Kannapolis church of Christ Assignments Month Lord's Table Date Presiding Elder Announcements Preside Servers ‐ Table Servers ‐ Sides Ushers AV Room Sound Board Computer Sunday Morning Weekly Food for Families 10/19/2014 Judy Lambert Geraldine Clowney Date Lead Singing Opening Prayer Scripture Reading Closing Prayer 10/12/2014 Lance Lemasters Jeff Hall Joe Huddleston Chris Lankford Eileen Lemasters Pam Sams Kendra Tipton Tom Whitaker Dan Lemasters Angie Byrd 10/19/2014 Derrick Nix Pete Lovell Tom Ellis Brad Fortson Ina Ruth Deason Bob Lemasters Ina Ruth Deason Bob Lemasters Gary Scruggs Denise Scruggs Elliotte Lawing Joe Huddleston Doug Naumann Sr. Lance Lemasters Bryson Gray Bryson Gray Chris Byrd Derrick Nix Jr John Rowden Levi Carroll 10/15/2014 Joe Eagle Frank Crunk Derrick Nix Tom Whitaker Dan Lemasters Frank Crunk 10/22/2014 Elliotte Lawing Joe Huddleston Bret Simoneaux Jeff Hall Joe Huddleston Thaddaeus Lankford Greeters Sunday Nursery Attendants Evening 2315 Concord Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28083 704.786.3510 kannapolischurchofchrist.org info@kannapolischurchofchrist.org Bible Study and Worship Sunday Morning Bible Study: 9am Sunday Morning Worship: 10am Sunday Evening Worship: 6pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study: 7pm Minister kirk.sams@kannapolischurchofchrist.org Kirk Sams 704.262.9217 10/12/2014 Lisa Winchester Kim Deason Secure Building Lead Singing Opening Prayer Closing Prayer Secure Building Evening Karen Clary & Kimberly Zirkle Date Hospital Baskets Baptismal Clothes Prepare Communion Wednesday 10/12/2014 10/19/2014 Mike Mobley John Rowden Bob Bush Frank Crunk Dallas Long Dalton Lankford Jim Craddock Jeff Tipton Doug Campbell Tony Beaver Robert Higbee Bret Simoneaux Chris Riebold Date Lead Singing Opening Prayer Invitation Closing Prayer Secure Building Volume XXV, Issue 41 October 12, 2014 Elders elders@kannapolischurchofchrist.org Wilson Burton 704.782.0326 Frank Crunk 704.436.9457 Robert Higbee 704.720.0576 Elliotte Lawing 704.785.8473 Mike Mobley 704.663.6910 Deacons deacons@kannapolischurchofchrist.org Darrel Carroll 704.455.5260 Bob Lemasters 704.789.3100 Commie Pendergrass 704.795.2477 Chis Shuping 704.633.5086 Patrick Smith 704.782.9634 If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please contact servi ce@kannapol ischurchofchri st.org or contact Chris Shuping at 704.633.5086 To submit an announcements or reserve the building, please send an e‐mail to info@kannapolischurchofchrist.org For our members and guests that may have hearing impairments, we ask that everyone use the microphones when speaking in a public manner. For Our Guests ‐ We will not ask you to stand and then focus our attention on you ‐ We do not expect you to give money when we take a collection from our church members, however any gifts will be graciously received. ‐ We partake of the Lord's Supper each Lord's Day (Acts 20:7). You have the option of participating, or not, in the communion when it is served. Read 1 Cor. 11:23‐29 ‐ For those who have small children, the following options are available. Your child may stay in the auditorium with you We have a staffed nursery for children 0 ‐ 2 years old during Sunday morning Worship ‐ Please stay around following services and let us get to know you. Thank you for being our guest and come back soon. Kannapolis Church of Christ How to Live for Christ * Do good to all people no matter what they do to you (Galatians 6:10). Christ is our example of doing good (Acts 10:38). We must follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:21). * Bless and love your enemies (Matthew 5:44). Christ was hated, mocked, spat upon, beaten...yet He prayed, "Father, forgive them" (Luke 23:34). When we do this, we have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). * Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick (Matthew 25:34-36). Christ went about helping the downhearted (Matthew 9:35). By us doing this (especially to the brethren), it is the same as us doing it to Christ (Matthew 25:40). * Count others better than yourself (Philippians 2:3). This is truly being Christlike. When we do this, we are serving as Christ did selflessly (John 13:4-5). * Put the kingdom (church) first in all things (Matthew 6:33). Jesus died for the church (Acts 20:28); we need to live for it. Put Christ's body above all earthy things. This is Christianity. Do these things with all your might (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Be steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). - Robert H. Martin (adapted); - via the weekly bulletin of the Broadway Church of Christ in Campbellsville, KY. Edd Sterchi preaches for the congregation and he may be contacted at eddsterchi@comcast.net Word of Life (1 John 1:1-4) Introduction 1. Experience… 2. The Disciple of the ___________ ___________. HE was ____________ the ___________________! HE was ____________ and ________________! HE was ____________ for a ________________! Conclusion 1. To _____________ Jesus is to ________________! 2. The Disciples’ ________________. “Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thes. 5:16-18 Prayer List • Serving in the Military: Ben Scruggs, Chris Yost, David Jones (Dan Payne’s nephew), James Schriever (friend of Merrill’s), Victor Falorian (friend of Amy Riebold), Timothy O’Bryant (Amy Riebold’s cousin), Brian Mullins (Northview Church of Christ), Kyle Behrens (friend of Kevin Simoneaux), Michael J. Lovell (Pete & Karen Lovell’s son), and Aaron Deason, son of Jeff and Kim Deason and Ricky Ardrey, Teresa Clowney’s son-in-law. • Shut-ins: John Grandy @ First Assembly Living Center, Lee Davis, Barbara Norris @Lancasters, and Beth Turner. • Jane Pence fell at home last week and hurt her arm and is very weak. • Peggy Crunk, Frank’s sister in law, had a double mastectomy last week in Tennessee. • Mary Schneider continues to struggle. Please keep Bert, Pat and Lisa in your prayers as they care for her. • Peggy Deaton was able to come home after her fall and hip surgery in Tennessee. • Annette Hall’s aunt, Adeline Yonts, has pneumonia and is very ill. • Brian Carter, Judy Lambert’s son, has requested prayers for personal struggles as he continues to adjust to new medication. • Dana Owen will have surgery on October 20 at Wake Medical. • Lisa Winchester has requested prayers as she tries to balance her sugar levels. • Wendel Burton, Wilson and Randal’s brother, has been diagnosed with bone cancer and is preparing for a new drug that will hopefully help address this concern. • Eleanor, Dan and Jan are traveling to visit with Doug and have requested our prayers. • Jill San chez, friend of the Sams, met with her physician after her surgery last week but is still very weak. • Barbara Yost and LeAnn and Mark are also traveling this weekend and have requested our prayers. • Doris Thompson, Carol Huddleston’s mom, is at home but very weak and in need of our prayers. • Stephanie Lingerfelt, Bobbie Seabolt’s neice, continues to recover from her recent surgery. • Mary Whitaker is not feeling well and having some tests to determine the nature of the problem. • Elaine Lawing is having a lot of weakness and Elliotte has requested prayers as they make important decisions. • Patrick Payne and Jessica Morrison are getting married on October 18th. Prayers their future success. • Caleb will have his one year CT scan of his chest this Friday, October 17 at CMC Main. • Kelly Caudle, friend of Junior Whitaker, is in CMC Northeast after a bike accident last week with 7 cracked ribs. News & Upcoming Events ***BOOKS OF THE MONTH*** “Women of the Bible” “Men of the Bible” both edited by Herbert Lockyer. • Pat Smith will be taking pictures during the month of October to update the picture board. Goal %100!! • Golden Year’s Pot Luck meal immediately after worship on TODAY Sunday, October 12. • WORK DAY on Saturday, October 25 at 9 A.M.!! • Food for Families – Forms for needy families nomination are available in the FCR. Due by Sunday, October 26. • 1000 Voices on November 7 and 8!!! • CBC Men’s Retreat on November 14 and 15!!! >> Please send any bulletin announcements, calendar or website updates to info@kannapolischurchof christ.org
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