October 12, 2014 SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 8:30 AM 10:30 AM SATURDAY AT NOON SUNDAY: MONDAY: TUES - THURS: FRIDAY: 9 AM - 12 PM 9 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 5 PM 9 AM - 1 PM Columbus Day reminds us of our nation’s beginnings, its promise and great gifts. Let us pray that God will continue to bless our nation with peace, justice and liberty for all. GOD OF ALL, you challenge us to be a unified national community. You call us to move beyond partisan politics so we may create a vision of the common good so sorely needed for our country. In this time of confusion, you call us to see clearly with the lens of justice for all. In this time of disrespect for so many, you call on us to practice respect for all voices around the table, and for all voices not heard in the discussions. In this time of personal insecurity, you call on us to be grounded in compassion for others and secure in the knowledge we are called to community. In this time of despair for so many, you call on us to practice hope. GOD OF ALL, bless our nation now and open the way to unity so we may follow your call. Amen. Directory for Mount Saint Peter Parish Staff Sacramental and Pastoral Life The Rev. Monsignor Michael J. Begolly, D.Min. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Contact Jo Ann at 724-335-2336 ext. 22 for more Information about the Catholic faith. Sacrament of Infant Baptism Contact Father Daniel at 724-335-2336 ext. 14 4 months before the child’s birth to begin the baptismal preparation process. Sacrament of Marriage Contact Monsignor Begolly at least one year in advance of the anticipated date to begin the marriage preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at Noon Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Contact Monsignor Begolly to request the sacrament. Pastor + 724-335-9877 ext. 205 mbegolly@dioceseofgreensburg.org The Reverend Daniel J. Ulishney Parochial Vicar + 724-335-2336 ext. 14 dulishney@dioceseofgreensburg.org Mrs. Pat Policastro Pastoral Associate + 724-335-9877 ext. 210 Ministry to the Sick, Homebound, and Care Facilities ppolicastro@dioceseofgreensburg.org Jo Ann McLaughlin - Klemencic Regional Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation 724-335-2336 ext. 22 jmklemencic@dioceseofgreensburg.org Mr. Thomas Octave Coordinator of Music Ministry + 724-335-9877 ext. 213 toctave@dioceseofgreensburg.org Addolorata Society Sandy Laney Altar Servers Fr. Daniel Ulishney Bereavement Ministry Kevin Bode Choir Karen Frederick 724-339-0710 724-335-2336 x 14 Mr. William Staniszewski Business Manager + 724-335-9877 ext. 203 wstaniszewski@dioceseofgreensburg.org 724-335-9877 x 251 724-335-9877 x 230 Disciples of Vincent DePaul Tom Ferrazzoli Parish Office CALL PARISH OFFICE 100 Freeport Road New Kensington, PA 15068 724-335-9877 (fax) 724-335-9138 www.mountsaintpeter.org Sherri Baker, Parish Secretary ext. 201 sbaker@dioceseofgreensburg.org Kathy Waltonbaugh, Financial Secretary ext. 202 Lynette Focareta, Office Assistant ext. 222 Jerry Garvey, Maintenance ext. 219 Pastoral Council JohnPaul Bertucci Jennifer Lombardo Maryellen Schroeder Michael Brock Jim Matta Linda Henkel Ted Opalka JT Tuskan Finance Council Mary Calvanese Thomas Roberts Daniel Casper Ronald Valasek Environment & Art Virginia Mrvan Faith First Coordinator Margie Staniszewski Festa Committee Frank Robertson Foodbank Maria Guzzo Gardeners of Eden Ann Grogno Greeters Gretchen Marra Holy Name Society John Mandak Homebound Ministry Pat Policastro 724-335-3181 724-337-0352 724-895-3888 CALL PARISH OFFICE 724-335-0789 724-351-4400 724-339-2261 724-335-9877 x 210 Liturgical Ministry Schedules Amy Gablick 724-337-0437 Men’s Bowling League Robert Susini Mercy Meals Sandy Laney Soup for the Soul Phyllis Bordell St. Anthony Guild Nancy Brock Trash & Treasure Cindy Donaldson Ushers Dom Flocker 724-337-8464 CALL PARISH OFFICE Mary Queen of Apostles School Catherine M. Collett, Principal Pre-K - 8th Grade www.mqaschool.org 724-339-4411 724-335-0345 724-339-0806 724-337-9472 724-335-4153 TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME + OCTOBER 12-18, 2014 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Saturday, October 11 4:30 PM William Kuhn (Family) Sunday, October 12 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 AM Rosary 8:30 AM All Living & Deceased Parishioners 10:30 AM Rachele & Domenico Spataro & Spataro Family Deceased (Family) Liturgy of the Word with Children Sacrament of Baptism Monday, October 13 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Erve Marino (M/M Terry Focareta) Tuesday, October 14 - St. Callistus I 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Anthony Bellavia (Geno & Bob Coulson) Wednesday, October 15 - St. Teresa of Jesus 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Tom & Elida Reighard (Family) 3:00 PM Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration Thursday, October 16 - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Kathleen Marcantonio (Joe & Barb Bartolacci) Friday, October 17 - St. Ignatius of Antioch 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mario Martino (Steve & Gloria Hathazy) Saturday, October 18 - St. Luke 12:00 NN Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 PM James & Adeline Frederick (Family) Sunday, October 19 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 AM Rosary 8:30 AM All Living & Deceased Parishioners 10:30 AM Anthony Kosheba (Rachel Kerr) Liturgy of the Word with Children Regional Confession Schedule Wednesday Saturday 5:45 PM 12:00 NN 1:00 PM St. Joseph Mount Saint Peter St. Margaret Mary Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00 PM Mount Saint Peter Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time The kingdom of God is depicted as a banquet, a time of great happiness. It will be like a feast of the best food and the most satisfying drink. Every morsel will be relished and every sip savored. There will be great rejoicing, as at the time of a wedding when all enmity is put aside and love is the order of the day. We will not have to work for this banquet; it has been planned and prepared for us. God will set the table, and God will invite us to the feast. It is up to us to respond. As incredible as it may seem, some people turn down the invitation. They either ignore it completely or become so involved in their own concerns they have no time for it. Other people actually attack those who have been sent to deliver the invitation. This is the case not only in the parable but also in our world today. An invitation to God’s banquet does not seem to be as interesting as a sports event, the latest movie, or some social affair. So much of our time and energy is spent either climbing the economic ladder or just trying to keep our heads above water. It is not that the concerns of our lives are ignoble; they are not. But even if we are interested in the banquet, we do not seem able to afford the time and energy it might require. And so we send our regrets: I cannot come. What a shame! We seem to have forgotten that everything in life is moving toward the Kingdom of God; life itself is moving toward the end time. All of our plans, all of our interests, all of our distractions will cease. Only the Kingdom will remain, and we will have turned down our invitation. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Four PARISH NOTES In Sympathy We commend to your prayers those who died recently: World Mission Month Lena C. Nold and son of Bill & Yvonne Zaken. May God welcome them to the joys of Paradise and bring comfort and peace to their families. Todd Zaken, Diaconate Ordination We extend our best wishes and prayers to John Peck, S.J. a native son of New Kensington, and a member of the Jesuit Community, who was ordained to the diaconate on Saturday, October 11, in Boston. Monsignor Michael travelled to Boston to celebrate this important moment with John and his family. You may send a note of congratulations and encouragement to John at John Peck, S.J., 196 B Foster Street, Boston, MA 02135. Parish Office Closed The Parish Office will be closed Monday, October 12, Columbus Day. We will reopen Tuesday, October 13, at 9:00 AM. Parent Session for Sacramental Preparation Parents with children who will be celebrating the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion this year are reminded to attend ONE of the following meetings: Wednesday, October 15 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM OR Saturday, October 18 from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM. Both session will be held in the Convent Chapel. Blessing of Unborn Children Today In celebration of Respect Life Month, the blessing of unborn children is scheduled today, Sunday, October 12, at 12:00 Noon in church. Blood Drive for MQA Student Today A blood drive will be held tolday for MQA student Isabella Carabin-Lindgren, Sunday, October 12, from 8:00 AM-2:00 PM, at the MQA School Cafeteria, Leishman Avenue. Isabella has been diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma and this blood drive will help replenish the community blood supply from which she has been receiving transfusions. Thanks from St. Vincent Archabbey Many thanks for welcoming Fr. Aaron last weekend for his presentation about our missions in Taiwan and Brazil. We are also very grateful for the generous financial support your provided through the second collection. May God continue to bless your parish and reward your generosity. Harvest for Haiti Monthly Collection Our monthly collection to support our Partners in Progress in Hailti will be held after all Masses this weekend. You can see how are donations are being put to good use by clicking on http://piphaiti.org . World Mission Sunday, October 19 A second collection will be taken next Sunday to help support missions throughout the world. In times of tragedy - natural disaster, war and persecution - our mission family looks to the church and her missionaries for help and hope. World Mission Sunday celebrates our unity as a human family and provides an opportunity to support the life-giving presence of missionaries and of the church among the suffering and the poor of the Missions. We have proven ourselves to be generous supporters of the missionary effort. Ugandan Mission Presentation - October 23 Parishioners Dave and Ben Myers, recently visited Malayaka House (an orphanage for children in Uganda) and will be sharing their experience on Thursday, October 23, at 7:00PM in Marble Hall. In attendance will be a very special guest, Robert Fleming, the founder and director of Malayaka House. Please come and meet Robert and hear the amazing story of Malayaka House - a ministry that rescues orphaned and abandoned children in Uganda. Their mission is to provide the most vulnerable orphaned and abandoned Ugandan children with a safe and loving home, education, and vocational training so they may grow into self-reliant citizens whose lives are full of opportunity and promise. To learn more about Malayaka House, check out their website at www.malayakahouse.com . 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Five PASTORAL COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION FORM We are looking for new Council members to make decisions about the pastoral life and growth of Mount Saint Peter Parish. Please help identify persons in our faith community who could enable us to develop our sense of Evangelization, Worship, Word, Service, Community, Stewardship, and Leadership. Council members should have the following characteristics: • • • • • a desire for spiritual growth in themselves and in the parish enthusiasm about the future direction of our parish willingness to listen, to speak honestly, and to work toward consensus the ability to inspire and empower others and to delegate flexibility and openness with people and ideas In order to be considered for the ministry of parish leadership a parishioner must: • • • • be a baptized Catholic have been/be a registered member of Mount Saint Peter Parish for at least three years be a participant in the ongoing worship life of Mount Saint Peter Parish, especially Sunday Eucharist be at least twenty-one years old Please list the names of parishioners, including yourself, whom you identify as having the gifts for pastoral council leadership. These people will receive a call to inform them that they have been named and IDENTIFICATION FORM FOR LEADERSHIP MINISTRY I recommend the following individuals to be invited to consider leadership ministry through service on the Parish Pastoral Council. I promise to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the selection process. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your suggestions. Please return your recommendations in the collection basket or to the Parish Office by Sunday, October 26, 2014 Also remember to pray for the selection of pastoral council leadership in our parish. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Celebration of Women The annual Celebration of Women is scheduled for next Sunday, October 19, beginning with the 10:30 AM Mass and followed by a luncheon in Marble Hall. See the photographs of last years honorees on the facing page. 2015 Mass Intentions Those wishing to schedule Mass intentions for 2015 are invited to do so beginning this Wednesday, October 15. To better serve all of our parishioners, please limit your initial requests to two Masses, one of which can be scheduled for a weekend Mass and the other for a daily Mass. Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated. Bereavement Group A parish bereavement group will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings through November 5, in Marble Hall. If you have lost a loved one in the past year, you are welcome to come to learn about the different stages of grief and how to work through them. For more information or to register, contact Pat Policastro in the Parish Office at 724-335-9877, Ext. 210. November E & A - Family Photos Requested As we celebrate All Saints and pray for all the faithful departed in November, we have displayed the relics of the saints in the church. This year, we would also like to include photographs of parishioners and family members who have died along with the relics of the saints. We are requesting framed photographs of your beloved dead to be dropped off in the Parish Office, between October 15 - 30. Photographs will be on display in the church throughout the month of November, and can be picked up after Thanksgiving in the Parish Office. Know of someone who is hospitalized? When you or a loved one is hospitalized, please call the Parish Office to let us know. Most hospitals do not inform the parish that a parishioner has been admitted. We are eager to visit parishioners to offer pastoral care and support. Please help us by keeping us informed. Page Six Youth Ministry Thank you to all the youth who participated in the Corn Hole Tournament. It was a competitive night, but at the end of the night our winners, Jacob and Hope, were presented with their First Place Corn on the Cob Certificates. Photos will be up on the website soon, so check them out! This Thursday, October 16 at 6:00 PM, Youth Ministry will meet in the Upper Room. We will have a discussion about Violence and Peace and how we as young people of faith need to respond. We will also be planning for HalloweenFest, to be held in Marble Hall on October 30. Please see below for more information on this event. HalloweenFest Youth Ministry will be hosting the first HalloweenFest in Marble Hall beginning at 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM. The evening will include games, snacks, and of course candy! Everyone is encouraged to dress up! Prizes will be given for the most creative and fun costumes. Children up to 5th grade may participate in the event. We are also looking for Youth 6th through 12th grade to serve as volunteers to run the games and serve snacks. Please contact Jo Ann if you are interested in volunteering or donating candy and snacks at jmklemencic@dioceseofgreensburg.org or 724-335-9877, Ext. 206. Community Clothes Closet Clothing Needed The CCC is in need of men's jeans, larger sized men's clothing (XL, XXL), men's shoes and pre-teen sized clothing. Please bring your donations to the CCC at 319 Tenth Street New Kensington. Store hours are Monday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, Wednesday 6:00 PM-8:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM-1:00 PM. Donations may be dropped off in the blue bin located at the rear of the building when the CCC is not open. Stuffed Shells, Meatballs, Wedding Soup & Sauce We will once again be selling these delicious items in mid-November. Help is needed to prepare them on October 21-24 in the Marble Hall kitchen. If you would like to be part of this grand cooking event, and have lots of fun in the process, contact Mary Calvanese at 724-337-1863 to let her know that you are willing to help. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Seven 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish TRAVEL COMMITTEE Upcoming Events: October 28 - Shrines of Italy Tour Presentation at 7:00 PM in Marble Hall. All are welcome to attend an informational night about the September, 2015 tour of Italy, which will include visits to Rome, Assisi, Loreto, Montecassino, Our Lady of Pompei, and much more!! November 6 - The Meadows Call 724-351-3575 to RSVP OUT & ABOUT Evening of Reflection Christian Mothers from Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, 429 McKinley Avenue, East Vandergrift are sponsoring an Evening of Reflection on Monday, October 13, at 7:00 PM. The topic will be the Luminous Mysteries. All are welcome. Page Eight St. Mary’s Polish Platter Dinner St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish will host it's annual Polish Platter Dinner, Bake Sale & Country Store next Sunday, October 19, in Friendship Hall, from 12:00 Noon until 4:00 PM for eat-in, and from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM for take-out. Dinner donation: $11. For more information, please call 724-335-8212. CDA Mass Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court New Kensington #860 will attend the 8:30 AM Mass on Sunday, Oct. 19, at St. Margaret Mary Church in Lower Burrell. Members please meet in the back of the church by 8:15 AM. Officers should bring their robes to wear. If interested in becoming a member, contact Regent Theresa Shields at 724-335-6354. Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon Doctor Lauren Ameris Chiropractic is sponsoring a Ladies Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon on Sunday, October 26, from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM at The Nutty Irishman (Formerly Mogies). All proceeds will be donated to The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Cost: $20 per ticket. For more information, please call 724-994-8471. A Peek at the Week . . . Sunday All Masses 12:00 NN 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Church Marble Hall Parish Office Closed No Faith First Ezekiel 37 Prayer Group 7:00 PM Marble Hall Tuesday Faith Sharing Group 6:30 PM Rectory Dining Room Wednesday Mass with MQA Children 8:30 AM Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bereavement Meeting 6:30 PM Sacramental Prep-Parents Meeting 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Church Church Marble Hall Convent Chapel Thursday Celebration of Women Set-Up Youth Ministry-Prayer Event MSP Choir Rehearsal 9:00 AM 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM 7:00 PM Marble Hall Upper Room Church Friday Celebration of Women Set-Up 9:00 AM Saturday Celebration of Women Set-Up 9:00 AM Sacramental Prep-Parents Meeting 10:00 AM-11:30 PM Mission Sunday Collection All Masses Monday Harvest for Haiti Collection Blessing of Child in Womb Acts of God Study Group Marble Hall Marble Hall Convent Chapel 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time M I N I S T E R S Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Nine October 18/19 Altar Servers Readers Eucharistic Ministers Greeters 4:30 PM Saturday L Waltonbaugh K Sharrow, M Walsh M Walsh L Martin D & M Huet C Kestner, K Oddis R Steele L Martin 8:30 AM Sunday E, T & J Fontana A Zito R Bruni V Gilley, M Watson L Abel, P Tosto A, R & S Tatrn 10:30 AM Sunday M Fiorina I & E Schroeder A Schroeder G Schroeder M Schroeder, C Greco J Kleckner, L Fiorina T Fazio R Costanza F & L Trozzi READINGS FOR THE WEEK COLLECTION REPORT Mass Attendance 690 Sunday Envelopes Used 446 Sunday Collection $11,946.00 EFT (31) $ 873.00 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6;1 Thes 1:1-5b;Mt 22:15-21 Keep up to date with what’s happening at our parish website: www.mountsaintpeter.org
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