The study of monocrystalline silicon neutron beam window for CSNS Zhou Liang (周良)1,2;1) Qu Hua-Min (屈化民)1 1 Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Abstract: The monocrystalline silicon neutron beam window is one of the key components of neutron spectrometers .Monocrystalline silicon is a brittle material and its strength is not constant but is consistent with the Weibull distribution. The window is designed not simply through the average strength, but according to the survival rate. Bending deformation is the main form of the window, so dangerous parts of the neutron beam window is stress-linearized to the combination of membrane stress and bending stress. According to the Weibull distribution of bending strength of monocrystalline silicon, finally the optimized neutron beam window is 1.5mm thick and its survival rate is 0.9994; it meets both physical requirements and the mechanical strength. Key words: neutron beam window, silicon, China Spallation Neutron Source, modal analysis, brittle materials, neutron spectrometers PACS: 29.25.Dz, 46.50. +a 1 Introduction and 0.5mm in thickness. The basic mechanical properties For China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), neutrons move through every place either in a vacuum of monocrystalline silicon [2] are showed in tabel1. Table 1 the basic mechanical properties of monocrystalline silicon environment, or in special atmosphere, such as helium. Almost neutron spectrometers have neutron beam Features Parameters Density(293K) 2.327g/cm3 Lattice constant(293K) 541.962pm spectrometers generally use three kinds of materials for Knoop hardness 9.5-11.5GPa beam windows: monocrystalline silicon, sapphire and Elastic coefficient windows that are indoors or outdoors for neutrons [1] . Neutron beam window is one of the key components; it can make neutrons move through with enough loss and little neutron background. The international neutron C11=1.6564e11Pa aluminum alloy. From the physical point of view, silicon C12=0.6394e11Pa is the best material and neutron beam window is as thin as possible; but silicon is a brittle material and neutron beam C44=0.79514e11Pa window also meets enough mechanical strength to Shear strength 240MPa Tensile strength 350MPa is the urgent need for all neutron spectrometers. Compressive strength 950MPa 2 Problems in the development Bending strength 300-1000 MPa withstand the pressure, so it is as thick as possible. The development of neutron beam windows that meet the physical requirements and satisfy the mechanical strength Young's modulus E[100]=1.30e5MPa The prototype neutron beam window is made from monocrystalline silicon and has sizes: 40mm in diameter E[110]=1.68e5MPa E[111]=1.87e5MPa 1) Email: Preprint typeset in JINST style - HYPER VERSION arXiv:1411.5990v1 [physics.ins-det] 21 Nov 2014 Radiation experience with the CMS pixel detector Viktor Veszpremi for the CMS Collaborationa∗ a Wigner Research Centre for Physics, 1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 49, Hungary E-mail: A BSTRACT: The CMS pixel detector is the innermost component of the CMS tracker occupying the region around the centre of CMS, where the LHC beams are crossed, between 4.3 cm and 30 cm in radius and 46.5 cm along the beam axis. It operates in a high-occupancy and highradiation environment created by particle collisions. Studies of radiation damage effects to the sensors were performed throughout the first running period of the LHC. Leakage current, depletion voltage, pixel read-out thresholds, and hit finding efficiencies were monitored as functions of the increasing particle fluence. The methods and results of these measurements will be described together with their implications to detector operation as well as to performance parameters in offline hit reconstruction. K EYWORDS : LHC; CMS; pixel detector, radiation damage. ∗ Supported by the Janos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund under contract number OTKA NK 109703. Cosmogenic activation of a natural tellurium target V. Lozzaa,∗, J. Petzoldta,1 a Institut f¨ur Kern und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universit¨at Dresden, Zellescher Weg 19, 01069 Dresden, Germany Abstract arXiv:1411.5947v1 [physics.ins-det] 21 Nov 2014 130 Te is one of the candidates for the search for neutrinoless double beta decay. It is currently planned to be used in two experiments: CUORE and SNO+. In the CUORE experiment TeO2 crystals cooled at cryogenic temperatures will be used. In the SNO+ experiment nat Te will be deployed up to 0.3% loading in the liquid scintillator volume. A possible background for the signal searched for, are the high Q-value, long-lived isotopes, produced by cosmogenic neutron and proton spallation reaction on the target material. A total of 18 isotopes with Q-value larger than 2 MeV and T1/2 >20 days have been identified as potential backgrounds. In addition low Q-value, high rate isotopes can be problematic due to pile-up effects, specially in liquid scintillator based detectors. Production rates have been calculated using the ACTIVIA program, the TENDL library, and the cosmogenic neutron and proton flux parametrization at sea level from Armstrong and Gehrels for both long and short lived isotopes. The obtained values for the cross sections are compared with the existing experimental data and calculations. Good agreement has been generally found. The results have been applied to the SNO+ experiment for one year of exposure at sea level. Two possible cases have been considered: a two years of cooling down period deep underground, or a first purification on surface and 6 months of cooling down deep underground. Deep underground activation at the SNOLAB location has been considered. Keywords: cosmogenic activation, double beta decay, cosmic flux, cross section, production rates, natural tellurium 1. Introduction The neutrino was introduced for the first time by Pauli in 1930 as a solution for the beta-decay spectrum. Initially considered as a massless particle, during the period from 1990 to 2006 especially the SNO [1] and the SuperK [2] oscillation experiments proved that neutrinos change their flavor when traveling from the source to the detector. This property was already known in the quark sector and happens only if the particles involved do have mass. The existence of massive neutrinos has been introduced within extensions of the Standard Model. Two types of neutrino masses are allowed, the Dirac and the Majorana ones. In the Majorana case neutrinos and their antiparticles are the same. The investigation of the neutrino’s nature is one of the most active fields in modern neutrino physics. The search of the Majorana nature of neutrinos is done in the Double-Beta-Decay (DBD) experiments [3]. The DBD is a nuclear process where the Z number changes by 2 units while the atomic mass, A, does not change. It happens only if the single beta decay transition is forbidden or strongly suppressed. If neutrinos are Majorana particles, the decay can proceed without the emission of the 2 neutrinos. The result is the presence of a peak at the Q-value of the reaction in the sum energy spectrum of the two electrons. There are about 35 candidates nuclei for the DBD searches. The quantity extracted from the number of events in the peak is the ∗ Corresponding author: V. Lozza Email address: (V. Lozza) 1 Present address: OncoRay, National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, 01307 Dresden, Germany half-life of the decay. The expected value for the neutrinoless double beta decay half life is larger than 1025 years. To search for such a rare event a large mass (volume), a very low background environment and a good knowledge of the backgrounds in the detector are necessary. A possible source of background is the activation of the candidate material through spallation reaction induced by cosmogenic neutrons and protons during handling on surface. A study of the cosmogenic-induced isotopes has been done for several double beta decay experiments, like GERDA [4] and CUORE [5], in order to define the maximum allowed exposure on surface, the necessary shielding during transportation, the necessary purification factors, and the cooling down time underground (UG) to reduce the cosmogenic background to a negligible level. In this article the studies are focused on a natural tellurium target. 130 Te is the candidate nucleus chosen by the CUORE and the SNO+ collaborations for the search for the neutrinoless double beta decay. 130 Te has a high natural isotopic abundance of 34.08% and a relative high Q-value of 2.53 MeV. The CUORE collaboration will use tellurium in form of crystals (TeO2 ) cooled at cryogenic temperatures. The energy resolution of the crystals is nearly 5–7 keV (FWHM) at 2.53 MeV [6]. The cosmogenic-induced isotopes identified as possible background by the collaboration are 60 Co, 124 Sb and 110m Ag. The calculated exposure time at sea level for the Te crystals in [5] was 4 months, followed by 2 years of storage underground. The SNO+ experiment will use a tellurium loaded liquid scintillator to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. The tellurium acid (Te(OH)6 ) is dissolved in the liquid scintillator using water Comparing readout strategies to directly detect dark matter J. Billard∗ arXiv:1411.5946v1 [physics.ins-det] 21 Nov 2014 IPNL, Universit´e de Lyon, Universit´e Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, 4 rue E. Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France Over the past decades, several ideas and technologies have been developed to directly detect WIMP from the galactic halo. All these detection strategies share the common goal of discriminating a WIMP signal from the residual backgrounds. By directly detecting WIMPs, one can measure some or all of the observables associated to each nuclear recoil candidates, such as their energy and direction. In this study, we compare and examine the discovery potentials of each readout strategies from counting only (bubble chambers) to directional detectors (Time Projection Chambers) with 1d-, 2d-, and 3d-sensitivity. Using a profile likelihood analysis, we show that, in the case of a large and irreducible background contamination characterized by an energy distribution similar to the expected WIMP signal, directional information can improve the sensitivity of the experiment by several orders of magnitude. We also found that 1d directional detection is only less effective than a full 3d directional sensitivity by about a factor of 3, or 10 if we assume no sense recognition, still improving by a factor of 2 or more if only the energy of the events is being measured. PACS numbers: 95.35.+d; 95.85.Pw I. INTRODUCTION An ever increasing body of evidence supports the existence of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) as a major contribution to the matter budget of the Universe. On the largest scale, cosmological measurements [1] tightly constrain the CDM relic density whereas on a local scale, measurements of the rotation curves of spiral galaxies, including the Milky Way, indicates that they should be embedded in a Dark Matter halo [2, 3]. A leading candidate for this dark matter is a yet-to-be-discovered weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) which could directly interact with detectors based on Earth leading to keV-scale nuclear recoils. Direct detection experiments are now probing well-motivated extensions to the Standard Model which naturally predict dark matter candidates [4–6]. However, as dark matter detectors are rapidly improving in sensitivity [7], they will encounter the neutrino background, at which point Solar, atmospheric, and diffuse supernova neutrinos will interfere with a potential dark matter signal [8–12]. Moreover, the recent controversy in the low-mass WIMP region ∼ O(10 GeV/c2 ), where several dark matter hints are inconsistents with null results [13], highlights the need for additional discrimination power between WIMP events and backgrounds in order to clearly authentify a genuine WIMP signal. Several ideas and detector readouts have been developed over the past decades that allows to detect keVscale nuclear recoils as produced by O(10-1000) GeV/c2 WIMPs. As of today, the main categories of experiments are: cryogenic semiconductor detectors [14–17], single(liquid) and dual-phase (liquid/gas) Argon or Xenon ∗ Electronic address: Time Projection Chambers (TPC) [18–21], bubble chambers operating such that they are only sensitive to nuclear recoils [22–24], and low-pressure gaseous TPC aiming at measuring both the energy and the track of the recoiling nucleus [25–28]. Each of these detection techniques share the common goal of discriminating a potential WIMP signal from residual backgrounds by either comparing the different amount of energy released in scintillation, ionization and heat, and/or using pulse shape discrimination. Depending on the readout strategy being considered, direct detection experiments can have access to the number of WIMP candidates contained in the data set, their recoil energies and directions. In this study we want to compare the different readout strategies by evaluating their discovery potential in various experimental conditions, especially when the data set is contaminated with some irreducible backgrounds. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we briefly review the dark matter rate calculations with a particular emphasis on the directionality of WIMP induced events in both the galactic and detector-based coordinates. We then discuss the analysis methodology used to compare the discovery reach associated to each readout strategies in Sec. III and discuss the detector configurations used in our simulations in Sec. IV. Finally, we present our results in Sec. V and conclude in the last section. II. DIRECT DETECTION OF DARK MATTER Direct dark matter detection aims at detecting elastic scattering between a WIMP from the galactic halo and the detector material. The differential event rate as a function of both the recoil energy (Er ) and direction in the lab frame (Ωr ) is given by d2 R ρ0 σ0 = MT × F 2 (Er )fˆ(vmin , qˆ; t), dEr dΩr 4πmχ µ2N (1) Measurement of Leakage Neutron Spectra for Tungsten with D-T Neutrons and Validation of Evaluated Nuclear Data S. Zhanga 1,2 , Z. Chen 1,*, Y. Nie3 , R. Wada 1 , X. Ruan 3 , R. Han 1 , X. Liu 1,2 , W. Lin 1,2 , J. Liu 1 , F. Shi 1 , P. Ren 1,2 , G. Tian 1,2 , F. Luo 1 , J. Ren 3 , J. Bao 3 1 Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3 Science and Technology on Nuclear Data Laboratory, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China * Corresponding author. E-mail address: Abstract: Integral neutronics experiments have been investigated at Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP, CAS) in order to validate evaluated nuclear data related to the design of Chinese Initiative Accelerator Driven Systems (CIADS). In present paper, the accuracy of evaluated nuclear data for Tungsten has been examined by comparing measured leakage neutron spectra with calculated ones. Leakage neutron spectra from the irradiation of D-T neutrons on Tungsten slab sample were experimentally measured at 60˚ and 120˚ by using a time-of-flight method. Theoretical calculations are carried out by Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP-4C with evaluated nuclear data of the ADS-2.0, ENDF/B-VII.0, ENDF/B-VII.1, JENDL-4.0 and CENDL-3.1 libraries. From the comparisons, it is found that the calculations with ADS-2.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1 give good agreements with the experiments in the whole energy regions at 60˚, while a large discrepancy is observed at 120˚ in the elastic scattering peak, caused by a slight difference in the oscillation pattern of the elastic angular distribution at angles larger than 20˚. However, the calculated spectra using data from ENDF/B-VII.0, JENDL-4.0 and CENDL-3.1 libraries showed larger discrepancies with the measured ones, especially around 8.5-13.5 MeV. Further studies are presented for these disagreements. Key words: Integral experiment, Leakage neutron spectra, Nuclear data library, Tungsten, CIADS 1. Introduction China has started to develop the Chinese Initiative Accelerator Driven Systems (CIADS) project and is now underway vigorously. This project mainly aims for high radioactive nuclear waste transmutation, fuel breeding and clean energy production. In the design of CIADS, high intensity of ~1GeV proton beam bombards on heavy metal spallation target inside the subcritical reactor, and provides external neutron source for the subcritical reactor. The combination of evaluated nuclear data with a Monte Carlo transportation code like MCNP [1] is widely utilized for designing such kind of nuclear engineering facilities. However, the transportation codes and evaluated nuclear data used need to be validated through integral experiments [2-9]. Rare exclusive decays of the Z-boson revisited Ting-Chung Huang∗ Department of Physics & Astronomy, arXiv:1411.5924v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60201,USA Frank Petriello† Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60201,USA and High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439,USA (Dated: November 24, 2014) Abstract The realization that first- and second-generation Yukawa couplings can be probed by decays of the Higgs boson to a meson in association with a photon has renewed interest in such rare exclusive decays. We present here a detailed study of the rare Z-boson processes Z → J/ψ + γ, Z → Υ+γ, and Z → φ+γ that can serve as benchmarks for the analogous Higgs-boson decays. We include both direct-production and fragmentation contributions to these decays, and consider the leading QCD corrections and the relativistic corrections to the J/ψ and Υ processes. We present numerical predictions for the branching ratios that include a careful accounting of the theoretical uncertainties. ∗ † 1 Optimization parameter design for proton irradiation accelerator AN Yu-Wen (安宇文)*1,2, JI Hong-Fei(纪红飞)3, WANG Sheng (王生)1,2, XU Shou-Yan(许守彦)1,2 1 China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Dongguan 523803, China 2 Dongguan Institute of Neutron Science (DINS), Dongguan 523808, China 3 Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing 100049, China The proton irradiation accelerator is widely founded for industry application, and should be designed as compact, reliable, and easy operate. A 10 MeV proton beam is designed to be injected into the slow circulation ring with the repetition rate of 0.5 Hz for accumulation and acceleration, and then the beam with the energy of 300MeV will be slowly extracted by third order resonance method. For getting a higher intensity and more uniform beam, the height of the injection bump is carefully optimised during the injection period. Besides, in order to make the extracted beam with a more uniform distribution, a RF Knock-out method is adopted, and the RF kicker’s amplitude is well optimised. Proton irradiation accelerator, injection bump, RF knock-out PACS:, 1 Introduction The basic design of a compact proton accelerator system for irradiation accelerator is described. The system consists of a 50KeV H− ion source, a 10 MeV tandem accelerator, and a 300MeV slow cycling synchrotron. When H− beam travels along the tandem, the electrons of the H− are scraped through Argon gas in low pressure, and then the proton beam is transported through beam line. The DC mode proton beam is injected into the ring through a two-bump structure with the beam current of 100uA. When the energy of the proton beam reaches 300MeV, the beam will be slowly extracted by third order resonance method. The main parameters of the irradiation proton accelerators are listed in Table 1 [1]. Table 1: Main parameters of irradiation proton accelerator Parameters Units Values Ring circumference m 33.6 Inj. Energy MeV 10 Ext. Energy MeV 300 Nominal Tunes(H/V) in ring Repetition rate Beam emmittance in ring (99%) π mm-mrad 25/25 Beam emmittance for one inj. pulse (99%) π mm-mrad 6.83 Proton Number in ring 5*109 Momentum deviation 5*10-4 Inj. scheme Multi-turn injection Ext. scheme Slow extraction (RFKO) Third order resonance method is a common technique for better control of the extracted beam characters. When the horizontal tune of the beam is near n ± 1/ 3 (n is a random integer), particles far away for the beam core may become unstable, that is because the sextuples in the ring establish a limited stable area in the shape of triangle. In order to control the extracted beam more precisely, a RF knock-out method is adopted to make the particles amplitude growth beyond the triangle. The RF kicker’s amplitude is carefully modified during the period of the extraction to make the extraction beam more flatten. 1.70/1.20 2 Hz *Corresponding author (email: 0.5 Optimisation of the injection bump height decrease pattern The Lattice of the proton irradiation synchrotron is designed with two super-period, and each one super-period consists of two FODO structure. 8 dipoles with 45 degrees Nuclear Electric Dipole Moments in Chiral Effective Field Theory arXiv:1411.5804v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 J. Bsaisoua , J. de Vriesa , C. Hanharta,b , S. Liebiga , Ulf-G. Meißnera,b,c,d , D. Minossia , A. Noggaa,b , and A. Wirzbaa,b a b Institute for Advanced Simulation, Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, and J¨ ulich Center for Hadron Physics, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich, D-52425 J¨ ulich, Germany JARA – Forces and Matter Experiments, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich, D-52425 J¨ ulich, Germany c JARA – High Performance Computing, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich, D-52425 J¨ ulich, Germany d Helmholtz-Institut f¨ ur Strahlen- und Kernphysik and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Universit¨at Bonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany Abstract We provide the first consistent and complete calculation of the electric dipole moments of the deuteron, helion, and triton in the framework of chiral effective field theory. The CP-conserving and CP-violating interactions are treated on equal footing and we consider CP-violating one-, two-, and three-nucleon operators up to next-to-leading-order in the chiral power counting. In particular, we calculate for the first time EDM contributions induced by the CP-violating three-pion operator. We find that effects of CP-violating nucleon-nucleon contact interactions are larger than those found in previous studies based on phenomenological models for the CP-conserving nucleon-nucleon interactions. Our results are modelindependent and can be used to test various scenarios of CP violation. As examples, we study the implications of our results on the QCD θ-term and the minimal left-right symmetric model. Missing Top Properties arXiv:1411.5697v1 [hep-ph] 20 Nov 2014 J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra Departamento de F´ısica Te´ orica y del Cosmos, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada E-mail: Abstract. We discuss top polarisation observables at the Tevatron and the LHC with special attention to some that have not been measured and provide new, independent information about the top polarisation. 1. Introduction In 2011, the measurement by the CDF Collaboration of an anomalous forward-backward (FB) asymmetry in tt¯ production at the Tevatron drew a great attention into top quark physics and, in particular, it fostered the theoretical studies of top quark properties (see [1] for a review and references). The deviations in the FB asymmetry are smaller in some of the latest measurements using the full Tevatron dataset. But, irrespectively of the reason behind these deviations—new physics, systematic bias or statistical fluctuations—the related developments are very interesting on their own. Here we will focus on top polarisation observables, which provide a good opportunity to detect elusive new physics in top pair and single top production. We will begin by setting the theoretical framework, and then proceed to discuss some polarisation observables for the Tevatron and for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). 2. Theoretical framework The top quark is not a stable particle but it decays mainly into a W boson and a b quark, with a predicted average life of 5 × 10−25 s. For a process in which a top quark is produced and subsequently decays into W b, for example pp → tX → W bX (with X denoting possible additional particles), the amplitude contains an s-channel top propagator. Since the top quark width Γt is small compared to its mass mt , one can approximate the propagator as [2] X 6 pt + mt π 2 2 → δ(p − m ) u(pt , λ)¯ u(pt , λ) , t t Γt mt p2t − m2t + iΓt mt λ (1) in standard notation [3], P with pt the top quark momentum and λ its helicity. Then, the amplitude is decomposed as M ∝ λ Aλ × Bλ , a sum of production (Aλ ) × decay (Bλ ) factors, summed over the possible top helicities. Taking the modulus squared of the amplitude, the differential P cross section can be written as dσ ∝ |M|2 ∝ λ,λ0 Aλ Bλ A∗λ0 Bλ∗0 . The product A∗λ0 Aλ can be identified with the top spin density matrix, which for a spin-1/2 particle can be written in general as 1 1 + Pz Px − iPy , (2) ρ= 2 Px + iPy 1 − Pz Could the near–threshold XY Z states be simply kinematic effects? Feng-Kun Guo1∗ , Christoph Hanhart2† , Qian Wang2‡ , Qiang Zhao3§ arXiv:1411.5584v1 [hep-ph] 20 Nov 2014 3 1 Helmholtz-Institut f¨ ur Strahlen- und Kernphysik and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Universit¨ at Bonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 2 Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich, D–52425 J¨ ulich, Germany Institute of High Energy Physics and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China (Dated: November 21, 2014) We demonstrate that the spectacular structures discovered recently in various experiments and named as X, Y and Z states cannot be purely kinematic effects. Their existence necessarily calls for nearby poles in the S–matrix and they therefore qualify as states. PACS numbers: 14.40.Rt, 13.75.Lb, 13.20.Gd In recent years various narrow (widths from well below 100 MeV down to values even below 1 MeV) peaks were discovered both in the charmonium as well as in the bottomonium mass range that do not fit into the so far very successful quark model. For instance, the most prominent ones include X(3872) [1], Zc (3900) [2– 4], Zc (4020) [5–8], Zb (10610) and Zb (10650) [9], which ¯ ∗ , DD ¯ ∗ , D∗ D ¯ ∗, BB ¯ ∗ and B ∗ B ¯∗ are located close to DD thresholds in relative S–waves, respectively. Apart from other interpretations, such as hadro-quarkonia [10, 11], hybrids [12–14], and tetraquarks [15, 16] (for recent reviews we refer to Refs. [17, 18]), due to their proximity to the thresholds these five states were proposed to be of a molecular nature [19–37]. As an alternative explanation various groups conclude from the mentioned proximity of the states to the thresholds that the structures are simply kinematical effects [38–45] that necessarily occur near every S-wave threshold. Especially, it has been claimed that the structures are not related to a pole in the S– matrix and therefore should not be interpreted as states. In this letter we show that the latter statement is based on calculations performed within an inconsistent formalism. In particular, we demonstrate that, while there is always a cusp at the opening of an S–wave threshold, in order to produce peaks as pronounced and narrow as observed in experiment non-perturbative interactions amongst the heavy mesons are necessary, and as a consequence, there is to be a near-by pole. Or, formulated the other way around: if one assumes the two–particle interactions to be perturbative, as it is implicitly done in Refs. [38–45], the cusp should not appear as a prominent narrow peak. This statement is probably best illustrated by the famous K ± → π ± π 0 π 0 data [46]: the cusp that appears in the π 0 π 0 invariant mass distribution at the ∗ Email address: address: ‡ Email address: § Email address: † Email π Y D D* π Y D D D* D* (a) π Y (b) D D D D* D* D* (c) FIG. 1: The tree-level, one-loop and two-loop Feynman dia¯ ∗. grams for Y (4260) → πDD π + π − threshold is a very moderate kink, since the ππ interactions are sufficiently weak to allow for a perturbative treatment (for a comprehensive theoretical framework and related references we refer to Ref. [47]). To be concrete, in this paper we demonstrate our argument on the example of an analysis of the existing data on the Zc (3900), but it should be clear that the reasoning as such is general and applies to all structures observed very near S–wave thresholds such as those above-mentioned XY Z states. To illustrate our point, we here do not aim for field theoretical rigor but use a very simple separable interaction for all vertices accompanied by loops regularized with a Gaussian regulator. This regulator will at the same time control the drop-off of the amplitudes as will be discussed below. Accordingly, we write for the Lagrangian that produces the tree–level vertices (here and ¯ ∗ for the proper in what follows we generically write DD EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (CERN) CERN-PH-EP/2014-273 2014/11/24 CMS-EXO-12-034 arXiv:1411.6006v1 [hep-ex] 21 Nov 2014 Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions √ at s = 8 TeV The CMS Collaboration∗ Abstract A search is presented for long-lived charged particles that decay within the CMS detector and produce the signature of a disappearing track. Disappearing tracks are identified as those with little or no associated calorimeter energy deposits and with missing hits in the outer layers of the tracker. The search uses proton-proton collision √ data recorded at s = 8 TeV that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 fb−1 . The results of the search are interpreted in the context of the anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) model. The number of observed events is in agreement with the background expectation, and limits are set on the cross section of direct electroweak chargino production in terms of the chargino mass and mean proper lifetime. At 95% confidence level, AMSB models with a chargino mass less than 260 GeV, corresponding to a mean proper lifetime of 0.2 ns, are excluded. Submitted to the Journal of High Energy Physics c 2014 CERN for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration. CC-BY-3.0 license ∗ See Appendix B for the list of collaboration members Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 00 (2014) 1–7 Search for long-lived particles at CMS Paul Lujan, for the CMS Collaboration arXiv:1411.5939v1 [hep-ex] 21 Nov 2014 Princeton University, Department of Physics, Princeton NJ 08544 Abstract The most recent searches for long-lived particles at CMS are presented. Searches for displaced jets, displaced leptons, displaced stops, and heavy stable charged particles are among those discussed. A variety of models are constrained by these searches, ranging from hidden valleys to split supersymmetry. Keywords: 1. Introduction Many models of new physics predict the existence of new, long-lived particles, which would appear with a very distinctive experimental signature. Scenarios in which these new particles could arise include supersymmetric (SUSY) scenarios such as “split SUSY” [1] or SUSY with very weak R-parity violation [2], “hidden valley” models [3], and Z’ models that include longlived neutralinos [4]. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration [5] has conducted a number of searches for a variety of different experimental signatures and theoretical models using data collected from proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This paper presents an overview of√the results of these searches using 2012 data taken at s = 8 TeV. There are four analyses discussed here: the first, the “displaced lepton” analysis [6], searches for long-lived neutral particles with a lifetime such that they decay within the CMS detector, but at a significant displacement from the primary event vertex. The decay products of these particles include a pair of either electrons or muons. The second, the “displaced jets” analysis [7], considers a similar model, but for the case where the long-lived particles decay into jets. The third, the “displaced SUSY” analysis [8], considers a model where stops are pair-produced and decay via e te t → bebµ. Finally, the “heavy stable charged particle” (HSCP) analy- sis [9] searches for particles with a large enough lifetime that they do not decay inside the CMS detector. These particles may have a velocity significantly less than c or a charge not equal to ±e. 2. Displaced leptons The displaced lepton search is sensitive to a wide class of models that contain long-lived particles decaying to leptons, but for the context of computing limits, two specific signal models are considered. In the first, a non-Standard Model (SM) Higgs decays to a long-lived spinless boson X (H 0 → XX), which then decays into a pair of leptons (either X → ee or X → µµ). In the second model, a pair of squarks is produced in the initial pp collision; each squark then decays into a long-lived neutralino (e q → qe χ0 ). The neutralino then has a Rparity violating decay into a neutrino and two leptons (e χ0 → `+ `− ν). Although in these models the long-lived particles are pair-produced and so we would expect to observe up to two displaced vertices per event, for maximum generality this search only requires one displaced vertex to be found. The data is collected using a pair of triggers, one for each channel, requiring either two high-energy deposits in the electromagnetic calorimeter or two highmomentum tracks in the muon detector. In both cases, the tracker information is not used in the trigger, as SNSN-323-63 November 24, 2014 arXiv:1411.5918v1 [hep-ex] 21 Nov 2014 Measurement of CP violating phase φs and control of penguin pollution at LHCb Walaa KANSO on behalf of the LHCb collaboration CPPM, Aix-Marseille Universit´e CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France The study of CP violation in Bs0 oscillations is a key measurement at the LHCb experiment. In this document, we discuss the latest LHCb results on the CP-violating phase, called φs , using Bs0 → J/ψK − K + and Bs0 → J/ψπ − π + channels. To conclude on the presence of New Physics in φs , the estimation of the sub-dominant contributions from the Standard Model becomes crucial now. We outline a method to estimate the contribution of penguin diagrams in φs . Branching fractions and upper limits 0 0 of B 0 (s) → J/ψKS0 h( )+ h− (h( ) = K, π) modes are presented. PRESENTED AT 8th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2014) 8-12 September 2014, Vienna, Austria 1 Introduction The interference between Bs0 mesons decaying directly via b → ccs transitions to CP eigenstates and those decaying after Bs0 -B 0s oscillations gives rise to a CP violating phase called φs . Within the Standard Model, the decay can occur via two main topologies: the predominant tree topology and the sub-leading penguin diagram. New Physics processes, e.g., new particles contributing to the box diagrams, can modify the value of φs : φmeas = −2βs + ∆φpeng + δ NP s s The indirect determination via global fit to experimental data gives: ? Vts Vtb −2βs = 2 arg( Vcs ? ) = −0.0363 ± 0.0013 [7]. The theoretical uncertainty on φs is Vcb mainly due to unknown penguin contributions ∆φpeng . The control of penguin pollus tion is limited by large theoretical uncertainties. Thus, experimental measurements are very useful to constrain the contribution of penguin diagrams. Therefore, we should estimate ∆φpeng , otherwise we may incorrectly interpret the Standard Model s penguin contributions as signs of New Physics. In Section 2, we summarize the measurement of the CP-violating phase φs in Bs0 → J/ψK − K + . In Section 3, we report on a recent update of the same measurement using Bs0 → J/ψπ − π + . The studies of penguin pollution in φs and 2β are described in Section 4 and 5 respectively. A recent 0 0 result on the branching ratio of B 0 (s) → J/ψKS0 h( )+ h− (h( ) = K, π) modes is shown in Section 6. 2 Bs0 → J/ψK −K + The purpose of this analysis is to mainly measure φs , the decay width difference ∆Γs and Γs . Bs0 → J/ψ[→ µ+ µ− ]φ[→ K + K − ] is pseudo-scalar decaying into two vector mesons. The study of this decay requires an angular analysis in order to disentangle CP-odd/CP-even mixture of the final state. After the statistical background subtraction [3], a fit to decay time (t) and three angles in helicity frame (Ω = θµ , θK , ϕh ) is performed in six bins of mKK [5]. To account for the detector and selection effects, the decay time acceptance is taken from real data and the angular acceptance is studied in the simulated data. The finite decay time resolution is modelled by a single Gaussian of width Sσt × σt , where σt is the estimated per event decay time uncertainty, and the scale factor, Sσt , is measured in a sample of prompt J/ψ → µ+ µ− . The effective resolution is 45 fs for Bs0 → J/ψφ. The Bs0 flavour, at production, is determined by the combination of the same side kaon tagger and the opposite side taggers, which gives the overall tagging power: (1 − 2ω)2 = (3.13 ± 0.23)%, where indicates the tagging efficiency, and ω the mistag rate [14]. Using 1 fb−1 of real data collected in 2011, LHCb obtained: 1 Superallowed 0+ → 0+ nuclear β decays: 2014 critical survey, with precise results for Vud and CKM Unitarity J.C. Hardy∗ and I.S. Towner† arXiv:1411.5987v1 [nucl-ex] 21 Nov 2014 Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843 (Dated: November 24, 2014) A new critical survey is presented of all half-life, decay-energy and branching-ratio measurements related to 20 superallowed 0+ → 0+ β decays. Included are 222 individual measurements of comparable precision obtained from 177 published references. Compared with our last review in 2008, we have added results from 24 new publications and eliminated 9 references, the results from which having been superceded by much more precise modern data. We obtain world-average f t-values for each of the eighteen transitions that have a complete set of data, then apply radiative and isospinsymmetry-breaking corrections to extract “corrected” Ft values. Fourteen of these Ft values now have a precision of order 0.1% or better. In the process of obtaining these results we carefully evaluate the available calculations of the isospin-symmetry-breaking corrections by testing the extent to which they lead to Ft values consistent with conservation of the vector current (CVC). Only one set of calculations satisfactorily meets this condition. The resultant average Ft value, when combined with the muon liftime, yields the up-down quark-mixing element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, Vud = 0.97417 ± 0.00021. The unitarity test on the top row of the matrix becomes |Vud |2 + |Vus |2 + |Vub |2 = 0.99978 ± 0.00055 if the Particle Data Group recommended value for Vus is used. However, recent lattice QCD calculations, not included yet in the PDG evaluation, have introduced some inconsistency into kaon-decay measurements of Vus and Vus /Vud . We examine the impact of these new results on the unitarity test and conclude that there is no evidence of any statistically significant violation of unitarity. Finally, from the Ft-value data we also set limits on the possible existence of scalar interactions. PACS numbers: 23.40.Bw, 12.15.Hh, 12.60.-i I. INTRODUCTION Precise measurements of the beta decay between nuclear analog states of spin, J π = 0+ , and isospin, T = 1, provide demanding and fundamental tests of the properties of the electroweak interaction. Collectively, these transitions sensitively probe the conservation of the vector weak current, set tight limits on the presence of scalar currents and provide the most precise value for Vud , the up-down quark-mixing element of the CabibboKobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. This latter result has become a linchpin in the most demanding available test of the unitarity of the CKM matrix, a property which is fundamental to the electroweak standard model. We have published six previous surveys of 0+ → 0+ superallowed transitions [1–6], the first having appeared over 40 years ago and the most recent, six years ago. In each, we published a complete survey of all relevant nuclear data that pertained to these superallowed transitions and used the results to set limits on the weakinteraction parameters that were important at the time. Notably, since Vud became the quantity of greatest interest 25 years ago, its value as obtained from our surveys of superallowed decays has improved by a factor of five in precision but has never strayed outside of the uncertainties quoted in preceding surveys. This consistency ∗ Electronic † Electronic address: address: is testimony to the robustness of what is by now a very large body of nuclear data. Since our last survey closed in September 2008, there has continued to be a great deal of activity in this field, both in experiment and in theory. And this activity in honing Vud has been matched by efforts to make similar improvements in the value of Vus , the second important element in the top-row unitarity sum. (The third element, Vub , is too small to play a significant role.) Since the value of Vus has undergone some unexpected changes in the past decade and has not yet settled at a reliably stable result, interest in the CKM unitarity test continues to stimulate work in the field. Since 2008, new measurements relating to 0+ → 0+ superallowed transitions have appeared in 24 publications, and the new more-precise results they contain have made 9 of the references accumulated in 2008 entirely obsolete and left 11 more with some results replaced, in all cases because new values had uncertainties a factor of ten or more smaller. Altogether this means that, of the references in this 2014 survey, about 15% are new and, being among the most precise, their influence is disproportionately greater than that. In addition to new measurements, there have also been important theoretical contributions to the small isospinsymmetry-breaking corrections that must be applied to the data in order to extract Vud and the values of other weak-interaction parameters. In the past six years, a number of different groups have published their results for these terms, with calculations based upon a variety of different models. The diversity of results has prompted development of a test that allows each set of correction Prepared for submission to JHEP arXiv:1411.5964v1 [hep-th] 21 Nov 2014 Holographic renormalization and anisotropic black branes in higher curvature gravity Viktor Jahnke, Anderson Seigo Misobuchi, and Diego Trancanelli Institute of Physics, University of S˜ ao Paulo 05314-970 S˜ ao Paulo, Brazil E-mail: viktor.jahnke, anderson.misobuchi, Abstract: We consider five-dimensional AdS-axion-dilaton gravity with a Gauss-Bonnet term and find a solution of the equations of motion which corresponds to a black brane exhibiting a spatial anisotropy, with the source of the anisotropy being an axion field linear in one of the horizon coordinates. Our solution is static, regular everywhere on and outside the horizon, and asymptotically AdS. It is analytic and valid in a small anisotropy expansion, but fully non-perturbative in the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. We discuss various features of this solution and use it as a gravity dual to a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma with two independent central charges, a 6= c. In the limit of small Gauss-Bonnet coupling, we carry out holographic renormalization of the system using (a recursive variant of) the Hamilton-Jacobi method and derive a generic expression for the boundary stress tensor, which we later specialize to our solution. Finally, we compute the shear viscosity to entropy ratios and conductivities of this anisotropic plasma. Keywords: Gauge-gravity correspondence, Holography and quark-gluon plasmas SLAC-PUB-16136 Effective field theory interpretation of searches for dark matter annihilation in the Sun with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Jan Blumenthal,1, ∗ Pavel Gretskov,1, † Michael Kr¨amer,2, ‡ and Christopher Wiebusch1, § 1 arXiv:1411.5917v1 [astro-ph.HE] 21 Nov 2014 III. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany 2 Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94025, USA (Dated: November 24, 2014) We present a model-independent interpretation of searches for dark matter annihilation in the Sun using an effective field theory approach. We identify a set of effective operators contributing to spindependent scattering of dark matter with protons in the non-relativistic limit and explore simple new physics models which would give rise to such operators. Using the limits on the spin-dependent scattering cross-section set by the IceCube collaboration in their search for dark matter annihilation in the Sun, we derive limits on effective couplings and corresponding masses of mediating particles. We show that the effective field theory interpretation of the IceCube searches provides constraints on dark matter complementary to those from relic density observations and searches at the LHC. Finally, we discuss the impact of astrophysical uncertainties on our results. PACS numbers: 95.35.+d, 12.60.-i I. INTRODUCTION Since its first discovery by Zwicky in the 1930s [1], there has been an ever-growing list of observational evidence for the existence of dark matter. These observations led to the understanding that presumably every galaxy, including our own Milky Way, is surrounded by a halo of dark matter [2–6]. It became clear, that in order to consolidate this evidence with the Standard Model of particle physics (SM), which does not include a suitable candidate for dark matter, the SM would have to be extended. Some of the extensions, like supersymmetry (SUSY) or axions, deal with more general questions in particle physics and naturally provide dark matter candidate particles, while other models take a more ad hoc approach to dark matter (for an extensive list see [7]). One popular idea is that dark matter could be a stable weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) with masses near the TeV-scale and weak interaction strengths. This allows to explain the present dark matter density in the universe by the freeze-out a particle, which in the early universe was in thermal equilibrium with the rest of the primordial plasma. This so-called “WIMP miracle” combined with the fact that models like supersymmetry predict a suitable candidate for WIMPs are the two main reasons for its popularity. While we will try to provide a mostly model-independent approach to dark matter, we will nevertheless focus on the WIMP scenario and therefore from now on use these two expressions synonymously. ∗ † ‡ § There is a considerable experimental effort to detect dark matter in particle physics processes. This includes direct and indirect detection, as well as searches at particle accelerators. Direct detection relies on measuring the nuclear recoil from a WIMP scattering off a nucleus in a very low-background environment, consisting of either liquid Xenon (XENON [8, 9], LUX [10]) or some solid target material (CDMS [11], EDELWEISS [12], CRESST [13]). Indirect searches aim to find various products of dark matter annihilation, such as γ-rays, neutrinos or antiparticles, from sources inside and outside our galaxy. This includes satellite-based experiments (FermiLAT [14, 15], PAMELA [16], AMS [17, 18]), groundbased experiments (H.E.S.S. [19], VERITAS [20]), and subsurface neutrino telescopes (Super-Kamiokande [21], ANTARES [22], IceCube [23]). Finally, searches with the experiments ATLAS and CMS at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) aim to produce dark matter in collisions of SM particles and then infer its presence from missing energy in the final state [24, 25]. While many indirect searches target annihilation products of WIMPs in galactic halos (e.g. the Milky Way halo) or the Galactic Center, neutrino telescopes are also sensitive to annihilation in the center of massive celestial bodies, in particular the Sun. In 2013 the IceCube Collaboration has published the currently most stringent exclusion limits for WIMP annihilations in the Sun [26]. In this paper we will interpret these results in an effective field theory approach and compare these with searches at the LHC. The paper is structured as follows. In Section II we review the physics of WIMP capture and annihilation in the Sun. The search for dark matter annihilation in the Sun with IceCube is presented in Section III. We shall focus on the interpretation of the search in an effective theory with spin-dependent interactions between WIMPs and quarks, as discussed in Section IV. Simple models of physics beyond the SM which would lead to such effective arXiv:1411.5817v1 [astro-ph.HE] 21 Nov 2014 Stable solitary waves in Super dense plasmas at external magnetic fields Azam Ghaani∗ , Kurosh Javidan†and Mohsen Sarbishaei ‡ Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 91775-1436 Mashhad, Iran Abstract propagation of localized waves in a Fermi-Dirac distributed super dense matter at the presence of strong external magnetic fields is studied using the reductive perturbation method. Previous works indicate that localized waves break down in unmagnetized super dense hadronic matter. We have shown that stable solitons can be created in such non-relativistic fluids in the presence of an external magnetic field. Such solitary waves are governed by the Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) equation. Properties of solitonic solutions are studied in media with different values of back ground mass density and strength of magnetic field. I. Introduction compact astrophysical objects in the context of supernova, white dwarfs, neutron stars, etc are results of a gravitational collapse in stars whose core mass exceed the Chandrasekhar limit. They are the densest observable bodies in our universe and have proven to be ideal test bodies for understanding the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions of high pressures, densities and strong electromagnetic and gravitational fields. During the last decade a great progress is occurred in the observational astrophysics in the direction of studying the properties of such compact objects and specially neutron stars [1, 2, 3]. Recent observations related to anomalous x-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters [4, 5, 6] also prove the existence of neutron stars with very strong magnetic fields which are known as magnetars [7, 8, 9]. The magnetic field at the surface of the magnetars may be as strong as 1011−12 T . It is estimated that the strength of interior magnetic field in neutron stars may be as large as 1015−16 T [10, 11]. A magnetic field of such intensity corresponds to a force of |e|B ≈ 1GeV 2 . It is clear that this interaction can significantly affect the properties of the system. Discoveries of huge magnetic field in neutron stars seem to enforce us to study the effects of the magnetic field in compact stars. Behaviour of hadronic matters in the presence of external magnetic field can be described using a set of equations which called equations of state (EOS). It may be noted that hadronic matters with different constituents, densities and temperatures are described with different EOS. As the density, temperature and ingredients of sections of compact ∗ Email: Email: ‡ Email: † 1 arXiv:1411.5807v1 [nucl-th] 21 Nov 2014 Low Energy Nuclear Structure from Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Light Ion collisions ∗ Enrique Ruiz Arriola1 and Wojciech Broniowski2,3 1 Departamento de F´ısica At´ omica, Molecular y Nuclear and Instituto Carlos I de F´ısica Te´ orica y Computacional, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain 2 Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University, 25-406 Kielce, Poland 3 The H. Niewodnicza´ nski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, 31-342 Cracow, Poland E-mail: (ERA) E-mail: (WB) Abstract. The search for specific signals in ultrarelativistic heavy-light ion collisions addressing intrinsic geometric features of nuclei may open a new window to low energy nuclear structure. We discuss specifically the phenomenon of α-clustering in 12 C when colliding with 208 Pb at almost the speed of light. 1. Introduction Even before the neutron was discovered, based on the α decay explained successfully as a quantum tunneling effect across the Coulomb barrier, Gamow proposed that alpha particles (4 He nuclei) are the constituents of atomic nuclei [1]. Indeed, alpha clusters are present in light nuclei (such as, e.g., 12 C) as effective degrees of freedom and lead to large intrinsic deformation of their nuclear distributions, which in some cases lead to polyhedral symmetric structures: an equilateral triangle for 12 C, tetrahedron for 16 O, trigonal bipyramid for 20 Ne, octahedron pentagonal bipyramid for 24 Mg, hexagonal bipyramid for 28 Si, etc. [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], (for reviews see, e.g., [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]). A triangle hitting the wall: 12 C pictured as a triangle of three α particles (left) colliding with a heavy ion drawn as a round flat object (middle). The triangular shape of the fireball yields a triangular pattern of particle emission after the collision (right). Figure 1. ∗Talk by ERA at 37th Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics, 8-12 September 2014, Maresias, SP, Brazil The Cosmic Equation of State arXiv:1411.5771v1 [astro-ph.CO] 21 Nov 2014 F. Melia1 Abstract The cosmic spacetime is often described in terms of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric, though the adoption of this elegant and convenient solution to Einstein’s equations does not tell us much about the equation of state, p = wρ, in terms of the total energy density ρ and pressure p of the cosmic fluid. ΛCDM and the Rh = ct Universe are both FRW cosmologies that partition ρ into (at least) three components, matter ρm , radiation ρr , and a poorly understood dark energy ρde , though the latter goes one step further by also invoking the constraint w = −1/3. This condition is apparently required by the simultaneous application of the Cosmological principle and Weyl’s postulate. Model selection tools in one-on-one comparisons between these two cosmologies favor Rh = ct, indicating that its likelihood of being correct is ∼ 90% versus only ∼ 10% for ΛCDM. Nonetheless, the predictions of ΛCDM often come quite close to those of Rh = ct, suggesting that its parameters are optimized to mimic the w = −1/3 equation-of-state. In this paper, we explore this hypothesis quantitatively and demonstrate that the equation of state in Rh = ct helps us to understand why the optimized fraction Ωm ≡ ρm /ρ in ΛCDM must be ∼ 0.27, an otherwise seemingly random variable. We show that when one forces ΛCDM to satisfy the equation of state w = (ρr /3 − ρde )/ρ, the value of the Hubble radius today, c/H0 , can equal its measured value ct0 only with Ωm ∼ 0.27 when the equation-of-state for dark energy is wde = −1. (We also show, however, that the inferred values of Ωm and wde change in a correlated fashion if dark energy is not a cosmological constant, so that wde 6= −1.) This peculiar value of Ωm therefore F. Melia Department of Physics, the Applied Math Program, and Department of Astronomy, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 E-mail: 1 John Woodruff Simpson Fellow. appears to be a direct consequence of trying to fit the data with the equation of state w = (ρr /3 − ρde )/ρ in a Universe whose principal constraint is instead Rh = ct or, equivalently, w = −1/3. Keywords cosmic microwave background; cosmological parameters; cosmology: observations; cosmology: redshift; cosmology: theory; cosmology: dark matter; gravitation 1 Introduction The Cosmological principle and Weyl’s postulate appear to be essential ingredients in any physically realistic cosmological theory. Together, they posit that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic (at least on large, i.e., > 100 Mpc, spatial scales), and that this high degree of symmetry is maintained from one time slice to the next. The appropriate spacetime to use is conveniently and elegantly written in terms of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric though this, in and of itself, does not tell us much about the cosmic equation of state, relating the total energy density ρ to its total pressure p. In principle, if we knew these quantities precisely, we could then solve the dynamical equations governing the Universal expansion and understand its large-scale structure and how it evolved to its current state. One could then also unambiguously interpret many of the observations, including the redshift-dependent luminosity distance to Type Ia SNe and the spectrum of fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Unfortunately, we must rely on measurements and intuition to pick ρ and p. The best we can do today is to assume that ρ must contain matter ρm and radiation ρr , which we see directly, and an as yet poorly understand ‘dark’ energy ρde , whose presence is required by a broad Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) Printed 24 November 2014 (MN LATEX style file v2.2) arXiv:1411.5678v1 [astro-ph.CO] 20 Nov 2014 Cosmological Tests using the Angular Size of Galaxy Clusters Jun-Jie Wei1,2⋆ , Xue-Feng Wu1,3,4†, and Fulvio Melia1,5 ‡ 1 Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China 2 University 3 Chinese 4 Joint of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Center for Antarctic Astronomy, Nanjing 210008, China Center for Particle, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, Nanjing University-Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing 210008, China 5 Department of Physics, The Applied Math Program, and Department of Astronomy, The University of Arizona, AZ 85721, USA 24 November 2014 ABSTRACT We use measurements of the galaxy-cluster angular size versus redshift to test and compare the standard model (ΛCDM) and the Rh = ct Universe. We show that the latter fits the data with a reduced χ2dof = 0.786 for a Hubble constant H0 = 72.6+3.8 −3.4 km s−1 Mpc−1 , and H0 is the sole parameter in this model. By comparison, the optimal flat ΛCDM model, with two free parameters (including Ωm = 0.50 and −1 H0 = 73.9+10.6 Mpc−1 ), fits the angular-size data with a reduced χ2dof = −9.5 km s 0.806. On the basis of their χ2dof values alone, both models appear to account for the data very well in spite of the fact that the Rh = ct Universe expands at a constant rate, while ΛCDM does not. However, because of the different number of free parameters in these models, selection tools, such as the Bayes Information Criterion, favour Rh = ct over ΛCDM with a likelihood of ∼ 86% versus ∼ 14%. These results impact the question of galaxy growth at large redshifts. Previous work suggested an inconsistency with the underlying cosmological model unless elliptical and disk galaxies grew in size by a surprisingly large factor ∼ 6 from z ∼ 3 to 0. The fact that both ΛCDM and Rh = ct fit the cluster-size measurements quite well casts some doubt on the suggestion that the unexpected result with individual galaxies may be due to the use of an incorrect expansion scenario, rather than astrophysical causes, such as mergers and/or selection effects. Key words: Cosmology: theory, observations, large-scale structure—galaxies: clusters: general—galaxies:evolution November 24, 2014 1:24 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE tetra arXiv:1411.5997v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 International Journal of Modern Physics A c World Scientific Publishing Company Four-Quark Hadrons: an Updated Review ANGELO ESPOSITO Department of Physics, 538W 120th Street Columbia University, New York, NY, 10027, USA ANDREA L. GUERRIERI Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, Universit` a di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, I-00133 Roma, Italy FULVIO PICCININI INFN Pavia, Via A. Bassi 6, I-27100 Pavia, Italy ALESSANDRO PILLONI and ANTONIO D. POLOSA Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, ‘Sapienza’ Universit` a di Roma P.le Aldo Moro 5, I-00185 Roma, Italy, Received Day Month Year Revised Day Month Year The past decade witnessed a remarkable proliferation of exotic charmonium-like resonances discovered at accelerators. In particular, the recently observed charged states are clearly not interpretable as q q¯ mesons. Notwithstanding the considerable advances on the experimental side, conflicting theoretical descriptions do not seem to provide a definitive picture about the nature of the so called XY Z particles. We present here a comprehensive review about this intriguing topic, discussing both those experimental and theoretical aspects which we consider relevant to make further progress in the field. At this state of progress, XY Z phenomenology speaks in favour of the existence of compact four-quark particles (tetraquarks) and we believe that realizing this instructs us in the quest for a firm theoretical framework. Keywords: Exotic charmonium-like mesons; Tetraquarks; Large-N QCD; Monte Carlo generators. PACS numbers: 14.40.Pq, 14.40.Rt. 1 Correlation function intercepts for µ ˜, q-deformed Bose gas model implying effective accounting for interaction and compositeness of particles A. M. Gavrilik and Yu. A. Mishchenko arXiv:1411.5955v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 14b, Metrolohichna Str., Kyiv 03680, Ukraine∗ In the recently proposed two-parameter µ ˜, q-deformed Bose gas model [Ukr. J. Phys. 58, 1171 (2013), arXiv:1312.1573] aimed to take effectively into account both compositeness of particles and their interaction, the µ ˜, q-deformed virial expansion of the equation of state (EOS) was obtained. In this paper we further explore the µ ˜ , q-deformation, namely the version of µ ˜, q-Bose gas model involving deformed distributions and correlation functions. In the model, we explicitly derive the one- and two-particle deformed distribution functions and the intercept of two-particle momentum correlation function. The results are illustrated by plots, and the comparison with known experimental data on two-pion correlation function intercepts extracted in RHIC/STAR experiments is given. PACS numbers: 05.30.Jp, 05.90.+m, 11.10.Lm, 25.75.Gz Keywords: Deformed Bose gas model, deformed bosons, deformation structure function, two-particle distribution and correlation function intercept, two-pion correlations at RHIC/STAR. I. INTRODUCTION Deformed Bose gas models based on a set of identical deformed (nonlinear) oscillators, or on deformed thermodynamic relations provide nonlinear extension of standard Bose gas model which finds applications to physical systems with one or more factors of non-ideality [1–5]. In general, the effective description or modeling of essentially nonideal (nonlinear) systems usually is performed by means of reexpressing of the physical quantities of the initial complicated system in terms of the analogous quantities of deformed model. Such two factors as composite structure of particles of a gas and the interaction between them are of main interest for us here. Concerning the compositeness of particles, let us mention the works [1, 6–8] where q-deformed oscillators were applied for effective description of composite particles (like nuclei, nucleons, mesons, excitons, cooperons, atoms, molecules). Their Bose-Einstein condensation was also studied [9]. It was shown in [10, 11] that two-fermionic (and two-bosonic) composite bosons can be algebraically realized on their Fock states by deformed oscillator algebra with the quadratically nonlinear deformation strucˆ ) = (1 + µ ˆ −µ ˆ 2 , with N ˆ ture function (DSF) ϕµ˜ (N ˜)N ˜N the number operator, and discrete deformation parameter µ ˜ = 1/m involved. On the other hand, q-deformation of Arik-Coon type [12] based on the DSF equal to the N −1 was used for the effective de“q-bracket” [N ]q = qq−1 scription [13] of thermodynamics aspects (e.g., virial expansion) of Bose gas with interaction. So far, two aspects were treated separately, adhering to different methods and contexts. However, the task naturally arises of treating jointly: i) compositeness of particles linked, through the realization, with quadratic or µ ˜-deformation; ii) the interaction between particles modeled by q-deformation. ∗ We may expect that combining these two types of deformation into single one will reproduce effectively, in a unified manner, some specific features inherent to the thermodynamic or statistical quantities of more realistic systems of particles possessing both interaction and compositeness. The simplest variant of such unification is their functional composition or µ ˜, q-deformation. Of course, at the moment the ascription of the meaning of deformation parameters µ ˜ and q as responsible respectively for the compositeness and the interaction is rather formal, and the detailed consistent analysis providing a reformulation in the deformed model terms, including the relation with the parameters of interaction or compositeness, is not completed to sufficient extent. First steps to the (microscopics of) effective taking of interaction and compositeness jointly into account are made by introducing the µ ˜ , q-deformed Bose gas model [3, 4] based on deforming the thermodynamics. Namely, in [3] the µ ˜ , q-deformed Bose gas model was realized through deforming the total mean number of particles or the partition function by means of the deformed d analog of the derivative z dz (z is fugacity) and use of the “hybrid” (combined) DSF d h di ϕµ˜ ,q z ≡ ϕµ˜ (Dq ) = (1+ µ ˜)Dq − µ ˜Dq2 , Dq ≡ z . (1) dz dz q This version of µ ˜, q-Bose gas model was constructed bearing in mind the goal of effective description of thermodynamics of interacting gas of composite bosons (made of two bosons or two fermions). In fact, the latter due to compositeness are no longer true bosons. For that model, the deformed virial expansion was studied. In the sequel to [3], the relation of the obtained virial coefficients of the (˜ µ, q)-deformed model (dependent explicitly on the deformation parameters µ ˜ and q) with scattering data of some interaction was explored [4], and the arising unusual temperature dependence of µ ˜ and q discussed and justified. The version of µ ˜ , q-deformed Bose gas model consid- Searching for Traces of Planck-Scale Physics with High Energy Neutrinos Floyd W. Stecker Astrophysics Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Sean T. Scully Department of Physics and Astronomy, James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USA arXiv:1411.5889v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 Stefano Liberati SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies Via Bonomea 265, Trieste 34136, Italy and INFN Sezione di Trieste, Trieste, Italy David Mattingly Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA High energy cosmic neutrino observations provide a sensitive test of Lorentz invariance violation (LIV), which may be a consequence of quantum gravity theories. We consider a class of nonrenormalizable, Lorentz invariance violating operators that arise in an effective field theory (EFT) description of Lorentz invariance violation in the neutrino sector inspired by Planck-scale physics and quantum gravity models. We assume a conservative generic scenario for the redshift distribution of extragalactic neutrino sources and employ Monte Carlo techniques to describe superluminal neutrino propagation, treating kinematically allowed energy losses of superluminal neutrinos caused by both vacuum pair emission (VPE) and neutrino splitting. We consider EFTs with both nonrenormalizable CPT -odd and non-renormalizable CPT -even operator dominance. We then compare the spectra derived using our Monte Carlo calculations in both cases with the spectrum observed by IceCube in order to determine the implications of our results regarding Planck-scale physics. We find that if the drop off in the neutrino flux above ∼ 2 PeV is caused by Planck scale physics, rather than by a limiting energy in the source emission, a potentially significant pileup effect would be produced just below the drop off energy in the case of CPT -even operator dominance. However, such a clear drop off effect would not be observed if the CPT -odd, CPT -violating term dominates. PACS numbers: I. INTRODUCTION General relativity has been a fundamental tenet of physics for almost a century. Similarly, quantum field theory has also proved crucial to a deep understanding of physics, both as a fundamental framework to describe subatomic particles, and as a framework that describes emergent phenomena in condensed matter. However, merging the two theories naively yields p an incomplete theory at the Planck scale of λP l = G¯ h/c3 ∼ 10−35 m [1] as general relativity is not perturbatively renormalizable. In their efforts to provide a UV (i.e., high energy) completion for quantum general relativity, many quantum gravity theories introduce drastic modifications to space-time at the Planck scale (e.g., [2]). Examples of this are extra dimensions theories and postulating fundamental discreteness of space-time, with the building blocks of nature being extended objects. One possible modification to space-time structure that has received quite a bit of attention is the idea that Lorentz symmetry is not an exact symmetry of nature. Such a proposal is rather tame when compared with other quantum gravity ideas as historically the symmetry groups used to model physical phenomena have inevitably evolved over time. Lorentz symmetry violation has been explored within string theory [3], loop quantum gravity, Hoˇrava-Lifshitz gravity, causal dynamical triangulations, non-commutative geometry, doubly special relativity, among others (see, e.g., Refs. [4] and [5] and references therein). While it is not possible to directly investigate space-time physics at the Planck energy of ∼ 1019 GeV, many lower energy testable effects have been predicted to arise from the violation of Lorentz invariance (LIV) at or near the Planck scale. The subject of investigating LIV has therefore generated much interest in the particle physics and astrophysics communities. In this paper we propose using high energy astrophysical neutrino data to search for traces of such Planck-scale physics. We use the IceCube data [6] to investigate the possible effects of LIV terms arising within the context of an effective field theory (EFT) such as generalized in the standard model extension (SME) formalism. We concentrate on the lowest order Planck-mass suppressed operators, viz., the mass dimension [d] = 5 and [d] = 6 terms KEK-TH-1780 Quark mixing from ∆(6N 2) family symmetry arXiv:1411.5845v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 Hajime Ishimori,1 Stephen F. King,2 Hiroshi Okada,3 Morimitsu Tanimoto4 1 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan 2 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, U.K. 3 4 School of Physics, KIAS, Seoul 130-722, Korea Department of Physics, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan Abstract We consider a direct approach to quark mixing based on the discrete family symmetry ∆(6N 2 ) in which the Cabibbo angle is determined by a residual Z2 ×Z2 subgroup to be |Vus | = 0.222521, for N being a multiple of 7. We propose a particular model in which unequal smaller quark mixing angles and CP phases may occur without breaking the residual Z2 × Z2 symmetry. We perform a numerical analysis of the model for N = 14, where small Z2 × Z2 breaking effects of order 3% are allowed by model, allowing perfect agreement within the uncertainties of the experimentally determined best fit quark mixing values. Right-handed lepton mixings at the LHC Juan Carlos Vasquez1, 2 2 1 SISSA/INFN, via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 Trieste, Italy Gran Sasso Science Institute, Viale Crispi 7, 67100 LAquila, Italy. (Dated: November 24, 2014) arXiv:1411.5824v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 We study how the elements of the leptonic right-handed mixing matrix can be determined at the LHC in the minimal Left-Right symmetric extension of the standard model. We do it by explicitly relating them with physical quantities of the Keung-Senjanovi´c process and the lepton number violating decays of the right doubly charged scalar. We also point out that the left and right doubly charged scalars can be distinguished at the LHC, without measuring the polarization of the final state leptons coming from their decays. I. INTRODUCTION The Left-Right symmetric theory is based on the gauge group SU (2)L × SU (2)R × U (1)B−L [1, 2], times a LeftRight symmetry that may be generalized parity (P) or charge conjugation (C) (for reviews see [3]). It introduces three new heavy gauge bosons WR+ , WR− , ZR and the heavy neutrino states N . In this model, the maximally observed parity non conservation is a low energy phenomenon, which ought to disappear at energies above the WR mass. Furthermore, the smallness of neutrino masses is related to the near maximality of parity violation [4–6], through the seesaw mechanism [4–7]. Theoretical bounds on the Left-Right scale were considered in the past. The small KL − KR mass difference gives a lower bound on the Left-Right-scale of around 3 TeV in the minimal model [8]. More recently in [9], an updated study and a complete gauge invariant computation of the KL , KS and Bd , Bs meson parameters, gives MWR > 3.1(2.9) TeV for P(C). In [10] it is claimed that for parity as the Left-Right symmetry, the θQCD parameter, together with K-meson mass difference ∆MK , push the mass of WR up to 20 TeV [9, 10]; however this depends on the UV completion of the theory [11]. Direct LHC searches, on the other hand, gives in some channels a lower bound of around 3 TeV [12]. It turns out that there exists [13] an exiting decay of WR into two charged leptons and two jets (WR → l + N → ll + jj). We refer to it as the Keung-Senjanovi´c (KS) process. This process has a small background and no missing energy. It gives a clean signal for the WR production at LHC, as well as probing the Majorana masses of the heavy neutrinos. Since there is no missing energy in the decay, the reconstruction of the WR and N invariant masses is possible. If true, the Majorana mass of N will lead to the decay of the heavy neutrino into a charged lepton and two jets (N → l + jj), with the same probability of decaying into a lepton or antilepton. Recetly CMS gives and excess in the ee-channel of 2.8σ for this particular process at Meejj ≈ 2.1TeV [12]. In [14, 15] it is shown that this excess can be accommodated with a higher Left-Right symmetry breaking scale. Next LHC run will be crucial to establish or discard this excess. The production of WR is ensured at the LHC because in the quark sector the left and right mixing matrices are related. For C as the Left-Right symmetry, the mixing angles are exactly equal, therefore the production rate of WR is the same as the one of W . For P the situation is more subtle and needed an in-depth study. Finally in [16] a simple analytic expression valid in the entire parameter space was derived for the right-handed quark mixing matrix. It turns out that despite parity being maximally broken in nature, the Right and Left quark mixing matrices end up being very similar. In the Leptonic sector the connection between the Left and Right leptonic mixing matrices goes away, since light and heavy neutrino masses are different. For C as the Left-Right symmetry, the Dirac masses of neutrinos are unambiguously determined in terms of the heavy and light neutrino masses [17]. Light neutrino masses are probed by low energy experiments, whereas the ones of the heavy neutrinos can be determined at the LHC. This is why the precise determination of the right-handed leptonic mixing matrix, the main topic of this work, is of fundamental importance. We focus on the determination of the elements of the leptonic mixing matrix VR at the LHC, through the KS ++ process and the decays of the doubly-charged scalar δR belonging to the SU (2)R triplet. We point out that these two processes are not sensitive to three of the phases appearing in VR , unlike electric dipole moments of charged leptons. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give a brief description of the model and the main relevant interactions for our purposes. In Section 3 we show the determination of the three mixing angles and the “Dirac” type phase appearing in VR . We do it in terms of physical observables in the KS process. We also show for C as the Left-Right symmetry, how the branch++ ing ratios of the doubly charged scalar δR into e+ e+ , + + + + e µ and µ µ can be used to determine the Majorana type phases. We consider for illustration the type II seesaw dominance and put some representative values for the “Dirac” phase, the lightest and the heaviest righthanded neutrino masses. Finally, in section 4 we show ++ ++ that the doubly charged scalars δL and δR may be distinguished at the LHC, without measuring the polarization of the charged leptons coming from their decays. arXiv:1411.5800v1 [hep-ph] 21 Nov 2014 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON Collider phenomenology of the 4D composite Higgs model by Daniele Barducci A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering School of Physics and Astronomy September 2014 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON Abstract Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering School of Physics and Astronomy Doctor of Philosophy by Daniele Barducci This Thesis is devoted to the phenomenological analysis at the large hadron collider (LHC), as well at a future electron positron collider, of the 4 dimensional (4D) composite Higgs model (4DCHM), a compelling beyond the standard model scenario where the Higgs state arises as a pseudo Nambu Goldstone boson. The motivations and the main characteristics of the model are summarised and then an analysis of the gauge and Higgs sectors of the 4DCHM is performed. Finally we propose a general framework for the analysis of models with an extended quark sector that we have applied to a simplified composite Higgs scenario. BBN And The CMB Constrain Neutrino Coupled Light WIMPs Kenneth M. Nollett1, 2, 3, ∗ and Gary Steigman4, 5, † 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, 712 Main St., Columbia, SC 29208, USA 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701, USA 3 Department of Physics, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-1233 4 Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics, Ohio State University, 5 Department of Physics, Ohio State University, 191 W. Woodruff Ave., Columbus, OH 43210, USA (Dated: November 24, 2014) arXiv:1411.6005v1 [astro-ph.CO] 21 Nov 2014 In the presence of a light weakly interacting massive particle, a WIMP with mass mχ < ∼ 30 MeV, there are degeneracies among the nature of the WIMP (fermion or boson), its couplings to the standard model particles (to electrons, positrons, and photons, or only to neutrinos), its mass mχ , and the number of equivalent (additional) neutrinos, ∆Nν . These degeneracies cannot be broken by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) constraint on the effective number of neutrinos, Neff . However, since big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is also affected by the presence of a light WIMP and equivalent neutrinos, complementary BBN and CMB constraints can help to break some of these degeneracies. In a previous paper [1] the combined BBN and Planck [2] CMB constraints were used to explore the allowed ranges for mχ , ∆Nν , and Neff in the case where the light WIMPs annihilate electromagnetically (EM) to photons and/or e± pairs. In this paper the BBN predictions for the primordial abundances of deuterium and 4 He (along with 3 He and 7 Li) in the presence of a light WIMP that only couples (annihilates) to neutrinos (either standard model – SM – only or both SM and equivalent) are calculated. Recent observational estimates of the relic abundances of D and 4 He are used to limit the light WIMP mass, the number of equivalent neutrinos, the effective number of neutrinos, and the present Universe baryon density (ΩB h2 ). Allowing for a neutrino coupled light WIMP and ∆Nν equivalent neutrinos, the combined BBN and CMB data provide lower limits to the WIMP mass that depend very little on the nature of the WIMP (Majorana or Dirac fermion, real or complex scalar boson), with a best fit mχ > ∼ 35 MeV, equivalent to no light WIMP at all. In the absence of a light WIMP (either EM or neutrino coupled), BBN alone prefers ∆Nν = 0.50±0.23, favoring neither the absence of equivalent neutrinos (∆Nν = 0), nor the presence of a fully thermalized sterile neutrino (∆Nν = 1). This result is consistent with the CMB constraint, Neff = 3.30 ± 0.27 [2], constraining “new physics” between BBN and recombination. Combining the BBN and CMB constraints gives ∆Nν = 0.35 ± 0.16 and Neff = 3.40 ± 0.16. As a result, while BBN and the CMB combined require ∆Nν ≥ 0 at ∼ 98 % confidence, they disfavor ∆Nν ≥ 1 at > 99 % confidence. Adding the possibility of a neutrino-coupled light WIMP extends the allowed range slightly downward for ∆Nν and slightly upward for Neff simultaneously, while leaving the best-fit values unchanged. ∗ † arXiv:1411.5753v1 [nucl-th] 21 Nov 2014 Study of isospin nonconservation in the framework of spectral distribution theory Kamales Kar⋆,a and Sukhendusekhar Sarkar†,b ⋆ † Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University,Belur Math, Howarah 711202, India Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah 711103, India ABSTRACT The observed isospin-symmetry breaking in light nuclei are caused not only by the Coulomb interaction but by the isovector one and two body plus isotensor two body nuclear interactions as well. Spectral distribution theory which treats nuclear spectroscopy and other structural properties in a statistical framework was earlier applied to isospin conserving Hamiltonians only. In this paper we extend that to include the nuclear interactions non-scalar in isospin and work out examples in sd shell to calculate the linear term in the isobaric mass-multiplet equation originating from these non-scalar parts. a b email: email: ; Jet transport and photon bremsstrahlung via longitudinal and transverse scattering Guang-You Qin1, 2 and Abhijit Majumder2 arXiv:1411.5642v1 [nucl-th] 20 Nov 2014 1 Institute of Particle Physics and Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE), Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079, China 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 48201. (Dated: November 21, 2014) We study the effect of multiple scatterings on the propagation of hard partons and the production of jet-bremsstrahlung photons inside a dense medium in the framework of deep-inelastic scattering off a large nucleus. We include the momentum exchanges in both longitudinal and transverse directions between the hard partons and the constituents of the medium. Keeping up to the second order in a momentum gradient expansion, we derive the spectrum for the photon emission from a hard quark jet when traversing dense nuclear matter. Our calculation demonstrates that the photon bremsstrahlung process is influenced not only by the transverse momentum diffusion of the propagating hard parton, but also by the longitudinal drag and diffusion of the parton momentum. A notable outcome is that the longitudinal drag tends to reduce the amount of stimulated emission from the hard parton. I. INTRODUCTION The modification of hard partonic jets in dense media provides a useful tool for studying the properties of the highly excited nuclear matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. One of the primary experimental signatures for jet modification is the significant depletion of the high transverse momentum (pT ) hadron yield in heavy-ion collisions compared to that in binary-scaled proton-proton collisions [1–3]. Such depletion has been attributed to the loss of the forward momentum and energy by the hard partons in the dense nuclear medium they traversed before fragmenting into hadrons [4, 5]. By all account, one expects the energy loss to originate from a combination of elastic collisions [6–10] and inelastic radiative processes [4, 5, 11–13] that hard jets experience when propagating through the dense media. For the light partons, the medium-induced gluon radiation is thought to be the more dominant mechanism for the parton energy loss. For heavy flavor partons with large finite masses, collisional energy loss appears to be equally or even more important than medium-induced gluon radiation, especially at low and intermediate pT regime [14–18]. There are currently a few different schemes for the study of medium-induced gluon bremsstrahlung and radiative part of parton energy loss in dense nuclear medium, namely, Baier-Dokshitzer-Mueller-PeigneSchiff-Zakharov (BDMPS-Z) [11–13], Gyulassy, Levai and Vitev (GLV) [19–21], Amesto-Salgado-Wiedemann (ASW) [22, 23], Arnold-Moore-Yaffe (AMY) [24, 25] and higher twist (HT) [26–28] formalisms. More detailed comparison of different formalisms may be found in Ref. [29]. Sophisticated phenomenological have been performed for various jet quenching observables, such as single inclusive hadron suppression [30–32], as well as dihadron and photon-hadron correlations [33–36]. One of the main goals of these studies is to quantitatively extract the jet transport parameters, such as qˆ and eˆ, in dense media by comparing with the data on jet modification. This requires that the overarching formalisms contain a representative description of all physical processes that influence the partonic substructure of the jet. While different parton energy loss models mentioned above have rather different origins and make slightly different approximations, the calculations of radiative energy loss have so far only focused on the gluon radiation induced by transverse momentum diffusion experienced by the propagating hard partons in the dense medium. In fact, when a jet scatters off the medium constituents, it is not only the transverse momentum, but also the longitudinal momentum that are exchanged between the jet and the medium [37–39]. In many calculations, the transfer of longitudinal momentum has only been considered in the evaluation of purely collisional energy loss. There have been studies on the longitudinal momentum loss experienced by radiated partons in the context of jet shower evolution [40–43]. However, the influence of exchanging longitudinal momentum on the stimulated radiation vertex has not yet been considered. In this work, we reinvestigate the medium-induced radiation, by taking into account the influence from both transverse and longitudinal momentum transfers when jets undergo multiple scatterings with the medium in the radiation process. As a step up to more complicated calculation of gluon radiation, we study the problem of real photon radiation from a partonic jet which propagates through a dense medium and experiences multiple scatterings of gluons. While the emitted photon escapes the medium without further strong-interaction with medium, very unlike the case of a radiated gluon, such a problem does encode many interesting features of the medium-induced gluon radiation, such as the Landau-Pomeranchuck-Migidal (LPM) effect, as well as the approximation schemes involved in the problem, which are the same as the problem with gluon radiation. Therefore, the photon calculation serves as an intermediate step for the further investigation of medium-induced gluon emission from a hard jet. In addition, photon bremsstrahlung from a high pT jet is itself of great interest. Such process has shown Pion-pion cross section from proton-proton collisions at the LHC B. Z. Kopeliovich, I. K. Potashnikova, and Iv´an Schmidt 1 Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa; and Centro Cient´ıfico-Tecnol´ ogico de Valpara´ıso; Casilla 110-V, Valpara´ıso, Chile H. J. Pirner1 and K. Reygers2 arXiv:1411.5602v1 [hep-ph] 20 Nov 2014 1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany 2 Physikalisches Institut, University of Heidelberg, Germany The pion-pion total cross section at high energies, unknown from data, can be extracted from proton-proton collisions with production of forward-backward leading neutrons, pp → n X n. The zero-degree calorimeters (ZDC) installed in the ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS experiments at the LHC, make such a measurement possible. One can also access elastic ππ scattering measuring the exclusive two-pion production channel, pp → n π + π + n. An analysis aimed at extraction of the pion-pion cross section from data is strongly affected by absorptive corrections, which can also be treated as a survival of rapidity gaps. The study of absorption effects is the main focus of the present paper. These effects are studied on the amplitude level and found to be different between the pion flux, which conserves the nucleon helicity, and the one which flips helicity. Both fluxes are essentially reduced by absorption, moreover, there is a common absorption suppression factor, which breaks down the factorized form of the cross section. We also evaluated the contribution of other iso-vector Reggeons, ρ, a2 and a1 . PACS numbers: 13.85.Dz, 13.85.Lg, 13.85.Ni, 14.20.Dh I. INTRODUCTION The proton-proton elastic scattering cross section has been measured in a wide range of energies, and recently √ up to the highest energy of the LHC, s = 7 TeV [1, 2]. At the same time, measurements of the pion-nucleon cross section have been √ restricted so far to rather low energies, up to about s = 35 GeV [3]. The pion-pion cross section cannot be measured directly, and has been extracted from data only at very low energies near threshold [4]. The theoretical description of elastic scattering has been based so far only on phenomenological models. Even the simplest versions of Regge models, assuming Pomeron pole dominance (no cuts) [5] still describe the available data reasonably well, in spite of the obvious problems with the unitarity bound at higher energies. Among the unitarized models [6–11], a precise prediction of the elastic cross section at the LHC was done in [12, 13]. In contrast to the models treating teh Pomeron as a simple Regge pole, an increasing rate of the energy dependence was predicted. Even a steeper rise of the cross sections at high energies is expected for π-p and π-π scattering. The models [14] based on non perturbative interaction dynamics fixed at low energies, predict an increasing cross section with energy. These models provided predictions for pp, πp and ππ cross sections. The possibility of having a pion-pion collider does not seem to be realistic, and it has not been seriously considered so far. However, one can make use of virtual pion beams. Indeed, nucleons are known to have pion clouds, with low virtuality, so high energy proton beams are accompanied by an intensive flux of high-energy pions, which participate in collisions. This way to measure electron-pion collisions was employed in the ZEUS [15] and H1 [16] experiments at HERA. Pion contribution was singled out by detecting leading neutrons with large fractional momentum, z. The main objective of these measurements was the determination of the pion structure function F2π (x, Q2 ) at low x. This task turned out to be not straightforward, because of absorptive corrections, which suppress the cross section. In fact, recent study of these effects [24] found them to be quite strong, reducing significantly the cross section. A good description of data was achieved. A weaker effect of absorption was expected in Refs. [17–20]. Detecting leading neutrons with large z in pp collisions one can access the π-p total cross section at energies much higher than with real pion beams. Apparently, the absorptive corrections in this case should be similar or stronger than in γ ∗ -p collisions. A detailed study of these effects was performed in [25]. However, no data from modern colliders have been available so far, except for a few points with large error bars from the PHENIX experiment [21, 22] and old data from ISR [23]. The normalization of the latter was found unreliable in [25]. Earlier attempts to extract the ππ and πp cross sections from neutron production at low energies of fixed target experiments were made in [26, 27], although no absorptive corrections were introduced. The experiments ATLAS, CMS and ALICE at the LHC, are equipped with zero-degree calorimeters, which are able to detect neutrons at very small angles. This is ideal for experimenting with pions accompanying the colliding protons. In particular, detecting leading neutrons, simultaneously produced in both directions, one can accesses pion-pion collisions at high c.m. energy, sππ = (1 − z1 )(1 − z2 )s, where z1,2 are the fractional momenta of the detected neutrons. Naturally, this process is Quarkonia Disintegration due to time dependence of the q q¯ potential in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Partha Bagchi∗ and Ajit M. Srivastava† Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 751005 arXiv:1411.5596v1 [hep-ph] 20 Nov 2014 Rapid thermalization in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions leads to fast changing potential between a heavy quark and antiquark from zero temperature potential to the finite temperature one. Time dependent perturbation theory can then be used to calculate the survival probability of the initial quarkonium state. In view of very short time scales of thermalization at RHIC and LHC energies, we calculate the survival probability of J/ψ and Υ using sudden approximation. Our results show that quarkonium decay may be significant even when temperature of QGP remains low enough so that the conventional quarkonium melting due to Debye screening is ineffective. PACS numbers: PACS numbers: 25.75.-q, 11.27.+d, 14.40.Lb, 12.38.Mh Suppression of heavy quarkonia as a signal for the quark-gluon plasma phase in relativistic heavy-ion collisions has been investigated intensively since the original proposal by Matsui and Satz [1]. The underlying physical picture of this suppression is that due to deconfinment, potential between q q¯ gets Debye screened, resulting in the swelling of quarkonia. If the Debye screening length of the medium is less than the radius of quarkonia, then q q¯ may not form bound states, leading to melting of the initial quarkonium. Due to this melting, the yield of quarkonia will be suppressed. This was proposed as a signature of QGP and has been observed experimentally [2]. However, there are other factors too that can lead to the suppression of J/ψ because of which it has not been possible to use J/ψ suppression as a clean signal for QGP. In the above picture, suppression of quarkonia occurs when the temperature of QGP achieves a certain value, TD , so that the Debye screening melts the quarkonium bound state. Thus, if the temperature remains smaller than TD , so that Debye screening length remains larger than the quarkonia size, no suppression is expected. This type of picture is consistent with the adiabatic evolution of a quantum state under changing potential. Original quarkonia has a wave function appropriate for zero temperature potential between a q and q¯. If the environment of the quarkonium changes to a finite temperature QGP adiabatically, with Debye screened potential, the final state will evolve to the quarkonium state corresponding to the finite temperature potential. If temperature remains below TD , quarkonium wave function changes (adiabatically) but it survives as the quarkonium. We question this assumption of adiabatic evolution for ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, such as at RHIC, and especially at LHC. At such energies, it is possible that thermalization is achieved in a very short time, about 0.25 fm for RHIC and even smaller about 0.1 fm for ∗ Electronic † Electronic address: address: LHC [3]. Even conservatively, thermalization is achieved within 1 fm as suggested by the elliptic flow measurements [4]. For J/ψ and even for Υ, typical time scale of q q¯ dynamics will be at least 1-2 fm from the size of the bound state and the fact that q q¯ have non-relativistic velocities. Also, ∆E between J/ψ and its next excited state (χ) is about 300 MeV (400 MeV for Υ states), leading to transition time scale ∼ 0.7 fm (0.5 fm for Υ). Thus the change in the potential between q and q¯ occurs in a time scale which is at most of the same order, and likely much shorter than, the typical time scale of the dynamics of the q q¯ system, or the time scale of transition between relevant states. The problem, therefore, should be treated in terms of a time dependent perturbation and survival probability of quarkonia should be calculated under this perturbation. It is immediately clear that even if the final temperature remains less than TD , if the change in potential is fast enough invalidating the adiabatic assumption, then transition of initial quarkonium state to other excited states will occur. Such excited states will have much larger size, typically larger than the Debye screening length, and will melt away. Thus quarkonia melting can occur even when QGP temperature remains below TD . We mention that adiabatic evolution of quarkonia states has been discussed earlier for the cooling stage of QGP in relativistic heavy ion collisions in the context of sequential suppression of quarkonia states [5]. However, as far as we are aware, validity of adiabatic evolution during the thermalization stage has not been discussed earlier. Given the large difference between thermalization time scale of order 0.1 - 0.2 fm [3], and the time scale of q q¯ dynamics in a quarkonium bound state being of order 1-2 fm (or the time scale of transition between relevant states being 0.5 - 0.7 fm), it may be reasonable to use the sudden perturbation approximation. The initial wave function of the quarkonium cannot change under this sudden perturbation. Thus, as soon as thermalization is achieved with QGP temperature being T0 (which may remain less than TD for the quarkonium state under consideration), the initial quarkonium wave function is no longer an energy eigen state of the new Hamiltonian with the q q¯ potential Neutron Time-Of-Flight Spectrometer Based on HIRFL for Studies of Spallation Reactions Related to ADS Project ZHANG Suyalatu1,2 , CHEN Zhiqiang1,*, HAN Rui 1 , WADA Roy1 , LIU Xingquan 1,2 , LIN Weiping1,2 , LIU Jianli 1 , SHI Fudong1 , REN Peipei 1,2 , TIAN Guoyu 1,2 , LUO Fei 1 1 Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China * Corresponding author. E-mail address: Abstract: A Neutron Time-Of-Flight (NTOF) spectrometer based on Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) is developed for studies of neutron production of proton induced spallation reactions related to the ADS project. After the presentation of comparisons between calculated spallation neutron production double-differential cross sections and the available experimental one, a detailed description of NTOF spectrometer is given. Test beam results show that the spectrometer works well and data analysis procedures are established. The comparisons of the test beam neutron spectra with those of GEANT4 simulations are presented. Key words: Time-Of-Flight spectrometer, Neutron production cross section, Spallation reaction, ADS project, GEANT4 I. Introduction A great interest of spallation reactions [1,2] has been increasing with the development of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) and the applications of Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). The spallation reaction is defined as interactions between a light projectile (e.g. proton) with the GeV range energy and heavy target nuclei which is split to a large number of hadrons (mostly neutrons) or fragments. Many nuclear models, such as intra-nuclear cascade-evaporation (INC/E) and quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model [4] [3] model , have been developed to study spallation reactions. These nuclear models are coded for thin-target simulations. In order to perform calculations for practical applications, which may involve complex geometries and multiple composite materials, nuclear models need to be embedded into a sophisticated transport code. The combination of nuclear models with a Monte Carlo transportation code like MCNP [5], GEANT4 [6,7] and FLUKA [8,9] , nucleon meson transport codes (NMTC) facilities of engineering applications of the spallation reaction. [10] are widely utilized for designing Characterizing flow fluctuations with moments Rajeev S. Bhalerao,1 Jean-Yves Ollitrault,2 and Subrata Pal3 arXiv:1411.5160v1 [nucl-th] 19 Nov 2014 2 1 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005, India CNRS, URA2306, IPhT, Institut de physique th´eorique de Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 3 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai, 400005, India (Dated: November 20, 2014) We present a complete set of multiparticle correlation observables for ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. These include moments of the distribution of the anisotropic flow in a single harmonic, and also mixed moments, which contain the information on correlations between event planes of different harmonics. We explain how all these moments can be measured using just two symmetric subevents separated by a rapidity gap. This presents a multi-pronged probe of the physics of flow fluctuations. For instance, it allows to test the hypothesis that event-plane correlations are generated by non-linear hydrodynamic response. We illustrate the method with simulations of events in A MultiPhase Transport (AMPT) model. PACS numbers: 25.75.Ld, 24.10.Nz I. INTRODUCTION Large anisotropic flow has been observed in ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [1]. Anisotropic flow is an azimuthal (ϕ) asymmetry of the single-particle distribution [2]: P (ϕ) = +∞ 1 X Vn e−inϕ , 2π n=−∞ (1) where Vn is the (complex) anisotropic flow coefficient in the nth harmonic. One usually uses the notation vn for the magnitude: vn ≡ |Vn |. Anisotropic flow is understood as the hydrodynamic response to spatial deformation of the initial density profile. This profile fluctuates event to event, which implies that the flow also fluctuates [3, 4]. The recognition of the importance of flow fluctuations has led to a wealth of new flow observables, among which triangular flow [5] and higher harmonics, as well as correlations between different Fourier harmonics [6]. Flow fluctuations provide a window [7] into both the early stage dynamics and the transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Specifically, the magnitudes of higher-order harmonics (V3 to V6 ) are increasingly sensitive to the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio [8]. The distributions of V2 and V3 carry detailed information about the initial density profile [9, 10], while V4 and higher harmonics are understood as superpositions of linear and nonlinear responses, through which they are correlated with lower-order harmonics [11, 12]. Ideally, one would like to measure the full probability distribution p(V1 , V2 , · · · , Vn ) [13]. So far, only limited information has been obtained, concerning either the distribution of a single Vn [14] or specific angular correlations between different harmonics [6]. We propose to study the distribution p(V1 , V2 , · · · , Vn ) via its moments in various harmonics [15, 16], either single or mixed, and illustrate our point with realistic sim- ulations using the AMPT model [17]. In Sec. II, we recall how moments can be measured simply with a single rapidity gap [18]. This procedure is less demanding in terms of detector acceptance than the one based on several rapidity windows separated pairwise by gaps [6], and can be used to study even four-plane correlators. In Sec. III, we list standard measures of flow fluctuations which have been used in the literature and express them in terms of moments. In Sec. IV, we introduce new observables which shed additional light on the origin of event-plane correlations. For instance, a correlation between (V2 )2 and V4 has been observed, which increases with impact parameter [6]. This correlation is usually understood [19] as an effect of the non-linear hydrodynamic response which creates a V4 proportional to (V2 )2 [11, 20, 21]: the increase in the correlation is thus assumed to result from the increase of elliptic flow [22]. We show that this hypothesis can be tested directly by studying how the correlation between (V2 )2 and V4 is correlated with the magnitude of V2 . We also investigate in a similar way the origin of the three-plane correlation between V2 , V3 and V5 [6]. II. MEASURING MOMENTS The statistical properties of Vn are contained in its moments, which are average values of products of Vn , of the form * + Y ∗ ln kn M≡ , (2) (Vn ) (Vn ) n where kn and ln are integers, and angular brackets denote an average value over events. Note that Vn∗ = V−n and V0 = 1. Azimuthal symmetry implies that the only nontrivial moments satisfy [23] X X nkn = nln . (3) n n Charge topology of coherent dissociation of 11 C and 12 N relativistic nuclei D. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, A. A. Zaitsev, P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina, R. R. Kattabekov, N. K. Kornegrutsa, K. Z. Mamatkulov, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova, R. Z. Stanoyeva Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980, Russia arXiv:1411.5806v1 [nucl-ex] 21 Nov 2014 The charge topology of the events of coherent dissociation of 11 C and 12 N of an energy of 1.2 A GeV in nuclear track emulsion is presented and its compared is given with the appropriate data on the nuclei 7 Be, 8,10 B, 9,10 C and 14 N. Light nuclei, are represented as virtual superpositions of lighter core nuclei, the lightest cluster nuclei (α-particle, triton, 3 He nucleus or helion, deuteron) and nucleons, which coexist in a balance. This variety makes the group of nuclei at the beginning of the table of isotopes a nuclear clustering “laboratory”. The study of the 11 C nucleus is of a fundamental importance due to the combination of cluster and shell features in it. The isotope 11 C is a link between stable nuclei with a pronounced α-particle clustering of nucleons and nuclei at the boundary of proton stability, where clustering based on the isotope 3 He is not less important. Interactions of clusters and exchange by a neutron between them result in the formation of structures with a core nucleus along with the 3-cluster configuration 24 He + 3 He. The weakly bound configurations 7 Be + α (7.6 MeV), 10 B + p (8.7 MeV) and 3 He + 8 Be (9.2 MeV) are more expected, and 9 B + d (14.9 MeV), 9 Be + 2p (15.3 MeV) and 8 B + t (27.2 MeV) are less expected. A balanced co-existence of these modes determines the properties of the 11 C ground state. The fact of its bondage is important for understanding light isotope abundances. The 11 C isotope can be synthesized in a mixture of isotopes 3 He and 4 He either through the 7 Be or 8 Be followed by a partial clustering into 10 B + p. The decay of 11 C leads to the formation of a stable isotope 11 B observed in cosmic rays. Such a scenario is not recognized – isotopes 10,11 B are considered as products of bombardment of carbon stars surfaces by high-energy protons. Observations of the 7 Be + α and 3 He + 8 Be dissociations will confirm the existence of states genetically related to the 11 C synthesis. Understanding of the 11 C structure is required for the interpretation of the existing data for 12 N and, potentially, for 13 O in which 11 C plays the role of core. In rapid processes of nucleosynthesis (“hot break outs”), these isotopes act as genetically related “waiting stations”. The formation of the 12 C isotope or heavier ones can proceeds through them by attaching of protons. It is worth to notice that knowledge of the relativistic 11 C fragmentation is indispensable for the application of intense beams of these nuclei in nuclear medicine. The cluster structure of light nuclei is studied in relativistic fragmentation processes by nuclear track emulsion (NTE) methods in the framework of the BECQUEREL Project at the JINR Nuclotron [1-11]. Development of the research and illustrations are presented in the review [12]. Among the events of the relativistic nucleus fragmentation, the events of coherent dissociation in narrow jets of fragments are particularly valuable for the study of the clustering of nucleons. They have neither tracks of slow fragments of target nuclei nor mesons. This feature reflects a minimum excitation of the relativistic nucleus under investigation in a “glancing” collision with a heavy nucleus from the NTE composition. The mechanism of coherent dissociation in NTE is a nuclear diffraction interaction [13] occurring without angular momentum transfer. The experimental approach is based on a record spatial resolution and sensitivity of NTE, the layers of which are exposed longitudinally to the beams of relativistic nuclei. It has already provided obtaining of wholesome information regarding the aspects of the cluster structure of the family of light nuclei including radioactive ones. One of the key nuclei – 11 C – was found to be missed due to circumstances of a practical nature. Filling of this gap is the motivation to start a new cycle of research on the BECQUEREL Project. The methods of analysis of 11 C are to be rather complex due to existence of many possible configurations. The coherent dissociation events got a short name of the “white” stars due to the absence of strongly ionizing particle tracks. The name well reflects a sharp “breakdown” of the ionization density in the vertex of the interaction in the transition from the primary nucleus track to a narrow cone of secondary tracks. This feature is a fundamental difficulty for electronic methods, because the larger the degree of dissociation in the event, the harder to register it. On the contrary, such events in NTE are observed and interpreted in the most obvious way, and their distribution via the interactions with different compositions of charged fragments are determined fully exhaustively. This probability distribution is a main observed characteristic of the cluster structure of the nucleus in question. The distributions over the probability of finite configurations of fragments in “white” stars allow one to reveal their contributions to the structure of the studied nuclei. It is assumed that a specific configuration is fixed at dissociation randomly, without sampling, and the dissociation mechanism does not lead to sampling of such states through the 3 FIG. 1: Amplitude spectrum from a scintillation counter when transporting nuclei 12 C (arbitrary units) FIG. 2: Amplitude spectrum from a scintillation counter when transporting nuclei 11 C (arbitrary units) The reduced thickness and the glass substrates of an experimental batch of NTE do not enable one to perform analysis with scanning along beam and secondary tracks without sampling. Therefore, scanning of the NTE layer was carried out on transverse strips in order to the find tracks of relativistic fragments with the total charge of at least 3 with a subsequent viewing up to the interaction vertices. Tracks corresponding to doubly and singly charged relativistic particles are determined visually. Dominance of C nuclei in the beam makes possible to specify charges of heavier fragments in “white” stars as values that does not reach six charge units. Table 3. Distribution over charge channels for the ”white” stars produced by carbon isotopes. Channel B+H Be + He Be + 2H 3He 2He + 2H He + 4H Li + He + H Li + 3H 6H 11 C 6 (5 %) 17 (14 %) 22 60 14 4 (18 %) (48 %) (11 %) (3 %) 3 (2 %) 10 C [9] 1 (0.4 %) 6 (2.6 %) 12 (5.3 %) 186 (82 %) 12 (5.3 %) 1 (0.4 %) 9 (4 %) 9 C [5] 15 (14 %) 16 16 24 28 (15 (15 (23 (27 %) %) %) %) 2 (2 %) 6 (6 %) By the present time 126 “white” stars with a total charge of relativistic fragments equal to 6 are found in six scanned layers. Their distribution over charge states is given in Table. 3. Table. 3 also contains data on the isotopes 10 C [9] and 9 C [5], which indicate a specific nature of a “white” star distribution of each of the isotopes and the compliance of the performed exposures to the mass numbers of the C isotopes. In the study of the coherent dissociation of relativistic 12 C nuclei [17] all 100 “white” stars are found in a single channel 12 C → 3He clearly reflecting the 3αparticle clustering of this nucleus. The decays of unbound relativistic 8 Be nuclei the contribution which was about 20% became the key observation. Events containing only the relativistic isotopes of He and H (77%), in particular, 2He + 2H dominate among the 11 C “white” stars. The ratio of the statistics of this channel to the statistics of the channel He + 4H is 6 ± 3. It does not correspond to the idea about the only dissociation of the 7 Be core mentioned above. In contrast to the previously studied neutron deficient nuclei one can see a significant fraction of events Li + He + H is observed, which could correspond to 6 Li + 4 He + p. There are no events Be + 2H which could correspond to 9 Be + 2p. However, there is a significant fraction of Be + He events. If the 4 He isotope is identified in them the isotope 7 Be is determined
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