Lori M. Lechowicz
Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci KX
1 through 8
Dec 4, 2011
Please deliver to PARISH CENTER ONLY
(which is behind the church) in the OFFICE.
Do NOT deliver to the church. Thank you.
Welcome to St. Patrick Church
Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m.
Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am and
5:00 pm (Oct-May)
Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 a.m.
Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word,
in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God
and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy.
Page Two
December 4, 2011
St. Patrick Church
47 West High St.
P.O. Box 177
East Hampton, CT 06424-0177
Office: 860-267-6644
Fax: 860-267-7807
Rectory: 860-267-6646
Web address:
Welcome to our Parish Family
Newcomers to the parish are invited to introduce
themselves to Father Nagle after Mass and to
register at the Parish Office.
Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Administrative
Assistant to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for
those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound.
Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can
be made by calling the Rectory.
Pastoral Team
Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor
Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J.
Pastoral Associate
Lori M. Lechowicz, Administrative Assistant
Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist
Office Hours
8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 12:00pm, Friday
2nd Collection this week
Spiritual Programs
Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.
Couples must contact the Pastor at least one year in advance to
reserve a date and make arrangements.
In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to
date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this
regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please
contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help
avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying
additional charges for returned mail. Thank you.
Stewardship of Treasure
November 20, 2011
Week 21 of the Fiscal Year
1,362 Registered Families
Ordinary Income:
Actual Collection:
Over or (short)
Current Week
Year to Date
($ 1,301.00)
Envelopes Received: 204
Bulletin Deadline
Please submit articles no later than
noon on Monday
November 27, 2011
Week 22 of the Fiscal Year
Actual Collection:
Over or (short)
$ 346.00
Envelopes Received: 174
Handicap Accessible
Spiritual Programs: $104.00
($ 955.00)
Page Three
Second Sunday of Advent
“Comfort, give comfort to my people”
Isaiah 40:1
Second Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 3
5:00pm Elsie Brown req. by her son and
Adolph Sirois req. by The Sirois Family
Sunday, December 4
8:00am Richard Manix req. by Rotundo Family
10:30am Roger Gosselin and Joseph Beaumier req. by
Diane Annelli
5:00 pm
Dorothy Brody req. by Ron & Mary Hodgkins
Monday, December 5
8:00am Erminia Andrews & Eugene Ferrigno
Tuesday, December 6
8:00am Gail Patterson req. by Sandor Devecis
Wednesday, December 7
8:00am Anna & George Miller req. by Betty Jordan
Thursday, December 8
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00am Blance Szopa req. by Phyllis Murray
7:00pm Carolyn Foster req. by Ron & Mary Hodgkins
Friday, December 9
8:00am Special Intention for John & Debbie Madalena
req. by Angelina Madalena
Third Sunday
of Advent
Saturday, December 10
5:00pm John Daly & Jerome Daly req. by Donna Daly
and Carol Varni req. by Sue & Jack Lanzi
Sunday, December 11
8:00am Edward & Ruth Cornell req. by Sheila Wall
10:30am Edmund Nosal req. by his family
5:00 pm
Joseph Beaumier req. by Diane Annelli
The Crèche Blessing and Tree Lighting is scheduled for
Saturday, December 10th after the 5:00 Mass.
The Knights will be at the Central Package Store on
Main Street to receive donations. The dates are December 10 & 17. Gary Cioe is organizing this event.
The people of Israel were in crisis.
Their Temple in Jerusalem had been
burned to the ground. Their king had been taken captive
by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. And most of the
population had been forced out of their homes and sent
into exile. Everything they treasured about their role as
God’s holy people was taken away from them, and it left
them traumatized, distressed, and despairing.
Into this sad situation, God told his prophet to speak
words of comfort and tenderness to his people Don’t be
afraid! The Lord is coming! He’s going to gather you
all together, as a shepherd gathers his sheep, and bring
you back home. So get ready to welcome him and his
Like the Israelites, we all need comfort from God.
None of us is free from the sadness that can come from
life in this world. It could be the pain of an illness, the
wound from a broken relationship, or the challenge of
unemployment or financial stress.
No matter what we are facing, God wants to comfort
us. He wants to speak tenderly to our hearts and tell us
that he is with us. And more than anything else, he
wants to comfort us. He wants to speak tenderly to our
hearts and tell us that he is with us. And more than
anything else, he wants to tell us that Jesus, who is “God
with us,” has opened heaven for us. We don’t have to
endure our challenges on our own. We don’t have to go
through this life doing nothing but trying our best and
hoping for better days. We have access to the grace and
comfort, the power and wisdom, of God himself!
So no matter how difficult or demanding life may
seem, let these truths bring you comfort. Remember that
nothing prevented Jesus from coming two thousand years
ago and that nothing will prevent him from coming again
to bring heaven down to earth. And finally, remember
that even as we wait for that time, nothing can prevent
Jesus from coming into our hearts right now and
comforting us with his love.
“Lord, I need your comfort. Fill me with your joy
and peace. Teach me how to open my heart to you.
Jesus, I love you!”
Article Taken from “the WORD among us”
Page Four
December 4, 2011
Parish Events
St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of
the Parish Center. All are welcome!
Sunday, December 4
8:00-12:00 Poinsettia sale/K of C Hall
11:30am Living Nativity/Parish Hall
2:00 pm Pre Jordan/WKRM
5:00pm Life Teen Mass followed by dinner & Life Night
Monday, December 5
Officers meeting/K of C Hall
Wednesday, December 7
6:30pm Choir practice/Church
7:00pm Life Teen Core Meeting/WKRM
Thursday, December 8
7:00pm Scripture Study/Parish Center
Friday, December 9
6:00pm Life Teen Trinity Rehearsal
Saturday, December 10
8:00-11:00am CYO Poinsettia sale/KofC
5:00pm Crèche Blessing & Tree lighting
A beautiful sacrament full of blessings, romance, love,
commitment, comedy, giving, new life, joys, sorrows,
adventure, challenges, responsibilities, growth, memories
and more.
Marriage is like a fine wine; it improves with age and
appreciates in value. Torrents of worries and difficulties
are incapable of drowning true love because people who
sacrifice themselves generously are brought close together
in the long run…(Blessed Josemarie Escriva de Balaguer)
If only they knew that God stands ready at all times to
change the water of their everyday existence into the fine
wine of lifelong love and devotion! (F. W. Marks, PhD)
Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be—the last of
life for which the first was made. (Robert Browning)
The Belltown Council of the Knights of Columbus and the
East Hampton Food Bank want to sincerely thank all the
St Patrick parishioners for their generous donations the
past two weeks. The Turkey collection brought in almost
30 crates of non-perishables and fresh vegetables, 37 big
turkeys and $200 (which will be matched 25%) by the
Rotary Club. The Sunday before Thanksgiving brought in
even more food as did the Thanksgiving Service food collection. You are truly Jesus hands: "When I was hungry,
you gave me to eat."
CHRISTMAS PARTY; Joint life teen Christmas party
with Saint Andrew parish. Join us December 18th
immediately following the life teen Mass at Saint Andrew
in Colchester. Come enjoy; music, food, fun and
TEENS: View podcasts at “Sunday,
Sunday, Sunday”, Catholic Movie Reviews, THE171,
LoveLife, and TheMix!!
For more information on upcoming events or for
monetary, food or time donations, please contact Michelle
or Bill Donahue, 860-342-0435 or e-mail us at
“John was clothed in camel’s hair with a leather belt
around his waist.” Mark 1:6
St. John the Baptist’s Advent message is, “Prepare, Prepare, Prepare.” This is very different from the media’s
Christmas message of “Buy, Buy, Buy.” At this time of
the year the good steward is most definitely challenged to
embrace the simplicity of St. John the Baptist more than
the commercialism of the season.
Beginning November 22nd and concluding on December
11th we will be collecting new unused books, games and
toys for the East Hampton Food Bank. Please take a tag
from the tree, make your purchase, attach the tag to the
item and place it under the tree. Please do not wrap the
gift. It is very important that the tag be returned with the
gift, so that it can get to the appropriate child. Thank you
for your generosity and continued support of this program. If you have questions, call Dani in the Faith Formation Office at 860-267-6644.
The annual list to sponsor a child through the East Hampton Volunteer Food Bank for Christmas is now posted in
the back of the church. Please sign your name and phone
number next to the item you wish to purchase for a child.
Please do not wrap the present but you may place it in a
Christmas bag. All gifts must be returned to the church
by Monday, December 12, 2011. Any questions please
call Jane Leary at 860-267-8340. Thank you again for
your continued support.
Page Five
Second Sunday of Advent
Introduction-Liturgy of the Word:
Today’s liturgy repeats the Advent season’s
characteristic call to the serious work of repentance and
renewal necessary to prepare the world and our lives for
the coming of the Lord. But this Second Sunday of
Advent also features scriptures that comfort our hearts
with the assurance of the Shepherd’s tender compassion
and patient love for us, the cherished sheep of God’s
As we continue to acclimate ourselves to the new
translation of the Mass, let us be especially attentive to
the revised words of many of our familiar prayers and
responses as found in our parish worship aid.
Dec 4: Helen Gorczyca 1999, Thomas Stabinski 1999, Gerard
Monroe 1996, John Zaniewski 1987, Walter Murray 1983,
Erwin Daniels 1982, Anna Miller 1978, Leo Quellete 1978,
Elizabeth Staeth 1974
Dec 5: Edward Forand 2006, Agnes Rogers 1998, Gail
Treiber 1982, Pete Laskarin 1972
Monday: Is 35:1-10, Lk 5:17-26, Is 35:4f
Tuesday: Is 40:1-11, Mt 18:12-14, Is 40:10
Wednesday: Is 40:25-31, Mt 11:28-30, Ps 103:1
Gn 3:9-15, 20, Eph 1:3-6, 11-12, Lk 1:26-38,
Jn 8:12
Is 48:17-19, Mt 11:16-19, Ps 131
Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11, Mt 17:9a, 10-13, Ps 80:4
Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11, 1 Thes 5:16-24, Jn 1:6-8, 19-28,
Is 61:10b
Apostolate of Prayer for
Rev. Karl Schuh
Rev. Michael Giannitelli & Rev. Daniel Mode
V. Rev. John Gallagher OFM Cp & Rev. Daniel
Rev. Francis Rouleau & Rev. Pasquale Taliercio MSA
Our Holy Father
Rev. Augustine Naduvilekoot & Rev. Leo Almendra
Dec 6: John Wall 1993, Gale Cioe 1991, Robert Andrews
1987, Rose Biondi 1981, Lillian Fitzpatrick 1979, Roseana
Soucy 1970
12/10: Rev. Tadeusz Zadorozny & Rev. Mark Curesky OFM
Dec 7: Jerome T. Daly 2009, Peter Connerton, Sr. 2008,
Loretta White 1998, James McCarthy 1997, Georgianna
Lessard 1972, Maria Zanlungo 1971, Amos Dufresne 1970
Dec 8: Frank Edwards 1991, Brittany Weir 1991, Margaret
Galumboski 1989, Mary Kasyan 1989, Raymond Choiniere Sr.
1981, Bessie Barnes 1978, Ambrose Lessard 1976, Florence
Brady 1973
Dec 9: Fr Joseph Kugler 1993, Anna Cyr 1987, Fr. Robert
Beardsley 1982, Elsie Willocks 1973
Dec 10: Raymond Guilbeault 1999, William Mooney 1989
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their
souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
The Living Nativity needs your help!
We are looking for volunteers on Friday December 16 at 7
pm. We need volunteers to take tickets, hand out programs,
and help with refreshments. Unable to be there that evening
and like to bake? Share your favorite cookies. Please call
the Faith Formation Office for further details.
Thursday, December 8 Day 10:00am - 2:00pm or Evening 6:00-9:00pm Giving Birth to God: Advent with the
Presenter: Dr. Brandon Nappi
Slow down during this season of rushing and spend a few
moments in quiet reflection and prayer. This retreat will
explore the mystical writings of Meister Eckhart and Thomas Merton. The day will include presentation, Reconciliation, lunch and Liturgy. The evening will include dinner, presentation, and Liturgy. Program Offering: $35
Sunday, December 18 2:00 pm or 7:00 pm
Featuring choir, chamber choir, instrumentalists, hand bell
choir, soloists and children’s choir. Offering $35
Register online at or send
name, address and offering to:
Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, 303 Tunxis
Road, West Hartford, Ct 06107 860.521.0440
Page Six
December 4, 2011
40 Days for Life Campaign
Thank you to all who participated in the Campaign
either in front of Planned Parenthood in Norwich or who
prayed for the Campaign at home or church. It is
astounding what you - and God - accomplished. Here are
the results from the past four years from Campaign
Headquarters: 1,633 local campaigns, 422 cities across all
50 American states and 13 countries, More than half a
million participants,
14,000+ church congregations
involved (St Patrick is one of them), 1,800+ news stories,
5,045 lives confirmed saved, 61 abortion workers quit, 16
abortion facilities closed... and the life-saving momentum
continues to build in many cities FOLLOWING the 40
The Pro-Life Committee and Knights of Columbus thank
all the prayer warriors for their dedication and support for
40 Days For Life. Your participation in the peaceful vigil
in front of the Planned Parenthood have a voice to those
who have none. Please continue to pray and fast in this
battle against the culture of death.
is proud to announce the students from our parish who
have achieved honors or high honors at Xavier High School
in the first marking period.
High Honors: Branden J. Bielot, Graham L. Gilarde,
William H. Selleck, and Michael J. Mallon. Honors: Mark
J. Mallon, Jr., Colm F. Smith, Michael J. Weber, Joseph F.
Biegaj, Matthew K. Henzy, Jonathan V. O’Brien and Liam
A. Iorio. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
The Christmas Food Collection will be the weekend of
December 10th and December 11th. They are looking
for the following items: Canned hams (1,2 or 3 lbs)
canned pineapple slices, fresh carrots, celery & potatoes,
sweet potatoes, canned veggies and rice, vegetable oil,
mayo, mustard, candy canes and Christmas cookies.
Immaculata Retreat House, 289 Windham Road,
Willimantic will hold a retreat for men beginning on
Friday, January 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. and concluding on
Sunday, January 8th with lunch. The theme of this
retreat is from the Book of Samuel: “Speak, Lord I am
ready to listen.” As we begin a new year, we invite you
to take time out of your busy lives to “listen” to the Lord,
who is always speaking to you. For information call 860
-423-8484 or email
This Sunday, December 4th and next Sunday, December
11th, the St. Patrick CYO Basketball program will be selling poinsettia plants in support of their 2011-2012 season.
They will be sold after each Mass in the K of C Hall directly under the church. This is the program's major fundraising event, so your support would be greatly appreciated.
Those of you that have purchased in the past know how
hearty and vibrant our plants are!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Individuals who have pre-ordered
plants through a team player will be contacted by that
player to arrange for the delivery of your plants. Thanks to
all for your support!!
Is Your Cell Phone A Health Hazard?
Is this a cell phone wake up “call”?
Recent studies suggest a possible link between heavy cell
phone use (30 minutes or more per day) and an increased
risk of a certain type of brain cancer.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National
Institutes of Health reports that the electromagnetic radiation that is given off by a cell phone antenna triggers
an increase in brain glucose in the area of the head that is
closest to where the cell phone is held. The health risks of
this are unknown at this time but warrant a warning for
To minimize your exposure these safety tips may help:
1. Avoid direct contact with your phone during calls; use
the speaker phone setting, an earpiece or wired hands-free
device (blue tooth).
2. Follow the bars. Radiation exposure increases when a
cell phone’s signal is weaker because the phone needs to
constantly reconnect to new towers to get the best service.
Look for minimum of 3 bars before you make your call.
3. Children, whose skulls are thinner than adults and absorb
radiation at a higher rate should text instead of talking.
4. Limit time on the phone, save any long chats for a noncordless landline.
“God’s plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” will be offered by
the Office of Family Life on Saturday Jan 21, 27, & Feb.
4 & 11th at 9:30-11:45 a.m. at St. Joseph Church Hall,
11 Baltic Road, Occum, CT. To register for the 4 session class or for information call 860-889-8346 ext. 283.
Page Seven
Second Sunday of Advent
Have you seen the St. Patrick Prayer Board for active
military personnel who are fighting on the front lines for
our freedom? It’s located in the vestibule of the Church, to
the left as you enter from the front steps. We post the
pictures and rank of relatives of our parish family members
and ask that you remember them in daily prayer. Since
there are many new deployments, please let us know if
there are any family members you would like posted...and
may God keep them safe.
All are invited to join Bishop Cote and the Hispanic
people in the annual celebration of the Feast of Our Lady
of Guadalupe at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Monday,
December 12. The Bishop will celebrate holy Mass at
7:00 pm followed by a Fiesta. We look forward to
honoring Our Lady with you.
Bereavement Support Groups
Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference
Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every
second and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline
Medical Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second
and fourth Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One MacDonough
Place, Community Room. (The Hospital’s assisted living
facility on the corner of Main St. Extension and
MacDonough Place.) For more information, please call
Chaplain Dennis McCann, Middlesex Hospital
Chaplain, 860-358-6725.
The Knights of Columbus Council # 14590 will be
hosting a setback tournament on Tuesday, Dec. 13th in
the St. Peter Church Hall (30 St. Peter Lane Higganum). Registration is at 6 p.m. and the games
begin at 6:30 p.m. The fee is $40 per two-player
team. Top prize is $200. Great fun & fellowship!
St. Patrick Church Ministries
Adoption Information: Mike & Tina Mohr — 881-7080
Altar Server: Susan Lanzi—267-9984
Altar Society: Maureen Sweeney 267- 2520
ACTS Retreat/Men& Women:
Warren & Beverly Edwards—267-9926
Al & Isabel Vela—267-1508
John & Carol Lambert—267-9157
Baptism Contact:
Sister Dominic Joseph —267-6644
Baptism Class:
Mary Kaye Varni—267-9050
Catholic Scripture Study
Al Vela 267-1508 and Joan Fomento 267-8512
Child Advocate:
Coordinator of Caregiving:
Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher—267-0705
Cobalt Lodge: Daisy Conway—267-0833
Eucharistic Adoration: Sheila Wall—267-9486
Guild: Kim Lanou—267-9235
Knights of Columbus: John Hines—267-4270
Life Teen: Bill & Michelle Donahue—342-0435
Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim—267-1184
Nurses’ Ministry: Maggie Coolican—267-0540
Pastoral Council Chair: Peter Bergan—267-4341
Saint Bernard School. Uncasville, CT
Make-Up Entrance Exam.
Thursday, December 15 at 8:00am. Registration forms
can be found on line at
application-procedures. Saint Bernard is a college preparatory, Catholic, co-educational school for grades 6-12. For
more information contact the Office of Admissions at 860
-848-1271 ext. 108 or
Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby—267-8203
Prayer Line: Jann Dalton — 267-5720
Pat Powers — 267-8529
Pro-Life: Theresa Hickey—267-0071
R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644
Vocation Contact: Don Hickey—267-0071
Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue—342-0435