March 2015 Newsletter - Midwest Bird and Animal Breeders

The Bird & Animal Times
Newsletter of the Midwest Bird & Animal Breeders Association
Estelle Wernle
8749 Le Pere School Rd
Millstadt, IL 62260
Vice President
Nick Heimos
5216 Kaskaskia Rd
Secretary & Advertising
Walter Rau
8800 Gilmore Lake Rd
Columbia, IL. 62236
Mike Tolka
1731 Boone Street Road
Odin, IL 62870
Newsletter editor and
Web Master
Ton e Becker
3205 E Airport
Urbana, IL. 61802
March 2015
Presidents Notes
First of all I want to thank nick for taking charge of the
winter party. He even has most of the workers lined up for
March and April. Thank you !! We do need a volunteer to pass
out flyers at the gate in march-Are you available?
So sorry I had to miss the party but after 2 surgeries I am lucky
to be here. to set the record straight, I do have uterine cancer and
am doing chemo and will start 16 weeks of radiation soon. I
was able to return home 2/13. thank you for all the cards,
plants and especially the prayers. They do help!! I am looking
forward to our first swap and hope to see you then.
Peace and Blessings, love
Estelle Wernle
-----------------------------------Webmaster notes
Any stories or pictures you like to send.
or think you can make up a F. A. Qs.
I get
new people emailing questions all the time. You can mail, but
prefer them emailed to me.
Ton e Becker
List for preparedness for attending swap. Please let me know if I need to modify/edit this list.
Money small bills.
Cages and wagon to carry cages.
Walking shoes
Papers/paper work
Coat / raincoat /umbrella
Cards and markers to make price tags
Expect a lot of walking
Tarp or enclosure from elements
Any license
Extra cages
Be aware, swap is over by about 10 AM
Secretary's Report 25 January 2015
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 after our dinner at Aunt Maggies restaurant in Columbia. 37 members and
guests were there. Walter Rau then gave the secretaries report from the Oct 25th 2014 meeting. Mike Tolka then
gave the treasurer’s report from the end of Sep., and stated we have a balance of $12,846.56 and at the end of Dec. 31
the balance was $13,914.78. He also gave a breakdown on the expenses and income from the past year. A motion by
Gene William to approve both reports it was seconded by Ron Waddy. Motion approved.
Nick Heimos then read a letter from Franklin Co. 4-H asking for some money for the organization. A motion
by Wayne Dell to pay for the request, Chad Ruehle seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Heartland Classic poultry show also made a request for their poultry show. A motion by Jody Forham and
seconded by Charles Kemp the motion to send them the money. Motion approved.
A thank you letter was read from the Caseyville library asking for a request for the amount they received last year.
A motion by Heather O'Keefe, Chad Ruehle seconded the motion. Motion approved.
More discussion on the Heartland Classic and what was said that they are going to have a double show this year. A
motion by Jody Forham and seconded by Ron Waddy to send them $200 Motion approved, unanimously.
Bob Andress said that the Girl Scouts will do the kitchen for the first 5 swaps. He will check on who will do the
last 2 swaps. Lots of discussion on how to get more people to help at the gates. More members should volunteer.
Some sellers could sell if they work at the gate without paying. A motion to make a schedule about all members to
work at one swap, if not find a replacement for them. Brad Jones made the motion Chad Ruehle seconded the
motion. Nick Heimos will work on it.
Jody Forham made a motion to give the ladies that worked the kitchen at our Sep. and Oct swap to keep the money
that they make. Brad Jones seconded the motion. Bob Andress will talk to them. Since a director of our club
was killed last year, someone will have to replace him. Jody Forham made a motion to replace with Charles Kemp,
who said he will serve. Chad Ruehle seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Nick Heimos then asked for nominations from the floor for 2015 officers. The 2015 officers were nominated at
the Oct 2014 meeting. After some discussion Gene Willman made a motion to close the nominations and have the
secretary cast the unanimous ballot for those nominated. Wayne Dell seconded the motion but added that the
directors also be included. Your secretary then cast the ballot for those nominated.
Jody Forham then read some of the rules that we had made 2 years ago and they should be printed and put in the
newsletter. Jody Forham made a motion to give Gene William $100 for his work at every swap at 5:00 AM at the
second gate. Heather O'Keefe seconded the motion, motion passed.
Next came the drawings for prizes. The winners were Dennis Galle, Orange Bird, Heather O'Keefe, Maria
Destefan, Mary Bird, Chad Ruhle, Elizabeth Wright, Dennis Rick, Jody Forham, Rita Tolka Lauren
Marquardt and Charlotte Marquardt. Heather O'Keefe made a motion to send flowers to Estelle, Hank
Marquardt seconded the motion. Gene Willman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Chad Ruehle, motion
Walter Rau
ponderosa room deposit
door prizes /Estelle
Estelle / supplies
Allan Blumhorst
postage /mike
Monroe co rabbit club
Monroe co fair grounds dep.
Monroe co fairgrounds rent
Walter Rau advertising
Eckhardt florist
Heartland classic poultry sho
franklin co 4H
voided check
Gene Willmann
news letter/
Mike/ flyers /
dues/season passes
country mutual
jerashen flowers
clinton co 4H
monroe co fair/ 4h
marion co 4h
washington co 4h
il mo bantam club
caseyville library system
st genevive area 4h
joe hoy sholarship fund
executive business
mar hat sales
dues/ 1 pass
mar gate
april gate
executive business
action graphics signs
ton e / web site
woodside / flowers
executive business
may gate
june gate
1 pass
2 dues
1 card add
3 dues (1 aug 2)
insurance refund
directory printing
4 dues
aug gate
executive business
sept gate
By law amendment has been
#1. The second gate (sellers) will be
opened at 5:00 AM. The first gate
will open at 5:30 AM to the public.
--------------------------------------------from go
there for more information
Springtime readiness.
Be Prepared for the Arrival
Although most births take place with zero intervention on
my part, it is always important to be prepared for those times
when a birth may not go so smoothly. Here are some things
to consider to be prepared for new births on your homestead.
Someone To Answer Questions
Have an emergency vet or at the very least, a breeding mentor
that you can call if there would be an unforeseen
A Birth Kit
Have a birth kit on hand. Some supplies to include are
Colostrx multi-species colostrum replacer image by
surgical gloves,
K-Y Jelly,
unwaxed dental floss (for tying off the cord) scissors that
have been sterilized,
powdered colostrum that is compatible for multi species
such as Colostrx, [Colostrum is absolutely vital to feed in the
first 24 hours of life if the baby animal is unable to nurse
from it’s own mother.]
milk replacer on hand for the babies and also bottles to
feed [Raw goat milk is compatible for many species as a milk
replacer however if not available, you can find a powdered
formula mix at local feed stores and in the case of puppies or
kittens, pet supply stores.],
a scale to weigh if keeping records,
notebook paper and pens to make notes.
Sometimes you can purchase birthing kits online. For goats
Consider the Weather
Depending on the time of year you will have babies, you need
to consider the elements and outside temperatures. In the case
of baby rabbits and goats, if they are born in late winter/early
spring, you may need to give them temporary shelter inside
your house or basement. If your barn is very insulated, they
may do fine there, however, it still will be a risk and may
result in higher loss of offspring.
We have unfortunately lost baby rabbits due to the cold so we
started bringing our does inside a few days before they were
due to prevent this from happening. For goats and other
livestock, a barn camera is an invaluable tool while awaiting
the birth of your babies. You can see when your animal
begins labor without having to sleep outside in the barn with
them. It allows you to both hear and see your animals so you
can go out to assist the birth if necessary.
Swaps n’ Classified Ads
This space is free for members to advertise items they have for sale. Please
limit your ads to 20 words if possible. Non-members may advertise for a
small donation. Swaps and shows are welcome and are not asked for a
donation. Send postings to the Webmaster.
TRI COUNTY AUCTION & CAFE, Medora, IL #4366 Auction Dates Farmer's
Market Auction w/Goats/Sheep Small Animals, hay,
straw etc. Saturday Check in 7-9:30am Begins 9:30.
Cafe 7AM (618) 372-8888 ofc or (618) 729-2005
Whitaker Small Animal Auction. Madison, Mo. 12
noon3rd Sat Apr-Oct Mi. south of Madison on 151
Please call 573-822-2912 or 660-291-3972
Eastern Iowa Exotic Bird and Small Animal Swap 711am. Maquoketa, IA, Jackson County Fairgrounds.
$3/person Buy or Sell Laurie Marx 563-212-9435,
Chuck Holdgrafer 563-689-6743,
Mineral Area Bantam Club Swap Days.
1ST Sun Ea Mon Mar Thru Nov.
Located on lot behind Busenbark Carpet on Hwy 67
between Farmington & Park Hills exits.6 AM-?
3 Sat ea Month Mar-Nov 7:30 AM-?
Bonne Terre Family Center
Bev 573-562-7562 or Wilma 636-933-0640
CL Auction 2nd Sun Ea Mon Hwy Y, Valley Mines, MO
573-358-4479 or 0035
Ill-Mo Bantam Club Website
Burlington, IA has 6 swap meets throughout the
summer. Southwest Iowa Pigeon Club. It costs just $2
per carload to get in. Starts early and done by noon. For
more info, please email
Fruitland Swap 2nd Sat Mar-Oct, Daylight-10 AM I-55
Fruitland exit 105 north on Rt 61 ~3 miles Bob Hoffman- 573 788 2139 Raymond Petzoldt 573 243 3487
The Olde Barn Small Animal&Misc Auction.
Enterprise, Il.Sale 2nd Sat each & Every Mo.For
Information call 618-926-3254 Clay Sanders
Bird-Pet and Game Swap,
Bob at 815-739-7434 7-Noon,
Plowmans Park 48W 508 Hinckly Rd, Big Rock IL
Veedersburg Salebarn Auction Indiana
2nd and 4th Fridays 6 pm 765-376-5144
Mikeworths Trade & Swap Flea Market Swap Phone
618 544 8053 Phone 618 592 4859
Randolph co swaps, 506 W Belmont st, Sparta, IL.
62286. 6PM 3rd Sat ea month Mar-Oct EXCEPT Jul is
on Sunday. $5 for sellers, buyers free. Alicea @ 618
317 6056
Swapping Days Jacob’s Cave, Meadowlands
Activities L.L.C., Located South of Versailles,
Missouri 573-378-4374 or visit
Mid-American Pigeon Club Show, Bureau Co FG,
Princeton Il. Lew Westcott 509n 12th Ave Sterling IL
61081.Entry $3.50.815-288-1967, 815-288-2339. OTHER CLUBS are there.
Triple W - 2009 Cookeville TN
931 808 0231
Troy Swap Meet & Flea Market, Troy Oh 937 372 1332
Arthur Sale Barn Auction
Every Monday 11:30 am: Hay & Livestock Auction
2nd & 4th Monday 6 pm: Small Animal Auction
ALL YEAR LONG Arthur IL. Call 217-543-3255
Leady’s Feed Store 10747 HWY 127, Murphysboro, IL
618 687 6131 Swap Meet Every 3rd Saturday 8-Noon
Livestock, Yard spots available
State Testers
When you call, leave a message
Shari Goldsberry
618 317 0227
Walter Rau
618 939 6809
Estelle Wernle
618 538 7141
Mike Tolka
618 775 8425
Hank Marquardt
618 935 2520
Nick Heimos
618 340 1153
Larry Parr
618 457 2830
If you wish to have your name listed please inform me.
White Embden geese
must be pure
Male Tundra swan,
Prefer 2013-14 hatch.
Taking orders for this fall: Scintillating Copper $250/pr
Blue Eared $100/pr, Black swans $450/pr
Gene Leffelman, 1785 Lee Center Rd., Amboy, Il.
61310-9439. 815 857 3607
Your card can go here.
from go there for more