EAST DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Kelly Crusader News KELLY NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.EASTDETROIT.ORG K E L L Y C R U S A D E R N E W S Mr. Matthew M. Karaffa, Principal O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4 Mrs. Jodi Pirog, Assistant Principal Mission Statement Mission Statement We, the Kelly Community, work together to provide a safe environment where opportunities exist for all to We, the Kelly Community, work together to provide a safecontributing environmentmembers where opportunities learn, develop positive behaviors, and become of society exist for all to learn, develop positive behaviors, and become contributing members of society Mark Your Calendar Mark Your Calendar Oct 1 Pupil Count Day Oct 2 Gleaners Food Bank Oct 3 Progress Reports Home October Early Release 15 10:50 Dismissal Oct 28 8 am Breakfast with the Principal at KMS Oct 29 8 am Breakfast with the Principal at Kelly ALP October Picture Make Up Day 30 Nov 4 Election Day—No School Nov 7 End of 1st Marking Period Nov 13 Half Day 10:30 Dismissal Report Cards Given Out at Parent Teacher Conferences 12:15-2:00 and 6:00—8:30 Nov 26-28 Thanksgiving Recess Dec 12 Progress Reports Home Dec 22- No School Jan 2 Holiday Break Thank you to all the parents, students, and family members who attended our Meet the Teacher Night on September 4th. Progress Reports Progress Reports were carried home with students on Friday, October 3rd. Please discuss this report with your son/ daughter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Progress Reports, contact their teacher or counselor. Report Cards Principal’s welcome The first marking period ends Friday, November 7. Your students’ report cards may be picked up at Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, November 13th. Conference times are 12:15 to 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Those report cards that are not picked up at conferences will be carried home with students on Friday, November 14th. New at KMS Breakfast with the Principal Kelly Main –October 28 Kelly ALP—October 29 8:00—9:00 a.m. Parents and guardians of Kelly and Kelly ALP students are invited to attend our first monthly Breakfast with the Principal. We hope you will plan on meeting each month with Mr. Karaffa, Mrs. Pirog and/or Mr. Burton to find out what’s happening at Kelly and Kelly ALP. Main Office 586-533-3600 Fax 586-533-3609 Attendance 586-533-3601 Diane Currier, Counselor 586-533-3603 Last Names A-K Deborah Baird, Counselor 586-533-3602 Last Names L-Z Advanced Learning Program (ALP) 586-533-3650 Attendance 586-533-3651 PAGE 2 Kelly Vision Statement Kelly Crusaders will be respectful, responsible and ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Redeem and Recycle Beliefs Statement We believe that our students will be: Respectful Responsible and Ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. Abitibi Recycling The Kelly Green Team invites you to join them in their effort to improve the environment and earn money for the school at the same time. Please deposit your newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail, office paper, and school paper in the green and yellow bin in front of the school. Target Take Charge of Education Office Depot 5% Back to School Program Target donates 1% of purchases made using a Target VISA or Target Guest Card to Kelly Middle School. Please ask your cashier how you can participate. Kelly receives 5% credit for school supplies if you mention Kelly’s ID #70049885. If you choose to purchase any of your supplies at Office Depot, please be sure to mention our school. Parent Portal Newsletter and District Info Parents have access to grade and attendance information through Power School Parent Portal. Kelly’s newsletter as well as district information can be found at: www.eastdetroit.org Register for Parent Portal in the office. Printed copies of the newsletter are available in the office. Things You Need to Know If your child is absent, it is your responsibility to call and report their absence. Call 586-533-3601 to report an absence at KMS or 586-533-3651 for ALP. KELLY Kelly receives school equipment and/or cash for recycled print cartridges and used cell phones. Drop your cartridges and unwanted phones off in the front office. Internet Connections Attendance Line Carl Rogers Funding Factory CRUSADER NEWS Homework Homework information may be available at http:// kellyms.weebly.com. Parents may call the office to request homework after 3 consecutive days of absence. Phone Use Students should not use the office phone to make plans for going home. These plans should be clear to your child before coming to school. School phones should be used for school related calls. KELLY CRUSADER NEWS PAGE 3 PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention and Support is a system that rewards students for being Responsible, Respectful and Ready for school. Watch for coming PBIS events. Market Day Fundraiser Every month the Kelly will be participating in the Market Day grocery fundraising program. The school will receive a 10% profit of our total sales. Order forms are typically due on the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of each month; while online orders are due the following Friday. How to Sign Up for Mrs. Pirog’s Kelly School Announcements: To receive text message reminders: Send a text to this number: 858-943-4380 Text this message: @kellysch To receive email messages: Send an email to: kellysch@mail.remind101.com Leave the message blank. Online orders can be placed at www.marketday.com Account Number 28600. Cash, check, money orders or Bridge Cards are due on pick up day. Questions? Please call the office at: 586-533-3600. Pick up day is the Thursday after orders are placed. Order forms are available in the main office. PTSO Page We are looking for parents who would be interested in participating in and/or leading our Kelly PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization). Please call the office if you would like to be part of this wonderful group. Box Tops for Education Please check your grocery items for Box Tops for Education and send them in to Kelly or Kelly ALP. PAGE Kelly Sports Page Congratulations Lady Crusaders! Congratulations to the following girls who made the Volleyball Teams! Each girl worked extremely hard during tryouts to earn a spot on one of the teams. Game Schedule Lady Crusaders: 7th Grade Laura Boik Jayla Granger DaJanique Harris Mattison Hinton Angel Johnson Kristinna King Shanice Mathews Alexis Mitchell Timari Pettway Asha Stevens 8th Grade Destiny Crockett Albrie Fletcher Nila Intravia Kayla Jeffries Kirsten McDonald Gabriel Naylor Kaylyn Pendleton Jamia Smith Janiya Smith Karah Tanski Tiana Tyler Valerie Ward Chee Xiong Come support your team! 10-2-14 10-7-14 10-9-14 10-14-14 10-16-14 10-20-14 10-21-14 10-23-14 Football 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm Wolfe Lincoln Chatterton Page Warren Woods Pierce Wolfe Lincoln Game Schedule 10-7-14 10-14-14 10-21-14 10-28-14 Kelly’s Football team is off to a great start! Come cheer our team to victory! Kaevonne Armstrong Daniel Banks Warren Biggs Dontaye Bradley Qulante Britton Christopher BurnettJohnson DaVon Butler Austin Chang Rayviente Crockett Demetrius Crowell Kurahn Davis Dylan Dean Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Jaionte Denham Amaju Dozier Chaveis Edmonds Kyle Ford Jemichael Forte Dominick Fusto Dontavius Greer Patrick Hang Jeffery Helferich Brent Hildebrand Latanious Horton Melvin Howard Kwacy Hunter Ryan Jenkins Cedric Johnson Lucas Kavanaugh Joel Knighton Jacob Koivula Keegan Koivula Anthony Kyles Kevion Marshall Russell May Elijah McCord Christopher Meeks Joshua Moceri Dequandre Morris Home Away Home Away 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm Terrence Norwood Anthony Owens Qujuan Pippins John Podsiadlik Dancaille Robinson Jeffrey Rudolph Caleb Rupersburg Cleophus Rutledge Kavone Sanders Dominic Thomas Jayden Tillman Christopher Underwood Ian Walter Roseville Wilkinson Chatterton New Haven Mikail Washington Quaran Whitsell Jahari Wilder Darin Williams David Williams JaQues Williams Keymani Williams Andrew Young 4
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