Sponsored by Institute of Advanced Studies International Conference on Massive Neutrinos 9 to 12 February 2015 Nanyang Executive Centre Nanyang Technological University, Singapore The Standard Model of Particle Physics successfully describes the observed strong and electroweak interactions, but it is still unknown, how the masses of leptons and quarks are generated. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN will restart to probe new physics beyond the Standard Model, while the present and upcoming neutrino experiments aim to pin down the neutrino mass ordering, to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale, to discover leptonic CP violation, to probe the Majorana nature of massive neutrinos, and to explore possible new physics in the lepton sector. Therefore, it is timely to investigate the underlying theory for mass generation and flavor mixing of both leptons and quarks, and the connection between massive neutrinos and other new physics scenarios. Moreover, neutrinos are playing a very important role in astrophysics and cosmology, which could in turn help us understand the fundamental properties of neutrinos themselves. The main topics of this workshop include 1. Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations 2. Neutrino Mass Models and Flavor Symmetries 3. Neutrino Astrophysics and Cosmology 4. Baryon and Lepton Number Violation 5. Lepton-Quark Symmetry and Unifications 6. Sterile Neutrinos and Dark Matter 7. Experimental Status of Neutrino Physics 8. New Physics beyond the Standard Model Organising Committee: Invited Speakers include: CHAIRMAN Makoto Kobayashi Carlo Rubbia Harald FRITZSCH (Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2008) (Nobel Laureate in Physics, 1984) CO-CHAIRMAN Stefan Antusch Tommy Ohlsson Gabriela Barenboim Stephen Parke Allen Caldwell Serguey Petcov MEMBERS Mu-Chun Chen Georg Raffelt Phil CHAN Carlo Giunti Werner Rodejohann Ngee-Pong CHANG Giorgio Gratta Andre Rubbia Leong Chuan KWEK Cecilia Jarlskog Alexei Smirnov Hwee Boon LOW Wolfgang Hollik Atsuto Suzuki Choo Hiap OH Manfred Lindner Jose Valle Eligio Lisi Raymond Volkas Peter Minkowski Yifang Wang Matthias Neubert Shun Zhou Kok Khoo PHUA Zhi-Zhong XING We welcome all interested participants to register. For more information, please visit IAS website at http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ias For enquiries, please email the Secretariat at Neutrino@ntu.edu.sg
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