NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 Affiliated to Secretary Mrs Jane Lay, The Gleanings, Marlin Square, Abbots Langley, WD5 OEG Tel: 01923 447281 MR FOTHERGILLS CATALOGUES ARE IN. ORDERS TO BE RECEIVED BEFORE 1ST NOVEMBER CHRISTMAS QUIZ NIGHT TH 5 DECEMBER BOOK NOW WITH JO at £10 EACH INCLUDING FOOD AND ENJOYMENT What a confusing year we are having. On the 15th July it is supposed to show that for 40 days and 40 nights we are going to have the same weather pattern as that day, well this year it seems to have worked. In fact we have had 11 weeks of nearly the same warm and sometimes very hot weather with hardly any rain at all. In fact I am still in my shorts! How long can this last but let us make the most of it as the dull, rainy, cloudy, cold, dank, miserable weather is just round the corner. I hope you have had a lovely summer with lots of colour in your gardens and successful vegetable growing. This year for the show lots of us had already eaten our show produce and some of the flowers had finished due flowering earlier than usual. We are in the process of finalising the Spring and Autumn Schedules for 2015 so please look out for them on the web site. If you have any constructive comments to make on either show please let me have them now Page 1 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 AUTUMN SHOW 2014 RESULTS What an amazing show we had this year. – 33 members entering 370 entries. It was so good to see 3 children enter this year As this year I am also the Chairman of the Parish Council, who we usually invite to present the trophies in for the Autumn Show, I thought it would be a good idea to ask our Chairman Chris to take my place in presenting the trophies. A tip from Judge David is to keep a shallow old ice cream tub, paint it black, put holes in the lid for your fuchsia/pansy blooms and put water in the box base. Put the lid on and they will look more presentable and keep the blooms fresher. All flower pots must be either black or terracotta nothing fancy please. “Dress” your exhibits but turning the flower heads to the front, straighten runner beans with the heat of your hands and manipulation. All exhibits must have the name of the exhibit on them if possible to distinguish what they are to make it easier for judging. Remember to enter more than one vegetable or fruit for comparisons for size and colour, ¼ points go to uniformity, size and colour and another ¼ of the points go for shape. Check whether you have the correct number of items entered. As you can see from the results below if you want to win a trophy in the “Exhibitor’s gaining the most points” it is best to enter several exhibits in the same section. Well done to Rod Pengelly, Doreen Higgs, Jane Lay and Lynda Sutherland for all winning more than 3 trophies each. WELL DONE EVERYONE WHO ENTERED AS WE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD SHOW WITH YOU! BEST IN SHOW Gentry Cup for Dahlias (Kenora Macoub) Bert Cooper cup for Roses (HT Red Devil) Tomson Glass Vase for flowers (purple Vanda orchid) Norman cup for fruit (Black Homburg grapes) Leon G Lay cup for vegetables ((onion sets) Ron Brothers Memorial Chalice for wine & beer (Damson liqueur) Nelly Faulconer vase for art & craft (turquoise collage picture) Valerie Beattie cup for photography (wild flowers photo) Bert Crownshaw cup for household (Marmalade) Barry Highland cup for young exhibitor (garden in a seed tray) EXHIBITORS GAINING THE MOST POINTS Drusilla Dennis Chalice for dahlias with 29 points Walter Ashby Rose bowl for roses with 9 points Jane Lay Chalice for flowers with 23 points Kitchingman Trophy for fruit & vegetables with 31 points A cut glass decanter for wine & beer with 3 points each Jane Lay Rod Pengelly Rod Pengelly Jane Lay Peter Tomson Doreen Higgs Lynda Sutherland Lynda Sutherland Doreen Higgs Elizabeth Dunstone Jane Lay Rod Pengelly Mandy Floyd Doreen Higgs Doreen Higgs Sandra Higgins A sterling silver cup for art & craft with 10 points Lynda Sutherland Kathleen Hare Memorial glass trophy for photography with 17 points Lynda Sutherland Doreen Higgs cup for household with 22 points Doreen Higgs Silver cup for young exhibitor 4-7 year with 5 points Georgina Smithy Young Exhibitor 8-1`2 years with 15 points Sophie Hudson Page 2 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 STEWART CHALLENGE PLATE awarded to the family who overall gains the most number of points 1st with 69 points Higgs nd 2 with 51 points Higgins 3rd with 47 points Bromwich SPRING SHOW 2015 Now is the time to purchase new daffodil bulbs to show their blooms in the spring show. You can purchase them from any nursery but if you want quality bulbs and are prepared to pay that little extra, look on the web sites of R.A. Scamp or T. Walkers bulbs You could buy a big bag of mixed bulbs if you have room for them to grow in your garden or allotment. If you do not want to pay lots of money look up these web sites and they will help you in recognising flowers and in what class you put them in. A tip I was given by our Judge was to grow them in pots rather than in the ground which will help you monitor the growth of the bulbs. Aylett’s, Burston’s, and the 2 nurseries in Chipperfield are all selling bags and singles of bulbs so pop along to any of them and have a coffee and sticky cake at the same time. AUTUMN SHOW – ROSES Our new member Rod Pengelly took us all by storm when he brought in to the show room his most wonderful enormous rose blooms and brought out show up another step in excellence. You too can grow these but you need to purchase the right roses. RED DEVIL ( PRINCESS NOBUKO (James Cocker & Sons SELFRIDGES (sorry don’t know) and THE WAINWRIGHT ROSE ( were all on show. Rod has kindly sent me instructions on how you too can grow blooms that size and I will type them out and let you have them. Go on have a try! BUTTERFLY WORLD NEWS Some of you may know that one of our members works at Butterfly World and has given me information on future events and activities which you may be interested in. Butterfly World would like to hear from you if you can be one of their volunteers as they are hoping to create a beautiful new British Butterfly Garden for spring 2015. This garden will attract our native butterflies and become the inspiration for thousands of visitors each year to create butterfly havens in their own gardens. Apply by email or call 01727 869203. LECTURES – cost £3 including refreshments. Book early 8th October Wednesday 19.30 on Great British Insects by Dr Luke Tilley 15 October Wednesday 19.30 on Butterflies that live with Ants by Prof. Jeremy Thomas 22nd October Wednesday 19.30 on The Rothschild’s: Nature Conservation and Butterflies by Mick Jones All these sound very interesting and are being held at Butterfly World Project, Mirian Lane, Off Noke Lane, Chiswell Green, Herts. AL2 3NY. 01727 869203. NEW MEMBERS WANTED – CAN YOU HELP? There are lots of new residents coming to live in our village. May be you have a new neighbour in your area and you think they possibly may like to join our gardening society? Please will you drop an application form through their letter box to tempt them to become one of our members? Copies are on our web site or you can collect a form from the Depot or my porch. It would be lovely to increase our membership to 300 by next year. Page 3 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 BOOTS FOR SALE I have a pair of Hi-Tec walnut brown walking boots in size 7 to sell which was purchased from the National Trust. These have not been worn and still in their box. They are waterproof with a high ankle protection. I think they were £75 to buy but I would be happy to have £40 ono. 01923 447281 GARDENERS I am always being asked to recommend someone to do their gardens for them. I am sorry I do not believe I should recommend anyone but here are a few names of people willing to help you, please let me know if you know of anyone else. You can also see names in the local paper shop window – Keith Dancey (local) – 07976 397510 or 397510 Paul Rennell (local) - 01923 261349 (evenings) Sevvy’s Garden Service (local) – 07986545366 REPORT ON OUR BEES We have been busy beekeepers lately! The 4 weeks' of varroa treatment is complete and we have inspected each of the hives to check for wax moth or any other disease, or signs of robbing.... The bees themselves have been working their little socks off, bringing in so much bright yellow pollen, and huge quantities of nectar, and overnight are fanning the nectar to reduce its water content enough to turn it into honey. The Queens are still laying eggs as if it were the height of summer, and there are still drones in the hives meandering around, blissfully unaware that when the cold chill of autumn strikes, they will be unceremoniously chucked out of their homes to die. We are planning a session of wax extraction at the depot in the near future. Chris is borrowing a wax steamer and we have a mountain of beeswax in various states of horribleness which needs to be cleaned off frames. Some of the wax would be good enough to make candles if anyone is keen to try this activity, but most of the wax will be cleaned up and taken to the wholesalers to swap for wax foundation for the new frames we will need next year. Beeswax is a valuable commodity so we cannot waste it. Our ALGS honey is now on sale at £2.00 per 4oz jar. We did contemplate taking more honey from the hives if this beautiful weather continues, but on reflection have decided to leave it with the bees to get them through what could be a difficult winter. We won't need to feed them as much if they have sufficient stores put by. Don't forget to plant some winter flowering shrubs and plants that have a nectar and pollen source for the bees to forage on throughout the winter. Even if they have stores, they still like to have fresh food available as it is richer in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates than the stored food which loses it nutritional value over time. Chris and I are giving a talk to the Ruislip Brownies soon, which should be fun. If you want to know more about beekeeping or know of some group that would be interested in hearing about our adventures, do contact us. Enjoy your honey! Kate Macnish OUR SMALL 4oz HEXAGONAl HONEY JARS Please don’t forget to return your empty honey jars (with labels removed) if you have purchased honey from us. This should save money in not having to buy so many jars each year. We hope you enjoyed our Bees honey? Page 4 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 This year has been amazing for honey collection so we will be able to provide more honey than ever before. Look out for our little hexagonal jars on sale at the social evenings and the Depot. MANURE NOW IS THE TIME TO PUT MANURE ON YOUR GARDEN AND ALLOTMENTS. From our Depot – horse manure per bag. Don’t forget that our Depot is well stocked with manure in bags for you to collect, and is ideal if you only want small quantities and instantly. For delivery Dave Birkin Tel: 01442 832997 - £40 approx. for a 5 tonne load. It is a mixture of horse and cow manure and is around 18 months old. Braziers Dairies - 07956945114 For collection – don’t forget to take your wellington boots, fork/spade and bags a. Mansion House stables (opposite the AL School entrance on the Bedmond Road) also provides horse manure for free to collect in the right hand side far corner. You have to go there when someone is working at the stables and ask if you can take some. They usually will be pleased to see you as they have to pay to get it removed! b. There is a house on the right hand side going down Chequers Lane, just before the bridge, where you can acquire manure. Knock on the door before helping yourself. c. There are stables run by Debbie Randall (07721327763) on the A405 on the same side as Burston’s. Due to the dual carriage way you need to go past Burston’s, over the next small roundabout to the big M10 roundabout, come back on yourself about 100yds BEFORE you reach the next small roundabout (Park Street/Tippendell Lane) the stables are on the left hand side. The stables are usually open each afternoon between 2 – 3.30pm and often on Saturday mornings. The manure is usually well matured. Note you must telephone Debbie BEFORE you go as she is not always there. If you know of any other supplies and would like to share this knowledge please let me know. REMINDER - UP DATE ON PESTICIDES FOR EDIBLE CROPS Go on for brand names and active ingredients change. For up-to-date lists of what gardeners can buy, search “Pesticides” at the RHS website. EMAIL ADDRESSES I am still coming across several email addresses which bounce back, so please let me know any changes on or as we cannot send you up to date news or Newsletters if we have the wrong email address. PLEASE SHOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD WHEN PURCHASING AT THE DEPOT ***** Page 5 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 DO YOU HAVE A PARISH COUNCIL ALLOTMENT OR ELSEWHERE IF SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW OR THE COMMITTEE MEMBER ON DUTY AT THE DEPOT FOR MY RECORDS NOTE - MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS ARE AFTER 1ST DECEMBER 2014 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Jo designs flower arrangements for any occasion at prices below the florist shops. These are ideal for weddings, funerals, anniversaries, etc. contact Jo Bromwich on Note - Jo does not provide flowers only. AUTUMN BARBEQUE BREAKFAST AT THE DEPOT SATURDAY 1ST NOVEMBER Come and enjoy Chris’ wonderful bacon and eggs in French bread with coffee or tea Green Flag Awards Ceremony – Broxbourne Civic Centre Staff from the leisure team attended the above ceremony with Cllr Keith Williams on Thursday 14 August 2014. A number of speakers gave their thoughts on the sustainability and importance of parks and open spaces. Kate Brown of Heritage Lottery spoke about funding opportunities and Jim McManus closed the event with some thoughts on parks and how they can improve public health. The team received awards for all three of the sites for which it applied this year; Rickmansworth Aquadrome Local Nature Reserve (LNR), Chorleywood House Estate LNR and Leavesden Country Park. The site assessments and judges' comments had improved yet further on last year, which just goes to show that the ongoing commitment of members of the team has not gone without notice. Judges’ comments from the Leavesden Assessment also acknowledge the hard work of our Park Ranger Damien, when they recognized his commitment and commented: ‘Very knowledgeable Park Ranger that is extremely keen. Keep up the good work’ FUND RAISING This is a most important part of our Society which gives benefits to all members in some form. Jo Bromwich likes to get good speakers for our social evenings and they can be expensive, and we like to run two shows in the year, and I am sure that all of you who take part in these activities enjoy them. We also run two quiz nights in the autumn and spring as well as our biggest fund raiser the Carnival stall. Please support our funding raising when you can.- we always welcome unwanted gifts for our Raffles at meetings and shows. Thank you. Page 6 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 Our Carnival stall did amazingly well again this year and raised around £900 for the society. Thank you to all of you who donated plants, those who helped on the day and to those who purchased plants as well. OUR DEPOT STOCKS A LARGE RANGE OF WILD BIRD FOOD AND VERY REASONABLE PRICES (Prices can change with new stock) Mixed seed No waste mix Sunflower seeds black Sunflower seeds stripy Sunflower hearts Suet Pellets 1k Suet pellets 3.5k £1.10 £1.90 £1.40 £1.30 £1.90 £3.00 £10.00 Feeder seed 80p Peanuts £2.00 Niger seed £1.40 Fat Balls 20p or 6 for a £1 Square Fat blocks 90p Coconut shells from 60p plus various wild bird food containers WEB SITE – Our web site has lots of useful information and we are regularly updating the site. If you want to contact us by email use - CHRISTMAS QUIZ NIGHT Please note that the date has been changed to Friday 5th December. Please have a look in your diaries and start gathering your friends and relations to join us in our Christmas Quiz Night. Don’t be put off that the questions could all be about gardening as they are NOT, all different subjects you could be asked and the whole idea is to have FUN whilst supporting fundraising for our Society. Book now with Jo Bromwich on our web site at the top of the newsletter. GREEN DEAL Green Deal is the Government’s new scheme for improving energy efficiency and reducing bills. The Green Deal will take away the need for householders to pay upfront for insulation, energy efficient heating or windows. Instead the Green Deal enables the cost of measures to be covered by savings on the electricity bill. Green Deal will be available to everyone. The first step will be to get a Green Deal assessment which sets out what you could do to improve your home’s energy efficiency and save you money. The costs must meet the ‘golden rule’ that the expected savings must be equal to, or greater than, the costs attached to the energy bill. So the bill payer will pay no more but will benefit from a more energy efficient home. There will also be a new energy company obligation (ECO) which will focus on those households who cannot achieve significant energy savings without support. These include vulnerable and low-income households and those living in harder to treat properties, such as solid-walled properties. This change will bring to an end the current schemes which offer loft or cavity wall insulation and there are a number of free offers available for a short time. or call 0800 980 6026. Page 7 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 More information about Green Deal will be available shortly. Keep up to date with details through and GARDENING ITEMS FOR SALE Would like to purchase a garden electric leaf sweeper (£65 new) for £20; an electric leaf vacuum for £20 or a “garden friend” (which is a holder for a bag to collect your garden waste in) for £30. All in excellent condition and purchased at Chelsea some years ago and has never been used! Please contact with Keith Gissing via, can show you photographs of each item. KEEP FIT FOR THE OVER 50’S Yes that means me as well! Please come along and enjoy yourselves on a Tuesday morning at 10 – 11am. Cost only £4. This is run by the Hertfordshire University under our young qualified trainer Colin Fisher. It is NOT jumping and running around to music, we mainly do resistance work in arms and legs to help us in later life as our limbs get weaker. It is also good for the heart. The Edible Garden Show 2015 The Edible Garden Show will be coming in to bloom again in 2015. The new-look show will take place at Alexandra Palace from 20-22 March 2015. The show offers visitors everything they need to get ready to grow in 2015 including the Allotment Advice Clinic, Potting Shed and Experts Theatre. Plus you’ll be able to plan your plot and purchase everything you need from seeds to sheds. Go on to book your tickets. TEMPERATURES 15 Years compared 1999 - 2014 Degrees Centigrade Average July temperatures 27.0 26.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Low High Another warm July. Like the buses you wait and wait and then two come along together – after 6 years 2013 (23.9°C) was just slightly warmer than this year (23.3°C), but the only other year warmer was 2006. The warmest day was 19th at 29°C. The warmest day I have recorded was of course during 2006 which reached 33.5°C (92.3°F). Comparing the number of days in July that reached 70°F or more gives 2006 – 29! 2012 – 7 (say no more) 2013 – 24 with 2014 achieving 26 (more days but not quite so warm). Page 8 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 15 Years compared 1999 - 2014 Degrees Centigrade Average August temperatures 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Low High This year only nine days reached 70° F. It is the coldest August I have recorded. There have been 3 warmer Septembers! National Allotments Week 2015 Next Year National Allotments Week will be held in the second week of August, so if you are planning an allotment party next year how about holding it between 10 and 16 August 2015. DEPOT DUTIES – 8.45 to 10.10am If you make a mutually agreed swap, please don’t forget to let Pat Colwell know so that he can keep an accurate record. Being on duty involves 1¼ hour’s duty on a Saturday morning, only once or twice a year. There will always be a Committee Member on hand, to give guidance. Many hands make light work! So if you are willing to join the list of volunteers to help serve in the Depot, please let Pat ( know and he can add you to the list if there is a cancellation by someone. Many thanks to all those members who have helped out this year. We have had several members forget their depot duty! Please may I remind you that if no helper’s turn up it does leave the committee member very vulnerable and they may not be able to cope on their own and have to close? DUTY ROTA (correct at going to print) October 4 Sue North, Brenda and John Kersey 11 John Merry, Norman Meldrum, Madelene Harris 18 Jeremy Foster, Susan Harris, Sandra Higgins 25 Pat Colwell, John and Anne Cox November 1 Jo Bromwich, Richard Gabriel 8 Myles Darbyshire, Roger Gotts 15 Kate Macnish, Roger Silvester 22 Jane Lay, Peter Shallcross 29 Joe Johnston, Jean Bell December 6 Pat Colwell, Joyce Davies 13 Chris Bromwich, Jean Robinson 20 David Sutherland, Alan Alexander Page 9 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 3 10 17 24 31 27 Kate Macnish, Terry Bray January 2015 Sue North, Barbara Foster Jo Bromwich, Lesley Campbell Bella Stuart-Smith, Jo Domaniewska Adrienne Barnes, Vince Watts John Merry, Christine Blackett Please put these dates in your diary NOW. Please look through them and if they are NOT OK please swap NOW to make life easier for Pat and telephone him with your arrangement.. I appreciate you could be ill at the last minute on the Saturday morning but please phone me on 01923 447281 before 8.30am so that I can inform the committee member not to expect you. Several of you have not turned up at all which is very bad for the committee member who may have had to work on their own and be vulnerable with the money in the depot. Incredible Edible comes to Kings Langley Building on the success of their first local fresh food market this month, Transition in Kings (TiK) are very excited to announce their forthcoming event on the future of food: Our Food, the Planet and Us 7.30pm Wednesday 15 October at the Rudolph Steiner School Theatre, Kings Langley. Tickets (£4 in advance, £5 on the door) are available on Eventbrite or via our website or call our TiK box office on 07754 532862. Barbara Rowbottom their champion of TiK’s local food market has invited co-founder of Incredible Edible, Pam Warhurst to Kings Langley for what promises to be an inspiring and thought provoking event. Incredible Edible is quickly becoming a global phenomenon, with community gardening initiatives spreading throughout the UK, USA, Canada and France. Started by Pam Warhurst and Mary Clear in 2006, their small market town in Yorkshire is now home to an abundance of community gardening initiatives. “We’ve planted trees on land at the Fire Station, and the Police Station. The Health Centre has fruit trees all around it and an apothecary’s garden at the back.” You can discover more on their website at, including a link to Pam's TED talk. th Accompanying Pam is Charles Ainger - visiting professor on Sustainable Development at Cambridge University, an inspiration for our creation of Grand Union Community Energy in 2013. Charles is a leading light of Low Carbon Chilterns, a group dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of community buildings. At their seminar he brings his lifetime's experience as a water engineer to bear on the difficulties in food production at a global level. Robert Mostyn & Vicky Bate will present Transition in Kings' local initiatives and the opportunities for getting involved. Please book in advance via their website: or call the TiK box office on 07754 532862. ABBOTS LANGLEY IN TRANSITION EVENT The next transition event in Abbots takes place on SATURDAY 6TH DECEMBER in the Henderson Hall. Put the date in your diary as we will have a stall as well. Page 10 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 MR FOTHERGILL’S 2015 SEEDS CATALOGUES OUR CATALOGUES ARE NOW IN STOCK! COLLECT FROM THE DEPOT OR MY PORCH. ALL ORDER FORMS MUST BE BACK TO ME BY 1ST NOVEMBER. I am sure you want to support the Society again this year by buying your seed and plants through us. You will be pleased that the discount on seeds will be 50% instead of 40% and non-seeds 15% instead of 10% for our 1st collective main order. Our collective order must be over £1000 to get these discounts, the more you order for our 1st collective order the better it is for all. If you have friends or relatives who want to order please encourage them too. Note - All orders are received by me and will not be sent to your home unless you want to pay extra WHAT TO PLANT OR SOW THIS AUTUMN Garlic – plant now 6ins apart in rows with 12in intervals as they need a cold spell in the ground to be successful.. Broad Beans – These crop earlier if sown in the autumn. Sow 4in apart in rich soil. Corn Salad – this is a hardy crop for winter salads. Take lots of cuttings from plants you love to make more for FREE. Roses are excellent for making new plants when pruning them also blackcurrant bushes. Prune your fruit trees and bushes now to increase your fruit for next year. Not autumn raspberries as you cut them down in February/March. Pick your runner beans regularly and keep feeding with tomato food and watering for regular cropping and mulch with grass cuttings to help to keep the roots moist. Tidy up your strawberry beds and take new plants off the runners. Plant your winter potatoes for Christmas new potatoes. Net winter brassicas Watch out for caterpillars munching your winter greens. Sprinkle with Derris from the depot. Dig in or lay on the top of the soil manure to enrich your soil in the garden and allotment. It also helps for water retention in the summer months. Keep on deadheading your flowers in the garden, this will encourage more flowers to bloom. Wash down the glass in your greenhouse twice a year. Once in April and now to enable more light to go into your greenhouse especially if you put up bubble plastic as well as to kill off the bugs. Light a sulphur candle in the greenhouse as well. Page 11 of 12 NEWSLETTER October - November 2014 Soak your canes in Jeyes Fluid or Armilatox to kill off the bugs and help preserve them for another year.. ABBOTS LANGLEY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Are you interested in local history or history at all? Why not go along to the ALLHS social evenings which are held every last Monday in the month September to May. December and May are on the 3rd Monday. You will meet new and old friends, have a drink and a chat as well as see and hear excellent speakers and slides. October 27th is on The Rothschild’s and Waddesdon Manor with John Petit and on 24th November there is The History of Radlett Aerodrome by Chris Scivyer. Why not go along in October to see if you like the meetings and perhaps join. It only costs £2 for non-members. See you there – it starts at 8pm. PROGRAMME FOR SOCIAL EVENINGS AND OTHER EVENTS IN 2014 Held in the Manor House, Gallows Hill Lane, Abbots Langley (opposite Popes Road) Meetings start at 8pm unless stated otherwise Doors open at 7.40pm If you have any ideas for future talks please contact Jo Bromwich on October 16 November 1 November 20 Kate Harwood on The Origins of our Garden Plants BBQ BREAKFAST John Tyler on Life in a Nutshell, natural history in miniature. December 5 December 18 CHRISTMAS QUIZ NIGHT – please note the new date Christmas Social with competitions, food and Jacky Nutkins on light hearted tales of a professional gardener and a quiz Annual General Meeting January 15 2015 February 19 March 19 March 28 April 16 April 24 May 21 June 13 Spring Show in the Henderson Hall – plants requested to sell. Opens at 11 – 1pm. Spring Quiz Night in the Manor House Abbots Langley Carnival – donations wanted for our stall GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME – Guest entrance £2.00 Page 12 of 12
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