Technical Solution for Reducing the Dynamic Interaction Soil-Foundation Slimane Benayad Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bechar, Algeria e-mail: Abdelmadjid Berga Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bechar, Algeria e-mail: Nazihe Terfaya Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bechar, Algeria e-mail: ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to model the transfer of vibrations in a rigid soil and to find a way to reduce the response to these vibrations. We propose a new technique that involves building a deep uncompressed soil layer in a peripheral trench. The trench is dug around structures to absorb the deformations of the soil and thus reduce the stresses in structures. Using the (2D) PLAXIS software, a finite element numerical modeling is used taking into account the soil-foundation interaction and with a dynamic resolution based on the Newmark method, which remains the most used second order implicit method. Some results and conclusions regarding the movements and ground speeds are also presented. KEYWORDS: soil; structure; interactions; dynamics; finite element method. INTRODUCTION Some landslides may have different origins (natural anthropic collapses of underground cavities, ore mining, pumping water, gas exploration and hydrocarbon vibration machines, etc.). These movements may exceed certain thresholds characterizing the eligible behavior of structures, and cause damage and destruction of buildings ranging from the damage of infrastructure to losses of life, and therefore limit the economic and social development. Ground deformations cause damage that is transmitted to structures in two modes (a push or a loosening of the ground and friction along the interface between the structure and land. The level of damage depends on the characteristics of soil geo-mechanical and geometrical characteristics of the structure and properties of interfaces. Using the (2D) PLAXIS software, a two-dimensional modeling and nonlinear finite element method is used. We also present a comparison of results to choose the best dimensioning of the trench. MODELING THE PROPAGATION OF VIBRATIONS Understanding on-site vibration measurements is partially possible by means of a mechanical analysis of phenomena (in terms of values of velocity, acceleration, displacement, strain, stress, etc.). Confrontation of such an analysis with experimental data provides an initial interpretation of - 6583 - Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6584 these vibrations. However, field data are often lacking; only orders of magnitude are generally available. Indeed, the attenuation or amplification of the vibratory movement and changes in the frequency content of the wave field on the propagation path depend on the modules (or wave velocities) and on depreciation in the layers and their respective thicknesses. In addition, within complex geometric configurations, mechanical models escape an exact resolution and it is, therefore, necessary to consider numerical simulations. Theoretical Modeling of Mitigation From a signal measured at the distance xi from the source, the acceleration distance x j can be estimated in the frequency domain, using the following equation (Semblat & Pecker, 2009): [ a * ( x j , ω ) = a * ( xi , ω ) exp ik * (ω )( x j − xi ) ] (1) where a * ( x, ω ) represents the Fourier acceleration spectrum measured at the distance x and k * (ω ) the complex wave number defined by (Aki & Richards, 1980): k * (ω ) = k (ω ) − iα (ω ) (2) where k (ω ) = 2πc / ω is the real wave number (proportional to the velocity c of the wave) and the attenuation factor (Bourbié, Coussy & Richards, 1986). Theoretical Modeling of Amplification In the seismic field, it is shown that a wave can be greatly amplified when the contrast of celerity between soil layers is important (Semblat & Pecker, 2009), (Semblat, Duval & Dangla, 2000), (Semblat & Dangla, 2005). So we recall here how the amplification of a shear wave in a layer of soil can be described in the simple case of a homogeneous layer of constant thickness (Figure 1). It is possible to calculate the wave propagating in the layer and into the underlying soil. Figure 1: Amplification of a plane wave in a layer of soil Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6585 In each medium, the displacement resulting from the superposition of waves traveling upwards (z > 0) and downwards (z < 0) is written by choosing the origin of the z-axis at the top of each layer (Semblat & Pecker, 2009), (Aki & Richards, 1980) [ ] u n = An exp(ik zn z n ) + An′ exp(−ik zn z n ) f n ( x, t ) (3) where the vertical wave number in the layer n is defined by: k zn = ω cos θ n v sn iω f n ( x, t ) = exp ( x sin θ n − v sn t ) v sn (4) (5) With v sn as shear wave velocity θ n and impact in the layer n. The index n equals 1 for the surface layer and 2 for the underlying soil. An and An′ are the amplitudes of the waves propagating respectively upwards and downwards in the n-layer. METHODOLOGY AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS The equilibrium equation that governs the dynamic response of a system can be written: + CU + KU = F ext MU (6) M : The mass matrix. C : The damping matrix. K : The stiffness matrix. , U , U : Respectively, the vectors of the accelerations, velocities and displacements U F ext : The vector of external load acting on the entire structure The Newmark Schema Newmark's method is a direct method for solving equations of dynamic equilibrium. It is based on the following approximations: on the displacements and velocities at the t + ∆t moment based on the displacements, velocities and accelerations at the moments t + ∆t and t as follows (Bathe & Wilson, 1976), (Bathe, 1996): t + αu t + ∆t ] u t + ∆t = u t + ∆t [(1 − α )u u t + ∆t = u t + ∆tu t + ∆t 2 t + 2 βu t + ∆t ] + [(1 − 2 β )u 2 (7) (8) Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6586 Parameters α and β must be chosen depending on given applications. These parameters determine the details and the convergence of the algorithm. By injecting the approximations (7) and (8) in the equilibrium equation (6), we obtain an equation where the only unknown is the displacement. with a 0 = KU t + ∆t = Ft + ∆t (9) K = K + a 0 M + a1C (10) +a U Ft + ∆t = Ft + ∆t + M (a0 U t + a 2 U t 3 t ) + C(a1 U t + a 4 U t + a 5 U t ) (11) β 1 1 1 ∆t β β − 1 , a 4 = − 1 , a5 = − 2 . , a1 = , a2 = , a3 = 2 α ∆t α∆t 2α 2 α α∆t Velocities and accelerations are updates at the end not by the expressions: U t + ∆t = a 0 (U t + ∆t − U t ) − a 2 U t − a 3 U t (12) U t + ∆t = U t + a 6 U t + a 7 U t + ∆t (13) with, a 6 = α∆t , a 7 = ∆t (1 − β ) . Incremental Form Assuming that the equilibrium equation is verified at t moment and if we consider the decomposition of accelerations, velocities and displacements as follows: U t + ∆t = U t + ∆U + ∆U U t + ∆t = U t U t + ∆t = U t + ∆U (14) , ∆U and ∆U respectively show the variations of the accelerations, where the terms ∆U velocities and displacements during the time increment ∆t , where the dynamic equation (6) takes the form: ( + ∆U ) + C(U + ∆U ) + K (U + ∆U ) = F ext + ∆F ext M (U t t t ) (15) which gives: + C∆U + K∆U = ∆F ext M∆U (16) Using the expressions (12), (13) of acceleration and speed at the t + ∆t moment according to the movements of time t + ∆t , we can express the accelerations and incremental velocities based on incremental movements: = a ∆U − a U ∆U 0 2 t − (1 − a 3 )U t (17) = (a + a )U + a ∆U ∆U 6 7 t 7 (18) Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6587 By substituting the expressions (15), (16) in equation (14) we obtain the following equation: K∆U = ∆F (19) K = K + a0 M + a7 a0 C (20) where: and ( ) ( − (1 − a )U + C (a + a )U − a a U ∆F = ∆F + M − a 7 a 2 U t 3 t 3 6 t 7 2 t ) (21) Newmark's method is rewritten in an incremental form. The field ∆U representative of the variation of displacement during an increment of time ∆t becomes the new unknown. At the end of the step, equations (14) can update the displacements, velocities, accelerations, and reactions. In its original version, Newmark proposed values α = 0.5 and β = 0.25 that correspond to the rules of a trapezoid. These values allow to have stability of the linear problem. The result was generalized and the stability condition is provided for β ≥ Wilson, 1976). 2 11 1 and α ≥ + β (Bathe & 42 2 NUMERICAL MODEL In this example we consider an elasto-plastic (Mohr-Coulomb criterion) for soil and elastic behavior for the foundation. Physical and geometric characteristics with boundary conditions of the soil and the foundation are presented in Figure 2, and Table 1 and Table 2. Machine: f = 30 Hz Amplitude = 30 kN/m2 Figure 2: Geometric properties and boundary conditions Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6588 Table 1: Properties of soil layers and interface Parameters Name Model type Type de comportement Rigid Soil Model Type γ dry γ wet Dry unit weight Humid unit weight Horizontal permeability Vertical permeability Young Module Poisson coefficient Kx Ky Eref ν c ref ϕ ψ Cohesion Friction Angle Dilatation angle Rigidity Factor of the interface Rinter Trench layer Unit Mohr-coulomb Drain Mohr-coulomb Drain - 17 16 kN/m3 19 1,157E-06 1,157E-06 2,000E+04 0,330 20 1,157E-06 1,157E-06 2000,000 0,300 kN/m3 m/jour m/jour kN/m2 - 8 29 0 1 1 30 0 1 kN/m3 ° ° - Table 2: Properties of the sole Parameters Type of behaviour Normal rigidity Flexual rigidity Equivalent thickness Weights Poisson coefficient Name Material type EA EI d w Foundation Elastic 7,600E+06 2,400E+04 0,195 5,000 0 ν kN/m kNm2/m m kN/m/m - Unit INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION 0,025 Without trench (H=0) H=1m H=4m H=8m Displacements (m) 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 Time (s) Figure 3: Effect of the depth (H) of the trench on the displacements (L = 2 m) Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6589 0,040 Without trench (H=0m) H=8m 0,035 0,030 velocities (m/s) 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 -0,005 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 time (s) Figure 4: Effect of the depth (H) of the trench on the velocities (L = 2m) 0,025 Without trench (L=0m) L=1m L=2m Displacements (m) 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 0,000 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 Time (s) Figure 5: Effect of the width (L) of the trench on the displacements (H = 6 m) Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. V 6590 0,040 0,035 Velocities (m/s) 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 Without trench (L=0m) (L=1m) (L=2m) 0,010 0,005 0,000 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 Time (s) Figure 6: Effect of the width (L) of the trench on the velocities (H m = 6) It can be clearly observed from the obtained graphs of displacement and velocity (Figure 3, 4, 5, 6) that: - The greater the width (L) and depth (H) of the trench, the more the displacements and velocities decrease. - One can also notice the velocity reduction which implies the reduction in acceleration. - The percentage decrease of the displacement and velocity being 29% for the increase of the depth (H) and 47% for the increase in the width (L). Indicating that most affects the width than depth. This justifies the validity of the proposed technique to reduce the transmission of vibration and minimize their impact on the adjoining structures. REFERENCES 1. Aki, K. and P. G. Richards (1980) “Quantitative Seismology, Theory and Methods,” Vol. I and II, W.H. Freeman. 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