Presents: th The 40 Annual Mesa Swap Meet And Car Corral Sunday, November 9, 2014 Rain or from 6:00am to NoonPrinted East Valley Institute of Technology 1601 W. Main Street, Mesa (between Dobson & Alma School) Preferred Parking for 1972 and Earlier Street Rods, Customs, and Muscle Cars Food and Beverage Vendors Welcome For Information Please Call: Mel Pratt (480-345-2457) or Dave Eagleburger (480-985-6792) email: ASRA Web Page: http // A portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity. Dobson Rd. N Superstition Freeway / US-60 E.V.I.T. Main Street 202 Freeway (Each additional space: $25.00) Swap Spaces: $35.00 Preferred Parking/Car Corral (72 & older) $5.00 General Parking $2.00 (between Dobson & Alma School) Shopping Center Ω No Alcohol or Firearms Ω Vendors Must be Within Swap Meet Boundary Area Ω Parking in Designated Areas Only Ω Keep all Fire Lanes Open! Ω No Boom Boxes Ω No Stakes Driven Into Asphalt Ω No Smoking on Campus Ω All Rules Strictly Enforced! Open to food and beverage vendors East Valley Institute of Technology 1601 West Main Street, Mesa, AZ Rules and Regulations for Swap Meet Sunday, November 9, 2014 6:00am to Noon Printed from Alma School Road Pre-Registration Cut-off Date Nov.1, 2014 Signature Liability in consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, entrance, participants, and spectators by entry of this entry form, release and discharge ARIZONA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION and their officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, servants, and anyone else connected with management or presentation of ASRA SWAP MEET from any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, or judgments and/or claims from any cause that may be suffered by any entrant, his person, or property. Further each entrant expressly agrees to indemnify all of his entrant(s), participant(s), or spectator(s). Name: ____________________________________ Business Name: ____________________________ Club Affiliation: _____________________________ Address: __________________________________ City:______________________ State:___________ Zip Code:____________ Phone: _______________ Number of Spaces ($35 first, $25 additional):_____________ Types of Swap Meet Items for Sale: _____________ __________________________________________ ASRA Swap Meet Registration Make Checks Payable to A.S.R.A. To: ASRA PO Box 41554 Mesa, AZ 85274-1554 Mail Registration Forms with Checks Payable to A.S.R.A. (Drive-up entries on day of event until all remaining spaces are taken) Pre-Registration Cut-off Date Saturday, November 1, 2014
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