calendar Sunday, October 19: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Mutual Discernment (1:30 p.m. in Godly Play I) Tapping the BCP (2:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall) Tuesday, October 21 (Note the new date!) Newcomers’ Gathering (6 p.m. at Barbara Timms’ & Daryl Schlick’s home) Sunday, October 26: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost How to Worship Well (10:30 a.m. in All Saints’ Chapel) Baptismal Preparation (12:45 to 1:30 in All Saints’ Chapel) Tuesday, October 28 Fatted Calf Café (Cooking begins at 2 p.m., Setup volunteers arrive at 4 p.m., Doors open at 5 p.m., Dinner served at 5:30 p.m.) Thursday, October 30 Requiem Mass for Elsie Reid (11 a.m. in the Church) Friday, October 31 ALL HALLOWS’ EVE YOUTH SLEEPOVER Saturday, November 1 Our Lady of Guadalupe Episcopal Church celebrates Dia De Los Muertos (5 p.m. in the Parish Hall) - Note: No Solemn Evensong tonight. Sunday, November 2: The Feast of All Saints (transferred) BAPTISMS CELEBRATED AT 11:15 A.M. MASS Pastoral Care Team meeting (10:30 a.m. in the Small Meeting Room) Green Team Social/Planning (12:30 p.m. in Godly Play II) Matthew and the End of all Things (10:30 a.m. in the Chapel) 5 p.m. Liturgy Planning Team (2:30 p.m. in the Gallery) First Sunday at TS McHugh’s follows the 5 p.m. Liturgy Wednesday, November 5: The Commemoration of All Faithful Departed (trsf.) All Souls Day Mass (7 p.m. in the Church) DIOCESAN CONVENTION: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Sunday: November 9: Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost St. Paul’s 101 follows the 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. masses Green Team Social/Planning (12:30 p.m. in Godly Play II) Matthew and the End of all Things (10:30 a.m. in the Chapel) 5 p.m. Liturgy Planning Team (2:30 p.m. in the Gallery) Tuesday, November 11 Staff Meeting (4:00 p.m. in the Office) Vestry Meeting (6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall) Sunday, November 16 Port Wine and Giving Intention Card Ingathering (All masses) Friday, November 21 9 a.m. Liturgy Choir Rehearsal (7 p.m. in the Parish Hall) Saturday, November 23 Evensong & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (5:30 p.m. in the Church) LEADERSHIP CONTACT DIRECTORY Fontaneers (Font Caretakers) Contact: Blunt Jackson at Sacristans (care for communion and liturgical/worship supplies) Contact: Prue Kluckhohn at Bakers’ Guild (bake bread at home for communion) Contact Carol Wiesenbach at [NEW!]. Lectors (read lessons at worship services) Contact: Howard Henry at Servers (Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Crucifers, Acolytes, at all services) Contact: Mark Taylor at Greeters (Welcome people to worship) Contact: LizAnn Jones at Flowers Contact: Fred Speaks at 5PM Liturgy (Greeters, Lectors, Thurifers, and other Roles) Contact: Paul Steinke at Chalice (Prayer Team) Contact: Stephen Crippen at Children & Godly Play Contact: Jeffrey Batstone at Fatted Calf Café (monthly neighborhood dinners for the hungry) Contact: Brad Kirschner ( Grounds & Gardens Team Contact: Tracy Steen ( STAFF CONTACT DIRECTORY Jeffrey Batstone, Lay Pastor for Children’s Formation — Adam Conley, Developer for 11:15 a.m. Community — Stephen Crippen, Deacon — Ben Dobyns, Musician for Sunday Evening Community — Alfredo Feregrino, Assistant Priest for Mission Development — Gary James, Organist/Choirmaster — Jo Kirschner, Pastoral Care Team Lead — Prue Kluckhohn, Sacristan & Hospitality Team Lead — Emerald Lessley, Choristers’ (Children’s Choir) Director — Loren Peters, Developer for 9 a.m. Community — Martin Pommerenke, Parish Administrator — Catharine Reid, Bookkeeper & Assistant Priest for 5 p.m. Liturgy — Daryl Schlick, Treasurer — Paul Steinke, Lay Pastor for Sunday Evening Community— Samuel Torvend, Priest in Charge — Missy Trull, Lay Pastor for Children’s Formation — Bulletin announcements are due at by Noon the Tuesday before they are to appear. Write to to join our email list. Post Office Box 9070 | 15 Roy Street : Seattle, Washington 98109 phone (206) 282-0786 | | parish life October 19, 2014 Today: Tapping the BCP w/ Mark Taylor 2:30 p.m. in Godly Play II All are invited to join Mark Taylor for an introductory conversation around the Book of Common Prayer, the form of the Mass, and the order of ministry (bishops, priests, deacons, and all the baptized): what they are and how they interact to shape the life of our community. We’ll enjoy some snacks and samples of delightful beverages along the way, with nonalcoholic and alcoholic choices provided. We will be meeting in the Parish Hall. To ensure we have enough refreshments, RSVP to Paul at This Tuesday, October 21: Newcomers’ Gathering If you are a newcomer to St. Paul’s, please reserve this Tuesday evening (new date!), October 21, on your calendar. You are invited to join Fr. Torvend and other parish leaders for a relaxing evening of food, drink and conversation at the home of Barbara Timms and Daryl Schlick. Their condo, with an incredible view of the bay, is a short walk from the church, west on Mercer: 521 Fifth Avenue West, No. 403. We will spend a few minutes discussing upcoming events at St. Paul’s and respond to questions you might have about the parish. Please email your RSVP to Barbara Timms at by Tuesday, October 14. The gathering is from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. November 1: Metropolitan Market Parking Ends The Mercer Street improvements have dramatically reduced free street parking on Sunday in the neighborhood. This doesn’t just affect us, but other businesses also. St. Paul’s is very grateful for our friendly and cooperative relationship with Metropolitan Market. Unfortunately, Met Market is concerned about the impact recent infrastructure changes have had on their increasing weekend business, and they will be recalling our Sunday parking passes as of November 1. Please plan accordingly. We encourage you to explore alternative transportation options. If you have questions, please contact Adam Conley at Christopher Wagner also is glad to provide personalized assistance with navigating area bus routes. Email him at or read the blurb at about this. Parking Stickers Available After All Masses Today We have a little bit of good parking-related news also this week. We have new individually-numbered parking stickers that we will be distributing over the next few weeks. We’d like everyone who drives to church, regardless of where you park, to take a St. Paul’s sticker and give us your cell number. We’ll get a count of how many need parking, a phone number to call if you’re blocking people after coffee hour, and a way to easily identify you as a person in our community. Get yours today in the Parish Hall after all masses. THE READINGS Sunday, October 26: How to Worship Well October 30: Requiem Mass for Elsie Reid 10:30 to 11:10 a.m. in All Saints’ Chapel Katie Bucy, St. Paul’s member and observant worshipper, will suggest ways to participate in worship that cultivate attentiveness and foster deeper engagement in that ensemble of words and actions we call the Mass or the Holy Eucharist. Elsie Reid, OSH, mother of Catharine Reid, our Associate Priest for the 5 p.m. Community, died earlier this month. St. Paul’s will hold a Requiem Mass for her on Thursday, October 30 at 11 a.m. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 45:1-7 Psalm 96:1-9, (10-13) 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 November 6: Beth Zubitis Funeral Mass in Tacoma SERVING BEHIND-THE-SCENES Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Saturday, November 1 at 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall The people of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church sponsor another amazing Day of the Dead celebration in the Parish Hall, beginning at 5:oo p.m. with Day of the Dead shrine, sand painting, and delicious food. This special holiday in the Latin tradition (particularly celebrated in Mexico), focuses on festive gatherings to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. For more information or ways to participate contact Fr. Alfredo at Evensong will not be celebrated on November 1. Elizabeth (Beth) Zubitis, mother of St. Paul's member, Michael Zubitis, died on September 18. Beth was known to many at St. Paul's and had worshiped here on many occasions. The funeral Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, November 6, at 1:00 p.m., at All Saints Episcopal Church, 205 East 96th Street in Tacoma. Members of St. Paul's are invited to attend to support Michael and remember Beth. Parish Profile Available in Hard Copy Chanele Brothers, Grey Hopkins, and Asia Selke will be baptized at the 11:15 mass. Please keep them and their sponsors in prayer as they prepare for this sacrament of grace. As we announced earlier in the month, our Parish Profile is now complete and may be viewed at . If you’d like a hard copy of the file, send a message to subject “Profile Hard Copy” so we can order one for you. Printing all at once will save on costs, so the deadline to respond on this will be Sunday, November 9. We’d be grateful for a $5—$10 donation for each copy. Commemoration of All Faithful Departed No Pledge Card? All Saints’ Day (transferred) Sunday, November 2 at all liturgies Wednesday, November 5 at 7 p.m. At this transferred observance (also called All Souls’ Day), we have a tradition of inviting all to print the names of your departed loved ones in our Remembrance Book (Copies are located in the narthex and office) for recitation at the All Souls mass on November 5. Matthew and the End of All Things Sunday Class: November 2 & 9 10:30 to 11:10 a.m. In All Saints’ Chapel David Nienhuis, SPU New Testament professor, will lead a lively discussion focused on the readings from Matthew that envision the end of all things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Sound interesting? November 2 & 9: Green Team Social & Planning Hours 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Godly Play II - attend either date More than sixteen parishioners have already expressed an interest in the Green Team, our effort to coordinate and deepen our involvement in environmental justice ministry here at St. Paul's. To keep up the momentum, share more information, get to know each other better, and discuss immediate next steps, Deacon Stephen is hosting a Social (light refreshments) and Planning Hour on two consecutive Sundays, November 2 and November 9. RSVP to Stephen in person or at, indicating which date you'd like to attend. All are welcome! Stewardship letters and giving intention cards were mailed out on October 6. If you did not receive yours, please write to and we will send one out to you. Giving Statements In The Mail In early October, donation statements were mailed to all those who have pledged, so the year-to-date accuracy of the statements can be verified, and corrections, if any, can be made. Upcoming Safeguarding Trainings Children: 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct 25 at St. Matthew, Brown’s Point Children: 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov 1 at St. James, Kent Children: 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov 29 at St. Elizabeth, Burien See a full list of trainings and RSVP information at One way to get oriented to the parish Liturgy Preparation Team gathers each Friday morning at around 9:30 Newcomers or anyone interested in experiencing some of what goes on behind-the-scenes at St. Paul’s are invited to join our Liturgy Preparation Team on Friday mornings. This ministry does a lot of nuts-and-bolts work to get ready for our Sunday services. It is a friendly way to learn how the liturgy is put together, who does what around here, and what ministries are offered. If you’re looking for a way to get plugged into the parish, be a part of this Friday morning community of people who laugh and work together. For more details about this, write to Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 Psalm 1 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46 ON TODAY’S ROTA Patrick Lynch, Glory Lubuva: Sacristans Kristi Growdon: Bread Baker Tracy Steen: Flowers Mary Baranowski: 9 a.m. Coffee Hour Host Palmer Family: 5 p.m. Snack TODAY’S FLOWERS Flowers are offered to the glory of God by David & Lizann Jones in loving memory of their parents Robert Lee and Win & Marcy Jones Sunday Offerings For Children & Young People •Nursery for children up to 3 years old is open from 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. •Godly Play children’s formation schedule (for ages 3 to 12) : 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 4:45 p.m. •Rite-13 (ages 12 through High School): 11 a.m. •Choristers (Children’s Choir): 12:40 to 1:20 p.m. Weekday Masses Thursday at 6:15 p.m. Saturday Mornings at 9:00 a.m. (with laying on of hands and anointing) Office Hours 9:30 to 2:30 Tues, Wed, and Fri (Please call ahead if you need access to the building or want to make an appointment with a staff member as schedules vary.) Daily Office •Morning Prayer: Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. •Evening Prayer: Tu, Wed, Thrs at 5:30 p.m. •Sung Evening Prayer: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Office Schedule Changed This Week The office will be closed on Tuesday of this coming week, and will instead be open Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 22—24. Newcomers: Scan Here to Join the Parish If you are new to our community, please use the QR code here or visit to update your records. You may also use this link to update your street address, email, phone number, etc. Announcements needed by Tuesdays at noon.
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