Faith United Methodist Church 600 Veterans Memorial Lane Bowling Green, KY 42101-4420 270-843-8430 Visit us on the web: OCTOBER 2014 Developing Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ As I write this, our Bible reading marathon is in full swing. I am so pleased with YOUR response to this opportunity to Proclaim the Word of G-d. As so many are reading the Bible from cover to cover this week, it is my prayer we will all gain a deeper understanding of the Bible's timeless message of Jesus' purpose for us and the Kingdom of Heaven. After the Bible reading marathon has concluded, we do not want to stop. We are planning another weekend retreat for Friday-Saturday Oct 17-18. This time, we will have a Bible overview. A systematic look at the entire Bible in 5 hours. Friday evening 7-9PM, then Saturday morning 9am12 noon will be spend in an exciting examination of Genesis to Revelation. We will see how the Lord's plan is consistent throughout all of scripture. His love for all men and His plan of redemption all under the Lordship of Jesus Christ will inspire us to love Him more deeply. If you have a question about anything in the Bible, please come and every attempt will be made to find the answer. Most of us know various Bible stories and various people written about in the Bible, but how do they all fit into one major story. Also, who came before and after whom? Because He lives, After all, as we practice an active prayer life and gain in our understanding of scripture; we become equipped for a dynamic Christian life which enables us to live in the complex and challenging times we face today. I look forward to seeing you there. It will be fun. Pastor Rob KUNTRY KORNER GENERAL STORE Mark your calendar and make your plans to shop at the K unt r y K or ner General Store at Faith U.M.C. on Saturday, October 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You will find various craft items, holiday decorations, homemade baked items and many other “goodies”. You can also have lunch with us. . . your choice of homemade soups and sandwiches for a donation to our ministry. We need your help by donating baked goods, crafts, holiday decorations, household items, jewelry, etc. (Please no clothes or shoes) for the Kuntry Korner General Store. You can bring your items to the Church when convenient. This event is sponsored by the Outreach Ministry at Faith and all proceeds will be used to provide a Christmas Party, complete with food, fun and even a few gifts, for the Bowling Green Housing Authority’s Disabled Seniors. Please come, buy a few items, eat lunch and enjoy the fellowship on Saturday, October 25, anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Hope to see you there! If you have questions or need more information, please ask Sharon Dillard, Teresa Sneed or Jeanette Wand. Pastor’s Column 1 United Methodist Women 2 Kroger Community Rewards Program 3 Kuntry Korner General Store 1 Young at Heart 2 LACE/Lay Speaking/Servant 4 Thank You Note 2 Oct. Birthdays & Anniversaries 2 October Activities Calendar 5 Page 2 Faith United Methodist Church YOUNG AT HEART Our next Young at Heart gathering will be on Thursday, October 9th beginning at 12 noon with a potluck meal in the fellowship hall. Everyone is welcome — we especially welcome folks new to our church. Bring your favorite covered dish to share and join us for a time of good food and fellowship. Program plans will be announced soon. Watch your bulletin. See you then, Madeline FAITH UNITED METHODIST WOMEN This past Saturday, seven ladies from our UMW unit went to the Fall District Celebration that was held at Cave City UMC. The program for the day was titled Well Done Good and Delightful Servant. Shea James presented the program along with some students that shared some worship songs with the ladies. During the Celebration an offering was taken up that totaled $575 that would go to the Wesley Foundation but after the meeting ladies met to discuss that the UMW would make the offering a total amount of $1,000 with the UMW budget covering the other $425. The Faith Circle will meet October 13th with the plans to be decided. The Notes & nce Corresponde Agape Circle will meet October 20th with Jeanette Wand as host and having the program. On October 11th the Mission Team Meeting will take place at Bethel UMC at 10am to plan for 2015. On October 25th the Kentucky Conference Annual Celebration will take place in Flat Woods, in northeastern Kentucky. Date to Remember: On November 8th a unit meeting will take place at 10am. All ladies are asked to attend as there is business to discuss. Amy Sneed Communications Coordinator Faith UMW Dear Faith United Methodist Congregation, Thank you so much for participating in The Foundry’s school supplies drive. Your donation of school supplies was greatly appreciated by our students, parents and teachers. We are thankful for your support. God Bless, Dena Holland FRC Coordinator Dishman-McGinnis Elementary School Birthdays 10/01 Carol Gilbert 10/04 Velda Rose 10/04 Natasha Widner 10/09 Randy Lightfoot 10/11 Paula Owens 10/13 Susie Paschal 10/15 Payton Clark 10/29 Jane Petty 10/29 Patrick Lowery Anniversaries 10/07 Matt & Lisa Milburn 10/08 Wade & Wanda Lovett 10/11 Chad & Jamie Curtis Editor’s Note: If a birthday or anniversary was left off or is incorrect, please let the office know so our files can be updated. Page 3 Faith United Methodist Church KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM Dear Faith United Methodist Church members, families and friends, The Kroger Cares program has been replaced by a new program called the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Anyone that participated in the old program must sign up for the new one. The Kroger Community Rewards Program is tied to your Kroger Plus cards, which will make it a lot easier for members (old and new) to participate in the program. ANYONE can participate as long as you have a Kroger Plus Card number and create an on-line account for participating. It is a simple process to sign up and the benefits could be GREAT for our church’s outreach. Anyone can begin registering to benefit our church NOW! THERE IS NO CHARGE TO SIGN UP FOR THE KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM. AND NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES WHEN YOU SHOP. When you select to use Faith United Methodist Church as your Charitable organization, the monies we receive from Kroger will be used for our Youth and Children’s Ministries. Starting Sept 1, 2014, as a fiscal year, Kroger will be donating 2.5 million dollars divided among organizations that have members participating in the program at no cost to the participants. The monies will be distributed on a quarterly basis. Registering your card is yearly. Our NPO number is 88484 or you can select our name: Faith United Methodist Church, in the drop down of organizations. You will see there are many organizations participating in this new program. Please pick up a pamphlet in the church foyer to read how this program works. TO BE A PARTICIPATING MEMBER IN THE KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: You MUST have a Kroger Plus Card number to sign up. If you don’t have a Kroger Plus Card you can obtain that at any Kroger Store by going to their Customer Service Desk. If you have been using your phone number and not your card, you MUST call and get your Plus Card number in order to sign up (see below). You have to set up an account on-line and enter in your Plus Card number. If anyone needs assistance in doing this, the church will be setting up some assistance times at church to help you, check the bulletin. Please contact Susan Morris if you need help. STEPS TO FOLLOW: Simply register online at Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up. If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus card, please go to the customer service desk at any Kroger and apply. Click on Sign In/Register Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box. Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions. You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email. Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. Update or confirm your information. Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s). Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number. Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count. Again your participation in the new Kroger Community Rewards program will benefit our Youth and Children’s Ministries at Faith, so TELL YOUR FAMILY and FRIENDS to sign up and pick FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH as their charitable organization. Peace and God’s Blessings, Susan (THE 9/28 BULLETIN HAS A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING SIGNUP ASSISTANCE.) Page 4 Faith United Methodist Church LACE/LAY SPEAKING/SERVANT 2014/2015 October 18, 2014 Week 1 Class Leader Time Cave City Lay Leadership Lou Nichols Morning Afternoon Conflict Management Christine Sowders Afternoon Week 2 Class Leader Time Cave City UM Heritage Chris Patterson Morning Cave City UM Heritage Jay Smith Afternoon Week 3 Class Leader Time Faith UMC Sacraments Chris Morgan Morning Sermon Preparation David Grout Afternoon Week 4 Class Leader Faith UMC New Ministry Path Scott Milby Morning Preaching Practicum David Grout Afternoon Week 5 Class Leader Faith UMC Spiritual Gifts & Disciplines Rick Bard November 15, 2014 February 21, 2015 March 21, 2015 April 25, 2015 All Day (Class for Advanced Lay Servant Certification) Gathering is at 8:45 AM Morning Classes 9:00 AM until 11:30 PM Afternoon Classes 12 Noon until 2:30 PM Registration Fee $10.00 per class plus materials meal is included in registration price C.E.U. credit for pastors Please let all Laity/Lay Speakers/Servants know that this event is being held for those that might want to attend and become a Lay Speaker/Servant. Registration deadline is October 6, 2014 - Talk to Pastor Rob this week if you are interested. Faith United Methodist Church — See the church newsletter for detailed articles on activities/events listed on this calendar or call the church 843-8430. October 2014 Sun Mon Tue *Sunday Schedule Worship Services 9AM & 11:15AM Sunday School 10:15AM *(unless otherwise noted) Pantry Hours Monday & Wednesday 9:30-11:30AM 5 12 6 13 7 14 Faith Circle 12 Noon Trustees Meeting 6:30pm 19 20 Finance Committee 4:30pm Agape Circle 6:30pm Admin. Council 5:30pm Deadline to turn in Info for November Newsletter. 26 27 21 28 Wed Thu 1 WWF Meal 5:15pm WWF Studies 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:15pm 2 8 WWF Meal 5:15pm WWF Studies 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:15pm Worship Comm. Mtg. 8pm 9 15 WWF Meal 5:15pm WWF Studies 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:15pm Fri Sat 3 4 10 11 16 17 18 Praise Band Practice 6:30pm Bible Overview Bible Overview Retreat 7pm-9pm Retreat 9am12noon 22 WWF Meal 5:15pm WWF Studies 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:15pm 23 24 29 WWF Meal 5:15pm WWF Studies 6:00pm Choir Practice 7:15pm 30 Praise Band Practice 6:30pm Young at Heart 12noon Praise Band Practice 6:30pm Kuntry Korner General Store 9am-1pm (Outreach Ministry Fundraiser) Vanderbilt WLS SC-Ky Support Group 6-7:30pm Praise Band Practice 6:30pm Praise Band Practice 6:30pm 25 31
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