CITIZEN SERVICE DELIVERY CHARTER HORTICULTURAL CROPS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (HCDA) CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 2 Preface 3 Acknowledgements 4 Introduction 5 Mandate 5 Vision 5 Mission 6 Who are our Customers? 6 Core Functions/ Services 7 General Administrative Services 7 Coordination and Overall Regulatory Services 8 Technical and Advisory Services 8 Marketing Services 8 Resolved Citizen Service Delivery Charter 9 Feedback Mechanism 14 Our contacts /National Network of HCDA 15 1 Foreword Horticultural Crops Development Authority has continued to offer services in production and marketing of quality horticultural products that meet consumers’ demands. The Authority, through the guidance of its Board of Directors, has continued to work closely with all its Stakeholders in the public and private sector and creates enabling environment to ensure all the stakeholders attain their goals and objectives. The Board of Directors appreciate that HCDA is operating in a dynamic industry hence aim at steering the Authority to meet the demands of the changing environment. In this regard, the Authority in consultation with its stakeholders has reviewed its Service Delivery Charter. The reviewed Service Delivery Charter takes cognizance of the Authority’s reviewed Strategic Plan for 2009 – 2013 and HCDA Legal Notice No 190 of 2011. The reviewed Service Delivery Government’s Development Charter Plan, puts Strategy into for perspective the Revitalizing of the Agriculture Sector 2004 – 2014, Vision 2030, the Kenya Constitution 2010 and the Medium Term Plan 2008 – 2012. The Charter clearly states the services offered by the Authority, the requirements, charges, customer rights and obligations and the service standards. It reaffirms our commitment to a timely, efficient and effective service delivery. The Board of Directors undertakes to provide a favorable working environment and support to all the staff within the Authority to ensure desirable service delivery to all Stakeholders. Joseph Kibe Chairman 2 Preface The Authority’s Service Delivery Charter was prepared in response to the Government’s requirement that all government bodies that provide services to the public develop individual charters. The Authority recognizes the potential benefits of using the Service Delivery Charter as a tool to drive change towards a more customer focused approach in its service delivery. The Authority has reviewed its Strategic Plan to guide its operations for the period 2009 – 2013 in line with the Government’s Development Plan, the constitution of Kenya 2010, Vision 2030, the Medium Term Plan 2008 – 2012 and HCDA’s Legal Notice. In view of this, the Authority carried out a review of its Service Delivery Charter to align it to the Strategic Plan and the Legal Notice No. 190 of 2011. The reviewed Service Delivery Charter has been resolved to provide simplified information on the services offered, the requirements, charges, timelines and the service standards. It also outlines customer rights and obligations and reaffirms our commitment to a timely, efficient and effective service delivery. I request our clients, customers and stakeholders to continuously give us feedback on the quality and efficiency of our services to enable us improve on service delivery. Dr. Alfred. K. Serem Managing Director 3 Acknowledgment Foremost our appreciation goes to all the members of staff of the Horticultural Crops Development Authority who participated in the review of this Service Delivery Charter. Special mention goes to the Service Delivery Charter review team; Agnes Wainaina, Anthony Mutua, Christine Mue, Christine Omollo, Edward Maina, Elphas Choge, Eric Magamu, Esther Mukoya, Grace Mbuthia, Josephine Simiyu, Mary Abonyo and Neema Mkorori for the production of this document. We also thank our facilitator Paul Mathenge of Dataline International Limited in facilitating the review of the document. Special Appreciation also goes to the Managing Director of Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) Dr. Alfred K. Serem and his senior management team for initiating, facilitating and participating in the process of reviewing the Service Delivery Charter. Finally we appreciate the Board of Directors and other stakeholders for their leadership, contributions and commitment to outstanding service delivery. 4 1. Introduction Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) is a State Corporation established under the Agriculture Act (Cap. 318) through Legal Notice No. 229 of 1967. HCDA is the Government’s regulatory agency for the horticulture sub-sector. HCDA aspires to be in the forefront in providing efficient, effective and quality service. As the Authority mandated to facilitate the development, promotion, coordination and regulation of the horticultural industry in Kenya, it is necessary to provide service delivery standards upon which our performance shall be measured. To keep up in tandem with changes within the Public Sector, HCDA has embraced a culture of continuous improvement by being ISO 9001:2008 certified. The organization ensures that customers are at the centre of its business and business processes are re-engineered to meet customer needs. The reviewed Service Delivery Charter explicitly states the services offered by the Authority, the requirements from clients, the necessary charges and the timelines for giving different services. 2. Mandate The Horticultural Crops Development Authority is mandated to regulate the horticultural industry through licensing and application of rules as prescribed under the Agriculture Act (Cap 318). HCDA also provides advisory and marketing services to the stakeholders in the industry for planning purposes. 3. Vision A globally competitive horticulture sector in Kenya 5 4. Mission To develop, promote, facilitate and co-ordinate growth of a commercially-oriented horticulture industry through appropriate policies and technologies to enhance and sustain socio-economic development 5. Who are Our Customers? The Authority offers services to partners in the horticultural industry including: Individual Farmers, Farmer Groups and Associations Government Ministries State Corporations Donor Agencies/Development Partners Universities, Tertiary Colleges and related research and training institutions Private Sector Extension Service Providers NGO’s and other CBO’s Financial Institutions Dealers of in horticultural input/produce Suppliers of goods and services Exporters and Exporter’s Association Processors 6. What are their Rights? Our customers have a right to: Be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect Be listened to Privacy and confidentiality Information on the nature of our services Quality services Conducive environment Effective communication 6 7. What are their Obligations? To enable us serve you better and work in the spirit of mutual support and relationship, our customers are obliged to: Treat our staff with courtesy and respect Provide all necessary information regarding the services they require Provide us with feedback on our services Observe laid down regulations, procedures and policies regarding procurement, payments and any others in order to access required services Not to offer any form of inducements or bribes to our staff. 8. We shall be guided by the following VALUES Integrity, accountability and professionalism Teamwork ,efficiency, and effectiveness Customer focus Discipline and commitment in service to the people Objectivity and Impartiality in decision-making Innovation and creativity Prudent environmental management Public participation 9. Our Core Functions/ Services a) General Administrative Services In its bid to meet customer requirements, HCDA has a strong Administrative department that provides support services to internal as well as external customers. The general administrative department is comprised of the Finance, Human Resource, and Administration divisions with competent staff to ensure that operations of the Authority are efficient and effective. 7 b) Coordination and Overall Regulatory Services HCDA is mandated to provide coordination and overall regulatory services to the horticulture industry. To this end the Authority wishes to strengthen the market linkages and support to farmers and horticultural produce dealers. c) Technical and Advisory Services Our technical and advisory services include crop production information, formation of Produce and Marketing Organization (PMO), training of stakeholders, registration of fruit tree nurseries/motherblocks, registration of marketing agents, farm and packhouse inspection and facilitation of horticultural research. d) Marketing Services The Authority provides market information, market linkages, and registration of exporters as part of its regulatory role. Information is packaged and is accessible through our Resource Centre and in HCDA’s website. 8 Resolved Citizen Service Delivery Charter SERVICE REQUIREMENTS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Receive incoming calls Cooperation and Clarity Direct in-coming Information on service phone calls to the required appropriate officers Attend to visitors on Cooperation and Clarity arrival Compliance to instructions Response to enquiries, Provide information through complaints and the appropriate channels: compliments Customer care desk Suggestion boxes Fill Appropriate Forms Anticorruption box Payment on procured goods and services Procurement Services Offer on Employment opportunities TECHNICAL SERVICES Sensitize , organize and train farmers into production and marketing groups Linkage of producers and buyers Participate in customer satisfaction surveys Provide supporting documents Invoices Credit note Delivery note VAT Registration Certificate Supplier should be prequalified by the Authority. Meet the evaluation criteria Application letter and other requirements in response to an advertisement USER CHARGES TIME LINE Free Free Within 3 rings Within 1 minute Free 5 Minutes Free 1day to one month 1 year Free 30 days Kshs.2,000 to 5,000 Within 3 months Free 4 months Formal request from farmers Free Within a month formal request from customer Free within a week 9 Extension services Customer request Free Within one week Demonstrations formal and informal groups commitment to cost share Cost sharing 2 Customer request Capacity gaps New requirements/change in the industry formal or informal group Venue and proposed date Filled horticultural crops nursery registration application form Ideal Site for setting up the nursery (inspection will be done) copy of registration certificate for the source of scion copy of pin certificate Free 3 weeks Kshs.500.00 - 5 working days within Nairobi - 10 working days for field stations Copy of previous nursery certificate Copy of most recent plant health certificate from KEPHIS Kshs. 500.00 5 working days within Nairobi and 10 working days for field stations Filled motherblock Kshs.500.00 registration form Disease and pest free site Purchase receipt of planting material Copy of inspection certificate from KEPHIS Formal request Free Has to have packing facility Copy of invoice to be used for sale 5 working days within Nairobi and 10 working days for field stations Capacity building of farmers and stakeholders Registration of horticultural crop nurseries Renewal of nursery registration Registration of Motherblocks Mango and Avocado inspection for conformity months Within 2 hours 10 Laboratory services (oil content, firmness, solid soluble content analysis) Funding Horticultural Research Request from Customer Samples of produce Depends on test 1 day Submission of horticultural research proposal on identified research areas Free Annually Registration of Marketing Agents Duly Filled Application form Ksh.5,000.00 for registration per year Certificate of good conduct Copy of contract with farmers Valid contract with registered exporter, processor, ship chandlers, or a retail outlet Copy of GAP certificate Copy of pin certificate Copy of national ID. Proof of transport and crates as Per the guidelines of the AuthorityHCDACopy of Food Handler certificate as per the Public Health Act Submission of export Free registration or renewal form Packhouse facility meeting food safety management requirements Demonstrate product traceability Proof of processing in case of macadamia nut Copy of all legislative requirements for processing and packaging i.e Public Health Act and occupational safety and health Act,2007 Cap 242 No 15 of 2007, HCDA Legal Notice 190 of 2011 Packhouse inspection 3 days 2 days 11 Farm inspection for produce dealers Submission of export registration or renewal form Copy of a GAP certificate Three months farm records from date of application Evidence of structures associated with GAP implementation for those without a GAP certificate (PPES chemical store, collection /grading shade, harvesting containers, charcoal coolers and portable water) Copy of contract with dealer in case of contract farming Copy of production plan per crop per month for three months free 2 days HIRE OF FACILITIES Pack house 1.Packing Space Request from client Signed Contract for hire of facility Within 30 Nairobi minutes Horticultural Centre (HQS) – Kshs.20,000 pm Kshs.3,000/daily Depots – Kshs.7,500 pm 2.Coldrooms Request from client Signed Contract for hire of facility NHC (HQ) – Kshs.50,000 pm for 5tonne capacity Kshs.150000 pm for 15tonne capacity Kshs.1.45/kg per 12 hours Depots Kshs.25,000 pm Kshs.1.00/kg up to 3000 tonnes An additional 0.70cts will be charged for excess kilos 12 MARKETING SERVICES ISSUANCE OF EXPORT REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE New applicant Farm inspection report from HCDA inspectors Duly Filled Export registration certificate Forms Company’s registration certificate Certified Copy of ID or passport for company directors Work permit for foreign directors Company PIN certificate Proof of source of produce (individual & contracted farmers packhouse inspection Renewal of export Duly filled Renewal Export registration certificate registration certificate Form Copy of expired registration certificate Certified Copy of ID or passport for company Directors Valid Work permit for foreign directors Evidence of paid up export levy packhouse inspection Issuance of export Exporter’s invoice certificate at exit Copy of inspection points Certificate for mango and avocado exporters from HCDA inspectors ARBITRATION Request/filed complaint with HCDA Factual documentation (invoices, contracts, payment schedules, delivery notes) Attendance of the arbitration meetings. The fee is Ksh.5,000 for 1 year as per the new legal notice 190 of 2011 1working day The fee is Ksh.5,000 for 1 year as per the new legal notice 190 of 2011 1working day 30cts per kg of produce exported 15 minutes Free Start arbitration within 3 working days on receipt of the complaint 13 DISSEMINATION OF MARKET INFORMATION Request from customer Customer’s contacts (physical address, postal address, email, telephone, fax) Free 1day SMS subscription In real time MARKET LINKAGES Request from customer For SMS Kshs.5/above the service provider’s premium rate free CAPACITY BUILDING Request from customer free Start the process 3 days after the request 2 weeks 14 Feedback Mechanism To guarantee quality service, your feedback is vital! We have the following mechanism for our customers to give necessary positive or negative feedback. o Customer suggestion boxes at all offices o Customer care desks We shall conduct comprehensive customer satisfaction surveys at least once a year and respond to issues raised. We guarantee confidentiality of all the information you give us. We encourage our customers to identify themselves to enable us respond to issues faster. We will update this Service Delivery Charter every two years to ensure that customer needs are taken care of. Our Contacts The Managing Director, Horticultural Crops Development Authority, P.O. Box 42601, 00100 NAIROBI Telephone : 020- 2088469/2131560 Customer Care Desk: Tel: 020 – 3597356 Email: 15 NATIONAL NETWORK OF HCDA NO. STATION LOCATION ADDRESS 1. Head Office NHC, South Airport Road, opp. JKIA P.O. Box 42601 – 00100 Nairobi TEL/FA X NO. 0202088469, 020-2131560 Marketing Office EMAIL ADDRESS, Technical & Advisory Services 2. JKIA office JKIA Cargo Village Opp. NAS P.O. Box 42601 – 00100 Nairobi 020-827663 3. Machakos Depot Machakos town next to show ground P.O. Box 044-20221 Kitui Town DAO’s Office c/o DAO’s Office 044-23211 4. Mwingi/Kitui Station 1329 Machakos P.O. Box 16 Kitui 5. Nkubu Depot Meru District, Kariene Shopping Centre P.O. Box 119 Meru 6. Kitale Station Kitale, TransNzoia Teachers Co-operative Plaza c/o DALEO Keiyo District, DAO’s Office c/o DAO 7. Iten Station 054-31356 P.O.Box 1781 Kitale P.O. Box 249, Iten 8. Yatta Depot Machakos District, Sofia Shopping Centre P.O.Box 50, Matuu 9. Sagana Depot Kirinyaga District, Sagana Town P. O.Box 207 Sagana 10. Taveta Station Taita Taveta District, Taveta Town P.O. Box 285 Taveta 11. Kibwezi Depot Makueni District, Kibwezi P.O. Box 207, Kibwezi 16 12. 13. Kisumu Station Eldoret Station Kisumu District, LBDA Offices c/o LBDA HQ Eldoret Town, KVDA Plaza P.O.BOX 982 P.O.BOX 476-20500 057-2028078 053-2033458 050-22840 041-2228516 0163-48463 P.O. Box 1516 Kisumu Eldoret 14. Narok/Bomet Station Narok Town, DAO’s Office 15. Mombasa Station Mombasa Ambalal House, 4th Floor 16. Mwea Depot Kirinyaga District, Mwea Division, Kimbimbi Town P.O.Box 322, Wanguru 17. Nyandarua Station Shekainah Building, next to Police Station 33-20301 Miharati 18. Kajiado Station DAO’S OFFICE DAO Kajiado P.O. Box 54 Kajiado 19. Mogotio Station Mogotio Town 100 M from NakuruKabarnet Road DAO Mogotio 20. Homabay Station KOSFIP Office DAO Narok P.O.Box 90273 – 80100 Mombasa P.O. Box 293 Homabay 21. Nakuru Station Nakuru Town, MOA Office Soilo P.O. Box 984, Nakuru 22. Marigat Station Marigat Town, Kiki Plaza P.O.BOX 86, Marigat 23. Limuru Depot Kiambu District, Limuru Division P.O.Box 1265, Limuru 24. Garissa Station DAO’S Office DAO Garissa P.O. Box 38 Garissa 25. Bungoma Station DAO’S Office DAO Bungoma P.O. Box 33 Bungoma 26. Kisii Station DAO MOA Main Building DAO Kisii P.O. Box 52 Kisii Formatted: Left, Tab stops: 0.22", Left + 3.15", Centered 17
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