From the Principal, Errol Slingsby

October 9, 2014
From the Principal, Errol Slingsby
The children and staff of Indooroopilly State School returned on
Tuesday to discover that a new Principal had been appointed during
Date Claimer
Thurs 9
the vacation period. My name is Errol Slingsby and I am delighted to
5pm Staff Room
have been appointed to act as Principal at this school.
I am sure my arrival was somewhat of a surprise as it had been
Mon 13
announced that Mrs Kym Amor had been appointed Principal to replace
Teaching and Learning for Metropolitan Region for the next 12
Wed 15
Yr 6 Dance Fever
sessions begin
Fri 17
Student Council Meeting
8am School Library
Wed 22
Snr Concert Band
For the past six years I have been Principal of Oxley State School.
My leadership focus is to continually improve the learning outcomes
for every student at the school. I have a deep interest in the teaching
and learning process and believe the high level knowledge and skill of
the classroom teacher is the most influential factor in having a
7.40pm Ferny Grove
State School Hall
positive effect on student learning.
Since being appointed I have met with Helen who has provided a
comprehensive briefing on current school programs and the plans for
Wed 29
the coming term and for 2015. I thank Helen for taking the time to do
Ellsworth and Mrs Karen Newton, and Business Services Manager, Mrs
Carmel Fitzsimmons. I thank them for their welcome and for their
patience and understanding as they assist me in my orientation to
Jnr Concert Band
7.30pm Ferny Grove
State School Hall
I indeed feel fortunate to be working with an experienced and skilled
Administration team in the persons of Deputy Principals, Dr Jill
Yr 7 Dance Fever
sessions begin
P&C Meeting 7.15pm
Staff Room
Mrs Helen Kenworthy. Helen will be working in the role of Director,
months. Subsequent to this Mrs Amor has accepted another position in
Yr 7 Graduation
Committee Meeting
Wed 19
End of Semester
Concert - All Groups
6pm School Hall
I would like to thank the students and staff for the kind welcome I have received during my first two days. I
am quickly learning why Indooroopilly has such a positive reputation in the education community. It was
wonderful to witness the whole school Values Assembly on Tuesday morning. This assembly provided me with
an early insight into the school’s ethos. I was impressed to see how these values are actively taught to
become embedded in the day to day life of the school. A big thank-you to Indooroopilly’s music teacher, Mrs
Hoey, for co-ordinating this event.
I am looking forward to the coming months as I learn more about the school and work with all stakeholders to
further improve outcomes for students.
I look forward to meeting the parents and caregivers at P&C and School Council meetings and during the
general day to day life of the school.
From the Deputy Principal, Jill Elsworth (
Graduation For Years 6 And 7
Wed 10 Dec for Yr 7 and Thurs 11 Dec for Yr 6.
At the end of primary school, Indooroopilly State School celebrates this transitioning to high school with a
very special graduation event which involves some formalities, receiving a Graduation certificate, supper and
dancing. On Wednesday 10 December 7.00 – 9.30pm Year 7 students will hold their Graduation in the hall and
on Thursday 11 December 7.00 – 9.30pm Year 6 will hold their event. Parents please put these dates in your
diaries so that you do not miss this very special evening.
Parents interested in joining the planning committees for these graduations are welcome to attend the
staffroom at the following times:
Year 6 and 7 parents: Thursday 16 October at 5.00pm in the staffroom. If you cannot attend then please
advise me and indicate how you would like to participate in one of these committees.
In preparation for the graduation, the students participate in modern dance lessons conducted by the
company Dance Fever. Each week in term 4 the students have an hour lesson and totally surprise you on the
graduation night with their fabulous dance moves.
Student Council’s News
The next meeting will be on Friday 17 October 2014 at 8.00am in the Library.
Thank you to our School Councillors and students who made Games for Goodness Day such a success. The
Student Council raised $380. This money will be donated to the children’s cancer research and the left over
games will be donated to the Children’s hospital.
QDU Debating Round Robin Teams Update
Best of luck to all of our teams as they enter the final round. Our final round 4 debates are on the following
Year 6: 15 October 2014
Topic: That hosting international sporting competitions such as FIFA World Cup is a waste of money.
Year 7: 22 October 2014
Topic: That Disney movies send the wrong message.
SCIENCEWORX: Our final celebration Wed 8 October
Wow what a great event indeed. Our young Scienceworxers presented their research projects with much
pride and enthusiasm sharing their fantastic projects by individuals and small groups. Thank you to all our
presenters over the 8 week program for making us aware of all the wonderful careers our students can enter
through their love of science and maths. We had 60 students participate in this program each week and they
all enjoyed the presentations with many questions and a new understanding of all things science. A big thank
you to our teachers, Mr Correia and Mrs Kucharski, for their valued support in assisting in supervising this
STEM Forum, SMT Academy, Toowong, Thursday 18 September
This is another program designed to raise student awareness of the wonderful world of science and maths. 12
of our students from Years 6 and 7 participated in this Showcase winning initiative which attracts 300
students from Years 6 – 9 across the metropolitan region. Students presented their research projects after
attending a real life conference at UQ University in July and committed themselves to conducting an
extensive research project. On the evening of the celebratory forum students were awarded trophies by the
judges for their efforts in 8 different categories.
Our school’s winning team award was presented to Anoushka, Ashleigh and Priya. Their research was
investigating the chemical reaction between vinegar and bicarb of soda.
Congratulations to all our other STEM participants on their great research projects: Liam, Mathew, Tarini,
Amy, Leon, Scipio, Ben, Victor and Dylan.
Instrumental Music News, Ms Janelle Lee Long ( and Mr John
Grainger (
Band Students – Woodwind, Brass & Percussion
Welcome to Term 4!
Upcoming Performances & Important Reminders
*The Senior Concert Band will be performing on parade next Monday, 13 October at 2:20pm in the hall.
*MusicFest 2014:
Senior Concert Band – Wednesday, 22 October 7:40pm for 8:40pm Performance – Ferny Grove State School
Junior Concert Band - Wednesday, 29 October 7:30pm for 8:30pm performance – Ferny Gove State School
*Due to the pupil free day on Monday of week 3, there will be a special Junior Concert Band rehearsal on
Tuesday, 21 October from 12:30pm-1pm in the hall.
*All Groups Semester Concert – Wednesday, 19 November 6pm for 6:30pm
2015 Recruitment
Letters of offer will be distributed soon. Parents of students who accept enrolment to commence
participation in the Instrumental Music Program in 2015 will be required to attend an information evening on
Tuesday, 4 November at 6:30pm in the hall.
From the Deputy Principal,
Principal, Karen Newton (
Expressions of Interest – Support your Child’s Reading – Support -A- Reader Session
Dear Parent and Caregivers,
If your child is entering Prep in 2015, or they are currently Prep, Year 1 or Year 2 student, please consider
the following opportunity.
Our Early Phase Liaison Officer, Leah Cathcart, is planning to provide an information session about how to
read with your child in a way that supports their ability to decode the text and understand the meaning of
what they are reading. The session will provide information about how and when you should respond to your
child’s errors when reading together including how to support your child’s emerging reading skills with
strategies you can use at home.
The Support-a-Reader session will be offered twice in term 4.
Leah is seeking expressions of interest from parents who might be interested in attending one of these
sessions at Indooroopilly State School on the following days:
Week 5 Monday 3rd November - 9:00-10:30am
Week 6 Monday 10th November - 9:00-10:30am
Please RSVP an expression of interest email to (that is an “l” for Lema). Leah will gauge
interest in these sessions and confirm in the newsletter in future weeks when and where the sessions will
take place.
P & C News
The next meeting of the P&C will be Monday 13 October at 7.15pm in the staff room. All welcome.
Uniform Shop News
Open 8.15-9.15am Tuesday and Thursday
Swim Caps & Sun Shirts
With swimming resuming this term for PE, don't forget that swim caps and sun shirts are compulsory for all
students who are swimming. Non-uniform items can be worn, but the Uniform Shop also sells the following
> royal blue lycra swim caps, $5 (very easy for kids to get on and off during the rush of PE lessons)
> white silicone swim caps with Indooroopilly printed on the side, $10 (different from the current
Indooroopilly Swim Club caps)
> royal blue sun shirts with yellow on the neck and sleeve, $32 (limited sizes and stock available until sold out)
Don't forget you can order online at and have items delivered home via the
classroom or available for collection from the Uniform Shop during opening hours.
2014 Year 6 Senior Polos Still Available
We have a small number of 2014 Year 6 Senior Polos still available in Sizes 14 and 16 for $37 (Year 7 Senior
Polos have sold out). Be quick to grab these - last year the remaining polos were in hot demand so Seniors
could have all their friends sign a shirt at the end of the year. Don't forget you can order online at
2nd Hand Items
A quick reminder that the Uniform Shop welcomes donations of second hand uniforms items. We no longer
sell second hand uniforms on commission, but existing stock will continue to be sold until the end of this term.
All outstanding balances will be paid at the end of the year and any unsold stock will be considered a donation,
unless you choose to come and collect it before the end of this term. If you have been notified that you have
money oweing to you, please ensure you contact the Uniform Shop via email with your account details:
Thursday, November 13 Closure
The Uniform Shop will be closed on Thursday, November 13 (prior to the G20 public holiday on Friday,
November 14). Apologies for the inconvenience. We will still be open on Tuesday, November 11 and will
recommence usual opening hours the following week.
Tuckshop News
Monday 13 October
Ida Kusz
Thursday 16 October
Lisa Dubbeldam
Friday 17 October
Siri Grabski
Colleen Goldblatt
Tuesday 14 October
Denise Sheehan
Wednesday 15 October
David Liou
Julianne Freiberg
Community News
YOGA for Kids at ISS
Starting 16 October, Thursday
Specially designed for 7-14 years old children aimed at developing healthy flexible bodies, emotional
intelligence, self-confidence, calmness, and effective stress-management skills
Venue: Music Room, Indooroopilly State School
When: Every Thursday, 3.15pm - 3.45pm (6 weeks)
Fees: $ 60.00 to be paid at the beginning of session
Booking: omyoga or 37137713 or 0434628094, booking essential
Please find the details below for our next meeting.
Date: Thursday, October 16th
Time: 7pm - 9pm ( Please arrive ready to start the meeting at 7pm)
Venue: St Matthew’s Church hall ( cnr. Oxley & Sherwood Rds. Sherwood)
Speaker: Dr Gilbert Bond - Special needs Tutor
Topic: “ The Tutor and the ASD Mind”
Cost: Gold coin appreciated
About Dr Bond
Dr. Bond, Ph.D., is a professional educator trained in the liberal arts, literature and world religions. He has
taught for thirty years at the secondary, tertiary and graduate levels, and currently works as a private tutor.
He has a particular interest in transformational pedagogy and hopes to start his own school for and human
My child/children will be transferring from Indooroopilly State School at the
end of this term to
_______________________________________________ School in 2015
Child/Children’s Names: _______________________Class: ____________
________________________Class: ___________
________________________Class: ___________
Signed: ______________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________
You are invited to
Disney Choral Concert
Come and enjoy the magic of Disney
Tuesday October 21
6.30 – 7.30pm
Indooroopilly SS Hall
Performers please arrive at 6.15pm in black or dark coloured clothes.
Poco (yr 3), Cantare (yr 4, 5), Ragazzo (Yr 5,6,7) Chamber (Yr 6,7) Voices