SS. CYRIL & METHODIUS SLOVAK CATHOLIC CHURCH FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA 41233 RYAN ROAD • STERLING HEIGHTS, MI 48314 PHONE: 586-726-6911 • FAX: 586-685-1070 WEBSITE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: Page 3 Concert: Daniel Oberreuter: Lead Singer, “The Thirsting” Craft Sale Parish Mission: “The Healing of Families” Fr. Yozefu-B. Ssemakula Page 4 EDGE Youth Ministry Life Teen High School Ministry YOLO Young Adult Ministry World Youth Day, 2016 Midwest Apologetics Conference Catechism Corner Page 5 Men’s Club, Rosary Makers Senior Club, Altar Boy Meeting Pancake Breakfast St. Cyril Book Club Pro-Life News Investiture of the Miraculous Medal Children’s Choir Page 6 Adoration 101 Movie Marathon Page 7 Fr. John Simoneau: 10th Anniversary of Ordination Bulletin Deadlines Youth Dance & Game Night Page 2 Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church, Sterling Heights OMŠOVÝ PORIADOK+ November 8, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM JL For the Intentions of the All Souls Day Novena 4:00PM JSE For Pauline, Paul, Zef & Michael req. Family For Felicity O’Brien (B’Day) For Albert & Mary Krakosky Paul Kozlowski 6:00PM JS *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For Fr. John Corapi For Monica Nido req. Quilting Ministry November 9, Sunday— Nedeľa Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22(671) 7:30AM JSE For Salvatore Joseph Tocco (B’Day) For Jim & Gerrie Stelzer (36th Wed. Ann.) Gary Gasparski req. Family For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Family 9:30AM VP For the Intentions of the All Souls Day Novena 11:30AM JS (Slovak) *Baptism: Vincent Jozef Locicero Za tých, ktorí si spomenuli na Vincenta Urdu req. rodina Vincent Urda req. Friends Marie Koronek req. Vajnoski & Dimoski Families Martin Polasek 1:30PM LUM For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family For the Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary Helena Boruzsko req. Thelen Family 8:30PM TH For Moneer & Alia Korkis & Family For Drita C., Mark & Martin Dedivanaj Christine & Clair Branch Christopher Boertmann November 10, Monday—Pondelok 9:00AM JS For the Intentions of the All Souls Day Novena 12:00PM JSE For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Rendall & Renata Ladzinski & Family Godfrey Revell req. Propson Family For the Deceased Members of the Gasparski & McCurdie Family November 11, Tuesday— Utorok 6:00AM JS For Ashlee Bartold (21st B’Day) For Saad Jamoua For Nada Jamoua For the Living and Deceased Members of the Granchi & Gallis Families 9:00AM JSE For the Intentions of the All Souls Day Novena 12:00PM MD For Isabelle Varchetti For John Weil (B’Day) For Miklos & Livia Kovacs & Family Edward Thomas Adamski req. Donna November 12, Wednesday — Streda 6:00AM JSE For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Timothy Baden For Jerome Schroeder For Terenzio DeSena req. Elvidio Vennettilli 9:00AM JS For Salvatore & Alice Tocco (43rd. Wed. Ann.) For Rocky & Heather Kimba For the Living & Deceased Members of the Barthel & Manfre Families Sam 12:00PM LUM For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Monica Rose For Eva Fleck req. Warman’s For Kimberly Francis Emmi & Otto Stech November 13, Thursday– Štvrtok 9:00AM B For the Living & Deceased Members of the Schoener & Ozimkiewicz Families Michelle Francis Godfrey Revell req Lawlers Susan Ruth req. Mazurkiewicz Family 12:00PM JS For the Intentions of the St. Monica Sodality For Al, Ann & James Varchetti Robert Herrgott req. Samantha Lang Walter Hodor 7:00PM LUM For Deceased Members & Spouses of the St. Nicholas K of C Council For Ban Francis & Family req. JoAnne Fredal For Aaron Bartold (14th B’Day) Walter & Mary Jurewicz req. Walter’s Family November 14, Friday — Piatok 6:00AM MD For Susan Bieniek For Natalie Harnsakunatai For Hazim Denha Mary Smihula 9:00AM B For Fr. John Simoneau req. Emily Chudy For Fr. Libor req. Rosary Society For Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mazrkiewicz & Family For Kevin Heintz (B’Day) 12:00PM MD For Fr. Luigi req. Buckley’s For Brian & Jenna Flanagan Agata Mrozek Kata Flanjak November 15, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM JL For Tim, Victoria & Family For Rich Hollis For Daniel & Kathleen Durusoy & Family For the People in Nicaragua 11:00AM B *Baptism: Azelie Marie Juricic 4:00PM JS,d For Isabelle Varchetti For Larry & Mary Chapp For Albert & Mary Krakosky Helen Consiglio 6:00PM LUM *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For Robert Keller req. Hearn Family For Raphael Boisvert November 16, Sunday— Nedeľa Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31;1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 7:30AM JS,d For Dominic Salvator Pearson (B’Day) For Al, Ann & James Varchetti For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers FamilyJoseph A. Schoener 9:30AM JSE,d For Julia Weil (B’Day) For Thomas & Jane Desser For the Vitale Monsu Family For Margit Timinski (B’Day) 11:30AM B (Slovak) For the Torkos Family Vincent Urda req. Friends Renee Jaczkowski req. Sobolic Family Marie Koronek req. Husband & Dimoski Family 1:30PM VP For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family For Moneer & Alia Korkis C Philip Schultheis Jr. 8:30PM LUM For Sr. Maria Veronica req. Patrice For a Special Intention req. Kola Gojcaj Florentina Isip Christopher Boertmann ††† Mass Celebrant Legend: Fr. Ben Kosnáč-B, Fr. John Simoneau—JS Fr. Joseph Sekere—JSE, Msgr. Mike Dylag—MD Fr. Tom Heier—TH, Fr. Vergil Heier—VH Fr. Jim Lowe—JL, Fr. Louis Madey—LUM Visiting Priest—VP, Deacon Gerald or Joe preaching-d Regular Confession schedule 1/2 hour before every Holy Mass And Immediately Following The Saturday 9:00AM Holy Mass (until finished) Dedication of Lateran Basilica * Sunday, November 9, 2014 Page 3 LIVE IN CONCERT Daniel Oberreuter Lead Singer of “The Thirsting” MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 7:00PM Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church Fr. Mikus Hall *Free-Will Donation Parish Mission Begins NEXT SUNDAY, November 16, through Friday, November 21 “The Healing of Families” By: Fr. Yozefu-B. Ssemakula Why Attend “The Healing of Families” Seminar? Have you prayed for years for healing of your family and nothing has happened? ♦ Learn this form of prayer that is effective for those stubborn personal and family problems. ♦ Through your participation, experience family-wide relief and healing of spiritual, physical, and emotional problems. ♦ “Redeem” your relationships and change the course of your family’s history. ♦ Schedule: November 16 - 21 Seminar Topics: Sunday, November 16: 3:30 – 6:30pm Session (Church/Parish Hall) Monday – Friday, November 17-21: 5:30pm Holy Mass 6:30 – 10:30pm: Session with Small Breaks ♦ Prayer process will be taught and held on Friday from 8.30 to 11:00PM Our Image of God Our Free Will ♦ The 5 Cardinal Points ♦ The 4 Access Points ♦ Scripture ♦ Christ Our Way Out ♦ The Prayer Process and Training ♦ ♦ What do I need for the Seminar? ♦ Your notebook and Bible. ♦ Acquire, or better, read the book: The Healing of Families. ♦ Cost of the seminar: Free. You may make a love offering. ♦ ♦ The entire seminar will be broadcasted live into the Parish Hall (Hall advised for families with small children) To prepare for the Parish Mission, Fr. Yozefu’s Book, “The Healing of Families” is now available in the Parish Office for $20. Page 4 Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church, Sterling Heights EDGE Youth Ministry YOLO Young Adult Ministry EDGE will NOT meet this coming Monday (November 10) or the following Monday (November 17), but we encourage middle school teens and their families to attend the "Thirsting" Concert on November 10 (see Page 3) and the Parish Mission (see Page 3). Our next EDGE Night will be Monday, December 1, at 6:15PM—9:00PM. We look forward to celebrating Advent and learning more about the mystery of the Incarnation. Beginning in December, ALL EDGE Nights will begin with Holy Mass in the main church and end in the Activity Center at 9:00PM. Questions about EDGE: Alexandria Lewis (317) 331-4772 or Dear Young Adults: Join YOLO (You Only Live Once, Live For Christ) on Friday, November 14, for Theology of the Body, Part Two. The evening will start at 7:00PM in the Activity Center. Dinner will be provided and the night will conclude round 10:00PM. We will go deeper into what Theology of the Body is and splitting into gender specific groups to talk more in depth about our identity as men and women. Please Note: NO meeting on Friday, November 21, because of the Parish Mission (see Page 3). We strongly encourage you to participate. Lastly, on Friday, November 28, we will be host a Young Adult Dance starting at 7:00PM. All proceeds will benefit “Image of God” Crisis Pregnancy Center in Detroit. If you have any questions please contact: Facebook page: YOLO Live 4 Christ or Mary Giroux, Life Teen High School Ministry NO Life Nights on November 10 (Parish Concert) or November 17 (Parish Mission, see Page 3) Distributing Clothes to the Homeless Service Opportunity, Saturday November 22 Our group will be going back to Detroit to distribute clothing to the homeless with the PB & J Outreach –our first trip was in August and the teens were blown away by the experience. Time & Transportation: We will meet at St. Cyril’s at 7:15AM and carpool to the outdoor clothing distribution site in Detroit. We will arrive back at approximately 10:15AM. Please dress warmly. Sign-Up: High school teens interested in participating must turn in their signed permission slip to the parish office by Thursday, November 20. Teens participating in this trip are also encouraged to bring new or gently used MEN’S hat or gloves to donate to the ministry. Men’s Hat and Glove Drive for Homeless The PB& J Outreach has been struggling to provide enough warm hats and gloves for the gentlemen they serve. So when we bring our group to work with this Outreach on November 22, we are hoping to bring a substantial donation of men’s hats and gloves to hand out. Any teen or parishioner who is interested in contributing to our donation is invited to drop off gently used or new men’s hats and/or gloves in the “Life Teen—Donations for PB & J Outreach” box in the coatroom next to the vestibule. Camp Covecrest (Tiger, Georgia): July 27—August 1. 2015 For over 10 years, Life Teen International has provided experiences at Camp Covecrest where high school teens are able to encounter God working in their lives. When a teen goes to Camp Covecrest, they begin to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible. What Camp Covecrest Offers High School Teens: Ropes courses, messy games, many opportunities to encounter God through the Sacraments, powerful talks given by some of the best speakers in Catholic Youth Ministry, dynamic worship lead by some of the most gifted music ministers, a chance to develop a deeper and more meaningful prayer life, a time to strengthen existing friendships and create new ones…the list goes on! Visit for the promotional video. Information Meeting for Parents: 20 teens will have the opportunity to experience Camp Covecrest. Interested in your son or daughter being one of those blessed teens? There will be a parent information meeting on Monday, December 1, (during the Life Night) to discuss this trip. Meeting space and time are TBD. Please stay tuned. Cost: $495 per camper For updates on our events, visit us on Facebook: “Ss. Cyril & Methodius Life Teen Ministry” Questions: Youth Minister & Life Teen Coordinator, Jordan Langbeen,, (586) 943-1722 . Midwest Apologetics Conference January 24, 2015 *Register Now TIM STAPLES, STEPHEN RAY, MARCUS GRODI & GARY MICHUTA Registration is now open to attend the 2015 Mid-west Catholic Apologetics Conference II being held on Saturday, January 24, 2015, at Ss. Cyril & Methodius. Speakers include four nationally-known Catholic authors and apologists: Tim Staples, Stephen Ray, Marcus Grodi and Gary Michuta. Register Today Conference begins with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Ben Luedtke at 7:30AM, followed by the Conference which ends at 3:30PM. Cost: $25 (*Adult Pre-Registration by January 15) $15 (Student Registration) / $30 (Walk-In Registration) *Light box lunch is provided to all pre-registered attendees (those who register by January 15). Registration forms can be found by the St. Michael statue in the entryway and online at: Questions: Joan Hartzell, (586) 979-7042 World Youth Day * July 24—August 1, 2016 $1,800 Land Only (Air Fare Not Included) $800 Deposit due November 15, 2014 with Registration Form and Copy of Passport Coordinator: Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261, World Youth Day pilgrims invite you to bring your EMPTY, CLEAN returnable bottles and cans to church and place them in the appropriate bin in the coat room off the vestibule and in the bin by the vending machines in the Gallery by the Fr. Mikus Hall. The collections from the returnable items will help defray the expenses for the pilgrims. Thank you for your generosity and support. Catechism Corner Class/Benediction Schedule: Wednesday, November 12, 6:15PM: Class for All. Benediction for K, 1, 2 & 3 Grades Wednesday, November 19, 6:15PM: Class for 2nd & 8th grades only Wednesday, November 26: NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! Questions: DREs, Paul or Carroll Schuller, (586) 254-9212 Dedication of Lateran Basilica * Sunday, November 9, 2014 Men’s Club Meeting * Tuesday, November 11 The Men’s Club will meet on Tuesday, November 11, at 7:00PM in the Overflow Room. All men are invited. If you have any questions, please contact: John Fournier, (248) 410-5866 Considering a Call to Diaconate Ministry? * November 12 The Office of the Permanent Diaconate Formation Team invites all men to an informational meeting to learn more about the permanent diaconate formation process and requirements. If you are married, please bring your wife. Wednesday, November 12 - 6:30PM Sacred Heart Major Seminary, 2701 Chicago Blvd., Detroit, MI Questions and reservations contact: Deanna Cortese, (313) 237-5840 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Mtg * Wednesday, November 12 The Rosary Makers will meet this Wednesday afternoon, November 12, in Room #113 from 1:00PM—3:00PM. For more information, please call: Jo Ann, (586) 979-1078 or Helen, (586) 469-3181. Senior Club * Thursday, November 13 The Senior Club will meet in the Father Mikus Hall this Thursday, November 13, after the 9:00AM Holy Mass. Please brown bag. Altar Boy Meeting * November 14 Hello Altar Boys: We will have an Altar Boy Meeting for ages 10 years and younger. Older altar boys are welcome to also attend to assist with training. The meeting will be held on Friday, November 14, from 6:30—7:30PM. I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as is possible! If you are not on the altar boy e-mail list and want to be, please send your e-mail to me. Questions: Jeff Gura, (248) 340-2400, Pancake Breakfast * November 16 The Men’s Club, assisted by the Junior Sarisan, will host another great Pancake Breakfast in the Fr. Mikus Hall next Sunday, November 16, after the 7:30AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM Holy Masses. Menu includes: Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, potatoes, toast, orange juice and coffee. Due to the continued rise in food prices over the last several years, Breakfast prices have been changed to: Children (12 and under): $4, Adults (over 12 years old): $6, Family Max: $25. Join your friends for a great, reasonably-priced breakfast next Sunday, November 16! St. Cyril Book Club "For 60 years, St. John Bosco had many vision-like dreams that foretold the extraordinary mission God had for him, and also guided him as it came to fruition. Fr. Bosco shared the dreams with his boys. Sometimes the youths faced tremendous challenges, and in other dreams the state of their souls were revealed. The remarkable dreams/visions continue to provide us in the modern era with important lessons and insights as we grow in sanctity and fulfill our purposes in life." "The Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco" is the book selected for the month of November. St. Cyril's Book Club will meet on Monday, November 24, at 7:00PM in Room #112. This book can be purchased on line or at Faith@Work at (248) 250-9216. Come join us! "Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary, Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are." ~ Saint John Bosco Page 5 Investiture of the Miraculous Medal On November 27, 1830, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Catherine Labouré and left a concrete sign, the Miraculous Medal. This medal signifies her maternal love for us, and serves as her invitation to assist her in building the Kingdom of God. On November 22, there will be a solemn ceremony of investiture of the Miraculous Medal, during which the Church blesses the medal with solemn prayers and invests it upon the shoulders of the candidate who according to Holy Mary’s promise will thereby “receive great graces.” Preparation for the investiture: Novena from November 13 to 21, 2014 Confession at least 2 weeks before the date Enrollment Deadline November 14, 2014 A packet containing the Novena, miraculous medal and the blue ribbon will be available at the Parish Office. A small free will donation for the packet is appreciated. If you wish to be conferred or if you have any questions, please contact: Donna Mazurkievicz, (586) 268-4235 or Susan Schoenstein, (248) 652-2856 We need your contact information so we can form a company of prayer warriors whom we can quickly contact via internet if possible when the need arises. We will keep your information confidential. Please watch the bulletin board for more details. Our Lady Queen of Peace Apostolate Pro-Life News Attention Friends of LIFE! Students for Life of Michigan is holding its first annual benefit banquet and silent auction on Thursday, November 13, at 5:30PM, at the Church of the Resurrection in Lansing. Adults and students of all ages are encouraged to attend and set up carpools! Your $35 ticket will give you a wonderful evening of pro-life fellowship with a silent auction, a delicious dinner, and the opportunity to hear more about our mission. Speakers include Dr. Monica Miller, Cecilia Tombelli, LG Brian Calley, Katie Wilcox, and pro-life students from around the state. Your attendance will help support the work of Students for Life of Michigan and pro-life college groups around the state. RSVP by contacting Hannah Stevens at (517) 262-7534 or If you cannot attend the event, please consider helping others attend by donating at the table sponsorship levels of $100, $350, or $500. Or you can support our work with an amount of your choosing. We would appreciate support in any amount that you can give! Visit for details regarding donation by mail or PayPal. Thank you for your support and may God bless you always! Children’s Choir The next performances of the Children’s Choir are: Sunday, November 23, 10:00AM, (Combined Holy Mass): Fr. John Simoneau’s 10th Anniversary Sunday November 30, 2014 9:30AM Holy Mass Rehearsals take place after the 9:30AM Holy Mass on November 9 and 16. The first rehearsal for the Christmas Nativity will be Saturday, December 6, from 1:00—3:00PM. It is open to all youth from 1st Grade to 12th Grade. If you have questions regarding the Children’s Choir: Bethany Cabrera, Page 6 Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church, Sterling Heights MOVIE MARATHON * Friday, November 28 * TIMES—TBD Movies: “The Giver”, “The Hundred-Foot Journey”, “The Christmas Candle” & “Guardians of the Galaxy” If you (or your group) have a movie request, feel free to contact Fr. Ben or the Parish Office, (586) 726-6911 ADORATION 101 “Lord, stay with us.“ (St. Luke 24:29) As we introduce Perpetual Adoration to Ss. Cyril & Methodius in the coming year, we will print installments in the bulletin of what we call “Adoration 101.” Adoration 101 will be a reflection on the sheer beauty and wisdom of Holy Mother Church and the Saints as they reflect upon our Lord Jesus Christ truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament and our own devotion (response) to Him. What makes Catholicism so unique is that she offers all of us the opportunity to live a life fully alive! Pope St. John Paul II said that, “The Church draws her life from the Eucharist” (Encyclical; Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 1) and we need to come to realize the great opportunity we’ve been given as Catholics that we too, individually within the Mystical Body of Christ, draw our life from Jesus Christ in the Eucharist as well. Consider the following: Already in the infant Church, the faithful did not doubt that by the words of consecration said by the priest during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, what had once been bread is now the living Christ. However, as certain theories began to emerge that called the Real Presence into question, two things happened: The Church's magisterium began to express her Eucharistic faith in even sharper and clearer terms; and the Church's saints began to foster devotion to the living Christ who is present in our midst in the Blessed Sacrament. The classic expression of faith in the Real Presence was drafted by Pope St. Gregory VII in a Eucharistic Creed that leaves no room for compromise: “I believe in my heart and openly profess that the bread and wine placed upon the altar are, by the mystery of the sacred prayer and the words of the Redeemer, substantially changed into the true and life-giving flesh and blood of Jesus Christ our Lord, and that after the consecration there is present the true body of Christ which was born of the Virgin and offered up for the salvation of the world, being hung on the cross and now sits at the right hand of the Father, and there is present the true blood of Christ which flowed from His side. They are present not only by means of a sign and of the efficacy of the sacrament, but also in the very reality and truth of their nature and substance.” (Council of Rome, February 11,1079) As we continue our own journey in life, let us examine ourselves in light of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist and recognize all that He offers us. Can you say this Eucharistic Creed with full conviction, trusting our Lord and Savior that He really is truly and physically present to us just as He was truly and physically present to the disciples almost 2000 years ago in Palestine? Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith where needed and watch, and exclaim with St. Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” (Jn. 20:28) as our lives become radiant beams of faith, hope and most especially love! Lord, “stay with us” (Lk. 24:29) as we bring You to your people; change hearts and enlighten minds to the truth that You truly are the way, the truth and the life (Jn. 14:6) and that You are the authentic path to lasting happiness! Paul A. Ray If you feel God is calling you to stay with Him for one hour each week and would like to volunteer your time to sit with Him in quiet prayer and adoration please either: email Julie Varchetti, Paul A. Ray or David and Nicole Maul at or call Julie Varchetti, (586) 214-1825 to let us know what time(s) work the best for you! Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum! Dedication of Lateran Basilica * Sunday, November 9, 2014 Fr. John Simoneau 10th Anniversary of Ordination Page 7 SS. CYRIL & METHODIUS SLOVAK CATHOLIC CHURCH FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA 41233 RYAN ROAD STERLING HEIGHTS, MI 48314-3937 A Holy Mass & Celebration of Fr. John’s 10th Anniversary of Ordination will take place on Sunday, November 23. The 9:30AM & 11:30AM Holy Masses will be combined and Mass will take place at 10:00AM. A Reception will take place in the Fr. Mikus Hall immediately following the Holy Mass. All parishioners and friends are welcome to attend! Everyone is asked to participate in the Reception by bringing either cold Finger Foods or Desserts on a disposable platter to the Father Mikus Hall before the following Masses: Saturday, November 22, 9:00AM, 4:00PM or 6:00PM Sunday, November 23, 7:30AM, 10:00AM If you would like to help before, during or after the Reception, please sign up on the sheets in the vestibule or call the Parish Office at (586) 726-6911 Bulletin Deadlines Due to early deadlines during Advent, please submit all bulletin articles as follows: Issue Date: Sunday, November 23: Submit articles no later than: Friday, November 14, 8:00AM Issue Date: Sunday, November 30: Submit articles no later than: Thursday, November 20, 8:00AM Please submit bulletin articles to: Please submit articles as follows: Word format, using Times New Roman font, 11 size font, single space. (Note: Articles may be edited and are subject to Fr. Ben’s approval.) Youth Dance & Game Night * Saturday, November 22 7:00PM—11:00PM (Ages 14 - 20 years old) * $7/person *Admission includes Pizza served till 9:00PM and Pop! Bring your board games, cards and other games CHAPERONES NEEDED! For information and to volunteer/chaperone, please contact: Mary Hale, (586) 773-8261 Phone: 586.726.6911 Fax: 586.685.1070 Website: Jesus Christ, The High Priest Fr. Benjamín Kosnáč, Pastor Pastor Email: Fr. John Simoneau, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Email: Deacon Joseph Hulway Deacon Gerald Smigell PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish is a Roman Catholic Community that welcomes all who wish to learn about, embrace and actively practice the Roman Catholic religion. As a “family of families,” we are dedicated to the propagation and deepening of our Catholic faith. This is facilitated through the teaching of, and adherence to, the Magisterium and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA Farnosť sv. Cyrila je slovenská rímskokatolícka farnosť, ktorá je otvorená každému, kto chce spoznávať a žiť katolícku vieru. Ako „Rodina rodín“ a „spoločenstvo spoločenstiev“ sa snažíme vieru žiť a šíriť tak, aby ľudia spoznali Boha a prinášali Kristov pokoj a radosť medzi ľudí. Farnosť sa usiluje byť centrom spoločenského a kultúrneho života všetkých Slovákov, ktorí sú vždy vítaní na tunajšej pôde.
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