Ť • • www.saintcyrils.org UPCOMING EVENTS: Page 3 Mass Schedule Changes Farewell Party for Fr. Luigi Rosary Society Salad Luncheon Memorial Mass & Service Page 4 EDGE Middle School Ministry Life Teen High School Ministry YOLO Young Adult Ministry Catechism Corner, Children’s Choir 40 Days for Life-Parish Adoption Day Pages 5 Feminine Genius, Healing Mass Calix, World Youth Day-2016 Friends of the Congo, Book Club Festival Wrap-Up Meeting Midwest Apologetics Conference Costume Dance & Game Night Page 6 Parish Mission: “The Healing of Families” Ministry Fair Rev. Christopher Crotty Page 7 Fr. Joseph Sekere Holy Land Pilgrimage, WYD-2016 Marriage Reflection Group Holiday Healthy Eating Tips Crafters Needed / Craft Show OMŠOVÝ PORIADOK+ October 11, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM LG For the Intentions of O. L. Mother of Mercy Secular Discalced Carmelites For a Special Intention Gabriel Miller Thomas & Ann Meagher 4:00PM JSE For Jacob Peter req. Papa & Grammie For Moneer & Alia Korkis & Family Joe Bono req. Basile Family Paul Kozlowski 6:00PM VP *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For Azelie Juricic Gerald Macakaj req. Kathy October 12, Sunday— Nedeľa Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 (142) 7:30AM JSE For Al & Ann Varchetti req. Paul & Julie Varchetti For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Family Julia Diehl (Ann) req. Shiner Family Norm Grimske req. Family 9:30AM B For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family Marie Shermetaro req. Family Tom & Estelle Fritz req. Schefke Family 11:30AM JS (Slovak) For Janka Stewart req. Family Josef & Marta Lamer Susan Rimarcik Alojz Krajcirovic req. Ann & Joe Venglar 1:30PM LG For Anna May Jezak req. David For Ben Edwards erq. Rosary Makers For Anna FranzeseFor Sueko Hoffman 8:30PM LG For Drita C., Mark & Martin Dedivanaj req. Family For Lou Persichetti req. Rich Baker Terenzio DeSena req. Lucio & Yvonne Christopher Boertmann Ocrtober 13, Monday—Pondelok 6:00AM LG For Nate & Theresa Robinson For Sarmad, Samir, Azuz, Noor, Raad, Rawaa, & Family Anna & John Badowski Robert Governanti 9:00AM JS For Thomas Meteer req. Godparents For Eva Fleck req. Wolf’s For Mark Varchetti Hilary Ross req. Family 12:00PM B For the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima For Aaron Burzynski (B’Day) req. Mom For Stanley Kopera Walter Hodor req. Family 6:15PM d *Life Teen/EDGE Holy Communion Service October 14, Tuesday— Utorok 6:00AM B For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Sarmad, Samir, Azuz, Noor, Raad, Rawaa & Family For John Mangano (B’Day)James M. Krueger 9:00AM JS For Jonathan Wilkins (Bap. Ann.) req. Grandma For Barb & John Plucinski req. Wolf’s For Christine Ayers For the Living & Deceased Members of the Barthel & Manfre Familes 12:00PM B In Honor of St. Peregrine For Glen & Amy Varchetti Mitchell Bak Mary Battista req. Mary Giannetti October 15, Wednesday — Streda 6:00AM B For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Glen & Amy Varchetti & Family For the Deceased Members & Spouses of the St. Nicholas K of C Council Vitor Pjetri 9:00AM LG (Latin) For Fr. Luigi req. Hines Family For Sarah Mazurkiewicz (B’Day) For Yousuf Aassad req. Nada For the Living & Deceased Members of the Helen Markariwic Family 12:00PM JSE For the Vitale Monsu Family For Tim, Victoria & FamilyFor Jenna Mayle (B’Day) Florence Kryskalla October 16, Thursday– Štvrtok 6:00AM JS For the Holy Souls in Purgartory For Benjamin Bartold (B’Day) For Vitor Pjetri For the Living & Deceased Members of the Schoener & Ozimkiewicz Families 9:00AM B For Sr. Maria Veronica For Barbara Avery For Nate & Theresa Robinson & Family Catherine “Sis” Brunkey 12:00PM JSE For Al, Ann & James Varchetti For Joe Ciaramitaro Jr. (B’Day) For Lucy Knupperburg For Ontario Sneed 7:00PM LG *Healing Mass* For Eva Fleck req. Sue Lechner Richard Halajko Tom Kuczajda & Family Ben Drozdowski (1st. Ann.) October 17, Friday — Piatok 6:00AM JSE For Fr. Luigi For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Nate & Theresa Robinson & Family For Conor Callaghan 9:00AM LG In Thanksgiving req. Hikmat, Noor & Family For Declan O’Brien req. Family For Bill & Kelley Callaghan Peter MacDonald 12:00PM JS For the Rosary Makers & their Families For Christians In Iraq For Matthew Pustelny For Eva Fleck req. Sue Lechner October 18, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM JSE For the Holy Souls in Purgatory req. Donna For Chuck & Julie Celusnak (62nd Wed. Ann.) For Noor Matloob (B’Day) For Anthony Francis (B’Day) Ann M. Pullis 12:00PM B *Wedding Mass: Leigh Foster & Cliff Czerwinski 4:00PM LG For Moneeer & Alia Korkis & Family For Peter Weil (B’Day) For Esther & Arcadio Bustillo Joseph Copenhagen req. Rose 6:00PM VP *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Vinnie & Joe Cutajar (55th Wed. Ann.) October 19, Sunday— Nedeľa Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21(145) 7:30AM JS For Fr. John (B’Day) For Al & Ann Varchetti For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Family John Mills Eleanor Gietzen req. Nila Rodin 9:30AM LG For Fr. John (B’Day) For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family Erin Goodison (B’Day) Marie Shermetaro 11:30AM LG (Slovak) For the Living & Deceased Members of the MI District Jednota Vincent Urda Maria Korenek req. Husband Michael Jacko req. Pavol a Katka Tkac 1:30PM B *Baptism: Marie Ann Sutherland In Thanksgiving For Paul & Caroline Viviano For Rachel & Veronica Jaczkowski Charmaine Vogler 8:30PM JSE For Frank & Bev Moran req. Lucio & Yvonne Christopher Beortmann Louise Goetz ”Jay” Gerald Spranger (1st Ann.) Mass Celebrant Legend: Fr. Ben Kosnáč-B, Fr. Luigi Gabriš-LG Fr. John Simoneau—JS, Fr. Joseph Sekere—JSE Visiting Priest—VP, Deacon Gerald or Joe preaching-d Congratulations! October 10, 2014: Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Laura Berg WEDDING BANNS! October 18, 2014: Leigh Foster & Cliff Czerwinski Farewell Party (Pot-Luck) for Father Luigi * Friday, October 17 Holy Trinity Apostolate is hosting a Farewell Party for Fr. Luigi Gabris THIS Friday, October 17, from 6:00—9:00PM in the Fr. Mikus Hall. Come and bring a dish to share with everyone. Please bring food “ready to serve” (including hot food). Kitchen is not available. Bring food in disposable containers and bring disposable serving utensils. *Dispensation has been granted for meat! Holy Trinity Apostolate requests that you email memorable pictures with Fr. Luigi. We will gather all pictures submitted via email and present them as a slideshow at the party. We will also give all of the pictures to Fr. Luigi. Please send all pictures to our dedicated email address: picswithfather@gmail.com . Tony and Dina Heller will respond to the emails if there are any questions. Thank you! Fr. Luigi’s Remaining Weekend Holy Mass Schedule: Sunday, October 12—1:30PM & 8:30PM Saturday, October 18—4:00PM Sunday, October 19—9:30AM & 11:30AM Rosary Society’s Annual Salad Luncheon * TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE Next Sunday, October 19, 3:00-6:00PM Please come and experience a lovely afternoon at the annual Salad Luncheon! Tickets are $10 each, or you may purchase a table for 8 for $80. Tickets will be sold after all Holy Masses this weekend, and they are available in the Parish Office during the week. The Luncheon includes a delicious assortment of salads, and a variety of raffles are held including 50/50, Afghan Raffle (handmade afghans and new bedspreads, comforters and throws), and Showcase Baskets. (We kindly ask all attendees to bring a salad which serves 8 in a disposable container. Thank you!) All donations (Showcase Baskets, afghans, new bedspreads, comforters and throws) may be dropped off at the Parish office this week. Donations may also be dropped off in the Fr. Mikus Hall on Saturday, October 18, up until 4:00PM. For donated Showcase Baskets: Please note the total value of the items in your basket. Sponsored by the Rosary Society. All donations benefit Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church. Questions: Karen Bove, (248) 709-9055 or kbove1@msn.com Remembering Our Beloved Deceased November is All Souls’ month. In Christian charity and love, we pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and offer Masses for the relief of their suffering. We especially remember our dearly departed relatives and friends. For this reason, you are invited to list the names of your loved ones in our Remembrance Book, which will be placed in the vestibule this week. MEMORIAL MASS & SERVICE: Sunday, November 2, 2014, 1:30 PM For our deceased parishioners’ family and friends November 2013 – October 2014 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Edward Frazho, Sr. Barbara Brys, James M. Megel, Henry C. Bardy, Mary M. Schwarz, Marie Korenek Emilia Schwarz, Frances E. Openchowski, Phyllis Edwards, Henry T. Wiegers, Paul J. Kozlowski Bill Manfredo, Vincenzo Randazzo, Esther Rosenkranz, Christine T. Dzon, Adela C. Madrazo Alojz Krajcirovic, Eleanor A. Gietzen, Eleanor G. Plec, Susan M. Ruth, Eva M. Maiuri, Michael A. DeFillippo Fr. Valentine Gattari, Robert G. Nowak, Jr., Filomena D’Onofrio, Ludmila Bucko Listed above are the names of our dearly departed parishioners and friends who entered Eternal Life during the past year. Family, friends, and fellow parishioners are invited to the Memorial Mass and Service to be held for their intentions. Sincerely, Joyce Conroy, Bereavement Ministry, (586) 795-0661 Memorial Display Board In mid-October a memorial board for the above deceased of our parish will be displayed in the vestibule. If you would like to provide a photo for the board, please mail or bring it to the church office no later than Friday, October 31. Please indicate on the envelope that it is a picture for the memorial board, and put the name of the deceased on the back of the picture. Please Note: photos should be 4x6 in size and copies only! The photos may have to be trimmed, and we are not able to return originals. As we did last year, we will have a separate board for pictures or mementos of family and friends who are not included on the Memorial Board. You may post your pictures on this board collage-style. EDGE Youth Ministry * Monday, October 13 EDGE Night #4: “Chose Your Weapon” Where: Ss. Cyril & Methodius Activity Center (Pick up and drop off at the Activity Center) When: Monday, October 13, 6:15—8:30PM This night focuses on the Church's rich tradition of prayer. Join us the following week (October 20) for: Edge Night #5: “MASS - Intercepted by the Enemy” This night focuses on identifying and eliminating things that distract during prayer. Questions about EDGE: Alexandria Lewis, (317) 331-4772 or edgecyril678@gmail.com Life Teen High School Ministry * Monday, October 13 Life Night: “Under the Influence: Part II” Date/Time: Monday, October 13, 6:15-9:00PM (We’ll start with a Communion Service at 6:15PM, then move immediately into the hall for the Life Night) About the Night: This is our second night on Substance Abuse. The evening will include a meal, activity, and a presentation by clinical psychotherapist, Nicole Dominic, (including the effects and dangers of substance abuse and her experience in this field) with Q & A. Registration Open: 1st Annual Fall Retreat, “Brick” Date and Location: November 14-16 at Echo Grove Retreat Center (Leonard, MI) Theme/Goal: To “re-propose” the Good News so that the teens are able to enter into a deeper relationship with Christ as their Savior. Teens will be challenged to recognize their need for Christ and will be called to put all their hope firmly in Him. Registration: Permission form, waiver & $100 must be turned in by Friday, October 31. (Please note that there are two separate forms that must be turned in—the permission/medical form and the Echo Grove waiver). Form and waiver are available in the Parish Office and on our Facebook page. “Timeline” Bible Study Series Date/Time/Location: Wednesdays, October 8, 15, 22, 29 from 6:30-8:30PM at Biggby Coffee (8771 Hall Rd, Utica) Details: For the Fall Life Nights, we are diving into Sacred Scripture. This bible study series will take the teens deeper and give them the big picture of salvation history, from Genesis to Revelation. Bible study will include video and discussion, and will be co-hosted by Deacon Joe Hulway. For updates on our events, visit us on Facebook: “Ss. Cyril & Methodius Life Teen Ministry” Questions: Youth Minister & Life Teen Coordinator, Jordan Langbeen, jordan.langbeen@gmail.com, (586) 943-1722 YOLO Young Adult Ministry Kick-Off * Friday, October 17 Young Adult Men and Women, 18-35 Years Old: Come join us on Friday, October 17, at 7:00PM in the Activity Center for “Confession, now what?” Dinner will be served at 7:00PM followed by a special guest, Mrs. Kate McKee, who will be talking about the effects of sin and the need for healing after Confession. Discover what is preventing you from growing deeper in relationship with Christ. Also, mark your calendar as we are hosting a Game Night on Friday, October 24, from 7:00PM—10:00PM. Lastly, November will be focused on Theology of the Body so stay tuned for details! If you are a young adult and interested in being a part of this ministry please contact information below with any questions! For more information on our group or any of our events, please contact: Mary Giroux, yolo.live4Christ@gmail.com Catechism Corner Safety Concerns & Class Cancellation Policy Entering and Exiting: The church entrances off Ryan Road and 18 Mile Road are Boulevards. Please stay to the right when entering or exiting parking lots. There is room at both exits for a right and left turn lane. Please don’t exit down the middle. Be considerate of those turning right and stay to the left if making a left turn. At the activity center whether you are parking or not you must go to rear of building and turn left, proceed counter clockwise around the building. If you parked passed the church parking lot entrance and need to return to the church, please continue in a counter clockwise flow Please proceed at a slow speed. Speed limit is 10MPH After Classes: Look in all directions before moving your vehicle Obey the signs posted or painted in driveway Follow traffic cone Listen to traffic Facilitators Do not park in handicap parking without permit DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN PLAY IN THE PARKING LOT. PLEASE WATCH YOUR CHILDREN. THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Class Cancellation Notification Policy It is your responsibility to check if class has been cancelled. You can check our website: http://www.saintcyrils.org. It would say “Classes Cancelled”. A decision to cancel class will be made by 1:00PM on the day of classes. Normally the website says “No Closures”. Schedule: Wednesday, Oct 15, 6:15PM: Class for all. Benediction- K,1,2, 3 Wednesday, Oct 22, 6:15PM: Class for all. Benediction-4,5,6,7, 8 Wednesday, Oct 29, 6:15PM: Class for all. Benediction- K,1,2,3 Questions, please contact: Directors of Religious Education: Paul or Carroll Schuller, (586) 254-9212 Children’s Choir The Children’s Choir has begun and all who are interested please come to the next rehearsal in the Music Room #119. We practice every Sunday after the 9:30AM Holy Mass and our first performance will be Sunday, October 26, at the 9:30AM Holy Mass. *The Children’s Choir will also sing on All Saints Day, Saturday, November 1, at the 4:00PM Holy Mass.* If you have questions regarding the Children’s Choir: Bethany Cabrera, bethane09@gmail.com 40 Days for Life-Parish Adoption Day * Tues., October 14 All Parish organizations and individuals, please join us for an hour of prayer to end the evil of abortion: DATE: Tuesday, October 14 TIME: 1:00PM—7:00PM PLACE: Woman Care Abortion Mill, Strip mall on the south side of Fifteen Mile Rd. at the end of Dodge Park Rd. COME BE A WITNESS FOR LIFE! Feminine Genius * Tuesday, October 14 Ladies, come discover and rediscover womanhood, in an evening of sharing, support, and encouragement. Our speaker, Bethany Cabrera, will present the second part to: Feminine Genius, from Creation to Present-Day based St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body and his Letter to Women. We will learn how to find fulfillment in our true vocation of womanhood through the example of Mary our Mother, who called herself the “handmaid of the Lord”. Bethany holds a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, and Art History from the University of Michigan. As a convert to Catholicism, she studied for 2 years at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and was invited to take part in the first Theology of the Body class at the Cardinal Maida Institute’s Pastoral Institute for Marriage and Family. From there she wrote a Marriage Preparation program for Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church and taught along side her husband for 5 years before training other couples to take over. In 2010 she prepared a modified version of the retreat based on the Theology of the Body for Teens and Young Adults. She now concentrates on raising her 4 children. Mark your calendars for Tuesday October 14, from 7:00— 9:00PM at the Activity Center. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Alejandra Correa at (305) 335-6581. The Feminine Genius Women's Group is open to all women 18 and over (unless specified) single, widowed or married. Healing Mass * Thursday, October 16 Our next Healing Mass is this Thursday, October 16, at 7PM. Calix * Thursday, October 16 The Calix Society was founded in 1947 in Minneapolis in the United States, by a group of five men, all recovering alcoholics, who saw their faith as a sure path to serenity without alcohol. 'Calix' is Latin for 'chalice', and these men accepted the idea that they were substituting 'the cup that sanctifies for the cup that stupefies'. The purpose of the founders of Calix was to use the resources of the Church to aid them as alcoholics to work towards sanctification. Calix gathers its members together as Catholics, on common spiritual ground, with their common problem and their common aspirations, to seek guidance in practical daily living. Calix is not a ‘Catholic A.A.’. It does not attempt to sober anyone up. Alcoholics Anonymous is very effective in that area and there are other 12 Step programs, and medical alternatives for that purpose. Calix seeks only to provide a complementary and supplementary resource for Catholics, to help them make connections between what they receive from A.A., Alanon, or other 12 Step programs and the faith and practices of the Church. If you believe you could benefit from being a part of the Calix Society, come to our next meeting. We meet at 8:00PM at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Activity Center, on the third Thursday of every month. Our next meeting is this Thursday, October 16. More information: Larry or Cassie G, (586) 739-5297 World Youth Day Fund Raising Meeting * October 19 Those who are interested in defraying some of the cost to attend World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland on July 24, 2016, must attend the meeting being held in the Overflow Room on Sunday, October 19, after the 9:30 Holy Mass. If you can not attend this meeting, but want to participate, please contact: Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261 or email: maryhale1@juno.com Friends of the Congo * Sunday, October 19 There will be a Friends of the Congo Meeting on Sunday, October 19, in Room #117 after the 9:30 AM Holy Mass. Please make plans to attend if you are a part of the committee or if you'd like to find out more about Friends of the Congo and are considering joining this group. If you have any questions, please contact: Barbara Batchik, (248) 584-2823 St. Cyril’s Book Club * October 20 On May 5, 1995, something extraordinary happened to Dr. Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Bogota Columbia. She was taking shelter from a storm with her nephew, when both of them were struck by lightning. What happened to her afterwards was a miracle which led to her conversion and a life of abandonment to the will of God. She now tells her story in many different countries around the world, and has the approval of her diocese in Bogota, Colombia, and her spiritual director. Her testimony is an inspiration for all of us, and will increase our faith in Christ Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church. St. Cyril's Book Club will meet on Monday, October 20, at 7:00PM in room 112. We will be reading: "Struck By Lightning" by Dr. Gloria Polo. This book is available on spiritdaily.com. Faith At Work Catholic Book Store may also be able to order: (248) 250-9216. Gina Smak Festival Wrap-Up Meeting * October 21 Everyone is invited to attend our Parish Festival Wrap-up Meeting on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:00PM in the Overflow Room. Final results of the 2014 Festival and preliminary planning for 2015 will take place at this meeting. Midwest Apologetics Conference – Next Planning Meeting Wednesday, October 22 Internationally-renowned Apologists TIM STAPLES (Catholic Answers), STEVE RAY, MARCUS GRODI and GARY MICHUTA are the highlight speakers at the 2nd Annual Midwest Apologetics Conference (MAC II) that takes place on Saturday, January 24, 2015! Our next conference planning meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 22, at 8:00PM in Room 117. Everyone is invited to help plan this exciting event! For information, please contact: Steven Piskorowski, (586) 883-3093 Costume Dance and Game Night Friday, October 24 High school and college age students (14-20 years old) are invited to attend a Costume Dance & Game Night on Friday, October 24. The evening begins at 7:00PM and includes pizza and pop for $7 per person. Please bring your own games! Only costumes in good taste will be admitted. No violent, gory, revealing or offensive outfits. Attendees wearing inappropriate attire will not be allowed in. Chaperones are desperately needed. Please contact Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261 Mark Your Calendars * Parish Mission: “The Healing of Families” * November 16—21 By: Fr. Yozefu-B. Ssemakula Why Attend “The Healing of Families” Seminar? Have you prayed for years for healing of your family and nothing has happened? Learn this form of prayer that is effective for those stubborn personal and family problems. Through your participation, experience family-wide relief and healing of spiritual, physical, and emotional problems. “Redeem” your relationships and change the course of your family’s history. Schedule: November 16 - 21 Sunday, November 16: 3:30 – 6:30pm Session Monday – Friday: 5:30pm Holy Mass 6:30 – 10:30pm: Session with Small Breaks Prayer process will be taught and held on Friday from 8.30 to 11:00PM Seminar Topics: Our Image of God Our Free Will The 5 Cardinal Points The 4 Access Points Scripture Christ Our Way Out The Prayer Process Training What do I need for the Seminar? Your notebook and Bible. Acquire, or better, read the book: The Healing of Families. Cost of the seminar: Free. You may make a love offering. The entire seminar will be broadcasted live into the Parish Hall (Hall advised for families with small children) To prepare for the Parish Mission, Fr. Yozefu’s Book, “The Healing of Families” is now available in the Parish Office for $20. “Life-A Spiritual Battlefield-How to Win” * October 25 Save the Date/ Ministry Fair * October 26 Rev. Christopher Crotty, C.P.M., is an ordinary priest with extraordinary spiritual gifts. Through the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, he has brought countless people to healing of mind, body, and spirit. Father Crotty will present “Life—A Spiritual Battlefield— How to Win” on Saturday, October 25. Registration and Rosary begins at 8:00AM with Holy Mass at 9:00AM. The talk will conclude at approximately 1:00PM. Includes refreshments, talk, and healing service. Registration: $12; family: $20. Please register ahead if possible. Send check made out to Marian Peace Center of Detroit and mail to: P. O. Box 721248, Berkley, MI 48072. For more information: www.marianpeace.org, (586) 268-3731 “We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.” (Heb 13:15) A Baby Shower Thank You Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all who in any way contributed to make our parish baby shower such a huge success. We received so many beautiful baby things and there are many mothers who will be benefitting from your generosity. It is a powerful witness for me that our parish shows such loving concern for these innocent lives. Your prayers, monetary contributions, handmade gifts, and all of the other items that were purchased for these mothers will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely and In Gratitude, Barbara Fournier & Lynn Gura-Wee Care “Thanks be to God,” Ss. Cyril & Methodius is a growing and thriving parish. However, with our tremendous growth, it is difficult for everyone to stay informed about all the great activities that take place here. This is a fantastic time to come and join us on Sunday, October 26, immediately following the 9:30AM Holy Mass in the Fr. Mikus Social Hall for coffee & bagels. You will be greeted by friendly parishioners who will be available to explain what their ministry is involved with. At this event, members from more than 60 parish ministries will be available to answer questions and provide information regarding Prayer Ministries, Parish Ministries, Youth Ministries, Homeschooling Activities, Slovak Heritage and Other Apostolates. It will be a PERFECT opportunity to learn about all of the interesting parish ministries and devotional activities that are available to you and how you can get involved. This is a chance to find out how you can join and share your God-given talents to “advance the Church’s unity, life and mission!” If you have any questions please call: Alice Tocco, (586) 752-7282 or Sandi Brady, (248) 373-3505 Church Envelopes If you are leaving town and do not want to receive your donation envelopes, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you. Suzanne Navarre, (586) 726-6911 ENVELOPES: In your envelopes, please do NOT fold money or checks. Please do NOT use tape or stickers. Thank You from the Counting Team Holy Land Pilgrimage * March 17, 2015 (12 days) $3550 all inclusive (except Lunches) Spiritual Director: Fr. John Simoneau Pilgrimage Coordinator: Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261, maryhale1@juno.com World Youth Day * July 24—August 1, 2016 $1,800 Land Only (Air Fare Not Included) $400 Deposit due October 13, 2014 with Registration Form and copy of Passport Coordinator: Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261, maryhale1@juno.com All Adults, Single & Married * October 30 The Ss. Cyril & Methodius Marriage Reflection Group cordially invites you to a special evening with guest speaker Catherine M. Lanni on Thursday, October 30, from 7:00PM—9:30PM in the Activity Center. Catherine is a gifted speaker and the founder of The Servants of Jesus of The Divine Mercy in Clinton Township, Michigan. In 1986, Catherine was miraculously healed through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary while on her deathbed, after giving birth to her youngest daughter. She made a promise that she would do something “good” for God (in return). In 1992, Jesus Christ appeared to Catherine and asked for “a total healing of every strata of the Church.” Catherine has dedicated her life to spreading the message of The Divine Mercy. She is dynamic yet humble, spiritual, yet grounded. A wife of 38 years, a proud mother of three, grandmother of nine, and a woman who has been face to face with Jesus Christ, Catherine M. Lanni is sure to inspire you with her passion for The Divine Mercy and this ministry. If you are interested in attending this special evening, please RSVP by October 27 to: Gabriella Stegner, (586) 992-8967 FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA : 586.726.6911 : 586.685.1070 : www.saintcyrils.org Jesus Christ, The High Priest Fr. Benjamín Kosnáč, Pastor Pastor Email: bkosnac@saintcyrils.org bkosnac@hotmail.com Fr. Ludovit Gabriš, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Email: luigino515@gmail.com Fr. John Simoneau, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Email: johnsimoneau74@hotmail.com Deacon Joseph Hulway Deacon Gerald Smigell Holiday Healthy Eating Tips * November 6 The St. Raphael Healthy Ministry invites you to attend a presentation on Holiday Healthy Eating Tips. St. John Providence Hospital Dietary Department will present tips on keeping the pounds off, recipes, samples and more. Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish is a Roman Plan to attend on Thursday, November 6: Catholic Community that welcomes all Welcome Time: 6:30PM, Presentation: 7:00PM in Room #117 who wish to learn about, embrace and actively practice the Roman Catholic Crafters Needed * November 15 Art & Craft Show religion. As a “family of families,” we Art & Craft Show Hosted at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Calling all Artisans and Crafters for an Art and Craft Show to be held at Ss. Cyril & are dedicated to the propagation and deepening of our Catholic faith. This is Methodius on Saturday, November 15, from 9:00AM–4:00PM. Start now to make/ facilitated through the teaching of, and prepare items to sell. To reserve a table or for questions, call: adherence to, the Magisterium and Chris, (586) 752-4332 or email kelcrafts12@gmail.com traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. FATHER JOSEPH SEKERE Diocese of Kahama, Tanzania Father Joseph Sekere, former Pastor of Holy Family Parish, our Sister Parish in Kagongwa, Tanzania, is visiting Ss. Cyril & Methodius until mid-November. Fr. Joseph will be helping with Holy Masses and Confessions. Stop to see Father Joseph after Mass or in the office or in the Confessional! Welcome Father Joseph! FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA Farnosť sv. Cyrila je slovenská rímskokatolícka farnosť, ktorá je otvorená každému, kto chce spoznávať a žiť katolícku vieru. Ako „Rodina rodín“ a „spoločenstvo spoločenstiev“ sa snažíme vieru žiť a šíriť tak, aby ľudia spoznali Boha a prinášali Kristov pokoj a radosť medzi ľudí. Farnosť sa usiluje byť centrom spoločenského a kultúrneho života všetkých Slovákov, ktorí sú vždy vítaní na tunajšej pôde.
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