OVERBROOK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Children’s Sabbath October 12, 2014

Children’s Sabbath
October 12, 2014
10:30 AM
Notes on Today’s Service
We are glad you are worshiping with us this morning! If you are
a visitor, we invite you to fill out a card in the pew rack and place
it in the offering plate.
Childcare is available during the service. Worship is for all ages,
but should your infant or preschooler become restless during
worship, there is excellent childcare provided in our nursery.
Worship kits for children are available at the front entrance to
the Sanctuary.
Large print bulletins are available. Please speak to one of the
ushers if you have special needs. Enlarged copies of the hymns
for each Sunday are included in the large print bulletins.
Leading worship this morning: The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar,
pastor; Robert DeCray, worship leader; The Overbrook Junior
Choir, Margene Biedermann, Director; The Overbrook Choir; and
Dennis Elwell, Minister of Music.
Acolyte: Rayna Mason.
Ushers: Max Mason, Ken Carroll, John Mason, Mary Liz Scott,
Jason Sheau, Alan Sigler, and Nickie Stokes.
The chancel flowers are given to the glory of God by Peg and
Bob Kaercher in memory of their fathers, Kenneth Watson and
Fred Kaercher.
Deacons delivering flowers: Amarilis Stricker and Caroline
Please silence all cell phones during the worship service.
Thank you.
 = All who are able, please stand.
Jesus Loves Me!
Setting by Robert A. Hobby
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Remembering Ralph Vaughan Williams’ birthday, October 12, 1872
Like As a Father Pitieth His Own Children
George Thalben-Ball
Maya Subramanian
“Unless you change and become like children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
We come here seeking change;
we come here, each of us a child of God,
to recognize our dependence on God.
“Whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me.
And whoever welcomes me, welcomes not just me,
but the One who sent me.”
We come here to welcome children everywhere
in God’s name.
“Beloved, we are God’s children now.”
We come here as children of God,
secure in God’s love,
urged to work for God’s justice,
bound in one family to care for one another.
Come, let us worship the God on whom we rely,
the God who bids us to welcome the children,
the God who claims all of us as God’s children.
 HYMN, NO. 19
God of Great and God of Small
October Hymn of the Month
Hugh Taussig-Lux
God, help us to be honest so our children will learn honesty.
Help us to be kind so our children will learn kindness.
Help us to be faithful so our children will learn faith,
Help us to love so that our children will be loving.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
God Welcomes All
Beloved of God: Grace, mercy, and peace be with you all.
And also with you.
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Sophie Shah
Psalm 131
pew Bible, p. 542
arr. Marie Pooler
Text by Mrs. C. L. Holmes
Little Children, Come to Jesus
(HYFRYDOL – Roland Pritchard)
The Overbrook Junior Choir
Margene Biedermann, Director
Martha Phan, Accompanist
Following the Time with Children,
children Pre-K through Grade 1 may depart to Sunday School.
Older children and youth will remain in the service
until the Exchange of Peace.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Matthew 21:23-32
pew Bible, p. 22
The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar
“Empty Words”
 HYMN, NO. 700
I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
Rayna Mason
I believe that God is my Father in heaven.
A Child’s Creed
I believe that he made the world,
that he gives me life,
that he helps me grow.
I believe that Jesus is the son of God,
and the son of Mary.
Jesus shows me that God is love.
Jesus lived and died for me.
Jesus is alive now,
alive in me and in my neighbor.
I believe in the Holy Spirit
who helps me love others,
who makes me holy,
who helps me to know God better.
I believe in God’s family, the church.
I believe that I will be happy with God forever and ever. Amen.
Before the prayer, the choir will sing Hymn No. 469,
“Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying.”
Following the prayer, the congregation will sing it once more.
Let us pray:
Lord, hear the prayers of your children.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
During the Exchange of Peace,
children and youth grades 2-12 may depart to Sunday School.
Charles Villiers Stanford
O for a Closer Walk with God
The Overbrook Choir
O for a closer walk with God, a calm and heav’nly frame;
A light to shine upon the road that leads me to the lamb!
Return O holy Dove, return! Sweet messenger of rest;
I hate the sins that made thee mourn, and drove thee from my breast.
So shall my walk be close with God, calm and serene my frame;
So purer light shall mark the road that leads me to the lamb.
 HYMN, NO. 719
Come, Labor On
Threefold Amen
Postlude in Ab Major
Charles Joseph Frost
Welcome to Overbrook Presbyterian Church
Sunday School schedule for children and youth:
• 10:45 AM: Students in PreK-1st grade will leave following the
Time with Children
• 11:20 AM: Students in 2nd-12th grades will leave during the
Exchange of Peace
• 11:30 AM: Students in PreK-1st grade are picked up following
the worship service in their classrooms
• 12:00 PM: Students in 2nd-12th grades will be dismissed
Please join us immediately following worship for Coffee Hour in
the Wistar Morris Room. Hosts: Chad & Meghan Burkins.
Next Sunday, October 19: The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Service of Healing & Wholeness. Scripture readings: Jeremiah 14:7-10,
19-22, Luke 18:9-14. Preaching: The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar. Worship
leader: Buck Scott. Acolyte: Daniel Biedermann. Healing &
Wholeness participants: Amarilis Stricker, Caroline Skinner, Lori
Mason, Davorka Sabljak, LoisAnn Furgess-Oler. Coffee Hour: Peggy
Boatwright & family. Flowers given by: Peggy Boatwright & family.
Deacons delivering flowers: Jason Sheau and Mike Rottinger.
Coffee Hour Hosts. The sign-up chart for 2014 is in the Wistar
Morris Room. We are in need of hosts for November and
December. Contact Amarilis Stricker (484-343-0679) with
Parking on Sunday mornings. Please remember if the church
parking lot becomes extremely crowded, you can park in the
Overbrook Train Station lot. It is just a three-minute stroll along
City Avenue, and SEPTA allows free parking on weekends, no
payment or permission required.
October Hymn of the Month: Hymn. No. 19, “God of Great and God of
Small.” Our Hymn of the Month series for 2014-15 begins with a hymn
from the pen of noted composer, Natalie Sleeth (1930-1992), in 1973.
Sleeth was particularly appreciated for her writing of children’s
repertoire for the Choristers Guild, of which both Margene
Biedermann and Dennis Elwell are members. This hymn appropriate
for Children’s Sabbath on October 12, as well as its inclusiveness for
our 125th October anniversary, finds a note in Glory to God indicating it
“uses remarkably simple language, and affirms a great mystery:
beyond all powers of explanation, God holds together all the
opposites that seems to pull us in one direction or another. Yet God
is present to them all and also to us; for that we give praise.” The
hymn’s tune, GOD OF GREAT AND SMALL, was arranged by Beverly A.
Howard in 2012 for the Glory to God hymnal.
125th Anniversary Celebration
125th Anniversary Celebration - Dinner & Program
Saturday October 25, 6:00 to 10:00 PM, at the church.
Tickets: $50. Tickets are available following the service until
Sunday, October 19. Please make checks payable to
Overbrook Presbyterian Church.
Worship Service & Reception
On Sunday, October 26, at 10:30 AM, we will have a
celebratory anniversary worship service involving all four
pastors, and with The Rev. Floyd Churn preaching. A special
anthem will feature the Overbrook Choir, the Overbrook
Junior Choir, the Overbrook Westminster Handbell Choir,
trumpet, and piano. Afterwards, enjoy a reception hosted
by the 125th Anniversary Committee.
If you can assist us with set-up, decorations, ticket sales, etc.
or for more information, please contact Keedra Carroll (215356-3224, keedracarroll@gmail.com) or Edelene Carroll,
(215-222-5790, carrollvirgo@verizon.net).
Coming up at Overbrook Presbyterian Church
Sunday, October 12
Tuesday, October 14
Wednesday, October 15
Thursday, October 16
Friday, October 17
Saturday, October 18
Sunday, October 19
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
7:30 PM
10:00 AM
7:30 PM
10:30 AM
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
6:30 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
9:15 AM
9:15 AM
10:30 AM
Coffee Hour
Bible Study
Overbrook Book Club
Heavenly Harvest Meal
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Sports & Game Night
Farmers Market
Elijah Rehearsal
NCT Open House
Junior Choir
Adult Forum
Worship &
Sunday School
11:30 AM Coffee Hour
12:00 PM New Members & Inquirers Class
12:00 PM Christian Education Comm.
3:00 PM Mendelssohn’s Elijah
Youth Service Activity MISSION POSSIBLE! Today, 12:00 to 2:00 PM.
All youth grades 6-12 are invited to participate in the “MISSION
POSSIBLE” challenge. Come make soup and cornbread for shut-ins . .
. and enjoy a pizza lunch.
Bible Study Group. Every Wednesday, 10:00 to 11:30 AM, in McMillan
Chapel. Led by Wallace W. Bubar. Fall study: The Book of Revelation.
Overbrook Presbyterian Church Book Club. Wednesday, October 15,
7:30 PM, at the home of Amy Behrman, 240 Beech Hill Rd. in
Wynnewood. This month’s selection is The Dinner, by Herman Koch.
For more information and to RSVP, please contact Amarilis Stricker at
484-270-8351 or strickera@gmail.com.
Heavenly Harvest Meals at Calvin’s Kitchen. Every Thursday, 10:30
AM, at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 60th and Master Streets.
Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve a healthy and nutritious
meal for our neighbors in West Philadelphia. Contact Elizabeth
Cosgriff at cosgriff@dca.net for more information.
Sports and Game Night. Friday, October 17, 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Come
out and join in some half-court basketball or board games and pizza.
Please bring $5 per family to cover the cost of the pizza and drinks.
For more information contact Jason Sheau at jsheau@yahoo.com or
Overbrook Farms Farmers Market. Every Saturday, from 9:00 AM to
1:00 PM, in the church parking lot. Be sure to stop by to get the first
and freshest produce right from the growers. The market is
operated by The Food Trust.
Narberth Community Theatre Open House. Saturday, October 18,
from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. An opportunity to learn more about the
theater production, get a backstage tour of our very own stage, and
meet some of the players.
Adult Forum. Sunday mornings, 9:15 AM, in McMillan Chapel.
Current series: “Wide Welcome: The Intersection of Christianity and
Immigration.” Discussion resources will include selected readings
from Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible,
by M. Daniel Carroll, video clips from the PBS series, The New
Americans, and articles from Christianity Today.
New Members & Inquirers Class. Sundays, October 19, November 2,
& November 9, 12:00 to 1:30 PM, in McMillan Chapel. Lunch is
provided. Childcare is available. RSVP to Wallace Bubar at 215-8772744 or wallace@overbrookpresb.org.
Mendelssohn’s Elijah. Sunday, October 19, at 3:00 PM. To begin
Overbrook Church’s 125th Anniversary, The Overbrook Choir, and
Gordon Turk, Organist, will present Felix Mendelssohn’s monumental
oratorio, ELIJAH. Daniel Lickteig, baritone, sings the title role with
the other members of The Overbrook Quartet performing additional
arias. Dennis Elwell, Minister of Music, conducts this free concert.
Urban/Suburban Book Club. Tuesday, October 21, 12:00 PM, at Bryn
Mawr Presbyterian Church. This month’s selection is The Orphan
Train, by Christina Baker Kline. This is a book club of diverse
membership involving members of several Presbyterian Churches,
including Overbrook. For more information, contact Alyce Marsh at
Book Drive. During October, the Mission & Outreach Committee will
sponsor a collection of new and gently used books suitable for all
ages, as well as composition notebooks and pencils -- to be donated
to Mighty Writers. (www.mightywriters.org) Some of the books,
especially SAT study manuals, will be used for their teaching
programs. Others will be given to students and parents to take home
and enjoy. Bring your donations to the Church Office, marked for
Mighty Writers. Keep in mind, these are books for family reading, so
please no old text books or anything that you wouldn’t want to read
All Saints Sunday Photographs. This year for All Saints Sunday
(November 2), worshipers are invited to bring a photograph of a
loved one who has died within the past twelve months. These
photographs will be arranged in the Sanctuary for the worship
service. Pictures should be in a frame (preferably with a stand), and
no larger than 8”x10”. Please drop your picture off in the Church
Office by Thursday morning, October 30.
The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for Session and
Deacons. If you are interested in being an Elder on Session or a
Deacon or would like to nominate someone, please give names to:
Edelene Carroll, Chairperson, 2014 Nominating Committee, or one of
our committee members: Peggy Boatwright, Alyce Marsh, Jason
Sheau, Brian Taussig-Lux, and Nicole Stokes-Robinson.
The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar
The Rev. David K. McMillan
Cheryl Desmond
Pastor Emeritus
Office Manager
Dennis Elwell
Earlene Ford
Minister of Music
Financial Secretary
Margene Biedermann
Leonard Robbins
Junior Choir Director
Iris Fairfax
Toffer T. Mihalka
Lois Babbitt
Daniel Lickteig
Melissa D’Amelio
6376 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19151
Phone: 215-877-2744 610-642-1051
E-mail: info@overbrookpresb.org
Website: www.overbrookpresb.org