the NEWBURG SCROLL 36500 Ann Arbor Trail, Livonia, MI 48150 734-422-0149 From Steve’s Desk October is upon us and we are well into the Fall season. Many are back into routines now. In the church we have settled back into routines as well. We are back to our two service schedule, Sunday School for children, youth and adults, Get FED on Wednesday nights, choir rehearsals, and we could go on. As the seasons begin to change we also go back to the way things were. Yet even as we fall back into some familiar routines, we have to recognize that deep down they are not exactly the same. Sure there is the familiar aspect to all of our activities, but with different names, different faces and even sometimes different goals. But the one goal we keep working towards is growing in our relationship with Christ. As we have been emphasizing building a community of faith over these last few weeks, we are reminded of the people God puts in our lives and that as welcoming as we may be, there is always room for improvement. Here at Newburg we have had some changes in staff, and also how we have been relating to our community. We have partnered with Rosedale Elementary School, we will be starting a new outreach to the community with parents night out this month, we have started a new men’s midweek study, and our air conditioning project seems to be finally coming to a close. These items allow us to follow where God is leading us in being a welcoming presence in our community. It is exciting to see where God continues to lead us as we continue in our journey of faith. So as the leaves begin to turn colors, and the squirrels begin to store their acorns, I am reminded of the way that things are constantly changing, even as other things stay the same. I am reminded how God’s creation shows how to be prepared for things to change. I am also reminded that God equips all of us to be ready for what might come next. Peace and Prayers, Rev. Steve October 2014 Mark Your Calendar 10.2-4 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.10 10.11 10.14 10.16 Rummage Sale Hand4Detroit overnight Hands4Detroit World Communion Sunday Parents Night Out, 6:00 pm Quilt Workshop at 8:00 am UMW Fondue Dinner, 6:30 pm Third Thursday Dining Out at Applebee’s 10.19 Bluegrass & Blue Jeans Dinner 5:00– 7:30 pm 10.20 Scroll Submission Deadline 11.1 All Saints Sunday 11.2 Daylight Savings Time Ends 11.9 “Do Good” Sunday A spiritual journey into the truth of abundance Stewardship Campaign 2014 "Moving out of Scare City" and traveling to the vast, open habitats of God's abounding grace. Stewardship Sermon Series ~ Oct. 26 - Nov. 23 What is Scared City? The sense that there is not enough. This drives greed, fear and exclusionary behavior. We begin to live in "Scare City" where it seems that death, starvation, feelings of being overwhelmed and swallowed up can lurk around every corner. The Good News is that this is an illusion. Join us as we learn and grow habits of grace October 26 November 16 Worship at 9:15am & 11am Worship at 9:15am & 11am Moving Out of Scared City: Moving Out of Scared City: “First World Problems” “Overcoming the Unknown” Rev. Lynn Snider, preaching November 2 November 23 Worship at 9:15am & 11am Moving Out of Scared City: Worship at 9:15am & 11am “Holding on to Hope” Moving Out of Scared City: All Saints Celebration “Building Altars Everywhere” Communion Sunday Commitment Sunday November 9 Worship at 9:15am & 11am Moving Out of Scared City: “We Are Never Alone” “Do Good” Sunday after 2nd Service Page 2 The Newburg Scroll Move Out Day October 2014 Nonfood Pantry Quick Facts: October’s item is : Soap—bath/bar & hand Please bring in the monthly item or any item on our list to help stock the nonfood pantry and drop in the bin in the hallway near the kitchen. We will also have a table set up during Connexions on the first Sunday of each month. September/October Mission & Ministry Project Loose change offerings go toward… Redford Brightmoor Initiative missionary update Mission work is a chance to live out the great commission by literally going out into all the world to serve those who don’t usually get served. Join in, today! The Redford Brightmoor Initiative is striving to become a center for community transformation, promoting a healthy mind, body and spirit. The primary focus areas include being a resource for fostering a life-long love of learning while supporting neighborhood revitalization. Hands 4 Detroit Mark your calendars for October 4th. Newburg will be participating once again in cleaning up Detroit. We will also be collecting canned goods for Gleaners food Bank. There are many ways you can help. More information to come. If you're interested contact Rose or Ken Smith - Sponsor a Church Project with Funding from Our Endowment Income All church organizations and members may submit project proposals for funding from our Newburg UMC Endowment income. Finance Committee Update “Our focus is to better spread the Gospel by nurturing and enriching our congregation through educational, music and youth programs, active participation in outreach, and critical facility improvements and repairs”. At the end of August, our year-to-date income was $245,768. This is about $2,000 more than this time last year. Despite being $12,350 under budget Y-T-D, this underspend is similar to last year. Blank forms with instructions for 2015 expenditure requests are available on the church website, Please complete forms and forward them to me by Sunday, November 23. This computer version can be entered and saved with Adobe Reader 7 or higher. Last year at this time, we put a freeze on spending and were borrowing from the Expansion Fund to pay our bills. Last year's giving was concerning until December. See Jon Oatley with any questions. Page 3 Please check your 2nd quarter pledge statements and make sure you are up to date on your giving. Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming Stewardship Campaign. The Finance Committee The Newburg Scroll October 2014 fellowship. education. dinner. Fellowship, Education and Dinner for the whole family GetFED Fall: September 10 - November 19 DINNER ~ 5:30pm Dinner, Gutherie Social Hall Suggested donation of $5/person or $20/family for dinner. PROGRAM ~ 6:15pm—7:20pm Children’s Choirs & Bible Study — Upper Education Wing Invite a neighbor or friend! 6:15-6:40pm Kid Chorus (pre-K to 1st grade) & Bible Study (2nd to 5th grade) 6:45-7:20pm Peace Kids Choir (2nd grade to 5th grade) & Bible Study (pre-K to 1st grade) This fall the children will be learning to “grow.proclaim.serve.” Learning how to proclaim the good news of God’s love and serve God and neighbor. Children will discover that their faith can grow right along with them! Youth DVD Bible Study — Senior High Youth Lounge (Lower Education Wing) 6:00-7:20pm Youth (grades 6th-12th) Bible Study This Fall we’ll meet to play a few games, watch a portion of a movie & discuss how this movie relates to our lives as Christians. This session’s movies: Toy Story 1, Remember the Titans, Karate Kid, Lion King Adult Studies — Gutherie Hall & Asbury Lounge, 6:15pm-7:20pm “Liquid” Video Series: Biblical stories retold, Gutherie Social Hall led by Rev. Lynn Snider & others Parents with Young Children Group, Asbury Lounge Men’s Study — Lower Education Student Lounge, Every other week, 7:00pm-8:30pm New this fall! “The Joshua Code” led by James Frederick MUSIC ~ 5:00pm—9:00pm Youth Bells - Wesley Music Room, 5:00pm-5:40pm Children’s Choirs - Upper Education Wing, 6:15pm –7:20pm (see above for more details) Cantabile Bells — Wesley Music Room, 6:15pm-7:20pm Chancel Choir (Adult) — Wesley Music Room, 7:30pm-9:00pm Howdy Y’all! There’s a new chef in town and she’s cookin’ up some good grub! Kristen Gulyas has taken over the kitchen on GetFED nights. You can look forward to more menu variety and home baked desserts (most weeks) while enjoying the same fun and fellowship you’ve gotten used to on Wednesday nights. Picky eaters?? No problem! “Kid friendly” options are always on-hand, you just need to let us know. Tossed salad is also an option at every meal. October’s Menu: Oct 1: Oct 8: Oct 15: Oct 22: Oct 29: Pizza, subs & salad in the Gathering Octoberfest – brats, sauerkraut, German potato salad Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans Chili, mac & cheese, salad, corn bread Swedish meatballs, egg noodles, green beans Menu suggestions? Shoot Kristen an email at She is happy to consider all suggestions, but can’t make any guarantees. Page 4 The Newburg Scroll October 2014 Ongoing Classes & Small Groups ~ Find a place to learn and grow! Sundays Sundays at 11am: Deeper Faith Wednesdays Deeper Faith will be using a 6-week study based on the movie “God’s Not Dead” that will help you be prepared to defend your faith (1 Peter 3:15). The group is convened by James Frederick. All are welcome for one or all weeks. Meet in the Asbury Lounge Get FED: 6:15pm-7:20pm Parents with Young Children Group: Conversations on the joys and challenges of parenting - Asbury Lounge Adult Study: Class is led by Rev. Lynn Snider, Caring Connection Staff Person. We will dig deeper in our faith and learn what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus. Lessons will be centered around discussion and study. Join us! Mondays Mondays at 9:30am: Bible Study with Pastor Steve Join us for Bible Study with Rev. Steve on Mondays at 9:30am-11:00am in the Asbury Lounge. In September we’ll be discussion the Letters written by Paul. 7:00pm, Every two weeks Men’s Study: A new Men’s Study will begin this fall on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. The plan is to meet in the Study Lounge downstairs in the education wing. We will use the book The Joshua Code (a challenge based on Joshua 1:8) and assess as we go. Bookmarks Bookclub Fourth Tuesday of the Month, led by Mimi Silverman Tuesday, October 21 7:00 pm All are welcome. (Oct. 8, 22 & Nov. 5) If you have any questions, please contact James Frederick at We will discuss Dead North: An Alaskan Mystery by Sue Henry. All are welcome to join in lively discussion and fellowship. - Gutherie Hall. Do you receive the young adult newsletter? Get this weekly devotional and update by subscribing on Newburg’s Website ( Click the “get connected” link and sign up for “Young Adults.” Check out the various adults studies offered to you in the section above. Fri., Oct. 3 @ 8pm—Sat., Oct. 4 @ 3pm, Metropolitan UMC, 8000 Woodward Detroit, MI 48202 (Where our MME folks stay!) Did you know that some Newburg young adults are spending an evening at Motown Mission H.Q. with campus ministry students from around Michigan ahead of the Hands4Detroit event on October 4. We'll gather, get to know each other, do some constructive mischief for Hands4Detroit, and have some time for worship together at the historic Metro UMC. COST: $10 per participant, with scholarships available from Newburg Church RSVP: Contact Sarah Alexander ( Page 5 The Newburg Scroll October 2014 Newburg Youth Ministry Newsletter ~ October ‘14 S M T W 1 5 12 our 30 H Date 1 Fami Event Wed 10/1 Youth Bells getFed 2 Sun. 10/5 Worship Faith Forward Youth Group 3 Wed 10/8 Youth Bells getFed 4 Fri. 10/10 Parent's Night Out 5 Sun 10/12 Worship Faith Forward Youth Group 6 Wed 10/15 Youth Bells getFed 7 Sun 10/19 Worship Faith Forward Bluegrass Banquet 8 Wed 10/22 Youth Bells getFed 9 Sun 10/26 Worship Faith Forward Orchestra Plays Bluegrass Banquet 10 Wed 10/29 Youth Bells getFed ne 2 5 1 T F 2 3 S 4 6 7 8 3 9 10 13 14 15 6 16 17 18 25 19 7 20 21 22 8 23 24 26 9 27 28 29 10 30 31 4 11 Notes 5-5:45pm If you'd like the join the bell choir, contact Barb Erickson! No experience necessary. Mid & Senior High DVD Study - Dinner @ 5:30pm | DVD Study: 6pm-7:20pm "Remember the Titans #1" Worship at 9:15am or 11:00am "Building Community: Immigration" 11:00am Mid & Senior High Youth Sunday School - Senior High Room Fall Series: "Old Testament Rockstars" 6pm-8pm Meet downstairs education wing. Topic: "Fear of Failure" 5-5:45pm If you'd like the join the bell choir, contact Barb Erickson! No experience necessary. Mid & Senior High DVD Study - Dinner @ 5:30pm | DVD Study: 6pm-7:20pm "Remember the Titans #2" Free parents night out for ages birth-11. If you're able to lend a hand, contact Worship at 9:15am or 11:00am "Building Community: Unconditional Love" 11:00am Mid & Senior High Youth Sunday School - Senior High Room Fall Series: "Old Testament Rockstars" 6pm-8pm Meet downstairs education wing. Topic: "Valuing science & faith" 5-5:45pm If you'd like the join the bell choir, contact Barb Erickson! No experience necessary. Mid & Senior High DVD Study - Dinner @ 5:30pm | DVD Study: 6pm-7:20pm "Remember the Titans #3" Worship at 9:15am or 11:00am, "Children's Ministry Sunday" 11:00am Mid & Senior High Youth Sunday School - Senior High Room 5pm-7:30pm, come hear storyteller, Pam Holcomb (who spoke to us this past ASP!) at this APS benefit. 5-5:45pm If you'd like the join the bell choir, contact Barb Erickson! No experience necessary. Mid & Senior High DVD Study - Dinner @ 5:30pm | DVD Study: 6pm-7:20pm "Lego Movie #1" Worship at 9:15am or 11:00am 11:00am Mid & Senior High Youth Sunday School - Senior High Room Are you in orchestra? You play in worship on this day! Not in orchestra but want to be? Contact Sarah! 5pm-7:30pm, come hear storyteller, Pam Holcomb (who spoke to us this past ASP!) at this APS benefit. 5-5:45pm If you'd like the join the bell choir, contact Barb Erickson! No experience necessary. Mid & Senior High DVD Study - Dinner @ 5:30pm | DVD Study: 6pm-7:20pm "Lego Movie #2" Make it a personal goal to attend at least one gathering a week! SUNDAY AM SUNDAY AM WEDNESDAY PM SUNDAY PM Worship at 9:15am Faith Forward Youth Sunday School @ 11am GetFED getFED Youth Bible Study & Dinner Youth Group Evening Youth Study @ 6pm Current Series: “Old Testament Rockstars” Fall Series: “Obstacle Course, maneuvering through life’s struggles” Current Series: “LinC”—relevant faith and life issues There is intentionally no youth Sunday School during the 9:15am service. This gives youth the opportunity to learn how to worship. Find a youth leader or another youth to sit with! using the latest music, movies, news, and current events. Do you have questions or concerns about youth ministry? Do you have a game or concert coming up? Let me know, I’d love to come! Contact Sarah Alexander, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries — email: — church: 734-422-0147, ext. 107 — cell: 734-649-7043 (texts are okay, too!) Children & Family Ministries Karen Golden, Director of Children & Family Ministries, 734-422.0149, ext. 108 Following the children’s message in worship each week, children will be directed to the New Sunday School Assembly Area for a brief time of music & prayer. Our new area is located on the bottom floor of the education wing room 201. At 9:15 am. Our classes will be separated into three different age groups PreK/K will be in room 101 1st/2nd will be in room 104 3rd/5th will be in room 105 At 11:00 am. Our classes will be separated into two different age groups PreK/K will be in room 101 1st/5th will be in 105 Nursery will be provided for both services in RM 103. All children should be picked up outside their Sunday school doorway after each service. We are still in need of Leaders and Shepherds in all age groups. Please contact Karen Golden if you can volunteer some of your time for our Children. Training is provided. We are using new curriculum this year for all our Sunday school classes. Jesus had a knack for connecting external truths with everyday symbols his audience could touch and taste things like coins and fish. Our Hands- on Curriculum will do the same. When “play” turns into” active learning” we are teaching in a way that God wired our kids to learn best. Our new curriculum uses lively gizmos, music and unique sensory teaching tools. Everything we need to connect kids to Jesus in a fun unforgettable way! Upcoming events New Parent's Night Out This program will run the second Friday of each month and will be starting October 10th. This a free evening beginning at 6pm and running until 9pm. Each night will include dinner, craft, group games, and a movie. This will be open the congregation and the community. You must register the by Wednesday before the event to hold your spot. You can register by calling the church or emailing Karen at Anyone interested in volunteering please contact Karen. Children's Celebration Sunday - October 19th Please join us to a worship service that celebrates children and family ministries. All children are encouraged to participate with song, dance, and skits, We will be working on these during our Sunday School times and Get Fed program. Morning Message by Karen Golden "Children Are a Blessing" Our 3rd grade Bible Workshop was a wonderful learning experience for all who participated. We started our evening with a homemade dinner, and continued our evening with an overview of the new Bibles that were being presented. We moved on to four different fun stations to learn how to use them. We are proud of our 3rd graders and look forward to learning more about the Bible together with them. Page 7 The Newburg Scroll October 2014 Dear Newburg Family, The Staff Parish Relations Committee regrets to announce that Katy Fredrick will be leaving our staff as Administrative Assistant. She has accepted a position with the Livonia Public Schools as a parapro in the resource room of an elementary school. Katy has agreed to stay on with afternoon office hours until a new Administrative Assistant is hired and can be trained into the position. We will appreciate everyone’s patience in this time of transition. Katy has served Newburg very well for the last 5 years and she will be missed as a part of our staff. Katy will still be an active Constituent of Newburg and we will continue to share in her ministry with us as she feels called. We will have a time of celebration for Katy’s years of service during Sunday morning Connections at a date to be determined. Please keep Katy and her husband James in your prayers as she makes this transition and be sure to thank her as well for all of her years of service. Please feel free to share the information below with someone who would be a good fit at Newburg with the qualifications listed in the job description. Newburg United Methodist Church Job Description Administrative Assistant Newburg United Methodist Church in Livonia, MI, is seeking a part time Administrative Assistant to provide first contact support at the front desk; to provide administrative support to the staff, members and ministries of Newburg United Methodist Church; to provide hospitality to people using the church building; to be responsible for the management and maintenance of the church member database and church events database. Technical Skills Required Proficient in Microsoft Office applications, specifically Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint, Ability to understand and use database systems Ability to communicate well with both the written and spoken word Ability to create, proof and edit written communications Ability to use and troubleshoot office equipment Ability to manage time and tasks in order to meet deadlines Interpersonal Skills Required Ability to work well with a wide range of personalities both of staff and public, ability to work well as a team member as well as independently, able to seek help when needed, a A willingness to take on additional responsibilities as needed. Additional Responsibilities Facilitate all scheduling of events in church buildings. Work with the Communications Director on maintenance of church website, and proofing and rewriting of written communications Other Expectations The responsibilities of this position are central to the mission of the Newburg United Methodist Church. The person with these responsibilities is expected to be committed to the mission of NUMC and to supporting the people of the community that we serve. These expectations are summarized by the following: Affirm the Welcoming Statement and Mission of Newburg United Methodist Church. Personal lifestyle and values consistent with spiritual leadership within this United Methodist congregation. Commitment to work in a close, supportive and positive manner with the pastoral staff, staff colleagues, and lay staff in seeking to fulfill the mission of the church. Additional Qualifications - Experience working in a church or similar environment as an Administrative Assistant is preferred. Supervision - This position will report to the Lead Pastor. Submit cover letter and resume to: Newburg United Methodist Church, c/o Rev. Steve McCoy, 36500 Ann Arbor Trail, Livonia, MI 48150 or Disclaimer The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this classification. They are not be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of personnel so classified. All personnel may be required to perform duties outside of their normal responsibilities, as needed. A Note From Rodney Gasaway—Minister of Adult Education, Program & Community Outreach Greetings. I want to take this time to thank the congregants of Newburg for your welcoming and support of my new position as Minister of Adult Education, Programs, and Outreach. Over the past two weeks I have met with many of you and will continue to do so. A primary job for my position is to empower each of you in the area of ministry you are called. Please feel free to email or call me with any suggestions for ideas around Christian studies or community outreach. Newburg offers an excellent variety of programs, worship, bible studies and mission opportunities for our members to participate. A concern of mine is that Newburg is not known for these activities outside the walls of our church. We need to share these opportunities with our local community. We as a congregation are generally very welcoming but have not done a good job of promoting Newburg. Let’s get out in the community. As part of community outreach Newburg will be working the concession stand at the Franklin High varsity football game on Friday, October 24 against Garden City. We will be wearing Newburg t-shirts or aprons’ so the crowd can identify us. If you are interested in participating please contact me at or you can reach me at the church office. Thank you again for your confidence and support. Rodney Gasaway Third Thursday—October 16, 2014 “Third Thursday” is a monthly fundraiser. Please join us at Welcome! Welcome new 3rd graders & new students! Applebee’s on Haggerty Road in Northville. We will earn back 10% of the total of your bill plus 8% if you use Scrip! Hope to see many of you there! Use the coupon here or download one from the Website ( We are excited to kickoff the 2014-2015 school year and hope you will take advantage of these "OnDeck" events that encourage mission and fellowship in the lives of our 3rd-5th graders! What is OnDeck? OnDeck is a fellowship and mission group for 3rd-5th graders. We offer ministry opportunities about four times a year for our young disciples to be in mission in this world. When do you meet? We provide various dates throughout the school year. Typically once every-other month when our church calendar allows. How many children participate? Our average attendance for OnDeck events is 8-14 students. What events are offered? In the past, we've attended Hands4Detroit, Gleaner's/Mexican Town Trip, CASS Community Social Services, Feeding the Homeless, Collecting trash in Hines Drive and promote allchurch activities like Making N.O.A.H. brown bag lunches, the Easter Fair and other family-friendly events. Can my child bring friends? Absolutely! These events are similar to what children can expect when they are of Youth Group age. Friends are always welcome (just make sure they have the appropriate paperwork if needed.) What is coming up? Hands4Detroit Arts & Scraps Trip October 4, 2014 Lunch in Mexican Town 8am - 2pm December 6, 2014 8:30am - 1:30pm Other Questions: Contact OnDeck Staff Person, Sarah Alexander. ( Page 9 The Newburg Scroll October 2014 Join us on the Second Friday of every month — beginning October 10th. Scrip Reminders A note from Betsy, our scrip coordinator! This free program will run the second Friday evening of every month starting with Oct 10th from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm. Each night will include dinner, craft, group games, and a movie. All members of our church and community are welcome. Please register the Wednesday before to hold your spot. Great job, Newburg! For the 1st Quarter of this year of Kroger Community Rewards, 61 households selected Newburg as their Rewards recipient, helping to earn $464.16 for Newburg. That's 14 more households than last year's solid 47, and the most households I've recorded yet for a 1st quarter! Forgot to sign up this year? Don't worry! It's never to late to register and start easily earning rewards for Newburg every time you scan your Kroger Plus card. Just visit, or stop by the scrip table at Connexions for help or detailed instructions. Many of your favorite stores have convenient reload options. Busch's has their own program with cards that can be reloaded at any Busch's store. Many more cards can be reloaded through Great Lakes Scrip, including Meijer, Target, Shell, Speedway, Lowe's and Starbucks. Stop by Connexions for more information or a complete list of Reload options! You are invited… The Newburg UMW will have a its first fall gathering on Tuesday, October 14 at 6:30pm in Gutherie Hall. It is to be a Fondue dinner & dessert. Please sign-up on the “Do Good” board as you go down to the fellowship hall. We need a number for preparation, set up and to purchase food for dinner. Please sign-up by Sunday September 12 2014 OR call Susan Hitchcock- 734/981-2385 or Lois Nelson734/679-8887. Tickets on sale October 5, 12 & 19 This is our 30th year on ASP! Do you have older pictures to share? Please scan and e-mail them to Sarah to be presented during the dinner. ( Looking ahead... the UMW’s Annual Cookie Sale on Sunday, December 21, 2014. They are looking forward to your donations and/or help. Congratulations… To Marcia & Bill Reeder who welcome their grandson, Logan Allen Asher, born September 3rd to their daughter Candice & her husband Chris. To Joey Leopardi and Aimee Broyles on the birth of their son, Emmett Leopardi, born September 3rd. Page 10 The Newburg Scroll Sylvia Bowerman 395 W. Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, MI 48170 Please note that she has no phone in her room, but the family is working to correct that. October 2014 Caring Pray & without Connected at Newburg ceasing… 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Thank you…. Newburg Members… Audrey Allen Mabel Berry Eloise Boyd Ginny Britton Wanda Britton Fred Cook Annette Crosby Alice Crosby Bea Ellis Dale Foreman Elenor Frost Dennis Frost Aileen Fryer Andree Garrett Wayne Garrett Beatrice Hart Fran Helmer Bea Hugueley Jerry Hugueley Dorothy Konarske Dona Kovach Lou Kovach Karen Patterson Alberta Pry Sandy Sandhu Bill Stewart Jackie Stuart Carol Sundell Delores Sussex Bob Thomas Shirley Van Dusen Gail Weems Betty Wilson Newburg Friends…Newburg Family... Sally Primo, Jan Evan’s friend Mr. & Mrs. Holmgren, Michelle Hartmann’s friend’s parents Devon Misenko, Olivia Minehart’s friend Sharon Williams, Mary Ann Nicholas’ step-mother Jenny Mosier, Kristen Gulyas’ friend Russ Matthys, Mary Edgerton’s friend Dave Spolyar, Terry Williams friend Amburn Family, Joey Leopardi’s friends Dorothy Rothfuss, Kay Williams’ cousin Julie Bumpus, Marilyn Scitar’s co-worker/friend John Breen Jr., Lois Breen’s son Kate Stewart, Judy & Bill Stewart’s daughter Rose Matteson, Matt Alexander’s aunt Dave Inkpen, John White’s co-worker Abby Rubenson, Lily Tubb’s friend Mary Lee Stubblefield, Mary Jane Canary’s aunt Barbara Knight, Lynn Snider’s sister-in-law Eric Salminen, Steve McCoy’s former player Merry Harshman, Sandy & Hank Conway’s friend Roberta Mattio, Mark Popejoy’s aunt Darlene Dalton, Sandi Fillion’s mother Donald Fryer, Aileen Fryer’s son Carly Locke, Mary Edgerton’s friend Vern Stubbe, Linda Potestio’s son Brian Franks, Donna & David Jensen’s nephew Grace Na-Russ, Donna Jensen’s friend Kyle Petroskey, Tara Popejoy’s brother Vaughn Wheeler, Dawn Visotsky Wheeler’s mother-in-law Rick Gentry, Dave Gentry’s brother Ann Miller, Aileen Fryer’s son’s mother-in-law Steven & Jennifer Perez, Richard & Janice Merry’s grandson Evelyn Pyle, Leonard Maguire’s mother Morgan & John Trowbridge, Karen Maguire’s neice Natalie Maguire Ray, Leonard Maguire’s daughter Geri Young, Jimmy Mansour’s friend Jim & Mary Jane Austin, Julie Albaugh’s parents Sympathies…. To the family of Laura Rauls who died on September 26th. October Birthdays 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 12 Mark Kline Kylin Keaton Kimberly Droz Michael Garrett Toney Saylor, Jr. Phillip Klein Megan Wolters Bruce Adams Samantha Millisor Sylvia Oatley Brian Maddaford David Lobb Allison McConnell Elizabeth Lewis Caitlin Maguire 13 Ty Nadeau 14 Vicki Reault 15 David Jensen Diane Wojcik 16 Myrtle Cather Carolyn Hallgath 17 Bill Reeder Karen Schiffman 20 Thandy Mumbiro 19 Paul Perez 21 Mary Alice Trosien Jeanne Williams 22 Christopher Appie 23 Nicole Ruthig 25 Bee Ellis Bob O’Daniel 26 Mabel Berry Russ Crum Jean Sundell 28 Charles Reault 29 Vona Quatro 30 Betty DeFelice Donna McKinney 31 Rhonda Fadoir October Anniversaries 3 10 11 15 **Names are published for two issues unless the office is otherwise notified. Page 11 Thank you to all our friends at Newburg for your thoughts and cards as we celebrated our 66th anniversary and Dona’s 90th birthday on August 17th. Your kindness is appreciated. It is a blessing to know our church family is thinking of us. Lou and Dona Kovach It was a hectic summer for the Kinne's. Too many hospital stays and too many doctor's office visits. I want to thank the congregation at Newburg for the hugs, the kind words, the prayers for speedy recoveries, the offers of help (no matter what) and all the prepared dinners. We are approaching our new reality one day at a time knowing that we have the full support and blessings from our church family. Ron Kinne We (and Ted) would like to thank all his friends at Newburg Church for helping him along these past several months. He was really happy to be part of this amazing Church. From the cards he received from Jacki Kelsay (and others) and the visits he received from Rev. Steve, Lynn Snyder, Mary Fletcher, James Frederick (and others) to the calls just to see how he was doing, He was always thankful to the "rakers" youth group who raked his leaves each year. He surely felt taken care of from his Church family. His funeral service served as a blessing to his family's closure of his wonderful life. Blessings to you all- Cher and Rich Johnson Thank you so much for everyone’s prayers, cards, calls and Rev. McCoy & Rev. Snider for your hospital visits. Everyone has been so kind. I love you all so much! I still have 6 months of chemo. Love, Mabel Berry Thomas & Sharron Olinger John & Denise Klein Tracy & Frank Dunbar Alex & Sylvia Oatley John & Carol Blanchard Ken & Rose Smith 17 18 20 22 23 Robert & Marie Jenkins Ralph & Jean Sundell Bruce & Susan Adams Matt & Sarah Alexander Mark & Sherry McConnell David & Debbie Koch **If your birthday or anniversary is not listed and you would like it to be, please contact the church office. The Newburg Scroll October 2014 Newburg United Methodist Church NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LIVONIA MI PERMIT 173 36500 Ann Arbor Trail Livonia MI 48150 Phone: 734 422-0149 Fax: 734 425-3550 Address Service Requested The Scroll ~ 2014 The Newburg S croll publi shed m onthl y by the N ewburg U nit ed Methodi st Church of Liv oni a, MI 48150 -3461. N on -profit pos tage pai d a t Li voni a, MI POST MASTER: Send c urrent addres s c hanges t o Newburg U MC, 36500 A nn A rbor Trail, Li voni a, MI 48150 -3461 The Staff at Newburg UMC Pastor ........................................................................................................................ Rev. Steve McCoy Ministers ..............................................................................................................................All Members Caring Ministries Coordinator .................................................................................... Rev. Lynn Snider Minister of Adult Education, Program & Community Outreach .............................. Rodney Gasaway Youth & Young Adult Ministries.................................................................................. Sarah Alexander Children & Family Ministries ........................................................................................... Karen Golden Administrative Assistant ................................................................................................ Katy Frederick Director of Music/Handbells ....................................................................................... Barbara Erickson Organist ......................................................................................................................... Beverly Ratcliffe Chancel Choir/Sweet Spirit .............................................................................................. Richard Lenz Children’s Music .......................................................................................................... Catherine Rayes Orchestra Director .............................................................................................................. Patti Kilgore Kitchen Supervisor ...................................................................................................... Susan Hitchcock Custodian ............................................................................................................................... Ron Boon “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” - John Wesley
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