Name & Date of Birth of Teenager attending 1.__________________________________ Names of Parents attending 1. _________________________________ 2.__________________________________ If you have any dietary or disability issues, please contact Niamh or Loretta in the Cork office Epilepsy is a condition characterised by a tendency to have recurring spontaneous seizures. Epilepsy can affect anyone at anytime. Research has shown that there are 36,844 people with epilepsy in Ireland, age five and over. Seminar for Teenagers (age 14-18) and their parents This Seminar is organised by: Epilepsy Ireland 35 Washington Street Cork Tel: 021-4274774 For further details contact: Epilepsy Ireland was established in 1966. Our vision is to achieve a society where no person's life is limited by epilepsy. We are committed to working for, and to meeting the needs of everyone with epilepsy in Ireland and their families and carers. Cork Community Resource Officers Niamh Jones, & Loretta Kennedy Tel: (021) 4274774 Email: or Saturday 18th October 2014 Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork 10.00am -4.00pm This event is supported by an educational grant from Janssen CHY NO: 6170 10.00am-10.30am Booking Form Registration Please fill in your details below Name 10.30am-10.40am Welcome Wendy Crampton, Director of Services, Epilepsy Ireland 10.40am-11.00am Opening Address by Brian Cuthbert, Cork Senior Football Manager Address Mobile “To be the best you can be”, your glass must be at least half full ! Email 11.00am-12.00 12.00-1.00pm The Dare Programme & Assistive Technology UCC Mary O’Grady & Liz Doran Booking Fee: €10.00 (per person) Total number of Persons: ______________ Workshop for Teens Dr. Marcia Ward, Clinical Neuropsychologist “Self Confidence & Identity”: Adolescents Living with Epilepsy Total Amount enclosed: ______________ Workshop for Parents “ Stress Happens” Colin Jones & Brendan Pender, Dept of Occupational Therapy, UL 1.00pm-2.00pm 2.00pm-3.00pm Lunch Workshop for Teens Kathryn Foley, Community Resource Officer—”Lifestyle & Epilepsy” Workshop for Parents Dr. Marcia Ward, Clinical Neuropsychologist “Parenting Young People with Epilepsy” 3.00pm-4.00pm Drum Dance Ireland (We want to let you know this will be Loud) ! Please return Completed Booking Form & Payment and Consent Form before Monday 6th October to Epilepsy Ireland, 35 Washington Street, Cork
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