Ť • • www.saintcyrils.org Thanksgiving Day blessing O God of all things in heaven and on earth, you give all your people in the world the gift of life, the gift of family, the gift of work, and the gift of rest. On this, our national day of Thanksgiving, we turn all our thoughts to you, from whom all blessings flow. Bless all our work, our friends, and our families both near and far. We humbly ask for the ability to continue our work for Your kingdom and the ability to gather freely to worship you without fear. We ask You to give our years ahead your blessing and protection. We ask all this through Christ the Lord, Your Son. Amen. OMŠOVÝ PORIADOK+ November 22, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM JL For the People of Nicaragua For Marlene Acervo (B’Day) req. Family For Anwar Robin (B’Day) req. Vicki Theresa Ramenaden req. Bennet Family 1:00AM B *Wedding Mass: Paul Driscoll & Rita Hurley 4:00PM JSE For Fr Ben For Kevin Shubnell req. Langlois Fam. Alex Gentry (Ann.) req. Aunt Julie For Albert & Mary Krakosky 6:00PM JS *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For Margarite Pollack For Anthony Maslanka req. Grandparents November 23, Christ the King Sunday— Nedeľa Ez 34:11-12, 15-17;1 Cor 15:20-26; Mt 25:31-46 (160) 7:30AM B For Paul Halabu (B’Day) For Elvidio Vennettilli (B’Day) req. Lucio & Yvonne For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Fam. Eleanor Gietzen req. Angela Maas 10:00AM JS,B,JSE For Father John Simoneau (10th Anniversary Of Ordination) 1:30PM LUM For the Intentions of the St. Monica Sodality For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family For the Shammo Family Alex Family 8:30PM JSE For Moneer &Alia Korkis & Family For Drita C., Mark & Martin Dedivanaj For Guy Gravitt req.Samantha Lang Christopher Boertmann November 24, Monday—Pondelok 9:00AM JSE,B For Lidia (4th B’Day) For James Varchetti For the Deceased Members of the Sharak Family Cynthia Yanik req. Yanik Family 12:00PM LUM For Fr. Luigi For Adam Tocco (B’Day) For Gail Boertmann (B’Day) req. Louie & Iman Sardi Hank Bardy req. Family 6:15PM JS For the Intentions of All Parishioners November 25, Tuesday— Utorok 6:00AM VP For Rachel & Duane Gamache req. Brent Family For Bev & Frank Moran req. Mary Richards For Virginia M. & Sophie For Eva Fleck 9:00AM JS For Fr. John (10th Anniversary of Ordination) For Richard & Fran Walden req. Dave & Patrice Anne Marie Cupp req. Dave & Becky Szymaszek Mary & Cherry Schwarz req. Family 12:00PM MD For Fr. Ben For Fr. Luigi For Carl & Stephanie Varchetti & Family William & Dolores Dezarov November 26, Wednesday — Streda 6:00AM B For Grandma & Grandad Al Rooney For Eva Fleck req. Mary Richards For Timothy Baden For the Deceased Members & Spouses of the St. Nicholas K of C Council 9:00AM JS For Michael Hines (B’Day) For the living & Deceased Members of the McCormick & O’Connor Family Anna Veri Anne Marie Cupp req. David & Becky Szymaszek 12:00PM LUM For James Varchetti For Patrick Jamoua For Jim, Melissa & Family Angelo DiCicco *BENEDICTION WILL BE AT 6:00PM TONIGHT* November 27, Thursday– Štvrtok Thanksgiving Day 9:00AM JS For Fr. Luigi req. Diane For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Mary Spanos (B’Day) For the Living & Deceased Members of the North Family 12:00PM B,d For Al, Ann & James Varchetti For the Deceased Members of the Cerankowski Family Anna Veri Francesco DiCicco *NO 7:00PM Mass & No Overnight Adoration Tonight* November 28, Friday — Piatok 6:00AM MS For Jindar Yelda req. Sister For John Shkreli req. Mom For Scott Hixon Susan Ruth req. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Ruth 9:00AM B For Suzanne Shermetaro (B’Day) For Casey O’Brien (B’Day) req. Family Olga Truchan req. Family Peter McDonald 12:00PM LUM For Fr. John For Noor Matloob James Zabowski Anna Veri November 29, Saturday — Sobota 9:00AM JL For Fr. Luigi For Cassandra Cabrera For the People of Nicaragua Alberta Muzzin req. Gerard & Kay O’Neill 4:00PM JS For Christine & Jerry Ficek For Albert & Mary Krakosky Susan Brady Fred & Shirley Ross 6:00PM B *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata): For Phil & Julie Bartolone (40th Wed. Ann.) For Nick Rolling (B’Day) For Edmund & Monica Miller November 30, 1st Sunday of Advent — Nedeľa Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mt 13:33-37 (2) 7:30AM JS For Al, Ann & James Varchetti For Eddie, Matt & Maria Ruth For the Living & Deceased Members of the Burrows & Sommers Family Eleanor Gietzen req. Angela Maas 9:30AM B For Reva Sorisho (B’Day) req. Family For Mareann Dedvukaj (B’Day) For Vicki & Samantha Babbie For Anwar Robin & Family 11:30AM B (Slovak) For Maxim Kulha (B’Day) For the Deceased Members of the Nagy Family Frank & Maria Suga req. Janka Stewart Vincent Urda req. Friends 1:30PM LUM For Anthony, Sophia & Serena Agazzi For Moneer & Alia Korkis & Family For the Deceased Members of the Toupin & Levasseur Families Michael Thomas Kelly 8:30PM JS For a Special Intention req. Kola Gojcaj Christopher Boertmann Alzbeta Dugasova Mr. Tommie Dubois Sr. req. Sharon Brown Mass Celebrant Legend: Fr. Ben Kosnáč-B, Fr. John Simoneau—JS Fr. Joseph Sekere—JSE, Msgr. Mike Dylag—MD Fr. Tom Heier—TH, Fr. Vergil Heier—VH Fr. Jim Lowe—JL, Fr. Louis Madey—LUM Fr. Yozefu B Ssemakula—YS, Deacon Gerald or Joe preaching-d EDGE Youth Ministry Edge will NOT meet this coming Monday (November 24), but we are keeping the teens and their families in our prayers. Our next EDGE Night will be Monday, December 1, at 6:15PM—9:00PM. We look forward to celebrating Advent and learning more about the mystery of the Incarnation. Beginning in December, ALL EDGE Nights will begin with Holy Mass in the main church and end in the Activity Center at 9:00PM. Questions about EDGE: Alexandria Lewis (317) 331-4772 or edgecyril678@gmail.com YOLO Young Adult Ministry Dear Young Men and Women: On Friday, November 28, YOLO will be hosting a Young Adult Dance starting at 7:00PM in the Fr. Mikus Hall. It is a semiformal event. $10 for early registration and $12 at the door. All proceeds will benefit Image of God crisis pregnancy center in Detroit. Image of God is looking to expand and open a new location as they recognize an even greater need for this ministry in Detroit. If you cannot make it to the event but would like to donate to this organization, please contact me (contact information is below) for information. Mr. Jason Spranger (DJ Spranger) will be our DJ for the evening. There is going to be awesome food, music, and company! It’s going to be a great night! On Friday, December 5, there will be a 7:00PM Holy Mass with the parish followed by a night on Divine Mercy. Other nights in December will consist of a Celebration the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12) and our Christmas Party (December 19)! If you have any questions, please contact: Facebook page: YOLO Live 4 Christ or Mary Giroux, yolo.live4Christ@gmail.com Midwest Apologetics Conference January 24, 2015 * Register Now TIM STAPLES, STEPHEN RAY, MARCUS GRODI & GARY MICHUTA Registration is now open to attend the 2015 Mid-west Catholic Apologetics Conference II being held on Saturday, January 24, 2015, at Ss. Cyril & Methodius. Speakers include four nationally-known Catholic authors and apologists: Tim Staples, Stephen Ray, Marcus Grodi and Gary Michuta. Register Today Conference begins with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Ben Luedtke at 7:30AM, followed by the Conference which ends at 3:30PM. Cost: $25 (*Adult Pre-Registration by January 15) $15 (Student Registration) / $30 (Walk-In Registration) *Light box lunch is provided to all pre-registered attendees (those who register by January 15). Registration forms can be found by the St. Michael statue in the entryway and online at: www.saintcyrils.org/apologetics.htm. Questions: Joan Hartzell, (586) 979-7042 Life Teen High School Ministry *God acted in incredible ways on the Life Teen Fall Retreat last weekend—stories to come in next weekend’s bulletin!* Life Night: “Kingdom Come” Date/Time: Monday, November 24, 6:15-9:00PM (We’ll start with a Holy Mass at 6:15PM, then move immediately into the Fr. Mikus for the Life Night.) About the Night: This night is part of our Scripture Series. It will be focusing on how Jesus came to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God in our midst, specifically in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. The night includes a meal, and the message will be broken open through a game, a talk given by one of our Core Members, and Adoration. *NO Bible Study This Wednesday* (Final Dates for Timeline Bible Study Series: Wednesdays, December 3, 10 & 17) Camp Covecrest (Tiger, Georgia): July 27-August 1, 2015 Information Meeting for Parents: * Monday, December 1, 7:30-8:15PM * For over 10 years, Life Teen International has provided experiences at Camp Covecrest where high school teens are able to encounter God working in their lives. When a teen goes to Camp Covecrest, they begin to experience a bigger and better life than they ever thought possible. What Camp Covecrest Offers High School Teens: Ropes courses, messy games, many opportunities to encounter God through the Sacraments, powerful talks given by some of the best speakers in Catholic Youth Ministry, dynamic worship lead by some of the most gifted music ministers, a chance to develop a deeper and more meaningful prayer life, a time to strengthen existing friendships and create new ones…the list goes on! Visit http://lifeteen.com/camps/ for the promotional video. Information Meeting for Parents: 20 teens will have the opportunity to experience Camp Covecrest. Interested in your son or daughter being one of those blessed teens? Come to the parent information meeting on Monday, December 1, from 7:30-8:15PM in Room 118. (This meeting will take place during the Life Night for the high school teens.) Cost: $495 per camper For updates on our events, visit us on Facebook: “Ss. Cyril & Methodius Life Teen Ministry” Questions: Youth Minister & Life Teen Coordinator, Jordan Langbeen, jordan.langbeen@gmail.com, (586) 943-1722 Holy Trinity Apostolate (Meeting) Every Monday at 5:30PM we meet in the Overflow Room preparing for the Lenten Symposium. Hope you can help us this year. The theme for the Symposium is: The Healing Power of Jesus – The Source of the New Evangelization. We have our very own Archbishop Vigneron coming for the 2015 Lenten Symposium. The speakers will be: Dr. Janet Smith; Ralph Martin; Sister Sara Marie Kowal and the Exorcist from England – Fr. Peter Glas. Fr. Glas has traveled far and wide to give talks on Exorcisms. We also welcome back Fr. Luigi Gabris from Slovakia. Please come and help us to continue to Build the Body of Christ. We need volunteers! Blessings, Barbara Middleton, barbaramm@sbcglobal.net Advent/ Giving Tree Projects - 2014 Dear Friends: Advent is the season of the presence and expectation of the eternal. For this very reason, it is in a particular way a period of joy, an interiorized joy that no suffering can diminish. It is a joy in the fact that God made himself a Child. This joy, invisibly present within us, encourages us to journey on with confidence. A model and support of this deep joy is the Virgin Mary, through whom we were given the Infant Jesus. May she, a faithful disciple of her Son, obtain for us the grace of living this liturgical season alert and hardworking, while we wait. Amen! (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) As we wait and prepare our minds and hearts for the coming of our Savior, let us prayerfully consider how we may take advantage of our parish Advent/Giving Tree opportunities to give to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Please prayerfully consider how you may give to one of our fellow brother and sisters who are recipients of the very worthy causes listed below: Saint Jeanne Jugan found the spirit of hospitality and fraternal love, for the lowliest, in the Beatitudes. This spirit continues today across the world in the Congregation of Little Sisters of the Poor. Each day Jesus Christ- present in the Eucharist and served in the elderly poor- is the source of the Sister’s unity. Please consider a monetary donation to help support “God’s eldest children” through the Catholic Sisters in their vital work. Please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and indicate Little Sisters of the Poor on the subject line of your check. Please use an Advent Offering Envelope, located in the vestibule, and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by December 25th. Smile as a Gift is a crisis center in Slovakia. “You can get up, you can stand up. It is difficult, but it is possible if you want to…. You are never alone! The church and so many people are close to you.” (Pope Francis) The group serves very poor families with many kids, including temporary housing for single mothers and their children. It offers help for abused women and provides school supplies. This year they were blessed to acquired a building and have 9 resident mothers with 18 children! Please reflect on a monetary donation to aid in the completion of the flooring, electricity and proper plumbing for these underprivileged families. Please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and indicate Smile as a Gift on the subject line of your check. Please use an Advent Offering Envelope, located in the vestibule, and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by December 25th. Sister Parish Adoption in Africa- “The suffering brother was the ‘mediator of light…for St. Francis of Assisi because in every suffering brother and sister that we embrace, we embrace the suffering Body of Christ.” (Lumen Fidei #57) It is a great blessing that our Sister Parish, Holy Family Parish, in Kagongwa, Tanzania, Africa was completed in 2011. This magnificent feat was accomplished because of your compassion! Please continue to help to transform children’s lives through the construction of SS. Cyril & Methodius Primary School. By contributing a monetary donation you will assist by adding two classes to our sister school. Please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and indicate Sister Parish in Africa on the subject line of your check. Please use an Advent Offering Envelope, located in the vestibule, and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by December 25th. Gianna House is currently raising funds to purchase a building to house up to ten residents and their infants. St. Gianna did not choose death but chose life for her child. The house will offer room and board, along with personal and spiritual care, for adolescents seventeen years of age and younger. “As often as you did it to the least of My brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25: 40.) Please consider partnering with organizers through your prayers and monetary donations. Please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and indicate Gianna House on the subject line of your check. Please use an Advent Offering Envelope, located in the vestibule, and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by December 25th. Saint Cyril Families in Need- “To embrace, to embrace- we all have to learn to embrace the one in need, as St. Francis did…. We all need to look upon one another with the loving eyes of Christ, and to learn to embrace those in need, in order to show our closeness, affection and love.” (Pope Francis) There are many of our own parish families who are in immense need for your prayers and financial aid. Many families continue to struggle as they search for employment. We also have families who suffer with serious medical problems. Prayerfully consider making a monetary donation that will help our own brothers and sisters at this most holy time of year. Please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and indicate Ss. Cyril & Methodius Families in Need on the subject line of your check. Please use an Advent Offering Envelope, located in the vestibule, and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by December 25th. St. Aloysius Neighborhood Services assists the homeless, working poor and seniors in Detroit. Volunteer street ministers work to alleviate the basic needs and concerns of our very disadvantaged sisters and brothers. “…we must help the weak, and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35b) As the temperatures begin to drop, you can help to keep someone from freezing by purchasing hand, toe and body warmers, warm gloves for men and women in all sizes, white socks and rain ponchos. Please place your unwrapped item/s in the marked box in the vestibule by December 14th. Sacred Heart Food Pantry Collection- “And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because he is a disciple- amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward.” (Matt. 10:42) In order to help to support our less fortunate brothers and sisters in our own area, we will be collecting: Non-perishable Food Items- Rice, Beans, Cereal, Pasta and Canned Goods. Please place your donations in the appropriate box located in the vestibule. All donations should be left in the church by December 14th. Ss. Cyril & Methodius Seminarian Sponsorship- Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in a Homily given to seminarians said, “To be modeled on Christ, dear seminarians, is to be identified ever more closely with him who, for our sake, became servant, priest and victim. To be modeled on him is in fact the task upon which the priest spends his entire life. We already know that it is beyond us and we will not fully succeed but, as St. Paul says, we run towards the goal, hoping to reach it.” Thanks be to God, the Lord has heard our prayers as he has called two young men from our parish, “To come and follow me” to become priests. This Advent we will offer support and thanks to these giving young men by collecting monetary donations to distribute among both of the Seminarians from Ss. Cyril & Methodius. The money will help to defray their tuition expenses. Please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church and indicate “Ss. Cyril Seminarian Sponsorship” on the subject line of your check. Please use an Advent Offering Envelope, located in the vestibule, for your sponsorship donation and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office before December 25th. Slovak Seminarian Sponsorship- “As seminarians you are on the path towards a sacred goal: to continue the mission which Christ received from the Father. Called by him, you have followed his voice and, attracted by his loving gaze, you now advance towards the sacred ministry. Fix your eyes upon him who through his incarnation is the supreme revelation of God to the world and who through his resurrection faithfully fulfills his promise. Give thanks to him for this sign of favor in which he holds each one of you.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XIV) Many thanks to those of you who are already sponsoring a seminary student; we encourage you to continue this year. The cost is $300 for each Seminarian. Please contact Father Ben directly if you are interested in this important project. (After you have spoken to Fr. Ben and receive your Seminarian’s name, please find his ornament on the Giving Tree, located in the Parish Office, and place it in your home as a reminder to pray daily for him.) Senior Christmas Bag Project- “We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love.” (Mother Teresa) Once again this year, families from our parish will help the Sisters, who work with the poorest of the poor, to assemble and deliver Christmas Bags to seniors who reside at St. Joseph nursing home in Detroit. The bags will be filled with fresh fruit, Christmas candy and cookies, rosaries, scapulars, holy cards, and a small religious item. We would also like to provide each senior with a hat and a pair of thermal socks. Please place your unwrapped donations of: rosaries, scapulars, NEW adultsized thermal socks or hats in the marked box in the vestibule by December 17th. Monetary donations will also be collected to purchase items needed to complete the project. If you wish to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Church and indicate Christmas Bag Project on the subject line of your check. Use a plain envelope and place it in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by December 15th. Each year, we give each senior at least 4 decorated Christmas cookies, which means we need approximately 27 dozen cookies. If you would like to donate 2 dozen decorated Christmas (without nuts) cookies or wrapped Christmas candy (without nuts). If you have any questions regarding this project please contact: Amy Hastings at hastingsjmj@att.net or the Lang Family, jcseg.lang@juno.com or (248)650-1777. Shoe Box Project- This year we will be helping 138 needy children of Sacred Heart Parish in Imlay City by providing the children with a shoe box containing a rosary, scapular, hygiene products, school supplies, small toy, hat and mittens. We will also be collecting hats and gloves for the parents. The wrapping event will be held at Ss. Cyril & Methodius on December 13th after the 9:30 Holy Mass in the hall. We will also need 140 boot size shoe boxes, 20 rolls of wrapping paper, tape and 20 bags of assorted chocolate (no nuts) candy, 25 assorted size diapers and wipes. If you would like to contribute monetarily, please place in an envelope with Shoe Box ministry on it as well as the memo line of your check by December 10th. If you have any questions please contact Amy Hastings at hastingsjmj@att.net or The Langs at (248)650-1777. Please see updated list weekly in the bulletin on what is needed. Items can be placed in the large blue box in the vestibule labeled Shoe Box ministry. Children ages 1-5: Boys (5)-hats, mittens, socks, rosary, scapular, toothbrush, crayons, coloring book, small toy(cars, balls). Girls (18)- hats, mittens, socks, rosary, scapular, toothbrush, crayons, coloring book, small toy(baby doll, stuffed animal, hair bows) Children ages 6-9: Boys (25)- hat, gloves, socks, rosary, scapular, toothbrush, tooth paste, chapstick, hair comb, crayons, coloring book, small toy(play dough, nerf football, silly putty, matchbox cars). Girls (30)- hat, gloves, socks, rosary, scapular, toothbrush, tooth paste, chapstick, hair comb, hair bows, crayons, coloring book, small toy(stuffed animals, dolls, hair flowers) Children ages 9-13: Boys (10)- hat, gloves, rosary, scapular, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, hair gel chapstick, hair comb, color pencils, drawing paper, pencil sharpeners, markers, small toys(deck of cards, small games, nerf balls, food coupons to fast food places). Girls (15)- hat, gloves, rosary, scapular, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, chapstick, hair brush, color pencils, drawing paper, pencil sharpeners, markers, small toys For youth ages 14-18: Boys (10)-hat, gloves, rosary, scapular, toothbrush, tooth paste, deodorant, chapstick, shaving cream, body wash, hair comb, color pencils, drawing paper, pencil sharpeners, markers, small toy(deck of cards, nerf football, pack of gum, food coupons to Fast food restaurants. Girls (15)-hat, gloves, rosary, scapular, toothbrush, tooth paste, chapstick, deodorant, body wash, hair brush, color pencils, drawing paper, pencil sharpeners, markers, nail polish, lip gloss, perfume, scented lotion, jewelry, pack of gum, food coupons to Fast food restaurants. Giving Tree- “All who call upon Me I will answer, I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor.” (Psalm 91:15)Our Giving Tree will be filled with hundreds of Tags for the members of needy families along with very disadvantaged single men, women and foster children who have no families. Please reflect upon taking a tag to make Christmas more joyful for those in great need. The tags will be asking for specific items to help those at St. Dominic Outreach Center, Abigayle Ministries, Mary’s Mantle, St. Cyril Families in need, and foster children in the area. We also have tags for the “Little Sisters of the Poor,” who help poor seniors, for much needed monetary donations. “I urge everyone to make your commitment to prayer and good works more intense in these days, so that Christmas may fill our hearts with the joy that only Christ can give.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) THANK YOU and God bless you in advance for your generosity! Any questions may be referred to: Alice Tocco, Christian Service Coordinator, (586) 752-7282 or Sandi Brady, (248) 373-3505 Festival Choir Rehearsals Begins Those who are interested in singing with the Festival Choir for Christmas are invited to join rehearsals beginning Tuesday, November 25. Rehearsals will be held in Room #119 and will run from 7:00—8:30PM. This choir will be preparing to sing for the Christmas Midnight Mass. The men of the parish are highly encouraged to consider participating in this ministry. Looking for Instrumentalists If you are an instrumentalist, please consider offering your musical talents at special liturgies throughout the year. Of particular help would be those who can play the following instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, French horn, violin, and cello. Stephanie Yu, Director of Music, stephanieyu84@gmail.com Children’s Choir A Christmas Nativity Rehearsal takes place on Saturday, November 29, from 1:00—3:00PM for all children interested in singing with the choir or reading for Mass. The first rehearsal for the Christmas Nativity will be Saturday, December 6, from 1:00—3:00PM. It is open to all youth from 1st Grade to 12th Grade. If you have questions regarding the Children’s Choir: Bethany Cabrera, bethane09@gmail.com Advent Sale * November 22, 23, 29 & 30 Advent wreaths, candles and calendars, Grave blankets and wreaths, Advent Magnificat Companion, home-made cabbage rolls and many more Advent and Christmas items will be available for purchase after all the Holy Masses this weekend and next weekend, November 29 &30. For more information: Mary Hale at (586) 773-8261 St. Cyril Book Club * Monday, November 24 "The Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco" is the book selected for the month of November. St. Cyril's Book Club will meet on Monday, November 24, at 7:00PM in Room #112. Join us! Rosary Society Meeting The month of December we will celebrate Christmas with our Christmas Luncheon which will take place after the Holy Mass and Rosary on Saturday, December 6. The luncheon may only be attended by Rosary Society members who have paid in advance. We look forward to having our next meeting on January 3, 2015 in which all who are 18 and over are welcome to attend. Our Lady’s Rosary Makers * Wednesday, November 26 The Wednesday afternoon meeting will be this week, November 26, in Room #113 from 1:00—3:00PM. For more information, please call: Jo Ann, (586) 979-1078 or Helen, (586) 469-3181 Fellowship * Sunday, November 30 There will be Fellowship after the 9:30AM Sunday Holy Mass on November 30 hosted by Our Lady Mother of Mercy Secular Discalced Carmelites. Come and enjoy coffee, bagels and muffins with your friends, and meet new ones. Information, please contact: Mary Richards, (586) 323-4037. Light Weigh One King * December 1 Light Weigh One King is a safe and biblical way to lose weight. We will begin our next 12-week session for Light Weigh One King at 1:00PM on Monday, December 1. We would love to have new members join us. For more information, please contact: Donna, (586) 781-6904 or cdlesko@yahoo.com Northland Family Planning Prayer News * December 6 Please join us for peaceful Pro-Life prayers outside Northland Family Planning Clinic on Saturday, December 6. As we prepare at Advent for the Birth of Our Lord, let us pray for parents and expectant parents - that they may always trust in God, and for children - that they receive God's gifts of life and love. Prayer begins outside the clinic (located at 3810 17 Mile Road - just west of Ryan Road) at 11:30AM and should last about an hour (rain, snow or cold). See the Northland Family Planning flier on the church bulletin board for other weekday prayer info. ???: Anne Marie, (586) 873-2004 or Eleanor, (586) 939-5683 Knights of Columbus The Saint Nicholas Council of the Knights of Columbus would like to welcome Jeffrey Gura to our fraternal order. Jeff leads the Altar Boy Ministry at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church. He is also spearheading the “Columbian Squires Initiative” at our parish. Congratulations, Brother Jeff Gura, on completing First Degree status in the Knights of Columbus! Jim Jaczkowski, Chancellor K of C Saint Nicholas Council Catechism Corner Class/Benediction Schedule: Wednesday, November 26: NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! Questions: DREs, Paul or Carroll Schuller, (586) 254-9212 Movies * Friday, November 28 & Saturday, November 29 * Fr. Mikus Hall * Free-Will Offering Friday, November 28, 10:00AM: “The Christmas Candle” - In 19th-century England, a minister's quest to modernize his village puts him at odds with people who believe that whoever lights the candle that an angel touched will receive a miracle on Christmas Eve. (PG / 1 hour, 40 minutes / 2013) Friday, November 28, 1:00PM & Saturday, November 29, 10:15AM: “The Giver” - In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world. (PG-13 / 1 hour, 37 minutes / 2014) Saturday, November 29, 7:15PM: “Guardians of the Galaxy” - Brash space adventurer Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) finds himself the quarry of relentless bounty hunters after he steals an orb coveted by Ronan, a powerful villain. To evade Ronan, Quill is forced into an uneasy truce with four disparate misfits: gun-toting Rocket Raccoon, treelike-humanoid Groot, enigmatic Gamora, and vengeance-driven Drax the Destroyer. But when he discovers the orb's true power and the cosmic threat it poses, Quill must rally his ragtag group to save the universe. (PG-13 / 2 hours, 2 minutes / 2014) Krispy Kreme * December 7 Freshest Fresh! Krispy Kreme Donut Sales Fundraiser benefitting Junior Sarisan Slovak Folk Ensemble on Sunday, December 7, after the 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM & 1:30PM Masses while they last! Grab your dozen to enjoy and support the children’s dance group! ADORATION 101 FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) These words of St. Paul confirm for us the pinnacle of our relationship (or as I like to call it our “intimacy”) with Jesus Christ. God’s will is our happiness and once united to His will can we truly rejoice and give thanks in all circumstances; both in times of joy and in times of sorrow. Make no mistake about it, God certainly knew what He was doing! We derive the strength and ability to do His holy, yet ever so demanding will, through thanksgiving! The Eucharist means thanksgiving! It’s Greek root is ευχαριστία (pronounced eucharistia) which means gratitude, from eu- good + charizesthai – to show favor. In the language of the Catholic Church, Latin, Eucharist is eucharistia, which is translated as the virtue of thanksgiving, or thankfulness. This Thanksgiving season see things from a different light. Always give thanks first and foremost to the One who gave us, and continues to give us, the very things which we are thankful for. Set aside a time (or times) where you can quietly enter into His loving presence before the Blessed Sacrament and let Him know how truly thankful you really are for Him. Ask Him to help you recognize, embrace and thus unite your will with His that you may learn to pray constantly, rejoice always and authentically learn to give thanks in every and all circumstances! HAPPY THANSKGIVING! Paul A. Ray : 586.726.6911 : 586.685.1070 : www.saintcyrils.org Jesus Christ, The High Priest Fr. Benjamín Kosnáč, Pastor Pastor Email: bkosnac@saintcyrils.org bkosnac@hotmail.com Fr. John Simoneau, Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Email: johnsimoneau74@hotmail.com Deacon Joseph Hulway Deacon Gerald Smigell If you feel God is calling you to stay one hour with Him each week before the Blessed Sacrament And would like to volunteer your time in quietude and thanksgiving simply email Julie Varchetti, Paul A. Ray, or Robert & Nicole Maul at adorehim247@gmail.com or call Julie Varchetti, (586) 214-1825. THANKSGIVING ADORATION / BENEDICTION & OFFICE HOURS Wednesday, November 26: BENEDICTION AT 6:00PM Thursday, November 27: NO OVERNIGHT ADORATION Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28: OFFICE CLOSED! Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish is a Roman Catholic Community that welcomes all who wish to learn about, embrace and actively practice the Roman Catholic religion. As a “family of families,” we are dedicated to the propagation and deepening of our Catholic faith. This is facilitated through the teaching of, and adherence to, the Magisterium and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. FARNOSŤ SVÄTÝCH CYRILA A METODA Farnosť sv. Cyrila je slovenská rímskokatolícka farnosť, ktorá je otvorená každému, kto chce spoznávať a žiť katolícku vieru. Ako „Rodina rodín“ a „spoločenstvo spoločenstiev“ sa snažíme vieru žiť a šíriť tak, aby ľudia spoznali Boha a prinášali Kristov pokoj a radosť medzi ľudí. Farnosť sa usiluje byť centrom spoločenského a kultúrneho života všetkých Slovákov, ktorí sú vždy vítaní na tunajšej pôde.
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