August 16-17, 2014
Lori M. Lechowicz
Kyocera TASKalfa 400ci KX
1 through 8
Aug 17, 2014
Please deliver to PARISH CENTER ONLY
(which is behind the church) in the OFFICE.
Do NOT deliver to the church. Thank you.
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to St. Patrick Church
Member of the Blessed John Paul II Community
August 16-17, 2014
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm AND Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am
Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00am
Holy Day Masses: 8:00am & 7:00pm
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm AND
Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 10:30am - Latin Mass at 12:00pm
Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word,
in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God
and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy.
August 16-17, 2014
St. Patrick Church
47 West High St.
P.O. Box 177
East Hampton, CT 06424-0177
Office: 860-267-6644
Fax: 860-267-7807
Rectory: 860-267-6646
Web address:
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to our Parish Family
Newcomers to the parish are invited to introduce
themselves to Father Nagle after Mass and to
register at the Parish Office.
Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Administrative
Assistant to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for
those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound.
Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can
be made by calling the Rectory.
Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.
Pastoral Team
Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor
Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J.
Pastoral Associate
Lori M. Lechowicz, Administrative Assistant
Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist
8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday
CLOSED on Friday during July & August
Bulletin Deadline
Please submit articles no later than
noon on Monday
Couples must contact the Wedding Coordinator, Michelle
Donahue at 860-342-0435 at least one year in advance to
reserve a date and make arrangements.
In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to
date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this
regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please
contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help
avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying
additional charges for returned mail. Thank you.
Stewardship of Treasure
August 10, 2014
Week 6 of the Fiscal Year
Ordinary Income:
New Budgeted Goal:
Actual Collection:
On-Line Giving:
($ 828.50)
For those are using the on-line giving program,
Listed below are the extra collections for the
upcoming months:
September 7 - Spiritual Programs
September 28 - Norwich Council Catholic Women
October 5 - Cradle Fund
Handicap Accessible
“For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.”
Romans 11:20
God has a special mission in mind for each of us. He
has given us the gifts we need to accomplish that mission. We are called to be good stewards by using those
gifts to do the work that He has planned for each of us.
If we deny our gifts or fail to use them as God calls us
to use them, then some part of His work will be left undone.
August 16-17, 2014
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Observe what is right, do what is just; for
my salvation is about to come, my justice,
about to be revealed.” Isaiah 56:1
Saturday, Aug 16
5:00pm The Lanzi and the Ziemba Families req. by Jack,
Susan and Family
Sunday, Aug 17
8:00am Ann Rita Clark req. by Kate & Jim
10:30am Agnes Georgia req. by Diane Devine
Monday, August 18
8:00am J. Marshall Brown req. by his son
Tuesday, August 19
8:00am Ron and Isabel DeMartino
Wednesday, August 20
8:00am Ann Rita Clark req. by Maris
Thursday, August 21
Friday, August 22
Eucharistic Adoration Immediately following 8:00am Mass
8:00am Carmen Richard req. by a friend, Jessie
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 23
5:00pm Special Intention for Johann Pardi req. by Patrick
Sunday, August 24
8:00am Dottie Cyr req. by Warren & Beverly Edwards
10:30am Philip Votto req, by Diane Devine
Natural Family Planning Class
~ For Married and Engaged Couples. A class begins on
Saturday, August 23rd in Gales Ferry. NFP is scientific,
safe, helps with fertility problems and 99% effective for
conceiving or responsibly postponing a baby. No dangerous
chemical or synthetic hormonal side effects of contraception or
birth control. NFP is a gift of love to your spouse. For more
information or to register for the class call the Schantz’s at
860-464-1184. Home Study Course also available. Classes are
ongoing in our Diocese.
Question to Ponder:
How patient is my prayer, how undaunted my confidence
in Jesus’ personal love for me? How do I treat those who
pester me for a share of my time, attention, and love?
Thanks to your great efforts, St. Patrick has
sold 57 Luminaria since August lst! That
means we only have 43 more to go to win the contest to
sell at least 100 Luminaria before Sept. lst. Please keep
up the pace and help us beat cancer!
Relay for Life is the signature event of the
American Cancer Society. Participants buy white bags
with candles at $5 each to honor our loved ones who
have been touched by cancer. We will be selling the
Luminaria bags after Masses during the month of
August. All you have to do is complete a form naming
the person you want honored and letting us know who
will decorate the bag (you can do it yourself or we will
do it for you).
Relay for Life will be held September 6, 2014 at
the East Haddam Elementary School, starting at 12 noon.
The Luminaria ceremony begins at 9 pm for those who
participate. It’s a very beautiful ceremony – the candles
are lit and we walk in silence to the sound of a bagpipe
as we honor those who we’ve lost and those still fighting.
It is a heartfelt ceremony of how cancer touches us all.
We need your help in winning this contest! Please
contact Jann Dalton (860) 267-5720 or Dani Annino
(860) 267-6644 to help cover the August Masses or for
more information about Relay for Life.
God bless you.
Log onto, then click Donate.
You can enter our Team name – St. Patrick Church
(make sure it’s in East Haddam, Ct) – or Jann Dalton
– and help us reach our goal for 2014. It’s a way to
celebrate cancer survivors, remember lost loved ones and
honor those still fighting.
Once again, our very own Kevin Reich has
donated his 3-bedroom house on Cape-Cod as a
prize! All those raising more than $300 for the St.
Patrick team will be entered into a drawing for a getaway
at the Cape!
Raise more than $100 and you’ll be entered in a
drawing for: $50 gift certificate for Angelico’s
Restaurant, East Hampton, CT, $50 gift certificate for
Sadler’s Restaurant, Marlborough, Ct., $50 gift
certificate for It’s So Ranunculus, Marlborough, CT.
You may win a prize and every dollar raised helps
us fight this terrible disease that takes too many from our
Parish. For more information, see Jann Dalton (860) 2675710 or Dani Annino (860) 267-6644.
August 16-17, 2014
Parish Events
St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of
the Parish Center. All are welcome!
Saturday, August 16
Sunday, August 17
6:30pm Cornerstone Prayer Group/K of C - All are welcome
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please join us in praying the Rosary for
Pro-life every Monday evening at 7:00pm
in the church.
Monday, August 18
7:00pm Rosary for Life/Church
7:30pm Pro Life Meeting/KofC
Tuesday, August 19
Welcome Back Father Nagle!
Wednesday, August 20
Thursday, August 21
Friday, August 22
Catechists Needed
The faith formation office is looking
for a few more people who like to work
with children, enjoy sharing their faith,
and have some free time on Monday, Tuesday, or
Wednesday afternoons or evenings! All classes meet
in the Parish Center. Please consider joining this
important ministry. For additional information call
Dani in the Faith Formation Office at 860-267-6644
or email
We Can Help
To report inappropriate contact of any
kind by a representative of the Diocese of
Norwich or for assistance to victims,
please call:
BLUE MASS Steak Dinner Fundraiser
The fundraiser will be held on Friday, September 5,
2014 at the East Great Plain Fire Department, 488
New London Turnipike, Norwich, from 5:30 p.m. –
7:30 p.m. The dinner will include steak, baked potato, salad, bread & butter, soda and water. Tickets
are $20.00 for Adults and $10.00 for Children 12 and
For more information or tickets please call
Monsignor Brown at 860-887-9294, ext. 232 or Ms.
Becky Cady 860-887-9294, ext. 235.
Twenty-fourth Annual BLUE MASS
All law enforcement officers (federal, state,
and municipal, active and retired) and their families
are invited to the Twenty-fourth Annual Blue Mass
and Reception, Sunday, September 21, 2014, in the
Cathedral of Saint Patrick, 10:15 a.m. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend this Mass. Bishop
Cote, the Bishop of Norwich, will celebrate the Mass
and Very Reverend David P. Choquette, Police Chaplain, and Pastor of Most Holy Trinity, Pomfret and
Saint Mary Church, Putnam, will be the Homilist.
Norwich Police Chief Louis J. Fusaro, Sr.,
and Connecticut State Police Major Louis J. Fusaro,
Jr., are the Blue Mass Co-Chairs. For more information, please call Chief Fusaro, Major Fusaro, or Monsignor Brown at 860-887-9294, ext. 232.
A beautiful sacrament full of
blessings, romance, love,
commitment, comedy, giving, new life, joys,
sorrows, adventure, challenges, responsibilities,
growth, memories and more.
For years my wedding ring has done its job. It has
led me not into temptation. It has reminded my
husband numerous times at parties that it's time to
go home. It has been a status symbol in the
maternity ward. (Erma Bombeck)
The Knights of Columbus and the Guild of St. Patrick
will, once again, offer four $500 scholarships to active
St. Patrick Church parishioners who are currently enrolled at a Catholic High School. Applications will be
available for pickup in the Parish Office (or can be
mailed out) after August 18th and must be returned before SEPTEMBER 12, 2014.
August 16-17, 2014
Introduction-Liturgy of the Word:
The celebration to which God summons us today has
sometimes been called the “welcome table.”
Everywhere we turn, we see people around us who are
different from us in one way or another. Yet all are (or
should be) welcome at our Eucharistic table. As we
welcome one another around our twin tables of word and
Eucharist, perhaps our prayer today can be for the grace
to be as welcoming outside these walls as we are within.
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15,
18-19; Mt 19:13-15
Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rom 11:1315, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28
Monday: Ez 24:15-24; Dt 32:18-21; Mt 19:16-22
Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab;
Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16
Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt
Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40
Aug 16: Brian Peterson 1990, Marion Lee 1980, Fr Walter
Goras 1970
Aug 17: Dorothy DuPaul 2007, Elizabeth Miles 2003, Maria
Fiereck 2002, Joseph Rooney 1996, James Galvin III 1988,
Thelma Stankiewicz 1987, William Brewer 1987, Joseph
Allicon 1983, Blanche Smith 1982
Aug 18: Mary Ann Lambert 2010, Eugene Hubbard 2007, Fr.
Gonzalo Regalado 1998, Mario Santangelo 1996, Norman
Barbour Jr. 1991, Fr. Eugene Solega 1985, J. Marshall Brown
1985, Frances Fountain 1979, Hazel Lawson 1978, Grace
McPherson 1974
Aug 19: Joseph Nowakowski Sr. 1995, Janina Sienkiewicz
1990, Raymond Peterson 1983, Agnes Ouellette 1982,
Kathleen Vontell 1979
Aug 20: William Anderson 2000, Roland Ouellette 1993,
Laura Schevenell 1991, Esther Smith 1986, Rudolph Beloin
Sr. 1984, Leo Leschinski 1981, Helen Lindquist 1972
Aug 21: Frances Maher 1996, Frank Brazenec 1985, Lawrence
Connell 1971
Aug 22: Nicole Fentress 2004, Ronald Rancourt 2001,
Andrew Denorfia 1973, Roderick Campbell 1962, Kenneth
Lutton 1991, James Schneider Sr. 1991, Frances Hebert 1988,
Aurore Bedard 1985, Gilbert Bennett 1984, Catherine Paradis
1977, Adam Koss 1976
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their souls
and the souls of all the faithful departed through the
mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Do you regularly attend the Sunday 10:30 Mass? Would
you be willing to escort a sight impaired parishioner
from Chatham Acres to Mass and back? If so, please
contact the parish office at 860-267-6644. Thank you for
your service to your family in Christ.
Apostolate of Prayer for
Father, enkindle in Your priests a hunger for the glory of Jesus, and for the
love of souls…….Mother Catherine Aurelia, Foundress
8/16: Rev. Robert Buongirno & V.Rev. James Carini
8/17: Rev. Joseph DeCosta & Rev. Adam Pupsys
8/18: Rev. Albert Giaquinto & Msgr. Henry
8/19: Rev. James Thaikootathil & Rev. David Choquette
8/20: V.Rev. Ted Tumicki & Rev. Justinian
8:21: Rev. Joseph Whalen & Rev. Edward Dempsey
8/22: Rev. Samuel Fuller & Msgr. Anthony Rosaforte
The number of abortions in the United
States has declined 25% since 1990.
Still, CT abortion rate is 30% higher than U.S. average.
"Every 36 seconds in America a woman lays her body
down, forced to choose abortion out of a lack of
practical resources and emotional support. Abortion is a
reflection that society has failed women." (Patricia
Heaton, Co-star of Everybody Loves Raymond)
Need crisis pregnancy help? ABC Woman’s Center is
there for you. (860-344-9202; email:
August 16-17, 2014
Heat Exhaustion: This is a heat-related illness caused by
the loss of water and electrolytes from the body. It causes
excess sweating, extreme fatigue, weakness, dizziness,
nausea, vomiting and headache. Sometimes it causes muscle cramping.
Risk factors are: Strenuous exertion in high temperatures, Poor physical conditions, Loss of salt or water by
reducing oral intake, Overuse of diuretics (water pills),
Pre-existing illness with fever, Alcohol use and clothing
too warm for the climate
Heat Exhaustion can lead to dehydration: The human
body is comprised largely of water. If you lose more fluids
than you take in, you can become dehydrated. This means
there are not enough fluids in our body for it to function
What to do for dehydration: Drinking plenty of liquids,
water is best. Doctor may advise electrolyte solution or
sports drinks. Avoid alcohol; caffeine and carbonated
drinks can lead to increased dehydration.
Prevention of Heat Exhaustion/Dehydration:
Watch for early signs of heat illness and stop physical exertion before they worsen - minimize skin exposure; use a
hat and lightweight, light colored clothing - do not exercise in hot weather - avoid dehydration by drinking 8
ounces of fluid for every 15 minutes of moderate exercise
- limit alcohol and caffeine use in hot weather.
Get prompt Medical Attention if there is: Continued
vomiting, worsening symptoms of weakness or dizziness,
not able to keep fluids down, body temperature of 103F
oral or higher, confusion or coma, hot, flushed skin without sweating.
Defending Our Religious Liberty
#129 Aug. 17, 2014
Numerous court cases filed by religiously affiliated non-profits around the country are yet to be adjudicated. Therefore, our efforts to protect our First Amendment right to religious freedom must continue.
If you haven’t done so already, please voice your
opposition to the health care mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia
Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that
the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right
to religious freedom.
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Diocese of Norwich seeks a Development Coordinator of the Catholic Charities Ministry to organize all aspects of fundraising and development efforts in concert with
the ministry’s mission and strategic plan. This position reports to the Executive Director of Development for the Diocese of Norwich and works directly with the Diocese’ Development Office in planning, organizing and implementing
fundraising initiatives, events and annual giving/major gifts
Submit a cover letter including salary requirements,
resume, and names of three references to: Diocese of Norwich Development Office, Development Coordinator, 197
Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360, e-mail:
If you and your family are planning a summer
vacation and would like to continue your Sunday
Offerings, you can do so through our On-Line Giving Program.
It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s efficient and
it’s completely secure!
Go to our website:,
click on “” and follow the
Mass for Those Dedicated to Education: The 19th Annual Diocesan Mass for those dedicated to education will be celebrated on
September 7th at 8:45am. All are welcome.
PRO-LIFE MASS: Join us as we pray to end abortion and for the
healing of those who have had an abortion on September 6th at
8:00a.m. at St. Patrick Cathedral in Norwich.
Mass of Remembrance: The annual Diocesan Mass of Remembrance in memory of children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions, will be held September 9th at 6:00pm at the St.
Patrick Cathedral in Norwich. Light refreshments to follow. 860-8898346 ext 283.
Bus Trip to Fr. Ralph DiOrio Healing Services: Come and share
with and through us the Divine Love and Merciful Blessings of Christ’s
Healing Presence at Sturbridge Host Hotel, Sturbridge, MA, Sunday
August 17th. Bus pick-up is available in N.Haven, Cromwell & Hartford. Call Mary Ann at 203-407-1448 for more information.
Centering Prayer Retreat: Our annual Centering Prayer Retreat led
by Fr. Bill Sheehan will be held from August 29-Sept.4th. “Standing
on the Shoulders of Giants” is the theme. Cost is $500. Register at or call 860-423-8484.
Senior Renewal Day: Fr. Roger Couture invites all seniors to join
this year’s series “The Parables of Jesus—Guides for Faith Pilgrims”
beginning on Wed. Sept 17th 9:30am-1:00pm. Fee is $10—call 860423-8484.
Married Couples’ Retreat: Come, join us Sept 26-28 for 10th Married Couples Retreat at Immaculata Retreat House. Capacity is limited.
Call 860-423-8484 for more information.
August 16-17, 2014
Have you seen the St. Patrick Prayer Board for active military
personnel who are fighting on the front lines for our freedom?
It’s located in the vestibule of the Church, to the left as you
enter from the front steps. We post the pictures and rank of
relatives of our parish family members and ask that you
remember them in daily prayer. Please let us know if there are
any family members you would like posted...and may God
keep them safe.
“Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as
they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless
acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.”
Bereavement Support Groups
Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference
Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every second
and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline Medical
Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second and fourth
Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One MacDonough Place,
Community Room. (The Hospital’s assisted living facility on
the corner of Main St. Extension and MacDonough Place.) For
more information, please call Chaplain Dennis McCann,
Middlesex Hospital Chaplain, 860-358-6725.
In many church buildings constructed in the early
twentieth century, there is a window or statue of Pope St.
Pius X. Often, these windows were purchased with coins
collected by grateful children, since in 1910 a decree
admitted much younger children to First Communion.
Before then, only teenagers were customarily confirmed
and then admitted to the Eucharist. What we often think is
ancient practice in fact sometimes has fairly shallow roots,
in this case only ten decades. For centuries, Communion
had marked the end of formal religious education, but a
hundred years ago, Pius X located it at the point at which a
child could express a desire for the sacrament and receive it
with understanding. In 1917 a new code of canon law
determined that age to be about seven, and this practice was
observed almost everywhere until the beginning of the
Second Vatican Council forty years ago.
In a growing number of dioceses, recent practice has
restored the sacramental order that Pius X’s generous
decree upset, and increasingly confirmation is celebrated
before First Communion. But the gift Pius gave to the
children of the Roman Church remains firm: everywhere
we admit children to the Lord’s table. Where the traditional
order has been restored, seven-year-old children are
confirmed before First Communion.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
O Thou who has given us so much, mercifully grant
us one thing more—a grateful heart. — George Herbert
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This trip is scheduled for December 6th and is sponsored by
St. Francis Church. The total cost is $129. First You will
experience "CHRISTMAS AT THE MANSION" Enjoy the
beauty of “The Breakers” as it captures the elegance of the
Christmas season during its heyday. This breathtaking 90minute tour of Vanderbilt’s grandest mansion, overlooking the
Atlantic Ocean, will surely put you in the holiday mood!
Next it's onto the NEWPORT PLAYHOUSE &
CABARET where you can relax and enjoy a delicious
luncheon buffet and a hilarious comedy. “Lie, Cheat &
Genuflect….Two young men (gamblers who never win) have
a rich uncle who is leaving all his money to a niece who is a
nun—whom he has never seen! The uncle dies, and one of the
nephews arrives as the niece, dressed as a nun--and the fun
A $25 Deposit due by September 30th. Make checks
payable to St. Francis Church and please note "Newport Bus
Trip" in memo area. Mail to St. Francis Church, 10 Elm St.
Attn: Newport Bus Trip, Middletown, CT 06457. Bus departs
St. Francis Church at 7:00 a.m. & returns home approximately
6:30 p.m. Please contact Susan Gombotz at (860) 346-1870
or Lucy DiMartino at (860) 343-3213 for more information.
St. Patrick Church Ministries
Altar Servers: Susan Lanzi 267-9984
Altar Society: Maureen Sweeney 267-2520
ACTS Retreat/Men& Women: Warren & Beverly Edwards
267-9926, Al & Isabel Vela 267-1508, and John & Carol Lambert 267-9157
Baptism Contact: Sister Dominic Joseph 267-6644
Baptism Class: Mary Kaye Varni 267-9050
Catholic Scripture Study: Kathy Anderson 365-5003
Child Advocate: Peggy Puzzo 267-9932
Cobalt Lodge: Daisy Conway 267-0833
Coordinator of Caregiving: Sister Dominic Joseph 267-6644
Eucharistic Adoration: Margaret Bannon 267-2165 and
Joan Fomento 267-8512
Guild: Melissa Jones 467-6544 & Nancy McFatter 267-4653
Knights of Columbus: Gary Corless 860-467-6616
Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim 267-1184
Nurses’ Ministry: Mary Gould 860-267-4643
Pastoral Council Chair: Peter Bergan 267-4341
Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby 267-8203
Prayer Line: Jann Dalton 267-5720 & Pat Powers 267-8529
Pro-Life: Bill & Debbie Lonsdale 267-1878 and
Rev. Walter Nagle 267-6644
R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph 267-6644
Vocation Contact: Rev. Walter Nagle 267-6644
Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue 342-0435
Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher 267-0705