The Season after Pentecost October 12, 2014 Calvary Lutheran Church, 108 Eastman St., Cranford NJ 07016-2122 Phone (908) 276-2418 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm e-mail our website Jesus welcomed everyone; that is our aim, too. Whether you’re here for the first time or the thousandth, we count ourselves blessed by your presence. If you are visiting with us today, welcome, and please fill out one of the yellow “Welcome Friend” visitor forms located in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION For all 8th and 9th graders and their parents will be held today 5-7pm in Fellowship Hall. We’ll be sharing a meal together and learning more about this year’s program. FINANCIAL UPDATE: As of the end of August 2014, Calvary Church’s operating income = $196,138; with expense = $209,391 – a shortfall of $13,253. Dedicated giving = $6,074 and is not included in the $196,138 income. For 2013 YTD August, Calvary Church’s operating income = $191,276 with expenses of $238,325 – a shortfall of $47,048 without any dedicated giving program. Clearly a more favorable position in 2014 and ALL should be congratulated! Let us continue our faithful stewardship. Stewardship is giving thanks and responding to God’s generosity by sharing a portion of what we have been richly blessed with! QUARTERLY GIVING STATEMENTS are now available for pick up in the Narthex. Thank you for your continued support of Calvary's ministries. Your financial commitment allows us to faithfully serve our community and be a witness to God's love in world. CROSS CURRENTS is available in the lobby. If you haven’t gotten your copy, pick one up in the lobby today! Pastoral Prayers, Joys & Concerns Leo Gerdung is at Overlook Hospital waiting for transfer to rehab. A memorial service for Fred Kaiser will be held on Thursday, October 16 at 1:15pm. The service will be followed by burial in the Memorial Garden. Everyone is invited for coffee and cake in Fellowship Hall after the service. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP meets at 7:30pm the first non-holiday Monday of each month in the parish center at St. Helen’s Church in Westfield. The group is for those caring for chronically ill or elderly loved ones. Questions - Call Marilyn Ryan 908-2321214. The 40th Cranford CROP WALK will be held on Sunday, October 19. The 3-mile walk to raise funds for Church World Service, will start at 2:00 pm at the Methodist Church located at Walnut and Lincoln Avenues. Sponsor envelopes are available in the narthex. If you are unable to walk, please consider sponsoring a walker whose envelopes will be in the narthex. For more information please contact Robin Marko at 908-7890379 or MUSIC MINISTRY AT CALVARY Calvary’s music ministry needs you! We have so many openings in both our singing and hand bell choirs. Let music help to ease the stress and provide a unique insight into your spiritual life at Calvary. Calvary Choir: Rehearsals are planned for the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 7:30-8:30 pm and between worship services on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15 am. Bell Choir: Rehearsals are planned for the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-7:30pm. Try something new this year! Consider being a part of Calvary’s music ministry. Can’t commit to the whole year? Then consider joining us seasonally! This morning we continue using the Narrative Lectionary. To help deepen your understanding of each Sunday’s text we will provide daily scripture readings for the coming week. Follow the story of how Joshua took Jericho after Moses’ death. See how God led the Israelites during this time. Sunday, Joshua 24:1-15 Joshua Renews the Covenant Monday, 1 Samuel 1:1-28 Samuel’s Birth and Dedication Tuesday, 1 Samuel 3:1-18 Samuel’s Calling and Prophecies Wednesday, 1 Samuel 7:3-15 Samuel as Judge Thursday, 1 Samuel 8:1-22 Israel Demands a King Friday, 1 Samuel 9:27 – 10:8 Saul Anointing as King Saturday, 1 Samuel 16:1-13 David Anointed as King RESET 10.14 What is Reset 10.14? Reset 10.14 is a training-playing-praying event on October 19, 2014. This is a highly participatory leadership event for youth grades 6-12 and adults who live and work with young people – pastors, parents, youth ministry leaders, confirmation teachers, etc. At Reset 10.14 we will: worship, sing, play games, share a meal and explore with young people God's active presence in their lives and worlds:October 19, 2014 @ St. Paul Lutheran Church, East Windsor Cost: $10 Event and dinner: 2:30 PM Larry Olson Concert: 6:15 PM Event info: Speak to Lynda Pullis if interested in attending. RISE UP TOGETHER, ELCA YOUTH GATHERING July 15-19, 2015 ~ Detroit, MI Every three years, youth and adults of the ELCA immerse themselves in faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service, and play at the ELCA Youth Gathering. Youth will engage with their ELCA peers from around the world who share a common faith in Christ, energizing their faith and helping them discover their call to serve the world – locally and globally. Information packets for families with Youth in Grades 8-12 are available in the Narthex. Be sure to visit and for more information about this event. THOSE SERVING TODAY 8:30 am Asst. Min. Anne Dawson Comm. Asst. Chris Wendel Ushers G. Fernstrom Alan Olsen (C) Dennis Statue Theresa Statue Acolyte Desiree Santos Altar Guild Glenda Huff 10:30 a.m. Chuck Sherrick Kathleen Jacinto Ginger Johnson Steve Johnson Doug Nordstrom(C) Chuck Sherrick Eric Pastore Glenda Huff THIS WEEK AT CALVARY Sun 10/12 Joshua Renews the Covenant 8:30 am Worship/Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday School 9:30-10:15 Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Worship/Holy Communion 5:00 pm Confirmation Orientation Mon 10/13 9:30am Church Office Closed (Columbus Day) 11:00am Caring Committee Meeting Tues 10/14 7:30pm Church Council meeting Wed 10/15 6:30-7:30pmHand Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:30-8:30pmChoir Rehearsal Thurs 10/16 1:15 pm Fred Kaiser Memorial Service Fri 10/17 1:00 pm Women’s Bible Study Sun 10/19 David and Bathseba 8:30 am Worship/Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/Holy Communion 1:30 pm 40th Cranford CROPWalk 5:00-7:00pmConfirmation Class WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAYS 8:30am~Worship/Holy Communion 9:30 am ~ Sunday School/Coffee Fellowship 10:30 am ~ Worship/Holy Communion THURSDAYS 1:15pm~Worship/Holy Communion
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