling distributions. (PO 2 & 7) 3. Explain the importance of randomness in sampling, select and apply appropriate sampling techniques. (PO 2 & 7) 4. Select and apply appropriate procedures to estimate parameters and test claims about parameters. (PO 2 & 7) 5. Given a set of data, choose appropriate software, use the software to analyze the data, and accurately interpret the output from the software. (PO 2 & 7) 6. Communicate the results of statistical analyses in a clear and concise manner. (PO 2 & 7) 7. Be a critical consumer of statistics presented by the media and other sources. Accurately interpret the statistics presented, identify ways in which they might be subject to misinterpretation either intentional or unintentional, and apply ethics to the interpretation and presentation of statistics. (PO 2 & 7) 8. Apply the concepts addressed in the course to problem solving including problems related to aviation/aerospace. (PO 2 & 7) List of Program Outcomes for General Education of Arts and Sciences PO1 --‐ Apply knowledge of college level mathematics to defining and solving problems; PO2 --‐ Apply statistical methods in the analysis and interpretation of data for the purpose of drawing valid conclusions relating to the solutions of problems; PO3 --‐ Communicate ideas in written form in both technical and non--‐technical areas; PO4 --‐ Communicate ideas in non--‐written form, such as through oral presentations or visual media; PO5 --‐ Recognize the importance of professional, ethical and social responsibility; PO6 --‐ Understand the natural world, to include the impact of the environment on aerospace operations and aerospace operations on the environment, as well as everyday life and professional experiences; PO7 --‐ Use digitally--‐enabled technology to organize and manipulate data, perform calculations, aid in solving problems, and communicate solutions, ideas, and concepts; PO8 --‐ Use scientific information in critical thinking and decision--‐making processes; PO9 --‐ Function on multi--‐cultural and/or multi--‐disciplinary teams; PO10 --‐ Apply economic principles to identify, formulate, and solve problems within professional and personal environments; PO11 --‐ Identify and participate in professional and personal development activities through organizations and self--‐directed learning; PO12 --‐ Understand contemporary issues in society PO13 --‐ Recognize the complexity and diversity of the human experience, including cultural, aesthetic, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual dimensions; PO14 --‐ Conduct and report research in accordance with professional standards. Ver. 12/11 2 Required Course Materials: Text : I nt roductor y statistics: E xplor ing the wor ld th rough data bundled with M S L ( M M L ) and Stat C r unch, 1st Edition, Gould, Robert & Ryan, Colleen, 2013, Pearson//Prentice Hall ISBN: 978-1269995054 -or-978-1256634270-(Custom) -or- 978-0321869524 Suggested Supplemental Materials: Good scientific calculator. Grading: MyStatLab Assignments (9) 15% StatCrunch Reports (3) 20% MyStatLab Quizzes (6) 12% Course t-Test Project 24% Participation/Discussion Board 8% Final Exam Part I 8% Final Exam Part II 13% Total UNDERGRADUATE: Score 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 Below 60 100% Grade A (Superior) B (Above Average) C (Average) D (Below Average) F (Failure) Library: The Jack R. Hunt Library, located on the Daytona Beach Campus, is the primary library for all Worldwide Campus students. Web: Phone: (800) 678-9428 (ext. 6947) or (386) 226-7656 (Voicemail is available after hours) Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST Email: Assignments, Discussion Board Participation (If required for Blended Delivery), and/or special administrative: Ver. 12/11 3 All assignments will be completed in a professional manner and on time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor. Blackboard assignments (if required) are graded with class participation. This course includes weekly activities, each of which may have grade points associated with them. Unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, students are expected to participate each week, according to the course schedule. This is especially important with regards to discussion activities. Weekly discussions typically include both an initial posting and one or more substantive replies. Note: Proper etiquette has to do with keeping it simple by using proper English and proper spelling ± spell check works well in Blackboard. Course Policies: Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will include the sanction imposed on students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University: 1. Plagiarism 3UHVHQWLQJ DV RQH¶V RZQ WKH LGHDV, ZRUGV, RU SURGXFWV RI DQRWKHU. 3ODJLDULVP includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgement of the source. All papers submitted for grading in this course may be submitted to - where the text of the paper is compared against information contained in the database. Papers submitted will be included in the database and become source documents for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes the following: a. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. b. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. c. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work. d. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. 3. APA 6th edition format is the ERAU Worldwide standard for all research projects. Disability and Special Needs: ERAU is committed to the success of all students. It is a University policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who qualify for services. If you would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental, or learning disability contact the Disability Support Service Office at (386) 226-7916. Course Schedule: Week Meeting Date Topics Learning Outcomes Introduction and course Familiarization 1 20-26 Oct Ver. 12/11 21 Oct Introduction, Summary & Presentation of Data, Collecting Data, Organizing Categorical Data Activities Log in to Blackboard and review class assignments. LO 1 Chap 1 4 Week 2 27 Oct - 2 Nov 3 3-9 Nov Meeting Date Topics Learning Outcomes Activities 23 Oct Numerical Variation and Distribution, Categorical and Variables and Distributions, Graphs LO 2 Chap 2 28 Oct Measures of Center, Variation, z-Scores, Interquartile Range, Boxplots MSL Quiz Ch 1 and 2 LO 4 Chap 3, pp. 76-108 30 Oct Regression Analysis and Correlation, Modeling Linear Trends LO 4 Chap 4, pp. 132-162 StatCrunch Assignm 1A and 1B 4 Nov Bootstrapping and Randomization, Central Limit Theroem LO 1, 2, 4 Blackboard Reading: Bootstrap Distributions Blackboard Reading: Randomization Test Bootstrapping and Randomization LO 5, 6 Turn in StatCrunch Assignm 1, StatCrunch Assignm 2 LO 4, 5, 6 Chap 5, pp. 194-225 MSL Quiz Ch 3 and 4 6 Nov 4 10-16 Nov No class meeting Probability 5 17-23 Nov 18 Nov Probability, Addition Rule, LO 3 Multiplication Rule, Conditional Probability, Simulations, Law of Large Numbers Chap 5, pp. 194-225 20 Nov The Normal and Binomial Probability Distributions LO 3 Chap 6, pp. 242-276 Turn in StatCrunch Assignm 2 LO 3, 4, 5, 6 Chap 7 pp. 294-324 MSL Quiz Ch 5 and 6 6 24-30 Nov Ver. 12/11 25 Nov Survey Sampling and Inference Course Project: Research Question Prep 5 Week 7 1-7 Dec 8 8-14 Dec Meeting Date No class meeting 2 Dec Topics MSL Quiz Ch 7 Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportions Course Project: t-Test Project Instructions Learning Outcomes LO 4 LO 4, 5, 6 LO 7, 8 Chap 7 pp. 294-324 Chap 8 pp. 338-367 StatCrunch Assignm 3 4 Dec Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportions MSL Quiz Ch 8 LO 4, 5, 6 LO 7, 8 Chap 8 pp. 338-367 9 Dec Inferring Population Means Course Project: Project Plan Document LO 7, 8 Chap 9, pp. 386-420 11 Dec Inferring Population Means LO 4, 5, 6 LO 7, 8 Chaps 9 pp. 386-420 Turn in StatCrunch Assignm 3 MSL Quiz Ch 9 9 15-21 Dec Activities 16 Dec Course Project Plan and Course Project LO 4, 5, 6 LO 7, 8 Chapters 6-9 18 Dec Final Part 1 and 2 LO 4, 5, 6 LO 7, 8 Chapters 6-9 Instructor Bio: I have a PhD in Astronomy along with a Masters and BS in Astronomy. My undergraduate work was done at the Ohio State University, and my graduate work was at the Pennsylvania State University. I am currently teaching overseas for Embry--‐Riddle Aeronautical University in Europe. I have been teaching with ERAU for 14 years, 7 years part--‐time and 7 years full time. I also teach part--‐time for the University of Maryland. I have taught courses in Mathematics, Physics, and of course, Astronomy. I have lived in Germany for the last 30 years. Ver. 12/11 6
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