WISCONSIN CHAPTER Split Meeting Format Chapter Meeting:

PO Box 13593, Wauwatosa, WI 53213
October 2014, Vol. 28, No. 8
Cory Powers
333 East Erie St
Milwaukee, WI 53202
e-mail: cpowers@hga.com
Chapter Meeting:
Joining of Dissimilar Metal Piping and the
use of Dielectric Fittings
Bruce Weiss
Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
5802 Research Park Blvd.
Madison, WI 53719
e-mail: bweiss@aeieng.com
Speaker: Michael Donohue of Victaulic
Split Meeting Format :
Scott Altenberger, D.E., M.P.
Illingworth—Kilgust Mechanical
11217 W Beecher St.
Milwaukee, WI 53227
e-mail: saltenberger@ikmechanical.com
Jill Schuette
333 East Erie St
Milwaukee, WI 53202
e-mail: jschuette@hga.com
Paul M. Raymond, CPD
Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
5802 Research Park Blvd.
Madison, WI 53719
e-mail: praymond@aeieng.com
Richard E. Davison
Soderholm & Associates
W134 N4973 Campbell Dr
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
e-mail: Rdavison@soderholmrep.com
Mark Dahl
3655 N 124th St
Brookfield, WI 53005
e-mail: mdahl@hydro-flo.com
Two Lunch Meetings (choose one)
Madison area on Wednesday
October 8, 2014
Location: Great Dane
357 Price Place (adjacent to Hilldale Mall)
Madison, WI
Milwaukee area on Thursday
October 9, 2014
Location: Riverfront Pizzeria Bar and Grill
509 E. Erie St
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Robb Hopper
Badgerland Trading Co.
2415 S. 170th St.
New Berlin, WI 53151
Steve G. Mellone
Northland Sales, Inc.
17949 W. Lincoln Ave.
New Berlin, WI 53146
e-mail: steve@northlandsalesinc.com
noon– 1pm (lunch and learn style)
$ 15.00 for ASPE members
$ 25.00 for non-members
$ 5.00 for students
Please RSVP by Noon on Oct 7 to: Bruce Weiss,
e-mail: bweiss@aeieng.com (include ASPE WI in subject line)
City, State, Zip
Telephone (Area Code) ____________________
Local Chapters Are Not Authorized to Speak for the Society www.aspewi.org
From The President’s Desk
section. Wisconsin took home the following awards:
By Cory C. Powers
Hello Wisconsin ASPE.
For those of you who were able to attend the ASPE convention in Chicago I hope you had a great time. I know it
was an event that I will never forget. The Chicago chapter
put on some great events and the product expo was amazing.
My report as your president from the delegate meeting is
that the society is financially stable. This is a position that
we haven’t been in for 20 years. This board has done
some great things and I hope you are paying attention.
The AYP group was able to pass bylaw #12. The bylaw
will now allow members who are affiliates or associates
to serve on their chapter board as any of the VP positions
as well as chapter president. This bylaw was proposed for
chapters like ours. Chapters who struggle to fill the board
positions and continue to cycle through the same members. Also our new Region 5 Director is Bryan Hutton
who is taking over for Kelvin Kennedy. Bryan has already reached out to the chapter presidents on what he
would like to achieve as the new region director. The other great news from the delegate meeting was the awards
Membership Growth Award – Rich Davison
Membership Retention Award – Rich Davison
Chapter Award of Merit – Cory Powers
Certificate of Appreciation (for winning all three awards)
– Wisconsin Chapter
50th Anniversary Trivia Contest – Sheila Downing
Certificate of Appreciation – Sarah Balz
Special Award of Achievement – Cory Powers
So as you can see we were recognized nationally as a
chapter who has been doing some great things. I am really
proud of our chapter and hope to continue these efforts.
Our ASPE student chapter at MSOE is going to be taking
a tour of Lambeau Field. They are looking for sponsors
for this event. Please give me a call or e-mail me to find
out more details. Our student chapter is also hosting a
presentation on project management at MSOE on October
22nd at 5PM. Please e-mail Jill Vande Boom at vandeboomj@msoe.edu for more information.
See you at the next meeting.
Cory Powers
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For more information please contact
the ASPE News Editor
From the Vice President of
By Rich Davison
What a fantastic opportunity to attend the convention
in Chicago this year. We had a wonderful turn out
for both members of our chapter as well as the many
manufactures from Wisconsin who displayed there.
Thanks to your continued support of Wisconsin
ASPE- we were proud to receive both the membership growth award and membership retention award
at this year’s national ASPE convention.
Please wish our members a happy birthday in October!
Scott Altenberg
John Eskrich
Jeff Hellendbrand
Paul Lippitt
Jay Oestreich
Tim Pann
Nicholas Shulfer
Alex Cowan
Bob Franke
Richard Koenig
Doug Mikelson
Jon Olson
Branden Schneider
Notes from the 2014 ASPE Convention Delegates
Thank you to the Wisconsin ASPE chapter for the opportunity to attend the 50th Anniversary Convention in Chicago. I had always hoped to attend our Society’s convention when it would ultimately be held close home. It’s
always great fun to share time with people in our industry
and a great opportunity to meet new friends and catch up
with old friends. The Convention and Exposition is one of
the best opportunities you will ever have to see and feel
the latest technologies and products in our field. If you
weren’t able to attend the 2014 ASPE Convention and
Exposition, plan to attend one in the future.
Thanks to Sloan for sponsoring the welcoming event at
the House of Blues. It was a great event to socialize in a
relaxed atmosphere with awesome music, and to mingle
with other people who you knew have the same interests
as you.
I enjoyed Dan Hampton’s motivating keynote address.
Even though it was a story involving the Chicago Bears, it
was an interesting study in team work and accomplishment, focusing on a goal to make things happen, and
achieving what you strive for. It was a lesson for many
facets of our lives.
The Exposition was expansive. Walking through the exhibit hall gave a flavor of all the manufacturers, and products, and technologies on the floor. Each pass through the
hall found something new to dwell on. Thanks to all the
exhibitors for supporting ASPE.
The technical sessions offered an opportunity to learn
about new concepts or things you may not have been exposed to, or to refresh your understanding of things you
thought you had a handle on. The various learning tracks
provide enough technical content to appeal to new engineers as well as seasoned engineers. If you’ve not attended a convention in the past, rest assured that when you do,
you’ll be able to find plenty that pertains to your plumbing interests.
Thanks to the Chicago Chapter for hosting the convention. Even though the Society handles many of the details, the host chapter and the host committee spend
countless hours putting on an event like this. It was nice
having the convention close to home and seeing so many
people from Wisconsin.
While the convention was a celebration of the Society’s
first 50 years, the most encouraging aspect evident at the
convention was the young engineers that represent the
future of the Society. Wisconsin is fortunate to have active participants, with Cory Powers as a leader, in the
ASPE Young Professionals. This group will provide the
visioning that the Society needs for the next 50 years.
You get the feeling they will accomplish their goals.
First of all, I would like to thank the Wisconsin ASPE
chapter for the opportunity to attend my first ASPE National Convention in Chicago. Sunday nights party at
the House of Blues gave me the opportunity to mingle
with other WI ASPE members and meet some of the
other attendees. Monday started the formal convention
with the keynote address in the morning and then the
opportunity to meet with many of the manufacturers I
use on a daily basis out of the convention floor. I also
had the opportunity to learn about other products that I
was not as familiar with. Tuesday and Wednesday was
highlighted by the numerous continuing educational
classes that were educational and informative. There is
no doubt that I will be able to apply many of things I
learned during these classes immediately into my every
day work.
Don Beres
Ring and DuChateau
I would also like to thank Rich Davison of Soderholm &
Associates for a great dinner on Monday night at the
Chicago Firehouse. The was no shortage of food at this
dinner. While at this dinner I had the opportunity to sit
next to Brian Soderholm and overheard him talking
about a movie I haven’t see from about 10 years
ago. He talked me into watching the movie that night
and I ended up staying up to the wee hours of the morning. I can honestly say I haven’t laughed that hard in a
long time. Thanks again for the great movie choice.
Now that I am back into my daily routine, I am already
looking forward to the next ASPE National convention
in Phoenix AZ in 2016. Hope to see all of you there.
Shawn Royster
H.J. Pertzborn
I owe a big thank you to the ASPE WI chapter for presenting me with the opportunity to attend my first ASPE
convention, what a privilege it was. I had always heard
of the ASPE convention each year but had no idea the
magnitude and size of the convention, what a great opportunity to see and experience the latest products and
up and coming materials in our trade. The convention
itself was top notch I spent all day Monday and most of
the day Tuesday strictly at the convention walking the
floor. I spoke with many people and groups that I had
not seen for quite some time, it was great to see the familiar faces and catch up with the people in our industry. I also enjoyed the opportunity to meet the people I
deal with over the phone and through email that I have
never met in person. It is always great to be able to put a
face with who you are dealing with and also helps with
(Continued next Page)
(Convention Delegate Notes continued)
the relationship as they now know who I am as well.
Monday, was my day that I used for strictly spending
on the convention floor. I made it through about
three- quarters of the floor this day. I visited many
booths and ran into plenty of people that I enjoyed
discussing their products and where they are heading
with new products and future ideas. I was amazed at
the detail and size of a lot of the exhibitor’s booths,
the time these people spend setting up and organizing their products and literature showed. It was very
well organized and extremely professional. As a
first timer, I was awe struck by the size of exhibits
and number of participants, thank you to all of the
exhibitors for supporting ASPE and putting together
a top notch program and convention. Without your
support it would not be able to happen.
Tuesday, I attended a Project Development from A
to Z seminar that was very well presented and full of
useful information I took with me. Raymond Parham, the director of plumbing design with a Houston
based company gave a great presentation walking
through the necessary steps to take when designing a
plumbing system, start to finish. Raymond stressed
the attention to detail and why putting the time in
during the design stage will pay off once the project
goes to construction phase. He also included a brief
lesson on time management and how to time manage
your many projects properly and working in a team
atmosphere with your fellow team members of the
design phase. The remainder of Tuesday I used to
cover the rest of the convention and take the opportunity to visit with the exhibitors that I did not get a
chance to speak with.
Thank you again to the WI ASPE chapter for presenting me with this opportunity. I do not know that I
would have made the time to attend if I would not
have been given this opportunity. Thank You to the
Chicago chapter for hosting the event, it was very
first class and very well put on, the time and effort
did not go unnoticed as this was a very well organized event. Thank you to ALL of the sponsors,
without your commitment the ASPE could not exist.
Mike Nachreiner
Zimmerman Plumbing
Map to “The Great Dane– Hillsdale” Madison meeting
357 Price Place, Madison, WI
The MSOE ASPE Student
Chapter is looking for
transportation sponsors for
their tour of Lambeau field in
Green Bay on Sunday,
November 2nd.
Please contact Cory Powers
for more information.
From the Vice President of
By Bruce Weiss, CPD
The topic this month is “Joining of dissimilar metal piping and the use of dielectric fittings” presented by Michael Donohue of Victaulic.
Mike will discuss the very exciting topic of joining piping
that is not of similar material composition.
Cut Grooved vs Roll Grooved
Gasket Technology
Copper vs Stainless vs Galvanized (Valves, etc)
Dielectric Unions for Corrosion Issues
Grooved Piping Systems
SS Press Systems
This should prove to be a very informative hour so plan
on attending.
Now that we have the craziness of the ASPE convention
behind us we can get back to our local chapter meetings.
For this year I plan on having more programs for the Fox
Valley folks. The meetings will be in the Green-Bay area
and as an added motivator and/or apology for ignoring
Commercial Water
Heating Systems
Represented by:
L. D. Daniels & Associates, Inc.
you folks for so long, dinner is on us. This month’s
meeting will be repeated in the Green-Bay in November
(I had a problem booking a venue for the meeting this
month) on Wed November 12th.
There is also a good mix of lunch and dinner meetings,
we get a good draw for the lunch meetings so keep bringing your coworkers and even a Mechanical engineer is
Last month’s meeting was very exciting. Jerry Thompson
of Spears manufacturing did an excellent presentation on
plastic piping. He really brought a fresh perspective to
the material and it’s applications. I also want to place a
shout out to jerry for picking up the beer tab for us, not
necessary to have a few pitchers, but then again it don’t
hurt none. It was also nice to see some new faces, and I
hope to keep seeing them as we have more meetings.
I don’t think it possible to not mention the ASPE convention that was held in Chicago this last month. It was nice
to go visit my old home town and stay in a place and
neighborhood I could never afford for a few days. I think
Cory does a good job recapping the convention highlights
that took place and the business meetings. A new crew of
folks for the national board for the next few years and I
hope to continue to get ASPE to better places like they
have been doing. There were some upsets in the election
and I’m interested to see if our chapter’s risk with the
votes pays off. The product show is always my favorite
part of the convention and it did not disappoint this year
either. The only real problem seems to be ASPE National
is selling the product show at the expense of seminars and
continuing education. Speaking of the technical seminars
I can honestly say that the ones I attended were duds, but
others in the Wisconsin chapter mentioned that theirs
were great. So the moral of the seminar is choose wisely.
All in all the ASPE Convention and Exposition was a
good time. If I did not attend I would not have found out
the entire board of directors is putting all their faith in our
very own Cory Powers and the AYP (ASPE Young Professionals) liaison. It seemed that no speeches could have
been written without a shout-out to this organization during the officer elections.
A few notes on our meeting that I know I am repeating,
but they are important to the smooth operation of bringing
quality to the chapters meetings..
Please RSVP and if you RSVP please attend and if you
cannot attend let me know ASAP. We are held to our
reservation numbers and a no-show still means we
need to pay for your meal.
Please include the words ASPE RSVP in your reservation
response and what city you making an RSVP such as
Madison, Green-Bay or Milwaukee.
From the Vice President
of Legislative
By Scott Altenberger, D.E., M.P.
Hello Wisconsin ASPE!
To increase awareness to the Wisconsin Department
of Safety and Public Service (DSPS) “Frequently
Asked Questions,” here are some more posts.
SPS 382.32 - 11/17/97
Do material changes require re-submittal of
plans? Sometimes. When the materials are changing
to a more restrictive material, like from Type L copper to PEX, a revision will be necessary. If you are
replacing type K with type L (and all installation requirements are met), a revision is not be necessary.
SPS 382.34(5)(a) – 8-10-2011
Is a grease interceptor required to be installed for
a warming kitchen? In an effort to provide a less
institutional atmosphere, many facilities licensed as
nursing homes or community based residential facilities (CBRF) are providing common kitchen facilities
for resident/patient use. The warming kitchen is typically equipped with a residential style kitchen sink
(with or without a garbage grinder) and dishwasher,
stove, and refrigerator. The intended usage is for the
residents to have access to personal kitchen use between or after meals served by the main kitchen facility. No, “warming kitchen” plumbing fixtures are
not required to discharge to a grease interceptor as
long as all food preparation, cooking, and clean up
for the meals provided by the nursing home or CBRF
are performed at the main kitchen facility.
SPS 382.40(3) - 02/5/02
Is tempered water required for emergency fixtures? No, tempered water for emergency fixtures is
not required by the plumbing code. A federal Occupational and Health Administration consultant may
require the installation of tempered water because
the standard for emergency fixtures refers to tempered water.
SPS 382.41(3) - 5/15/01
Do all fixtures in a mortuary need separate cross
connection control? Yes. The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services requires
that all fixtures be installed in mortuaries with individual cross connection control. Examples are embalming machines and aspirators.
See you at the meeting!
ASPE Technical and Research Committee
By Bob Mutsch, PE, LEED AP
You probably already know that I am the current Wisconsin Chapter AYP Liaison, but you may not know that I
am also an active member on the ASPE Technical & Research committee. One of the main functions of this
committee is to provide peer review of all ASPE publications, including reference manuals and magazine articles.
While reviewing the list of everyone who contributed to
ASPE publications the past 2 years, I was impressed with
how many people from the Wisconsin chapter were involved. In no particular order:
Jill Imig serves on the Long Range Planning Committee.
Harold Olsen serves on the Education Committee, and
is a contributing author for Advanced Plumbing
Steve Skattebo is a contributing author for PEDH
Volume 1.
Cory Powers serves on the Society Board of Directors
as the AYP Liason, is a contributing author for
PEDH Volume 1, authored an ASPE bylaw revision that was approved during the business meetings, and was on the ASPE 50th Anniversary Com-
mittee. He also received an award for his contributions to ASPE during the convention.
Aaron Bock is a contributing author for PEDH Volume 2.
Doug Nelson is a contributing author for PEDH Volume 2, and was a mentor for the first place
ASPE Water Innovation Challenge team.
Sarah Balz is a regular presenter at the ASPE convention and symposiums, and is a contributing
author to PEDH Volume 2 and Advanced
Plumbing Technology. She also received an
award for her contributions to ASPE during the
Sheila Downing prepared our chapter’s entry to the
ASPE trivia contest – and won!
If you would like to help set the ASPE Society agenda
for the next 2 years, there are always positions available
on the society committees: Technical & Research, Education, Legislative, Membership, Nominating, CPD,
and Long Range Planning. You can participate as much
or as little as you want – the T&R committee only takes
a few hours each year. And if you are an active committee member you can also get continuing education credit towards your Professional Engineer license.
ASPE Golf Outing and Dinner Attendance
August 20, 2014
Mike Aumann, Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Sarah Balz, Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Don Beres, Ring & DuChateau, Inc.
Jason Brenner, J.F. Ahern
Travis Bucholz, Hydro-Flo Products
Rich Davison, Soderholm & Associates, Inc.
Sheila Downing, Somerville Associates
Brian Goglia, Process & Mechanical Systems Inc.
Tom Guile, Haws Corporation
David Herbert, Ring & DuChateau, Inc.
Joe Herkowski, Herkowski Stickler & Associates
Robb Hopper, Badgerland Trading
Jeff Howland, L.D. Daniels & Associates
Jill Imig, Hammel, Green & Abrahamson
Kevin Key, Hot Water Products
Scott Largent, Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Tim Laskowski, Metropolitan Industries
Matt Lininger, Grunau Company
Scott Madsen, Burton-Anderson Company
Doug Mikelson, Culligan Total Water Treatment
Bob Mutsch, Arnold & O’Sheridan
Cory Powers, Hammel, Green & Abrahamson
John Pritchard, Lubrizol
Kevin Reichert, Furguson Enterprises
Shawn Royster, HJ Pertzborn
Zac Rockendorf, J.F. Ahern Company
Brian Salisbury, Michel Sales Agency
Aaron Schneider, J.F. Ahern Company
Jason Schnell, LGD & Associates
Bill Stanton, Milwaukee Valve
Steve Stickler, Herkowski Stickler & Associates
Bruce Weiss, Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Sal Angelo
Tom Babcock Bill Cappert
Fred Carvalho Kelly Cech
Michelle Clements
Mike Daly
Mike Donohue Sean Duffy
Tyler Dumke
Dennis Eisenhauer Steve Farrell
Dan Friedrich
Gerard Goglia Kevin Greenweller
Dave Guzlecki A.J. Hackbarth Don Hammer
Brad Hanson
Brian Hoernke Brian Johnson
Tim Kehoe
Sam King
Jeff Kleiber
Jeff Lee
John Loose
Paul Magyar
Steve Marks
Keith Martin
Ken Mitchell
Ryan Moldenhauer
Christopher Mullet
Chris Patoka
John Ransom
Tyler Redling
Dan Rehbein
Shane Riphenburg Dan Schmidt
Eric Smith
Shawn Smith
Mike Spittler
Gene Stevens
Greg Stutz
Dan Sutton
Tom Voelker
Andy Wagner
Keith Wein
Dan Wojcik
Dinner Only:
Mark Dahl, Hydro-Flo Products
Jim Piskula, Plumbing Creations Co.
Nancy Piskula
Paul Raymond, Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Map to “Riverfront Pizzeria” Milwaukee meeting location
September 11, 2014 Attendees
ASPE Members
Don Beres
Aaron Bock
Tom Breu
Travis Buchholz
Mark Dahl
Rich Davison
Jill Imig
Ted Meyer
Bob Mutsch
Doug Nelson
Paul Raymond
Zac Rockendorf
Steve Stickler
Bruce Weiss
Carrie Burgess
Carter Lundy
Tyler Redling
Shawn Smith
Jerry Thompson - Speaker